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Website Improvement


 Ryan Stanford

Oct. 9, 2013

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1.)  Become more aligned with NASCAR corporate vision and effectively communicate it to the


2.)  Create a positive perception of the foundation as THE established charitable division under

the NASCAR corporate umbrella – largest charitable effort in sports.

3.)  Not change the current focus on children…but better define and reframe awareness ofcurrent programs and overall vision of NASCAR and its alignment with children to turn fanawareness of foundation into action and participation. 

4.)  Create a more visually and functionally appealing online presence for the foundation in an

effort to improve traffic – leading to increased awareness and contribution from visitors.

5.) Increase individual financial contributions.-  Current yearly profits for the foundation is roughly 80% corporate giving and 20% event


6.)  Incorporate grants


-  Conversation Farm

o  The movement must be public, it’s important to show not just the leader (the

foundation) but also the followers (donors, fundraisers) because new followersemulate other followers. 

o  As more people join in the movement it becomes perceived as less “risky” and moreimpactful by potential followers. 

o  The public needs to see before AND after situations of children to show howmeaningful an effect their contributions have on them….the change (the STORY) iswhat interests people. 

o  Don’t create new initiatives, reframe existing ones to give them context within thelarger picture - then you can create new levels of community involvement andleverage mutual value from it.

-  General Info:

o  The following proposal is compiled based on research from several surveys and

comparisons from other similar charitable websites ( and

as well as based on the layout/format of the NASCAR Green website.!  The benefit of giving The NASCAR Foundation website a layout similar to

NASCAR Green is that it creates the sense of a unified “theme” among

NASCAR’s overall online presence.

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Research Notes:

-  Cone CSR 2013 Survey

o  The importance of In-depth summary/explanation of each program is because

according to the Cone 2013 survey, in order to differentiate companies need todeliver clear information about the issue, as well as the expected individual andcollective impact.

!  To build trust and deeper engagement, it will be critical for companies toshowcase collective return – both from their own programs as well as thoseactions taken by consumers, from purchasing and advocating.

o  Choosing what to buy is not simply about finding a product with a CSR benefit – it’sabout selecting the product whose claim or association in the most meaningful to theconsumer.

o Consumers show a propensity to want to be engaged in CSR through purchasing, buthigh-touch efforts like giving their time and money are a more challenging proposition.

!  92% of consumers say they would buy a product with a social/environmental benefit given the opportunity, and 67% have actually done so in the last 12months.

o  Americans are nearly twice as likely as their global peers (13% vs. 7%) to wantcompanies to focus on making donations.

o  Given the maturity of CSR in the U.S., differentiation lies in which companies areable to consistently demonstrate impact. “Consumers need to perceive a personal andsocietal value from their actions – if they don’t have a sense of their impact they’llmove onto another product or service. Return is paramount.”

o  The approach to addressing social and environmental issues that consumers wouldlike to see companies take:

!  Change the way they operate (30%)!  Develop (or enhance) product that can help solve a social/enviro. issue

(18%).!  Apply their unique business assets to speed solutions to social/environmental

 problems (16%)!  Raise awareness/educate consumers/employees (12%)!  Seek feedback from or develop partnerships with key stakeholders around a

social/environmental issue (11%)

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-  PR Week US Cause Survey: The Male Perspective (Nov. 2010)

o  Of the respondents (male) who have been involved with a cause in the past year insome manner, 73% are 18-29, 80% are 30-41, and 89% are 42-60.

o  Of those surveyed, 80% say it’s important to know exactly where the donation goesand what the results are. As to where they find that information, 35% want to learnabout the results via the company website, while 33% prefer to obtain theinformation on the package.

o   Nike partnered with Livestrong and the first product they put out was the yellowwristbands (which has generated $80 million since it’s inception)

!  TNF needs to stop following others (with the bands) and become the leaderwith a new idea.

-  Livestrong Foundation

o  The foundation has raised over $400 million in revenues since it’s inception in 1997.

o  General giving from the public (majority from online donations) represents 34%,fundraising events generate 24%, merchandise sales 22%, cause marketing and business development initiatives 14%, and miscellaneous sources 6%.

o  2012 Revenues:2 !  $48,070,763 total revenue!  $8,285,697 (17.2% of total revenue) general contributions

•  Primarily from online contributions

o  Offer a tax receipt request form that becomes popular around tax season!  Via Jessica Cottrell, Annual Giving and Stewardship Coordinator, Livestrong

-   Non Profit Engage

o  15 Techniques used by top Nonprofits to boost donor acquisition and onlinefundraising results3 

1 2 3


! Go Mobile! Grab Peoples Attention

! Make Sure it’s Branded! Use Compelling Imagery

!Simplify site navigation

! Reduce information required from donors

! Use Giving Labels! Encourage people to give monthly

! Give people a way to stay in touch! Add social proof

! Put security first! Be transparent

!Give Donors something nice

! Take Advantage of the moment

! Don’t forget about the new donors

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Scrolling banner withfoundation


events (important in showcasing collective return

to consumers/donors.) 

Menu bar: About, Programs,

Ways to help, Partners, In thenews, donate, and contact us.

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K Page should be centered (now it is left aligned)

K “Donate Now” button will be along top of page (link will allow donor to choose specific program/initiative it

goes to)

K Social media links included somewhere tasteful.

K Stories will be linked to program (ex. Unites) page of site to make multiple click-through avenues for visitors to

learn about the different programs

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Webpage Breakdowns

(highlighted on previous page)

-  About:

o  Mission Statemento  Impact Statement

Summary (history)!  Important to communicate where the foundation is, how it got here, and

where it plans to go.4 o  Letter/Statement from the Foundation Director and/or NASCAR Presidento  Board of Directorso  Staff

-  Programs:

o   NASCAR Day! 

In-depth summary/explanation of program.


 •  Clear up confusion on what day is about and what to do on the day.6 

!  Proceeds from NASCAR Day pin benefit the Victory Junction Gang Campand The NASCAR Foundation.

o   NASCAR Dreams!  In-depth summary/explanation of program!  Highlight of charity auctions (meant to raise funds specifically for Dreams

Program)!  Focus on individual stories

7 - weekly?

! Highlight support of local groups at tracks (Boy scouts)

o  Speediatrics!  In-depth summary/explanation of program!  Full descriptions of fundraising events:

•  High Speed Hold 'Em poker fundraising event

•  Championship Taste fundraising evento  Sponsorship levels (VIP, Victory Lane, Checkered Flag,

Green Flag, White Flag)!  Driver and child testimonials - stories 

4 Cone 2013 Survey 5 Cone 2013 Survey 6 2012/13 The NASCAR Foundation Business Plan 7 The Conversation Farm 

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o   NASCAR Unites!  In-depth summary/explanation of program…specifically define that it is an

initiative for volunteerism.!  Highlight causes (disaster relief, animal welfare, etc.) that the program aims

to support/has supported in the past.!  Identify outreach areas of focus8 ! 

Meant to be the cause marketing aggregator of the entire industry


 !  Create easy way for partners, drivers, tracks, and fans to activate with

Unites.10 !  Livestrong has similar grassroots fundraiser program in which registered

fundraising “leaders” have access to special online account with tools and promo’s to host fundraising events with the Livestrong logos/advertising, etc.These accounts also allow the registered individuals to keep track of howmany hours they have volunteered (and/or how much money they havehelped the foundation fundraise.)11 

•  Maybe keep a live “leaderboard” between all fundraisers. Treat it likethe NASCAR Standings and top 12 fundraisers make it to the chase at

the end of the year…leads into BJFH award?•  Maybe even allow these leaders to write/post stories of the event to be

featured online…after being reviewed by foundation.-  Ways to Help


o  Giving!  Donate!  Matching Gifts!  In-kind!  Monthly Giving!  Workplace Giving!  Planned Giving

o Fundraising

!  Online Fundraising!   NASCAR Unites Volunteer Fundraising

o  Sponsorships!  Become a sponsor!  Current Sponsors

o  Products & Promotions!  Promotions that give back

•  Goodyear Give back!  TNF Products

•  Wristbands & Pinso 

Volunteering!   NASCAR Unites Program!  Local Participating Tracks & Organizations

8 Cone 2013 Survey 9 2012/13 The NASCAR Foundation Business Plan 10 The Conversation Farm 11 12 

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-  Partners

o  Do a better job at spotlighting repeat donors and high-level donors, create bettervalue proposition, something that will keep them donating year-after-year.13 

!  Livestrong “societies” – each society is organized based on different “rules”.Each society has an explanation as to how the members became admitted,

what they stand for, and their contribution amount.


 (I have detaileddescriptions from each society from the livestrong foundation in a separate

document) o 

-  In the News

o  TNF In the News – list of article title’s and Publisher names with link to full article!  Similar to NASCAR Green15 !  Include article’s photo (if applicable) 

-  Contact Us

o  Mailing addresso  Phone

o  Faxo  Email

Transparency of foundation through website is crucial

…go into livestrong emails and financials based on website

13 14 15 

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 Future Expansion

-  The NASCAR Foundation Store:

o Partner with Motorsports Authentics (own Chase Authentics who makes all theapparel for the Superstore OR…

o  Partner with Alpinestar who manufactured motorsports, action sports, and causalclothing. (already sponsors and provides fire suits to several NASCAR drivers.)

o  Through a partnership strike a deal that provides their brand with a charitableassociation (with an “in-kind” industry centered foundation) and thus better value proposition, in return for low cost products. Will allow majority of profits to bedonated on behalf of TNF)

!  Consumers show a propensity to want to be engaged in CSR through purchasing, but high-touch efforts like giving their time and money are amore challenging proposition.16 

! On tags of each product sold there can be information about the program theysupported, where the money goes, etc.

16 Cone 2013 Survey 

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