Download - The Mystery Woman

  • 8/8/2019 The Mystery Woman


    The Mystery Woman and the secrets of Existence and Creation revealed.

    PART 1

    It was a beautiful morning, and as I often do I was out walking on my own in the woods, deep

    and far away from "civilization" - indeed I had walked at least 7 hours into nowhere, when Imet her. A most beautiful yet mysterious woman with the clothing of Nature was simply

    standing there among the trees, looking at me, waving me towards her.

    Something mysterious and strange, that I could never before have even imagined in my most

    bizarre dreams, was about to unfold.

    I stared at her palm as she lifted it up and exposed it for me, and there it was, the eye staring

    back at me- and at the same moment I felt myself being tugged, violently pulled would be a

    more fitting description, towards the gazing eye in the palm of her open hand which was now

    stretched out towards me. And in that very same moment time itself ceased to exist there

    was no longer any now, or before, or what was to come I found myself sucked through theblack darkness of that empty eye, and as I hurled through space with images indescribable

    flowing through my mind as the abyss grabbed me, a feeling of despair went through me that

    seemed to last an eternity.

    And then it happened I was there, on the other side, within the endless dark void of the inner

    world of the eye itself exploding in fire as I entered this new realm, nothing yet everything

    could be summarized to be there within at the same time. And now I was too. Flames

    engulfing my body it was no longer my body I WAS the fire!

    Those who saw me from their own eyes at that moment if they even had eyes, or if they

    were even there would see me as a shiny spark igniting into a combusting explosion that

    only lasted for as long as a blink of an eye. Yet there I was, burning, screaming with no sound

    but only thought, and having great surges of tremendous energy blast through my body the

    body I no longer had, the fire I now consisted of.

    What seemed to me like twirling tornados of electric blue shapes came towards me, and

    engulfed my entire being, spinning through me and within me and making me turn inside out.

    That was the moment I finally felt free a great relief, a burden of stone cast away from me,

    and I gained back my sight to view this new place which I now found myself.

    That was the moment I noticed them. The tubes. Endlessly weaving their ways through thiscosmos, in their great transparent yet botanical splendor, as the veins of Earth itself. Slowly,

    yet fast, the forms were changing, or rather morphing, into existence around me where I was

    standing within one of the great tunnels of Life or was it Death?

    Seeing a strange blue growth with an field of energy reminding me of electricity, lightning

    and thunder - but without the sound - I decided to touch it, there as it was sticking out of the

    wall within the tube I found myself.

    And in an instant, the Universe filled my entire being, and I filled the entire Universe, not

    only so - I was All of Existence, God - the Source of All - was me. There were no questions,

    nothing to wonder about, as I knew it all, everything was as clear as it could ever be,"Illumination" now had a new profound meaning and I did indeed feel myself as an endless

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    Conscious enegy source radiating a form of light-energy in all directions.

    Absorbed into my Soul, the entire Knowledge and Experience of All that is, have been and

    will be, I again found myself elsewhere. This time I was back, standing with the Woman, in

    the very same spot, and she said "You now know your purpose and who you are. May you

    work for the better of them all".

    My body was paralyzed, I could not move - my head was hurting as about to explode. Every

    bit of knowledge, and insight, that I had just experienced, was still there within my Mind - but

    split, as fractions, in pieces, like my brain could simply not hold it all together.

    The Woman started walking away from me, into the woods, until she was gone - and I could

    finally manage to move again.

    It had been a most exhausting and startling yet wonderful experience. I did not know what to

    think of it at the time and had to get back home as fast as possible, find my bed, and get some

    rest. During my sleep I re-entered the worlds and experiences I had in the woods.

    Waking up the morning after, having slept more than 12 hours, I felt refreshed but puzzled

    and enlightened at the same time. From then on I Knew. I received constant knowledge, as if

    directly from the Source. I was filled with Understanding.

    I never found out whom the Woman was, or why she had been there as if waiting for me, yet I

    realize it was because the time was right, and I had to fulfill what I had come here for, in this

    body , this incarnation.

    Ten years have passed, and still my brain is putting the pieces of the puzzle together, and my

    understanding of All is evergrowing.

    I truly bless the day I met the Woman - yet at the same time wonder.

    PART 2

    One day as I was out in the mountains, seated in a small natural field by a cliff to meditate and

    contemplate, there was a sudden urge of energy rising up through my spine violently and


    This energy seemed to enter from the ground I was sitting and up through my base chakra,

    and with great power shooting its way up through my full being and all chakras ending in an

    eruption of energetic sensations at my crown chakra.

    While this was happening I was no more where I was, and I knew not even where I had been

    prior to what I currently was experiencing. It simply seemed to be where I always had been

    and always would be, my home, the perfect and boundless Source of all Creation, where i

    myself was both the Source and all of its Creations.

    At that very specific moment, I was no longer aware of the primary energy sensations

    ravaging through my physical body, not my physical body or any other existence at all, indeedthere were no questions, nothing to wonder about, as everything was exactly what it should

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    be, and I was what I always had been and ever would be, all knowing, understanding every

    aspects of every single fragment wihin Creation that I myself was.

    I was creating various energy constructs that took their own forms and lives and multiplied

    and continued to build into other constructs and other forms, both physical and non-physical,

    even beyond my own control. I was watching it all unfold, I was the Observer of everythingthat was, all of my own Creation which itself Created forms that Created.

    All was Mind, and I was the Consciousness within that Mind. Everything existed within the

    Mind, which was me, and nothing could ever or did ever exist outside that one Mind which I


    The Mind had always been, and would always continue to be. It was only constantly

    tranforming and rearranging forms and structures within itself, and observing these events.

    This process led the Mind to constantly expand and the same was the case for other Minds,

    which one could call Lesser Minds, existing within the One Mind, as they too were replicating

    the process and creation of the One Mind, though in their own individual ways, creating anddestroying elements that the One Mind itself had never even thought of, yet there it all was,

    part of and originally emitted from the One Mind, within itself.

    The Mind, the One Mind, Source of All creation, was by itself neither good nor bad in any

    aspects, it was not positive nor negative, it was not happy nor sad, there were no hate nor

    love, it was neither genius nor crazy. Yet, it was all of these at the same time. But since it

    itself was Oneness, it did not experience either such things as part of itself, instead it let into

    its creations various aspects of its totality. Thus it was able to perceive and observe these

    aspects of itself within its own creations that were now active with various of these aspects

    and attributes, all within The Mind itself, being reflected in the various Lesser Minds it had

    created, which themselves created even Lesser Minds, whom all were creating and observing

    and experiencing, both their own creations and those creations of those other Mind-Forms.

    Energies and information constantly exchanged between the Minds as information flowing

    through a network would, and even though some Minds were not aware of receiving or

    sending such information from and to other Minds, it still took place, and affected them, and

    their own creations, and it all shaped the perception of the One Mind, the Source of All,

    which constantly was observing and experiencing it all at once. Indeed the perception of the

    various Lesser Minds were also influenced and shaped by not only these energetic connection

    and information exchanges, but also by observing eachother and eachothers creations, as well

    as their own creations and work and even their own Inner Mental World, which seemed tothem to be external from their creations, yet it was one and the same as the External World.

    Everything is Mental, Existence is consciousness, and all is connected and One, even though

    the various Minds and Lesser Minds existing within The Source of All Creation more often

    than not experienced themselves as individuals and external from all others and as part of

    being or existing within a specific world or universe.

    And indeed, such universes and worlds did exist, and still do, but were all created by Minds,

    and given various rules and laws that applied and applies to these places, to the inhabitants of

    those places and so on. Some places were called spiritual and others physical, yet they

    were all created by Minds and manifested by Thought-Energy.

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    Thus having gone on for times unknown, through amounts of Lesser Minds uncountable, the

    expansion reached such a degree that there existed what we can only call many levels of

    reality, or planes of existence, physical and non-physical, different entities and beings, and

    endless amounts of various dimensions, worlds and universes, all co-existing at the same time

    and often overlapping eachother, only separated by different frequencies.

    As I woke up and found myself still shaking from the energy burst, now flat on my back in

    the grassy field, I realized I had just seen the totality of existence from the very beginning to

    the very point I, and we all, currently are. Our world, our lives, our bodies, nothing of it were

    unique or special, it was just another place created by another God, one of those other

    Lesser Minds taking part of creation, and we were all subject to his own individual laws and

    agendas and not to the laws nor agendas or even wishes or cares of the True God, the

    Source of All Creation.

    We were, with the lack of better terms, nothing but slaves imprisoned in a very low level of

    existence, compared to how much is really out there, and how much we all are, in terms of our

    true spiritual beings, our origins, and our abilities and powers, which all boils down to Mindand the Mental and the Powers of Consciousness and Though. We are all creating the events

    taking place in our lives, both by purpose, and by accident, and ignorance. Thus we can also

    all create the world and our perception of everything just the way we wantit, through altering

    our states of Mind and rearranging our Mental elements placed in our


    For us all there is a choise to either live on as slaves life after life, or ascend and be free

    by experiencing more of of True Self and connecting with our Higher Soul, leaving the laws

    and rules and that which binds us here on this lower level of existence which is created by

    someone that are not even worthy of giving thanks or praises as all this God have done is

    imprison us and take our liberties and true abilities and knowledge away from us.

    I was free, and I was able to understand the greatest picture of all times, and no longer did I

    ever have to worry about anything in life, and I was able to experience immortality and the

    truth of my being and the complex nature of all of existence.

    PART 3

    Aspects and perceptions of individuality: How events and experiences in your life is created

    by yourself

    Because of the nature of individuality on the lower planes of existence, we perceive ourselvesas unique and separate from that which we call eachother. When observing this phenomena

    more closely however, and truly looking into it, one will acknowledge that individuality

    merely is the existence of the Whole split up in various fractions or fragments if you want,

    each such fragment containing certain aspects of the Whole including its own Perception of


    The Perception is the means of how one such fragment of individuality, one so callled

    individual, judges and explains Existence and everything within it based upon his/hers

    fragmental composition, that very Mind which that specific Individual consists of, in turn due

    to what properties he/she is charged with because of the very fractions of the Whole he/she

    consists of.

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    The Individual has its Perception of anything within its Existence, whether that is reflecting

    something negative, positive or neutral. However, every Individual has its own Perception of

    various Fixed objects, events, experiences, and so on and even though the Fixed item itself

    do not change, the Perception of the very same item do change between various Individuals.

    This is simply due to the polarity of the Individual, in other terms what Aspects the Individual

    is charged with and thus Perceives certain things in the shared level of Existence that allIndividuals are part of.

    One Individual may enjoy what another Individual loath, and another one may hate what

    some other love, and so on. The items, events and experiences themselves in question here are

    not different nor do they change, it is all a matter of the Individuals Perception of such.

    However, since Individuals are part of the Whole, they can influence eachother and thus

    change their original Perception of something to something different. This in turn means that

    any Individual has all the responsibility - as well as powers - behind and to make any event or

    experience play out in his/her Perception of Existence.

    And because of this and the fact that one Individual is part of the Whole, and the Whole itself

    is all Mind, the Mind of the Individual can affect the Mind of the Whole to manifest and

    create certain events and experiences within that Individuals Existence. Further on this means

    that the state of Mind an Individual is within determines the Experiences of that Individual

    within that Individuals Existence.

    This all means that Existence is not predetermined but completely fabricated and created by

    the Individual itself, thus the Individual has complete power over any Event and Experience

    in its Perception of Existence, whether that Individual is aware of this fact or not.

    Because the Individual itself is responsible for its Existence, or rather its experience and

    Perception of its Existence, it can rearrange its original Aspects and thus create a new

    Perception which in turn will create a new or changed experience of Existence and any Events

    taking place within it for that Individual.

    The Universe is Mental, and Everything is Mind, and All Perceived and Experienced by an

    Individual is that very Individuals own Creation when it comes to the very core of it.

    PART 4

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