
1. The Journey of M.A. Theodore M.A. Theodore was young man who lived on Inch Isle. On Inch Isle all lengths were measured in inches. So M.A. carried around a paperclip (which is about an inch) to measure things with. Inch Isle 2. The Journey of M.A. Theodore M.A. was ready for an adventure. So on his 19 th birthday he set sail for new lands for the first time in his life. He measure his boat and thought that is was very large because it measured 36 paperclips long! Inch Isle 3. The Journey of M.A. Theodore With great speed M.A. found his way to the island called Foot Falls. Inch Isle Foot Falls 4. The Journey of M.A. Theodore On the island of Foot Falls M.A. found a table that he really liked a table. He wanted to buy it, but he needed to find out if he could fit it in his boat. When he asked how long the table was, the kind Footman said, This table is 3 feet long. Foot Falls 5. The Journey of M.A. Theodore M.A. had no idea what a foot meant! So M.A. politely said, Excuse me sir, about how long is a foot? The Footman replied, Well I carry around a piece of paper like this to measure in feet. Is there one I could buy from you? M.A. asked. Foot Falls 6. The Journey of M.A. Theodore Of course, the Footman said, Why dont you take this one, free of charge. Thanks a million times! M.A. did not want to have to go back to his boat and measure it in feet. Do you think we could help him out? Good thinking! Foot Falls 7. The Journey of M.A. Theodore How many paperclips long is the paper? So how many feet is the boat? Can M.A. buy this table? Great! M.A. was ready to move on from Foot Falls, so he loaded his new table onto his boat and set sail. Foot Falls 8. The Journey of M.A. Theodore M.A. soon found himself at the island know as Yacht Yard. Foot Falls Yacht Yard 9. The Journey of M.A. Theodore While seeing the sights on Yacht Yard, M.A. learned to surf. He really wanted to buy his own surfboard, but he needed to know if it would fit on his boat. The one he wanted was 2 yards long. Yacht Yard 10. The Journey of M.A. Theodore He had no idea how long a yard was. So M.A. asked one of the Yardigans. The Yardigan replied, I use this stick to measure the things here because it is about a yard. Can I borrow that stick for a minute? Yacht Yard 11. The Journey of M.A. Theodore Sure! M.A. still had the paper from Foot Falls, and he knew that his boat was about three of those. So he use the paper to measure the stick. The stick was about three papers! So his boat was about one yard long. Yacht Yard 12. The Journey of M.A. Theodore Could he fit the surfboard he wanted onto his boat? Oh well, it was too expensive anyways. So M.A. went back to his boat and set sail yet again. Yacht Yard 13. The Journey of M.A. Theodore This time he travelled a very long time. Yacht Yard 14. The Journey of M.A. Theodore He finally arrived at the biggest island yet. Mile Mountain 15. The Journey of M.A. Theodore M.A. was thoroughly astounded by the size of everything on the island. While talking with one of the traders, M.A. found that the Mileans measured everything by miles. Mile Mountain 16. The Journey of M.A. Theodore How much is a mile? he asked the Milean. I use this device to measure miles. But since we trade so much with Yardigans and Footmen, I know the conversion factors as well, answered the Milean. Mile Mountain 17. The Journey of M.A. Theodore What is a conversion factor? M.A. asked. A conversion factor tells how many smaller units are in one big unit. For instance, the conversion factor from feet to miles is 5,280. Mile Mountain 18. The Journey of M.A. Theodore So what youre saying is there are 5,280 feet in one mile? Yes! Exactly. And the conversion factor for yards to miles is 1760. Thats great! Mile Mountain 19. The Journey of M.A. Theodore What other conversion factors has M.A. already learned on his journey? Inches to feet 12 Feet to yards 3 Mile Mountain 20. The Journey of M.A. Theodore When M.A. returns to his boat, there are several Mileans standing around it. They ask him, Just how small is this boat? Mile Mountain 21. The Journey of M.A. Theodore M.A. quickly recalls the conversion factors that the Milean trader taught him. It is .0005682 miles long, he responds. Mile Mountain 22. The Journey of M.A. Theodore Wow, says one Milean, I did not know that they made boats that small! Believe me, this boat is large where I come from. Now I am going home! said M.A. Mile Mountain 23. The Journey of M.A. Theodore Mile Mountain 24. The Journey of M.A. Theodore M.A. finally reached Inch Isle. He learned so many new things on his journey, he decided to practice it. Inch Isle 25. The Journey of M.A. Theodore How many feet long is a 7 in shoe? How many yards is a .0045 mi field? How many miles long is a 1798 in sidewalk? How many inches long is a 300 ft---------------------------- football field? Inch Isle

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