Page 1: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,


Page 2: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,


1i" .... 1011 ........ -W, in W •• hf",I0", O.c., by ... _ of No ................ IS,...'"I SerI­let. Dlvl.lon), Opinion. n' ........ r. 110' ... ( .... "lIy '" ••• of Navy Dtpa"'"."!, I""uhl.. p.""ln1... to ,.. ..... 1 ..... v. • haul" b. oddr .... d to the C ......... nd<lnt of '(OIl' Huo' Oi,hi<l. A,lIdt •• f , ....... 1 1"' .... ' -V to. forw .. rded It, flo. 101110., rll" N ... 01 ........ ; .. , ..... 1109 •• A'U .... _ A ..... ". Nervy Dep"" ........ , Wo.""'!!" _. D.C., 20310. I ..... "." ..t !hi, " • .o"catlon oPP"""'''' In occ.......... wi'" 0.",,""' ... , of the N .... ' .... 1011.011 ......... 'tinll .... 109~lotio .... NAYIXCS 1'-35.



Herot' /J. flo" Nllw' Ruttw , T,OP"7 Compttitwn Slondin,J 7


COVER: AJ"""" SCOff F"ldy, oj I'A(J)-1161, HARTU JVor/oIl<, Y .. ~ il C(!!I6,otWII'H by 1m """,,,,,,/ldin, offi€t., Co",moUt. E. L. RIIOIH, USNR, upall IIU Hi«lil>" 101 oppailU""1U ~ ,At U.s.

Nowl A-'_r.



Re&ervista of Seabee Division. 11-1,11- 15 and 11-20, SIn Diego, C.lif., hive been involved In fiekl projects at the Campfire Girt.' Camp Wolan, the Small Bore Range of the Naval Electronlet Laboratory at Point Lorna, and the Admiral Kidd Beach Club area •

Captain Robert F. Tuck, DC. USNR, BuMed'1I repreM:nlative for Dental ReKn'e matters, met "'jth Philadelphia's Reserve Denial officers recently; he talked a "'­the Reserve program and the of the Re!lervillt in the p nt world lituation.

Dallas.b.ted VP-703 wu given an hom,lrlry award from it. hOlt squ.dron VP-16 ,,·hen the Week· end Warriors completed their ACDUTRA at NAS Jachonville, fla" recently. During their two· week tOUf, the Reservillts were rated topt In aircraft maintenance and air crew proficiency.

Ahout 2700 mid.hipmen lrom the Naval Academy and the nation'. 52 NROTC units are slated to reo ceive naval air training and~'n 0(.

trination during the I

montha. AlmOllt 900 more rf! taking part in cruises with the Sec· ond fleet in the Atlantic. Othen are participating in Wett COUl cruPea.

Page 3: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,

5hip& oj CamR~MinRa" TFO 6~1 U1Id~rwoy lor ACDUPRA. L~ft to right: USS Falcon (MSC 190), USS Turkey (MSCO 56), USS Si,kin (.>'/SCO 58), ""d USS

Reedbird (MSCO 5Il.

Want To Be An Officer? If your !!oChool record is tirst-rate and you have demonstrated a ca­pacity for leadership, it may pay you to investigate the ~veral means by which an enlisted Re­servist can become an officer.

There are now nine patM to oommi!!Sioned etatue open to Re­servilsts. They are: Naval Re­serve Officers' Training Corps (NROTC), U.S. Naval Academy, Reserve Officer Candidate (ROC) program, Aviation Reserve Officer Candidate (AVROC) program,

l.cer Candidate School (OCS), )1 Aviation Cadet (NavCad)

p "gram, Aviation Officer Candi· date (AOC) (Pilot Training) pro· gram, Naval Aviation Officer Can·

didate (NAOC) program and the Officer Candidate Airman (OCAN) program.

Here is a summary of the major qualifications needed for each of these programs. Keep in mind, however, that these requirements vary occasionally to meet the needs of the service. You can obtain, complete information on these commi~sion opportunities from your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity, or. the nearest Navy Recruiting Station.

You may also qualify for a di­rect commission in certain of the


Page 4: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,

Wuktnd Warrior Ron N. Cal~rl ;, aU!(lrdd III~ Navy Unit Comm~lIddtion ribboll lor lin acti~ duty timt Jtt~ed in USS Constl!!latioD (CVA 64) 00 COO!I oj Vietllam. Com"",nder R06~t Plll/trlOIl, USNR. CO oj VP--ll75, NARTU Afumt do, "",he. the prt UIIUJ. lioll to Cal~trt .. 110 hal rt turMd to hi.


staff corps and as a special duty officer (law). You can obtain the ~'ord on these paths to a commis· sion at your nearest Navy Recruit· ing Station.

NROTC If you are a male high school

senior or graduate, over 17 yeaI'!! of age but will not reach the age of 21 by 30 Jun 1966, and are on in­active duty, you may compete with civilians in the nationwide exami· nation for the Navy's college train· ing program, the Regular Naval ,

Reserve Office"' Training Corps (NROTC).

Your application must reach Ed.ucational Testing Serl r Pnnceton, N.J., by 19 Novem~ ... The next examination will be given on 11 December.

Applications are available at high schools, NROTC colleges and universities, and at Navy Recruit· ing Stations.

After you have 8uccll!:lSfully passed the Navy College Aptitude Test. you will be given a complete medical examination, be inter· viewed by naval office", and com· plete your application file. If you qualify, your application file will be submitted to your stllte selection committee for final selection.

If you are selected for the ..... gram and are accepted by 0",- 1 the 52 colleges or universities at which an NROTC unit is located, you will begin your training in the fall of 1966. You will be ap· pointed midshipmen, USNR, and will have your tuition, books, and normal fees paid by the govern· ment. In addition, you will reo ceive pay at the rate of $SO a month with the exception of cruises when you will receive 5120.60 a month for the four.year period and will be provided the neCll!:lSary uni. forms.

While attending college, you . may take any course leading to a bllChelor's degree, with certaiW" ceptions. You must ,atisfact~t_ complete one year of college math. ematics and one year of college

Page 5: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,

phy6ic~ by the end of your sopho­more year. You mua! also show


fideliCY in English. \ . 'dditional information concern-

I the academic requirement!! may be found in the 1966 NROTC Bul~tin 0/ lnformatu.m.

Upon graduation, you must ac­cept a commission in the Regular Navy or Marine Corps, and must serve on active duty for at least four years. If you resign your commission at a later date, you are obligated to accept a commis· sion in the Naval or Marine COrp!! Re!;erve, and may not resign your Reserve commission before the sixth annivenary of the date of ac­ceptance of your original commis­sion.

,. 'JTC Contract StudeniJ

~tudents in NROTC colkges are aIBo eligible to apply for enroll­ment as NROTC "contract" stu­dents. This is a nonsubsidized program, leading to a Reserve commiS!!ion. The contract pro· gram is not open to ' enlisted per­wnnel on active duty.

Application should be made to the ProfeS.'Jor of Naval Science at the NROTC college in which you are enrolled or intend to enroll.

Students in either NROTC pro­gram will be deferred from induc­tion under the Selective Service Act, pending completion of their • lemic courses.

~itS. Naval Academy

Naval Reservists on inactive

duty have an opportunity to win one of the BS appointments to the Naval Academy sd aside for them each year. Reservists on active duty may qualify for assignment to the Naval Preparatory School and still compete in the Naval Re- . serve quota.

It take~ some advance planning to win an Academy appointment. To be eligible to enter next year's class, you must have enrolled as a member of the Naval Reserve be·

11., HEROES ... in the NAVAL RESERVE

Lieutenant (junior grade) Wil­liam C. C. Clark, USNR. as pilot of an F--8A Cr~ader, experienced an engine fire shortly after takeoff on a training flight from NAS At· ~ugi, Japan.

LTJG Clark elected to remain with his burning aircraft in order to avoid crashing into a populated area. This decision required him to stay with a burning jet far longer than is consistent with the personal safety of the pilot. thereby risking his own life to avoid jeopardizing the live.'! and safety of others.

As a rellult, the aircraft cra.!!hed into a sparsely populated area, with no los8 of life, no injury and only minor property damage.

For his heroic action, LTJG Clark. was awarded the Distin­guished Flying CroS!!.

Page 6: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,


New DE-USS Willi. W. Bradley (DE 1041) WiU ruell,l,. commiuwlled FrISllCUCO. Bradley is d&il1led primarily lor anti.lubmnrillt W<lrfart.

fore 1 }ul 1965. You must com· plete and !ubmit your application (NavPers 2451), via your com­manding officer, to the Chief of Naval Pel'llOnnei before 1 Oct 1965. AppIicatioIl.'! must reach BuPers by this date; 10 be safe, submit your application to your CO by 1 September.

Scholastic exams for the Naval Academy consist of lest! of the College Entrance Examination Board. For admiSl5ion in 1966, candidates should take the exami­nalions administered in December 1965, January or March 1966 since the highest scores attained will be used. Cost of tests will be borne by candidates.


, You must 'meet the following re-

quirements: • Be recommended by your CO. • Be a U.s. citizen. • Be not leM than 17 year~ of

age and not more than 22 years of age on I Jul 1966.

• Must he unmarried and never have been married.

• Must meet the same moral, mental, medical and physical qual­ifications required of other candi_ date!! for appointment a~ midship. men.

• Must he a member t' Reserve drilling unit before , 1965. .

• Must have an acceptable high school r~ord in terms of subject

Page 7: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,

matter and grades and should stand in upper 40% of high school class. Candidates not standing in


'lilt 40% of high school class .ist have exceptional high school

records and CEEB scores to com· pensate .

• Must achieve qualifying score!! on the College Entrance Examina­tion Board examinations. Since this is II. highly competitive cate­gory, candidates must have much higher scores to win appointments.

• Muat possess combined GCT­ARI score of 118-

It's II good idea for prospective candidates to apply for nomination to both U.S. ~nators and the rep­resentative of their congressional district of their home state in ad·

l ion to submitting an application II Naval Reserve nomination.

{ou'll find answers to questions concerning admissions to the Academy in the 1965 editions of the Naval Academy Catalogue which may be obtained from your CO, district commandant, or the Chief of Naval Pen;onnel (Attn: Pers 866), Navy Department, Washington, D.C., 20370.

Additional details on Naval Re· ~rve nominations may be found in BuPer!! Notice 1531 (20 Feb 19(5). DetaiLs on entrance to the Naval Preparatory School may be found in BuPen Notice 1531 (l Feb 1%5).

lerve Officer Candidale

If you lire an enlisted ReiWrvist attending an accredited college a~

a full·time student, you may enroll in the Navy's ReiWrve Officer Can· didate (ROC) program.

(College students who are not members of the Naval Reserve may also apply for enrollment in the ROC program; however, upon notification of selection, these can·­didales must enlist in the Naval Reserve.)

Each year a group of college studenill is !!elected for ROC train· ing. II you are one of the lucky few, you will attend two summer courses at Newport, R.L 11le!!e courses normally begin late in June and last approximately eight weeks.

If you .!uccessfully complete these sessions, and are otherwi!se qualified, you are eligible for a Naval Reserve officef!l' commis· sion in the Line, and-in limited numbers-in the Supply Corps and Civil Engineer Corps. These two ROC courses must be com· pleted before you graduate or duro ing the summer following your graduation.

Upon final ~lection for enroll· ment, you will be deferred from induction under Selective Servi'ce so long as you maintain satisfac­tory participation in Reserve train­ing activities and meet other reo quirement,., for retention in the ROC program. Enrollment in this program does not, however, ex­empt you from Selective Service registration.

ROC program members are not required to carry any additional

Page 8: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,

work in college as a result of the program; neither do they receive any financial support from the Navy during the school year.

During both summer courses, however, ROCs receive the pay of the rate they hold in the Naval Reserve. Pay starts when you leave for summer !lChool and eon· tinues until your return. During the summer seMiom you receive meals and quarters at no cost to you.

You are eligible for the ROC program if you are:

• A citizen of the U.s. • Seventeen or more yean old

when you first enroll as a ROC student, and no more than 27% at time of commisllioning.

a Physically qualified in ac· cordance with standards estab· lished by the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.

• Enlisted in the Naval Reserve when you apply for ROC training, or upon being notified of selection for the program.

• Now a sophomore or junior in good standing at an accredited

(Continulld on pag1l12)



Check these figures for Naval Re· serve divisions competing for na· tional trophies, compiled as of 30 April, and you will be able to find


out where your unit fits into the over·all picture.

"Average merit" is based upon on-board strength, attendance,l, tive duty for training, petty oA/ participation, advancement in rat­ing, Reserve Crew tranefer bonus, and a training quality bonus which is determined by the average ex­amination grade for all exams to pay grade E-4 and above. For Submarine divisions, the sub­marine qualification factor is added.

D~I"'f """ff JI.p, .... ,1>8 .,,/1

Surface (Wle) 145 21220.4 Surface (Medium) 259 16709.2 Surface (Small) 184 10144.9 Con.truction Batt.!ion 220 9875.8 Nan! Security Group 100 8805.3 Submarine 25 27265.5 .Mobiliution Team 83 48M--7

Division 5-19(L), Norfolk, .. j is leading Large surface divisions with a cumulative merit of 52519; Divil!ion 5-24.(M). South Charles­ton, W. Va., i!l still first among Medium surface divisions with 3684.0; Division 5-16(S), Parkers­burg, W. Va., is still in first place among Small suriace divisions with 20730; Division 3--20, Fort Schuyler, N.Y., is still 'way out in front of competing Seabee divisioIlll with 27760; Division 12-4, San Mateo, Calif., remains in first place among Naval Security Group divi­sions with 16138; Division S--.8" Washington, D.C., is now in first place among Submarine divisl" with 41350; and Division 11-8~. ; Phoenix, Ariz., leads the Mobiliza· tion Team competition with 9860.

Page 9: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,

r uktlllJ r"nit". from VP--874, NARTU Alam~da, Calif., wke off lor an Asr m'.Ilicn wlUle On ACDUTRA "t NAS MoDell Field.

Got A Question? .


'illces are you'll find the answers our Reserve qUe!tions M close you as your unit's personnel

office. There's no need to fall back on

lICuttlebutt or s sea lawyer's advice when a ched: of the proper reier­ences . or directives will set you straight.

Here are some of the basic refer­ences whicb should amwel most of your questions about your Re!lerve career. Copies of these references and directives, however, are not available lor individual distribu­tion. You should be able to find complete files at most naval activi­ties_

~rT.s. Navy Regulation: Sets

.1 the principles and policies by w ich tho:; Navy is governed.

Navy D ~ partm ~ nt r;eneral Orders (Serie~ of 1948) : Supple.

ments Navy RegulatioTl.S and in· c1udes orders relating to special ceremonies, commendations, or· ganization, budget and appropria­tions, and similar matters.

BuPer~ Manual : Contains in. structions governing the many pha!!eS of Navy personnel adminis· tration. Part H deals with the Naval Reserve.

Bureau ManuaU: Contain in­structions pertaining to the variolls bureaus within the Department of the Navy.

BuPers Instructions and No­tices: These are directives issued by the Chief of Naval Penonnel containing policy and procedure concerning the administration of naval personnel. IMtruction.s are defined as dir~tives "which con· tain information of a continuing nature." Notices are directives of ,

Page 10: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,


Th. N ..... l RnerYa

T.W" of o.",nl •• &. fm t •• 11'0 .. 1 11._ ... _____________________ BoP,n I.m. 5400.IL

S. l""d II ...... P'''''-_ of ,h. N ... l R ... " . (OIh .. th.~ AJ,) ____ BoP,," I .. ". 1400.'-2B 51"'<1.11,,_ Cooo,,,,I,, "'~ NROS Prorra-> ______ • _______________ BoP ... I ... ,. 1400.«

Ad .... nc .. m.nt. Chan,. In R.tln,

Ad •• ~'e...,,' oM ,h ... , •• f. "'oo •• d "UOI' . f •• 1 .. ,.4 R .. ,,,l ... ... In,,,l .. d~.' __________________________________ • _____ • ______ BoP, .. I".". ""' .lE

Allllointm.nt to Commlsslon.d Grad.

N .. al ,1<.".y Cot.l ••.

~'1I0TC 6.//<1,. 0/ 1.1."."' .... O/fl .. , C.,did ... 5<_ (OCS) ____________ _ _ _______ BuP, .. 1_ ,. 11:.1.>5

N ... I .. C .... t (NnC.d ) __________________ BuP ... In .... 1120.JS

M. di .. l !ioni"" ~. USNR ______________ ! _____________________ BuP ... I ... ,. 1I20.32B

C.,...;..;.,. Of~O<tuo!t'"' ],,, 1lo .. n5 .... __________________________ n. ,y •• 01 1I • ..,.i". Au .... 11015

Offlc.r Promotion

P, ..... loo 01 USNR ........ ____ • ______________________________ BoPon I .. ". 141l.IE

prol."rood fi,_ for ~IO",ot! .. 01 USNl ol!; ... , (t~. "_""" pi .. ") _______________________________________________________ • ___ BuP", In.t •. 151~.U

lo.od" of Com",oo.d.aoo/NROS C • • ", ... ~oired fo. P1"<'_tio~ 01 aIlo ...... _____________________________________________________ Tho N •• oJ R" ..... ".

Jaouu, IN!

Actlv. Dut~:

AoU .. Doty A" .. "","" for USNR .01&. .... __________________________ B,P". I .. t<. 112tl.:t:!C Roc.1I Polfoy _________________________________________________ B,P,,, I ..... lOOLUC

Vol,"'U1 R..,.U P"'I". __________________________________ B, r , ,, IA ..... 1141.IB

5<,..,./". R •• dy 11 .. ..--.. OJll ....... ________ • __________________ _


Page 11: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,

ns Jp References And Directives !.,Ject Pertinent FI.f.renee

Selectlwe SerYl.,.; Ae.erve Obll ... tlon"""COntlnu ...

s.: .... , .. ...u ......... b ... 01 th • •• 04,- Il-.._~ .. _. __ .. ________ • TA, N~ ", .. ,," ••


Oc'obe, l'iiSO; BoP ... I •• ". lOOI.6C

II"" ... Soni<_.', r""llr Pro ... "" """ ___________ • ______ ••••• B.P,n i.",. 17SC,1D

R ••• d., .1 .. ,1..-., 1.01-.1100: .. u, .... , ~T .It.on. _________ n. N~,1t .. "'"t. N .. "O" IliS

N • • &I 11. .. ,", ....... ~ ..,.i .. d ••• I •• _ ......... -.1110 tb. TAil ... ____ •• ___ ._. ________ •• _____________________ BuT ... Ioott. IOOI.IOD

TAli. bm •• ap ..... .Jti .. I..- USI'(I1 ot/j,." .. lI...,d., ~ • .,. ________ • TA • . >t ... IIt ........ , ~ J .... .,. l~

Actl •• dOly .1 nIl •• t<! USNII. puoouol I ..... ..,.100. ~ N ... I Ai, I ....... TAli. "' ...... ______________________________ Ba'on I ..... 10ll1.7C

, of ... A.CIlUTLI. ________ :~~~:~_~ ___________ RoT ... 10" •• 1!71.4K ACDUTkA Rou04 ••• n 1 __ • ___________________________ TAo N...t II ..........

.u,. J_. 101, 1t6S .\ooIp ....... d ' .... I .. U .. poUdoo f.. th N ... l AI< 1\ ....... _____ BuP ... I ..... UOO.GII

P,,_Uoo. >oqulJ_'. '0< ... 10 ... ..,' ... 0.- ... , .. ,Iolo 10. ,. Sol .. , .. R ...... ________________________________________ I1.P ... lM ... 5W.42B

P~,ol,ol fl ...... ________________________________ I1uP ... I ..... 6100.211

co •••• CoU ....

Llo, of T .. loL .. 1", .... 1 •• oM COnNpo.d .... c-.. .. ___ __ . ________ N"P,n 10I.l6l ( •• rIo,) Ealfo"~ eon.._d_, Coun ......... ____ • ____________ ru NOHl 1t • ..,.It •.

I ..... ' 1'>65 0111< .. Corr .......... C __ ..... _ .. ___________ .... __ rho N-.l II ........ .

J ..... ..,I~

B.nefl ... Prtvll .....

CLotI>L., lot .ou,to<! .. ~, 01 ,ko N ... lft_ .. Rot I ... U ... u.,_ BuP ... lM ... 10000.4F O!I! ..... U.L!."" ~ •• ________________________________ rllo Noool .II ... ", .. ,.

5,,,. VOl ..... • Bon •• .....:!"J' _____________ • ____ • ________ _ <. .,._, ft •• " I ..... ____ • ____ ._. ______________ ....

Jot, INI

Tilo N_ .II ... ".;.,. S'p .... b .. 111'0

a.p." lM". 1511.160; Th NOHl .11 ... _,. I .. ....,. 1962


Page 12: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,

GOT A QUESTION? "one·time nature, and contain in. formation or require action which is applicable for a brief period of time."

Joint Travel Regulations: Ex­plain~ laws and regulations con· cerning travel and station allow. ances; sets forth the manner in which transportation is furnished; covers reimbursement for travel expenses; and so on.

U.S. Navy Travel InJtruction3: Contains instructions relating to


COURSES a • Aviation Maintenance Ad·

mini!trationman 3 & 2, NavPers 91498, which consists of four as­signments and is evaluated at eight retirement points.

• Boi1ermo.ker 1 & C, NavPers 91515-1, which COlll!ists of eight assignments and is evaluated at 24 retirement points. This course supersedes NavPern 9151SA.

• Ekctronic$ Technician 2, 91337-2, which consists of seven of nine assignments and is evalu· ated st 27 retirement points. This course supersedes NavPers 91374-2A and NavPen 91375-1A.

• Minernan 1 & C, NavPers 91337-2, which consists of seven ~ignments and is evaluated at 21 retirement points. Confidential. This course supeI'llCdes NavPen 91336--1 and NavPel'!l 91337-1A.


the travel of naval personnel in their performance of duty or in connection with changes in du~

stations. ..' U.S. Navy Uniform Re!;ulation.!.

De9CribeS uniforms and contains regulations for the proper wearing of the uniform.

Navy and Marine Corps Awards Manual: Provides information per· taining to awards, medals, penonal decoratioIU, etc. The manual also contains lists of all ships, units, service group!!, divisions, and squadrons eligible for certain award!!.

In addition to these general references, there are dozens of di· rectiVe!; and publicatioIU which deal with specific areas of the Naval Reserve program. Some of • most important of these are list'" on pages 9 and 10.

The Naval Reservi$l publishes information on major directives and prepares frequent "roundups" of information on such subjects as promotion and retirement. Some of these articles are also listed for the guidance of those Naval Re· servists who do not have ready ac· cess to directives and references. Remember, however, that publica. tion of material in The Naval Re· !trvi!t is for information only, and is not authority for action.

If your problem is unique, or if you think you have an off·beat question, write to The Naval II servi.1t. We'll check the pro~ authorities lind pass the word on to you.




Page 13: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,


(Continued from page 7) junior or senior college or univer­sity.

• You are not eligible for the ROC ~rogram if you are:

• A member of II Regular com­ponent of any other federal mili­tary service.

• In receipt of an order to re­port for induction.

• Drawing II pemion or retire­ment pay from the government.

• A medical, dental, or theo­logical student, or enrolled in II

veterinary, optometry, or phar­macy course leading to a commis­sion in the Navy's Medical Service Corps.

• Now a senior in college. Applications mould be filed at

AflJte Naval Re.!.erve training center c.a. air &alion nearest your home.

AJ"RQC Program

The A VROC program was eII­

tahlished early last year. It is open to both pilot and naval flight officer trainees.

Candidates who succf!I:I3fully complete pilot training will be reo a5Iligned a 1315 del:!ignator and designated naval aviaton; those who qualify as naval flight officeni' will be assigned a 1325 designator and be designated as naval flight officers.

Ideally, training i~ conducted in two incremenlll following the ~oph.

II lOre and junior years of college; 'wever, for applicanlll initially

&elected during their junior year the last increment may be under-

taken the ~ummer following reo ceipt of the bachelor'~ degree.

The active duty obligation i~

three and one·hal£ yean! following completion of training.

Reserve Officer Candidates (ROC)s may request transfer to the A VROC program provided" they have not completed ROCTWO (the first increment) training at OCS Newport, and provided they meet the eligibility requiremenlll.

You are eligible for AVROC pilot training if you are not les~ than 17 years old at time of making application, nor more than an age which would make you older than 26lh at time of commiSllioning. Naval Hight officer applicants must be not less than 17 years old when

Rele1l!~t Ia.mer D. Nichol. ;, C611"atu· wted by hir rkipper, [Jeute .. ""t Com. mrmde, R. E. Ledbetter, 011 completin, .. ..,e .. yea.,. of perfect drill a.tulld""cr. Pe,ro/lnelmall Third Cla.u NicMiI i.I a memb"r of Surface Viv. 8--28. Camd(!1l,



Page 14: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,

COMMISSIONS they apply, nor more than an age that would make them older than 27;' years al lime 01 commission­ing. NFO candidates may have an age adjrn;tment made on a month-to-month bAlli ........ not to ex­ceed 36 months-for prior active military service.

Officer Candidate & hool

You may apply for the Navy'. Officer Candidate School (OCS) program anytime afler completion of your junior year in college.

Upon .election and following completion of your baccalaureate degret you will be trained in naval .ubject. at the Officer Candidate School, NelO-"POrt. R.I., for a period of four months. Upon reporting for indoctrination training you who are in pay grade E-4 and be­low will be temporarily advanced to pay grade E-5. Candidates who IUC«Mfully complete this training are appointed ensign, USNR. (Law llpecialilll an, ap­pointoo in the grade of lieutenant (junior grade) before reporting to Newport.) They are obligated to serve on active duty lor tluee yeate from the date of acceptance of their appointment, and retain their commiSBioned Itatul in the Naval Reserve for a period of sill: yean. including the period of ac­tive duty.

You are eligible for OCS if you are:

• A graduate of an accredited college or university with a bach­elor'. or higher degrH. (You


may apply for OCS nine academic month~ before graduation.)

• Nineteen but not 27¥., yean of age for all candidales ex. law ~pedalistt for whom the • limit il 19-33~ at time of appoint. ment and Medical Service COrpl for whom the age limit is 21-32.

• Phy~ically qualified: The minimum vilual ~tandard for ap· pointment in the Line category il 20/ 40; for Restricted Line and Staff Corpa, 20/ 100. In all in· stances, however, vil!ion mull be correctable to 20/20. (Waivers may be granted in certain instancea for vilual acuity les!l than these r.tanclardl.)

Here are the OCS programa cur· rendy available:

Unreltncud Line-HOS I 110S (instructor).

Re&tricted Line-140S (for propriate duties under the cogni. zance of BuShi~); 1535 (for aerological duties ); 1615 (Naval Security Groups); 1625 (Law Specialist).

Staff Corp.J---31OS (Supply); 5105 (Civil Engineer Corpa); 230S (Medical Service COrpl).

You may apply for OCS at your nearest Navy Recruiting Station. (If you are on active duty, see BuPers lnatruction 1120.35.)

Nat.'aJ ,4"illtWn Cadet

Flight training is available to enlisted Navymen through" Naval Aviation Cadet (Nave ) pros ram. R_rvil!ts are eligible to apply for this training whether

Page 15: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,

ACDVTIU TIME--Tfftltty·Pe Ru~ fro". SwJ«c~ DiPiaM .f-41(L). NRTC Pilubw,A, P .... t6mpktH _ wu.b (1/ .. (tiN daty /fI, traiIlin, 0 11 00«,. USS

Rohut K. H\lI1tlq:toa <DD 181). PluiI<u doNI til. Rut"";'u lea"..., by doill, .


Page 16: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,

COMMISSIONS they arc on active or inactive duty.

Rel!ervil!ts on inactive duty must have satisfactorily completed two full academic yeara at an acered­ited college or univel'l!ity, with a minimum of 60 &emester houn or 90 quarter hOllI'!! , Application for NavCad training may he made at any Naval Air Reserve activity.

Reservists on active duty must have graduated from high school and must have completed II. mini­mum of two yeal'S of college (60 semester hours or 90 quarter bours). In lieu of this educational requirement. however, scorcs of 120 for GCr plua ARI, and 58 for MECH may be combined with the service-accepted USAFI equiva. lent. the Comprehensive College Test&---General ExaminatiolUl, or with one year (at least 30 semester or 45 quarter hOlln) of satisfac­tory work at an accredited college or univeraity. in order 10 meet the educational requirement.

All candidates for NavCad train­ing must be recommended hy their commanding officers.

Other requiremenu are the same for Reservisu, whether on active or inactive duty. Applicanu must he citiuns of the United States ; must be at lelll!t 18 hut not yet 25 yean of age at the time application is suhmitted; unmarried and must agree to remain unmarried until commissioned; physically quali­lied and aeronautically adapted for flight training.

The pilot training program is of approximately 18 months' dura-


tion; upon completion, the NavCad is appointed ensign, USNR and designated a Naval AViaJ (1315). NavCacb must agree } serve on active duty for three an one·half yean after they complete flight training. Further details may he found in BUPers Instruc_ tion 1120.35.

Aoe (Pilot Training)

If you are a college graduate, you may ohtain a commission in the aviation hranch of the Navy after a short indoctrination course.

You are eligible for the Avia­tion Officer Candidate (AOC) program if you are a graduate of an accredited college or university with a hachelor', or higher deg} (any major). You may apply to 12 months before graduatio any time after completion of your junior year.

You must he at least 19 years old, hut under 26, when you apply for AOC training. You must meet the physical qualifications and he aeronautically adapted for the actual control of aircraft. Vision must he 20/20 uncorrected. You must be a U.S. citizen.

If you are chosen for this pro­gram, you will be sent to Pensa­cola, Fla., for preHight training­four months of intensive academic instruction, no Hying. Upon re­porting for indoctrination train~. you who are in pay grade E-4 below will be temporarily advance to pay grade E-5. When you com­plete preflight training, you will he

Page 17: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,

Commander C. I. Eadie. CO oj VP_16. NAS lackson~Ul~. Fkl~ pruelU& a plaqlU to Commander If". R. O&t. CO oj VP-70J, NAS Dalla.J, T~ .• makin& tht Tt"a.<·baml Iquadron honorary 'Ealllel'/or their outltandin& performance 01 ACDUTRA at las,.

, pmiseioned eIlllign (1395), " NR. Th~n you will receive ap·

proximately eight month,' basic training in flying. After basic, you will undergo ~ome five months of advanced training in ~pecialized aircraft-jets, patrol bombers, at· tack bomben and the like.

Newly designated aviators must serve three and one-half yean with the Fleet to apply their flight train. ing to the needs of the service. When you complete your initial active duty tour, you will be eligible for release to inactive duty. However, you may request reten· tion on active duty or apply for

(1JP1lelltation into the Regular ",. Applica.tion for the AOC pro·

gram may be made at near· e~t Naval Air Reserve activity.

NAOC (other 'han pUOh)

The Naval Aviation Officer Candidate (NAOC) program is fairly new. Specialists are sought to fill jobs a~ bombardien/navi. gators, roconnai!l3ance/ attack nav­igators, photo reconnaissance, air intelligence officers, antisubmarine warfare tactical evaluaton, elec· tronic countermeasures officen. airborne intercept officen and aerial navigaton.

You may apply for this program if you are a graduate of an ac· credited college or university with a bachelor'. or higher degree. You may apply up to 12 months before graduation (any time after completion of your junior year).

Physical requirements are not so Itringent as those e8tablished


Page 18: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,

for flight candidate programs. However, in many instance!, the specialists will ride aircraft as crew members and will draw full flight pay.

Applican\.!! for the NAOC pro­gram may be married. They must be under 27% yean old at the time of appointment 10 commiSMoned grade. (Age adjustments may be made for prior active military servo ice on a month-for-month basis, nol to exceed 36 month!!.)

If you qualify for this program, you will receive specialized train­ing following a four-month indoc· trination course at NAS Pensacola, Fla. You will be commmioned ensign (1355), USNR, upon com­pletion of the indoctrination coune, and will be required to serve 42 month!! on active duty after completion of all training within the Naval Air Training Command.

Information on this program is available at all Navy Recruiting Stations and at Naval Air Reserve activities. It is covered in BuPen Instruction 1120.35.

Oflker Candidate Airman

The Officer Candidate Airman (OCAN) program is ah!o rela· tively new. It provides approxi­mately 11 to 12 months' training leading to lIMignment and designa· tion as naval flight officers for ap­plicants who have two yean of col­lege or the service-accepted equiv­alent.

Selected enlisted candidates ar~


designated officer candidates in their present pay grade, but not lower than E-2. Following their first four monlh!! of training, t~ ) are advanced to E-3 unless th" pre!ent pay grade is higher.

Upon successful completion of the training, OCANs are commis_ sioned ensigns in the Naval Re­·serve and designated for duties in one of the naval flight officer cate­gorie!. They must agree to serve on active duty three and one-half yeaf3 from date of commis8ioning, if required by the needs of the service, and to retain their Naval Reserve commissions for a total of six years.

Applicants must have two yean of college (60 semester or 90 quarter hours), or one year OfS lege (30 semester or 45 qua hours) and a combined ceri A of 120 and a MECH of 58. The USAFI one-year college level GED te!t or Comprehensive College Tests----General Examinations may be substituted for the one year of college.

You must be physically quali. fied and aeronsutically adapted for de!ignation as a naval flight officer. You must be at least 18 but not over 25 years old at the time you suhmit your application. (Age adjustments may be made for prior active military service on a month­for-month basis, not to exceed 36 months.) ~

Additional information on ~ OCAN program may be found in BuPen Instruction 1120.35.

"' ..... ,n .... T .... ,,"" 0'''01 , <II. 0-,.0-,.,

Page 19: THE NAVAL I'RESERVIST 196508.pdffrom your CO, information and education officer, the CO of your training center, your district com· mandant, the nearest Naval Air Reserve activity,


USS Compton (DD 705) is as­signed to Re!!erve Destroyer Squad­ron 30, training First Naval Dis­trict Reservists.

Compton was commissioned on 4 Nov 1944 in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. She 'was named for the late Honorable Lewis Compton, former Assistant Secretary of the Navy.

After her trial runs and shake­down, she steamed through the Panama Canal and across the

(lUie, arriving at Okinawa in , for that battle. During one

Iree-week period, air raid alerts averaged three or four per day, and Compton was credited with the de­struction of one enemy plane plus many assists. In this ssme period,

Complon bombarded shore posi­tions, destroyed one small gunboat, and served in antiaircraft and anti­submarine groups.

After World War II, Compton was assigned to the Atlantic Fleet. She look part in the UN Palestine Patrol of 1948, has been invoked in most major Atlantic Fleet exer· cises, and has served with the Sixth Fleet in the .Mediterranean on nine occasions. Compton participated in the Cuban quarantine. On two occasions, she acted as a recovery ship for Project Mercury space capsules.

In the fall of 1964, Compton reo ported to her new home port, BaSion, as a Reserve Training Ship.


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