  • The naTional TerriTorial army recruiTing informaTion handbook

  • The National Territorial Army Recruiting Information Handbook 3

    Role of UNITCVHQ RA provides the following:▪ Artillery Specialist Group ▪ All Arms Staff Officers Group▪ Land Command Staff Pool

    TypICAl TAsks▪ Provide LO/SO/Wkpr support to all

    manoeuvre Formations▪ Provide ad-hoc Staff Officer support to

    MOD/PJHQ/LAND/Other Def Agencies▪ Provide RA specialists in Command

    Systems and Air Defence to Div and Bde HQs

    Type of INdIVIdUAl/TRAde/skIlls ReQUIRedofficers: Officers must have had previous Regular or Territorial Army service and are only recruited at Capt rank or above. They can be of any cap badge.soldiers: Only soldiers with previous RA experience who have completed basic and special to arm training can join.The Unit is seeking in particular:▪ Regular Officers of all cap badges

    finishing service early or on retirement▪ Ex Regular and Territorial Army Officers

    of all cap badges who wish to renew military links

    ▪ Territorial Army Officers of any cap badge and TA RA badged soldiers who cannot meet commitment of Regional Territorial Army Units

    RoyAl ARTIlleRy

    CoNTACT deTAIlTel Mil: 94691 3421 Civ: 0208 781 3421Email: [email protected]:


    Officer Capt/Maj 45 Not applicableSoldier 45 Not applicable


    CoNTeNTsRoyAl ARTIlleRy p3RoyAl eNGINeeRs p4RoyAl ARMy CHAplAINs’ depARTMeNT p5RoyAl sIGNAls p6-7Uk speCIAl foRCes ReseRVe p8ARMy AIR CoRps p9HQ RoyAl loGIsTIC CoRps p10-11ARMy MedICAl seRVICes p12RoyAl eleCTRICAl & MeCHANICAl eNGINeeRs p13AdjUTANT GeNeRAl’s CoRps p14-16MedIA opeRATIoNs GRoUp p17INTellIGeNCe CoRps p18-19

    The National Territorial Army recruits from across the UK and represents 15% of the Territorial Army as a whole. Many of its units need specialists with skills learned in civilian life, and others have opportunities that can only be filled by ex-Regular Army personnel who can bring their military training with them. It also offers similar trades to the Regional Territorial Army, but these are carried out by officers and soldiers who have chosen the National Territorial Army because they might not live near a Territorial Army Centre or they have less time to commit to training. The National Territorial Army also offers military training to women whose local Regional Territorial Army Unit only accepts men. The main differences are: l No regional focus and commanded by a Central Volunteer Headquarters and not the Regional Brigade Commanderl Annual training commitment of 19 days as opposed to a minimum of 27 days in the Regional Territorial Armyl No weekday evening training requiredl No 15-day Annual Deployment Exercise for some trades, which makes it easier to fit training around other commitments

    In providing deep specialists and key enablers, the National Territorial Army is of fundamental importance to delivering the Army’s operational output. Since 2003, over 2000 of its officers and soldiers have deployed as individuals or part of formed units in support of military operations worldwide.

    So read this book. Get to know what the National Territorial Army is all about and encourage people to join it.


  • The National Units of the Royal Engineers Territorial Army is the Territorial Army’s main source of specialist engineering covering areas of civil, electrical and mechanical engineering. The focus for the National Specialist Units within the Royal Engineers is the Territorial Army Component of 170 (Infrastructure Support) Engineer Group.

    Role of Unit170 (Infrastructure Support) Engineer Group provides infrastructure engineering capability to a deployed force (Land/Sea/Air) delivered by Works Groups, using their own or attached Specialist Teams of Royal Engineers. Regular and Territorial Army Soldiers work and train together and cover the full spectrum of military and civilian infrastructure support, from expeditionary camps to railways, ports, fuel, water, power and other public utilities.

    typical tasks▪ support to theatre entry / Recovery

    • Ports • Bulk material storage • Areas for temporary accomodation • Water supply • Fuel supply

    ▪ Mobility support: • Roads and bridges • Rail • Waterways – as obstacles and as routes • Industrial hazard sites

    the national territorial army Recruiting information Handbook4 5

    Officer Sub 35 35 Capt 40 Notapplicable Maj 45 Notapplicable LtCol 50 NotapplicableSoldier 44 43

    entRy aGe liMits (May be waived in ceRtain ciRcUMstances)

    A formal Army Chaplains’ Department has existed as an integral part of the British Army since 1796, when a Royal Warrant was issued. The Royal Army Chaplains’ Department selects applicants from all of the main recognised churches in the country – it is the authority of their church that allows chaplains to exercise their ministry in the Territorial Army. Chaplains provide spiritual, moral and pastoral support to all Territorial soldiers and their families, irrespective of religion or belief.

    Role of UnitA chaplain will normally be assigned to a Territorial Army Unit of up to 700 soldiers and families of all faiths. The unit would normally be in close proximity of the Chaplain’s normal civilian work. Their ministry will involve visiting soldiers on their weeknight training, accompanying them on weekend training (allowances are made for Sunday worship commitments), and on their two-week annual camp. If they wish, Territorial Army Chaplains may also volunteer to be mobilised for an operational tour in the Balkans, Afghanistan or Iraq.

    typical tasksThe Army Chaplain of today faces many difficult challenges. Chaplains provide spiritual leadership, moral guidance and pastoral support to all soldiers and their families, irrespective of their religion or beliefs, in order to meet their needs, nurture and develop them. They minister to young women, men and their families, working in difficult circumstances, often away from home.

    type of individUal/tRade/skills ReqUiRedTerritorial Army Chaplains must have achieved the standards for ordination in their church and be an ordained priest or minister. Motivation, flexibility and a broad mind are part of the required skill set, as are effective communication and pastoral skills. An ability to get on with people, an awareness of the world around us, and a sense of humour are also needed. Other desired attibutes would include having true priestly qualities with a spirituality observable by others, a willingness to serve, and the ability to be a team player working closely in harmony with male and female chaplains of other denominations.

    Royal enGineeRs

    Royal aRMy cHaplains’ depaRtMent

    ▪ infrastructure provision to own troops • Existing buildings/suitable sites • Water supply • Waste disposal

    ▪ support to Home nation infrastructure • Road and rail • Power • Water • Sewage • Refuse and landfill • Public buildings

    type of individUal/tRade/skills ReqUiRed▪ officers

    Chartered and Incorporated Engineers, Infrastructure Engineers (Fuels, Power, Water, Railways, Ports), Geologists

    ▪ clerks of works Construction, Mechanical and Electrical

    ▪ technicians Draughtsmen, Surveyors, Geotechnical Engineers, Railway Engineers, Heating and Plumbing Engineers, Electricians, Resources Specialists

    ▪ tradesman Heating and Plumbing Engineers, Electricians, Bricklayers, Carpenters and Joiners, Welders, Fitters Equipment, Utilities and Petroleum

    ▪ support staff Drivers, Signallers, Clerks, Chefs, Vehicle Mechanics

    contact detailTel Mil:944512869Civ:01159572873Email:[email protected]

    contact detailTel Mil:943448032Civ:01980618032Email:[email protected]


    entRy aGe liMits

    Rank WiTh pREviOuS WiThOuT pREviOuS REMaRk EXpERiEnCE EXpERiEnCE

  • Role of Unit

    CVHQ R SIGNALS have units who are responsible for providing specialists in support of the Regular Army in the planning and installation of communications infrastructure and IT Security advice to Commanders, primarily for Land and Air systems. This support is delivered by specialist teams of Royal Signals personnel.


    typical tasks▪ Specialise in the installation of

    communications infrastructure from planning through to management

    ▪ Deploy worldwide (not normally UK) carrying out projects for the MOD

    ▪ Normal sub unit configuration (SHQ and 5 Troops)

    ▪ Frequent operational deployments▪ Some Host Nation assistance with

    bringing civil communications back on line

    type of individUal/tRade/skills ReqUiRed▪ All soldiers must be professional

    installation engineers or telecoms technicians in civilian life

    ▪ All personnel must be SC and some DV


    typical tasks▪ Provide Information Assurance advice

    and support to Commanders▪ Protect Information and Systems▪ Carry out Vulnerability Assessments,

    Advanced Intruder Testing and Computer Forensics

    ▪ Go on worldwide deployments and frequent operational deployments

    ▪ Note: All personnel must be DV▪ An all-officer unit▪ These are leading-edge IT security

    people with skills not normally found in the Regular Army

    the national territorial army Recruiting information Handbook6 7


    type of individUal/tRade/skills ReqUiRed▪ A mix of officers and WO/SNCOs. ▪ WO/SNCOs are usually ex Regulars who

    are now professionally qualified and working in the telecoms and IT areas

    ▪ Strategic and operational IT and telecoms planners and analysts at senior consultant management level (international dynamic network)

    ▪ Note: All personnel must be DV

    typical tasks▪ Planning information and

    communications systems support at the Strategic and Operational level

    ▪ Frequent overseas deployments▪ Frequent operational deployments

    Royal signals

    contact detailTel Mil: 94382 4815 Civ: 01225 814815Email: [email protected]:

    contact detailTel Mil: 94382 4815 Civ: 01225 814815Email: [email protected]: /cvhq/licsg

    contact detailTel Mil: 94382 5540 Civ: 01225 815540Email: [email protected]:

    81 Sig Sqn Sub 30 30 Capt 35 35 Maj 40 40LIAG/LICSG Capt 45 Maj 50 Lt Col 55Soldier 43 35

    entRy age liMits (May be waived in ceRtain ciRcUMstances)

    Officer and Soldier Unit. Ex-Regulars within three years of leaving Regular


    LIAG is an all-officer Unit. LISG is an Officer and WO Unit. Officers commisioned as

    professionally Qualified Officers


  • Role of UnitThe role of the UKSF(R) is to provide reinforcements for UKSF operations. The UKSF(R) Group comprises two SAS (R) Regts, the SBS(R), a Signals Sqn, and a pool of watchkeepers/liaison officers.

    typical tasks▪ Surveillance and reconnaissance▪ Support and inf luence▪ Communications▪ Provision of staff and liaison officers

    and NCOs▪ Training tasks

    sUppoRt staffIn addition to requiring a significant number of operations staff, the UKSF(R) units have the same requirements for support staff as conventional Territorial Army units. There is a constant need for drivers, chefs, clerks, medical staff and LAD, including armourers.

    type of individUal/tRade/skills ReqUiRed▪ sabre

    All sabre candidates including officers

    must pass the bi-annual UKSF(R) Selection Course. Successful candidates must demonstrate physical and mental robustness under difficult conditions over a period of approximately one year. Officers are required to pass an assessment during or shortly after the Selection Course. All necessary training will be given, however the commitment is considerable, in excess of 55 days a year.

    ▪ communications The basic requirement for potential communicators follows the R Signals (V) policy for the enlistment of civilians.

    ▪ support Although UKSF(R) units tend to recruit Territorial Army personnel already qualified in the appropriate skills/trades, civilians with the appropriate transferable skills will also be considered.

    the national territorial army Recruiting information Handbook 9

    The Pool is established for 26 posts ranging from Sergeant to Major. It is administered by 6 Regiment Army Air Corps (Volunteers), who are based at Bury St. Edmonds, Suffolk.

    Role of UnitThe role of the Pool is to provide individual reinforcements to AAC units and other formations in times of war or other operations.

    typical tasks▪ Provide specialist aviation advice

    to commanders▪ Serve as watchkeepers in formation

    headquarters▪ Be aviation experts during United

    Kingdom operations, liaising with commanders and ‘blue-light services’

    ▪ Act as liaison officers during operations

    type of individUal/tRade/skills ReqUiRedThe AAC Watchkeeper Pool is looking for individuals who have an aviation background, preferably as aircrew. They should have good inter-personal and communications skills, and the ability to operate and brief at a high level.

    Uk special foRces (ReseRve) aRmy aiR coRps

    contact detailTel Mil: 94421 8224 Civ: 0121 386 8224Email: [email protected]:

    contact detailTel Mil: 94650 5145 Civ: 01284 719148Email: [email protected]:


    Sabre 34 34 Communications 34 34 Support Staff See remarks See remarks

    entRy aGe limits (may be waived in ceRtain ciRcUmstances)

    Chef ’s, Drivers, Clerks etc. –ages as per TA regulations

    Officer 45 Not applicable Soldier 35 Not applicable

    entRy aGe limits (may be waived in ceRtain ciRcUmstances)

    Normal retirement age is 60 for officers and

    55 for other ranks

    WiTh prEviOuS WiThOuT prEviOuS rEMarkS ExpEriEnCE ExpEriEnCE

    WiTh prEviOuS WiThOuT prEviOuS rEMarkS ExpEriEnCE ExpEriEnCE

  • Role of UnitThe role of RLC Territorial Army is to recruit, train, administer and be prepared to deploy logistic specialists to the Regular Armed Forces. Our nationally recruited units, based in Grantham, Lincolnshire, are organised into three Group HQs, seven major Logistic Regiments and six Staff Units. The regiments (less Catering Support Regiment, which is unique) mirror Regular RLC Units, and for training purposes are twinned with Regular RLC Units. ▪ Catering Support Regiment RLC.

    A Regular Army Unit with 300 TA chefs.▪ 88 Postal and Courier Regiment RLC(V).

    A Territorial Army Unit with four Postal and Courier Squadrons, it is twinned with 24 and 29 Postal, Courier and Movement Regiments based in Bielefeld, Germany and in South Cerney.

    ▪ 160 Transport Regiment RLC(V) is a

    Territorial Unit with three DROPS Squadrons, plus a Bulk Fuel Squadron and twinned with 8 Transport Regiment, based in Catterick.

    ▪ 162 Movement Control Regiment RLC(V). Consists of six Movement Control Squadrons, including a Regional Territorial Squadron based in Swindon. Twinned with 24 and 29 Postal, Courier and Movement Regiments based in Bielefeld, Germany and in South Cerney.

    ▪ 165 Port Regiment RLC(V). A Territorial Army Unit with three Port Squadrons,

    the national territorial Army Recruiting information Handbook10 11

    Officer – RMAS Sub–LtCol 57 30

    Officer – DSB WO1 52 Notapplicable

    Soldier 43 43

    entRY AGe liMitS (MAY be wAived in ceRtAin ciRcUMStAnceS)

    missiles. It is a technical, challenging and highly responsible job requiring people who are self-motivated and able to learn a wide variety of skills.

    ▪ BAKER * Using large mobile field bakery systems, our Bakers produce fresh bread and bread products for troops on large-scale exercises and operations before local contracts are let.

    ▪ ChEf * Trained to prepare food to a high standard and operate in busy kitchens and field environments serving hundreds of meals every day. Once qualified our chefs can expect to be part of a small team working anywhere in the world.

    ▪ DRivER * Our Drivers move supplies, equipment and personnel to wherever they are needed. They are trained to drive a variety of vehicles, on and off road, in all conditions. Our main cargo vehicle is the DROPS (De-mountable Rack Off load and Pick-up System), which, when fully loaded, has a gross all-up weight of 54 tons. We prefer those with LGV licences but will accept those with a B Licence for training.

    ▪ COMMuniCAtiOnS OpERAtOR * Our Communications Operators are the first into a location to set up all the high-tech radio gear in a Regimental Radio Troop, such as telephones, landlines and other communications equipment. This could be in the UK, a Middle Eastern desert or on the prairies of Canada.

    RoYAl loGiStic coRpSincluding one Regional Squadron based in Southampton. Twinned with 17 Port Regiment based in Marchwood.

    ▪ 166 Supply Regiment RLC(V). A Territorial Army Unit that has a Supply Squadron, Vehicle Squadron, an Ammunition Technical Support Squadron and an Operational Hygiene Services Squadron. It is twinned with 9 Supply Regiment based in Hullavingdon.

    ▪ 168 Pioneer Regiment RLC(V). Consists of three Pioneer Squadrons, including two Regional Territorial Squadrons based in the North East. Twinned with 23 Pioneer Regiment based in Bicester, Oxfordshire.

    ▪ 275 Railway Troop RLC(V). A Territorial Army Sub Unit of 79 Railway Squadron, part of 17 Port Regiment RLC.

    tYpe of individUAl/tRAde/SKillS ReQUiRedWhile our main aim is to recruit those with transferable skills, trade training may be available for those without skills in trades marked*. We’re also seeking ex-Regular officers and soldiers with the requisite skills or the ability to re-train.

    oUR tRAdeS▪ * Trained

    to inspect, repair, modify and dispose of a wide variety of ammunition and

    contAct detAiltel Mil:944523302Civ:08005876585Email:[email protected]



    ▪ pORt OpERAtOR * Our Port Operators are responsible for the quick loading and unloading and dispatch of all seagoing military cargoes. They are skilled at using fork-lift trucks and cranes to load heavy cargo onto specialist ships and can operate in an established port or over a beach head.

    ▪ RAilWAy OpERAtOR * Mainly recruited from the railway industry, the men and women who make up this trade are capable of operating rail networks world-wide, moving heavy freight, vehicles and machinery as well as troops and refugee traffic. They are trained to run all types of train and can handle everything from timetabling to driving trains, signalling and laying track.

    ▪ lAunDRy OpERAtOR * Laundry Operators use specialist equipment to provide laundry, decontamination and showering facilities to Regular and

    Reserve field hospitals and other units on exercises and operations. Their key role makes them one of the most widely travelled, most welcomed and most decorated Territorial Units.

    ▪ lOgiStiC SpECiAliSt (Supply) * Using sophisticated computer systems, our Logistic Specialists demand, store and issue some 750,000 inventory items to ensure our troops have the food, fuel, equipment and weaponry they need to carry out their duties.

    ▪ MARinE EnginEER Working on Army vessels, moving heavy gear such as tanks, trucks and bulky supplies. Marine engineers maintain everything from massive diesel engines to small petrol-driven outboard motors, as well as being responsible for equipment like air compressors and water pumps. Candidates must be fully trained engineers before enlistment.

    ▪ MOvEMEnt OpERAtOR * Movement Operators are logistic planners. They plan, organise and execute the movement of troops, vehicles and equipment by land, sea and air on exercise and operations throughout the world. They also operate at airfields, railheads and ports worldwide; controlling, reporting and documenting activity.

    ▪ pEtROlEuM OpERAtOR * Our Petroleum Operators demand, store and transport bulk and packaged high-grade fuel, oil and lubricants needed to run military vehicles and aircraft. They are trained to set up and dismantle fuel pipeline systems and test for contamination, as well as fire-fighting.

    ▪ piOnEER * Our Pioneers are ‘Jacks of all trades’, providing vital building capability ranging from construction to demolition. Their training includes all the normal building skills, plus they learn how to operate mechanical handling equipment including JCBs and other all-terrain vehicles.

    ▪ pOStAl AnD COuRiER OpERAtOR * Our Postal and Courier Operators are responsible for moving Armed Forces mail in peace time and in war, collecting sorting and delivering everything from letters sent by loved ones to official orders and secret documents to field locations. This may involve x-county deliveries using Harley-Davidson motorcycles or driving a Land Rover through the desert in the middle of the night.

    ▪ SEAMAn * Not everyone who goes to sea is in the Royal Navy and our Seamen are trained to operate specialised landing craft and small inshore boats, as well as navigation and helmsman skills. Training is lengthy and involves both RN and Army courses.

    ▪ vEhiClE SpECiAliSt * Our Vehicle Specialists are trained to receive, store and issue the full range of the Army’s vehicle f leet ready for action. As they need to drive vehicles ranging from motorcycles to tanks they gain more driving licences than any other trade.

    RAnK With WithOut REMARKS pREviOuS pREviOuS SERviCE SERviCE

  • CVHQ Army Medical Services recruit healthcare professionals and administrative staff for a nationally recruited Field Hospital and a manpower pool of clinicians, plus a nationally recruited Evacuation Regiment.

    In addition, it provides recruiting support to the 10 regionally recruited Field Hospitals.

    Typical Tasks▪ Provide specialist health care personnel

    to Field Hospitals on operations▪ Provide specialist in-transit care

    on operations

    Type of individual/Trade/skills required▪ Fully trained and experienced

    medical healthcare professionals of all disciplines and administrative support personnel

    ▪ 2 Med Bde priorities are as follows:

    Medical officers Medical StudentsEmergency MedicineAnaestheticsSurgeryMedicinePsychologyRadiology Pathology

    nurses Health Care AssistantsStudent NursesRegistered Nurses (RN) AdultMost RN Adult specialties, but in particular ITU and A&ERN Mental Health

    allied Health professionalsOperating Department PractitionersRadiographersBio Medical Scientist Pharmacy Technicians

    dentalDental OfficersDental Nurses

    vetVeterinary Officers

    othersRLC – Chefs and DriversAGC – Military ClerksREME – Vehicle Mechanic, Medical and Dental Technichians

    The national Territorial army recruiting information Handbook12 13

    W ith thousands of vehicles and an immense array of equipment, the Army has one of the largest ranges of kit of any British organisation. Keeping it all in working order is the job of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME). From the Army’s rifles to Challenger 2 Main Battle Tanks, everything needs to be ready for action at a moment’s notice, which means inspection, maintenance, repair and recovery all over the world, in all conditions.

    REME Territorial soldiers and officers train with and support Regular and Territorial units. Nationally Recruited Territorial Army personnel within the REME are members of Companies within 102 Battalion or 103 Battalion, or members of sub-units that provide intimate support to their parent Battalion or Regiment. 102 Bn REME is based in Newton Aycliffe, in Co Durham, while 103 Bn REME is based in Crawley, West Sussex. Both have National

    and Regional Territorial Army Companies. Sub-units are located with their parent unit throughout the country.

    roleNationally Recruited Officers and Soldiers have a minimum commitment of 19 days per year and can also deploy on operations in the contingent component role supporting the Regular Army. In addition to using their trade, our personnel learn a wide range of military skills, develop their communication and leadership abilities and enjoy adventurous training.

    Type of individual/Trade/skills required▪ Officers benefit from having a Technical

    Degree (Engineering, Science-based, IT, Maths or other numerate degree)

    ▪ Technical trades – Vehicle Mechanics, Electronic Technicians, Body Shop Technicians, Welders, Fitter/Turners, Armourers, Recovery Mechanics,

    Electricians, Medical and Dental Technicians and Storemen

    ▪ Support trades – Chefs, Drivers, and Clerks

    The REME Territorial Army offers its part-time soldiers the opportunity to gain further skills and qualifications by attending a range of trade and leadership courses.

    arMy Medical services

    royal elecTrical & MecHanical engineers

    conTacT deTailTel Mil: 94772 2681 Civ: 01904 44 2681Email: 2medbde-cvhq-g1- [email protected]:

    Officer 35 35Soldier 43 43SSgt and above 45SSgt and below 43

    enTry age liMiTs (May be waived in cerTain circuMsTances)

    Eng Degree/HND useful

    WiTh prEviOuS WiThOuT prEviOuS rEMarkS ExpEriEnCE ExpEriEnCE agE rEMarkS

    Doctors 55 nurses 50health Care assistants (all Ors) 43all Soldiers 45

    enTry age liMiTs (May be waived in cerTain circuMsTances)

    Healthcare professionals may be commissioned as Professionally

    Qualified Officers

    conTacT deTailsnOrTh Of EnglanD anD SCOTlanD (102 Bn rEME) Tel Mil: 94731 8241/8210 Civ: 01325 375041/375010Tel (Ta Scotland): 0131 3105821Email: [email protected]:

    SOuThErn EnglanD (103 Bn rEME)Tel Mil: 94215 5926 Civ: 01293 552976Email: [email protected]:

    WalES, MiDlanDS anD EaSTErn EnglanDTel Mil: 94461 2531 Civ: 01743 262531Email: [email protected]

  • The Adjutant General’s Corps, formed in 1992, is one of the largest Corps in the British Army and deals with its most vital resource – its personnel. It achieves this by employing high quality professional soldiers who in addition to being soldiers have secondary trades in Administration, Policing, Education and Law.


    Role of UnitTo provide support to members of the Territorial and Regular Army in HR, administration and financial matters.

    typical tasksTasks include the maintenance and update of computer records of all officers and

    the national territorial army Recruiting information Handbook14 15


    Role of UnitThe National Territorial Army Military Police assist with all aspects of policing duties when on exercise, attachment or when deployed. They also have sub units of the Special Investigation Branch, for which applicants must be qualified within the Criminal Investigation Department of a law enforcement department or agency.

    contact detailSOLDIERSTel Mil: 94271 2597 Civ: 01962 887522Email: [email protected] Mil: 94271 2522 Civ: 01962 887522Email: [email protected]: join_the_agc.htm

    contact detailTel Mil: 94660 6798 Civ: 01206 543591Website: /join_the_agc.htm

    contact detailTel Mil: 94344 5656 Civ: 01980 615656Email: [email protected]: /join_the_agc.htm

    WIThOuT pREvIOuS SERvICE In RMp REMaRkSOfficer Maj 40 Capt 35 Lt 30 Soldier SSgt & WO 43 Sgt 40 Cpl & below 35

    entRy aGe liMits (May be waived in ceRtain ciRcUMstances)

    National Territorial Army RMP require previous military experience and current employment in

    the law enforcement arena.

    Those without these qualifications should approach their local Armed Forces Careers

    Office or a Territorial Army unit for details of Regional Territorial Army RMP units


    Role of UnitThe unit, at company strength, was formed in April 2007 in Colchester to meet the enduring requirement for MPS support on operations. There is soon the likelihood that MPS will be required to support to two concurrent deployments of MPS(V) Operations. Due to the time constraints on the mobilisation of Territorial Army personnel, in addition to MPS(V) personnel availability for deployment, they will also be used to back-fill for regular MPS personnel at MCTC. Custody and the handling of

    WIThOuT pREvIOuS SERvICE REMaRkSOfficer N/A Soldier SSgt & WO 50 Sgt 49

    entRy aGe liMits (May be waived in ceRtain ciRcUMstances)

    Direct entrants with no former military service must have substantial custodial experience with

    the civil police or private custodial sector.

    Those with previous military service will be considered on a case by case basis.

    detainees, internees and PW is extremely high profile and must be conducted in compliance with current regulations. Members of the MPS(V) normally hold the minimum rank of Sergeant.

    WIThOuT pREvIOuS SERvICE REMaRkSOfficer 45 Soldier 43

    entRy aGe liMits (May be waived in ceRtain ciRcUMstances)

    Those with previous service will be considered on their merits

    soldiers and the preparation and payment of travel and subsistence expenses.

    type of individUal/tRade/skills ReqUiRedThe SPS branch of the Adjutant General’s Corps (AGC) is looking for individuals who are numerate, with good communication skills, preferably with a background in administration and Information Technology.

    adjUtant GeneRal’s coRps

  • linguist pool

    Role of UnitBecause the Territorial Army supports operations all over the world, linguists are always in demand. They work wherever their talents are needed, as linguists, translators or liaison officers. The linguist pool is an all commisioned officer pool.

    type of individUal/tRade/SkillS ReqUiRedThe specialist linguist pool is currently seeking to recruit individuals who have a degree (or equivalent), or who are bi-lingual/native speakers in any language relevant to UK Defence needs. The pool also has a special interest in linguists with skills in the following languages:▪ Arabic ▪ Farsi▪ Dari▪ Pashto▪ French

    the national territorial army Recruiting information Handbook16 17

    t he Media Operations Group is a reservist unit, based in Kingston Upon Thames in Surrey. As part of the Future Army Structure, the group has been given authority to expand from an all-officer formation to an all-ranks organisation, comprising four squadrons.

    Role of UnitThe Media Operations Group supports the Regular Army on operations and to train the Regular Army for operations.

    On operations, personnel from the Group deploy as escort officers, media planners, analysts and spokespeople. They can provide individual reinforcements for existing media teams, or establish a complete Press Information Centre, providing the full range of media-handling functions as well as specialist advice to the commander.

    In its training role, it provides specialist media packages at all levels of command to support pre-deployment training.

    typical taSkStraining: Simulated press to support exercises▪ TV camera crews▪ Radio presenters▪ Internet specialists▪ Journalists

    operations: deployed as augmentees to Regular formations▪ Media Escort▪ Media Briefing Officer/planner/analyst▪ Spokesperson

    adJUtant GeneRal’S coRpS (continUed)

    media opeRationS GRoUp

    contact detailTel Mil: 94344 5013 Civ: 01980 61 5013Email: [email protected]: /join_the_agc.htm

    contact detailTel Civ: 0208 974 6543Email: [email protected]:

    contact detailTel Mil: 94344 8714 Civ: 01980 618714Email: [email protected]: /join_the_agc.htm

    WiThouT prEvious sErviCE rEMarks

    officer N/AMaj 40Capt 42Lt/2Lt 45soldier 49

    entRy aGe limitS (may be waived in ceRtain ciRcUmStanceS)

    Officers commissioned as Professionally Qualified Officers

    ARMY lEgAl sERViCEs (Als)

    Role of UnitThe Army Legal Services is a Service Directorate of the Adjutant General’s Corps that provides commissioned barristers and solicitors in support of the Regular Army.

    typical taSkS▪ Taking part in courts martials ▪ Advising the chain of command on military discipline ▪ Advising MOD policy branches on legal matters generally as they affect the Army

    entRy aGeThere is no formal age limit for ALS Territorial Army Officers. The typical age range is between 30 and 40.

    type of individUal/tRade/SkillS ReqUiRedApplicants need to be fully qualified lawyers with appropriate formal qualifications and professional experience. Successful candidates will be commissioned as Professionally Qualified Officers.

    rank WiTh WiThouT rEMarks prEvious prEvious sErviCE sErviCE

    officer Capt/Maj 45 33soldier All 52 43

    entRy aGe limitS (may be waived in ceRtain ciRcUmStanceS)

  • A round half of the British Army’s Intelligence Corps is made up of the 1 Military Intelligence Brigade (1MI Bde). The role of the brigade is to prepare, deliver and sustain Military Intelligence, Psychological Force Elements and Weapons Intelligence Specialists to readiness in order to conduct operations in support of Land Forces and wider UK Defence tasks. 1 MI Bde TA is split into three units: 3 Military Intelligence Battalion (V), 5 Military Intelligence Battalion and 15 (UK) Psychological Operations Group.

    Role of Unit

    3 Military intelligence Battalion (V) To provide specialist intelligence and security capabilities in support of Military Operations. 3 MI Bn (V) delivers Intelligence and Security for operations across the spectrum of conflict to the DIS, PJHQ, HQ LF, UKSC (G), JARIC, DSF, 15 (UK) PSYOPS Gp, 3 (UK) and 1 (UK) Armed Divisions and HQ Allied Rapid Reaction Corps in order to contribute to their military capability.

    5 Military intelligence Battalion (V)Battalion HQ in Coulby Newham, Middlesbrough, with sub-units and sections across the UK and Northern Ireland. It provides tactical INT and Security support to the Regular MI Battalions and the DHU in the UK and Germany. The Battalion mobilises individual reservists rather than formed sub-units.

    typical tasks▪ Intelligence collection▪ Intelligence management▪ Intelligence production▪ Security and security advice▪ HUMINT▪ IMINT▪ Languages▪ Military skills

    type of individUal/tRade/skills ReqUiRed

    ▪ officers Officers should have seen previous Regular or TA service although this is not critical. Transfers are welcome from all

    the national territorial army Recruiting information Handbook18 19

    Officer Capt/Maj 18-35Soldier All 18-43

    entRy cRiteRia

    15 (UK) Psychological oPerations groUPPart of 1 MI Brigade, 15 (UK) Psychological Operations Group (15POG) is a tri-service unit responsible for providing psychological operational support to British Forces, wherever they are. The unit has the expertise to design and produce printed material, radio, television and other audio-visual programming. For this, the Group requires people with experience in television and film production, graphic and print design, illustration, radio journalism and presenting, web design and others with technical skills to ensure we achieve the highest possible production and delivery standards, often in very difficult conditions.

    Role of tHe GRoUp15POG is in the business of influencing attitudes in order to affect behaviour in support of a military commander’s mission. This is done with a range of planned, culturally sensitive, truthful and attributable activities, directed and disseminated by various means to an approved and selected target audience.

    tHe GRoUpThe Group consists of Regular and Reserve officers and other ranks, who provide operational support, planning, production expertise as well as specialised logistic and technical support. Members are drawn from all three Services, and range from intelligence analysts, Infantry, Royal Marines, Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force, each bringing skills that add to this unique Unit’s capabilities.

    15POG has been deployed in support of military and peace-keeping operations in the Balkans, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sierra Leone and elsewhere as well as becoming an integral part of UK and European-based exercises. It is currently experiencing considerable growth, both in personnel and equipment to meet the new challenges and opportunities to be faced.

    There are currently 39 Regular and 28 Reservist members of the Group, supported by a small civilian administration team.

    Reserve members are drawn from all branches of the Territorial Army and Royal Auxiliary Air Force, together with members recruited from the Royal Naval and Royal Marines Reserves and have the specific professional skills and experience needed to provide specialised support.

    intelliGence coRps

    intelliGence coRps

    cap badges and are subject to passing an interview and a Selection Board. Personnel with no previous military commissioned service must attend the Battalion Selection Weekend.

    ▪ soldiers Anyone is eligible to apply to join as a soldier (including those with previous Regular or TA service), as long as they meet the entry criteria and attend an Open Evening where they will receive a Battalion Brief and an Interview. They must then pass the Generic TA Selection Weekend and then pass a Battalion Selection Weekend before commencing Phase 1 Training (CMS) followed by Phase 2 Training (Op MI Class 3). Certain personnel may proceed direct to Phase 2 subject to former service/transferee status – this is subject to a case by case basis.

    locationsBattalion Headquarters and Training Companies are in London and Coulby Newham. Companies all over the UK and Northern Ireland.

    contact detailTelMil:9456492839Civ:01462752839Email:[email protected]

    Officer Lt/Capt/Maj 21-50 18-45Soldier All 21-50 18-45

    entRy aGe liMits



    Rank WiThpREviOuS WiThOuTpREviOuS REMaRkS ExpERiEnCE ExpERiEnCE Rank aGE

    contact detail3MiTelMil:946213912Civ:02076113912Email:[email protected]

    contact detail5MiTelMil:947144159Civ:01642579912Fax:947144157Civ:01642579157Email:[email protected]

  • RG/BRO/115 July 2008 Produced for the Ministry of Defence by Army Recruiting Group Crown Copyright July 2008

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