
The Lady or the Tiger

Presented by:Travis Torrice

&Mathew Schramm

There once was a Cemi-Barbaric king.

She had a b/f who the king didn’t know about

The king had an arena where the people acused of a crime worthy

enough for the king, he put them in.

The king had an arena where the people acused of a crime worthy

enough for the king, he put them in.

The king had an arena where the people acused of a crime worthy

enough for the king, he put them in.

One day the King found out about the Princes and the B/F.

The princes knew that there was a girl behind one of the doors. She

did not like this girl. She hated her.

Whe the b/f was choosing doors, he looked to her and she jestered

to the door on the right.

Whe the b/f was choosing doors, he looked to her and she jestered

to the door on the right.

Whe the b/f was choosing doors, he looked to her and she jestered

to the door on the right.

Witch came out… the Lady or the Tiger?????

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