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Once upon a time, a long time ago, a horrible monster lived in the centre of a huge labyrinth on the island of Crete.

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The Minotaur had a bull's head and a man's body and fed with (se alimentaba de) humans who came in the maze (laberinto).

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A brave prince from Athens sailed towards (se embarcó hacia) the island of Crete to fight against the monster.

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When the prince arrived on the island of Crete, he met the daughter of King Minos: the princess Ariadne.

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She wanted to save his life because she fell in love with Theseus.

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She gave him a ball of wool (ovillo de lana) to help him find his way out of the Labyrinth.

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When the prince Theseus arrived to the centre of the maze he found the fearsome (temible) Minotaur.

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They fought several hours and finally Theseus was victorious.

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Theseus followed the thread (hilo) until the main gate (puerta).

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He met Ariadne outside the labyrinth and they hurried (se apresuraron) to the port of Crete.

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King Minos was terribly furious when he found out (se dio cuenta) that the Minotaur had been killed and his daughter had sailed to Athens with Theseus.

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He decided to punish (castigar) the architects of the labyrinth: Daedalus and his son Icarus were abandoned in the centre of the maze.

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But Daedalus was a skillful worker. He made wings for flying using feathers (plumas) and beeswax (cera de abejas).

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Daedalus and his son Icarus flew leaving the maze behind.

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Icarus flew so high that the sun melted (derritió) the wax by which his wings were glued, the wings shattered (se hicieron añicos) and they fell into the water.

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Finally, Ariadne and Theseus were Queen and King of Athens and they all lived happily ever after.

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