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Number 134/212 Founded 1975 4 / 2018 (129)

The New Order

April 20th Today National Socialists throughout the

entire world celebrate the birthday of their Füh-

rer, Adolf Hitler.

We honor the Führer who, in the face of the

treason of 1918, created a new world-view and

a movement embraced by millions. We honor

the Führer who pulled Germany out of the

swamp of “international brotherhood” and gave

back to the German folk their folkish con-

sciousness. We honor the Führer who, under

the bright red swastika banner, led the Aryan

peoples of Europe against the international

Jewish parasites, and who finally fell victim to

a conspiracy of Jews, capitalists and com-


Adolf Hitler, the Führer of National Socialist

Germany and the Führer of the Aryan world, is

dead. He fell in the struggle against World

Jewry. He neither stepped down nor capitulat-

ed. He entered Valhalla as the Führer of the

German folk.

The Reich Chancellery was blown up, the

Berghof devastated, the Nuremberg Party Day

grounds demolished, streets re-named, party

offices confiscated, flags, uniforms and books

burned. Nothing was left undone in the at-

tempt to eradicate every reminder of Adolf Hit-

ler and of the greatest and glory of the Third


After destroying everything which had made

the German folk great, the puppet regime

thought they could forever enslave it.

But if these parasites thought the destruction

of its material manifestations and symbols and

the murder of its leaders could forever kill the

movement, then we tell them this: the German

folk would rather perish than—without a

fight—to be forever enslaved by an inferior

race which came to power through speculation,

war agitation and genocide!

The NSDAP has not capitulated in its strug-

gle with World Jewry. And it will not capitu-

continued on page 4

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A Glimpse Inside Our Operation

by The Baron

Many people, friend and foe alike, are cu-

rious about the inner workings of our opera-


As a long-term participant I have had more

than just a slight glimpse into our operation.

However, security must always be consid-

ered. Not just mine. Everybody’s!

Therefore, I must choose my words care-

fully. Very carefully.

Imagine the following scenario:

You work in an insane asylum. One day

the inmates revolt and take over. You have

to think fast in order to save yourself. You

have a Eureka moment. A great idea.

You decide to pretend you are one of the


Of course, this is a delicate balancing act.

On the one hand, if you act too normal, you

won’t pass as crazy.

On the other hand, if you act too crazy, you

won’t be taken seriously and have any say in

the new regime. (Remember, we’re talking

about inmates of an insane asylum. NOT

elected government officials!)

In other words, you have to consistently act

and talk half-crazy, half-normal.

Of course, this scenario is an exaggeration.

I like to use exaggerations for the sake of

illustration. I intentionally use extreme exag-


My reasons are as follows:

First, it makes it clear to everybody that I'm


Second, people are less likely to be

shocked or offended.

Third, this introduces an element of humor.

(Or, in my case, dumb jokes.)

I also use this technique in training. I'll say

something like this:

Of course, this is an exaggeration. But I am

not exaggerating as much as you might


Over time the significance of my distinction

between big exaggeration, medium exaggera-

tion, and little exaggeration becomes very

clear to the trainee. \

Insofar as the above scenario is concerned,

I'll be diplomatic.

I simply won't specify the degree of exag-

geration...if any...

Recently a new recruit experienced some-

thing akin to a rite of initiation.

He was subjected to a torrent of “ccs” (ccs

= email copies).

In theory, the purpose of this is to familiar-

ize the new guy with our operation and

“SOP” (SOP = standard operating proce-


In practice, it’s more like being staked in

an anthill.

Occasionally the ccs get really annoying.

Even to us old-timers. But try as we might,

we can't find their origin. It’s as if some-

body’s evil twin brother were taking sibling

rivalry a little too far. And making all of us

suffer in the process. So we complain and

the flood recedes. Leastwise a little. For a


Oh, in case you're wondering.

“Baron” is a pseudonym.

That's SOP around here.

But I have an additional reason for hiding

my real identity.

Sometimes I just need to get something off

my chest.

Okay, to bitch!

And I don't want to get the boss ticked off

at me!


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Patriot Charity: Phase Two The Patriot Charity project is designed to

foster good will and contacts in the local com-

munity for an activist whose objective is to

slowly but surely nudge people in our direction

as opposed to engaging in a short-term publici-

ty stunt. (Note: neither tactic is inherently

good or bad. Both are merely tools!)

The first phase in February offered free Betsy

Ross flags to encourage donations to local


The second phase starting in March uses free

pin buttons customized with the respective

city’s name for the same purpose.

A display stand with an explanatory insert

and a pocket holding several buttons are pro-

vided to business offices and stores at no cost.

Small towns in 95% White, conservative,

rural areas are again being targeted in the pilot


A three inch pin button with the city’s name

blacked out.

The PATRIOT CHARITY PROJECT combines support for local charities and promo-

tion of patriotism.

It was launched on February 18, 2018 in a small town in the American heartland. A

“semi-retired” businessman loved his town and wanted to contribute. Unfortunately,

the “Great Recession” had hit him hard. His primary source of personal income was

social security. So he decided to put his half century of business experience and con-

tacts to good use.

He decided to offer free “Betsy Ross” flags in order to encourage donations to local

charities in his town and promote patriotism at the same time. This was the first pro-


The second project offers free badges which display the Betsy Ross flag as well as

the town’s name and the word “Patriot.” Convenient counter displays are also pro-


Volunteers and contacts are wanted! But NOT financial donations! That money

should stay in the community and be used to support local charities.

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late. What happened on May 8, 1945 was

forced on the military leadership by the enemy,

who had been able to occupy Germany thanks

to traitors and cowards in our own ranks.

Whatever was negotiated on May 8, 1945 does

not interest us. Nor does international law,

which only exists on paper or, at best, is writ-

ten to favor the victor. Rather we must liberate

our country, we must purge it of foreign influ-

ence, and we must protect it against racial de-

cay. We must eliminate Jewish influence. And

finally, we have the honorable task of calling

that race—which twice plunged the world into

war—to account for its crimes. Millions and

tens of millions of men, women and children

fell victim to the vengefulness, greed and world

domination schemes of that cultureless race...

twice within 25 years!

That criminal race would not hesitate to start

a Third World War and cause untold human

suffering if its plans for world domination are

threatened. Therefore we state quite openly: it

is our goal to prevent such a catastrophe by

whatever means are necessary.

Regarding the “final solution” of the Jewish

question in the Third Reich: I only have to ob-

serve the mass of speculators, swindlers and

underworld figures to know that it never hap-

pened. The pilgrimage of Jews receiving

“reparations” payments and the Jewish colo-

nies in the USA, Europe and South America

are living proof of the non-existent “final solu-

tion.” We do not have to waste time talking

about it.

There are witnesses against the “gassing,” but

no proof for it. Even reports of the Internation-

al Red Cross describe the humane treatment of

the Jews. But to think that we will make such a

mistake again would be to really view us Na-

tional Socialists as incorrigible.

Our opponents will flood the world—as they

did half a century ago—with phrases about hu-

manity and such drivel. But I ask these oppo-

nents: where was your humanity when you lev-

eled European cities? Where was your human-

ity when millions of our countrymen were

butchered by the Asiatic hordes? Where was

your humanity when our women and children

perished under Allied fire-bombs, when hun-

dreds of thousands of party comrades were ab-

ducted, crippled by beatings or murdered? Was

all that the expression of your humanity?

Countless Europeans suffered the same fate

because they, as patriots and conscientious Eu-

ropeans, participated in the struggle against the

Jew-Bolshevik enemy. Three hundred thou-

sand Italians and one hundred fifty thousand

Frenchmen were murdered by Jew-instigated

mobs. Many still carry the scars of their mis-


We are eager to see how these international

apostles of “world brotherhood” try to defend

themselves against the charges of their colossal

crimes once they are finally put on trial. Re-

gardless of their phrases, they and the race be-

hind them will not escape their fate.

They can rest assured that, in our case, this is

not just a phrase. World Jewry may have tem-

porarily succeeded in getting itself drunk on the

blood of militarily defeated peoples, but it has

not been able to destroy the National Socialist

idea. Yes, the Führer has fallen and movement

works have been burned and banned. But Na-

tional Socialism is rooted deep down in the

soul, ready to return to life. Even if the Führer

is physically dead, his spirit is just so much

more alive. The Führer of National Socialist

Germany is with us today, not in body, but

through the National Socialist idea, which he

alone embodied.

Through his great work, Mein Kampf through

his speeches and writings, the Führer has given

us for all time the world-view, political and

strategic foundation upon which we must act.

Political systems are installed and over-

thrown. Politicians come and go. But the Füh-

rer and his work will for all future remain the

foundation for the existence of the German folk

and of the Aryan world.

April 30th is the 73rd anniversary of the date

that the Führer—defended by German and Eu-

ropean SS troops in militarily hopeless Ber-

lin—dictated his final will and, together with

his wife, departed from this life. Today, 73

years later, we have his political testament,

which shows his wisdom and vision.

Seventy years later and according to his own

words, the National Socialist movement has

April 20th

continued on page 6

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April 20th

Attorney General Jeff Sessions

U.S. Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, DC 20530-0001

Office of the Pardon Attorney

Pardon Attorney Larry Kupers

145 N. Street NE

Room 5E-508

Washington, DC 20530

Matt needs your help to come home! Please

help by doing your part. Thank you, Ms. H

again arisen. Carried by a young generation,

this movement stands ready to fulfill the will of

the Führer. In the name and spirit of our Füh-

rer, we will overcome this “Federal Republic”

puppet regime in the heart of Europe. We will

build a holy Fourth Reich of honor, glory,

greatness and Justice and hence fulfill the will

of our Führer: the radiant resurrection of the

National Socialist movement.

We pledge to you, Adolf Hitler, eternal loyal-

ty to death. We pledge to you, our Führer, not

to rest or relax until your final will is fulfilled.

We National Socialists will follow your final

instructions with fanatical determination and

bring those guilty of your death and of the

death of millions of Aryans to justice. We

would rather die than to break this oath.

We see ourselves in this hour in solidarity

with a community of legions of National So-

cialists of all nationalities. They have all rec-

ognized: either World Jewry achieves world

control and all Aryan peoples perish or the Ar-

yan peoples eliminate their Jewish regimes.

But we who have Adolf Hitler as our Führer

will not allow ourselves to be eliminated vol-

untarily without a fight! The German folk

would rather perish than become the lackey of

an international band of crooks! A people

which is not ready to always defend its free-

dom, or to win it back, has lost its right of ex-


The Führer never left any doubt that the

struggle with World Jewry is a fight for exist-

ence, for life. Out of the ruins of our cities, the

movement of Adolf Hitler has renewed the

struggle for German freedom, for European

unity and for the Aryan community of peoples.

The next years will bring the decision.

But one thing friend and foe alike can be

sure of. We will not capitulate. That word

does not exist for us. For us it is victory or

death. There is no other alternative. If we per-

ish in this struggle for the freedom of nations,

then the ranks of our enemies will be greatly


We know no surrender and no capitulation.

We only know fulfillment of duty toward Füh-

rer, Folk and Fatherland. The life and death of

the Führer give us the duty of fanatical obedi-

ence and effort for the National Socialist idea.

“Hitler's work and mission are a holy legacy

for future generations. Those of us who are

still alive have the duty to fight on.”—General

Field Marshal Schörner.

This article by “Lieselotte” has been trans-

lated and adapted from the article Der 20.

April from the March-April 1978 issue (#25)

of the NS Kampfruf.

Friends and Supporters:

We must do everything we can to help Matt

come home. Rallies, protests, writing letters to

President Trump, writing letters to the Attorney

General Jeff Sessions and writing letters to the

Pardon Attorney Larry Kupers. You may use

the form letters or write your own letter asking

that Matt be granted “commutation of Sen-

tence.” Here are the addresses:

President Donald J. Trump

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW

Washington, DC 20500

Letter From Matt Hale’s Mother

Page 6: The New Order - NSDAP


The NSDAP/AO is the world’s largest

National Socialist propaganda supplier!

Printed and online periodicals in many languages

Hundreds of books in over a dozen languages

Over 100 web-sites in dozens of languages

Page 7: The New Order - NSDAP

The above design is available both as a postcard and as a business card.

The modest web-site serves as a contact point. Anonymity is possible

and encouraged. Inquiries are evaluated and directed to an appropriate

front. These fronts range from very “mild” (anti-PC at antipoliti- to “moderate” (anti-immigration at www.usa- & to “hardcore” (pro-NS at Although some of these designs are aimed at America, a

similar approach can be used in other countries, too. Even relatively

moderate sympathizers can be put to good use and ideally “radicalized”

over time. Factors to consider when selecting the right “propaganda

weapon” are legality, personal preference of the activist, target audi-

ence, and objective.


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