Page 1: The Immanuel Chimes Summer Schedule through September 4th · WALK THROUGH THE BIBLE Reading Guide September 1st through October

Summer Schedule through September 4th Worship at 9:30AM

Don’t Miss the After Church Potluck: September 7th

Everyone come to church on the 7th for a group picture taken by Lee Terkelsen. It’s a great time to try out one of our Sunday School Classes starting at 9:15AM in Grace Hall, see the Sunday School page for more information on classes and loca-tions. Work Circle D will set up and clean up so bring your favorite dish to share and gather for a great luncheon and fellow-ship in the social hall after church.

Quilters Meet on September 2 from 9:00-Noon in the Social Hall, join Laura and others as they finish making beautiful quilts!

Easton Community Food Distribution on September 2nd from 2:00-5:00PM! Volunteers are needed at 1:00PM to pack and prepare for distribution.

Caruthers Fair Sign up Sheets are available in the church entryway! Sign up to help at the food booth. Many hands make for light work!

The Immanuel Chimes September 2014


Worship: 10:30AM Fellowship: 11:30AM


Fresno, (Easton) California 93706 Church (559) 237-7909

Email:[email protected] Read this newsletter online at

Page 2: The Immanuel Chimes Summer Schedule through September 4th · WALK THROUGH THE BIBLE Reading Guide September 1st through October

Pastor Kris

“So both choirs of those who gave thanks stood in the house of God, and I

and half of the officials with me… And the singers sang with Jezrahiah as

their leader. And they offered great sacrifices that day and rejoiced, for

God had made them rejoice with great joy; the women and children also

rejoiced. And the joy of Jerusalem was heard far away.” - Nehemiah


Music is a very important part of Christian worship. Through music we

learn both Bible passages as well as biblical truths from simple Sunday

School songs like Jesus Loves Me and Give Me Oil in My Lamp to beloved

hymns like Amazing Grace and Christ the Lord is Risen Today to great

choral masterpieces like Handle’s Messiah or the cantatas of J.S. Bach

written for each Sunday of the church year. Music takes the Word of God

and its teachings and gives expression to it; to read from St. Luke how the

angles sang, “Glory to God in the highest…” is one thing, to sing the great

chorus, “Gloria in excelsis Deo” from Angels We Have Heard on High is

quite another matter. Music, one of my seminary professors once wrote,

breaks forth both from joy and from sorrow. The physical equipment we

use to laugh and the physical equipment we use cry, he wrote, is the same

physical equipment that we use to sing.

The book of Psalms further amplifies this truth regarding music. Largely

composed by David, many of the psalms were written for choir directors to

be used in worship and many of them were to be used with various instru-

mentation and the content of the psalms are prayers of joy and lament,

prayers of praise and of sorrow. Music has long been an expression of the

relationship between God and His people.

As many of you know, our choir director, Lauren Aiken, left us in June to

take a new position that would permit her to work in her field of study and

interest, i.e. music education. Knowing that the summer would not give us

enough time to hire a new choir director, I gave much thought and consid-

eration as to how we might move forward in our music ministry with re-

spect to the choir and the wonderful choral tradition here at Immanuel.

What I have decided to do is that for the upcoming year we are going to

experiment with having a seasonal choir which, for this year, Fran Hansen

has graciously volunteered to direct.

What will this seasonal choir look like? Having a seasonal choir means

that, as opposed to performing most every Sunday, Fran and I have select-

Page 3: The Immanuel Chimes Summer Schedule through September 4th · WALK THROUGH THE BIBLE Reading Guide September 1st through October

ed a couple of Sundays in the fall and spring on which the choir will per-

form in addition to the High Holy Festival Days and for a couple of other

selected special services. A choir will be assembled for a couple of prac-

tices leading up to the service for which the choir will perform; once that

service has passed the choir will disassemble. Whereas in the past join-

ing the choir meant that a couple of hours every Wednesday night from

September through May was dedicated to choir rehearsals, now we will

ask for a three to four week commitment, sing for the service, and be

done. Additionally, you are free to partake in the choir as your schedule

permits; so for example: perhaps you’ve always wanted to be part of the

Christmas cantata but didn’t want to commit to singing for the entire time

leading up to or following Christmas, a seasonal choir frees you to do

exactly that.

Again, this approach to the choir is an experiment for the sake of filling

an immediate, short-term need in the congregation. I hope that this ex-

periment will afford more of you an opportunity to participate in the

great tradition of choral music that has helped shape the worship life of

God’s people for so many centuries.

Your Partner in Ministry,

Pastor Kris Madsen

P.S. If you would like to provide special music on a Sunday when the

choir is not performing, I would love to have you do so. Please contact

myself or Fran Hansen and let us know that you would like to share your

musical talent with the church.

Oktoberfest in Santa Cruz at

Messiah Lutheran Church

Messiah Lutheran Church in Santa Cruz would like to warmly invite you

to our 15th Annual Oktoberfest Santa Cruz celebration. Come over to the

beautiful California coast and celebrate Oktoberfest with us! The event is

a celebration of Bavarian culture! On Sunday, October 12, 2014 from

11:30 AM to 3:00 PM at Messiah Lutheran Church, 801 High Street,

Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Admission is FREE! Adult meal tickets are

$15.00 each, children meals tickets 12 and under are FREE! Come and

enjoy...authentic, homemade German food! Live German polka band,

"The Thirsty Nine". Lot's of children's games and family activities! The

festival is held outside on our beautiful campus! For more information,

please call Messiah's church office at 831-423-8330.

Page 4: The Immanuel Chimes Summer Schedule through September 4th · WALK THROUGH THE BIBLE Reading Guide September 1st through October


Reading Guide September 1st through October 4th

As you prepare to begin your daily reading make the sign of

the cross and say, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Opening Prayer: Speak, O Lord, Your servant listens, Let Your

Word come near; Newborn life and spirit give me, Let each

promise still my fear. Death’s dread pow’r, its inward strife,

Wars against Your Word of life; Fill me, Lord, with Love’s

strong fervor That I cling to You forever!


After reading the appointed text, you may conclude by recit-

ing the Apostle’s Creed and praying the Lord’s Prayer.

Did You Know…

Week 1: September 1-6

Mon: Genesis 1:1 – 2:25

Tue: Genesis 3:1-24

Wed: Genesis 4:1 – 6:8

Thu: Genesis 6:9 – 8:22

Fri: Genesis 9:1 – 10:32

Sat: Genesis 11:1 – 12:9

Week 2: September 8-13

Mon: Genesis 12:10 – 13:18

Tue: Genesis 14:1 – 15:21

Wed: Genesis 16:1 – 17:27

Thu: Genesis 18:1 – 19:38

Fri: Genesis 20:1 – 21:34

Sat: Genesis 22:1-24

Week 3: September 15-20

Mon: Genesis 23:1 – 24:67

Tue: Genesis 25:1 – 26:35

Wed: Genesis 27:1 – 28:22

Thu: Genesis 29:1 – 30:43

Fri: Genesis 31:1 – 33:20

Sat: Genesis 34:1 – 35:29

Week 4: September 29 – October 4

Mon: Genesis 36:1 – 37:36

Tue: Genesis 38:1 – 39:23

Wed: Genesis 40:1-23

Thu: Genesis 41:1-40

Fri: Genesis 41:41-57

Sat: Genesis 42:1 – 44:34

Page 5: The Immanuel Chimes Summer Schedule through September 4th · WALK THROUGH THE BIBLE Reading Guide September 1st through October

“In the beginning” when God created the first humans, He

gives to the man the name Adam which, in Hebrew, means hu-

man or humanity.

When we understand the meaning of Adam’s name, the story of

the creation and the fall in Genesis 1-3 becomes the story of

our own creation and fall into sin – we read ourselves into the

story; this is how the Scriptures are intended to be read. The

Bible should not be read from a distance, it shouldn’t be read

strictly from a historical perspective about events that hap-

pened a long time ago to the people recorded in the story; when

we read the Bible we should read ourselves into the story: what

we read in the Scriptures says something about us. The sin of

Adam and Eve not trusting God’s judgment concerning the tree

of the knowledge of good and evil is our lack of trust in God’s

judgments concerning matters of morality (Gen. 3). Jacob

wrestling with God at Jabbok and reception of blessing

(Gen.32) is our own struggles with God and being blessed

through those struggles.

As we begin our journey through the Bible find where you are

in its narrative. The Bible is the story of God’s people, and

through Baptism we have been made part of God’s people;

therefore, by the mystery of faith, the Bible is in many ways

the story of us. May God bless you richly on your Walk

Through the Bible.

If you have any questions regarding this reading plan please

call me at the church office, 237-7909.

Pastor Kris Madsen

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What a see saw road life throws at us, eh?

Three weeks ago we were riding on air. Cindy's first bout with cancer had

been dealt with, thank you God and thanks to all of you who did what we

do here at Immanuel. We pray for each other with all the confidence

and certainty that we can. Because we believe, that God not only can hear

our prayers but answers them as well. Along with that, I made the decision

to retire from the creamery.

Now I know that some of you work at or did work at jobs that you did-

n't enjoy doing. That wasn't the case for me. I loved doing what I was do-

ing. I had paperwork that challenged my mind at many turns. I was inter-

preting what 15 to 20 people were trying to communicate to me, all

in English, but none the less, different ways of expressing themselves. I

set up loads on trucks that would have to be scalable. I got to drive a fork-

lift occasionally, more fun than you might think. I planned production

runs based on the whims of my bosses, cream availability, and when that

particular product needed to be shipped. It was challenging and, frankly, I

was good at it, thank you very much. But, alas I was tired. It was getting to

be more and more of a grind with each passing month. So, after much

prayer and consultation with our tax man and financial planner and going

back and forth in my own mind, we did it. Set a date and said that was

it. Then I spent three weeks wondering what I could have been thinking to

decide to leave that safety net of flexible income and health insurance.

Then 2 days before the last day at the creamery, with a big party planned,

and the excitement growing, we got news again that nobody should have

to hear. Cindy had cancer again. This time it was in her liver. This time

there wasn't any talk of cure. Only what we could do to prolong our time


Now we are not giving up! We are not going to put any limits on

God. What we are doing is thinking a lot more about today. What are we

going to do today! We are cleaning up the wills. We are doing our "five

wishes" and thinking more about forgiveness. We are saying, "I love you"

more and taking more time for just sitting with each other. Again the out-

pouring of love and prayers from you is overwhelming and oh so coveted.

It's times like this when it is so good to be a part of a church family that

holds you and comforts you.

Page 7: The Immanuel Chimes Summer Schedule through September 4th · WALK THROUGH THE BIBLE Reading Guide September 1st through October

I know we don't always agree on everything, like a family, but at the end

of the day we can always count on each other. I have to confess that I

wasted a lot of time and effort on things that won't matter later on. Yet

another turn in this journey of mine. Learning to enjoy the day for what it

is, today! I can't tell how much it means to be held in your love. Thanks.

That's it for now. I leave you with this, and coincidently Jesus had the

same advise. Take care of today, tomorrow will have it's own problems. I

love the part each of you plays in my life.

John Jensen

Women’s Ministries

It is fall and time to regroup and get back to a regular routine after the fun

and relaxation of summer. Perhaps now is the time to schedule in a regu-

lar Bible Study if you haven’t done so in the past. There are several op-

portunities to choose from.

Faith – Monday, September 8th at 7:00 PM at the home of Betty Moore

Dorcas - Tuesday, September 9th at 10:30 AM in Grace Hall

Koinonia – Monday, September 15th at 6:30 PM at the home of Sandy


In addition to monthly studies there is a weekly study that meets every

Thursday morning at 10:00 AM in the church library. It is not too late to

join in on the new book and study, Having a Mary Spirit: Allowing God

to Change Us From the Inside Out by Joanna Weaver. If you are in need

of a spiritual makeover or just a bit of encouragement to take care of your

soul this is a study for you! Author Joanna Weaver shares her insight and

experience in a delightful way. Call the church office to reserve a book.

It is a great study to do on your own or with a

friend too!

Serving Him,

Sandy Marthedal

Women’s Ministry President

Page 8: The Immanuel Chimes Summer Schedule through September 4th · WALK THROUGH THE BIBLE Reading Guide September 1st through October

Sunday School

Children’s Sunday School at Immanuel every Sunday at 9:15AM in

Grace Hall. Preschool children through fifth grades meet in the down-

stairs children’s classroom for singing between 9:15-9:30AM. The

children are divided into three groups at 9:30AM, preschool, kinder-

garten through second grades and third through fifth grades. The sixth

through eighth grades meet upstairs in the Junior High classroom. The

high school students will meet upstairs in the high school classroom.

Junior high, high school and all the adult classes start at 9:15AM. Pas-

tor Kris will lead class for young adults. John Jensen leads a class that

will be studying the characters in the New Testament. Mike Nielsen

leads a class that will use several different book and DVD Bible stud-

ies, starting the first 8 weeks with the book of Genesis. Adult classes

meet in Grace Hall at 9:15AM. Come and check out the Christian Edu-

cation in Grace Hall!

Conversation Circles

Wow! God is really blessing our ministry! We had FIVE new students

in August.! They have varying levels of English; two are school cooks

(one is WUHS!) and speak really well but want to read recipes and

notes. We are at the point of dividing… those who are better English

speakers but want more practice and help with reading/writing, and

those who really need basic help with speaking. Lois had 5-7

kids! Thank you Lois!

The other exciting thing is, we are now using the Laubach Way to

English Teachers Manual with them. We have really come onto some-

thing great. The book starts with five Introductory Units that will give

them basic conversation skills. The goal is for the teacher to be speak-

ing less than ¼ of the time. EVERYONE really liked the new re-

sources from the library because it focuses on pronunciation, and gives

an opportunity to look at contractions, plurals and other basic things.

This is a wonderful ministry that shares God’s love and perseverance.

The Conversation Circles gather on Wednesday evenings in Grace Hall

at 6:30PM. We have 5 volunteers and average 10 students each night.

If you would like to volunteer to help once a week or once a month call

the church office or contact Betty Moore at 859-0306 for more infor-

mation. This is a ministry that gives back much more than it takes.

The smiles and laughter on Wednesday evenings are exhilarating!

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M en’s Bible Study

Every Thursdays at 6AM

The weekly breakfast study meets in the Social Hall every Thursday and

they give a new Bible to every first time attendee. Mike Moser and An-

drew Severin are the head cooks and Phil Tews is the leader of the devo-

tions. Thank you to our core group that holds this ministry together.

There are others who show up every week and participate and make the

breakfast happen. Thank you to those who help every week.

If you haven’t attended in awhile, or ever, make it a priority to start work

at 7AM every Thursday and spend an hour with God from 6:00-7:00AM.

13th Annual Immanuel

Youth Car & Motorcycle Show

In Memory of Carl Severin

Don't miss the Car Show on Saturday, October 11th from 10:00AM to

2:00PM across the street at the High School’s new Lincoln Avenue Park-

ing Lot. This year we are hoping for 100 entrants!

I’m looking for volunteers to help with some specific jobs this year. Al-

so, we are looking for a few corporate sponsors. If you or anyone you

know would like to help in this way please contact me at:

[email protected].

Your support is always a blessing to our youth at Immanuel! Thank you ,

Andrew Severin

Breaking Grounds

Breaking Grounds Café is a ministry for the Washington Union High

School students. Every Wednesday school starts at 10:00AM, the stu-

dents that are dropped off early have no place to go so we open the doors

and invite them in and show them how to be loving hosts. We serve

snacks and encourage fellowship among the students. The first Wednes-

day we showed the first half of the movie “God’s Not Dead”. The stu-

dents were watching the movie so intently that the kitchen crew had to be

asked to be quiet so they could hear. That means they were paying atten-

tion to a great film about God! The movie, shown in two segments, is an

introduction to the film hoping some may seek it on their own to watch.

Several local churches in Easton support this ministry sharing God’s love

with new faces simply by being there with the doors open and welcoming


Page 10: The Immanuel Chimes Summer Schedule through September 4th · WALK THROUGH THE BIBLE Reading Guide September 1st through October

September 2014

Sunday Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat


9:15AM Sunday School

10:30AM Worship

11:30AM Fellowshp

4:00PM HS Youth

Labor Day 1


2 2-5PM Easton Com-

munity Food Distri-



8-10AM Breaking

Grounds Café in social

hall for WUHS students

6:30PM Conversation

Circles in Grace Hall


6AM Men’s Bible Breakfast

10AM Women’s Book Study

1PM FCA lunch for HS Students

5 6

7 Potluck following group picture!

9:15AM Sunday School

10:30AM Worship

11:30AM Fellowshp

After Church Potluck

4:00PM HS Youth





8-10AM Breaking

Grounds Café in social

hall for WUHS students

6:30PM Conversation

Circles in Grace Hall


6AM Men’s Bible Breakfast

10AM Women’s Book Study

1PM FCA lunch for HS Students

12 13


9:15AM Sunday School

10:30AM Worship

11:30AM Fellowshp

4:00PM HS Youth


6:30PM Easton Com-

munity Service Dis-

trict meet in church




7:00PM Council


Chimes Deadline 17

8-10AM Breaking

Grounds Café in social

hall for WUHS students

6:30PM Conversation

Circles in Grace Hall


6AM Men’s Bible Breakfast

10AM Women’s Book Study

1PM FCA lunch for HS Students

19 20


9:15AM Sunday School

10:30AM Worship

11:30AM Fellowshp

4:00PM HS Youth



23 24

8-10AM Breaking

Grounds Café in social

hall for WUHS students

6:30PM Conversation

Circles in Grace Hall


6AM Men’s Bible Breakfast

10AM Women’s Book Study

1PM FCA lunch for HS Students

26 27


9:15AM Sunday School

10:30AM Worship

11:30AM Fellowshp

4:00PM HS Youth



30 October 1

8-10AM Breaking

Grounds Café in social

hall for WUHS students

6:30PM Conversation

Circles in Grace Hall


6AM Men’s Bible Breakfast

10AM Women’s Book Study

1PM FCA lunch for HS Students

3 4

Social Hall


Page 11: The Immanuel Chimes Summer Schedule through September 4th · WALK THROUGH THE BIBLE Reading Guide September 1st through October

September 2014

Sunday Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat


9:15AM Sunday School

10:30AM Worship

11:30AM Fellowshp

4:00PM HS Youth

Labor Day 1


2 2-5PM Easton Com-

munity Food Distri-



8-10AM Breaking

Grounds Café in social

hall for WUHS students

6:30PM Conversation

Circles in Grace Hall


6AM Men’s Bible Breakfast

10AM Women’s Book Study

1PM FCA lunch for HS Students

5 6

7 Potluck following group picture!

9:15AM Sunday School

10:30AM Worship

11:30AM Fellowshp

After Church Potluck

4:00PM HS Youth





8-10AM Breaking

Grounds Café in social

hall for WUHS students

6:30PM Conversation

Circles in Grace Hall


6AM Men’s Bible Breakfast

10AM Women’s Book Study

1PM FCA lunch for HS Students

12 13


9:15AM Sunday School

10:30AM Worship

11:30AM Fellowshp

4:00PM HS Youth


6:30PM Easton Com-

munity Service Dis-

trict meet in church




7:00PM Council


Chimes Deadline 17

8-10AM Breaking

Grounds Café in social

hall for WUHS students

6:30PM Conversation

Circles in Grace Hall


6AM Men’s Bible Breakfast

10AM Women’s Book Study

1PM FCA lunch for HS Students

19 20


9:15AM Sunday School

10:30AM Worship

11:30AM Fellowshp

4:00PM HS Youth



23 24

8-10AM Breaking

Grounds Café in social

hall for WUHS students

6:30PM Conversation

Circles in Grace Hall


6AM Men’s Bible Breakfast

10AM Women’s Book Study

1PM FCA lunch for HS Students

26 27


9:15AM Sunday School

10:30AM Worship

11:30AM Fellowshp

4:00PM HS Youth



30 October 1

8-10AM Breaking

Grounds Café in social

hall for WUHS students

6:30PM Conversation

Circles in Grace Hall


6AM Men’s Bible Breakfast

10AM Women’s Book Study

1PM FCA lunch for HS Students

3 4

Social Hall


Page 12: The Immanuel Chimes Summer Schedule through September 4th · WALK THROUGH THE BIBLE Reading Guide September 1st through October

News Notes

Birthday blessings to ELAINE JENSEN on her 96th birthday, Sept. 3rd;

to GAIL HANSEN on her 83rd birthday, Sept. 14th and to ELSIE HOFF

on her 92nd birthday, Sept. 14th.

Congratulations to JOE & LINDA WOZNICZKA on their 35th anniver-

sary August 25th (belated) and to WILBUR & VIRGINIA on their 59th

anniversary Sept. 8th.

Congratulations to STEPHEN & KATHRYN BORBA on the birth of

their baby son, SAMUEL TAISHI, born August 12th. Samuel weighed

7lbs. 5 oz. (Taishi means amnbassador" in Japanese) Samuel has a 2

year old sister Jillian. Welcome to our new family. Stephen is our new

Youth & Family Director.

Congratulations to JOHN JENSEN on his retirement after 40+ years at

Danish Creamery. John was honored with a dinner party, along with his

family, at California Dairies, formerly The Danish Creamery.

KAY JENSEN spent three weeks with her five sister's and families in

Washington celebrating her sister, Beverly's 80th birthday.

JIM AND FRAN HANSEN attended their daughter Amy’s ‘White Coat

Ceremony’ August 15th at UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine.

This ceremony is a symbol of her admittance and acceptance into the

profession of veterinary medicine, and recognizes her commitment to

hard work and responsibility to her future patients and her profession.

They enjoyed a BBQ dinner and a tour of the facilities afterwards.

JOHN AND SHARON REYNOLDS traveled to Alaska via an 11-night

cruise in August with friends. The trip left out of, and returned to, San Fran-

cisco. Ports of call included Juneau, Skagway, Ketchikan, and Victoria

BC. In Juneau they did a float plane trip over the glaciers, landing at a re-

mote lodge and having a salmon bake. The little black bear that lives in the

area was very interested in the cooking salmon. In Skagway they took a tour

on the White Pass and Yukon Railway and did another salmon bake. In

Ketchikan they flew to a remote area for black bear viewing--the spawning

salmon were so plentiful that the bears wouldn't even mess with the jumping

salmon. They just waited until the salmon were worn out and then went in

and got them. In Victoria, they attended high tea at the Empress Hotel and

did a carriage ride. The weather was phenomenal. It was sunny the whole

trip and it never rained, which according to Alaskan residents rarely hap-

Page 13: The Immanuel Chimes Summer Schedule through September 4th · WALK THROUGH THE BIBLE Reading Guide September 1st through October

Prayers of the Church

Lord, please pray for our members and family members serving in

the military...Austin Ackel, Tony Baker, Joey Brewer, Manuel Contreras,

Michael Hansen, Zachary Jensen, Cody Kagy, Leah & Scott Linger, Zach-

ary Macias, and Matthew Tigchelaar.

Lord pray for those in careers of Mission Work… for Taylor Ewing,

our member in Missionary preparations with Overland Missions. Contin-

ued prayers lifted for Jan Kersgaard our retired missionary from Tank,


Lord, pray for those unable to travel about… Lucille Abbott, Elsie

Hoff, Olga Hansen and Helen Mackersie.

Lord, hear our prayer for healing: Tom Britter, Judi Ellis, June Frau-

enheim, Bill Griffin, Amy Hansen, Tom Howell, Cindy Jensen, Marie Jo-

hansen, Shane Johnson, Alex Kloety, Neil Marthedal, Gordon Tigchelaar,

Virginia Willis, and Gale Young.

Lord, hear our prayer for Jennifer Hartwig and family as they morn the

loss of her brother Chris Hall.

pens. The whole trip was beautiful and very enjoyable. With 5 travel days

on the ship, it was a very relaxing and restful vacation.

DEANNA DUNBAR flew to the Azores on June 12th with Delores Car-

nahan, Fred and Maxine Machado for a three week vacation. The first

week was spent on the island of Flores visiting with the Machado family

and traveling around the island seeing all the sights. On June 20th they

flew to Sao Miguel and joined the rest of the tour. Here they went to the

hot springs and a tea plantation. Next they went to Terceira where they

celebrated at a ‘festa’ in honor of St. John the Baptist. They had a week

of celebration which included the running of the bulls and a bull fight.

Their next island was the Facial where they went to a volcano where the

last volcanic eruption was in 1957. They went back to island of Flores

and took a rubber raft around the island and into some of the water caves,

then across the ocean fifteen miles to the island of Coroo, the smallest of

the islands. They had a wonderful time and met some wonderful people.

Deanna would love to go back again.

MARIE JOHANSEN is currently at the Golden Living Center in Sang-

er. Address is 2550 9th St, Sanger. It's just east of Bethel Ave. Hopeful-

Page 14: The Immanuel Chimes Summer Schedule through September 4th · WALK THROUGH THE BIBLE Reading Guide September 1st through October

The Caruthers’ Fair Food Booth

September 24th - 27th

It’s that time of year again and we are getting ready to cook, baste and pre-

pare to serve up the best ribs and pork roast sandwiches in the area. If

you would like to help, in any way call the church office at 237-7909 or

sign up on a sheet on the table in the church entryway.

This year we must paint our booth. It is full of nooks and crannies so it

will take a bit of time and energy. If anyone is interested in taking on that

project please let me know as soon as possible. The best time to paint it is

right after the fair board completes the final power washing.

The Sunday afternoon before the fair starts we will haul all of our supplies

out to the fair. We need a few strong people with pickup trucks.

Wednesday –Saturday (September 24-27) is where all the fun begins.

Sometimes very busy, other times very slow. There is nothing like the in-

tensity of both times. Slow times gives Immanuel the opportunity to share

and reflect our love for our faith. Busy times gives Immanuel the oppor-

tunity to show God’s grace and guidance as we serve and prepare the way

for others through our efforts to earn a profit to share with the Fresno Res-

cue Mission for their amazing work in the lives of troubled souls.

Did you know that our mission at the fair is to show the community

‘Immanuel’. God with us. We do this by greeting and serving. While we

submit all profits to the Fresno Rescue Mission the blessing to our church

are more than money can buy. Last year we had lots of volunteers in this

mission project. Many hands take part in this be it through working with

your hands or contributing with your finances or supporting it in prayer.

From 2004-2013 we have donated $63,904.62 to the mission from our fair

booth profits. That figure is the cash and doesn’t include all the left over

inventory that we have donated to the mission.

Profits come from customers, please help us by telling your friends and

family to come out to the fair and support our booth. The meal is great! It

features a rib dinner or a pork roast sandwich. We always aim to please,

customers and volunteer servers are what makes this fund raiser work.

Most of all, we need your prayers for a successful mission pain free!

Thanks for supporting this mission project!

Victoria Salwasser

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Youth & Family Director

For this new semester the Sunday school program will be using “The Gos-

pel Project” curriculum for students K-12. This first semester will be cov-

ering the major narratives of the Book of Genesis with each lesson having

a “Big Picture” idea for the students to learn about God’s redemptive plan

in Jesus. Our goal in this is that students will understand that God’s plan of

redemption began long before the New Testament and that they will be bet-

ter able to articulate their faith as they grow up.

This curriculum has great take home learning aides for students and parents

as well. Each Sunday the elementary school students

will come home with an illustrated lesson overview

card. Our hope is that parents will spend the precious

time they have with their children enriching their

spiritual lives by discussing with them throughout the

week what they are learning. For added benefit there

is also a smart phone app for download from the Ap-

ple and Android app store, that gives helpful ques-

tions, activities and videos for parents to discuss with their children.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 559-412-

9494 or at [email protected] if you have any questions about the

new Sunday school year or the curriculum.

Serving our Immanuel Families

Stephen Borba

Choir Notes

Choir is going to look a little different this church year. The choir will be

singing at a few special services instead of on an every Sunday basis. Enjoy

singing? Don’t want to make a full year commitment to

the choir? This is for you!! Our first performance will

be on October 26th for Reformation Sunday. I will

have a calendar available sometime in September so you

can start planning. For those of you wondering why I’m

sharing this information: Yes, I’m coming out of retire-

ment-at least for this year. Please prayerfully consider

being a part of this still valuable and fun ministry.

Singing His Praises,

Fran Hansen

Page 16: The Immanuel Chimes Summer Schedule through September 4th · WALK THROUGH THE BIBLE Reading Guide September 1st through October

Thank You to Immanuel

Cecilia Pedersen would like to thank everyone for your prayers and

cards during her recovery from her accident. Prayers are still welcome

for her continuing recovery.

Virginia Willis would like to thank everyone for prayers. She & Willie

are staying with their daughter. Her new mailing address is C/O Kim

Willis, 915 3rd Street, Clovis, CA 93612.

NALC Convocation

We were pleased to represent Immanuel at the 2014 NALC Convocation

in Charleston, South Carolina. The Citadel is currently an active school

for graduate cadets. It is historic, beautiful, impressive, and, an exciting

place for us to be for two and a half days! Summerall Chapel, built in

1831, was the site of the convocation meetings which holds well over

our 700 people. Medieval in décor, there are flags representing all the

states extended from the inside pillars.

What a great experience it was! In spite of the heat and humidity in

South Carolina, we do enjoy Charleston and we did get to visit with rel-

atives on our way back thru northern South Carolina. Cliff's cousin from

Easton, Helen Ostergard Prevatte, (once a member of Immanuel) lives

in Gaffney and just happens to be ailing with Alzheimer’s, so it was a

good visit. Maybe the congregation would like to pray for Helen and her

husband, Robert, who is going thru a series of shots for his back.

There is so much excitement and interest in NALC that even more peo-

ple are expected to attend the next convocation to be held at Dallas/Ft.

Worth Hyatt Airport Hotel. The dates are August 13th & 14th, 2015.

You don't want to miss it, especially since it will be on the West Coast!

NALC is a very positive organization with lots of interesting and strong

leaders. I think I can speak for both of us in saying that we were quite

impressed by Bishop Bradosky, the program and the accomplishments

made. I volunteered, as a guest, to help count voter ballots. Our very

own Pastor Kris was in the running for Regent. The latest newsletter in-

dicates board positions that are still being filled.

Business sessions were interspersed within the program which was truly

overwhelming with magnificent music, much formality and excellent

speakers! I have been humming "When Morning Guilds the Skies" ever

since the first day!

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We heard about planned expansion of the seminary, NALC Disaster Re-

sponse and were introduced to Lutheran World Relief, Military Chaplains

(including women), Lutheran Benefits Plan, Water Missions International,

and "Voice of the Martyrs.” In another building were numerous vendors

plying their wares, the most impressive for Cliff was Lutheran Military

Veterans and Families Ministries, Inc.

I felt like we had been thoroughly "Lutheranized!" It was a great experi-

ence for which we wish to thank you, Pastor Kris and Immanuel, for spon-

soring us at this awesome spiritual event.

Sincerely, the Ostergards

Cliff (Lay Person Delegate) & Llewellyn (Author)

Step Up for Down Syndrome

What is Down Syndrome? The National Down Syndrome Society’s web-

site at explains that within every cell in the human body

there is a nucleus, where genetic material is stored in genes. Genes carry

the codes responsible for all of our inherited traits and are grouped along

rod-like structures called chromosomes. Typically, the nucleus of each

cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, half of which are inherited from

each parent. Down syndrome occurs when an individual has a full or par-

tial extra copy of chromosome 21. This extra chromosome causes

changes in development.. This syndrome has been noted for centuries but

it was specifically John Langdon Down, an English physician, who pub-

lished an accurate description of a person with Down syndrome. It was

this work, published in 1866, that earned Down the recognition as the

“father” of the syndrome. Although other people had previously recog-

nized the characteristics of the syndrome, it was Down who described the

condition as a distinct and separate entity. - See more at:

The Down Syndrome Association of Central California presents Step Up

for Down Syndrome to help the community accept, include and appreci-

ate those that live with Down Syndrome. The fun begins on Saturday,

October 4th at Bullard High School from 10:00AM-2:00PM. Enjoy live

entertainment, the PossABILITIES tent, Vendor area, Food booth, Walk

of Fame & More! On-site registration opens at 9AM and opening ceremo-

nies at 10AM. You can register online at! Early bird

registration thru September 12th is $10.00 per walker. Find opportunities

to become a vendor or event sponsor too!

Page 18: The Immanuel Chimes Summer Schedule through September 4th · WALK THROUGH THE BIBLE Reading Guide September 1st through October

In Celebration of Our Members’:

Birthdays 3-Mike Mehrten

Elaine Jensen

5-Meghan Bennetts

Doug Hecker

Drake Salwasser

7-Christian Coelho

8-Megan LeRoy

Jennifer Hartwig

11-Mike Bennetts

14-Gail Hansen

-Susie Tews

-Elsie Hoff

16- Jackson Scheidt

18-Leona Rosendahl

20-Linda Avedisian

Emmerson Gardner

21-Carissa Severin

22-Keolani Jensen

Janet Messenlehner

Juanita Pasma

24-Narda Fries

25-Doug Rosendahl

25-Debbie Pilegard

Amy Hansen

28-Sarah Pilegard

30-David Clarkson

Wedding Anniversaries 2-Pastor Paul & Linda Demant (41)

8-Wilbur & Virginia Willis (59)

10-Dan & Joan Lindsey (31)

26-Kelly & Malia Jensen (21)

28-David & Stephanie Clarkson (29)

Baptismal Birthdays 9-Ben Peterson

-Nathan Shaffer

-Emily Shaffer

18-Barbara Hansen

20-Shelbi Clarkson

-Katie Gutierrez

21-Bethany Gardner

22-Blair Hecker

23-Tomas Perez

25-Doris Sparks

26-Leah Pettitt Linger

29-Norman Fries

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Immanuel Ministry Staff

Pastor: Rev. Kris Madsen Director of Youth & Family Ministry: Stephen Borba President: Jon Marthedal Vice President: Mark Salwasser Council Secretary: Nancy Newsom Financial Secretary: Pat Griffin Treasurer: Donna Geidner Trustees: Rich Cisneros, Jim Hansen, Karl Nielsen, Deacons: Fred Cogan, Ericka Gardner, Tom Howell, Barbara Petersen, Tim Pilegard, Andrew Severin, Sunday School Superintendent: Kristi Hollenbeck Lay Visitation Pastor: Darel Mehrten Women’s Ministry President: Sandy Marthedal

Immanuel Women’s Ministry

is hosting a Baby Shower!!!

In honor of: Baby Samuel Taishi Borba! You are invited to a luncheon following Fellowship Time on Sunday, September 14th call Sandy Marthedal at 940-0039 to RSVP and inquire about a Group Gift if interested

Stephen and Katherine’s baby boy was born on August 12th weighing in at 7 pounds 5 ounces. Taishi means ambassador in Japanese. 2 Corin-thians 5:20 in The New International Version of the Biblereads: We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.

October Chimes Deadline

September 17th 9:00 AM

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