Page 1: The Image in God’s Good Creaon€¦ · 11. How BAD is it that the image bearers in this very good creaon go to being very bad as described in Genesis 6:5…(NIV Genesis 6:5 The

1 The Image in God’s Good Crea�on


1. What does God create on days 1, 2 & 3? 2. HOW are the things made on Days 1, 2 & 3? 3. What do you think it means when it says “God saw that it was good”? READ GENESIS 1:14-23 4. What things are made on days 4 & 5? 5. What is the specific blessing that God gives to the living creatures? READ GENESIS 1:24-2:3 6. What things are made on day 6? 7. Which part of the crea�on bears the image of God himself?


What is the best thing you’ve ever made/built? How long did it take you and how long did it last?

What does Jesus teach his followers about rest? (Read Ma� 11:28-30).




8. What is the specific blessing God gives to his ‘image bearers’? How does this addi�onal blessing make them ‘like’ God? 9. What are some of the ‘non-Chris�an’ views about crea�on? What things do they explain? What details do they miss out?


NIV Genesis 1:31-2:1 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning--the sixth day. 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.


The world that God makes is perfect, and we are made in his image.




Page 2: The Image in God’s Good Creaon€¦ · 11. How BAD is it that the image bearers in this very good creaon go to being very bad as described in Genesis 6:5…(NIV Genesis 6:5 The

Jan 28 Sunday School resumes Jan 29 Growth Groups Resume Jan 30 VIP-Net Resumes Feb 01 Presbytery Mee�ng Feb 05 Session Mee�ng Feb 9-10 Kidswise Training Rocky Feb 12 Widows Group 9.30am Feb 15 CoM Mee�ng Feb 18 Monto ACM Feb 21 Minister’s Fellowship Feb 25 Annual Mee�ng & Lunch Mar 04 Lord’s Supper Service

Mar 05 Session Mee�ng Mar 10 Pelican Point Working Bee Mar 11 Pelican Point Service Mar 12 Widows Group 9.30am Mar 15 CoM Mee�ng Mar 16-18 Cadets @ Pelican Point Mar 18 Community Day Mar 29 Lord’s Supp. Service & Dinner Mar 30 Easter Friday Apr 01 Easter Sunday Apr 09 Session Mee�ng Apr 13-16 CQ Alive - Pelican Pt

Give thanks to our Father in Heaven for our faith in Jesus Christ and the love we have for each other, and pray that these would grow more and more. Pray that we would remember to encourage others this week, and throughout our Chris�an lives. Praise God that he has a plan to gather his people into his kingdom and that he has given us plenty of details about how it will come about. pray also for the ministry of our Growth Groups for Paul Smith and his work in the Philippines. Pray that the gospel will con�nue to go out in that country.

How important is it for us to know that we are made in the image of God? Pray that we’d never undervalue what it means to be made in the image of our creator.

for sunday’s bible talk and next week’s study read…

Genesis 2:1-25




10. What is different about the 7th day? What is the blessing on this day all about? 11. How BAD is it that the image bearers in this very good crea�on go to being very bad as described in Genesis 6:5…(NIV Genesis 6:5 The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.)

12. Who is the only one in crea�on who can solve the issue of wickedness in the image bearer? 13. What is involved in ‘restoring our image’? Who is able to do it and how does it work? (c.f. Colossians 3:9-10 & 12; 1Corinthians 12:27) 14. Pray that we might become more mature in Christ and that we will con�nue to be transformed into his likeness. Pray that we will take seriously our vision statement that we are “God’s People Growing In Christ”.



Pray together about the encouragement and challenge raised by God’s Word through this study. Note prayer points below for your partners in the gospel (Growth Group members) and their contacts:

Growth Group members Unbelieving friends




NIV Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Gen 1:1 NIV)

Page 3: The Image in God’s Good Creaon€¦ · 11. How BAD is it that the image bearers in this very good creaon go to being very bad as described in Genesis 6:5…(NIV Genesis 6:5 The

2 God Made Us Male and Female


1. How long is man ‘alone’ for before God says that it is not good for him to be alone? 2. How significant is it that this is the first thing in crea�on that is ‘not good’? 3. Where does man first look for companions and how many of these are suitable? 4. HOW had God made/formed all the animals? 5. Man has named ALL of the animals in crea�on, but none are able to help him to rule over the crea�on. Who is able to find a suitable helper for Adam? READ GENESIS 2:21-25 6. How does God make Eve and how is this significantly different to the rest of the created order? 7. What does Adam proclaim when he first sees her? 8. What sense of acknowledgement and recogni�on is there in this statement (when Adam first lays eyes on Eve)? 9. How will Eve be able to help Adam carry out God’s commands (Gen 1:28) where the rest of the created order was unable to assist?


What are the significant differences between a bull and a cow?

Read Genesis 1 & 2 Are there any indica�ons that Jesus is present with God the Father here at the beginning? What does the bible tell us in Colossians 1 in this regard?




NIV Genesis 2:18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

God creates man and woman to be companions in his crea�on.




Page 4: The Image in God’s Good Creaon€¦ · 11. How BAD is it that the image bearers in this very good creaon go to being very bad as described in Genesis 6:5…(NIV Genesis 6:5 The

Give thanks to our Father in Heaven that he has made us male and female to complement one another and carry out his will for crea�on. Pray that we would remember to encourage others this week, and throughout our Chris�an lives. Pray that the very way we live and conduct our lives—would reflect the image of God into our community. Pray that the way we live out our faith might be ‘a�rac�ve’ to others and that they might be drawn to Jesus as a result of what they see in us. pray also for VIP-Net & VIP-Net Jr (our youth ministry & children’s ministry) . Also pray for Thom Lowther and all our youth leaders as they a�end training for the work of FEBC, as they broadcast the good news about Jesus to the world.

Is marriage the ‘end goal’ of what God has planned for us? Pray that we’d see and understand how God has designed marriage to assist with following his commands for mankind.

for sunday’s bible talk and next week’s study read…

Genesis 2:1-25




10. How can Adam’s proclama�on result in the following statement about Marriage in verse 24? What is the connec�on here? What does it have to do with leaving your parents? 11. How much shame would we feel if we had to walk around the main street of town naked in front of everyone? Why is it significant that here in the Garden of Eden we have this statement “NIV Genesis 2:25 The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame. (Gen 2:25 NIV)”

12. How much has God blessed man in the crea�on of Eve? 13. Is the descrip�on of a noble wife in Proverbs 31 realis�c? How o�en do husbands live according to Ephesians 5:25-28? How much of an impact has sin had upon us in our abili�es to func�on as husbands and wives? 14. Do you think God s�ll blesses marriages today? Why/Why not? 15. How might an understanding of crea�on ‘inform’ our view of marriage and help us to live as God’s people in His crea�on?




Pray together about the encouragement and challenge raised by God’s Word through this study. Note prayer points below for your partners in the gospel (Growth Group members) and their contacts:

Growth Group members Unbelieving friends


NIV Genesis 2:18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

Jan 28 Sunday School resumes Jan 29 Growth Groups Resume Jan 30 VIP-Net Resumes Feb 01 Presbytery Mee�ng Feb 05 Session Mee�ng Feb 9-10 Kidswise Training Rocky Feb 12 Widows Group 9.30am Feb 15 CoM Mee�ng Feb 18 Monto ACM Feb 21 Minister’s Fellowship Feb 25 Annual Mee�ng & Lunch Mar 04 Lord’s Supper Service

Mar 05 Session Mee�ng Mar 10 Pelican Point Working Bee Mar 11 Pelican Point Service Mar 12 Widows Group 9.30am Mar 15 CoM Mee�ng Mar 16-18 Cadets @ Pelican Point Mar 18 Community Day Mar 29 Lord’s Supp. Service & Dinner Mar 30 Easter Friday Apr 01 Easter Sunday Apr 09 Session Mee�ng Apr 13-16 CQ Alive - Pelican Pt


Page 5: The Image in God’s Good Creaon€¦ · 11. How BAD is it that the image bearers in this very good creaon go to being very bad as described in Genesis 6:5…(NIV Genesis 6:5 The

3 Made to Rule


What posi�ons of leadership and authority have you held in your life? How do you rate yourself as a leader?

Read Ephesians 5:21-33 What does this passage tell us specifically about leadership in rela�onships and within the church? What does Jesus do for the church?



NIV Genesis 2:15-16 The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden;

God created mankind to rule over his crea�on...



1. Where does God place man once he creates him, and what significant trees are in the centre? 2. How big is this area if it has 4 Rivers in it? 3. What specific instruc�ons does God give the man to do? What is his task in the Garden? 4. What is the man warned against? READ GENESIS 2:18-20 5. In what ways has man harnassed and used the power and skill of animals to help him? What examples are s�ll commonly used today? 6. What is the role God assigns to Adam, and why are none of the animal kingdom suitable to help him in his overall task?

READ GENESIS 2:21-25 7. How will Eve help Adam in carrying out Genesis 1:28? 8. Are women s�ll suitable helpers for men in this regard today? 9. Is being a helper a ‘nega�ve’ or derogatory �tle/posi�on in God’s crea�on?



Page 6: The Image in God’s Good Creaon€¦ · 11. How BAD is it that the image bearers in this very good creaon go to being very bad as described in Genesis 6:5…(NIV Genesis 6:5 The

NIV Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be frui�ul and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.

praise God that he has given us the very best leader in Jesus. Pray that we will have genuine opportuni�es to share the good news of the gospel with our friends and neighbours. pray also for our Elders and Ministers as they lead our church (see page 8) for the work of the Bible League.

How does Jesus lead and guide us? Pray that we will be able to stand firm in our faith in Jesus, that we’d encourage one another, and do what he says.

for sunday’s bible talk and next week’s study read…

Genesis 3







Pray together about the encouragement and challenge raised by God’s Word through this study. Note prayer points below for your partners in the gospel (Growth Group members) and their contacts:

Growth Group members Unbelieving friends


Jan 28 Sunday School resumes Jan 29 Growth Groups Resume Jan 30 VIP-Net Resumes Feb 01 Presbytery Mee�ng Feb 05 Session Mee�ng Feb 9-10 Kidswise Training Rocky Feb 12 Widows Group 9.30am Feb 15 CoM Mee�ng Feb 18 Monto ACM Feb 21 Minister’s Fellowship Feb 25 Annual Mee�ng & Lunch Mar 04 Lord’s Supper Service

Mar 05 Session Mee�ng Mar 10 Pelican Point Working Bee Mar 11 Pelican Point Service Mar 12 Widows Group 9.30am Mar 15 CoM Mee�ng Mar 16-18 Cadets @ Pelican Point Mar 18 Community Day Mar 29 Lord’s Supp. Service & Dinner Mar 30 Easter Friday Apr 01 Easter Sunday Apr 09 Session Mee�ng Apr 13-16 CQ Alive - Pelican Pt

10. How would you answer someone who says that the whole idea of “being made from Adam’s rib” is simply a religious way for men to dominate women unfairly and leads to things like domes�c violence and male gender bias in the workplace? 11. DO you think people take seriously today the command in Genesis 1:28? (Why/Why Not)? What are some of the compe�ng world views that are out there today? 12. How does the marriage partnership pave the way for man’s rule and governance of crea�on? 13. Do you think we have ruled over the crea�on well? (Why/Why Not)? 14. Do you think we need Jesus to show us and guide us in how to rule as God intended? What key role has he been given (c.f. Ma� 28:16-20) Is it significant that as Chris�ans we are being renewed more and more in his likeness each and every day?

Page 7: The Image in God’s Good Creaon€¦ · 11. How BAD is it that the image bearers in this very good creaon go to being very bad as described in Genesis 6:5…(NIV Genesis 6:5 The

4 The Fall


What do you call that feeling when you know you shouldn’t do something but you want to do it anyway?

What is the effect of sin upon mankind? Read Psalm 38 How does David describe the effect of sin upon him? How does it make him feel? Who can help him in this situa�on/ who does he call upon?



NIV Genesis 2:16-17 And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."

Although God’s command is clear, Adam and Eve go against God’s instruc�on, and eat from the tree - which has disastrous consequences...



1. What are we told specifically about the serpent? 2. Who does he speak to, and what is his line of approach? 3. How well does the woman know and understand the command of God? READ GENESIS 3:4-5 4. How does the ‘cra�y’ serpent respond? What en�cing informa�on does he present to the woman? 5. How does this exchange of informa�on and the course of ac�on the serpent suggests USURP the order of crea�on? 6. What is the serpent sugges�ng about God’s inten�on with this command and about God’s love for mankind?

READ GENESIS 3:6-12 7. What does the woman ‘see’ and what two things does she do (v.6)? 8. What do the man and the woman do in vv. 7-8? How has their rela�onship with God already changed at this point? 9. What does the LORD God call out to the man? Has the man already ‘abandoned his post’ as ruler in charge of the garden? 10. When confronted by God, who does the man blame for the whole situa�on? How does this USURP the created order?



Page 8: The Image in God’s Good Creaon€¦ · 11. How BAD is it that the image bearers in this very good creaon go to being very bad as described in Genesis 6:5…(NIV Genesis 6:5 The

NIV Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more cra�y than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"

praise God that despite our sin, he s�ll knows what’s best for us. Pray that we will understand more about God’s crea�on and his purposes for us, even though we live in a fallen world. Pray that we will be able to tell people about the reality of sin, and about the only one who is able to remedy our situa�on pray also for our Sunday School ministry and our Sunday School teachers for Keith and Elspeth Campbell and their work with mission teams in PNG

How do we deal with our sin? Pray that we would con�nue to encourage all our family members to tell others the good news of the gospel.

for sunday’s bible talk and next week’s study read…

Genesis 4







Pray together about the encouragement and challenge raised by God’s Word through this study. Note prayer points below for your partners in the gospel (Growth Group members) and their contacts:

Growth Group members Unbelieving friends


Jan 28 Sunday School resumes Jan 29 Growth Groups Resume Jan 30 VIP-Net Resumes Feb 01 Presbytery Mee�ng Feb 05 Session Mee�ng Feb 9-10 Kidswise Training Rocky Feb 12 Widows Group 9.30am Feb 15 CoM Mee�ng Feb 18 Monto ACM Feb 21 Minister’s Fellowship Feb 25 Annual Mee�ng & Lunch Mar 04 Lord’s Supper Service

Mar 05 Session Mee�ng Mar 10 Pelican Point Working Bee Mar 11 Pelican Point Service Mar 12 Widows Group 9.30am Mar 15 CoM Mee�ng Mar 16-18 Cadets @ Pelican Point Mar 18 Community Day Mar 29 Lord’s Supp. Service & Dinner Mar 30 Easter Friday Apr 01 Easter Sunday Apr 09 Session Mee�ng Apr 13-16 CQ Alive - Pelican Pt

READ GENESIS 3:13-19 11. A�er discovering how the woman was deceived, what ac�on does God take against the serpent and the woman? 12. What ac�on does God take against the man, and what reason does God give for this? 13. Are the pronouncements God makes tough or are they loving? READ GENESIS 3:20-24 14. What happens to Adam and Eve, and what does God do for them? 15. How has their decision to eat the fruit affected crea�on? 16. Is there any way this can be reversed? (c.f Romans 5:12-18)

Page 9: The Image in God’s Good Creaon€¦ · 11. How BAD is it that the image bearers in this very good creaon go to being very bad as described in Genesis 6:5…(NIV Genesis 6:5 The

5 Cain and Abel


What normally causes an argument between two people? What determines whether the ma�er is dealt with quickly or lingers on for years?

What are we taught about tempta�on in the New Testament? Read James 1:13-14; Hebrews 2:18; Hebrews 4:15, 1Corinthians 10:13



NIV Genesis 4:7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."

Nothing is worth killing for—not even God’s blessing.



1. In line with Genesis 1:28 Adam and Eve have their firstborn Cain. How much celebra�on is normally involved when a couple have their first child? 2. What is the rela�onship between Cain and Abel, and what is the par�cular way that each of them makes a living? 3. If Cain and Abel are making offerings to the Lord, how would you describe the rela�onship they have with God at this point? 4. What do each of them offer to the Lord and what is the outcome of their offerings? 5. What is Cain’s ini�al response to the whole situa�on? READ GENESIS 4:6-15 6. God approaches Cain and speaks directly to him (vv.6-7). What does he say to Cain, and in what manner does he speak to him? What do we learn about God in this interac�on with Cain?

7. A�er Cain kills Abel, what does God ask of Cain (v.9)? How is this similar to God’s line of ques�oning a�er Adam and Eve’s sin? 8. A�er Cain refuses to answer God, what does God exclaim, and what is God’s resul�ng pronouncement? 9. How is this curse similar to the curse God pronounces upon Adam? How will it affect Cain’s way of living, and what is Cain’s response? 10. What happens to Cain?



Page 10: The Image in God’s Good Creaon€¦ · 11. How BAD is it that the image bearers in this very good creaon go to being very bad as described in Genesis 6:5…(NIV Genesis 6:5 The

NIV Ephesians 4:22-27 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its decei�ul desires; 23 to be made new in the a�tude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. 25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body. 26 "In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are s�ll angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold.

Pray that we would be encouraged to love others, and God, and seek forgiveness when we fall short of God’s righteous requirements! Pray we’d forgive others when they sin against us pray also for the ministry of our Commi�ee of Management (see page 9) for our school chaplains: Nigel Kruger (High School), Jess Lowther (State Primary School), Selma Dredge (District Schools). for the Presbyterian Church in Emerald and par�cularly that Rod would be a faithful minister of God’s word as he and the church reach out to the Emerald community with the gospel.

As Chris�ans, what should be our course of ac�on if we’ve had a fight/argument with someone? Pray that we would encourage each other to live for Jesus in all that we say and do.

for sunday’s bible talk and next week’s study read…

Genesis 5:1-6:6





READ GENESIS 4:16-26 11. Away from the Lord’s presence, what happens to Cain? 12. When Adam and Eve have another son—what do they name him and what does Eve say? 13. Why might men have begun to call on the Lord(v.26)? How is this different to what Cain and Abel were doing in vv.3-4? 14. What does Paul instruct us about anger and sin? (c.f. Ephesians 4:22-27) When should we call on Jesus to help us? Can he help us? (See Hebrews 2:18 & 4:15)



Pray together about the encouragement and challenge raised by God’s Word through this study. Note prayer points below for your partners in the gospel (Growth Group members) and their contacts:

Growth Group members Unbelieving friends


Jan 28 Sunday School resumes Jan 29 Growth Groups Resume Jan 30 VIP-Net Resumes Feb 01 Presbytery Mee�ng Feb 05 Session Mee�ng Feb 9-10 Kidswise Training Rocky Feb 12 Widows Group 9.30am Feb 15 CoM Mee�ng Feb 18 Monto ACM Feb 21 Minister’s Fellowship Feb 25 Annual Mee�ng & Lunch Mar 04 Lord’s Supper Service

Mar 05 Session Mee�ng Mar 10 Pelican Point Working Bee Mar 11 Pelican Point Service Mar 12 Widows Group 9.30am Mar 15 CoM Mee�ng Mar 16-18 Cadets @ Pelican Point Mar 18 Community Day Mar 29 Lord’s Supp. Service & Dinner Mar 30 Easter Friday Apr 01 Easter Sunday Apr 09 Session Mee�ng Apr 13-16 CQ Alive - Pelican Pt

Page 11: The Image in God’s Good Creaon€¦ · 11. How BAD is it that the image bearers in this very good creaon go to being very bad as described in Genesis 6:5…(NIV Genesis 6:5 The

6 We Live We Die


1. Whose likeness is Adam made in? Who does Seth look like? (Image and likeness) 2. What does this tell us about those who are born in Adam’s line? 3. What are we told about Adam’s children a�er Seth? 4. How long does Adam live? Why does this seem like a long �me to us? 5. Why might we be inclined to think that it is impossible that Adam actually lived for 930 years and that he was fathering children well a�er 130 years?


How much excitement and joy is there when a new child is born into a family? Why do you think this is the case? What kind of things do people like to be remembered for?

The Book of Ecclesiastes is largely about living and dying. Read: Ecclesiastes Chapters 1, 9 & 12. What is its final conclusion? DO you agree with what the book is saying?




READ GENESIS 5:6-32 6. What is the account of Seth and his children? How many years does Seth live? 7. How many genera�ons are there before Adam dies? 8. Although we are not told exact numbers, what could you say about the world’s popula�on at this �me?


NIV Genesis 5:3-4 When Adam had lived 130 years, he had a son in his own likeness, in his own image; and he named him Seth. 4 A�er Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters.

With sin in the world, our life is finite, but we s�ll have the opportunity to carry out God’s will as his image bearers in crea�on.




Page 12: The Image in God’s Good Creaon€¦ · 11. How BAD is it that the image bearers in this very good creaon go to being very bad as described in Genesis 6:5…(NIV Genesis 6:5 The

NIV Colossians 1:18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

Pray that we might be men and women who follow Christ Jesus and live lives of integrity in the sight of God. Pray that we would lives that bring honour to God and that this would be a powerful witness in our community of a people who are growing TOGETHER in Christ Jesus. ask God to help us to stand firm in the gospel, and to remember that we are a part of a church family with the task of taking the gospel to the world. pray also for our kids, youth and young adults,. for the Middle East Reformed Fellowship (MERF) and their work with Arab and Muslim peoples around the world.

How should we live our lives and what difference does our way of living make? Pray that you would be encouraged to live lives that bring glory and praise to God.

for sunday’s bible talk and next week’s study read…

Genesis 6-9




9. What things are significantly different about the life of Enoch? 10. What does Lamech say about Noah (what are his wishes for his son?) How does this turn out in reality? (c.f. Genesis 9:20) READ GENESIS 6:1-6 11. As the sons of Adam who are made in the image of God begin to marry the beau�ful daughters of Eve and her descendants what significant change does God make in the lives of his image bearers? 12. What is the name given to the men who are the ‘heroes of old’ and ‘men of great renown’? Do you think reducing the individual life-span of man was a ‘loving and gracious’ act of God? Why/Why Not? 13. As God looks out on his crea�on which was once described as ‘VERY GOOD’ on the 6th day, what does he now see, and what is the state of God’s heart at this point? 14. How might living for Jesus see us con�nue to carry out God’s will for his image bearers in crea�on? How does this line up with YOUR plans for your life? 15. What will be the best way for you to honour and serve God in this life? What life-span are we looking forward to in the New Crea�on?



Pray together about the encouragement and challenge raised by God’s Word through this

Growth Group members Unbelieving friends



Jan 28 Sunday School resumes Jan 29 Growth Groups Resume Jan 30 VIP-Net Resumes Feb 01 Presbytery Mee�ng Feb 05 Session Mee�ng Feb 9-10 Kidswise Training Rocky Feb 12 Widows Group 9.30am Feb 15 CoM Mee�ng Feb 18 Monto ACM Feb 21 Minister’s Fellowship Feb 25 Annual Mee�ng & Lunch Mar 04 Lord’s Supper Service

Mar 05 Session Mee�ng Mar 10 Pelican Point Working Bee Mar 11 Pelican Point Service Mar 12 Widows Group 9.30am Mar 15 CoM Mee�ng Mar 16-18 Cadets @ Pelican Point Mar 18 Community Day Mar 29 Lord’s Supp. Service & Dinner Mar 30 Easter Friday Apr 01 Easter Sunday Apr 09 Session Mee�ng Apr 13-16 CQ Alive - Pelican Pt


Page 13: The Image in God’s Good Creaon€¦ · 11. How BAD is it that the image bearers in this very good creaon go to being very bad as described in Genesis 6:5…(NIV Genesis 6:5 The

7 Noah And The Flood

READ GENESIS 6:5-13 1. What has caused God so much anguish? 2. How is the world described in Noah’s �me? How is it different from the Garden of Eden? 3. Who is Noah and what is different about him? 4. What has God determined that he will do as a result of the situa�on? What has God determined for Noah?

READ GENESIS 6:14-22 5. Noah is told to build an Ark—what is he to make it out of and what specific dimensions is he given to work with? How many people are required to make a vessel of this size in today’s world? 6. Why has Noah been commanded to build such a big boat—what is he going to keep there(vv.19-21)? 7. In v.17 we are told that God will destroy all life under the heavens—but what does he have planned for Noah and his family(v.18)? READ GENESIS 7:1-24 8. How long does Noah have to load the boat? What happens on the 7th day - in par�cular, where do the floodwaters actually come from? 9. How might verses 13-16 remind us of crea�on? 10. How long is the earth flooded for and what does this cause (vv.22-23)?


What’s the worst flood you have ever been in/witnessed?

Read Ma� 24:35-44. Read 2 Peter 2:4-9 What do these passages tell us about Noah? How do they inform us about how to live/what to expect in OUR �me?





NIV Genesis 6:7 So the LORD said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth--men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air--for I am grieved that I have made them."

God is our Creator and he determines what happens to us!!



Page 14: The Image in God’s Good Creaon€¦ · 11. How BAD is it that the image bearers in this very good creaon go to being very bad as described in Genesis 6:5…(NIV Genesis 6:5 The

NIV Genesis 9:12-13

And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.

Pray that we would live for Jesus in all we do and that this would be clearly evident from our rela�onships with others Pray that we would repent of ‘rela�onal sin’ that goes against what God has commanded Pray that God would make us more like Jesus each day

pray also for our music ministry and all those in our church who serve the Lord in this way for Inside/Out Chaplaincy (formerly CCC) as they con�nue to minister in word and in deed to prisoners across our state. for the ministry of Rod and Nat McLennan in Emerald

How do we know that God loves us? Pray that we would be encouraged to live as God’s people and listen and obey like Noah did.

for sunday’s bible talk and next week’s study read…

Genesis 11:1-9




We are told that a�er 150 days the Ark comes to rest on Mt Ararat, and Noah sends out birds to see if it’s dry enough to come out yet... READ GENESIS 8:13-9:17 11. What does God command Noah and what does Noah do in v.18 & 20? 12. What does God decide in his heart despite the wickedness of mankind? 13. God has rescued Noah, and now he blesses him. What is the blessing and what new ‘privileges’ is he given? 14. How obedient has Noah been to God’s commands (6:22; 7:5; 7:16)?What is the covenant that God makes with Noah and all of crea�on? What is the sign of this covenant? 15. How will Jesus’ return be like the events of Genesis 6-9? (How will it be different?) - c.f. Ma�hew 24:36-44 16. What has God determined for those of us who follow Jesus? (c.f. Romans 6:23)



Pray together about the encouragement and challenge raised by God’s Word through this study. Note prayer points below for your partners in the gospel (Growth Group members)

Growth Group members Unbelieving friends



Jan 28 Sunday School resumes Jan 29 Growth Groups Resume Jan 30 VIP-Net Resumes Feb 01 Presbytery Mee�ng Feb 05 Session Mee�ng Feb 9-10 Kidswise Training Rocky Feb 12 Widows Group 9.30am Feb 15 CoM Mee�ng Feb 18 Monto ACM Feb 21 Minister’s Fellowship Feb 25 Annual Mee�ng & Lunch Mar 04 Lord’s Supper Service

Mar 05 Session Mee�ng Mar 10 Pelican Point Working Bee Mar 11 Pelican Point Service Mar 12 Widows Group 9.30am Mar 15 CoM Mee�ng Mar 16-18 Cadets @ Pelican Point Mar 18 Community Day Mar 29 Lord’s Supp. Service & Dinner Mar 30 Easter Friday Apr 01 Easter Sunday Apr 09 Session Mee�ng Apr 13-16 CQ Alive - Pelican Pt


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