
THE MOON ECLIPSES AND TIDES WHY IS IT SO BRIGHT? Although the Moon appears brightly in the night sky, it does not in fact shine but simply reflects the light from the Sun. SOLAR ECLIPSE 2009 SOLAR ECLIPSE A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon, during its monthly trip around the Earth, happens to line up exactly between the Earth and the Sun, so that it casts a shadow on the Earth. Next Solar Eclipsenovember-3november-3 LUNAR ECLIPSE A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon, during its monthly trip around the Earth, is blocked from the Suns rays by the Earth and is in earths shadow. Lunar Eclipsear.phpar.php PARTS OF AN ECLIPSE The innermost cone of total darkness is called the umbra The outer shadow is partially illuminated by the Sun, and is called the penumbra. WHY ECLIPSES HAPPEN Sometimes the Moon gets between the Earth and the Sun, causing solar eclipses, and sometimes the Moon goes into the Earth's shadow, causing lunar eclipses. WHEN CAN THEY OCCUR? Solar Eclipses can occur only during the new moon phase Lunar eclipses can occur only during the full moon phase WHY NOT EVERY MONTH? This alignment has to be perfect in order for the Moon to completely cover the Sun for a total solar eclipse. WHY NOT EVERY MONTH? The moon crosses earths plane twice during its orbit. If this crossing happens at the new moon phase, the Moon will be lined up with the Sun and pass in front of it. TIDES BAY OF FUNDY WHY WE HAVE TIDES The gravitational pull of the moon and Sun Affected by nearness of the moon As earth rotates, the tides move around the Earth alternating between high and low tides approx. every 6 hours. SPRING TIDES WHEN DO TIDES HAPPEN Spring Tides: new and full moon phase greatest range Neap Tides: 1st and 3rd Quarter phases smallest range TIDES SONGMr. Parr Spring and Neap Tides MOON PHASES AND ECLIPSESMr. Parr Moon phases BILL NYE IS AWESOMEBill Nye - moon

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