
The Mountain DirtPolk County Master Gardeners August 2014Volume 13, Issue 8 Co-Editors Sherry Humphries and Becky Norris

Inside This Issue

July Minutes.......................2-4

Financial Statement............4-5

Ratatouille Recipe..............5-6

Project and Committee Reports..................................6

Advanced MG Training........6

Papercrete Workshop............7

Upcoming Events.................7

August Meeting Hostesses

Ladell RisenhooverFran Hadaway

Betty SmithMickey DavisTina Castor

Editor's Message

One thing I have always admired about country folks I've met since moving to Arkansas is their ability to feed themselves off the land. Whether that means hunting deer and hogs, growing crops, raising livestock, or canning food, it is an essential skill that has become all but lost. Although we enjoy many more conveniences than our great-grandparents did, surely it can only be a good thing to hang on to such knowledge.

These days, the idea of self-sufficiency in food has manifested itself in a renewed interest in homesteading, even meeting with modern technology in the form of urban farming and rooftop gardens. I am always fascinated by this movement towards living off the land, because it makes our role as Master Gardeners all the more important. Every time we help someone figure out how to successfully grow tomatoes, or get rid of cabbage worms, or build a cold frame, we help our community take one more step towards a more secure source of both food and pleasure.

Kindness Matters!

-Becky Norris, Co-Editor

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Polk County Master GardenerMeeting Minutes

July 3rd, 2014

Meeting called to order by President Linda Elliott at 5:35 PM at Morrow Housing. 21 members present.

Minutes—Carol Schulz moved minutes be approved as written in Mountain Dirt. Seconded by JoanIrish. Motion passed. Minutes stand approved as written in Mountain dirt.

Treasurer Report—Questions raised about amount for display tables. Tabled for next meeting to discuss with David who was absent. Will also discuss the way of reporting treasury information.

Board Report-- given by President Linda Elliott. There is still space available for anyone who wishesto attend. Contact Linda if you wish to attend. Those attending: Linda-Carol-Becky-Patricia( who will give power point presentation on GSPS which received Project of Year Award) and Ann Glenn. Sherry and Dorothy will be Alternates. Motion of Board approval to pay lodging expenses for Carla Vaught to attend Leadership Training presented to membership. Motion passed. Standing Rules Revision Proposal of June 3, 2014 approved by Board.

Standing Rules Committee Report---Given by Jon Anna Calleton-Committee Chair. She presented short speech of pertinent information concerning Standing Rules and things to consider before asking for nomination to approve Proposed Revised Standing Rules of June 4, 2014. Frances Smith made motion and Joan Irish seconded. Motion passed. Revised Standing Rules of June 4, 2014 approved.

Fair Project Report—Given by Mickey Davis—Chairman. She passed around Sign-Up Sheet to sign up to work at Fair. She brought up need for rolling storage racks for PCMG tables used at Fair. She presented information from book given to her by Madean Pearce and membership decided to research other price options and bring at later date. Everyone thought good idea and greatly needed.She also brought to membership the opportunity to dig up various plants from former MG—MadeanHoover's—yard. The present owner Kathy Walter, made this offer and MG's will schedule a dig and pot day at some future date for future plant sale.

GSPS Report—Given by Patricia Roberts—Chairman-- She brought report to Membership. Having a1 day plant sale was expressed from survey previously sent out and by those attending meeting on

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June 18, at Farm bureau. She passed out Survey for information to be used for next year. She explained we were still in learning phase to decide what works best for our group.

GSPS Report—Question raised about impact of 4-H-and other vendors selling plants had on our income. Since MG's sold out of most everything we offered and we were selling different kinds of plants it appears not to have had much impact.

Some suggestions from membership: 1. Separate events—Plant Sale one date and Garden show another date.

2. Have vendors in front area of Education Building and plants in back as this year.

3. Send survey by email to members absent. Membership agreed. Patricia said she would take care of this.

Rose Garden Report—Given by Carol Schulz-Chair-- She gave report on damage to one area of rose garden near monuments. Water has been restored and work can now be continued.

New Business—Frances smith reported on need of book donations to newly formed Cove Library. Books can be dropped off at Smith's or Cove Library.

Announcements:-- 5 Year Pin Awards will be given at August meeting. -- Dorothy Posel announced workday at Depot for Tuesday July 8 at 7 AM. She also thanked Linda Elliott for donation of Sun Coleus . -- President Linda Elliott welcomed guest Gena Warrington (pospective MG) to meeting. She invited her to come back and to work at some of our projects.

Trips & Tours-- Rae Grasso brought up question about trip for MG's again. She said she would talk with Mr. Pikert again about a trip and bring back information. LaRayne suggested in-town tour of MG's gardens as many things in bloom. She said she would be glad to help with this.

Question brought up by visitor about website for information and told about site but also Kim mentioned that if we wanted information about county on website needed to contact person who has access to this site.

Linda asked for motion to adjourn meeting. Motion by Patricia and seconded by LaRayne. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6 PM.

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Program—following adjournment of meeting Kim Hughes gave presentation on Rain Gardens and Storm Waters. She passed our pamphlet printed by U of A Cooperative Extension on this subject. She gave an excellent and informative presentation and passed around photos of things that could be achieved. Also gave website address:www. for more information.Respectfully submitted by

Polk County Master Gardener Financial Statement

As of 7/21/2014

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Taste of Summer- Ratatouille Original recipe and pictures courtesy of Deb Perelman, from Ratatouille (pronounced rat-at-ooh-ee) is a classic summertime vegetable dish from southern France, and uses just about every seasonal ingredient you can think of. Also, it's low in fat and carbs, and fairly bursts with flavor.

Ingredients: ½ onion, finely chopped, 2 garlic cloves, slivered, 1 cup tomato puree, 2 TB olive oil, 1 eggplant, 1 zucchini, 1 yellow squash, 1 red bell pepper, 1 to 2 roma tomatoes, salt and pepper, fresh thyme.

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1) Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Slice the eggplant, zucchini, squash, bell pepper, and tomatoes on a mandoline or with a sharp kitchen knife to about 1/8th of an inch. (for the bell pepper, be sure to cut the core out and leave it hollow, like a tube).

2) Pour the tomato puree in the bottom of an oval or rectangle baking dish. Drop the sliced garlic and the chopped onion in, and stir in 1 TB of the olive oil. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

3) Arrange the vegetable slices in concentric circles starting on the outside of the dish, overlapping so that just a little is visible. Alternate vegetables in any order you prefer. Once the dish is full, drizzle the remaining olive oil on top, then sprinkle salt, pepper, and fresh thyme on top.

4) Cut a piece of parchment paper in either oval or rectangle shape, just enough to fit over the top without overlapping the dish. Bake for about 45-55 minutes, until the vegetables are tender but not mushy. You should see the tomato sauce bubbling up through them.

5) Serve with some crusty French bread, and a dollop of soft goat cheese if you like.

Project and Committee ReportsBoard Report

July, 2014Items Discussed:

Treasury report in Mountain Dirt Program suggestions

ScholarshipsAssets on financial statement

For further information, contact Jon Calleton, Secretary

PCMG's Attend Advanced Training

On July 10, 2014 the MG's in picture attended Advanced MG Training in Little Rock on Integrated Pest Management. It was well attended and the program was excellent. We learned how bee populations are being impacted by a certain pesticide done by a joint effort of three universities-University of AR, University of Mississippi and University of Tennessee. It is an ongoing study to try to decrease the decline in numbers of bees. Topics discussed were: What Is Integrated Pest Management --How to Identify Problems in Plants, Disease Symptoms in Plants, Beneficial Insects and How to send in Samples of Plants & Insects to State for identification . We had a quiz after lectures to apply what we had heard. We had to identify the disease on 12 plants. I think we all did very well on

this. I know I came away with a new outlook on how pesticides and herbicides should be the last resort for problems in my garden and with information obtained can identify a problem (hopefully) and decide whether a chemical should be used We were given a marvelous book--INSECTS IN THE GARDEN--that was worth the trip to Little Rock and a hand lens to get close up look at disease or insects on plants. I encourage anyone eligible to attend any future Advanced Mg Training. -Jon Calleton

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Papercrete Workshop a Success!

On May 31st, several Master Gardeners had the opportunity to learn the art of papercrete from artist, gardener, and writer Lee Coates. Papercrete is a building material made by mixing clay or cement with fibers, such as repulped paper, cotton, or wood fibers. The fibers add strength to the cement, and the resulting piece is both lightweight and sturdy. It is also insulating, and can be cut with an ordinary wood saw when dry.

Papercrete is very versatile, and can be molded like plaster into many different shapes and sizes. Sometimes it's even used for building material for homes, fences, and boxes! The PCMG's certainly had a wonderful time learning about this amazing craft, and we hope Mr. Coates returns next year to teach more classes.

Mark Your Calendars!!!

Fall Garden Seminar The Izard County Master Gardeners will host a fascinating seminar called “Dreamin' of Next Year's Garden”, taught by Janet Carson, on Saturday, September 13th. It will be held from 9am to 3pm at the Izard County Consolidated High School in Brockwell, AR. Registration ends September 1st, so call (870) 368-4323 or (870) 670-4699 for more information. Happy dreaming!

Basic Landscape Design Class

August 18th is the last date for the landscaping class presented by Janet Carson and Bob Byers, at the Magnolia Room in Garvan Woodland Gardens! The class runs from 10am to 3pm, and costs $75 for members, $85 for non-members. Lunch is not included. Come learn how to create a base map, select plants, and maintain a beautiful new garden!

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