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Attracting Leaders to your Business

The Need For Clean Water

So They Have Life!

Page 2: The need for clean water

The World Health Organization says that every year more than 3.4 million people die as a result of water related diseases, making it the leading cause of disease and death around the world.

Most of the victims are young children, the vast majority of whom die of illnesses caused by organisms that thrive in water sources contaminated by raw sewage.

The Need For Clean Water

So They Have Life!

Page 3: The need for clean water

Worldwide Mission To Help Clean Up Water

The Need For Clean Water

So They Have Life!

Standard treatment of water in the world today is chlorination. It has done wonders, but it has also done a tremendous amount of harm.

It's caustic, dangerous to handle, and has a large number of cancer-causing by-products.

But even after this treatment water placed in a dirty container results in unsafe water. Taking home 5 gallons of filtered water in a dirty bucket gives a false sense of security.

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Dipping a dirty cup or a child’s dirty hands into that same bucket will result in a soup of disease-carrying bacteria!

The problem is that no treatment persists, it is always a fading result, and recontamination becomes the bane of our existence.

The Need For Clean Water

So They Have Life!

Page 5: The need for clean water

What is needed is a product that stays in suspension and continues to fight the bacteria.

H2O LifeLine Aid-Paks is that product!

The Need For Clean Water

So They Have Life!

Page 6: The need for clean water

Our solution is non-toxic and it is cost-effective.

All the components in our solution are safe for drinking.

Another benefit of H2O LifeLine Aid-Paks is there is no taste or odor to it.

Drinking water can be treated a lot of ways, but if there is a bad taste to it, people don't use it.

The Need For Clean Water

So They Have Life!

Page 7: The need for clean water

We can substitute H2O LifeLine Aid-Paks for chlorine and it can be administered basically the same way.

Think of the huge benefit of using H2O LifeLine Aid-Paks in a municipal water treatment facility.

Because it stays in suspension, we are now cleaning up the water in the pipes going to the houses.

The Need For Clean Water

So They Have Life!

Page 8: The need for clean water

H2O LifeLine Aid-Paks works and it is safe.

It is tasteless and odorless unlike Chlorine, the most widely-available anti-bacterial.

Given the choice, people avoid the smell and taste so in the case of chlorine treatment were is the antibacterial benefit when it is not used?

The Need For Clean Water

So They Have Life!

Page 9: The need for clean water

Waterborne disease is the number one killer in the world. Take a look at these staggering statistics and the severity of clean water worldwide:•2.3 billion people in the world do not have access to adequate sanitation, one in three of the world's population. •Around 500,000 children die every year from diarrhea caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation - that's over 1,400 children a day. •Diarrhea is the second biggest killer of children under five years old worldwide. •Every year, around 60 million children are born into homes without access to sanitation.

The Need For Clean Water

So They Have Life!

Page 10: The need for clean water

The Need For Clean Water

So They Have Life!

Our goal is to help eliminate waterborne disease in the world.

• We can start significantly improving the quality of life by improving the quality of water.

• We can protect our children and future generations from this scourge, today!

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The Need For Clean Water

So They Have Life!

Not Can You, But Will You Help Us?

Page 12: The need for clean water

The Need For Clean Water

So They Have Life!

CrowdSharing CoOp is a for-profit Member-owned Producer’s Marketing Cooperative Association (CoOp) registered in Minnesota.

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The Need For Clean Water

So They Have Life!

We have two classes of Members:1. Basic Members. Join for FREE, may purchase products and

services (called Patronage) from our CoOp at wholesale and Share with those in need or Retail to a consumer.

2. Share Members. Join for FREE, may purchase products and services (called Patronage) from our CoOp at wholesale and Share with those in need or Retail to a consumer (the same as Basic Members).

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The Need For Clean Water

So They Have Life!

Share Members are the owners of the CoOp and have one share and one vote.

Share Members are committed to the CoOp “Mission” of helping those in need.

Share Members Qualify for Patronage Refunds (revenue share) by:a) Regular monthly Patronage (purchase) of our products and

services; and

b) They also are committed to our Membership Drive and have Referred at least one or more New Share Members to the CoOp.

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The Need For Clean Water

So They Have Life!

Monthly Patronage Commitment Programs are:

Silver Patronage Level. Share Members commit to purchase at least one H2O Lifeline AidPak ($40 Wholesale) per month and either share it with those inneed or retail it to the public.

Gold Patronage Level. Share Members commit to purchase at least five (5) H2O Lifeline Aid Paks ($200 Wholesale) per month and either share it with those in need or retail it to the public.

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The Need For Clean Water

So They Have Life!

Monthly Patronage Commitment Programs are:

c) Platinum Patronage Level. Share Members commit to purchase at least ten (10) H2O Lifeline Aid Paks ($400 Wholesale1) per month and either share it with those in need or retail it to the public.

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So They Have Life!

Patronage Refunds (Revenue Share Program). CoOps are designed to share revenue with their Share Members.

We have a proprietary algorithm that after expenses, distributes excess profits to our Share Members pro-rata according to their Patronage (personal purchases and the purchases of those referred to the CoOp direct).

CrowdSharing CoOp has developed a proprietary formula, unique to cooperatives, whereby our Share Members earn pro-rata Patronage Refunds (revenue share) from their purchases – sharing with those in need – and retail of products and services.

The CoOp pays Patronage Refunds (revenue share) on a daily basis according to our algorithm and Share Member Patronage activity in your crowd!

Page 18: The need for clean water

Attracting Leaders to your Business

The Need For Clean Water

So They Have Life!

Page 19: The need for clean water

The Need For Clean Water

So They Have Life!

Not Can You, But Will You Help Us?

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