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Minister: Rev. Margaret Steele, Tel: 01750 23308

Charity no: Selkirk SC 014883 Ashkirk SC 010768

The HirdChurch News for Selkirk and Ashkirk


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FLOWER MINISTRYSept. Elaine Monro in charge 3rd Beth Bell 10th Dorothy Gray 17th Maisie McKenzie 24th Ella Donald

Oct. Janette Green in charge 1st E.Young, C.Johnston 8th M.Hamilton, E.Kemp 15th J.Nichol, Harkness Family 22nd Ian Watson 29th J. Smith, F. Holmes

The Flower Calendar is available on the notice board in the Meeting House. Donations would be appreciated for any blank Sundays.

Nov. Ella & Maisie in charge 5th N. Mitchinson, J. Richardson 12th Netta Lesley 19th Nanette Turnbull 26th Isla Grieve

Commmunion Dates ahead

October Sunday 8th & Wednesday 11thDecember Sunday 3rd & Wednesday 6th

5p Mile

To date, we have covered £4,022.25 = 80,445 5p coins = 1577.3 yards of our second 5p mile. That just leaves 182.7 yards still to cover, or 9,318 5p coins = £465.90.With your help we can do this, so please keep collecting - every 5p counts.

Lynda McCraw

JAMJAM (Jesus And Me) will be meeting this coming term again at KnoweparkSchool on Wednesday lunchtimes for P4 and above. Please pray for the leaders and children.

If you would like to join the team please speak to Elma Hendrie, Elissa Jones or Jane Peers. The aim is to have three leaders each week. None of us manage each week, but some weeks we struggle for leaders. DanielSturgeon, Baptist youth worker, is the other member of the team.

Jane Peers

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Dear Friends,If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; but when they attend to what He reveals, they are most blessed. Proverbs 29:18 (The Message)

Some of us will know that verse better as “without vision the people perish.” Every congregation is on a journey of faith.

This summer many of us will have made journeys at home or abroad. One thing is for sure, unless you decided to go on a mystery tour, you will have known your destination and you will have planned the best way of getting there.

God calls His people, the church, to seek out His way forward for the work that it is involved in. He calls us to find out where He is working and encourages us to join in. As we step forward in faith, we are given the promise that He will reveal Himself to us in different ways. That happens one step at a time.

Vision depends on sight, which I believe depends on light being present. At present, we are looking at John’s gospel and have found that God’s light is best seen in Jesus. Sight enables us to begin to make sense of what God is doing. Sight and understanding should then bring activity. Once we, in faith, know what God is calling us to do then we should be willing to join Him in the vital task of bringing the Good News of Jesus to folk where they are. Activity is not an option but a command. “Go into the world and tell folks of my love for them,” says Jesus. In the words of a hymn, as we look to Jesus and find that in Him is our star and sun then we can decide that, in the light of his life, we’ll walk till travelling days are done, knowing that He is our ever-present, ever-ready companion.

With every blessing,Margaret

1 LoansideSelkirk

TD7 4DJSeptember 2017

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Sunday CountersEvery Sunday, a small number of people remain after the service to count the offering money. This entails opening and recording the contents of the WFO envelopes, counting the Open Plate offerings, the donations given at the coffee table and anything else relevant that appears from time to time. Usually, this is completed around 12 noon. At present, we have 2 teams of 3 committed folk who take month about throughout the year, each with a leader who deals with the banking. One of our number, Mary Mallin, is retiring after many years faithful service, leaving a vacancy. We thank Mary very much, but need to fill this vacancy, and also would like to have a bank of reserve counters who could help to share the load, especially over the holiday period.

If you feel you could offer your time for this essential job, please contact Lynda McCraw or Pauline Davidson.

Harvest Thanksgiving


The Kirk Session has agreed that the Harvest Service, Creation in our Care, will take place on Sunday September 24th. As in previous years, there will be a Special Harvest Offering taken up in the first part of the service while the normal weekly offering will be uplifted towards the end. The charity which will benefit from our Harvest Offering will be intimated in the order of service from the beginning of September.

Margaret Steele

Sunday Gang Hope you all had a good summer holiday. Sunday Gang started back on 6th August and the topic was the Armour of God. We meet each Sunday at 10.15am with the exception of 27th August for Taste & See BBQ at 4pm and Sunday 1st October for Taste and See at 4pm.

Look forward to seeing you.Sunday Gang leaders Jacqui, Louise and Mo

Selkirk Church Friends

The new session of Selkirk Church Friends will begin on Tuesday 3 October 2017 at 2pm. The speaker will be Rev Duncan McCosh who will tell us what happens to the milk bottle tops which we donate. Tuesday 17 October will be a Craft and Chat Afternoon. A warm welcome is extended to old and new friends.

Jennifer Barrie

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Scott’s SelkirkThis year Scott’s Selkirk is on Saturday, 7th October. The Congregational Board has agreed that we should have our usual Coffee Shop in the hall, running from 10am to 4pm, with stalls for crafts, home baking, preserves, gifts, books & jigsaws, Traidcraft and good quality items (including plants).

Lists will be appearing soon in the Meeting House requesting volunteers to help serve refreshments, man the stalls, and provide baking for the Coffee Shop and any appropriate items for sale.

Please support this fundraising event in whatever way you are able. Proceeds are mainly for church funds, with those from the plant stall going towards the Half Way House project in Guatemala.

PS For those who are creative, please remember the Pop Up shop in November, and continue to produce items for sale there.

Lynda McCraw

Songs of Praise 26th November

The 10.15 service on Sunday 26th November will be a Songs of Praise, with favourite hymns chosen by the congregation. If you have a favourite hymn, please let us know, and tell us why it is your favourite, using the form alongside. There will be a box in the Meeting House or you can leave a message in the Office (tel. 20078 or email [email protected]) or contact Colin Macintosh (21008 or [email protected])

Please also tell us whether you would be willing to read out your comment during the service, or would prefer someone else to do it.

Songs of Praise


Favourite hymn


Why is it your favourite?




..................................................Would you be happy to read this out at the service? Yes/No

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Thoughts on the CrossIn May of this year Ian Brady, one of the two infamous Moors Murders duo, died in prison, unrepentant to the last and steadfastly refusing to divulge to grieving parents the whereabouts of their children’s bodies on Saddleworth Moor, near Huddersfield. His accomplice, Myra Hindley, however, who died in 2002, became a repentant and devout Catholic while in prison; at least, that is what Lord Longford, a staunch Catholic himself, alleged at the time as part of a sustained campaign for her release, which the Home Secretary at the time wouldn’t agree to. If this is true, nothing could bring into sharper focus the depths to which human evil can sink and the redeeming power of Jesus’s blood on the hill of Calvary. And could there be a more striking parallel to the two criminals crucified with Jesus on either side? ‘One was saved’, I have heard someone put it, ‘so that no-one might despair; but only one, so that no-one might presume (on God’s mercy). We all know the hymn which begins ‘To God be the glory, great things He hath done’. In verse 2, the third line reads ‘for every offender who truly believes…’ Some versions read ‘the vilest offender who truly believes, that moment from Jesus a pardon receives.’ To me, that version has the greater impact and force.What do you think?

In 1984, a book was published called ‘The Cross and the Swastika’. In it, we read the story of the Nazi war criminals at the Nuremberg trials in 1946, who were, when the bestial horrors committed under the Nazis during the war were revealed, the most hated men on earth. Yet, one of them had asked his American gaoler for the services of a spiritual adviser and he, Colonel Sullivan, recommended an American army chaplain called Henry Gerecke to take on this task - he was Lutheran and spoke German, for one thing. This man at first wrestled incessantly with all sorts of questions concerning this mission. How could he ever find a way to approach these evil men with the message of Jesus Christ and the Cross? How would they treat him? How could a humble preacher, a one-time farm boy, make any impression on the disciples of Adolf Hitler? How could he summon the right spirit worthy of a Christian which this mission demanded? He had plenty of cause for bitterness against the Nazis: he had seen the horrors of Dachau concentration camp and his eldest son had been literally torn apart in the fighting. He entered into a Gethsemane-like agony of soul over the whole mission, but he took it on.This book is one of the most powerful and moving that I have ever read and I hope to share some of it with you in at least one succeeding issue of the Hird, if there is space.

Just a quick prayer item to close. There is a real work of God happening in Arnhem land, in NE Australia among the Yolnu people. Pray that God will further it still....and yet, a 30-year old Christian travelling in Sydney by train and wearing a cross which his mother had given to him as a teenager, was attacked by five Muslim youths who tore it off him, threw it to the ground and swore at Jesus. Do you think that could happen here? Who might be the attackers?David Taylor, prayer promoter

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PrayerLord Jesus Christ,Just as your earliest followers suffered so terribly under Roman rule, so your 21st century followers are suffering in the same way in so many places around the world. Help us here in the West to live boldly for You, faithful to Your commands, wherever You have placed us; keep us from compromise or backsliding. Enable us to finish the race and keep the faith. Amen

Blythswood ShoeboxesIt’s almost Autumn! The nights are drawing in, the children are back at school and it’s time, once again, to remember the Shoebox Appeal for Blythswood. (It’s so easy to forget now that the van no longer comes regularly.)Please think of the families for whom a tube of toothpaste is a luxury, as you consider what is spent on Christmas presents in this country!Starting now, and buying one or two things each week, will spread the cost.

The leaflets giving instructions for covering a box and a list of suggested items for it, will be available soon. Here are a few to get you started: toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, facecloth/sponge, woolly hat. Pencils, rubbers and notebooks are also welcome.

It would be wonderful if, this year, every church family could fill a box. Just imagine the surprise and joy on the face of the child, or adult, who receives your box, maybe their first Christmas present ever. In giving, you too will be blessed!

Thank youBeth and Maisie

Christmas Day - Save the Date!Would you enjoy sharing a tasty Christmas meal in our church hall, having a blether, good company and perhaps some entertainment?

It is hoped to repeat this event this year, so there will be more details nearer the time. Would you want to join us yourself and perhaps bring someone with you? Everyone is welcome, especially those who might otherwise be on their own.

For further information, please contact:Fiona Corbett (Tel: 22687) or Myra Ward (Tel: 22867)

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runs from 4th - 8th September this year and will be featured on the noticeboards in the hall and in the Meeting House. Pick up the Zero Waste leaflet to remind yourself how much more can be recycled than what we put in the blue bin. If you are unable to get to church, ask your elder or visitor to pick a leaflet up for you. There are thirty old watches ready to be sent off to Recycling for Good Causes! Decluttering will also make you feel good! Be part of the change you want to see in the world.

In November, the noticeboards will feature some of the amazing Good News from people involved in environmental projects here in Scotland and around the world. On the church website, you can read about the Open Door visit to Fareshare, a charity dealing with surplus food but have you heard about the solar road in France?

Since 2013 and the energy efficient refurbishment of the church hall, we have done lots of different things under the heading of Care for Creation. We would like to hear your ideas of how we can develop as an Eco-Congregation so you are invited to an Open Meeting on Wednesday 6th September in the Meeting Room at 8 pm.

We will talk through the on-going plans for the year and some ideas we have for the future but would love to hear your input.

Arm-twisting is not our style so please don’t be afraid to join us that evening - but we would welcome you with open arms if you would like to be more involved.

Anne Bethune, Mo Brown & Elissa Jones

Eco Congregation News

Our Open Door dates for the next 3 months are 11th & 25th September, 9th & 23rd October and 13th & 27th November.

Lunches continue to be busy, but always room for more. Don't eat alone - why not join us?!

If you've yet to come, we'd be especially pleased to welcome more "early birds" for coffee/tea and home baking between 10.30 and 11.30 am.

Myra Ward

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Armchair of the Moon and other stuff Grand Charity Concert

From previous articles in The Hird by Amy, many readers will be familiar with Carlos and his work with young gang members in Guatemala City. Amy visited again in May 2017 and saw first hand the Half Way House which has been set up, now housing 18 vulnerable young people aged 10+, who want a safe future away from the violence. They

need fed, clothed and educated or trained for work. Resources are scarce and there is a need for a male "house parent" to support the lads in the house. One year's salary is £3,000 and we would dearly love to raise this amount of money.

A special concert will take place in Selkirk at the Parish Church on 28th October at 7.30pm. All profits from the concert will go direct to Carlos and his small team, to help give these young people hope. The Half Way House is founded on love, practical giving and prayer, including ours at SPC! Our ongoing prayer is that the young people will find God's love for them through the ministry of Carlos and others. (NB names have been changed)

Rod, Amy's dad, has been teaching piano in Selkirk for 24 years and over many years has composed a wide variety of music. "Armchair of the Moon", the title of the Concert, was one of the first pieces written as a 16 year old. We hope there will be something for everyone to enjoy: folk, jazz, classical, solos, duets, trios, orchestra and community choir. Many local talented musicians, singers and players are offering their time and talents to create a musical feast and raise much needed funds for this great cause. There is still time to sign up for the choir - all welcome. The first rehearsal is in Selkirk Parish Church Hall on Friday 15th September at 7 pm. Rod is also looking for a volunteer with the skills and equipment to video the concert.

We hope that you will invite friends and family and order tickets, which will be on sale through the Borders Events Box Office (online), from the Scott’s Selkirk Shop, or direct from Rod and Myra Ward (Tel 22867.) Please help fill the church and make the concert a resounding and happy success.

Thank youRod, Myra and Amy Ward

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Fresh Start Borders was set up in 2009, with support from Scottish Churches Housing Action. In July, four of us from SCHA visited the team in Selkirk.

We had picked a rainy day (not difficult this summer!) but received a very warm welcome from Irene McFadzen and her team of volunteers at Shepherd’s Mill where the starter pack items are stored. We were ushered in from the rain, and Irene introduced us to the secretary Chris Sharpe, treasurer Dave Neilson and volunteers Pat Fisher, Roz Dooner and Freda Nicholson.

The volunteers come along every Wednesday to make up packs in response to referrals – from Scottish Borders Council’s homelessness service, housing associations, Penumbra, and other sources such as Citizen’s Advice and Women’s Aid. Almost 2,000 packs have gone out to people since Fresh Start Borders started up. Most of the packs go to Hawick or Galashiels, but also other towns or villages in the Borders.

Word has travelled far about the service they provide, and they have received large amounts of bedding, curtains, crockery and kitchen utensils. The items are sorted and arranged to make for speedier work when referrals come in, so they can locate what’s suitable, whether for a single person, male or female, or a family with children. They have some new electrical items such as kettles and toasters and also new bedding which is bought in bulk with support from Scottish Borders Council. Thanks to a Co-op Community Fund donation of £2,000 they can now provide toiletries too. Other new donations come from Home Basics in Hawick and Walkerburn, and Scottish Enterprise has also provided much support.

Once the packs have been made up, they are collected by council support workers or representatives from other agencies for delivery to the person or family in their new home. The team don’t know who the recipient will be but they go the extra mile, using their own skills and talents. Irene is a great seamstress, and makes linen bags to hold toiletries and other items; one team member has a contact who crochets blankets.

Following our visit to the mill, we made our way to Connections in Back Row, where we were joined by Kirsty Armstrong from the council’s homelessness service, and Carol Robertson from Eildon Housing Association. Over a sandwich lunch, we heard about issues surrounding homelessness in the Borders. Kirsty explained that the number of support workers in the council has had a drastic reduction. Fresh Start Borders had noticed a decrease in referrals from both the council and housing associations.continued on page 11

Scottish Churches Housing Action calling

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Taste and See is a monthly service of worship for all, with time to eat together as a church family. We thank those who have provided and served us soup and sandwiches over the years. As they are now standing down, the food will mostly be bring and share.

Our first event will include a BBQ in front of the church (when the food will be provided) so we will be hoping for good weather on 27th August.

27th August 4pm Taste & See BBQ1 October 4pm Taste & See Worship

This year, we will be inviting members of the congregation who have not joined us before. Please feel welcome to come along to any Taste & See service .

For more information on Taste and See:

[email protected] or 21703 [email protected] or 23125

Taste and See that the Lord is good, Psalm 24:8

continued from page 10Both Kirsty and Carol expressed concern at changes to the benefits system, and the impending move to Universal Credit. This will potentially raise many issues for vulnerable people, with the assumption that all are able to budget over four weeks, with a very small amount to cover bills and essential costs, AND that all have access to computers.

We all very much enjoyed our visit to Selkirk to meet some of the Borders Fresh Start team.. As one of us remarked, the volunteers are a well-oiled machine, very dedicated in their task (and there is a waiting list of others willing to help). They obviously work well together, with plenty of humour, or in focused silence on a busy day. And as for those people receiving their packs in their new home, the feedback forms speak for themselves.

Lauren Forbes, Scottish Churches Housing Action administrator The full article can be found at:

Our church rep, Glynis Wilkie, thanks you for your continuing donations and hopes this article encourages you to keep filling the Fresh Start box in the Meeting House.

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CAMEO will begin again on Thursday, September 28 at 2 pm. We are a lively group who enjoy getting together every fortnight for a varied programme throughout the year. The group welcomes ladies and gentlemen for a cuppa and a blether. At our first meeting we will be entertained by the Rev Jim Wallace. Come And Meet Each Other. You will be most welcome.

Marjorie Lawrie

Ashkirk NewsAshkirk celebrated its Gift Day on 20th August with a thoughtful Communion Service, where our gift envelopes were blessed and we followed this with a Parish lunch at Hazelknowe restaurant at the Woll Golf course. 13 people attended and had a delicious meal with lots of good chat and many stories were retold. We had sad news too: George Davies had died on Friday. He and his wife Helen have been good friends to the church and we sent Helen and the family our love and condolences.

Ashkirk Parish Church has continued to support the Village Hall. New windows should be installed at the beginning of September and plans are in progress for an upgrade of the kitchen.

We also supported the Selkirk Holiday Club with participants and with prayer and this helper can report a happy and blessed time was had by all, way back in July. We also support the team of BGH pushers on a regular basis, though further volunteers would be more than welcome.

From the legacy of Mrs Bolam, a Communion set of tablecloths and napkins has been purchased (easy care fabric, wonderful) and we will dedicate these items with the family in due time.

Our rota of named people to help with readings and prayers is small and new volunteers will be welcomed warmly. If you are interested please contact Helen Chapman.

Dates for the diary11th November from 10-12 Christmas Craft Sale and coffee morning in Ashkirk Village Hall. Please come and join us and start your Christmas Shopping.3rd December @ noon in the Church: our Communion Service, preceded by coffee and cake from 11.15 a.m.

Fran Selkirk, Session Clerk

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ReachOutThis year's Reach Out group will be trying something different with our programme. We would like to strengthen bonds of friendship socially through some meals and Bible study. We will be offering

3 meals and running small groups for Bible study in mid-January open for all to attend.

Here are the dates and details:ReachOut meal, with an Italian theme Sat 16th Sep 6:30 pm in hallCurry night Sat 18th Nov 6.30 pm in hallSelkirk and Valleys church leade rs’ meal Fri 23rd Feb in hall

Bible Studies - beginning on Jan 14th and running for 5 sessions

Please rsvp to Anne Bethune, [email protected] or tel 21703 by Sep 9th if you would like to come to the Italian meal.

“Nothing is sweet or easy about community. Community is a fellowship of people who do not hide their joys and sorrows but make them visible to each other in a gesture of hope. In community, we

say life is full of gains and losses, joys and sorrows, ups and downs -- but we do not have to live it alone. We want to drink our cup together and thus celebrate the truth that the wounds of our individual lives, which seem intolerable when lived alone, become sources of healing when we live them as part of a fellowship of mutual care.

Community is like a large mosaic. Each little piece seems so insignificant. One piece is bright red, another cold blue or dull green, another warm purple, another sharp yellow, another shining gold. Some look precious, others ordinary. Some look valuable, others worthless. Some look gaudy, others delicate. As individual stones, we can do little with them except compare them and judge their beauty and value. When, however, all these little stones are brought together in one big mosaic portraying the face of Christ, who would ever question the importance of any one of them? If one of them, even the least spectacular one, is missing, the face is incomplete. Together in the one mosaic, each little stone is indispensable and makes a unique contribution to the glory of God. That’s community, a fellowship of little people who together make God visible in the world.”

Henri Nouwen, Dutch priest, professor, writer and theologian

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SeptemberFriday 8 2.30 pm Service at Riverside, SPC Monday 11 10.30 - 2 pm Open Door Saturday 16 6.30 pm ReachOut: Italian mealSunday 17 10.30 am B.G.H. volunteers Sunday 24 10.15 am Creation in our Care: Harvest Thanksgiving 1 pm Churches Together lunch, Connections 2 pm Churches Together AGMMonday 25 10.30 - 2 pm Open Door Thursday 28 2 pm CAMEO: Rev. Jim Wallace 3.30 pm Service at Mungo Park Court, APC October Sunday 1 4 pm Taste & See, Worship for AllTuesday 3 2 pm Selkirk Church Friends: Rev. Duncan McCosh Saturday 7 10 - 4 pm Scott’s Selkirk, Coffee Shop and stalls Sunday 8 10.15 am Communion Service Monday 9 10.30 - 2 pm Open Door Wed. 11 11 am Communion Service Thursday 12 2 pm CAMEO: Fire Brigade Tuesday 17 2 pm Selkirk Church Friends: Craft & Chat Monday 23 10.30 - 2 pm Open Door Thursday 26 2 pm CAMEO: Haining volunteerSaturday 28 7.30 pm Armchair of the Moon concertTuesday 31 2 pm Selkirk Church Friends: Chris Sharpe November Sunday 5 2.30 pm Service at Thornfield, SPC Thursday 9 2 pm CAMEO Saturday 11 10-12 Christmas Craft Sale, Ashkirk Village HallSunday 12 10.30 am Remembrance Service (NB later time)Monday 13 10.30 - 2 pm Open Door Tuesday 14 2 pm Selkirk Church Friends: Craft and Chat Saturday 18 6.30 pm ReachOut: Curry NightSunday 19 10.30 am B.G.H. volunteersThursday 23 2 pm CAMEO Fri/Sat 24&25 10 - 4 pm Pop-up Shop crafts, 1 Tower StreetSunday 26 10.15 am Songs of PraiseMonday 27 10.30 - 2 pm Open Door Tuesday 28 2 pm Selkirk Church Friends: Irene McFadzenDecember Sunday 3 10.15 am 1st Sunday in Advent, Communion

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The records on this page are as up-to-date as possible. We apologise for any omissions that may have occurred.

BereavementsSelkirkMay 23 Ella Gardiner Riverside Nursing Home June 3 Eileen Thomson 51 Scott Crescent 18 Mary Stott Drygrange Care Home

July 10 Betty Johnstone Riverside Nursing Home

13 Elspeth Browne ThornfieldCareHome

Aug. 1 MargaretWilkinson 18ScottCrescent

14 Nancy Simpson Deanfield Care Home

AshkirkAug. 18 George Davies North Synton

Growing In Faith

For the next few months we shall be looking at the readings to be used in Church on the following Sunday. On Tuesday 5th September, Growing in Faith will be at the home of Elissa and Alan Jones, 26 Monksford, Gattonside. After that, we will return to Orchard Brow, Clerklands. All are welcome to join us at 7:30 pm on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. Further details from Jane Peers.

Thank you letters from charitiesMission to SeafarersMany thanks to you and your friends on

behalf of your sister Betty. The generous donation of £125 is greatly apppreciated. Please accept our thanks on her behalf for all the lovely hats she knitted for our Seafarers.God bless.Yours sincerely, Rev. Timothy Tunley

Save the ChildrenWe are so grateful for your kind gift of £125 and wanted to thank everyone who contributed to the collection in memory of your sister Betty. Thank you so much for choosing to remember your loved one by helping children in the UK and around the world.God bless you all, Katherine Ayres

Margaret Johnstone

From time to time, we run a six-week course for people wanting to explore the Christian Faith or considering church membership. Please contact the minister if you are interested.

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Items for the December issue of The Hird should be in the office by 19th November.

Session Clerk:Mrs. Fran Selkirk,2, The Glebe, Ashkirk Tel: 01750 32204 [email protected]

Treasurer:Dr. Harry Dooley,Castanea, The Woll, AshkirkTel: 01750 [email protected]

AshkirkMinister: Rev. Margaret Steele, 1 Loanside, Selkirk, TD7 4DJ Tel: 01750 [email protected]

Caretaker/Cleaner:Avril GibsonHird Editor:Anne BethuneTel: [email protected]

Minister: Rev. Margaret Steele 1 Loanside, Selkirk, TD7 4DJTel: 01750 [email protected] Clerk:Colin MacIntoshTel: [email protected]:Lynda McCraw Tel: [email protected] Gift Aid Convener: Gillian GrantTel: 22206Sunday School Leader: Jacqui LeeTel: [email protected] Church Administrator:Vicki MacfarlaneOffice Hours: Wed - Fri, 10-12 noon Tel: [email protected]


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