  • 8/3/2019 The Keys to Your Future


    Find out how to get out from under double mortgage

    payments or a mortgage you cant afford: 1) Dont throw all

    your time and effort into a house that will inevitably destroy

    your retirement funds; or 2) lose sleep over a house that you

    could lose to the bank no matter what you do. Call us NOW at

    (904) 748-9222 we may have the answers youve been lookingfor so you can get back to a normal life! We can show you how

    to get out from under that overburden sum, over leveraged,

    house even in this WEAK Economy and when Realtors cannot!

    Dont get trapped into thinking there is only one way to

    sell your house in this market. Get the answers you need NOW!

    Misty Oakes, LLC

    7749 Normandy Blvd #145-213

    Phone: (904) 748-9222

    Fax: (888) 538-6790

    ACTS 2011


    Assign Contract Terms System

  • 8/3/2019 The Keys to Your Future


    I M P O R T A N T N O T I C E :









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    An easy to read guide to explain our

    Assign Contract Terms System.

    The keys to your Future!

    An easy to read guide to explain our Assign Contract Terms System

    or ACTS

    A system designed with the Home Owner and the Buyer in mind!


    In todays market there are few options when selling a home especially, an

    overleveraged house! We have options tailored to the Seller who NEEDS TO

    SELL a property in todays market, but cannot because of one or more of the

    following reasons: The property needs repairs. Banks wont lend on a property that needs over a certain

    amount of repair work or you dont qualify for a HUD 203k repair loan program.

    Mortgage payoff is at or close to 100% the value of house making it impossible to closewithout bringing funds to the table in order to afford to list the property to pay off the

    mortgage Lender and the Realtors commissions.

    Too much owed on the property. Same as above, but in this case the value of the houses inthe neighborhoods has deteriorated (due to foreclosures and vacancies etc.) to a point that

    most if not all the houses are overleveraged (Mortgage amount is way too high) far beyond

    what they are worth. In some cases we are talking thousands of dollars or close to 50% the

    original value of the house making it appealing for someone paying cash or for a bank would

    be interested in the house because of a lack of appraised value. In this case nothing short

    of a Short Sale would work. This is where you hear of the strategic foreclosures where it is

    no longer viable for the family living in their home to keep up payments.

    Relocation due to job transfer i.e. Military or Civilian. The Real Estate Market just is notmoving properties very fast and your property may languish for a year or more and may not

    even sell. REMEMBER there are millions of houses on the market and there may be a housedown the street from yours that is priced half as much as yours! So, depending on your

    circumstances you may not have the luxury to wait for a sale.

    Divorce; with inter family transfers, with transfers to heirs prior to death and of course to avoidforeclosure.

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    Who we areWe are a nationwide group of Investors who have specialized training and

    knowledge in helping Sellers sell their properties when all other avenues have

    been exhausted. Our ACTS Program is just one of the ways we can assist you in

    selling in any kind of market. An up market or a down market does not affectour ability to help Sellers move their properties.

    Most frequently asked questions:

    Q: What is an Assigning Contract Terms Deal?

    A: The Seller agrees to Option the property to us. This means that we would then have the Option to buy

    the property according to the terms on the Option Contract.

    We then sell our Option Contract to someone who wants to Step into our shoes and take over the

    Contract and close the deal with the Seller.

    Q: Are there different types of Terms that can be assigned?

    A: Yes, we can agree to any terms with the Seller. The main thing to remember is, if we can agree on a

    Price and on the Terms, is there any reason we cannot do business? If the answer to that question is

    NO, then we have a Contract!

    Our specialty is finding Buyers who are looking to buy properties with TERMS. You have to remember,

    in todays economy, 80% of all Buyers cannot qualify for a Conventional Bank Loan much less the have

    the Cash to purchase outright! That is why our ACTS Program is very successful!

    Q: Who sells their property with the ACTS Program?

    A: A Seller who is financed fully to market value and maybe a little more (underwater).

    A Seller who cannot list above market price to get the mortgage and Realtor paid.A Seller who is trying to sell For Sale By Owner.

    A Seller who has property that is a little weird or needs repairs and or updating.

    A Seller who has lost their job, divorced, loss of a loved one, i.e. in Probate.

    A Seller who inherited a property and wants to lower any Capital Gains Tax associated with the

    sale of the property.

    A Tired Landlord who just wants to get rid of a problem i.e. no more tenants and toilets or

    3AM calls.

    A Seller who was relocated and needs to sell faster than the market will allow or cant take careo

    f the property after relocating.

    A Seller who has purchased another home and must stop the double mortgage payments.

    NOTE: Under normal circumstances this is often done with divorces; with inter family transfers, with

    transfers to heirs prior to death and of course to avoid foreclosure.

    Q: What is an example of an ACTS Deals:

    Scenario 1

    Seller has a house worth $100K and owes $100K, 25 years left on a mortgage PITI of$850/month.

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    Seller just wants out and just wants to get the mortgage payment off their backs.SOLUTION:

    We would then Option to purchase house with a Lease/Option for the balance owed to lenderand the remainder of the terms of the mortgage.

    We then go to work and find that Buyer who is wanting a property like yours and is willing totake over the Option Contract and Close with you.

    The Buyer would make a lease payment to you, the Bank, or to an escrow account setup to paythe mortgage equal to your PITI on the property every month.

    The Buyer then has the right to buy the property for the amount owed to the lender wheneverthey decide to purchase the property. This could be in a year, 5, 10, 20 or even at the end of the

    25 years that are remaining on the underlying loan.

    Q: What are the benefits of doing an ACTS Program with us?

    A: With giving us TERMS we are able to move the property usually within weeks, not months or longer

    with a Realtor. This technique works great with properties with little, no, or sometimes with a little

    negative equity.

    If you listed, marketed and sold today with a Realtor, there is a good chance you would have to bringCASH to the closing to sell your home. We eliminate that and move that closing into the future when,

    hopefully, several things will play into your favor: 1) you can plan on that closing and be more prepared

    2) the housing values will have increased and 3) your mortgage payoff will be lowered and will cover

    your loan balance.

    NOTE: In this market you have few choices you either keep paying on a mortgage you may not be able

    to afford or go into foreclosure and lose the house to the bank. This Program eliminates paying for an

    unwanted mortgage by finding someone else that is in love with your house and is willing to make the

    required payments all-the-while knowing that the house will be theirs one day.

    The Buyer will enter into a Lease/Option with you. This is a HYBRID Lease/Option, so no need to worry

    about being a Landlord. All repairs and maintenance are passed onto the Buyer all you have to do is

    collect the lease payment and pass it onto your lender every month to make your loan payments. Whenit comes time to close with the Buyer it usually happened within weeks not months like Bank closings and

    as we are constantly adding to your VIP Buyers list the closing period will become more consistent.

    Remember; 80% of all buyers cannot buy a home with a Conventional Bank/Lender because they do not

    qualify under the stricter underwriting guidelines and tighter credit criteria! With ACTS we are giving the

    Sellers and Buyers an alternative to their home buying and selling dilemmas across America!

    Q: What are the most common concerns about doing ACTS Program Deals?

    You will still own the property and the loan. Someone else will be making the payment s and betaking care of the property for you.

    The Tenant/Buyer could default. The Buyers are ALL prescreened! Our goal is to set the Buyersand the Sellers up for SUCCESS! Things in life do not always happen the way we plan andsometimes the Buyer will for some reason not be able to move forward and make the lease

    payments. The beauty of using the Lease/Option is that if this does happen and the Buyer does

    not leave on their own the Seller just has to evict them. This is a lot less involved than

    foreclosure, which could take a lot of money and time.

    Again, the Buyer will be paying rent to pay-off your loan with an Option that at a later date theywill purchase the house. In many situations Sellers have few alternative to selling their house

    they come out of pocket (Cash to Close) when closing conventionally or continue to make

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    payments on a house they do not want or maybe do not even live in and maybe vacant; the only

    other alternatives would be to try a Short Sale or allow the house to go into default and be

    foreclosed on by the Lender. By far, ACTS is your best alternative.

    In todays Real Estate Market and in this economy there is an overabundance of cheap houses. Buyers

    want to buy houses pennies on the dollar and will sometimes settle on a house that is bank owned

    (REO) down the street that is half the cost of a house they just looked at because of the deal they are

    getting. A Program like ACTS can change the playing field! No longer do Buyers have to settle for Banks

    when they can buy a house under TERMS and No Bank Qualify! That is why ACTS works so well!

    Q: What does it cost the Seller?

    A: Usually, the only fee is the document preparation fees the attorney charges and is usually a very

    nominal fee. Once the Buyer exercises the Option to the buy part of the Lease/Option, the will be a

    formal closing at an attorneys office to transfer title. At that time the Seller will have their normal and

    customary closing costs. It is recommended that you save up for this so it is easier to pay when the time

    comes. These costs usually are about 3% of the market value at time of purchase or less (State, County,

    title and attorney fees) and are unavoidable.

    Q: I like what Im hearing about the ACTS Program, what do we do next?

    A: If you have any questions, please ask! We want you to be a fully prepared Seller. Our Acquisition

    Specialist will have the documents for the Option Contract prepared and will make arrangements to

    meet with you to get them signed. We will then offer the Contract to our VIP Buyers List and find the

    Tenant/Buyer that will work best for your property. When the Tenant/Buyer is found, we will have the

    attorney contact you and the Tenant/Buyer to schedule the signing of the contract closing. You will then

    need to change your homeowners insurance policy from an Owner/Occupant policy to a landlord policy.

    The Tenant/Buyer takes over the property and thats it.

    Q: What documents are needed for an ACTS deal?

    Most recent mortgage statement on the underlying loan(s). We will need the loan documents to see exactly what kind of loan you have and the terms of the

    loan. (Remember ACTS is an Assigning Contract Terms deal.)

    If you have a survey of the house done at the time of purchase we will need a copy. You will have to fill out a Sellers Property Disclosure form telling us everything you know about

    the property. All Real Estate transactions require this form to be filled out!

    We will do a title search on the property to determine clear title. Bring in any additional documents that may be required by the Buyer or Attorney.

    Q: What about my credit?

    A: Well, if you were it default on the loan it would have a negative effect on your credit! However, withthe ACTS Program you will have the Lease payment to make your loan payments every month thus

    having a positive effect on your credit.

    Q: How long can I stay in the house?

    A: You can stay until the closing with the Tenant/Buyer. At that time you will have to move out and the

    Tenant/Buyer moves in.

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    Q: How do I make sure the payments are made to the lender?

    A: The Tenant/Buyer makes the RENT payment to you the Seller. The Seller is to then pay the Lender,

    Taxes and Insurance and is then required to provide proof that the payments are made to the

    Tenant/Buyer. Of course you could always contract with a property management company to handle

    these details for a nominal fee (usually 10%).

    Q: What if the Tenant/Buyer quits making payments?

    A: you can ask them to leave, or evict them if necessary. This is not a very lengthy process. Then call us

    and we will then be happy to repeat the process and find another Lease/Buyer for your house.

    Q: Can I make money on the deal?

    A: In most cases the answer is NO. There is usually little, no or negative equity for the Seller to make. If

    there is some equity that we agree to pay, we can do that with a Seller held second mortgage.

    Q: So what am I going to have to pay for?

    A: Typically, the document preparation fee to the attorney for the Lease/Option documents with the

    Tenant/Buyer and then the Seller closing costs when the Tenant/Buyer exercises their Option to Purchaseand buys the property. That is all, you pay us nothing.

    Q: What if they damage the property?

    A: The Lease/Option gives them the property to treat as their own, which should gives them some Pride

    of Ownershipso they treat the property better than a renter would. They are also under the contract

    not to do damage which gives you a remedy through an attorney to go after damages. Dont forget you

    will also have landlord insurance on the property that comes into play when there are damages. Last but

    not least, when you come back to us to re-Lease/Option the property out again to a new Tenant/Buyer

    we can do it as-is. Remember we sell TERMS.

    Q: What if I consider declaring Bankruptcy? What then?A: The documents that you sign with the Tenant/Buyer exclude the property from any bankruptcy. It

    cannot be included in any bankruptcy proceedings. This is to protect you and the Tenant/Buyers.

    Q: What about interest deductions on your loan?

    A: You will still be making the payments on this mortgage thus, the 1098 Interest Statement that the

    lender sends out every year will be sent to you to claim.

    Q: Can I still buy another property while I own this one?

    A: Everyones credit worthiness is different so this will be up to the new lender when you apply for

    another loan. Many people, investors included, have numerous loans on real property. Just explain to

    your loan officer that you are renting out the property and you have income to offset the loan. This

    could help in their determination. Dont forget you can always look at what properties we have available

    in our ACTS Program thereby you become a Lease/Option Tenant/Buyer taking advantage of the ACTS

    program as the Buyer.

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    Q: What if my neighbors find out?

    A: That is up to you. We will want to put up a For Sale BuyOwner sign in your yard to help us move it,

    but the house will remain in your name until the new Buyer exercises their Option to buy your house in

    the future you just wont be living in it.

    Q: What if my property is listed with a Realtor?A: We will not work with properties that under contract with Realtors. If they fail to sell your home then

    let the listing expire and or if you wish Cancel the listing and call us. At that time we may be able to help

    move your house.

    Advantages and Risks

    Most loans contain what is known as a Due on Sale Clause giving the lender an option to call the

    loan due if any interest in the property is transferred. This is also referred to as "accelerating"

    the loan. Contracts for Deed, leases over three years and Leases with Options all trigger thedue-on-sale clause. There is no magic bullet to avoid the Due on Sale Clause! This means there

    is a possibility the lender may discover the transaction and call the loan due. If this happens,

    the Buyer must refinance at current interest rates and terms. If the Buyer cannot qualify for a

    new loan, foreclosure may result.

    It is of interest to note that in our current economic conditions, especially, in the housing

    market lenders / banks do not want another house to add to their shadow inventory of Bank

    Owned Properties (REO) and are more interested in the cash-flow coming in on the higher

    interest rate they are attaining through maintaining of the higher interest of the older


    The Legal Stuff

    Is a transfer of ownership in your house illegal? NO! The Garn Act of 1982 spells outthat

    a lender may, subject to subsection (c), entering into or enforce a contract containing a

    due-on-sale clause with respect to a real property loan.1

    It further provided that operation of the clause and all rights and remedies under it

    shall be governed by the terms of the contract.2

    Nonetheless, the section is quite clear

    that it encourages lenders to allow assumption agreements and does not in anyway,prohibit them


    1Garn Act, Supra Note 1, 341(b) (Codified at 12 USC 1701j-3(b) (1982)).

    2Id. 341(b)(2) (Codified at 12 USC 1701j-3(b)(2) (1982)).

    3WESTERN NEW ENGLAND LAW REVIEW [Vol. 6:127] page 141-142

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    To state it simply; a violation of the due-on-sale clause is not against the law, or

    criminal! All that is stated is that It gives the lender the Option OR choice to accelerate

    the loan. While we cannot guarantee the lender will not call the loan due , our

    experience in the past has shown that lenders do not seem to notice or care so long as

    the Buyer keeps the payments current.

    Today, interest rates remain at an all time low!! If the lender accelerates the loan, it would lose

    money in that they can't get a higher rate for a mortgage so there is no financial incentive to

    force a refinance. In an environment where lenders are drowning in foreclosures, and an

    inventory of bank owned (REO) houses not yet put on the market it would be foolish to call a

    paying loan due! We find there are a large number of Buyers and Sellers willing, if not

    anxious, to take this chance.

    Putting the Due-on-Sale Clause aside, here are some of the Advantages and Disadvantages of

    using a Contract for Deed:

    Advantages for the Seller1. No appraisals your home's value is not dragged down because of a foreclosure or

    other desperate situation down the street.

    2. No financing contingency to worry about approve the Buyer's credit and you approvethe Buyers..

    3. Wider range of potential buyers many qualified buyers can't get a loan becauselenders are out of business or unreasonably restrictive. You get to choose.

    4. Quicker settlement no waiting weeks for lender approval.

    Risks to the Seller1. The Seller remains on the loan and is liable for the house until it is paid-off eitherthrough a refinance or sale of the property and if the loan is called it will reflect on the

    Seller. Depending on the transfer to the tenant Buyer and to protect the Seller all

    Contracts provide that upon a default, the Buyer's interest terminates evection process

    can be invoked. The Seller then takes back the property from the Buyer.

    2. The loan will remain on the Sellers credit report. This could present issues for the Sellerto qualify on a new home. Most new lenders will count at least 75% of the Buyers

    payment as income to the Seller for qualifying purposes. If you are planning on buying a

    house soon, check with your new lender for details.

    3. Normally, this risk of non-payment is similar to the risk assumed by any landlord whenrenting out their property. The Lease Option has the advantage over renting becausethe Buyer has a stake in the house, retains an Ownership Mentality towards the

    property, is paying down your mortgage, and takes care of all homeowner fees and

    maintenance to the property.

    4. Our Buyers go through a formal application process. We insist on accurate andcomplete credit information including a copy of the credit report and tax returns. Our

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    mortgage lender will evaluate the applications and we will collect a reasonable down

    payment to qualify our Buyers.

    For the SellerThe Seller's primary alternative is to rent the property. The problems with renting are many. We call

    them the 3 M's - Maintenance, Management and Move-outs. With a Lease Option Buyer, the Buyer hasa stake in the house and is responsible for all maintenance - no more 3AM calls about the toy soldiers

    their child flushed down the toilet and now the toilet is running over. When renting a management

    company will take care of these nightmarish hassles, but a management company charges a minimum of

    10% of the rent to coordinate payments, look for a new tenant every year, take calls at all hours of the

    day and night as well as collect rent. A Lease Option Buyer has an Ownership Mentality and has paid a

    down payment so they are less likely to trash the house or move out without notice leaving you hanging.

    If the Seller is facing a foreclosure or short sale, either will affect credit badly. Offering a Lease Option

    greatly increases the potential pool of Buyers and keeps the loan current while buying time for the

    economic situation and Real Estate Market to improve.

    It is possible the Seller would not qualify for a short sale? Its entirely possible due to having a good job

    and money-in-the-bank! Banks dont like to Short Sale investment property for various reasons mainlybecause there is no Government incentive for them to do so. If the Seller is an investor, and hasn't lived

    in the house for 2 of the last 5 years there is no Homestead Exemption and any difference between the

    Shorted amount from a Short Sale will usually spell trouble in the form of a 1099 for the shorted amount

    and leaves the Investor facing a huge IRS tax bill. The Lease Option keeps the loan current until the real

    estate market conditions improve and the Buyer can go with a Conventional loan purchase of the house.

    Advantages for the Buyer1. No loan qualifying you only need to satisfy the Seller not some distant and inaccessible



    Favorable interest rates and flexible terms whatever you and the Seller agree on.3. Lower closing costs - no loan fees, junk fees, Total closing costs are about half of thosecharged on a new loan.

    4. Quicker settlement no waiting months for lender approval.Risks to the Buyer

    1. Three to five years is a minimum recommended term. This allows time for a refinance.It gives time for the property to appreciate and the Buyer to earn more money or

    resolve credit issues to qualify.

    2. If the Buyer defaults, the Lease Option terminates the Buyer's interest and treats allpayments as rent. The defaulting Buyer could stand to lose his investment and evection.

    3. A lender who discovers the transaction may call the loan immediately due and payable.If the Buyer cant qualify for financing, foreclosure may result and the Buyer could lose

    the benefit of his investment. In most cases the house would have gone into

    foreclosure which was averted by the assign Contract Terms agreement.

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    AS ALWAYS: You could consult a Real Estate Attorney when dealing with the purchase or sale

    of Real Property. The law firm of Bernard Law has handled hundreds of Real Estate Deals of all

    kinds and can assist if needed.

    For the BuyerIn the case of a Buyer that can't find a new loan, they can always rent! But as a renter you losemany valuable benefits associated with the fact that they arent owners. As a renter there is no

    tax deduction for monthly rent payments. With the current tax law this deduction alone can

    return a third of the monthly payment in the form of tax refunds. A renter gets none of the

    property's future increase in value as well as any of the benefits of amortization - that part of

    every monthly payment that reduces the principal loan balance and increases equity in the

    property. And finally, a renter has no assurance he will be able to stay as the owner might at

    any time decide to sell rather than renew the agreement.

    Are there any Alternatives?

    If you are a distressed home owner paying two house payments a month, making payments ona house you cant keep up, ill and missing a mortgage payment here and there? Maybe, you

    are in a divorced and have to get rid of a house? It doesnt matter what your circumstances are

    and why you are in trouble and the banks dont care! There just arent too many alternatives

    out there; how are you going to sell your house?

    So what are you going to do you do keep from being dragged down into the quicksand?

    Various economic hardships can drag you down, but the bottom line is that you want to avert a

    foreclosure! Maybe, you want or need to move to another area closer to your job, but the

    lenders arent lending for whatever reason. Buying or selling when it is very difficult for you or

    your Buyers to find new financing is more of the norm these days and finding a house that is

    not over leveraged and a appraisal in these casesjust wont come in high enough to qualify youor your Buyer for a mortgage that will pay off the existing debt making for few alternatives;

    Rent, Short Sale or walk away the choices arent good! Here's how it looks from both a Seller's

    or Buyer's perspective:

    Costs to CloseThe total closing costs are less than a new loan because there are:

    no lender junk fees,($250 or more) no appraisal fee ($300 or more) no points or origination fees, (1% or more) no underwriting fees, ($350 or more) no lender document review fees, ($350 or more) no duplicate recording fees for a Deed and Deed of Trust ($3.33 per thousand) no survey required ($300 or more)

    On a typical $250,000 sale, the fees for a new loan might total a little over $5,000. The attorney

    fees and escrow agent fees for an Assign Contract Terms deal would be less than half that

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    amount, $995 per side. Other closing costs including title search, title insurance, settlement,

    and recording fees remain the same as a regular closing.

    Not only does a Contract for Assign Contract Terms deal save money, you can settle quickly

    because there is no loan application or appraisal. Instead of a month to close, it usually takes

    only a week for the title search and to gather the loan and escrow balance information.

    How Do I Do It?CAVEAT The information presented here is for general information and should not be

    construed as legal advice. The methods and documents discussed are used by some Firms, but

    we cannot vouch for the laws of other states or documents prepared by others. Beware of

    using on-line forms as each transaction is unique and requires the expertise of an experienced


    Prepare a Sales Contract adding the Seller Financing Addendum. In paragraph A. TYPE OF FINANCING" Cross out "First Second Third Deed of Trust"

    and substitute wrap around Contract for Deed. Whichever has been agreed upon.

    Fill in the payment terms in paragraph B "LOAN TERMS" If the loan is adjustable, be sureto spell out the terms of any adjustments.

    Then, complete the remainder of the form.If needed, add a contingency This Contract is contingent upon the parties receiving an

    explanation of the Lease Option or Contract for Deed financing from an attorney of their

    choice. This contract shall be null and void if this contingency is not removed by 6PM on

    (date). Allow five days to be safe.

    Then, call our office at (904) 748-9222. We will fax or email the appropriate Contracts,

    Addendums and Disclosure.

    Who to CallMisty Oakes, LLC uses Bernard Law. They specialize in real estate closings, title insurance and

    contracts. Their title and escrow company is a full service title and settlement agency offering

    escrow services, title searches and title insurance. They provide professional real estate

    closings throughout and are conveniently located off I-95 at the Dunn Ave exit going towards

    Anheiser Bush Drive.


    We will process all property information and determine what program to fit them into.

    We will present offers to you Provide this brochure to you. We will generate the Option contract and Sellers Disclosure. Meet with you to get the Documents signed. We will provide creative solutions to Sellers unique situations and we are associated

    with a nationwide group of investors who have done over 2000 creative deals.

    Make arrangements with the attorney for you to meet for closing.

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    Show the property to prospective buyers. If property is vacant we sometimes lockboxthe property so prospective Buyers can view the property at their own convenience

    after notifying our office.

    Provide this brochure to the Buyer. Make arrangements with the attorney for Buyer to meet for closing.


    We provide information to the attorneys that we have gathered from Seller and Buyer. We work to coordinate the closing with the attorney, Seller and Buyer.

    WHO ARE YOUR BUYERS? Our typical buyers are people that want to own a home, but for

    credit issues, or not enough down payment money, cannot qualify with a Lender. We also have

    investors looking for properties for they are limited as to how many loans they can qualify for.

    Some are self-employed and may have a problem qualifying for a new loan as the Lender

    criteria for a mortgage is sometimes is so tight that even with great income they wont qualify.

    Another thing that is causing our pool of Buyers to grow is the economy and the Banks. Banks

    have a lot of money, but they are not lending! They have tightened up their lending

    requirements so much that only 20% of the Buyers can actually qualify to receive a loan.




    From past experience, these types of deals usually take about twelve (12) weeks and usually

    close a lot sooner. Our success rate is very good in finding a Tenant/Buyer, but we cannot

    guarantee we will be successful. Rest assured we will do everything we can to find them. We

    market the properties, but we sell TERMS.

    To submit your property for us to review for the ACTS Program please call (904) 748-9222 or

    email us at [email protected] and we will have someone get back to you to

    answer all your questions.

    You can also log onto more information and other programs we have


    Misty Oakes, LLC

    7749 Normandy Blvd #145-213Jacksonville, Florida 32221

    Phone: (904) 748-9222

    Fax: (888) 538-6790

    [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]
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    D I S C L A I M E RAssume you own the home and are transferring ownership. Although, not

    illegal you are breaching your contract with the lender. The lender HAS THE


    premises and in certain cases takes title, and in all cases makes back payments.

    Your name remains on the loan until a purchase is affected during the option

    period. If the buyer defaults, the lender can foreclose on YOU since the

    mortgage is still in your name. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT LENDERS CAN




    We are not a loan modification company and DO NOT offer loan modification

    services or FOR FEE foreclosure avoidance services. We do not advocate theuse of loan modification services because of their very low success and very low

    customer satisfaction rates.

    The information presented herein is for general education purposes only and is

    not intended to apply to any given situation. It is not to be considered as legal

    or accounting advice, and no warranties of its correctness or legality expressed

    or implied are made herein.

    We do not believe that the services we offer constitute Mortgage Assistance

    Relief Services (MARS) as that term is defined in the laws and regulations,

    however, in the abundance of caution, the following disclosures under the Actare given:

    I M P O R T A N T N O T I C E :






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    Misty Oakes, LLC

    7749 Normandy Blvd #145-213

    Jacksonville, Florida 32221

    (C) (904) 859-4897

    (F) (888)

    [email protected][email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://

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