
The Magic Of Believing That Led Arnold Schwarzenegger And Claude Bristol Into VictoryThe Magic Of BelievingThe magic of believingthat has transformed the impossible into realities lies within you and at your disposal for use at will. Learn about this magical yet real power that has transformed civilization and molded great leaders and achievers. Here are the steps you can take to make use of it.How Did Claude Bristol Find OutAnd Learned To Use ThePower Within?

Serving as a soldier in World War I, author and businessman Claude Bristol found himself penny less having just arrived to France to start his service. While he waited for his salary, he did not have pocket cash to buy a pack of gum. The feeling of not being able to afford what he wanted, drove him to make aDECISIONthat upon his return to civilian life he would have a lot of money. Although he did not know about the power of his decision at the time, his course in life was forever altered by the decision he made. A series of events made him discover a very powerful life force acting on his behalf. On his way to Honolulu, Hawaii on an army vessel he was very well treated and even seated at the captains table, even though he did not hold any high rank at the time. About to head back to the mainland, he thought it would be nice to be treated with equal honors and be seated at the captains table once again. To his surprise, he was not only seated at the captains table but the captain also gave him a party and it was not even his birthday.In histhe magic of believingmarvelous book, author Claude Bristol claims that his interest in the power of the subconscious picked up after experiencing the law of auto-suggestion first hand. While on a boat party, the host of the party found himself overly drunk. To host the reception, he stood in front of his mirror and repeated to himself that he was cold sober and needed to be sober to host the party. Claude saw his friend using repetition to sober up in a short period of time. Upon this finding, he started reading every book he could about thislife-giving substancethat is evenly present at all places and all times andis available to every person who engages it through their imagination and will power.Visit the post to check out this article to learn more about Claude Bristol and his The Magic Of Believing book.How To Use The Power Of The Subconscious Mind For Achieving Your DesiresClaude Bristol lays the steps to achieve any goal whatsoever one desires. It will not be done by hard work and honesty alone. There are countless numbers of honest hard working people who stay wanting to get ahead in achieving their desires. It is by the use of our higher mental faculties ofbelieve and imaginationthat we literally attract, just like a seed attracts the components for its development when placed in the ground, whatever is necessary for the fulfillment of our desires. It is byvisualizing and building the imageof exactly what we desire with our heart and soul that we cause the life substance in the ether and air to condense and precipitate the manifestation of that we desire. By holding the image steady with our will and repeating it several times during the day, we can literally attract onto our world what we desire, be it health, wealth and happiness.Visit the article to learn how to visualize step-by-step with Bob Proctor. There is truly power in "the magic of believing" and this power has no precedent.How The Power Of Faith And The Magic Of Believing Inspired Arnold Schwarzenegger To GreatnessIt was a deep seated believe in oneself,the magic of believingin himself that inspired Arnold Schwarzenegger to become a world champion in heavy lifting, a business man and millionaire, a famous movie actor and the governator of a state in the United States of America. Every great achiever has known that there is a power in the air that is the source of all inventions and breakthroughs. Arnold claims that it was Claudes book "The Magic Of Believing" that led him to great success and achievements.Other great recommendations by author Claude Bristol is to get three to five gold cards and write down on them that which you desire. Place one in different places so they are looked as often as possible. It was Earl Nightingale who said,We become what we think about most of the time. Earl Nightingale.In addition, you can use the mirror technique for additional power and strength to your desire. Stand erect in front of the mirror and while looking firmly in your own eyes tell yourself affirmations that you will get that which you desire. For we are truly great and marvelous human dynamos and we have the ability to tap into our rich resources buried beneath to attract the good that we desire. There is truly power inthe magic of believingand even Jesus himself said,The things I do you can do, if you believe. Jesus ChristDid you like this article on The Magic Of Believing? Then I suggest you check out this othergreat sourcesfor more information on learning to use our unlimited potential.

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