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Dolphins Send Off Seniors With Dominating Upset

Page 7Mike Huckabee Preview

Page 4

Word on the Street Debut

Page 5

“2012” Shatters Box Office

Page 6


THE NAVIGATORJacksonville University’s Campus Newspaper2800 University Blvd. NJacksonville, FL 32211Main office: (904) 256-7526Business office: (904) 256-7524E-mail: [email protected]: (904) 256-7684

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Cover photograph*rENAE iNgrAM jr.

EDITORIAL POLICYThe views represented in The Navigator’s columns and editorials do not necessarily represent those of the faculty, staff, or administration of Jacksonville University. We welcome letters to the editor representing similar and contrasting opinions. To be eligible for publication, all submissions must include name, class distinction, major, phone number, and e-mail address, and should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Please limit them to 300 words or less. The Navigator reserves the right to refuse publication or edit any material on the basis of clarity, space, or journalistic ethics.

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Q: My friend’s boyfriend is a com-plete dog. I know for a fact that he has cheated on her on several occasions, yet she remains totally clueless. should I tell her about her boyfriend’s cheating ways?

A: this is a very delicate situation so you need to tread on it softly. i realize that some people would say that it’s not your place to say anything. But these situations can often be far more complicated than that.

there are many things that you need to consider before you decide to take action or not. First, how strong is your friendship? is it strong enough to survive if your friend does not believe you and stays with her boyfriend? you have to think about the consequences when you get involved in someone else’s rela-tionship. it is very possible that your friend may reject anything you have to say and that will put a strain on your friendship.

Second, could it be possible that your friend knows her boyfriend is a cheater but chooses to ignore that fact? if he is cheating so blatantly that even her own friends know, then what is keeping her from knowing the

truth? women have amazing intuition and often know (whether they want to admit it or not) when their partner is being unfaithful. your friend just might not be willing to admit it yet and your bringing it up may cause her to lash out, not because she’s angry with you, but because she’s embarrassed that you know what she is not yet ready to acknowledge.

third, if your man were cheating on you, would you want your friends to tell you? Sometimes you just have to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and what to do from there. would you believe your friend if she told you that your man has a wandering eye? how would you react?

i wish i had a simple answer for you. unfortunately, this is a complex situation that can have many different outcomes. if you want to know what i would do person-ally, then i’ll tell you. i would probably tell my friend. i would know that regardless of what happens to our friendship at that point, i will know that i did what i felt was right. hopefully, my friend would realize that too.

the truth always finds a way to come out. Maybe not today or next week, but eventual-ly, it will find a way.

Questions/Comments? Email: [email protected]

Cornered by love

11/15/09 1:35 a.m., McGehee hall

Criminal MischiefA student broke the glass on a fire

extinguisher cabinet.Closed referral

11/15/09 2:38 p.m., Village Apartments

BatteryA student was physically attacked

and his apartment ransacked by a woman he had just ended a relation-ship with.Pending

11/13/09 4:42 p.m., Parking lotCriminal Mischieftwo student vehicles had writing

in shoe polish on the windows.Pending

11/13/09 3:19 p.m., librarytheftA student found another student to

be in possession of a unique piece of clothing. Closed

11/12/09 12:55 a.m., Parking lot

Drug Law Violation

two students were found smoking marijuana in the parking lot.

Closed referral

11/12/09 10:55 a.m., Williams hall

Alcohol ViolationA student, under 21 years of age,

was found to be in possession of alcohol. Closed referral

11/11/09 12:30 a.m. to 11/11/09 11:30 a.m., Upward Bound

Criminal Mischiefunknown person(s) broke the win-

dow of the building.Pending

11/11/09 10:25 p.m., Williams hall

Alcohol ViolationSix students, under 21, were found

to be in possession of alcoholic bev-erages. Closed referral

11/11/09 2:10 a.m., Parking lotDisorderly ConductA student and her boyfriend, a for-

mer student, caused a disturbance resulting in the notification of cam-pus security and the police. Closed



Trustees reach out to student bodyJARED BROOkSNEWs EdiTor

the jacksonville university Student Alliance hosted an open forum with the ju Board of trustees on Monday, November 16, 2009.

About 63 faculty, staff, and students were in attendance for the forum, with the major-ity of students being freshmen. the Board of trustees Chairman ron Autrey along with President Kerry romesburg addressed the audience for an hour and half, answer-ing questions on topics ranging from new stadium lights to improvements in the biol-ogy labs.

the ju Board of trustees consists of 33 members, 18 of which are alumni of jacksonville university. the board donates about $1 million of their own money each year to help address faculty needs and enhance the student’s ju experience.

Chairman Autrey expressed a desire to launch a comprehensive campaign to raise money locally and nationally.

topics that were discussed are as fol-lows: the ju voice strategic plan, campus accessibility for the physically disabled, implementation of a sustainability curricu-lum, a ju marching band, stadium lights, a greek village, attracting alumni for brand-ing, community initiatives, study abroad in the ju curriculum, library computers, new ju smart cards and the ju waterfront.

Stadium lights for D.B. Milne field was heavily discussed at the forum by stu-

dents, President romesburg, and Chairman Autrey.

According to romesburg, lights are not a priority of the university; an artificial play-ing field takes precedence. Autrey informed the audience that a $15 million dollar athlet-ic complex, which includes lighting, a new track, gym floor, and a field surface has been considered.

President romesburg discussed the pos-sibility of the City of jacksonville funding the stadium lights if ju would host high school football games on Friday nights.

however, this would require an artificial field surface that could handle high school football games, college football games, and lacrosse games successfully. A downturn in the economy turned away a potential donor for the artificial surface.

however, the new track is in the mak-ing.Senior thomas urbanek expressed his desire to have a full marching band here at jacksonville university. Surprisingly, President romesburg found this request to be feasible.

romesburg stated a marching band would be contingent upon finding a faculty member to assist with the initiative but this idea could become a reality as soon as next fall. According to President romesburg, a greek village is nowhere in the foresee-able future of ju due to the lack of num-bers, which prevent ju’s greek organiza-tions from qualifying for financial assis-tance from the national societies. however, expanding the chapter rooms is a possibil-ity.

in the fall of 2010, ju may boast a brand new sustainability curriculum. this curric-ulum goes to the faculty in the upcoming Spring 2010 semester.

the infamous required study abroad plan was also discussed during the open forum. According to President romesburg, this idea still in its infancy stages and has awhile to go before it is brought before the faculty.

in order to better meet the needs of the physically disabled, President romesburg discussed the possibility of having a bridge across the valley. Although this is a long-term plan that requires quite a bit of finan-cial assistance, the Board of trustees and the university are seriously considering bridge.

however, plans are in the making for more building with elevators.

Chairman Autrey also discussed the ini-tiative to attract alumni for ju branding. in the past five years, four alumni chapters across the united States have been estab-lished.

these chapters are in washington D.C., Atlanta, jacksonville, and New york.

An it representative addressed student’s concern for better computers in the ju library. According to the it rep, the usage of the library’s computers has decreased since the new machines have been imple-mented.

therefore, the department sees no imme-diate need to make upgrades.

to address the residency needs of the university, President romesburg informed

the audience of future plans to add another pod of apartments to the apartment village. the new apartments would take precedence to renovations to Botts hall.

the ju waterfront was an exciting topic for President romesburg, who is adamant about making the waterfront a resource for students on campus.

romesburg plans to make the proper-ty some sort of recreational facility, featur-ing a jogging path, possibly an amphithe-atre, and a beach. groundbreaking on these plans could begin as early as the next fiscal year depending on funding.

Freshman jazmine Scott feels as if the open forum could potentially benefit the ju student body.

“i feel as if it was a nice gesture to open up a Q&A panel between students, facul-ty, and the board of trustees. But i feel like their priorities are already set in stone, of what they want to see happen and what they are willing to invest in.”

“i just hope they really meditated on the problems brought up because those are real problems from real students and we are the make-up of this ju community.”

the term of the day used frequently throughout the forum was “possibly.”

Few events had exact dates or start times, which is due in part to event depending on donations.

ideally, Chairman Autrey and the board of trustees will take the student body’s rec-ommendations seriously and the necessary changes can be made to make jacksonville university an even better institution.

Huckubee to visit JUJARED BROOkSNEWs EdiTor

As part of the Speaker Series hosted by Dolphin Productions, former Presidential candidate Mike huckabee will be speaking at jacksonville university on December 2, 2009 at 6pm in the Swisher theatre. A question and answer interview with Dolphin Production’s Stephen Krain should give more insight to students as to why Mike huckabee was chosen to speak at ju and what Dolphin Productions plans to accomplish with its Speaker Series.

Q: what does DP hope to accomplish by having Mike huckabee speak at ju?

A: At the beginning of the year we started talking about our programming goals. there were two big things we hoped to accomplish this year. one was to figure out a way to spend our money in a way that would allow us to bring big names and the other was to invest more effort on intellectual programming. Most people have never had the opportunity to hear such an influential and inspiring politician in per-son. we want students to leave ju with this kind of experience.

Q: how did Mike huckabee’s name come about as a candidate to speak at ju?

A: we began a dialogue with some of the most reputable agencies in the country. we told them what we were looking for and they supplied us with a list of speakers. we narrowed the list down to about ten names that we thought would be best for our stu-dents. For most of us, huckabee’s name jumped right out but we went along and did a survey. there were some other great names like Bob woodward and robert Ballard but huckabee was the clear winner. huckabee is on a very short list of people the ana-lysts are saying could be our next president.

Q: what does DP hope to accomplish with the new Speaker Series?

A: we hope to add something special to the ju experience. we certainly are just as interested in bringing concerts and comedians as ever but the speaker series is meant to have a greater impact on the shaping of a more well rounded student body.

Q: what other speakers can the ju community expect to see?

A: it’s honesty too early to say but we are certain-ly not narrowing are choices to just politicians. we are open tom anyone we think will inspire our stu-dents.




“word on the street” is a new edition to the paper for those business and finance-minded readers. Please keep in mind that these are my view on such related topics and how they affect the ju students and the jacksonville community.

the knowledge that i’ve obtained over the past three years as a management major has taught me more about the world from this frame of reference than i would have learned as an ordinary consumer.

A few weeks ago, i had the opportuni-ty of going off one of my many instincts as the marketing president for the Davis Entrepreneurs organization (DEo).

one of my tasks is ensuring that the orga-nization’s marketing promotes increased visibility on campus. i decided the best way to achieve this would be to schedule a meet-ing with the speaker.

on my way to meet the speaker for our upcoming event, i was trying to figure out what he was like, and what would i say to him.

we did not represent previous speakers appropriately, and i felt personally respon-sible. when i arrived at what i thought to be my destination, the building seemed very prominent, but had no sign.

After speaking to someone outside of the building, he informed me that i had arrived at

happy and relieved, i entered the build-ing with excitement because, for once in my life, my watch being five minutes ahead came in handy. As i approached the clerk at the desk, i reached for my Blackberry, and informed her that i was here to meet David Brown.

when i saw the look of surprise that came over her face, it sparked a question in my mind, “what does he do?” i asked. She then told me that he owns the building.

At that moment, i began to feel very ner-vous and anxious because, meeting a CEo was not on my list of things to do.

while in the elevator, i checked my breath and hummed Drake’s song “Successful”.

this was the moment of truth, i was about to meet the head honcho of a large company, and it was not a formal inter-view.

After a few minutes of introduction between CEo David Brown, Corporate

Communications Manager, olga gikas, and i, we began to discuss the upcoming speak-er series for DEo.

My questions for David were pretty basic and really could have been answered through email.

Despite this, i felt that it would be more beneficial to meet the speaker in person to get a better impression of him. David was very open to making sure that his lecture catered to everyone who would be in atten-dance.

i finalized the objectives of the speak-er series, gathered all the information to market the event, and left feeling

accomplished.David Brown is Chairman, President

and Chief Executive officer of, a leading provider of online marketing for small businesses which is headquartered in jacksonville, Fla.

he has also held several senior manage-ment roles at riggs National Bank, Carlyle international, Barnett Bank, and Florida National Bank.

he is a supporter of our ju golf team,

and is acquainted with several ju faculty members.

David arrived at the Speaker series with a great topic for students, alumni, faculty, and other listeners in the crowd. he focused on six things that listeners could use to help them in their future endeavors. they include:

1. Quit worrying about where you are going and focus on where you are.

2. identify what you are good at; for example, analytical, good with people, or creative.

3. take risks, manage risks.

4. understand your values and practice what you preach.

5. Focus on the steps to success, not the results.

6. Be persistent, have perseverance, and be patient. Most good results come from learning the hard way!

the first lesson demonstrates that as an entrepreneurial minded person, you must not worry about where you are going because, if you live in the now, you will get to your tomorrow.

once you master the first lesson and move on to figuring out what you are good at you can work on being successful in the long run. As you perfect what you are good at, you will have an opportunity to manage your risks.

Managing your risks involves prepara-tion, a backup plan, and reserving ideas for future ventures. understanding your values will help you believe in what you are trying to sell to customers, and employees.

once the stakeholders recognize and understand the values, you then can begin to practice them and make them part of the overall objective of your company, or your life. As a student, employee, and busi-ness owner you must focus on the steps to becoming better and not the end result.

An example would be making an “A” in your class. if you focus on the “A”, you may miss the planning and preparation that goes into getting an “A”.

Finally, be persistent, have perseverance, and be patient. with perseverance, not only can we ensure quality results as students, employees, and business owners, but in our futures, as well.

David’s six lessons for success help to aim students, alumni, faculty, and other readers in the right direction. Adopting these lessons does not guarantee success but, provides a solid foundation for achiev-ing it, and the most effective blueprint for success always starts with a solid founda-tion.

if you would like to learn more about, visit, or contact olga gikas at 904-680-6679.

KAte Dupre

Guest speaker David Brown captivated an attentive audience of students, faculty, and other professionals at DeO-sponsored speaker series held last thursday evening in the Davis College of Business.

Word on the street: volume 1


Killa Kelleher: Alrite everybody, this is our last issue before thanksgiving break and you know what that means!

right! All of you will go home, pig out on a grossly ridiculous

amount of food high in fat, sodium, carbs, calories, fat, grease, gravy, and more fat thus making you even more disgusting than you currently are. Look on the bright side though, in between

meals and pies full of sugar, whipped cream, sugar, more cream of your choice, and more sugar, we can all exercise our thumbs by playing the new installment of “Modern warfare 2.”

yeah i bought my copy because i am that awesome and actually have money because i have a job (contrary to y’all who are too lazy to work).

i’m not going make owning people on xbox Live my night job. Now i’m not saying you’re all gross, fat, and lazy…i’m saying you’re all gross, fat, lazy, and jobless.

i’m just kidding fools, don’t take offense to that unless you can’t take a joke or you fit the description. in that case, i don’t care.

Seriously though, if you thought i wasn’t going to go home and get my grub on, you’re wrong too. i will go

home and eat everything in sight like the rest of you; i’ll just skip my 3rd through 5th servings.

i wouldn’t mind seeing what your typical sorori-ty girl eats during thanksgiving actually. Salads and fasting with gandhi don’t exactly describe the whole thanksgiving spirit.

Do you think they pick at the turkey meat or just play with its bone?

if that’s the case, and if we were in some other alter-nate dimension, our sorority ladies would fit right into the old song “Dead Eye girl” by New Age girl. the lyrics say it all, “she don’t eat meat but she sure likes the bone.” if only we had Moses to lead us to the promise land. i’ll let y’all sit on that, this Killa has better-looking people to tend to. End of story.


“2012” Takes the Box Office By StormRyAN DIBENEDETTOsTaFF WriTEr

well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. hollywood finally released a movie based on the 2012 phenomenon. what is the 2012 phenomenon? well, according to the Mayan Calendar, the world as we know it will end on December 21, 2012, creating a global shift of the Earth’s crust and most everyone on Earth will die. “2012” has disaster movie written all over it. And who better to direct a disaster movie then roland Emmerich, who blew up the white house in “independence Day,” destroyed Madison Square garden in “godzilla,” flooded New york City in “the Day After tomorrow” and ruined jean-Claude Van Damme’s career in “universal Soldier.”

“2012” takes place three years before the year 2012 when scientists in india have discovered that the Earth’s core tempera-ture is increasing rapidly, and will eventu-ally destroy the earth. An American sci-entist, Adrian helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor, “American gangster”) tells the President of the united States (Danny glover, “Lethal

weapon 1-4”) what has been discovered and urges him to take immediate action. the governments of the world join together to build a number of arks in China to save numerous people from the end of the world. of course it is kept a secret from the gener-al population. to fund the venture, billion-aires are allowed to buy a ticket to be on one of the arks for one billion Euros. when the year 2012 finally arrives, a writer, jackson Curtis (john Cusack, “1408”) is enjoy-ing a camping trip with is two kids, when he meets Charlie Frost (woody harrelson, “Zombieland”) a 2012 conspiracy theo-rist and radio show host. Frost begins tell-ing jackson about the government’s plan of building arks in China, but he never explains how he knew about the arks in the first place. jackson dismisses him but every-thing Charlie told him begins to come true. As the world begins to crumble, jackson rushes him and his family to China in hopes of reaching the arks in time.

“2012” contains some very impressive action scenes. we see Los Angeles being destroyed by a massive earthquake and then collapse into the Pacific ocean. the yellowstone Caldera erupts burning every-

thing in its path. we watch a giant tsuna-mi carrying the john F. Kennedy Air Craft Carrier crash into the white house, and many more chaotic acts.

unfortunately, effects can only take a movie so far. the story is weak, predictable and most of the performances are corny. it’s hard to imagine a person who is watching the world coming to an end not show any sign of fear or even panic. whenever some-thing bad is happening all john Cusack does is crack a funny one-liner (which aren’t even supposed to be funny, but you end up laughing anyway because you can’t believe he would say something like that) while his wife and kids stare at him wide-eyed. i will give credit to Danny glover and Chiwetel Ejiofor who are the only characters who portray genuine emotion throughout the film. Do they reach the arks in time? will humanity survive? you reach a point in the story when you almost don’t care about the end result. Besides its ridiculous story line and lack of convincing performances, “2012” is worth seeing just for its special effects and action-packed scenes. it will sit well with most people who just want to shut their brains off for a couple hours and be

entertained at the movies. i will say this, as a disaster movie “2012” does do its job.

I give it two and a half dolphins out of four.

Photo courtesy of:

THE NAVIGATOR • NOVEMbER 18 - DECEMbER 1, 2009 �SPORTSDolphins set to finish earlyDAvID BERRysPorTs EdiTor

No scenarios can help out this weekend. No combination of teams winning or losing will give the jacksonville university football team a chance at winning the Pioneer Football League title.

this is drastically different from what i remember last year when every game had the utmost meaning. going into the last week, everything was on the line. going into this week, it is all about pride and finishing as high in the standings as possible.

truthfully, this is not what i expected of the 2009 ju football season. i’m sure this is not what the players thought would happen either.

the opposing Campbell Camels come into this weekend’s game with a 3-7 record over-all and 2-5 in the conference. i believe that ju will win because they are the better team by far. unfortunately, i’ve said that far too many times this season with the game results ending up in the contrary.

was i spoiled after last year’s incredible sea-son? Possibly, i mean teams can go way longer than ju did without ever winning a conference title and playing in the postseason. the hype that was thrust upon the shoulders of head Coach Kerwin Bell and the entire team could have ended up being too much to handle.

watching the Butler bought back memories

of the 2008 team. the offense was able to move at will and the defense made plays and had no problem getting to the quarterback. where was that team the whole season? inconsistency was probably the biggest downfall of ju this season while the other problems seemed to be branches of the main root.

Mistakes were the root of the inconsisten-cy this season. going into the Campbell game, ju ranks last in the PFL in penalty yards per game and in the bottom half of the PFL in turn-over margin.

Don’t mistake this for being a fully criti-cal column, however. Like i said earlier, many teams would kill for back-to-back winning sea-sons like ju is on the verge of with a win this week.

Looking forward to the 2010 season, the offense should be near the top of the PFL again. with sophomore quarterback josh Mcgregor and sophomore josh Philpart forming a potent “josh2josh” connection in the past two seasons, there is no reason to think it won’t be just as dan-gerous next year. running back rudell Small will be back as well, and all three will be look-ing to add onto records that have already been broken early in their careers.

the defense will lose weapons but will def-initely gain experience and it wouldn’t surprise me of they are favorites or at least in the running for the PFL title next year. it’s just a shame that i am talking about next year right now.

it is just too soon.

renAe InGrAm Jr.

the offense of once undefeated Butler was no match for the Dolphins on Saturday, november 14 as junior defensive back Brian Valdez made the last touchdown of the game giving Ju a win 36-7.


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