Page 1: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

The Language of Math

The Language of Math


Page 2: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end


• Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written.

• Periods and question marks end sentences, commas are used for lists and to separate phrases, and there are colons and semicolons and so on.

• When you have learned the “parts of speech” you will learn to diagram a sentence, that is, break it into its parts.

Page 3: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end


• Punctuation is used in Mathematics to give meaning to an expression.

• The punctuation marks are called grouping symbols. They are:o ( ) parentheseso [ ] bracketso { } braceso division bar

Page 4: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end


• For example, the meaning of the expression:

is just that it is a fancy way of writing the number 1. It is another name for one.

• Reducing a complex expression to a single number is called evaluating the expression.

7 2 (5 2)6 (1 / 2 1/ 3)

Page 5: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Parentheses ( )

• These always come in left/right pairs and are used to do the same thing.

• They tell you to calculate what’s inside the parentheses before doing anything else.

3 (1 2) 3 ( 1) 3 1 4

3 (1 2) 3 ( 1) 3

Page 6: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

The brackets and braces are used instead of parentheses in complicated expressions to make it easier to read. It is difficult to see which left parenthesis goes with which right parenthesis in

Using brackets and braces makes it easy to read:

Brackets [ ] & Braces { }

1 (1 (1 (1 2)))

1 {1 [1 (1 2)]}

Page 7: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Division Bar

• In other words, evaluate the numerator and the denominator of a fraction separately.

22 3.

3 is another way of writing

2 3 5(2 3) (5 1) 5 4

5 1 4

So .

Page 8: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

• You should pronounce as “the quantity ” …short pause… “minus ”

• You should pronounce as

“the quantity divided by the quantity “

Math Speak

2 34 1

(2 3) 7 2 3 7

2 3 4 1

Page 9: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Evaluate the quantity in the parentheses first…

(3 4) 2

[2 3] 5

{1 2

12 2 14

5 5 25

1 3 2

5(2 3) (4 2)

} 3

2 3

4 2 2


Page 10: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Evaluate the quantity in the parentheses first…

(3 4) 2 12 2

[2 3] 5 5 5

{1 2} 3 1 3

2 3 (2 3) (4 2)

4 2







Page 11: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

(3 4) 2 12 2 14

[2 3] 5 5 5 25

{1 2} 3 1 3 2

2 3 5 (2 3) (4 2)

4 2 2

Nothing to it!!


Page 12: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Work it out!

8 (5 3) 8 8 0

Page 13: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Work it out!

8 (5 3) 08 8

Page 14: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Work it out!

8 (5 3) 8 8 0

Page 15: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Work it out!

8 (5 3) 8 2 6

Page 16: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Work it out!

8 (5 3) 68 2

Page 17: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Work it out!

8 (5 3) 8 2 6

Page 18: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Work it out!

(3 ( 5)) (5 3) ( 2) 2 0

Page 19: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Work it out!

(3 ( 5)) (5 3) ( 2) 2 0

Page 20: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Work it out!

(3 ( 5)) (5 3) ( 2) 2 0

Page 21: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Work it out!

2 (5 3) 2 2 4

Page 22: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Work it out!

2 (5 3) 42 2

Page 23: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Work it out!

2 (5 3) 2 2 4

Page 24: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Work it out!

10 35) 7(2 3

Page 25: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Work it out!

(2 5) 3 10 3 7

Page 26: The Language of Math Punctuation. Punctuation is used in English and other languages to give meaning to what is written. Periods and question marks end

Work it out!

(2 5) 3 10 3 7

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