
The modern ______ _____ was designed by Vincent Connare and released in 1994 by Microsoft Corporation. Its widespread use, often in situations for which it was not intended (for example, serious subjects), has been criticized. In the autumn of 1999, two graphic designers, Dave and Holly Combs started a campaign against it with a website, after an employer insisted that one of them use ______ _____in a children's museum exhibit. And in early 2009, the movement was "stronger now than ever. Dave and Holly argue that its misuse is "analogous to showing up for a black tie event in a clown costume. ______ _____ has seen several public uses. In a notable example, Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert used it in a public letter criticizing LeBron Jamess decision to leave the team. iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 Do you happen to like it? Life magazine estimated in 1936 that 10 million Americans, or approximately 6% of the population had at least one. A Harris Poll, done in 2003, nearly triples those numbers and estimates that 16% of Americans now have one or more. An article ranked __________ as the sixth fastest growing retail venture of the 1990s, right behind Internet, paging services, bagels, computer and cellular phone service. On the average, an establishment is being added in the country every day. Virtually every language is searched for. Japanese and Chinese characters/symbols are among the most frequently searched. Backs rank the highest in searches (lower, upper and all over) Unmentionables also rank high. __________ in the Western world today has its origins in Polynesia (a large grouping of over 1,000 islands scattered over the central and southern Pacific Ocean). 2 Tattoos The word sapience is derived from the Latin word sapientia, meaning _______. Related to this word is the Latin verb sapere; the present participle of sapere forms part of Homo sapiens, the Latin binomial nomenclature created by Carolus Linnaeus to describe the human species. Linnaeus had originally given humans the species name of diurnus, meaning man of the day. But he later decided that the dominating feature of humans was _________, hence application of the name sapiens. His chosen biological name was intended to emphasize man's uniqueness and separation from the rest of the animal kingdom. 3 Sapientia means Wisdom In which city did Pizza Hut, in 1999, open its first all-vegetarian outlet in the world? 4 CONNECT ONE 25 20 15 10 5 The sculpture, created by artist Noam Braslavsky, depicts the man propped up in bed with an IV drip attached to his arm, looking pale and sunken and wearing a blue hospital shirt. The figure's eyes are open and its chest rises and falls, as if he were breathing. Yoel Hasson, a member of the parliament, called the work "cheap" and said it amounted to "sickening voyeurism," CNN reported. Braslavsky admitted his work was a provocation, but "It's my right to come to this persona and to bring him back to the headlines," Braslavsky told AFP. Gallery visitors must obey strict, hospital-like rules. Ushers will only allow small groups to view the sculpture at a time, and once inside the space, visitors must keep hushed and follow a marked trail past the half-dead dummy. What sculpture are we talking about? 5 Ariel Sharon, Kishon Art Gallery, Tel Aviv 11th Prime Minister of Israel 7 March 2001 14 April 2006 In permanent vegetative state since January 2006 Minister for Information and Broadcasting (first Manmohan Singh cabinet) President of the All India Football Federation for almost 20 years. In vegetative state since October 2008 ? 6 Priyaranjan Dasmunsi Kitsune is the Japanese word for _______. _______ are a common subject of Japanese folklore. Stories depict them as intelligent beings and as possessing magical abilities that increase with their age and wisdom. Foremost among these is the ability to assume human form. Many stories portray them as faithful guardians, friends, lovers, and wives. _______ and human beings lived close together in ancient Japan; this companionship gave rise to legends about the creatures. The more tails a kitsune hasthey may have as many as ninethe older, wiser, and more powerful it is. Kitsune are particularly renowned for impersonating beautiful women. Common belief in medieval Japan was that any woman encountered alone, especially at dusk or night, could be a kitsune. Kitsunetsuki literally means the state of being possessed by a kitsune. The victim is always a young woman, whom the kitsune enters beneath her fingernails or through her breasts. 7 F O X CONNECTCONNECT CONNECTCONNECT 8 Theyre all nicknamed Sparky. Mark Hughes manager of Fulham F. C, former manager of Manchester City F.C, Blackburn F.C, former Manchester United star player Charles M Schulz The Ol Sparky (electric chairs) CONNECT TWO 30 25 20 15 10 5 What is a kezboard and what can you do with it? 9 The QWERTZ or QWERTZU keyboard is a widely used computer and typewriter keyboard layout that is mostly used in Central and Eastern Europe. The QWERTZ layout differs from the QWERTY layout in three major ways: The positions of the "Z" and "Y" keys are switched, this change being made for two major reasons: "Z" is a much more common letter than "Y" in German; the latter rarely appears outside words whose spellings reflect either their importation from a foreign language or the Hellenization of an older German form under the influence of Ludwig I of Bavaria. "T" and "Z" often appear next to each other in the German language, and placing the two keys next to each other minimizes the effort needed for typing the two characters in sequence Part of the keyboard is adapted to include umlauted vowels (, , ). The placements of some special symbols and command keys are changed, and the English-language symbol "Ctrl" (for "control") is translated to its German equivalent "Strg. Elena Di Cioccio For what did this Italian actress, disc jockey, and presenter gain notoriety earlier this year? Hint: Footballs! 10 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Who is the Man of a Thousand Voices? 11 Mel Blanc voiced Daffy Duck, Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, Sylvester the Cat, Tweety Bird, Foghorn Leghorn,Yosemite Sam, Wile E. Coyote, Barney Rubble, Mr. Spacely, Speed Buggy, Captain Caveman, Heathcliff, and hundreds of others. MEL BLANC Listen to the audio file and identify the character. 12 Woody Woodpecker! CONNECT THREE 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Expressing serious doubts over the high estimates of 200,000 malaria deaths in India as reported in the latest edition of The Lancet, the World Health Organisation (WHO) questioned the methodology adopted by the authors of the study. _______ _________ is an approach used to obtain cause of death by interviewing lay responders, like bereaved relatives or others familiar with the circumstances of the death, on the signs and symptoms experienced by the deceased before death. It is used where vital registration systems are weak or the proportion of population under medical care is low. The _______ _________ method is suitable only for diseases with distinctive symptoms and not for malaria. Malaria has symptoms similar to many other diseases, and cannot be correctly identified by the local population. The use of ________ __________ for malaria may result in many false positives. In this method, deaths due to fever from any cause are likely to be misinterpreted as malaria in areas with high incidence. In areas with low malaria incidence, the symptoms are difficult to distinguish, and would result in overestimates of malaria deaths. - (statement by the WHO) 13 VERBAL AUTOPSY Video clip 14 This snack is known as P-de-moleque ("urchin foot") in Brazil, where it is very popular. The origin of name lies in the fact that most streets in colonial Brazil were made by laying down various odd rocks in a loose layer of sand/dirt, and having street-boys stomp on them to flatten the surface. The general appearance of the snack is similar to these type of streets. Special versions of the snack might contain cashews, almonds, or pistachios. In addition to the most common version, there are several different versions. These may contain ingredients such as puffed/roasted Bengal gram, sesame, puffed rice, beaten rice, and Kopra (desiccated coconut). Originally named Guddani, it was the brainchild of a man named Bhewrajji Agarwal. Agarwal began selling this snack to railway-track-laying labourers as a source of energy. Maganlal Food Products claim to be the founders of the snack. 15 CHIKKI! What is this customary Halloween game called! On June, 2010, New Yorker, Ashrita Furman, did 34 in one minute to establish a world record. 16 APPLE BOBBING, (The Scots may call it dooking, though) CONNECT FOUR 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Which cricketer, with more than 6000 runs and 100 wickets in tests, made a shock ODI comeback last month, at the age of almost 40, after six years away from the game, and is now a potential candidate to play the 2011 World Cup, which will be his fourth World Cup? GW FLOWER CONNECT FIVE 40 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 35 30 25 20 15 10 5

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