
The Kaluza-Klein program

and Supergravity

Lectures at Erice, June 2016, at the occasion of the

40th Anniversary of Supergravity

Also: 50th Anniversary of my rst visit to Erice*

30th Anniversary of the paper I will discuss.

*1966 School on Strong and Weak Interactions, with lectures by Coleman onSU(3), Radicati, Cabibbo, Gell-Mann, Glashow, Phillips, Zumino(!), Gatto andothers. The stamp of Coleman.

The KK reduction of d = 10 IIB sugra on S5 (KRN)(Kim, Romans and vN)



1. History (fun)

2. The theoretical minimum of Sugra

3. General set-up of KK reductions

4. The nitty-gritty road: Explicit construction of spherical harmonics

5. The Royal Road: Coset theory and Young tableaux

6. New developments


1. Du, Nilsson, Pope, Kaluza-Klein Supergravity, Phys. Rept. 130

(1986) 1. Focusses on S7 reduction of d = 11 sugra to d = 4.

2. Castellani, D'Auria, Fré, Supergravity and Superstrings:Textbook on geometric perspectives of sugra. Full of information(3 volumes).

3. Lectures by P. van Nieuwenhuizen at the Les Houches 1983 andTrieste 1984 (Coset Methods).

4. H.J. Kim, L.J. Romans and P. van Nieuwenhuizen, Mass spectrumof chiral ten-dimensional N = 2 supergravity on S5, Phys. Rev. D32 (1985) 389. This is the subject of these lectures. Has becomecentral for the AdS/CFT program.

History (fun)

History of dimensional reduction.

1912: Gunnar Nordström proposes 2φ = 4πGTµµ.Natural extension of ∇2φ = 4πGρ after SR in 1905.

1913: He proposes unication of EM and gravity

Aµ(x, z) = Aµ(x), φ(x) . Drops z

(d = 5 Maxwell) = (d = 4 Maxwell) + (d = 4 gravity)

Ruled out in 1919: no light bending. (And −16 precession

of Mercury.)1921: Theodor Kaluza interchanges Maxwell and gravity:

gµν(x, z) =

(gµν(x) Aµ(x)Aν(x) φ(x)

)(d = 5 Einstein) = (d = 4 Einstein) + (d = 4 Maxwell) + ?

Also drops z. Puts det gµν = −1.

Note: In both cases one decomposes µ = (µ, 5).

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History (fun)

History of dimensional reduction (continued).

1926: O. Klein and V. Fock: Keep z in

φ(x, z) =∑∞

k=−∞ φk(x)eιkzR .

Dφ(x, z) =

[2x +


)2]φ =


[(2x − k2




1938: Unication of gravity + strong + EM (+ weak)Klein proposes



gµ5 =

(Aµ(x) Bµ(x)eιez

B∗µ(x)e−ιez Aµ(x)

)a matrix!

g55 = 1

Bµ is Yukawa eld (strong ints) and Aµ is photon.Note: e = e(EM) = e(strong). From Einstein (d = 5) onegets (part of) nonabelian theory for SU(2)!

1 2k




1 2




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History (fun)

History of dimensional reduction (continued).

1938: C. Möller: Charge independence of nuclear forces?Klein: gµ5 = Ba

µσa +Aµ : SU(2)× U(1) (weak ints)!

≥1940: P. Jordan, Y. Thiry, C. Brans, R. Dicke, · · · , strings, · · · :Keep the scalar(s) (dilaton, moduli).

1953: A. Pais and W. Pauli.

1954: Yang-Mills and Pauli.

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History (fun)

(Non)Abelian symmetries from Einstein transformations.


gµα(x, z) =∑I


α onMinternal

µ in Minkowski

The Killing vectors satisfy

DαKβ +DβKα = 0 ; [KαI ∂α,K

βJ ∂β] = fIJ


Now equate

δgµα = δBIµKIα = (∂µξ

β)gβα + (∂αξβ)gµβ + ξβ∂βgµα .

Choose ξβ(x, z) =∑

ΛI(x)KβI (z). Result (just substitute):

δBIµ(x) = ∂µΛI(x) + f IJLB

Jµ (x)ΛL(x) = (DµΛ)I .

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History (fun)

General expansions into (spherical) harmonics.

1. gµα(x, z) = hµα(x, z) = BI5µ (x)Y I5

α (z) +((((((((

(BI1µ (x)DαY


For I5 = k = 1: Killing vectors. Degeneracy on Sn is 12n(n+ 1).

Gauge choice Dα(0)hµα = 0, eliminates longitudinal harmonics.

2. gαβ(x, z) = g(0)αβ (z) + hαβ(x, z)

hαβ(x, z) = h(αβ)(x, z) + 1ng

(0)αβ (z)hγγ

h(αβ)(x, z) = ΦI14(x)Y I14αβ (z) +


I5β) (z)




Gauge choice: Dα(0)h(αβ) = 0. Y I14

αβ is transversal and traceless.

3. For gravitinos: ψµ(x, z) =(ψµ(x, z), ψα(x, z)


ψµ(x, z) = ψI±Lµ (x)ΞI

±L (z) ; ψα(x, z) = ψ(α)(x, z) + χI(x)ταη

I+(z).The gauge Γαψα = 0 leaves τα-term.

ψ(α)(x, z) = ψI±L (x)Ξ

I±Lα (z) + ψI

±L (x)D(α)Ξ

I±L (z). The lowest of

ΞI±L (z) are Killing spinors η±(z)


of a Killing vector).

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The theoretical minimum of Sugra

The theoretical minimum of Supergravity.

1. Rigid Susy:

δboson = fermion× εδfermion = ∂boson× ε

The derivative lls the gap in dimensions([fermion]− [boson] = 1

2 , [ε] = −12).

[δ(ε1), δ(ε2)]boson = ε1ε2∂︸ ︷︷ ︸translation


[ε1Q, ε2Q] = (ε1γµε2)Pµ : “Q,Q = P” superalgebras

Local ε(x)→ local translation → g.c.t. (GR)

Local susy = Supergravity (Sugra).

2. Fields: gµν (or its square root eµm, eµ

meνnηmn = gµν : Cartan).

ψµa gravitino(s): spin 1 ⊗ spin 1

2=spin32 ⊕ · · ·

Other elds.

↑ Dirac's√

leads to Susy!

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The theoretical minimum of Sugra

The theoretical minimum of Supergravity.


δsusyψµa = 1

κ∂µεa + more (gauge eld of susy)

δsusyeµm = κεγmψµ (δboson = fermion× ε)

Newton constant: κ2 = 16πGc4


spin 3

2 + spin 2not

spin 32 + spin 1but · · ·

4. Vielbeins (Cartan: repères mobiles) from Dirac equation (Wigner).

Lat spaceDirac = −λγmδµm∂µλ with γm, γn = 2ηmn .

In curved space: γµ(x), γν(x) = 2gµν(x).Ansatz: γµ(x) = γmem

µ(x). Then emµen

νηmn = gµν (square root).If eµ

m xed by gµν : teleparallelism (Einstein).Arbitrary em

µ: local Lorentz rotation of frames (Cartan, Weyl).

δlLemµ = lm

n(x)enµ .

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The theoretical minimum of Sugra

The theoretical minimum of Supergravity.

Dirac action is Einstein invariant if

LD,E = −(det eµm)λγµ(x)∂µλ

but also local Lorentz invariant if

LD,E,lL = −(det eµm)λγµ(x)Dµ(ω)λ

Dµ(ω)λ = ∂µλ+ 14ωµ


δlLλ = 14λ


δlLωµmn = −Dµ(ω)λmn

Dµλmn = ∂µλ

mn + ωµmm′λ

m′n + ωµnn′λ

mn′ .

5. For free gravitinosOne derivative (Dirac)Real (Majorana)

LRS = −12 ψµγ


(ψµ)D = (ψµ)M where (ψµ)D = ψ†µιγ0 and (ψµ)M = ψTµC.

Whether or notωµmn is anindependent eld.←↓

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The theoretical minimum of Sugra

The theoretical minimum of Supergravity.

Gauge invariance: δψµ = ∂µε. Also tree unitarity xes this.Die Eleganz, die überlasz ich den Schneidern.Action for d = 4 N = 1 Sugra:

L =

LHE︷ ︸︸ ︷− 1

2κ2 eR(e, ω)

LRS︷ ︸︸ ︷− e

2 ψµγµνρDν(ω)ψρ

Minimal Einstein and local Lorentz covariantization.

e =√−g = det eµ

m ; γµνρ(x) = emµ(x)en


R(ω, e) = Rµνmn(ω)em

νenµ ; Dν(ω)ψρ = ∂νψρ + 1


Rµνmn = ∂µων

mn − ∂νωµmn ; δsusyψµ = 1κDµ(ω)ε

+ ωµmkων

kn − ωνmkωµkn ; Dµ(ω)ε =(∂µ + 1



= gauge curvature for SO(3, 1).

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The theoretical minimum of Sugra

The theoretical minimum of Supergravity.

6. Second- versus rst-order formalism. Requiring thatδψµ = 1

κDµ(ω)ε in LRS cancels δeµm in LHE xes

δeµm = κεγmψµ! The remaining variations factorize:

δL(remaining) = − 12κ2 ε


mneνr + κ

6 εγmnrDµψν

)︸ ︷︷ ︸Deser & Zumino:

δωµmn=··· (rst order)


s − κ2

4 ψργsψσ

)︸ ︷︷ ︸

FFN: ωµmn(e,ψ)(second order)

Superspace uses second order.

7. Superspace: xµ(µ = 0, 1, 2, 3); θα(α = 1, 2); θα(α = 1, 2)Superelds: V∗(x, θ) (* Lorentz indices)Pµ: translations x

µ → xµ + aµ. Local aµ(x) become g.c.t. (GR)Qα: translations θ

α → θα + εα. Local εα(x) become local susy!Mmn: local Lorentz rotations (frames, falling lifts)Superspace Supergravity is Supersymmetric General Relativity.

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General set-up of KK reductions

General set-up of KK.

1. Find a solution of classical eld eqs. Our case: AdS5 ⊗ S5 (c = 1R)

AdS5 S5

g(0)µν (x) g

(0)αβ (z)

R(0)µνρσ = c2


(0)µρ g

(0)νσ − g(0)

µσ g(0)νρ


(0)αβγδ = −c2


(0)αγ g

(0)βδ − g

(0)αδ g



(0)µνρστ = c

√−g(0)(x)εµνρστ F

(0)αβγδε = c


2. Decompose all elds into background + quantum uctuations

Φ∗? = Φ(0)∗? (x or z) + ϕ∗?(x, z)

3. Expand ϕ∗?(x, z) =∑ϕI∗(x)Y I

? (z). The Y I? (z) are spherical

harmonics (Legendre; Green in EM; for scalars on S2 in QM; forvectors on S2 in Jackson).

4. Substitute into linearized eld equations for ϕ. Collect all termswith the same Y?. Mixing of ϕ∗(x) occurs: NOT discussed below.


xµ zα⊗

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The nitty-gritty road: Explicit construction of spherical harmonics

Details of KK: Scalar harmonics on Sn (n = 5).

One complex scalar eld B(x, z) in d = 9 + 1 IIB sugra, only quantum

B(x, z) =∑

Bk(x)Y k(z) , k = 0, 1, 2, · · ·

Spectrum: −2zYk(z) = λs(n, k)Y k(z) and degeneracy? (s for scalar)

Recall QM: Y 0 = 1 , Y 1 = x+ ιy, x− ιy, z , Y 2 = x2 + y2 − 2z2, xy, · · ·.Choose monomial P k(x) in xµ (coords of Rn+1). Impose 2P k(x) = 0⇒traceless. Go from xµ to yµ = (r, θα). (Polar coords, θα = zα.)

ds2 = dr2 + r2dΩ2

gµν(y) =

(1 0

0 r2gαβ(θ)

)2 = 1√

g∂∂yµ√ggµν ∂


P k(x) = P k(y)

0 = 2P k(x) = 2P k(y). Use P k(y) = rkY k(θ).

0 = 2P k(y) =(


n∂r + 1r2 2S(θ)

)rkY k(θ)

⇒ −2S(θ)Y k(θ) = k(n+ k − 1)Y k(θ) .

chain rule

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The nitty-gritty road: Explicit construction of spherical harmonics

Young tableaux for scalars.

: symmetric and traceless irrep of SO(n+ 1).

ds(n, k) = #P k −#P k−2 (for the trace)


(n+ k


)−(n+ k − 2

k − 2


k = 0 : a constant

k = 1 : xµ

k = 2 : xµxν − 1n+1δ

µν x2


1 2k







Scalars Y k(z) on S5

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The nitty-gritty road: Explicit construction of spherical harmonics

Details: Vector harmonics on Sn. (Jackson for S2)

Choose P kµ (x) =(

0, 0, P k(x), 0, · · · , 0). Impose again

0 = 2P kµ =∂yν

∂xµ2P kν (y)⇒

2P kr (y) = 0

2P kα(y) = 0

P kr (y) = ∂xµ

∂r Pkµ = xµ

r Pkµ = rkρk(θ)

P kα(y) = ∂xµ

∂θα Pkµ = rk+1V k

α (θ) .

0 = 2P kα =(∂r − 1


)(∂r − 1


)rk+1V k

α (θ) + rk−12S(θ)V kα (θ)

+ rk−1∂αρ(θ) + nlrk−1Vα(θ) + rk−1(∂αρ(θ)− Vα(θ)


BUT: Vα(θ) = ∂ασ(θ) + Y kα (θ) with DαYα = 0.

Then −2SYkα = λv(n, k)Y k

α with λv(n, k) = k(n+ k− 1)− 1, k = 1, 2, 3.

just substitute

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The nitty-gritty road: Explicit construction of spherical harmonics

Vector harmonics continued.

Young tableau:

⊗ = ⊕↓ k=1,2,3,···


∂yν Pµ(x) ρ′ Yα σ′

dv(n, k) = (n+ 1)ds(n, k)− ds(n, k + 1)− ds(n, k − 1)

k = 1: Killing vectors:νµ

= Y k=1α = xµ∂αx

ν − xν∂αxµ

Degeneracy: 12(n+ 1)n.

k = 2:ν ρµ

= Y k=2α = 1



µ((xν xρ))− ∂αxν((xµxρ))]



µ((xρxν))− ∂αxρ((xµxν))],

where ((xµxν)) = xµxν − 1nδµν x2.

1 2k






Vectors Yα(z) on S5

Note the Young symmetryand the tracelessness

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The nitty-gritty road: Explicit construction of spherical harmonics

Details: Spinor harmonics.

First spin 12 : Ξ±,k(z) (k = 0 are Killing spinors η±). Later spin 3

2 .

Spin 12: Begin again in Rn+1 with massless (nonchiral) Dirac

equation in Cartesian coord: γmδmµ ∂∂xµ ψ

(k)(x) = 0. Theψ(x) have in one entry xµ1 · · · xµk and further traces.Examples:

k = 0 : χ

k = 1 :(xµ − 1


k = 2 :[xµxν − 1


(/xγµxν + /xγν xµ + x2δµν

)]χ ≡ xµxνcα;µν

where χ is a constant spinor and c is gamma-traceless:

(γµ)αβcβ;µν = 0.

Then go to polar (or other) coords yν = (r, θα);ψ(k)(x) = ψ(k)(y)

0 = γm(δm

µ ∂yν


)∂∂yν ψ


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The nitty-gritty road: Explicit construction of spherical harmonics

Spinor harmonics continued.

We need more! In Rn+1 with polar coordinates:(ds)2 = dr2 + r2dθ2 + r2 sin2 θdφ2 + · · ·. Then a diagonal vielbein:E1r = 1, E2

θ = r, E3φ = r sin θ + · · ·. We need in general a suitable local

Lorentz rotation Λ(θ): Λ−1ψk(y) ≡ ψk(y). Insert unity ΛΛ−1 = I:



δmµ ∂yν


)(∂∂yν +

(Λ−1 ∂

∂yν Λ))

ψk(y) = 0.

If Lmn = (eλ)mn, then Λ = e14λmnγmγn , and

Λ−1γmΛ = Lmnγn ; Λ−1 ∂

∂yν Λ = 14 ωµ

mn︸ ︷︷ ︸pure gauge




∂xµ δmµLmn

)︸ ︷︷ ︸


Dνψk = 0.

Given Enν nd Lmn (or vice-versa for stereographic coords).

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The nitty-gritty road: Explicit construction of spherical harmonics

Spinor harmonics continued.

Use ψk(y) = Λ−1(θ)ψk(y) = Λ−1ψk(x) = rkψk(θ) (because Λ isindependent of r). Then[

γ1(∂r + n


from ωa1a

)+ 1


]rkψk(θ) = 0

For even n+ 1: Use γ1 =(

0 II 0

), γa+1 =

(0 −ισaισa 0

)and with

ψk =(



)one gets

∓ι /DSΞ∓,k = −(k + n


)Ξ∓,k ⇒ λspinor(n, k) = ±

(k + n



For odd n+ 1: Multiply by (1± ιγ1). Then (1∓ ιγ1)ψk = Ξ±,k and/DSΞ±,k = −ι

(k + n


)Ξ±,k. Same result.

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The nitty-gritty road: Explicit construction of spherical harmonics

Spinor harmonics continued.

1 2k

- 92

- 72

- 52











Spinors Ξ±(z) on S5

Young Tableau • • • • • :

dspinor(n, k) =[(n+ k


)︸ ︷︷ ︸

#P (k)

−(n+ k − 1

k − 1

)︸ ︷︷ ︸Dirac equation



factor 1/2for ψ+,ψ−

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The nitty-gritty road: Explicit construction of spherical harmonics

Spinor harmonics continued.

For polar coordinates: Λ−1 = e12θγ1γ2




. (Eulerangles: L = · · · e−φL23e−θL12)

k = 0: Killing spinors: Dαη± = ∓ ι

2γαη±. On S2:

Ξ±,k=0 = Λ−1(1∓ιγ1)χ =

η±I = eι


cos θ/2(1∓ι)− sin θ/2(1±ι)

)η±II = e−ι


sin θ/2(1∓ι)cos θ/2(1±ι)


2 η+

and2 η−

k = 1:

Ξ±,k=1 = xµ︸︷︷︸Y k=1


)︸ ︷︷ ︸


− 1n+1 x



︸ ︷︷ ︸rγ1


)︸ ︷︷ ︸

usedΛ−1γµΛ= ∂xµ


= xµ

rγ1+ 1

r( /DS x



= 1n+1

[nY k=1 ∓


1)]η±. (KRN!)

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The nitty-gritty road: Explicit construction of spherical harmonics

Spinor harmonics continued.

Spin 32(gravitino on S5): Combine vectors and spinors.

ΞL,±,ka,α = DaΞ±,kα ; ΞT,±,ka,α = (Dax

µ)xρ1 · · · xρk (Σ±)αβ︸ ︷︷ ︸



β;ρ1 ρkµ


The constant spinors ψ are(anti) chiral if n+ 1 = even(anti) symmetric in µ, ρ1, · · · , ρkgamma-traceless γµ∓ψ

±µρ1···ρk = γρ1

∓ ψ±µρ1···ρk = 0.

Γa =(

0 γaγa 0

); Γn+1 =

(0 ιI−ιI 0

); γ±A = (γa,±ιI) .

Identity (needed for spectrum):

Σ±γ∓AΣ± = YABγ∓B , A,B = 1, · · · , n+ 1.

In stereographic coordinates easy to check:


(δab − 2zazb






); Σ± =

2R± ι/z√4R2 + z2


Pauli matrices

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The nitty-gritty road: Explicit construction of spherical harmonics

Mass Spectrum on S5

(e = 1



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The Royal Road: Coset theory and Young tableaux

The Royal Road: Cosets and Young tableaux.

S5 : G/H = SO(6)/SO(5). Coset representatives: L(z) ∈ SO(6) in anyirrep. L−1dL = eaKa + 1

2ωabHab (Cartan-Maurer). Dene:

Y = L−1 ⇒ dY = −(L−1dL

)L−1 =

(−eaKa − 1


)Y .

DαY = −KαY or Da︸︷︷︸di. op.

Y = − Ka︸︷︷︸constant matrix

Y←sph. harm.

DbDaY = −[Db,Ka]Y −KaDbY

⇓−ωbca KcY = −ωbacDcY

DbDaY = KaKbY

2SY =(δabKaKb

)Y = δABTATB − 1


−2SY =[C2(SO(6))− C2(SO(5))


Degeneracy of Y : dimension of Young tableau.

∣∣∣∣∣ In any irrep R of G.Decomposes into irrepsof H, on which 2S acts.

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The Royal Road: Coset theory and Young tableaux

Examples of Young tableau.

TensorsR :


# boxes = r

C2(R of SO(n)) = −r(n− 1)−∑f2i +

∑g2i .


k︷ ︸︸ ︷of SO(6); • of SO(5); k = 0, 1, 2, · · ·.

C2(SO(6)) = −k(5)− k2 + k

C2(SO(5)) = 0

λs(n, k) = k(k − 4).


k︷ ︸︸ ︷of SO(6); of SO(5); k = 1, 2, 3, · · ·.




+ YaB

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The Royal Road: Coset theory and Young tableaux

Examples continued.

Antisym. tensors:

k+1︷ ︸︸ ︷of SO(6); of SO(5); k = 1, 2, 3.

Symmetric tensors:

k︷ ︸︸ ︷of SO(6); of SO(5);

k = 2, 3, · · ·.

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The Royal Road: Coset theory and Young tableaux

Examples continued.

SpinorsR :

• • • •• •• •

C2(R of SO(n)) = −rn− 18n(n+ 1)−

∑f2i +

∑g2i .

Spin 12: • • • • of SO(6); • of SO(5).

λspinor(n, k) =[k × 6 + 1

8 × 6× 5 + k2 − k]−[

18 × 5× 4

]= k2 + 5k + 10

8 k = 0, 1, 2.

λ = −2S = − /D /D + 14R = − /D /D − 1


ι /DΞk,± = ±(k + 12)Ξk,± .

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New developments

Exceptional Field Theory. (O. Hohm, H. Samtleben, arXiv:1312.0614)

Idea: Introduce new coordinates YM ⇒ extended sugra which containsboth N = 1 d = 11 and IIB.

The YM are in 27 of E6 (recall: scalars from torus compactication formcoset G/H = E6/USp(8)).

Action: S =∫d5xd27Y e

[R+ gµν(DµMMN )


)− 1

4MMNFµν,MFµνN + more].

Symmetries: External gen. di. (EGD) and Internal gen. di. (IGD).

δEGD(ξ)eµm(x, Y ) = ξν(x, Y )Dνeµ

m + (Dµξν)eν


Dµeνm = ∂µeν

m −ANµ ∂Neνm − 13∂MA

Mµ eν


δIGD(Λ)VM (x, Y ) = “LΛ”VM = ΛK(x, Y )∂KVM

+ 6(PNM )KL(∂KΛL)VN + λ(∂LΛL)VM

(if VA

M∈E6 then

also δ(Λ)VAM∈E6

)(PNM )KL = (tα)NM (tα)KL (α = 1, · · · , 78)

= 118δM

NδLK︸ ︷︷ ︸

needed for P2=P

+ 16δM

KδLN︸ ︷︷ ︸

usual term

− 53dNKP dMLP︸ ︷︷ ︸

inv. tensors of E6

PvN (CNYITP) The KK program and Sugra Jun, 2016 27 / 29

New developments

Exceptional Field Theory continued.

Closure: [LΛ1 ,LΛ2 ] = L[Λ1,Λ2]

Denes E bracket.

Requires section constraint:

dMNK∂N∂KA = 0;

dMNK∂NA∂KB = 0.

KK reduction: Make ansatz (sph. harm.)

gµν(x, Y ) = ρ−2(Y )gµν(x)

AµM (x, Y ) = ρ−1(Y )U−1N

M (Y )AµN (x)

MMN (x, Y ) = UMK(Y )UNL(Y )MKL(x)

Consistency: EMN (x, Y ) ≡ ρ−1(Y )U−1(Y )MN must satisfy


(EM = EMN ∂

∂Y N


PvN (CNYITP) The KK program and Sugra Jun, 2016 28 / 29

New developments

Exceptional Field Theory continued.

Consistency: for BM (x, Y ) = ENM (Y )BN (x);ΛM (x, Y ) = ENM (Y )ΛN (x).

One gets δBM = ENM (Y )δBN (x) (denition)

= LΛBM = LEK(Y )ΛK(x)

(ENM (Y )BN (x)

)= ΛK(x)


M)︸ ︷︷ ︸

require: −XKNLELM then

δBM (x)=−ΛK(x)XKNMBN (x).

BN (x)

Two solutions of the section constraint yield

N = 1 d = 11 if E6(6) → Sl(6)×Gl(1); (Note: E6(6) is real.)27→ (ym,

Ymn,ym6 + 15 + 6


IIB if E6(6) → Sl(5)× Sl(2).

27→ (ym,ymα,ymα,y


5 + 10 + 10 + 2)

Big Question: Is this Bookkeeping or Deep Physics?PvN (CNYITP) The KK program and Sugra Jun, 2016 29 / 29

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