

This venerable and philanthropic physician died at his residence at Westoe, on Friday, July 8th, at the advanced age of 93. He was born at South Shields in 1706, and was the eldest son of Mr Thomas Winterbottom, surgeon there. He studied medicine in Edinburgh and Glasgow, where he graduated. Having obtained the appointment of physician at Sierra Leone, he remained there for four years, and took a deep interest, which lasted throughout his life, in the affairs of the colony. On returning to his native town in 1796, he was en? gaged for 30 years in an extensive and lucrative practice. From this he retiied 37 years ago to reside at Westoe, and devoted himself to advance the interests of his native place by extensive acts of private and public beneficence. His name was associated with all the charitable institutions of the town. Among other endowments, he established a society and fund for the relief of sailors and their widows ; and he has left provision for founding a marine school at South Shields, for the gratuitous instruction of mariners in navigation. Dr

VOL. v.?NO. II. AUGUST 1859. 2 B


YVinterbottom was the author of a work, in two vols., on the " Native Africans of the neighbourhood of Sierra Leone," and of several papers in the medical journals,?among others,

" Thoughts on Quarantine and Contagion," in the Ed. Med. and Surg. Journal, 1828-29.

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