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The best project you will see……..

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Introduction…The story of how this remarkable humanitarian campaign began was told in his bestselling 2006 book, Three Cups of Tea. Mortenson’s philosophies about building relationships, empowering communities, and educating girls have struck a powerful chord. Hundreds of communities and universities, as well as several branches of the U.S. military, have used Three Cups of Tea as a common read.

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CONTINUING ON…….. Mountaineer Greg mortenson attempted to climb K2, the world’s second largest mountain and located in the Karakoram range of northern Pakistan-administered Kashmir, as a way of honouring the memory of his deceased sister, Christa. As a memorial, he had planned to lay her amber necklace on the summit of K2.

After more than 70 days on the mountain, Mortenson and three other climbers had their ascent interrupted by the need to complete a 75-hour life-saving rescue of a fifth climber. After getting lost during his descent, alone, he became weak and exhausted. Instead of arriving in Askole, where his porters awaited, he came across Korphe, a small village built on a shelf jutting out from a canyon. He was greeted and taken in by the chief elder, Haji Ali of Korphe.

To repay the remote community for their hospitality, Mortenson promised to build a school for the village. After difficulties in raising capital, Mortenson was introduced to Jean Hoerni, a Silicon Valley pioneer who donated the money that Mortenson needed for his school. In the last months of his life, Hoerni co-founded the Central Asia Institute, endowing the CAI to build schools in rural Pakistan and Afghanistan.

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The history of the book………

broadcast of CBS News' 60 Minutes, correspondent Steve Kroft alleged inaccuracies in Mortenson's books Three Cups of Tea and its sequel. In particular, CBS News disputed Mortenson's claim that he got lost near

K2 and ended up in Korphe; that he was captured by the Taliban in 1996; whether the number of schools built and supported by CAI is

accurate; and the propriety in the use of CAI funds for Mortenson's book tours. 60 Minutes asked Mortenson for an interview prior to their

broadcast, but Mortenson did not respond to their requests.60 Minutes made the following allegations:

The story recounted in Three Cups of Tea about Mortenson getting lost on the way down from K2, stumbling into Korphe, and promising to build

a school did not actually take place.Schools that the Central Asia Institute claims to have built either have not been built, have been built and abandoned, are currently used for other purposes such as grain storage, or have not been supported by

CAI after they were built.The amount of money Central Asia Institute spends on advertising

Mortenson's books and paying the travel expenses of his speaking tours, including hiring private jets, is excessive relative to other comparable

charitable institutions.


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Jon Krakauer, a former financial supporter of CAI, has also questioned Mortenson's accounts separately and was interviewed for the 60 Minutes segment. The day after the broadcast, Krakauer released his allegations in a lengthy online article, Three Cups of Deceit - How Greg Mortenson, Humanitarian Hero, Lost His Way. In the article, Krakauer documents how he had earlier been captivated by Mortenson's story and had donated substantial sums to CAI, but that he had later heard stories of misconduct and began investigating. Krakauer states that he invited Mortenson to address his allegations, including setting up an interview where Mortenson lives, however, Mortenson subsequently cancelled the interview. Causing lots of suspicion on Greg mortenson

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Credits of sources:Wikipedia!

Three cups of tea!

Greg Mortenson’s blog!

The team that made it all:Joshua Ou

Cyrus Tan

Nathaniel Lea

(team 7)

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