





Submitted to the English Education Department of Syekh Nurjati State Institute

for Islamic Studies in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Graduate

Degree of English Education (S. Pd. I)



Reg. Number : 58430765







Mind mapping are the one of many method in teaching especially in teaching of reading . By learning reading the students’ will be able to add information and its very essential to improve the four language skill, but in fact they still have many problem about that. Most of the students are of the content reading text. The aims in this research is to know the students’ reading achievement becomes more understand about reading, besides that this aims also to know the positive and significant influence of using mind mapping on the understanding in reading ability. In this research, the method which is used by researcher is quantitative method. The one of types of quantitative method is experimental research, so the researcher uses that. The place of the research in SMP N 1 Kadipaten and began to do research on may-july 2012. And the population of the students, researcher take all of eight class grade, there are 394 students and the sample of the students, researcher take one classes, it means the researcher divides the class VIIIA consist 45 students. To know the students achivement, researcher presented the test to the students. To find out the data of the result of test on understanding in reading ability, the ressearcher use the formula product moment and the hypothesis of this research is Ha it means the hypothesis is accepted.

The result of comparison between the students’ understanding in reading ability before and after using of mind mapping is using pre-tet and post-test, the score are 69.3 and 75.2, its means the value of r that reaches 0.65 level. And the value of normality test obtain either at the Saphiro Wilks X and Y variable (sign. 0.156 and 0.142) and (sign. 0.141 and 0.091) all >0.05, it means are normal distributed homogeneous is 0.667>0.05 it means the data homogeneous. And the value DF= N-1= 45-1= 44 it means the value of ttest is 8.67 and ttable at the critical value of 5% is 2.04. So there is significant influence of using of mind mapping on the students understanding in reading ability at the eighth grade students of SMP N 1 Kadipaten Majalengka.


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin......

In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful. All praises and thank fullness are given to Allah SWT lord of all creatures and universe, because of HIS permission the writer has been able to finish this thesis. May invocation and safety always be given to the prophet Mohammad SAW (Peace be upon Him), his companions, his families, and his companions, and his followers up to the end of the world.

The Thesis entitled in “THE INFLUENCE OF USING OF MIND MAPPING ON THE STUDENTS UNDERSTANDING IN READING ABILITY AT THE EIGHT GRADE STUDENTS OF SMP N 1 KADIPATEN MAJALENGKA”. This thesis is presented to the English Education Department of Tarbiyah Faculty of Syekh Nurjati State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Cirebon in Partial Fulfillment to the Requirement for the Islamic Scholar Degree in English Education. Grateful acknowledgements are due to a lot of people who have taken a part helped, supported, and advised the writer in constructing this thesis. Therefore, the writer would like to convey her sincere gratitude to: 1. Prof. DR. H. Maksum Mukhtar, M.A, the Rector of IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon. 2. Dr. Saefudin Zuhri, M. Ag, Dean of Tarbiyah faculty of IAIN Syekh Nurjati

Cirebon. 3. Dr. Hj. Huriyah Saleh, M. Pd, the chairwoman of English Education Department

of IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon and also as the first superfisor who has given valuabel guidance motivation, suggestion, and helps the writer during the process of writing this thesis.

4. Dra. Hj. Amroh Umaemah, as the second supervisor who has given valuable guidance, motivation, suggestion, and helps the writer during the process of writing this thesis.

5. H. Maman Suparman, S.Pd,M.M,Pd, the headmaster of SMPN 1 Kadipaten Majalengka

6. Sri Budiarti, S.Pd, as the English teacher of SMPN 1Kadipaten Majalengka. 7. All of the teachers and school staff of SMPN 1 Kadipaten Majalengka. 8. The students at the first grade of SMPN 1 Kadipaten Majalengka. 9. My family who always give me support and motivation.

10. All of my friends that cannot be mentioned one by one for their motivation. The writer realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect, so the writer

is widely open to receive any critic and suggestion to make her thesis better for reference.

Finally, the writer hopes that this thesis would be useful for the readers and particularly for the writer and for English Education Department of the State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Syekh Nurjati Cirebon.

Cirebon,August 2012 The`Writer

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ i

APPOVAL SHEET ............................................................................................ ii

RATIFICATION ..............................................................................................iii

OFFICIAL NOTE............................................................................................. iv

LETTER OF THE AUTHENTICITY. ............................................................. v

DEDICATION. ................................................................................................. vi

AUTHOBIOGRAPHY. ................................................................................... vii

PREFACE. ...................................................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS. ................................................................................. ix


A. The Background of the Problem ....................................................1 B. The Identification of the Problem ...................................................4 C. The Limitation of the Problem .......................................................5 D. The Questions of the Problem ........................................................5 E. The Aims of the Problem ...............................................................5 F. The Use of the Problem .................................................................6


A. Learning Theoris. ..........................................................................7 B. Types of Learning. ........................................................................8 C. Reading .........................................................................................10

1. The Definition of Reading ......................................................10 2. The Function of Reading ........................................................11 3. The Types of Reading .............................................................13 4. Reading Comprehension .........................................................16 5. Reading Difficulties in Foreign Language ...............................22

D. Mind Mapping ...............................................................................23 1. The Definition of Mind Mapping ............................................23 2. The Function of Mind Map ....................................................24 3. How To Make Mind Map. ......................................................25 4. Mind Mapping Technique Features and Functions. .................26 E. Using Mind Mapping in Teaching Reading Comprehension. ..30

F. The Frame of Thinking. .................................................................31 G. The Hypothesis of The Research. ..................................................35



A. The Objectives of the Research......................................................36 B. The Place and Time the Research .................................................36 C. The Method of the Research ..........................................................36 D. The Variables of the Research .......................................................37 E. The Population and Sample ...........................................................37 F. The Techniques of Collecting Data ................................................38 G. The Techniques of Analysis Data ..................................................41


A. The History of SMPN 1 Kadipaten Majalengka. ............................44 B. The Condition of School Generally................................................44

1. The Identity of the School. ......................................................44 2. The Principal Ident5ity of the School ......................................45 3. The Geographical Location of The School ..............................46 4. The Objective Condition of thr Teacher ..................................47 5. The Objective Condition of the Students .................................50 6. The Objective Condition of the School Facilities ....................51 7. The Engflish Curriculum of the School Year. .........................52 8. The Analysis Data. .................................................................53

C. The Research Findings. .................................................................53 1. The student understanding in reading ability before using mind mapping. ........................................................................54 2. The student understanding in reading ability after using 3. mind mapping. ........................................................................56 4. The Influence of Using of Mind Mapping on the Students

Understanding in Reading Ability. ..........................................61


A. Conclussion ...................................................................................66 B. Suggestion .....................................................................................67





A. Backround Of The Problem

Language helps students gain succes in every subject at school. By

learning language Language plays an important role in improving students

intelligence, social and, students are expected to be acquainted with

themselves, other, their culture and other culture (Nurani: 2010)

English does not serve only as universal language but also as a tool to

communicate in oral and written form to understand and figure out the

information, mind, feelinf, science technology, and culture. English as a

subject in school is directed to improve the four skills, writing, reading,

listening, and speaking. Learning english at school is expected to solve daily

problems in comminication and to continue their study to the next steps, to

enter collage or to find a job.(

Teaching reading skill especially to young language learners is not an

easy task to do. Indonesia students often encounter difficulties when trying to

read an English text. Reading an English text requires them to have an

adequate knowledge of the language and certain set of skill. The difficulty of

reading happen because the lack of consideration in applaying the appropiate

technique in teaching learning process (Wood, 1988).

In some cases, reading in the first language is different from reading in

foreign language. Indeed, reading in foreign language is more difficult than

reading in first language. (Cohen, 1994) states that foreign language reading is

often slower and less successful because thr reader has to deal with many

unknown vocabularies and complicated sentence structure which make a

reader difficult. In addition, it is found that Indonesia students face reading

difficulties as foreign language learners as follows: inability to apply reading

strategy, read slowly word by word, easy frustated and dissantisfied especially

when they meet some difficult words, read the text aloud in which it may

inhibit comprehension, and they confuse to read authentic text in foreign

(Nuttal, 1996).

Reading is an important fattor in young children’s development

(Nuttal, 1996) but, teaching English in Junior and Senior High Schools in

Indonesia particulary in reading are less effective (Shahab, 2001). One of the

main reasons is the purpose of teaching reading in Junior and Senior High

School is not directed to the improvement of students reading skill and

abilities. As described by Shahab (2010), most of the teachers are not aware

the importance of teaching reading. They just say “please open your book in

page 25 and read the text carefully then answer the questions”. Whereas,

reading is crucial to a student’s success in school, and further, to be coming a

lifelong learner (Dolehanty, 2008). Children and young adults who struggle

with reading comprehension will struggle with every subject in school and can

develop their creativity, spelling, vocabulary, critical thinking and even

writing skill.

There are many ways and techniques to increase students reading skill.

One of them is by using mind mapping. Mind mapping is the ideal tool for

learning (Buzan, 2000). This involves combinations of images, colors and

visual spatial arrangement for expressing related ideas and complex problems

in simple way (Marguiles, 1991) which can be used by students different age

groups (Careyus, 2000).

Teaching skill by using mind mapping actually is not a new issue in

English language. Mind mapping technique has been applied in many studies.

Bekti (2009) suggested that mind mapping technique is appropiate to improve

students reading comprehension on a group of vocational school students.

Furthermore, Asmiaty (2001) also stated that mind mapping is good to train

students reading comprehension because it helps the students easier to

understanding he story and make them more creative and imaginative in

drawing pictures and symbols. Additionally, Moi & Lian (2007) proved that

mind mapping helps the pupils showed better understanding of text passage as

they were able to see the relationship of the content visually and search for

keywords in an answer to question.

Reffering to those explanation above, the research is aimed to

investigate the effectiveness of mind mapping technique to improve students

ability in reading text. As the reason, nowadays, students of junior and senior

high school in Indonesia often face genre in their language class, especially


B. The Identification of The Problem

The problem in this research in this research is classified into the

following sections:

1. The Field of The Research

The field of the reserch this thesis is reading.

2. The kinds of The Problem

There are many problems in teaching reading. The writer would like

to mention the kind of the problems in teaching reading:

a. The students are haven’t understand content of the text.

b. The students are haven’t interest inreading.

c. The students are less in reading ability.

Those are some kinds of reading problems. As an English

teacher, the writer has to find out the way to solve those problems.

Firstly, the writer has to know what the students want. The writer

give interesting method to students and the students will interest to

reading, the students can understand content of the text.

3. The Main of The Problem

The main problem of this thesis is to describe using of mind mapping

on the students understanding in reading ability.

C. The Limitation of The Problem

To limit the problem, the writer has devided it into three kinds of

problem, they are students understanding in reading ability, students

understanding in reading ability that using of mind mapping and analyzing the


D. The Questions of The Reserch

1. How is the students’ understanding in reading ability before using of

mind mapping?

2. How is the students’ understanding in reading ability after using of mind


3. Is there any positive and significant influence of the using of mind

mapping on the students understanding in reading ability?

E. The Aims of The Research

The aims of the research that will be obtained are as follows:

1. To know the data about the students’ understanding in reading before using of

mind mapping.

2. To know the data about the students’ understanding in reading after using of

mind mapping.

3. To know the positive and significant influence of using of mind mapping on

the students understanding in reading ability.

F. The Use of The Research

The research product hoped to be able to help students to understand in

reading ability that using mind mapping.


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