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The Illuminati, the Big Apple, and the Coming Devastation

by Jeremy James

Many orthodox Christians are aware that the dark forces which control this world are about to unleash havoc. The earthly overlords behind this plan of destruction are known as the Illuminati, an elite group of families who have worshipped Lucifer for generations.

Given developments to date and their known objectives, 2009 will be a year of intense suffering and destruction. The US dollar and the federal banking system will collapse in late January or early February. This will likely be followed in the period 19 April – 1 May by a nuclear explosion on New York City.

Here is the evidence for the coming destruction of New York [Please note that everything that follows is analysis, not prophecy]:

1. The Illuminati want to create complete mayhem across the US in order to destroy it as a sovereign nation, thereby facilitating the creation of a New World Order. The destruction of the banking system, which has been under way for some time, and the planned devastation in New York city are essential steps in their plan.

2. The elimination of New York will, among other things, destroy the existing United Nations headquarters. This will necessitate the creation of a new UN headquarters, outside the American mainland. Jerusalem will be proposed for this purpose. As Luciferians they want to destroy God’s plan for the land of Israel and intend, by establishing a powerful political presence in that city, to achieve this goal.

3. The destruction of New York, which has a high Jewish population, will create incredible tensions between Jews and Christians on the one hand, and Moslems on the other. Moslems will be blamed for the attack (even though they had no part in it). This in turn will cause the conflict in the Middle East to escalate into World War III, as planned by the Illuminati.

4. New York was dubbed the ‘Big Apple’ in the 1970s. While there is evidence that it may have been referred to occasionally by this moniker some decades earlier, the term was virtually unknown until this advertising campaign began in the 1970s. The name was devised by the Illuminati for occult purposes. In their satanic philosophy, symbols are of immense importance and are seen as channels or doors through which the power of Lucifer can flow. The ‘apple’ from the Garden of Eden symbolises the whole basis of the rift between the Lord God and Lucifer. The fallen arch-angel wanted to be equal to God and sought to make mankind believe and pursue the same goal. To take the apple means to be like God.

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5. Artwork showing the baby Jesus holding or being handed an apple has been produced since the first century A.D. Countless artists, including many great names from the Renaissance period, have depicted this theme, which represents the Redeemer taking on the sins of the world in order to liberate man from the power of Satan. The Illuminati despise this interpretation of the apple. To them it symbolises the liberation of man from the cleansing power of Christ. By ‘taking’ the Big Apple, they are expressing the ultimate act of defiance.

6. The French Grand Orient Masons presented New York city with the so-called Statue of Liberty in 1886. This is actually a giant statue of the Babylonian goddess, Semiramis, staking her claim over the city. In her dark guise, she is Lilith, the goddess of wrath and destruction.

7. The Illuminati have a special fondness for 19th April as a date for human sacrifice. Both the Waco and Oklahoma massacres, orchestrated by the Illuminati, took place on 19th April. That date marks the start of the 13-day occult period leading up to the great black sabbath of 1st May, known as Bealtaine. The key event marking the inauguration of this major phase in the Illuminati plan was the Twin Towers attack of 2001. Thus, having opened the cycle in New York, the Illuminati will also close it in the same city with a nuclear explosion. The date they appear to have been selected for this purpose is 19th April 2009, which falls 66,666 hours after the 9/11 attacks.

8. The book, Atlas Shrugged (1957), is known to be an overview of the Illuminati plan to create a New World Order. It was written by Ayn Rand who was a mistress to a key Illuminati figure at that time, from the Rothschild family. According to John Todd, it was never intended for general circulation, but for use only as an induction tool for sympathisers and insiders. Here is a telling excerpt:

Looking down, they could see the last convulsions: the lights of the cars were darting through the streets, like animals trapped in a maze, frantically seeking an exit, the bridges were jammed with cars, the approaches to the bridges were veins of massed headlights, glittering bottlenecks stopping all motion, and the desperate screaming of sirens reached faintly to the height of the plane. The news of the continent’s severed artery had now engulfed the city, men were deserting their posts, trying, in panic, to abandon New York, seeking escape where all roads were cut off and escape was no longer possible. The plane was above the peaks of the skyscrapers when suddenly, with the abruptness of a shudder, as if the ground had parted to engulf it, the city disappeared from the face of the earth. It took them a moment to realize that the panic had reached the power stations - and that the lights of New York had gone out. "It's the end," she said. "It's the beginning," he answered.

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I may be wrong. I hope I am. But at the same time we must do as Jesus instructed when he said, “Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh...Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.” (Mark 13:35-37).

1 January 2009

[Jeremy James is the author of ‘The Planned Destruction of Christianity in Ireland: The Use of Black Magic by Ireland’s Ruling Elite.’]

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