
María Fernanda Ramírez

Cristian Josué Campos

Magazine Editors

February, 2012


From the Principal’s Desk …………………………………………………. 3

Values of the Month …………………………………………………….. 4 -5

Technology ………………………………………………………………….. 6 -7

Learning Corner …………………………………………………………….. 9

Teen Health ……………………………………………………………….. 10 -11

Sports…………………………………………………………………………. 12

International News……………………………………………………….. 13-15

From The Principal’s desk…

Greetings to all of you.

Love and friendship, values that are essential for all of us. Values that life

demands us in order to build a peaceful and harmonious environment.

I would like to point out the desire and work from each student and teacher

involved into this project. We are the first bilingual School that has this kind

of Project in Santa Ana. The mission of this virtual magazine is to keep you

informed and at the same time present to our students activities and topics

that they might be interested in, of course, contributing to their knowledge

and education.

I would like to encourage all of you to keep on working as a team with your

children; promoting values as: compromise, discipline, responsibility and

some others.

From the principal’s desk, I wish

you success in your daily activities.

God bless this institution.

Sometimes it may seem like your

skin is impossible to manage,

especially when you wake up and

find a huge zit on your nose or a

cold sore at the corner of your

mouth. The good news is that

there are ways to prevent and

treat common skin problems —

read on for some tips.


A pimple starts when the pores in

the skin become clogged with a type of oil called sebum, which normally lubricates the

skin and hair. Acne is common during puberty when hormones go into overdrive,

causing the skin to overproduce sebum. Because many oil-producing glands are on the

forehead, nose, and chin, this area — the T-zone — is where a person is most prone to


Here are some tips to help prevent breakouts and clear them up as fast as possible:

Wash your face twice a day (no more) with warm water and a mild soap made for

people with acne. Gently massage your face with circular motions. Don't scrub.

Overwashing and scrubbing can cause skin to become irritated. After cleansing, the

American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) recommends applying an over-the-

counter (no prescription needed) lotion containing benzoyl peroxide. This will

decrease oil and bacteria.

Don't pop pimples. It's tempting, but here's why you shouldn't: Popping pimples

can push infected material further into the skin, leading to more swelling and

redness, and even scarring. If you notice a pimple coming before a big event, like

the prom, a dermatologist can often treat it for you with less risk of scarring or


How to take

care of your skin?

Avoid touching your face with your

fingers or leaning your face on objects that

collect sebum and skin residue like your

phone. Touching your face can spread the

bacteria that cause pores to become

inflamed and irritated. To keep bacteria at

bay, wash your hands before applying

anything to your face, such as treatment

creams or makeup.

If you wear glasses or sunglasses,

make sure you clean them frequently to

keep oil from clogging the pores around

your eyes and nose.

If you get acne on your body, try not to wear tight clothes. They don't allow skin to

breathe and may cause irritation. Scarves, headbands, and caps can collect dirt and

oil, too.

Remove your makeup before you go to sleep. When buying makeup, make sure you

choose brands that say "noncomedogenic" or "nonacnegenic" on the label. Throw

away old makeup that smells or looks different from when you first bought it.

Keep hair clean and out of your face to prevent additional dirt and oil from clogging

your pores.

Protect your skin from the sun. It may seem like a tan masks acne, but it's only

temporary. A tan may worsen your acne, not improve it. Tanning also causes

damage to skin that will eventually lead to wrinkles and increase your risk of skin


If you're concerned about acne, talk to a dermatologist. Dermatologists offer a range of

treatments that help to prevent and acne scars.

B.K.B ( 3:00 – 4:30 )

Monday-- Wednesday--Friday

-Cat. U- 10 and U-12, Mr. Jaime Acevedo.

-Cat. U-13 anda U-15, Mr Carlos Henríquez.

Football ( 3:00 – 4:30 )

Monday – to – Friday

-Cat. U-8 and U-10, Mr. Emerson Galdámez.

-Cat. U-18, Mr. Jaime Acevedo.

Volleyball ( 3:00 – 4:30 )

Tuesday -- Thursday

-Cat. U-17, Mr. Giovanni Cárdenas.


President Barack Obama welcomed China's presumptive next leader at the White

House Tuesday but also set a firm tone for future relations between the two world


The meeting with Obama highlighted a day of top-level Washington diplomacy for

Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, who also met with Vice President Joe Biden and

spoke at the State Department.

On Wednesday, Xi will meet with congressional leaders on Capitol Hill and deliver a

major policy address at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as he continues his five-day


At the Oval Office meeting Tuesday, Obama said that with China's meteoric rise as an

economic powerhouse came a responsibility to ensure balanced trade flows, referring

to China's trade surpluses.

The president also raised the delicate issue of human rights as a critical area of concern

for the United States.

"We've tried to emphasize that because of China's extraordinary development over the

last two decades, that with expanding power and prosperity also comes increased

responsibilities," Obama said while sitting next to Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping in

the Oval Office."We want to work with China to make sure everyone is working by the

same rules of the road when it comes to the world economic system," he added.

For his part, Xi said the main purpose of his visit was to work to strengthen U.S.-

Chinese relations and build a "cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and

mutual interests."

The trip is an opportunity for Xi, who is expected to be the Asian giant's next

Communist Party leader and president, to burnish his credentials. President Hu Jintao

undertook a similar visit 10 years ago as he was being groomed for the top job.

President Obama welcomed China´s next


It also gave U.S. officials chance to size up Xi. His meeting with Obama lasted almost

90 minutes, which was longer than planned.

According to Carney, Obama said the meeting ran long "because of the importance of

the relationship and cooperation in dealing with the range of challenges that" the two

countries face.

In welcoming Xi earlier, Vice President Joe Biden said the United States and China had

one of the most important bilateral relationships in the world. But the two countries,

he said, were not always going to see eye to eye.

Xi, who is expected to become the leader of China's ruling Communist Party later this

year, said he looked forward to in-depth

and candid talks.

He also said he hoped to engage with a

broad section of the American people.

But beneath the carefully choreographed

presentation of the high-profile meetings

lies a range of contentious issues on

which Xi has little incentive to give

ground, including trade and China's growing military presence.

"I think he's going to be tough with a smile on his face," said James McGregor, senior

counselor for the communications firm APCO Worldwide in China. "He's gonna

appear to be a very friendly man. But he has to be tough because he's still talking to an

audience back here."

The subject of Xi's trip and what it portends for U.S.-Chinese relations in the coming

years has received heavy coverage in state-run media in China.

"The U.S. has never met a competitor like China before," the Global Times, an English-

language newspaper run by the Communist Party, said in an editorial published

Monday that noted China's global clout in manufacturing and exports.

The Obama administration, under pressure from stubbornly high unemployment

figures in an election year, has already taken steps concerning China's role in global


Obama mentioned China by name when he

announced in his State of the Union address last

month that he was creating a trade enforcement

unit to bring cases against other countries. There

is also persistent tension over China's efforts to

control the level of its currency, the renminbi,

which U.S. officials say makes it undervalued.

Carney told reporters Tuesday that the currency issue is routinely raised in any

meeting with Chinese leaders.

Xi, 58, is very well versed in these issues, according to Jon Huntsman, the former

Republican presidential hopeful who was U.S. ambassador to China between 2009 and


"He's gone out of his way in recent years to bone up economics and trade, knowing full

well that these are the issues that are going to determine whether or not the United

States and China are able to get through the years to come," Huntsman said.

Chinese officials are aware of U.S. concerns, but Xi and other leaders face the challenge

of keeping China's hundreds of millions of workers content as economic growth starts

to ease from the torrid levels of recent years.

Policy makers in Beijing are grappling with how to tackle rapidly rising prices and the

widening gap between rich and poor.

"I want a job," said Xie Yingling, an unemployed welder in the coastal province of

Fujian, where Xi used to be governor. "Our local economy is just bad. I find even a

bowl of noodles too expensive here."

Xi's engagements in the United States began Monday with a dinner in Washington

attended by former U.S. secretaries of state Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright.

He was given a less cordial welcome by activists advocating Tibetan independence,

who started unfurling a banner on Arlington Memorial Bridge in Washington Monday

afternoon. The activists were detained by the police before being released.

On Tuesday, several hundred protesters chanting for a free Tibet gathered the U.S.

Chamber of Commerce Xi and Biden met with business leaders. Calling for Tibetan

freedom, the protesters waved flags, carried signs and voiced their message through a

bull horn.

Beijing has been struggling in recent weeks to contain unrest among ethnic Tibetans in

the southwestern province of Sichuan. It has sent additional security forces to the

region after Tibetan protesters set themselves on fire and clashed with police to express

frustration with Chinese rule.

After Washington, Xi will travel Wednesday to Iowa, a state he first visited as a local

official in the 1980s.

He is visiting the United States amid the rhetoric and political uncertainty of

presidential election campaigning. But upheaval is also under way in China through

the leadership transition that is set to result in Xi's taking charge later this year.

With about 70% of the country's top 200 officials expected to be swapped out during

the process, Huntsman said Xi is "stepping into the forefront of China's political

leadership structure at a time of

enormous change."

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