  1. 1. Sheree Cairney Tammy Abbott Byron Wilson The Interplay Framework: Social and Cultural Indicators to Assess the Wellbeing impacts of Aboriginal Ranger Programs in WA and NT
  2. 2. 2 Interplay Project Wellbeing = feeling good Interplay = connections Project Aims Interplay Objective measures Inform policy Review Literature Community Engagement Interplay Framework Links science, community & policy systems Quantitative & qualitative Tool for planning, evaluation & communication Study Design Prospective cohort 4 communities 2 timepoints/waves 900 surveys, 20 focus groups Nguyen & Cairney (2013) Literature review working towards a wellbeing framework. CRC-REP Cairney & Abbott (2014) Aboriginal Wellbeing in a Red Dirt Economy. Journal of Australian Indigenous Studies.
  3. 3. Aboriginal Community Researcher Program A network of over 120 Aboriginal Community Researchers employed across 60 communities over the last three years. 3
  4. 4. Interplay project The way we work 4 Abbott T and Cairney S. 2014. Collaboration and Capacity Development through the employment of Aboriginal Community-based Researchers: Examples from the Interplay Project. Journal of Australian Indigenous Studies.
  5. 5. Martu Ranger Program (WA) 5 Strong partnerships Connectedness, teamwork, support Working in culture, working and learning on country, learning about culture through work, preserving culture Capacity development, empowerment, opportunities Flexible employment (2-3 weeks/month) If I didnt bring my boy along with me when I go out, he wouldnt know anything about his country I like learning both ways white fella way and Martu way. Helping one another learing from one another teamwork We are all happy all of the time When I get up in the morning, I feel happy knowing that Im going to work
  6. 6. Dhimurru Ranger Program (NT) 6 Vision Statement powerful, resilience to keep strong both at work and home, values shared Two-way working/learning but Yolngu drive it, through Yolngu board Independent (non-government) Strong partnerships with stakeholders Learning and teaching on country, making sure country is safe, respect the land Its a good thing that we are still standing firm for Yolngu people Two way working thing but the Yolngu drive it, through Yolngu board Youre empowering yourself to go to work You can see that vision statement within your mind, as soon as you enter the workplace. The vision statement guides us every day. We can feel it, its something guiding us during the day and can take it home.
  7. 7. Preliminary Data Analysis (Survey) 7 Approximately 900 surveys From four remote communities Participants aged 15-34 years Key Domains & Sub-domains
  8. 8. Wellbeing outcomes early findings 8 Culture/community/empowerment more closely related to health and wellbeing than education/work/money confidence education work read and write Aboriginal language learn in first language learn about culture at school spirituality empowermentculture community health wellbeing being on country money

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