Page 1: The Miracles of Jesus Christ
Page 2: The Miracles of Jesus Christ

His Hands Church was established in Woodstock, Georgia, to bring together people who share a genuine love for Jesus Christ. His Hands Church runs the Jesus 101 class on an eight-week cycle, providing individuals with further education on the teachings of Christ.

Over the course of reading the Bible, individuals will learn of numerous miracles performed by Jesus Christ during His time on earth. Some of His most well-known miracles include calming a storm, walking on water, cleaning 10 lepers, and healing several people, including a mute and two blind men.

Page 3: The Miracles of Jesus Christ

One of Christ’s most impressive miracles involves tempering a great storm, an episode that is addressed in verses throughout the Synaptic Gospels. This episode manages to demonstrate Christ’s omniscience as well as His humanity, as the miracle is preceded by a period of exhaustion. Jesus also feeds 5,000 with just five loaves of bread and two fish, the only miracle accounted for in all four of the gospels.

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