
The Nature of Science

Introductory Microbiology

What does Science mean to you?

Is this the process of Science to you?

We make a Hypothesis to explain observations.

Repeated experiments support our Hypothesis so it becomes a Theory

Further experiments prove our Theory true and it becomes a Law.

I have a name for this…

The Schoolhouse Rock version of Science.

Science isn’t taught like other subjects…

So students get stuck in the rote-memorization rut.

So what is wrong with that?

The problem is one of semantics

Define the word Apocalypse

Most of you go with this…

However, if you were a theologian, you would get…

Then how does Science work?

What is a Hypothesis?

“An Educated Guess” is too simplistic, you need to be more specific.

A Scientific Hypothesis has several features.

It must be experimentally testable.

It seeks to explain how a phenomenon works.

It predicts unknown results.

Likewise, a Scientific Theory is often misunderstood

Theories are NOT proven

Theories are hypotheses that have been expanded into general models of a phenomenon.

Theories are supported but falsifiable

Theories allow for the generation of new hypotheses.

A Scientific Law is probably the most misunderstood.

Laws are a distillation of repeated observations

Laws differ from theories in that they DO NOT posit explanations

Often Laws can be described as Mathematical Equations

The Big Picture

Observed Phenomenon




A description, often mathematical

A posited model to explain the phenomenon

Allows the formation ofNew Hypotheses

Repeated experimentation And testing allows expansion And generalization

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