
5S Step by Step – The Lean Warehouse 2018


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5S Step by Step – The Lean Warehouse 2018


STEP 1-SORT Original Japanese word: Seiri Remove the unnecessary – Keeping only what is used and red tag the rest

The first step of 5S focuses on eliminating unnecessary items from the workplace. This will help eliminate problems such as:

Tools & materials slowing workflow

Wasted time looking for parts, tools and products

Stockpiling unnecessary & expensive inventory

Safety hazards resulting from clutter

The purpose of “Sorting” is to identify unneeded items and remove them from the workplace. This will require cleaning up the workplace to make it more visible what you have. Clean up any dirt, debris, oil, grease, broken tools, excess stock and scrap. As you are cleaning in some cases it may become obvious that some items have an owner or are missing from a certain area. Once it is recognized where this item belongs it should be returned directly to its correct location.

If an item cannot be identified, then it should be Red Tagged.

5S Step by Step – The Lean Warehouse 2018


This is an effective visual method to identify these unneeded items. A red tag is placed on all items not required to complete your job. These items are then moved to a central Red tag holding area.

Occasionally used items are moved to a more organized storage location outside of the immediate work area while unneeded items are discarded. Where appropriate carry out a ‘Red Tag Auction’ to see if any unwanted items are required by other departments. Any items that have not been claimed or have been deemed unneeded by the owner or supervisor may then be disposed of or recycled. Finally evaluate and document the removal of equipment and materials, using your tag information. Sorting is an excellent way to free up valuable floor space and eliminate such things as broken tools, obsolete jigs and fixtures, scrap and excess raw material. This step will also help remove the “just in case” attitude.

5S Step by Step – The Lean Warehouse 2018

5S STEP BY STEP STEP 2-SET IN ORDER Original Japanese word: Seiton

A place for everything and everything in its place – fixed locations and clear visualisation

Here you will need to find efficient and effective storage methods. Everything should be marked clearly so anyone can find it. Step 2 should only begin once Step 1 is complete otherwise this step could fail if there is unnecessary clutter in the workplace.

Set In Order will help you to create a standard and in doing this step you will be creating a standardised and consistent way to store tools and products. You must evaluate the number of necessary items, the locations of those items and also evaluate what you need to do your job.

Effective ways to set in order can be tasks such as painting floors, using shadow boards, modular shelving and cabinets for frequently needed items etc.

The philosophy must be this:

“A place for everything and everything in its place.”

5S Step by Step – The Lean Warehouse 2018

5S STEP BY STEP STEP 2-SET IN ORDER Labelling and Signage

Labelling is one of the easiest ways to identify correct tool placement. Example; draws can be labelled with their contents so anyone can see what is in the draw and be able to find what they need.

You can also label the floor to show where certain objects such as machines and other equipment should be placed so they are always returned to where they belong.

Labelling this way makes is easier for everyone including visitors to locate areas and items and be able to return them to their correct location. It also helps with organisation as once everything has been labelled it is easier for 5s to be kept in focus on a daily basis.

Signs, boards & posters can be used around the workplace to share reminders of the 5s process to keep focus. .

5S Step by Step – The Lean Warehouse 2018


Floor marking images, tapes & paints are an excellent way for marking certain work areas, as well as locations for machinery, pallets, goods in/out areas.

Marking Pedestrian pathways, Machine placements and boundaries will make it easier for everyone including visitors to be able to identify where things belong.

Industrial floor tapes are more resistant to foot and forklift traffic and don’t require long dry times. They are easy to clean and do not require much up keep. These tapes come in many colours and sizes so you can use colour codes and keep in line with your own company’s standards.

Frames 4 Floors are tough permanent self-adhesive colour coded PVC floor label holders, which will enable you to place and protect your identification data on the warehouse floor or wall.

5S Step by Step – The Lean Warehouse 2018

5S STEP BY STEP STEP 2-SET IN ORDER Tool organisation

There are various Tool organisation solutions that will make identifying missing tools easy.

Foam Drawer Liners are a perfect solution. You receive two pieces of foam in contrasting colours. The brighter colour foam is placed in the bottom of the drawer. You trace the outlines of your tools on the dark piece of foam and cut them out using a foam-cutting Scalpel. You then place that layer of foam into your drawer or toolbox, the bright colour beneath will show through, highlighting any missing tools.

Cut & Peel Foam works in a similar way however the colour is bonded to the top of foam. You trace the outline of the tools and cut them out using a foam-cutting scalpel and peel the foam out to your desired depth.

Shadow boards can be used by adding vinyl cut-outs of your tools to Pegboards. Your tools are then placed/stored in front of each shadow. Each shadow is numbered and logged on a central log for easy reference.

For tool drawers, you can use customisable foam to create a tool organisation system to not only see where the proper homes are for your individual tools and see when they are missing, but also to help protect your toolbox and tools from damage.

These methods of organizing tools are simple, but very effective. They make the organisation process more visual, which makes it easier for people to follow.

5S Step by Step – The Lean Warehouse 2018

5S STEP BY STEP STEP 3-SHINE Original Japanese word: Seiso

Everyday Clean- Regular cleaning and checking to set the standard

Once you have eliminated junk and clutter and identified necessary items you are ready to take the next step:

Clean the work area.

This step will create ownership and build pride in the workers that they have a clean and clutter-free work area.

This will also help the people notice changes in equipment and the production area such as: leaks, vibration, misalignment, breakage etc. If these abnormalities are left unattended they can lead to serious equipment failure and loss of quality, speed, production etc. These all add up to impact your company’s bottom line.

There should also be regular inspection and routine maintenance.

As the daily cleaning routine is being followed an inspection should also be taking place checking tools and machinery for damage and defects. A daily checklist should be used to ensure this is being completed.

5S Step by Step – The Lean Warehouse 2018

5S STEP BY STEP STEP 4-Standardise Original Japanese word: Seiketsu

Same standard, every time for everybody – Optimising the standard across all shifts

There are many different ways people like to do things. But not keeping consistency can upset the workplace. If your employees are allowed to start to do things in their own way, then things may start to be missed and standards will slowly deteriorate. To Standardise a set of schedules and checklists are introduced that can be easily followed so each step is performed in the same way each day. This way everyone is aware of what they need to do, how they are required to do it and when they need to do it Follow these 3 steps to make sure that the 5S stages are being followed consistently and correctly: 1) Make sure that each employee knows what is expected of them.

If people don’t know what is expected of them, then how can they do it? Everyone should have a clear understanding of their daily and weekly tasks. Their responsibilities should be clearly written out on a checklist or a chart so that it can be easily accessed throughout the day. 5S standards need to be deployed across all shifts, not just with one team, in this step the initial standards are improved and implemented to all.

2) Make it a part of their daily routine. If everyone has been trained correctly in 5s then the process will become a second nature and they will be doing it without even thinking about it. The daily routine will just flow.

3) Evaluation. Once the steps are in place, you can evaluate the performance on a regular basis. A system will need to be put in place. Possibly assign to supervisors so they can evaluate if the tasks are getting done. Standardise is essential to the success of your 5S implementation. If you provide your staff with procedures to follow to complete the steps, you will enjoy long-term success of 5S.

5S Step by Step – The Lean Warehouse 2018


Original Japanese word: Seiketsu

Maintain discipline – Sustaining the habit of properly maintaining and improving standards

This is the most difficult part of 5S to implement. Human nature is hard to change. People often want to return to the old ways of doing things. Sustain focuses on defining a new mindset and a standard in workplace organization.

Once you start 5s you will see improvements very quickly. The fully implemented 5S will have a positive effect on everyone. People will feel better about their work place and the work they are doing. The benefits are endless. You will have improved safety, improved moral, improved productivity, and improved maintenance.

Plan in the time

Make sure you give enough time to do the steps correctly.

Take the lead

You want everyone on board with the 5S plan. I f your employees see that management are not following the steps they will be more inclined to stop themselves. Maintaining the new standards should be led by the area/shift managers. Make it visual

Posters, banners, and newsletters can be a constant reminder of the importance of 5S.

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