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The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Monthly Capsule- August 2020


1. Towards a new normal. ................................................................................................................................... 2

2. Time to Unlock. .................................................................................................................................................. 7

3. Delayed Start ................................................................................................................................................... 11

4. Groundbreaking ............................................................................................................................................. 17

5. Safety Deficit .................................................................................................................................................... 23

6. Hospitals Afire ................................................................................................................................................ 28

7. Rajasthan Lessons .......................................................................................................................................... 33

8. Running Mate Matters .................................................................................................................................. 38

9. Right by Birth .................................................................................................................................................. 43

10. Lapsing into Contempt ............................................................................................................................... 47

11. A Better Test ................................................................................................................................................. 52

12. Need for Transparency .............................................................................................................................. 56

13. Less Taxing .................................................................................................................................................... 60

14. Last Lap........................................................................................................................................................... 64

15. Women, Uninterrupted .............................................................................................................................. 68

16. People’s Parties ............................................................................................................................................ 71

17. Sound and Fury ............................................................................................................................................ 75

18. A Shot in the Dark ........................................................................................................................................ 80

19. An Air-Tight Case ......................................................................................................................................... 84

20. Conventional Dissonance .......................................................................................................................... 88

21. For the Weakest ........................................................................................................................................... 92

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1. Towards a new normal.

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Vulnerable (adjective) चपटे में

Meaning:- exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. Synonyms:-accessible, defenseless, exposed Antonyms:- guarded, protected Example:- If we permit our economy to drift and decline, the vulnerable will suffer most.

Combat (verb) यदु्ध

Meaning:- take action to reduce or prevent (something bad or undesirable). Synonyms:- action, conflict, contest Antonyms:- agreement, calm Example:- In front of Judge Gould’s office, the combat was at its height.

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Unrelenting (adjective)

Meaning:- not yielding in strength, severity, or determination.

Synonyms:- ceaseless, constant, continual

Antonyms:- broken, ceasing, changeable

Example:- The fierce and lawless shall assume the figure of the unrelenting wolf.

Fatality (noun) विपवि

Meaning:- an occurrence of death by accident, in war, or from disease.

Synonyms:-disaster, mortality

Antonyms:- birth

Example:- It is a fatality rather than a triumph to have undergone such a change.

Prevalence (noun) प्रसार

Meaning:- the fact or condition of being prevalent; commonness.

Synonyms:- pervasiveness, popularity

Example:- It is not a mere question of wisdom or of taste, this prevalence and idolatry of dogs.

Serology (noun) सीरम विज्ञान

Meaning:- the scientific study or diagnostic examination of blood serum, especially with regard to the

response of the immune system to pathogens or introduced substances.

Fatigue (noun) थकान

Meaning:- extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.

Synonyms:-lethargy, weakness, weariness

Antonyms:- ability, energy

Example:- One of its most deadly weapons is fatigue or the simulation of fatigue.

Vigil (noun) जलूस

Meaning:- a period of keeping awake during the time usually spent asleep, especially to keep watch or pray.

Synonyms:- observance, patrol, attention

Antonyms:- disregard, heedlessness

Example:- He cleared the room and took up his vigil outside the door.

Disrupt (verb) बावित

Meaning:- drastically alter or destroy the structure of.

Synonyms:- disturb, rattle, agitate

Antonyms:- appease, soothe, calm

Example:- This truth need not, and will not, disrupt any happy marriages.

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Adaptation (noun) अनकूुलन

Meaning:- the action or process of adapting or being adapted.

Synonyms:-reworking, transformation, variation

Example:- In the discovery and adaptation of the latter lay the whole problem.

Step out (phrasal verb ) बाहर कदम

Meaning:- leave a room or building for a short time. Synonyms:- advance, boot, debouch

Antonyms:- decline, decrease

Example:- You shall find me stick to it now, sir, if you’ll step out of the room a moment.

Prevent (verb) रोकें

Meaning:- keep (something) from happening.

Synonyms:- avert, avoid, bar, block Antonyms:- advance, aid, allow

Example:- To prevent this, they were planning the capture of Beauséjour.

Inadequate (adjective) अपयााप्त

Meaning:- lacking the quality or quantity required; insufficient for a purpose.

Synonyms:- deficient, faulty, incompetent, incomplete Antonyms:- able, abundant, adequate

Example:- They are really channels for the transmission, adequate or inadequate, of sense impressions.

Asymptomatic (adjective) स्पर्शोन्मखु

Meaning:- (of a condition or a person) producing or showing no symptoms. Thrust (verb) जोर

Meaning:- push suddenly or violently in a specified direction.

Synonyms:- core, gist, upshot

Antonyms:- pull

Example:- A broken kitchen knife had been thrust through a bit of the paper on the box.

Containment (noun) रोकथाम

Meaning:- the action of keeping something harmful under control or within limits.

Synonyms:-check, condition, constraint, control

Antonyms:- allowance, liberation

Example:- The habit of containment, which had come with worldly experience, however, did not fail her.

Antigen (noun) प्रवतजन

Meaning:- a toxin or other foreign substance which induces an immune response in the body, especially the production of antibodies.

Example:- Injections must be made and the antigen must go into the plants, not in single doses, if you please,

but by the thousands.

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Proclivity (noun) झुकाि

Meaning:- a tendency to choose or do something regularly; an

inclination or predisposition towards a particular thing.

Synonyms:- penchant, predilection, predisposition

Antonyms:- antipathy, disinclination, dislike

Example:- Our proclivity to details cannot quite degrade our life and

divest it of poetry.

Albeit (conjunction) यद्यवप

Meaning:- though.

Synonyms:- admitting, even if, even though

Example:- He was making progress, albeit rather slowly

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2. Time to Unlock.

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Normalcy (noun) सामान्य वस्थवत

Meaning:- the condition of being normal; the state of being usual, typical, or expected.

Synonyms:- normality, ordinariness, uniformity

Example:- There are the children who have nothing, no love, no normalcy.

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Statehood (noun) राज्य का दजाा

Meaning:- The status of being a recognized independent nation. Detention (noun) वनरोि

Meaning:- the action of detaining someone or the state of being detained in official custody.

Synonyms:- arrest, custody, delay, incarceration

Antonyms:- aid, assistance

Example:- We had good passages out and home, experiencing no detention or accidents.

Restrained (adjective) सयंवमत

Meaning:- characterized by reserve or moderation; unemotional or dispassionate.

Synonyms:- discreet, laid-back, mild, muted

Antonyms:- communicative, extroverted

Example:- He felt her eye was upon him, and restrained his emotions as he proceeded.

Flat out (phrase) र्शीघ्रता स े

Meaning:- as fast or as hard as possible.

Synonyms:- all out, at full speed

Example:- It’s dedicated to me—flat out—and you even crossed out the dedication and tidied me out of the


Ailing (adjective) बीमार

Meaning:- in poor health.

Synonyms:- diseased, feeble, ill, sickly

Antonyms:- able, fit

Example:- She had been ailing for a month, and now she was down with a temperature.

Refurbish (verb) निीकरण करना

Meaning:- renovate and redecorate (something, especially a building).

Synonyms:- fix up, modernize, overhaul, recondition

Antonyms:- antique, break

Example:- It was Josie Fifer’s duty not only to tabulate and care for these relics, but to refurbish them when


Dubious (adjective) सदंदग्ि

Meaning:- hesitating or doubting.

Synonyms:- arguable, debatable, equivocal, fishy

Antonyms:- aboveboard, believable, certain, clear

Example:- Mr. Cruncher was soothed, but shook his head in a dubious and moral way.

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Legislative (adjective) वििायी

Meaning:- having the power to make laws.

Synonyms:- congressional, parliamentary, senatorial

Example:- The Constitution is neither a legislative crazy-quilt nor a receptacle of fads.

Alacrity (noun) तत्परता

Meaning:- brisk and cheerful readiness.

Synonyms:- alertness, avidity, briskness

Antonyms:- apathy, coolness, discouragement

Example:- The captain moved among them, and his orders were obeyed, but not with alacrity.

Privilege (noun) विर्शषेाविकार

Meaning:- a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.

Synonyms:- advantage, allowance, authority, authorization

Antonyms:- disadvantage, handicap

Example:- Those less than the very best frankly esteem it a privilege.

Federalism (adjective) सघंीय

Meaning:- having or relating to a system of government in which several states form a unity but remain

independent in internal affairs.

Synonyms:- unionism, unitarianism, republicanism

Antonyms:- antifederalism

Example:- He hated it more than any other of the “abominations” of Federalism.

Sustainable (adjective) सतत

Meaning:- able to be maintained at a certain rate or level.

Synonyms:- continual, continuous, viable

Antonyms:- untenable, tiring

Example:- It sounds crazy, and only time will tell whether it proves to be sustainable.

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3. Delayed Start

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Draw (noun) खींचना

Meaning:- a person or thing that is very attractive or interesting.

Synonyms:- tie, deadlock

Example:- I have left a separate fund in a savings bank for her to draw upon.

Marches (noun) जुलूस

Meaning:- an area of land on the border between two countries or territories

Synonyms:- advance, boot, debouch, drill

Antonyms:-decline, decrease

Example:- The inability of the men only, will put a period to our daily marches.

Enduring (adjective) स्थायी

Meaning:- lasting over a period of time; durable.

Synonyms:- abiding, surviving, permanent

Example:- But enduring philosophy comes only with time; and he was young.

Tussles (noun) लटकन

Meaning:- a vigorous struggle or scuffle, typically in order to obtain or achieve something.

Synonyms:- brawl, fray, free-for-all, scuffle

Antonyms:-agreement, harmony

Example:- She knew the workhouses far and wide, and had had her tussles with the authorities.

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Heft (verb) िज़न

Meaning:- lift or carry (something heavy).

Synonyms:- amount, bundle, capacity, consignment

Antonyms:- whole, benefit, blessing

Example:- I gathered that the heft of his spare change had come from dickers in stocks and bonds.

Traction (noun) संकषाण

Meaning:- the action of drawing or pulling something over a surface, especially a road or track.

Synonyms:- suction, absorption, adherence, adhesion


Example:- The next step forward was to substitute for horses a traction engine.

Wilt (verb) विल्ट

Meaning:- (of a person) lose energy, vigour, or confidence.

Synonyms:- cave in, diminish, droop, dwindle

Antonyms:-develop, enlarge

Example:- Wilt thou diversify thy repast with a taste of my oak-graff?

Raging (adjective) प्रकोप

Meaning:- continuing with great force or intensity.

Synonyms:- enraged, furious, seething, stormy

Antonyms:-calm, mild

Example:- Night came on and with it a blinding snow storm and a raging wind.

Slot (verb) खााँचदेार

Meaning:- place (an object) into a slot, typically one specifically designed to receive it.

Synonyms:- channel, groove, hole

Example:- The plate burped and a slip dropped out of the slot below


Blue chip (adjective) विवनयोगी र्शयेर

Meaning:- denoting companies or their shares considered to be a

reliable investment, though less secure than gilt-edged stock.

Synonyms:- eclectic, exclusive, preferred, privileged

Antonyms:-open, least

Example:- To his surprise all dropped out but Steadman, who had

drawn but a single card and who raised him a blue chip.

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Scout (verb) खोज

Meaning:- explore or examine (a place or area of business) so as to gather information about it.

Synonyms:- examine, explore, inspect

Antonyms:-find, ignore, neglect

Example:- “This must be looked to,” said the scout, glancing about him with an anxious eye.

Prop up (phrasal verb) संभालना

Meaning:- to stop (something) from falling or slipping by placing something under or against it

Synonyms:- add to, bolster, boost, build-up

Antonyms:-decrease, diminish, discourage

Example:- “Yes, ma’am,” says Babbitt, tryin’ to prop up his wilted collar. Grapple (verb) जूझ

Meaning:- struggle to deal with or overcome (a difficulty or challenge).

Synonyms:- confront, contend, cope, deal with

Antonyms:- agree, avoid, be immune

Example:- What courage was requisite to grapple with this giant difficulty!

Deem (verb) समझना

Meaning:- regard or consider in a specified way.

Synonyms:- allow, assume, believe, expect

Antonyms:- disbelieve, disregard

Example:- It was my duty to sound the pumps, but this I did not deem necessary.

Recreational (adjective) मनोरंजन

Meaning:- relating to or denoting activity done for enjoyment when one is not working.

Synonyms:- competitive, contesting, exercise-related, sporting


Example:- But the national parks are far more than recreational areas.

Repercussions (noun) नतीजों

Meaning:- an unintended consequence of an event or action, especially an unwelcome one.

Synonyms:- backlash, chain reaction, effect, fallout


Example:- Had I answered in the affirmative there might have been repercussions, perhaps a sequel to


Rippling (verb) छोटी लहर

Meaning:- move in a way resembling a series of small waves.

Synonyms:- coil, curl, flow, fluctuate

Antonyms:-be still, leave alone

Example:- The days of the bird and the flower and the rippling creeks are numbered.

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Fervour (noun) जोर्श

Meaning:- intense and passionate feeling.

Blink (verb) वनवमष

Meaning:- back down from a confrontation.

Synonyms:- flash, flicker, flutter

Antonyms:- attend, be aware, pay attention

Example:- No sunlight ever made her blink, or screw her face into wrinkles.

Migraine (noun) अिार्शीषी

Meaning:- type of headache

Synonyms:- headache, megrim

Example:- The first variety to be considered is “sick headache” or migraine.

Spectators (noun) दर्शाकों

Meaning:- a person who watches at a show, game, or other event.

Synonyms:- bystander, fan, moviegoer, observer


Example:- To the end of the lives of the spectators, it was a tale of wonder.

Bay (noun) छत का खण्ड

Meaning:- a space created by a window line projecting outwards from a wall.

Synonyms:- anchorage, arm, basin, bayou

Example:- Meantime a white film of fog spread down the bay from the northward.

Fraught (adjective) भरा हुआ

Meaning:- causing or affected by anxiety or stress.

Synonyms:- charged, filled

Antonyms:- empty

Example:- His mind was fraught with independence, magnanimity, and every manly virtue.

Peril (noun) जोवखम

Meaning:- serious and immediate danger.

Synonyms:- hazard, insecurity, jeopardy

Antonyms:-certainty, protection, safety

Example:- If peril could bring about unity God could bring it about even more effectively.

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Breach (verb) उल्लघंन

Meaning:- break or fail to observe (a law, agreement, or code of conduct).

Synonyms:- crack, rift, rupture

Antonyms:-agreement, closing

Example:- The responsibility for the breach is not under discussion here.

Diaspora (noun) फैलाि

Meaning:- the dispersion or spread of any people from their original homeland.

Synonyms:- exodus, disbandment

Example:- The fourth method employed by the Brethren was the Diaspora.

Prosper (verb) सफल होना

Meaning:- succeed in material terms; be financially successful.

Synonyms:- bloom, blossom, catch on, do well

Antonyms:-fail, languish, shrink

Example:- Prosper, as far as he was concerned, was suffering from want of sleep.

Turf (noun) मदैान

Meaning:- grass and the surface layer of earth held together by its roots.

Synonyms:- grass, lawn, sod, soil

Example:- Well, sir, the next week I found him stealing my turf again!

Override (verb) अविभािी करना

Meaning:- interrupt the action of (an automatic device), typically in order to take manual control.

Synonyms:- abrogate, annul

Antonyms:- allow, approve

Example:- I yield to no man in my sense of duty, and I allow no private considerations to override it.

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4. Groundbreaking

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Groundbreaking (adjective) अभतूपिूा

Meaning:- innovative; pioneering.

Synonyms:- innovative,revolutionary

Antonyms:- conservative

Example:- This was a time of many innovations and groundbreaking scientific theories.

Underway (adverb) प्रदिया में

Meaning:- having started and in progress; being done or carried out.

Synonyms:- afoot, ongoing

Antonyms:- halted, stopped

Example:- In fact, a movement is now underway to raise the means to do that.

Interpret (verb) व्याख्या

Meaning:- explain the meaning of (information or actions).

Synonyms:- clarify, construe, decipher, depict

Antonyms:- confuse, disbelieve, mix up

Example:- It seeks to use it to interpret a change in its own plans and point of view.

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Perceived (verb) समझना

Meaning:-become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.

Synonyms:- anticipated, recognized, felt

Example:- Plato perceived that the contemplative maiden was busy with memories of the past.

Ascendancy (noun) प्रभुत्ि

Meaning:-occupation of a position of dominant power or influence.

Synonyms:- dominance, advantage, ascendency

Antonyms:- disadvantage, inferiority

Example:- The arts, as well as the arms of the enemy, were gaining the ascendancy there.

Strife (noun) कलह

Meaning:- angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict.

Synonyms:- animosity, bickering, clash, conflict

Antonyms:- accord, agreement, concurrence

Example:- A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.

Shackle (verb) बािंकर

Meaning:- restrain; limit.

Synonyms:- handcuff, irons, bracelet

Example:- Did I make them, I would not attempt to shackle the conscience of any one.

Heralds (noun) सूचना देना

Meaning:- a person or thing viewed as a sign that something is about to happen.

Synonyms:- adviser, bearer, courier

Example:- It thinks that the Herald is not the leading paper, though it may have Ben-it.

Dawn (verb) भोर

Meaning:- become evident to the mind; be perceived or understood.

Synonyms:- dawning, daybreak, daylight

Antonyms:- darkness, sunset, conclusion

Example:- Light of some sort began to dawn on the perplexed faces of the gentlemen.

Fraternity (noun) भ्राततृ्ि

Meaning:- a group of people sharing a common profession or interests.

Synonyms:- camaraderie, guild, sorority

Example:- We sense the call of the human heart for fellowship, fraternity, and cooperation.

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Yearned (verb) उदास होना

Meaning:-have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been

separated from.

Synonyms:- ache, chafe, covet, crave

Antonyms:- abjure, dislike, hate

Example:- I like to have a chance of refusing an invitation I yearn for, and then be forced to accept.

Tumultuous (adjective) उतार-चढाि भरे

Meaning:- excited, confused, or disorderly.

Synonyms:- boisterous, fierce. hectic

Antonyms:- calm, gentle

Example:- Bonnet, false front, and spectacles were tossed in a tumultuous pile.

Hand over (phrasal verb) सौंप ददया

Meaning:- pass responsibility to someone else.

Synonyms:- abandon, cede, deliver

Antonyms:- defend, fight, hold

Example:- Carlotta waited, her hand over her mouth to keep herself from screaming.

Proponents (noun) समथाकों

Meaning:- a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or course of action.

Synonyms:- advocate, backer, defender

Antonyms:- antagonist, detractor

Example:- Proponents of the Ancien Régime.Dynasties (divine right monarchs).

Conciliation (noun) समझौता

Meaning:-the action of stopping someone being angry; placation.

Synonyms:- appeasement, rapprochement

Example:- Major Dugas’ policy of conciliation had won personal


Conquest (noun) विजय

Meaning:-the subjugation and assumption of control of a place or

people by military force.

Synonyms:- annexation, invasion, occupation, rout

Antonyms:- surrender, failure, forfeit

Example:- Every body saw, he was pleased to say, that I had made a


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Diatribe (noun) अवभयोगात्मक भाषण

Meaning:- a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something.

Synonyms:- denunciation, invective, jeremiad

Antonyms:- compliment, praise, recommendation

Example:- Jill had listened to this diatribe with a certain uneasiness.

Tranquility (noun) र्शावंत

Meaning:- the quality or state of being tranquil; calm.

Synonyms:- calm, calmness, coolness, equanimity

Antonyms:- agitation, upset

Example:- He did belong to somebody, after all; and Stineli’s words had restored his tranquility.

Triumphalism (noun) विजय

Meaning:- excessive exultation over one’s success or achievements (used especially in a political context)

Manifest (verb) प्रकट

Meaning:- show (a quality or feeling) by one’s acts or appearance; demonstrate.

Synonyms:- glaring, palpable, unambiguous

Antonyms:- hidden, ambiguous

Example:- He was besides too proud to manifest his interest in the special contents of this letter.

Rhetoric (noun) ििपटुता

Meaning:- the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the exploitation of figures of

speech and other compositional techniques.

Synonyms:- hyperbole, oratory, address

Antonyms:- quiet, conciseness

Example:- We see therefore that even in rhetoric an element of truth is required.

Ominously (adverb) दलुाक्षण द्वारा

Meaning:- in a way that suggests that something bad is going to happen.

Adherence (noun) अनपुालन

Meaning:- attachment or commitment to a person, cause, or belief.

Synonyms:- attachment, faithfulness

Antonyms:- disloyalty, inconstancy

Example:- The reservations placed upon our adherence should not be misinterpreted.

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Vulnerable (adjective) चपटे में

Meaning:- exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

Synonyms:- accessible, defenseless, exposed, liable

Antonyms:- guarded, protected

Example:- If we permit our economy to drift and decline, the vulnerable will suffer most.

Echo (verb) दोहराया जाना

Meaning:- repeat (someone’s words or opinions), typically to express agreement.

Synonyms:- imitation, parallel, reflection

Antonyms:- difference, opposite, reverse

Example:- Too much that Tillie poured out to her found an echo in her own breast.

Tropes (noun) खीस्तयाग

Meaning:- a significant or recurrent theme; a motif.

Synonyms:- analogy, image

Antonyms:- plain speech

Example:- You must listen to the definition of a catachresis:—’A catachresis is the boldest of any trope.

Relitigating (transitive verb)

Meaning:-to litigate (a case or a matter) again or anew

Unearth (verb) पता लगाना

Meaning:- find (something) in the ground by digging.

Synonyms:- ascertain, bring to light, determine, discover

Antonyms:- conceal, cover

Example:- He knew every corner of it, and he intended to unearth Meg and the children if they were to be

found. Melting

Pot (noun) वभन्न-वभन्न विचारों पर चचाा की वस्थवत

Meaning:- a place where different peoples, styles, theories, etc. are mixed together.

Synonyms:- fusion, pluralism

Example:- What is left is simply a lot of dirty combs fit only for the

melting pot.

Acrimonious (adjective) उग्र

Meaning:- (typically of speech or discussion) angry and bitter.

Synonyms:- belligerent, bitter, caustic, petulant

Antonyms:- happy, helping, kind

Example:- Terry, after some acrimonious correspondence, challenged


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5. Safety Deficit

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Deficit (noun) कमी

Meaning:- the amount by which something, especially a sum of money, is too small. Synonyms:- loss, shortfall, arrears Antonyms:- abundance, adequacy, advantage Example:- Their credit for 1901 was $10392, thus leaving a deficit for the beginning of the next year.

Aviation (noun) विमान िहन

Meaning:- the flying or operating of aircraft. Synonyms:- aeronautics, navigation, aerodynamics Example:- This proposition is one of keen interest in connection with aviation.

Avert (verb) टालना

Meaning:- prevent or ward off (an undesirable occurrence). Synonyms:- avoid, deter, fend off Antonyms:- aid, allow, assist Example:- If they tremble down the fine-skinned cheek, let us avert our gaze.

Snuff (verb) बझुाना

Meaning:- kill or put an end to in an abrupt or sudden manner. Synonyms:- extinguish, detect Example:- When he had said it, he took a culminating pinch of snuff, and put his box in his pocket.

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Traumatic (adjective) ददानाक

Meaning:- deeply disturbing or distressing.

Synonyms:- awful, chilling, disquieting

Antonyms:- calming, good

Example:- It is also suitable for cases of traumatic and paralytic origin.

Carved (adjective) खदुी हुई

Meaning:- (of a hard material) cut or engraved to produce an object, design, or inscription.

Synonyms:- chiseled, engraved, sculpted

Example:- On the wall opposite the house the name of “Gladstone” is carved.

Undulating (adjective) घबराना

Meaning:- having a smoothly rising and falling form or outline.

Synonyms:- rolling, waving, undulant

Example:- On the other side were undulating pasture-lands on which grazed a few sheep.

Terrain (noun) इलाका

Meaning:- a stretch of land, especially with regard to its physical features.

Synonyms:- area, contour, field, ground

Antonyms:- sky

Example:- There came a new swaying that was not the roughness of the terrain.

Optimal (adjective) इष्टतम

Meaning:- best or most favourable; optimum.

Synonyms:- ace, best

Example:- Alan went back to the map, realigning the laptop for optimal reception again.

Overshooting (verb) पार कर जाना

Meaning:- go past (an intended stopping or turning point) inadvertently.

Synonyms:- leave, skip, abandon

Antonyms:- uphold, address, decline

Example:- For an instant he had a quick fear that he might overshoot his mark.

Falling off (noun) अलग होना

Meaning:- a decrease in something.

Synonyms:- diminish, lessen, wane

Antonyms:- enlarge, extend, grow

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Disclosure (noun) प्रकटीकरण

Meaning:- the action of making new or secret information known.

Synonyms:- acknowledgment, admission, confession

Antonyms:- concealment, denial, secret

Example:- If there’s no guilt on your part, the disclosure can’t harm you.

Anxious (adjective) चचवंतत

Meaning:- feeling or showing worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.

Synonyms:- afraid, apprehensive, careful, concerned

Antonyms:- bold, brave, calm, collected

Example:- I have been most anxious to give your feelings their full bent.

Persist (verb) दढृ रहना

Meaning:- continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

Synonyms:- continue, endure, go on, linger

Antonyms:- cease, discontinue

Example:- Why should she persist in this eternal search for this impossible condition?

Diversion (noun) पररितान

Meaning:- the action of turning something aside from its course.

Synonyms:- aberration, departure, detour

Antonyms:- conformity, sameness

Example:- There was, he contended, some diversion and diversity in card-playing.

Pose (verb) वस्थवत

Meaning:- present or constitute (a problem or danger).

Synonyms:- mannerism, mien, posture

Antonyms:- honesty, reality, truth

Example:- There was no change in the face or pose of the man who listened to the reading.

Meteorological (adjective) मौसमविज्ञान-सबंिंी

Meaning:- relating to the branch of science concerned with the processes and phenomena of the

atmosphere, especially as a means of forecasting the weather.

Synonyms:- climatic, aerial

Antonyms:- down-to-earth, grounded

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Stagnation (noun) वस्थरता

Meaning:- the state of not flowing or moving.

Synonyms:- sluggishness, calm

Antonyms:- boom, rise

Example:- True, we have come far from the days of stagnation and despair.

Skid (verb) दफसलने की दिया

Meaning:- (of a vehicle) slide, typically sideways or obliquely, on slippery ground or as a result of stopping

or turning too quickly.

Synonyms:- drift, glide

Example:- The skid at which he had pointed was loaded with cases of M504 submachine guns.

Diminishes (verb) घटाना

Meaning:- make or become less.

Synonyms:- abate, curtail, decline

Antonyms:- develop, enlarge, expand

Example:- A difference which increases, rather than diminishes the monarch’s authority.

Remedial (adjective) उपचारात्मक

Meaning:- giving or intended as a remedy or cure.

Synonyms:- corrective, therapeutic, alleviative

Antonyms:- harmful, hurtful, injurious

Example:- The remedial measures are in each case too obvious to mention.

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6. Hospitals Afire

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Afire (adjective) मामला

Meaning:- on fire; burning.

Synonyms:- aflame, burning

Example:- Her eyes answered him whole-heartedly, for her imagination was afire.

Rot (noun) अपक्षय

Meaning:- the process of decaying.

Synonyms:-blight, decay

Antonyms:- development, growth

Example:- He had too much insight, and too much exact information as well, to dismiss them as rot.

Perish (verb) मारे गए

Meaning:- die, especially in a violent or sudden way.

Synonyms:-cease, crumble, disappear

Antonyms:- appear, arrive, build

Example:- It were sin, thought I, that my secret should perish with me.

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Blaze (noun) ज्िाला

Meaning:- a very large or fiercely burning fire.

Synonyms:-bonfire, conflagration

Example:- When she woke it was to a blaze of sunlight, but caught in the net of her closed curtains.

Lay bare ( idiom) पदााफार्श करना

Meaning:- to reveal or explain

Synonyms:-clear, confess, confide

Antonyms:- conceal, hide

Hasty (adjective) जल्दबाजी

Meaning:- done with excessive speed or urgency; hurried.

Synonyms:-abrupt, careless, expeditious, hurried

Antonyms:- careful, cautious, kind

Example:- Grace was in the middle of a hasty toilet when a knock sounded on the door.

Civic (adjective) नगर का

Meaning:- relating to a city or town, especially its administration; municipal.

Synonyms:-civil, communal

Example:- The civic portion of the parade numbered about five thousand men.

Carnage (noun) नरसंहार

Meaning:- the killing of a large number of people.

Synonyms:-bloodshed, butchery, crime, havoc

Antonyms:- peace

Example:- There was a tribute of carnage, nor were they long engaged in the tumult of battle.

Untenable (adjective) अवस्थर

Meaning:- (especially of a position or view) not able to be maintained or defended against attack or


Synonyms:-illogical, unsound, flawed

Example:- Calendar surrendered an untenable position as gracefully as could be wished.

Pull up (phrasal verb) अपने आप को रोकना

Meaning:- To drive

Synonyms:-arrive, brake, pause

Antonyms:- continue, go

Example:- Only let me advise you to pull up a spirit, even to your uncle, if there be occasion.

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Abdicating (verb) त्यागना

Meaning:- fail to fulfil or undertake (a responsibility or duty).

Synonyms:- forgo, relinquish, renounce

Antonyms:- keep, come, continue

Example:- Here he held the famous council as to whether he should abdicate the Mexican throne or not.

Buck (verb) वगरा देना

Meaning:- oppose or resist (something oppressive or inevitable).

Synonyms:-bull, stag

Example:- All of which Andy heard, and he knew that Buck Heath intended him to hear them.

Ill-equipped (adjective) बीमार सुसवित

Meaning:- not having the necessary resources or qualities for a particular role or task.

Synonyms:-inadequate, inappropriate, unhealthy

Antonyms:- appropriate, proper

Example:- He was ruddy and robust and ill-equipped with academic dignity.

Reform (verb) सिुार

Meaning:- make changes in (something, especially an institution or practice) in order to improve it.

Synonyms:- amend, improve, rehabilitate

Antonyms:- break, damage, destroy

Example:- This was in part owing to the readjustment of seats according to the Reform Bill.

Count on (phrasal verb) भरोसा करना

Meaning:- rely on.

Synonyms:-bank on, believe, believe in

Antonyms:- disbelieve, distrust, doubt

Provision (noun) प्राििान

Meaning:- the action of providing or supplying something for use.

Synonyms:-arrangement, plan, accouterment

Antonyms:- removal, taking

Example:- It has been the accumulation of years, and was intended as a provision for you and Robert.

Accreditation (noun) मान्यता

Meaning:- the action or process of officially recognizing someone as having a particular status or being

qualified to perform a particular activity.

Synonyms:-certificate, credential, license

Antonyms:- prohibition, refusal

Example:- Once accreditation introduces the language game of politics, education distances itself even

more from its fundamental mission.

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Mandatory (adjective) अवनिाया

Meaning:- required by law or mandate; compulsory.

Synonyms:-binding, compulsory, de rigueur

Antonyms:- free, inessential

Example:- Pentecost was one of the great feasts in Israel, and was of mandatory observance.

Enforced (adjective) लाग ू

Meaning:- caused by necessity or force; compulsory.

Synonyms:-imposed, prescribed, required

Example:- However, in this enforced silence she thought only of him; he was always in her mind.

Sprinkler (noun) बझुानिेाला

Meaning:- an automatic fire extinguisher installed in the ceilings of a building.

Synonyms:- aerosol, sprayer, atomizer

Example:- The curate took the sprinkler and sprinkled the stone with holy water.

Keep up (verb) स्थावपत रखना

Meaning:- to persist or persevere in

Synonyms:-hold on, balance, compete

Antonyms:- let go, neglect

Example:- Our hero, though strong-armed, had hard work to keep up with him.

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7. Rajasthan Lessons

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Truce (noun) युद्धविराम सवंि

Meaning:- an agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time. Synonyms:- armistice, cease-fire, detente, détente Antonyms:- continuation, disagreement Example:- The truce of the water was over, but these foes did not meet again that night.

Endure (verb) सहना

Meaning:- suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently. Synonyms:- brave, encounter, experience, face Antonyms:- disallow, halt, hide Example:- Then he set to work and made himself a grave which was to endure for all time.

Factions (noun) गुटों

Meaning:- a small organized dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics. Synonyms:- bloc, clan, gang, junta Antonyms:- individual, whole Example:- He was not long in giving the Roman factions a taste of his stern quality.

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Mend (verb) सिुार

Meaning:- repair (something that is broken or damaged).

Synonyms:- ameliorate, cure, heal

Antonyms:- break, damage, destroy

Example:- Thus came everything in to help the youth who had begun to mend his ways. Brought

Down (verb) नीचे लाया

Meaning:- to cause to fall by or as if by shooting

Synonyms:- abase, cut down, damage

Antonyms:- aid, encourage, help

Example:- The detective, with great vehemence, brought down his fist on the table.

Blown over (phrasal verb) जल्द खत्म हो जाना

Meaning:- (of trouble) fade away without serious consequences.

Synonyms:- abandoned, buried, erased

Antonyms:- existing, recalled, recollected

Reiterated (verb) दोहराया

Meaning:- say something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity.

Synonyms:- echo, renew, repeat

Antonyms:- take back

Example:- She reiterated her assertion, as if she anticipated that he was going to dispute it.

Unnerving (adjective) हतोत्सावहत

Meaning:- causing one to lose courage or confidence; disconcerting.

Synonyms:- agitate, bewilder, chill, confound

Antonyms:- calm, clarify, clear up

Example:- She was bracing in every nerve against the unnerving of his presence.

Turmoil (noun) उथल-पथुल

Meaning:- a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.

Synonyms:- anxiety, confusion, disturbance

Antonyms:- calm, calmness, composure

Example:- All the agitation and turmoil of the last few months seemed to fall away from him.

Remit (verb) छोड़ना

Meaning:- cancel or refrain from exacting or inflicting (a debt or punishment).

Synonyms:- address, consign, dispatch

Antonyms:- hold, keep

Example:- The stoutest antagonist, if he remit his watch a moment, is oppressed.

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Brazen (adjective) बरे्शमा

Meaning:- bold and without shame.

Synonyms:- audacious, blatant, bold

Antonyms:- humble, meek

Example:- A brazen urn was carried round, in which every citizen deposited a pebble.

Derailed (verb) पटरी से उतरे

Meaning:- cause (a train or tram) to leave its tracks accidentally.

Synonyms:- crash, hinder, thwart

Antonyms:- aid, assist, encourage

Example:- But Josiah’s train of thought had evidently been derailed by the interruption.

Combat (verb) यदु्ध

Meaning:- take action to reduce or prevent (something bad or undesirable).

Synonyms:- cope, fight, oppose

Antonyms:- support, surrender

Example:- In fact, as far as I know, little attempt was made to combat fear in any way.

Complacency (noun) र्शालीनता

Meaning:- a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements.

Synonyms:- satisfaction, smugness

Example:- He might well think with some complacency of the influence he had exerted on the world.

Relentless (adjective) दयाहीन

Meaning:- unceasingly intense.

Synonyms:- determined, dogged, ferocious

Antonyms:- compassionate, easy, flexible

Example:- What have I done that you should follow me with this relentless spite?

Resorted (verb) सहारा

Meaning:- turn to and adopt (a course of action, especially an extreme or undesirable one) so as to resolve

a difficult situation.

Synonyms:- address, affect, apply, devote

Antonyms:- abstain, break

Example:- He resorted to familiar artifices for entangling one questioned.

Unheeded (adjective) अवर्शष्ट

Meaning:- heard or noticed but disregarded.

Synonyms:- discarded, disobeyed, ignored

Antonyms:- considered, contemplated

Example:- This was the commanding verdict of the people, and it will not be unheeded.

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Brinkmanship (noun) अवस्थरता

Meaning:- the art or practice of pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping,

especially in politics.

Preempted (verb) पिूााविकृत

Meaning:- take action in order to prevent (an anticipated event) happening; forestall.

Synonyms:- acquire, annex, anticipate

Antonyms:- doubt, fail, forfeit

Example:- It was what is called a wind-break and I determined to preempt it for the night.

Impel (verb) प्रररत

Meaning:- drive, force, or urge (someone) to do something.

Synonyms:- compel, induce, oblige, actuate

Antonyms:- hinder, calm, check

Example:- The smoke seemed to impel some terrific force into his gaunt frame.

Consultative (adjective) परामर्शा का

Meaning:- intended to give professional advice or recommendations.

Synonyms:- consulting, advising, consultatory

Example:- The expert is present, not in an executive, but in a consultative capacity.

Deliberative (adjective) अविकारहीन

Meaning:- relating to or intended for consideration or discussion.

Synonyms:- calculated, contemplative

Example:- One day a deliberative council of Issati chiefs was held, to consult respecting various matters.

Reinforced (verb) प्रबवलत

Meaning:- strengthen or support (an object or substance), especially with additional material.

Synonyms:- assisted, augmented, fortified

Example:- Presently, no doubt, the two now opposing him would be

reinforced by others.

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8. Running Mate Matters

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Mate (noun) सह-कमाचारी

Meaning:- a fellow member or joint occupant of a specified thing.

Synonyms:- acquaintance, bride, buddy

Antonyms:- enemy, foe, opponent

Example:- The mate had done what he could to prejudice the captain against the boy he hated.

Presumptive (adjective) अनमुान से वसद्ध

Meaning:- of the nature of a presumption; presumed in the absence of further information.

Synonyms:- probable, circumstantial, possible

Example:- The judge would then qualify the crime, and decide who was the presumptive culprit.

Senator (noun) सीनटे सदस्य

Meaning:- a person who works in the government.

Synonyms:- lawmaker, legislator, politician

Example:- The senator breathed the word deep in his throat and fell silent.

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Fillip (noun) प्रोत्साहन

Meaning:- something which acts as a stimulus or boost to an activity.

Synonyms:- boost, charge

Example:- It was just a fillip to my enjoyment, as I looked on and off my page alternately.

Hail (verb)

Meaning:- have one’s home or origins in (a place).

Synonyms:- barrage, bombardment, hailstorm

Example:- The impulse that had prompted him to hail her now prompted wild words Throw her hat in the

ring (Phrasal verb)

Meaning:- To announce that one is going to be competing with others, especially in a political election.

Cohort (noun) जत्था

Meaning:- a group of people with a shared characteristic.

Synonyms:- companion, comrade, disciple

Antonyms:- enemy, foe, opponent

Example:- The cohort on duty was drawn up under arms at the palace gates.

Consolidate (verb) समदेकत

Meaning:- combine (a number of things) into a single more effective or coherent whole.

Synonyms:- build up, cement, centralize

Antonyms:- decrease, discourage, disperse

Example:- It needs a war, not a threat of war, to consolidate Austria and Hungary.

Helm (noun) संचालन, पतिार

Meaning:- a position of leadership.

Synonyms:- command, control, controls

Example:- I managed to get the helm hard up, and Mallet jumped inboard.

Convergence (noun) संवमलन

Meaning:- the process or state of converging.

Synonyms:- concurrence, confluence, meeting

Example:- In all this convergence of the militia toward Boston, there was one side current.

Prosecutor (noun) अवभयोक्ता

Meaning:- a person, especially a public official, who institutes legal proceedings against someone.

Synonyms:- agent, analyst, auditor

Example:- Prosecutor followed, stopped her, and said, ‘I’ve got you now.’

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Slashing (verb) काटने की दिया

Meaning:- reduce (a price, quantity, etc.) greatly.

Synonyms:- caustic, scathing, stinging

Antonyms:- kind, nice, pleasant

Example:- In the forests the loggers were tearing and slashing into all but the remnant of the 96 timber.

Swathe (noun) लपटेना

Meaning:- a broad strip or area of something.

Synonyms:- bandage, clothe

Antonyms:- uncover

Example:- He would not be at the pains even to swathe his own legs or strap his own sandals

Adroitly (adverb) मसु्तदैी स े

Meaning:- in a clever or skilful way.

Synonyms:- accurately, aptly, cleanly

Example:- “Then see that you use him adroitly to your work,” said his mother.

Blazing (adjective) प्रज्िलन

Meaning:- (of an argument) very heated.

Synonyms:- fiery, flaming

Example:- There is a coolness amid all the heat, a mildness in the blazing noon.

Pondered (verb) विचार

Meaning:- think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion.

Synonyms:- consider, contemplate, deliberate

Antonyms:- discard, disregard

Example:- He studied Hope’s beauty with his eyes, he pondered on all her nobleness.

Robust (adjective) मजबतू

Meaning:- strong and healthy; vigorous.

Synonyms:- booming, hearty, hefty, potent

Antonyms:- fragile, impotent, incapable

Example:- We are creating a nation once again vibrant, robust, and alive.

Alleviate (verb) कम

Meaning:- make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.

Synonyms:- allay, assuage, ease

Antonyms:- increase, intensify, irritate

Example:- Their tender hearts will sympathize and aim to alleviate it.

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Incumbent (adjective) वनभार

Meaning:- necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility.

Synonyms:- binding, necessary, compelling

Antonyms:- unnecessary

Example:- It was incumbent upon Mr. Gladstone to lead the opposition

to this motion.

Alienating (verb) अलगाि की भािना

Meaning:- make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.

Synonyms:- disaffect, divide, estrange

Antonyms:- combine, join

Example:- Every effort was made to alienate her from her French relations.

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9. Right by Birth

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Coparcenary (noun) सहभागी

Meaning:- a form of joint ownership of property

Discrimination (noun) भेदभाि

Meaning:- the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds

of race, age, or sex.

Synonyms:- bigotry, favoritism, hatred

Antonyms:-equity, fairness

Example:- He was calmer now, and able to talk about the Dublin shooting with some discrimination.

Anomaly (noun) अवनयम

Meaning:- something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.

Synonyms:- aberration, abnormality, deviation

Antonyms:-conformity, normality

Example:- His position is virtually an anomaly and he himself, a mere figurehead.

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Amendment (noun) संर्शोिन

Meaning:- a minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc. Synonyms:- change, modification, reform Antonyms:-damage, harm, hurt Example:- Only 12 of the 104 votes cast were in favor of Hertzog’s amendment.

Conferred (verb) प्रदि

Meaning:- grant (a title, degree, benefit, or right). Synonyms:- advise, argue, brainstorm, consult Antonyms:-keep quiet, be quiet, refuse Example:- A life-time as long as that conferred upon the namesake of Tithonus.

Accrued (adjective) उपावजत होना

Meaning:- (of a benefit or sum of money) received or accumulated in regular or increasing amounts over time. Synonyms:- accumulate, amass Antonyms:-disperse, dissipate, spend Example:- To the family of the Palassis much honour had accrued—not forgetting the Callahans.

Provision (noun) प्राििान

Meaning:- financial or other arrangements for future eventualities or requirements. Synonyms:- arrangement, plan, accouterment Antonyms:- removal, taking Example:- It has been the accumulation of years, and was intended as a provision for you and Robert.

Testamentary (adjective) िसीयतनामा का

Meaning:- relating to or bequeathed or appointed through a will.

Prospective (adjective) भािी

Meaning:- expected or expecting to be the specified thing in the future. Synonyms:- eventual, expected, proposed Antonyms:-agreed, concurred Example:- Prospective happiness is perhaps the only real happiness in the world.

Crystallised (verb) सघन

Meaning:- make or become definite and clear. Synonyms:- assume a pattern, become definite Example:- It is difficult to crystallize and hard to obtain in pure condition.

Overruled (verb) खाररज कर

Meaning:- reject the decision or opinion of. Synonyms:- alter, annul, bend to one’s will, control Antonyms:-allow, approve, permit Example:- In this intention he was overruled by his brothers, who said that they could not part with him.

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Predecessor (noun) पिूाज

Meaning:- a thing that has been followed or replaced by another. Synonyms:- ancestor, forebear, antecedent Antonyms:-derivative, descendant Example:- Following the example of his predecessor, in 1868, Mr. Gladstone resigned.

Retroactive (adjective) पिूाव्यापी

Meaning:- (especially of legislation) taking effect from a date in the past. Synonyms:- attendant, done afterward Example:- There is not any question that we do not want to make it retroactive.

Antecedent (noun) पूिापद

Meaning:- a person’s ancestors or family and social background. Synonyms:- anterior, former Antonyms:-current, future Example:- The antecedent of this pronoun had been mentioned for the last time at eight o’clock.

Regime (noun) र्शासन

Meaning:- a system or ordered way of doing things. Synonyms:- administration, establishment, government Example:- It was a regime that delighted to honor men of Don Carlos’s stamp.

Flagrant (adjective) खलुा

Meaning:- (of an action considered wrong or immoral) conspicuously or obviously offensive. Synonyms:- atrocious, bold, brazen Antonyms:-concealed, good, hidden Example:- He realized that his conduct was too flagrant to admit of defense, so he attempted none

Deed (noun) कमा

Meaning:- an action that is performed intentionally or consciously. Synonyms:- accomplishment, act, action Antonyms:-cessation, failure Example:- It does not often fall to the lot of a boy to perform a deed so heroic.

Intent (noun) इरादा

Meaning:- intention or purpose. Synonyms:- decided, hell-bent, preoccupied Antonyms:-flexible, indefinite, soft Example:- Surely there must have been God’s intent in the making of this new-world Republic.

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10. Lapsing into Contempt

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Lapse (verb) समाप्त हुए

Meaning:- (of a right, privilege, or agreement) become invalid because it is not used, claimed, or renewed; expire. Synonyms:- blunder, breach, crime Antonyms:-accuracy, advantage, behavior Example:-It was not, however, before the lapse of several months that he succeeded.

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Contempt (noun) चनदंा

Meaning:- the feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or beneath consideration.

Synonyms:- antipathy, condescension, defiance

Antonyms:-approval, esteem, flattery

Example:-Where he thinks a contempt due, he pays it to the uttermost. Suo motu (adjective)

Meaning:- Relating to an action taken by a court of its own accord, without any request by the parties


Ostensibly (adverb) जावहरा तौर पर

Meaning:- as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.

Synonyms: evidently, officially, seemingly

Antonyms:-improbably, obscurely, unlikely

Example:-Ostensibly they were a literary society; really they were diamond polishers.

Scurrilous (adjective) वमथ्या

Meaning:- making or spreading scandalous claims about someone with the intention of damaging their


Synonyms:- defamatory, indecent, insulting

Antonyms:-clean, decent

Example:-I stood aghast at this scurrilous address, the like of which I had never yet heard.

Heavy-handed ( adjective) तानार्शाही

Meaning:- dealing with people or problems in a severe or harsh way : too strict or controlling

Synonyms:- coercive, cruel, harsh

Example: -A rough-featured, heavy-handed peasant’s son was this Peter.

Delineating (verb) वचवित करना

Meaning:- describe or portray (something) precisely.

Synonyms:- define, depict, lay out

Antonyms:-confuse, distort

Example:-There was a particular dog in Washington which he was never tired of delineating.

Perfunctory (adjective) असाििान

Meaning:- (of an action) carried out without real interest, feeling, or effort.

Synonyms:- cursory, offhand, sketchy

Antonyms:-careful, complete

Example:-She began to fry her pork and apples, with a perfunctory attempt at conversation.

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Exaggerated (adjective) अवतर्शयोवक्तपणूा

Meaning:- regarded or represented as larger, better, or worse than in reality.

Synonyms:- abstract, distorted, excessive

Antonyms:-actual, believable, calm

Example:-His great failing was that he exaggerated–no tale ever losing anything in his charge.

Scurrility (noun) गाली-गलौज

Meaning:- the quality of being scurrilous.

Synonyms:- abomination, affront, atrocity

Antonyms:-blessing, compliment, decency

Example:-There is the low joke which arises from scurrility and idle conceit.

Ought to be (verb) होना चावहए

Meaning:- used to indicate duty or correctness, typically when criticizing someone’s actions. Shrug off

(transitive verb) झटकना

Meaning:- to shake off

Synonyms:- brush aside, brush off

Backdrop (verb) पृष्ठभवूम

Meaning:- lie behind or beyond; serve as a background to.

Synonyms:- scenery, scrim

Example: -A low line of hills loomed beyond, painted of silver-gray against the backdrop of starry sky and

the pallor of moon mists.

Animadversion (noun) वनन्दा

Meaning:- criticism or censure.

Synonyms:- accusation, censure

Antonyms:-approval, compliment

Example:-The same undercurrent of jealousy operates in our reception of animadversion.

Discordant (adjective) प्रवतकूल

Meaning:- disagreeing or incongruous.

Synonyms:- cacophonous, clashing, dissonant

Antonyms:-similar, agreeable

Example:-For once, the music of her voice was lost in a discordant cry of detestation.

Master of the roster

Meaning:- the privilege of the Chief Justice to constitute Benches to hear cases.

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Inadvertent (adjective) बपेरिाह

Meaning:- not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning.

Synonyms:- careless, reckless, unintended

Antonyms:-careful, cautious

Example:-No doubt Mr. Churchill’s failure to mention shippers was inadvertent.

Comity (noun) वर्शष्टाचार

Meaning:- courtesy and considerate behaviour towards others.

Synonyms:- altruism, compassion, generosity

Antonyms:-cruelty, harshness, meanness

Example:-Comity has a toll-gate at which you must pay, or you may not enter the land of Freedom

Stalwart (adjective) वनष्ठािान

Meaning:- loyal, reliable, and hard-working.

Synonyms:- dependable, fearless, indomitable

Antonyms:-afraid, timid, undependable

Example:-“A tall and stalwart esquire, methinks,” said Master Headley.

Stellar (adjective) तारकीय

Meaning:- featuring or having the quality of a star performer or performers.

Synonyms:- astronomical, cosmic, galactic

Example:-It came on bullet-fast, headed directly for the side of the Stellar.

Evasion (noun) टालना

Meaning:- the action of evading something.

Synonyms:- dodging, artifice, circumvention, cunning

Antonyms:-directness, frankness

Example:-There is not a subterfuge or an evasion or a small mean deceit in her soul.

Reticence (noun) अल्पभावषता

Meaning:- the quality of being reticent; reserve.

Synonyms:- hesitation, shyness, closeness

Example:-In no duty towards others is there more need of reticence and self-restraint.

Acquiescence (noun) रज़ामदंी

Meaning:- the reluctant acceptance of something without protest.

Synonyms:- acceptance, assent, concurrence

Antonyms:-acceptance, assent, concurrence

Example:-Peter read it very deliberately, then he nodded in acquiescence.

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11. A Better Test

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Saliva (noun) थूक

Meaning:- watery liquid secreted into the mouth by glands, providing lubrication for chewing and swallowing, and aiding digestion. Synonyms:- dribble, drool Example:- This he moistened with saliva and quickly dropped into the center of his fuel stack.

Grim (adjective) विकट

Meaning:- very serious or gloomy. Synonyms:- bleak, cruel, gloomy Antonyms:-bright, cheerful, comforting Example:- It was composed of the grim psychological laws that govern the abnormal.

Toll (noun) टोल

Meaning:- the number of deaths or casualties arising from a natural disaster, conflict, accident, etc. Synonyms:- cost, expense, levy Example:- We were within the vestibule before he had begun to toll the years.

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Extent (noun) सीमा

Meaning:- the area covered by something.

Synonyms:- amount, breadth, degree, duration


Example:- It is curious to note the extent to which the unexpected has come about.

Defying (verb) अिहलेना करना

Meaning:- openly resist or refuse to obey.

Synonyms:- confront, disregard, elude, flout

Antonyms:-aid, assist, flatter

Example:- In the arrogance of his heart he said, “I can defy the future.”

Mortality (noun) मृत्यु दर

Meaning:- death, especially on a large scale.

Synonyms:- fatality, bloodshed

Antonyms:-animal life, birth

Example:- Our provisions were very bad, and the mortality among us was great.

Withstanding (verb) बदााश्त

Meaning:- remain undamaged or unaffected by; resist.

Synonyms:- combat, cope, defy, hold off

Antonyms:-aid, assist, disallow

Example:- Thou art a strange creature, said she; there is no withstanding thee.

Fatality (noun) विपवि

Meaning:- an occurrence of death by accident, in war, or from disease.

Synonyms:- accident, casualty, disaster


Example:- By what fatality was it that a man always chose the worst road?

Dip (verb) डुबोना

Meaning:- put or let something down quickly or briefly in or into (liquid).

Synonyms:- dive, plunge

Antonyms:-ascent, increase

Example:- Do you see that dip in the ground there where the snow melts as fast as it drops?

Strained (adjective) तनािपणूा

Meaning:- showing signs of nervous tension or tiredness.

Synonyms:- constrained, labored, stiff

Antonyms:-calm, comfortable

Example:- Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection.

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Relying (verb) भरोसा

Meaning:- depend on with full trust or confidence.

Synonyms:- await, bank, bet

Antonyms:-disbelieve, disregard

Example:- The girl, relying more on her own eloquence than on that of Orso, began to speak

Constraints (noun) की कमी

Meaning:- a limitation or restriction.

Synonyms:- pressure, restraint, coercion

Antonyms:-deterrent, discouragement

Example:- Schiller brooded gloomily over the constraints and hardships of his situation.

Authorisation (noun) प्राविकरण

Meaning:- the action of authorizing.

Synonyms:- approval, authority, endorsement

Antonyms:-disapproval, opposition, refusal

Example:- The authorization of the Romans was not necessary in order to apply it.

Non-invasive (adjective) गरै आिामक

Meaning:- not tending to spread undesirably or harmfully.

Embracing (verb) सवंमवलत करना

Meaning:- accept (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically.

Synonyms:- grasp, clasp, clinch

Antonyms:-free, give, let go

Example:- The whole theatre would know that he had been embracing the girl!

Lieu (noun) स्थान

Meaning:- instead.

Synonyms:- stead, substitute

Example:- This was his in lieu of the money which he would have earned if they had killed Lanning on the


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12. Need for Transparency

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Writ (noun) आज्ञापि

Meaning:- a form of written command in the name of a court or other legal authority to act, or abstain from

acting, in a particular way.

Synonyms:- summons, command, decree

Example:-I’m Mr. Chatterton, sir; and now, out with your writ—whose suit?

Diversion (noun) पररितान

Meaning:-the action of turning something aside from its course.

Synonyms:- aberration, departure, detour

Antonyms:-conformity, sameness

Example:-It was Burke who offered a diversion, a crude interruption after his own fashion.

Persisting (verb) दढृ रहना

Meaning:-continue in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

Synonyms:- continue, endure, go on, linger

Antonyms:-cease, discontinue

Example:-Persisting in my friendliness my questions slowly drew him out.

Asserted (verb) दािा करना

Meaning:-state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully.

Synonyms:- affirm, allege, argue, cite

Antonyms:-abandon, conceal

Example:-It was asserted that the system was only slavery under another name.

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Substantial (adjective) संतोषजनक

Meaning:-of considerable importance, size, or worth.

Synonyms:- big, consequential, considerable

Antonyms:-broken, inconsiderable, insignificant

Example:-He went back to his hotel, and feeling hungry, made a substantial meal.

Corpus (noun) कोष

Meaning: -a collection of written texts, especially the entire works of a particular author or a body of writing

on a particular subject.

Synonyms:- bulk, collection, compilation


Example:-Taylor concentrated his men at Corpus Christi, near the frontier.

Superfluous (adjective) ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा

Meaning:-unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.

Synonyms:- excessive, expendable, gratuitous, redundant

Antonyms:-reasonable, useful, important

Example:-Comments on these letters would be superfluous, as they speak forcibly for themselves.

Forthcoming (adjective) आगामी

Meaning:-about to happen or appear.

Synonyms:- anticipated, approaching, awaited

Antonyms:-remote, bygone, distant

Example:-I remember it very well indeed, else these tales would not be forthcoming.

Summarily (adverb) सवंक्षप्त रूप में

Meaning:-in a summary manner; without the customary formalities.

Synonyms:- arbitrarily, forthwith, promptly


Example:-She disposed of that obstreperous individual most summarily.

Explicit (adjective) स्पष्ट

Meaning:-stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.

Synonyms:- accurate, categorical, certain

Antonyms:-ambiguous, careless, doubtful

Example:-The political officer was firm, and his terms were explicit.

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Consent (noun) सहमवत

Meaning:-permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.

Synonyms:- acquiescence, approval, assent

Antonyms:-denial, disagreement, disapproval

Example:-I would never have married him, if I had known—without your consent, I mean.

Proviso (noun) वनयम

Meaning: -a condition or qualification attached to an agreement or statement.

Synonyms:- clause, condition, qualification

Example:-I granted you permission to come, but I made it a proviso that there should be no conversation.

Uncapped (adjective) खोलना

Meaning:-(of a player) never having been chosen as a member of a particular sports team, especially a

national one.

Regressive (adjective) प्रवतगामी

Meaning:-returning to a former or less developed state; characterized by regression.

Synonyms:- rightist, rigid

Antonyms:-liberal, progressive, radical

Example:-He had conquered his regressive tendencies and his speech was improving.

Sanctioned (verb) स्िीकृत

Meaning:-give official permission or approval for (an action).

Synonyms:- accepted, allowed, approved


Example:-If his accession had seemed even a likely thing at the time, it would not have been sanctioned.

Disbursed (verb) व्यय करना

Meaning:-pay out (money from a fund).

Synonyms:- contribute, dispense, distribute

Antonyms:- hold, keep, take

Example:-He had plenty of Money, but he would not disburse a Red


Legitimate (adjective) काननूी

Meaning:- conforming to the law or to rules.

Synonyms:- appropriate, certain, consistent

Antonyms:-abnormal, affected, counterfeit

Example:-That, at least, is a legitimate inference to draw from the

history of life on this planet.

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13. Less Taxing

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Standardized (verb) मानकीकृत

Meaning:- cause (something) to conform to a standard.

Synonyms:-institutionalize, assimilate, homogenize

Antonyms:- disorder, disorganize

Example:- He graded the work of the school and endeavored to standardize instruction.

Screening (verb) जााँच

Meaning:- evaluate or analyse (something) for its suitability for a particular purpose or application.

Synonyms:-shield, adumbrate, blind

Antonyms:- abandon, disregard, endanger

Example:- Instead of screening him I had dragged him in front of the footlights.

Reform (verb)

Meaning:- make changes in (something, especially an institution or practice) in order to improve it.

Synonyms:-amend, improve, rebuild

Antonyms:- break, damage, destroy

Example:- This was in part owing to the readjustment of seats according to the Reform Bill

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Ambit (noun) सीमा

Meaning:- the scope, extent, or bounds of something.

Synonyms:-boundary, bounds

Example:- I saw for the first time a horizon as an arc suggesting how wide is our ambit. Self-

Evident (adjective) स्पष्ट

Meaning:- not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious.

Synonyms:-inescapable, undeniable

Antonyms:- indefinite, unclear

Example:- The volunteers laughed as Stoliker mentioned this self-evident fact.

Considerable (adjective) काफी

Meaning:- notably large in size, amount, or extent.

Synonyms:-ample, appreciable, astronomical

Antonyms:- inconsiderable, insignificant, insufficient

Example:- He had uttered his own practical unbelief, however, with considerable accuracy.

Hardship (noun) कष्ट

Meaning:- severe suffering or privation.

Synonyms:-adversity, calamity, catastrophe, danger

Antonyms:- advantage, aid, assistance

Example:- If you can eat and sleep well, you can stand almost any hardship.

Proposal (noun) प्रस्ताि

Meaning:- a plan or suggestion, especially a formal or written one, put forward for consideration by others.

Synonyms:-bid, idea, motion

Antonyms:- condemnation, refusal

Example:- She had feared he might rush his proposal through that night; he had been so much in earnest.

Emphasis (noun) ज़ोर

Meaning:- special importance, value, or prominence given to something.

Synonyms:-attention, insistence, intensity

Antonyms:- ignorance, lethargy

Example:- There was profound conviction in the emphasis with which she spoke her warning.

Indices (noun) सूचकाकं

Meaning:- listing or an indicator

Synonyms:-indicator, ratio, basis

Example:- Authors’ and First Lines’ Indices were updated to match poems.

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Sanctioned (verb) स्िीकृत

Meaning:- give official permission or approval for (an action). Synonyms:-accepted, allowed Antonyms:- refused Example:- Some of the most flagrant of these, if not encouraged, have at least been sanctioned by the whites.

Predominantly (adverb) मखु्य रूप स े

Meaning:- mainly; for the most part. Synonyms:-broadly, chiefly, generally Example:- The animal, predominantly, desires the good of self: the Divine, the good of others.

Purview (noun) क्षेि

Meaning:- the scope of the influence or concerns of something. Synonyms:-acumen, apprehension, attention Antonyms:- blindness, ignorance Example:- Philo of Alexandria does not come within our purview as he was not medival.

Procedures (noun) प्रदिया

Meaning:- an established or official way of doing something. Synonyms:-action, agenda, conduct Antonyms:- idleness, ignorance, inaction Example:- Among these procedures dances and processions are prominent.

Discretion (noun) वनणाय

Meaning:- the freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation. Synonyms:-attention, foresight, maturity Antonyms:- carelessness, disregard, ignorance Example:- The fatuity of vicious and coroneted youth outstripped his discretion.

Bar (verb) रोक

Meaning:- prevent or prohibit (someone) from doing something or from going somewhere. Synonyms:-batten, billet, boom Antonyms:- failure, loss Example:- After his admission to the bar, Mr. Chipman received him into partnership.

Integrity (noun) अखडंता

Meaning:- the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Synonyms:-honesty, principle, probity Antonyms:- deceit, dishonesty Example:- They are the preservation of the rights of the several States and the integrity of the Union

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14. Last Lap

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Lap (noun) दकनारा

Meaning:- an overlapping or projecting part.

Synonyms:-course, distance

Example:- Hester threw herself on her knees, and buried her face in her mother’s lap.

Glitzy (adjective) जादईु

Meaning:- attractive in a showy and often superficial way.

Synonyms:-baroque, beautiful, elegant

Antonyms:- dull, offensive

Extravaganza (noun) कल्पात्मक नाटक

Meaning:- an elaborate and spectacular entertainment or production.

Synonyms:-pageant, spectacular, caricature

Antonyms:- hiding, reality, truth

Example:- These stories, in their grotesque severities, have almost the air of an extravaganza.

Convention (noun) सम्मलेन

Meaning: -a large meeting or conference, especially of members of a political party or a particular

profession or group.

Synonyms:-meeting, show, assemblage

Antonyms:- disagreement, discord, strangeness

Example:- In the twelfth month of 1792 a convention of reformers was held at Edinburgh.

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Oust (verb) बाहर वनकालना

Meaning:- drive out or expel (someone) from a position or place. Synonyms:-depose, dethrone, dislodge Antonyms:- hire, place, take in Example:- She sought to oust them by thinking of any one else, of Aggie, of Joe.

Incumbent (adjective) वनभार

Meaning:- (of an official or regime) currently holding office. Synonyms:-binding, necessary, compelling Antonyms:- unnecessary Example:- It was incumbent upon Mr. Gladstone to lead the opposition to this motion.

Repercussions (noun) नतीजों

Meaning:- an unintended consequence of an event or action, especially an unwelcome one. Synonyms:-backlash, chain reaction, effect Antonyms:- cause Example:- The “repercussions” of the Jameson Raid were not overlooked.

Enmeshed (verb) उलझा हुआ

Meaning:- cause to become entangled in something. Synonyms:-embroil, ensnare, entangle Antonyms:- disentangle, exclude Example:- Then, after the editor is under obligations, favors are asked and the editor is enmeshed.

Eloquent (adjective) सिुक्ता

Meaning:- fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.

Woo (verb) प्रीवत करना

Meaning:- seek the favour, support, or custom of. Synonyms:-affecting, ardent, articulate Antonyms:- apathetic, calm, cold Example:- When all was “right,” how eloquent the lip-music of coachee!

Wobbling (verb) डगमगाना

Meaning:- move or cause to move unsteadily from side to side. Synonyms:-quaking, quivering, staggering Example:- If to be spread, use strong wire to support with no wobbling.

Bungling (adjective) विफल

Meaning:- making or characterized by many clumsy mistakes. Synonyms:-amateurish, awkward, gauche Antonyms:- expert Example:- Is it because we are bungling legislators that they wish for us in London?

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Eviscerate (verb) महत्िपणूा तत्ि वनकाल लेना

Meaning:- deprive (something) of its essential content.

Synonyms:-devitalize, gut, weaken

Example:- It is decided to catch a trout, eviscerate him, and obtain internal and indisputable evidence.

Debacle (noun) पराजय

Meaning:- a sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco.

Synonyms:-beating, collapse

Antonyms:- accomplishment, attainment

Example:- The next subject upon which I thought I might tackle him was the “Debacle.”

Pivotal (adjective) कें द्रीय

Meaning:- of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else.

Synonyms:-central, climactic, critical

Antonyms:- inessential, minor

Example:- Let us picture this pivotal scene of his life and of American history. Self-

Congratulatory (adjective) आत्म-बिाई

Meaning:- unduly complacent or proud regarding one’s personal achievements or qualities; self-satisfied.

Synonyms:-arrogant, smug, bigheaded

Antonyms:- humble, meek, unsure

Example:- Teresa, however, was not at all self-congratulatory on the subject of her gown.

Endgame (noun)

Meaning:- the final stage of a game such as chess or bridge, when few pieces or cards remain.

Referendum (noun) जनमत सगं्रह

Meaning:- a general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them

for a direct decision.

Synonyms:-election, poll, vote

Example:- Advised his congregations to adopt the recall and referendum.

Resonates (verb) सबंवंित

Meaning:- evoke images, memories, and emotions.

Synonyms:-echo, reverberate, vibrate

Example:- In fact it “resonates,” or sings back, when it hears this note.

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15. Women, Uninterrupted

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1. Ramifications (noun) फैलाि: Accidental Consequences complicating things

Meaning: Infatuation or Consequences

Synonyms: Complications

Example: There must be rampifications for what they have done to our nation

2. Crippled (adjective) अपगं: Anything not working properly the way it should

Meaning: Disabled Synonym: Gimpy, Halting, Lame

Example: For a world crippled by COVID-19, salvation hinges on a vaccine

3. Unintended (adjective) अनायास ही: Something done without planning or you did not meant to do


Meaning: Not planned or not meant

Synonym: Accidental, inadvertent Example: Some victims were unintended targets of gunfire on the streets.

4. Dire (adjective) भयानक: Situation or event causing extreme fear and danger

Meaning: Dreadful, Terrible

Synonym: Desperate, Critical

Example: The teams most dire needs are on the defensive end.

5. Projections (noun) प्रक्षपेण: Estimate the future scenario based on current trends

Meaning: Prediction, Forecast Synonym: Forcing out, Ejection, Protrusion

Example: His father have an optimistic projection for him as a certainty

6. Disruptions (noun) विच्छेद: Problems that interupts any activity or event

Meaning: Collapse, Tension, Crudity

Synonym: Break, Gap, Interruption Example: In the past, his concern about the climate disruption was discussed by various leaders.

7. Hampered (verb) बािा डालना: Preventing any progress to happen

Meaning: Hindered

Synonyms: Obstructed, Inhibited, Impeded

Example: The companies tasks got hampered due to the COVID-19 pandemic

8. Pertinent (adjective) उवचत: Something relevant or to the point

Meaning: Affecting, Comprehensive Synonyms: Apt, Relevant, Appropriate

Example: Most of the students took interest in what Shalini was saying and asked her pertinent questions


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9. Intense (adjective) तीव्र: Strong or extreme

Meaning: Vivid, Acute

Synonyms: Enormous, Extreme

Example: A hot cup of coffee spilled accidently will give an intense pain

10. Bolster (verb) आिार: Offering support to anyone

Meaning: Strengthen, Support

Synonyms: Reinforce, Fortify

Example: To bolstered the resilience of the public, lawmakers said a quicker intelligence community is


11. Dealt (verb) वनपटा: Something given out in portions

Meaning: Distributed, Shared

Synonyms: Apportioned, Pareceled

Example: Some harsh lessons are being dealt out to two teenagers at the same moment

12. Uninterrupted (adjective) वनरंतर: Undisturbed continuity of an event

Meaning: Continuous, Undisturbed

Synonyms: Constant, Unbroken, Continual

Example: The work of the National Security Council continues uninterrupted

13. Telemedicine (noun) सदुरू: Diagnosing and treating patients via telecommunication technology.

Meaning: Exchanging of medical information through tele communications.

Synonyms: Tele-health, e-health, Tele-medical

Example: During COVID-19 telemedicine had been a great help in treatment procedures.

14. Prioritize (verb) प्राथवमकता: Ranking on the basis of importance

Meaning: Listing things on priority basis

Synonyms: Categorize, Arrange

Example: The age has been an affecting the way people prioritize their


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16. People’s Parties

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1. Resumption (noun) पुनरारंभ: Starting something again after a pause

Meaning: Beginnning Again or Resume

Synonyms: Recommencement

Example: This move would likely spark a resumption of last year’s street protests.

2. Restoration (noun) मरम्मत: Bringing something back to what it orginally was or to satisfaction


Meaning: Repairing

Synonym: Refurbishment, Renovation

Example: The restoration of the building looked exactly like the original one

3. Vowed (verb) कसम खाई: Promising to do a specified thing

Meaning: Promise or pledge

Synonym: Swear, Assurance

Example: He vowed that his result would improve, then immediately met those expectations.

4. Dubious (adjective) सदंदग्ि: Anything or anyone whom you cannot rely upon

Meaning: Unconvinced

Synonym: Doubhtful, Questionable

Example: And there is a catch beyond the dubious funding.

5. Reiteration (noun) पुनरािवृि: Instance of repeating something

Meaning: Repetition

Synonym: Reduplication

Example: “There is just this constant reiteration that cops are in constant danger,” he said

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6. Stalled (verb) अिस्र्द्द्ध: Something that has been standstill for long

Meaning: Stopped or Stilled

Synonym: Halted, Heldup

Example: Endless complaints stalled the process of selecting the winning design for the memorial

7. Curbs (noun) प्रवतबिं: Limiting access or restraining powers

Meaning: Restrict

Synonym: Restraint, Bridle

Example: Regulations will help to curb bad behaviour and improve research integrity

8. Detention (noun) नज़रबदंी :State of being held in lawful custody

Meaning: Hold back or imprisonment

Synonym: Custody, Incarceration

Example: The fifteen people arrested were still in police detention

9. Subservient (adjective) अिीन: Obeying or serving unquestioningly

Meaning: Obedient to the authority

Synonym: Submissive or Subordinate

Example: Japan is overly subservient to U.S. Policy, which just breaks our heart

10. Reverting (verb) िापस लाया जा रहा: Tending to return to an earlier state

Meaning: Returning

Synonym: Backsliding, Lapse

Example: We may also be ageing in reverse, reverting to youthful behaviour

11. Apparently (adverb) जावहरा तौर पर: Guess made on appearances

Meaning: Obviously

Synonyms: Evidently, Seemingly

Example: Party officials apparently released the vote totals after pressure from Sanders delegates

12. Assumed (verb) ग्रहण: Supposing to any case or situation

Meaning: Supposed

Synonyms: Fictitious, Pretended

Example: He went home and assumed that would be the end of it.

13. Naively (adverb)भोलपेन से: Someone with lack of experience or wisdom

Meaning: Impressed by exaggeration

Synonyms: Innocently, Unpretentiously

Example: He believed, naively, that she would leave him her money

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14. Stimulants (noun) उिजेक: That increases activity, interest, or enthusiasm in an activity

Meaning: Something arousing action or activity

Synonyms: Encouragements, Instigations

Example: Population growth is a major stimulant to industrial development

15. Defectors (noun) दलबदलओुं: Favouring the opposing party

Meaning: Abandoning duty

Synonyms: Traitor, Rebel

Example: They accused the defectors of raising tensions and polluting the enviornment.

16. Reckless (adjective) लापरिाह: Consequences of one’s careless actions

Meaning: Careless

Synonyms: Thoughtless, Heedless, Incautious

Example: Some leaders are reckless squandering the public funds

17. Audacity (noun) िृष्टता: Aggressive or outright boldness.

Meaning: Daring, Boldness

Synonyms: Fearlessness, Impudence

Example: She had the audacity to suggest I’d been carrying on with him

18. Laced (verb) सजी: Something that takeover other’s presentation

Meaning: Tied or streaked

Synonyms: Patterned

Example: White blossoms with purple-laced petals

19. Delegitimse (verb): Destroying legitimacy

Meaning: Diminishing legal authority

Synonyms: Invalidate

Example: The country has been delegitimized by the world community”

20. Vulnerable (adjective) भदे्य: Facing situation where one is likely to meet with harm

Meaning: Endangered, Unsafe

Synonyms: Senstive, Liable, Exposed

Example: The scheme will help charities working with vulnerable adults and young people

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17. Sound and Fury

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Fury (noun) रोष

Meaning:- wild or violent anger.

Synonyms:- acrimony, energy, ferocity

Antonyms:- calm, calmness, glee

Example:- His own revolted town of Mantes was the first object of his fury.

Unwilling (adjective) अवनच्छुक

Meaning:- not ready, eager, or prepared to do something.

Synonyms:- afraid, averse, compelled

Antonyms:- eager, enthusiastic

Example:- America will not impose our own style of government on the unwilling.

Introspection (noun) आत्मवनरीक्षण

Meaning:- the examination or observation of one’s own mental and emotional processes.

Synonyms:- contemplation, meditation

Example:- Let us proceed at once to test our conclusion by introspection.

Orchestrate (verb) योजना बनाना

Meaning:- plan or coordinate the elements of (a situation) to produce a desired effect, especially


Synonyms:- arrange, coordinate, manage

Antonyms:- disperse, divide

Example:- My work with Rimsky-Korsakov consisted of his giving me pieces of classical music to


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Tirade (noun) चनदंा

Meaning:- a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation. Synonyms:- denunciation, diatribe Antonyms:- compliment, praise Example:- I had listened in a sort of fascination to that tirade of venomous mockery.

Credence (noun) विश्वसनीयता

Meaning:- belief in or acceptance of something as true. Synonyms:- admission, assurance Antonyms:- denial, disbelief Example:- It is with great reluctance that we give any credence to this statement.

Interim (noun) मध्यकाल

Meaning:- meanwhile. Synonyms:- provisional, acting Antonyms:- finished, permanent Example:- In the interim I had taken a long look at the face on the wall.

Senile (adjective) बढूा

Meaning:- (of a person) having or showing the weaknesses or diseases of old age, especially a loss of mental faculties. Synonyms:- aged, ancient, anile Antonyms:- alert, well, young Example:- Infantile paradoxy is, however, very different to senile paradoxy.

Gloss over (phrasal verb) वछपाना

Meaning:- to treat or describe (something, such as a serious problem or error) as if it were not important Synonyms:- bypass, discard, disregard Antonyms:- attend, regard Example:- They draw this distinction when it is too late, and use it as a quibble to gloss over their fault.

Vilify (verb) गाली देना

Meaning:- speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner. Synonyms:- assail, berate, damn Antonyms:- approve, cherish, commend Example:- “Even that may be more pardonable than to vilify a good one,” said Mary.

Deflect (verb) मोड़ना

Meaning:- cause (something) to change direction; turn aside from a straight course. Synonyms:- avert, bend, cover up Antonyms:- stay, straighten Example:- The novel like its style coloured, but did not deflect, the stream of English literature.

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Staunch (adjective) वनष्ठािान

Meaning:- very loyal and committed in attitude.

Synonyms:- ardent, loyal, reliable, stalwart

Antonyms:- disloyal, undependable, unreliable

Example:- The staunch old gentleman was still in his trust; had never left it.

Degenerative (adjective) अपक्षयी

Meaning:- of or tending to decline and deterioration.

Synonyms:- backward, deteriorating, regressive

Antonyms:- improving, progressive, expanding

Example:- These organisms were described as “Laveran’s degenerative forms.”

Afflction (noun) यातना

Meaning:- a cause of pain or harm. Crippling (adjective) गंभीर

Meaning:- causing a person to become unable to walk or move properly.

Synonyms:- debilitate, hamstring, hurt

Antonyms:- aid, assist, cure

Example:- He tossed Vulcan over a nearby cliff, crippling him for good.

Disingenuous (adjective) कपटी

Meaning:- not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one

really does.

Synonyms:- deceitful, dishonest, false

Antonyms:- fair, frank

Example:-This expedient of mine, disingenuous as it was, was successful.

Reformists (noun) सुिारक

Meaning:- a person who advocates gradual reform rather than abolition or revolution.

Synonyms:- enlightened, flexible, humanistic

Antonyms:- intolerant, limited, narrow

Example:- Such is the language of reform, and the spirit of a reformist!

Magnanimity (noun) उदारता

Meaning:- the fact or condition of being magnanimous; generosity.

Synonyms:- chivalry, philanthropy

Antonyms:- meanness, selfishness

Example:- They have claims on the magnanimity and, I may add, on the justice of this nation which we must

all feel.

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Paved the way ( idiom) मागा प्रर्शस्त

Meaning:- to make it easier for (something to happen or someone to

do something)

Synonyms:- announce, offer, open

Antonyms:- conceal, deny, dissuade

Obduracy (noun) पक्का होना

Meaning:- the quality or state of being obdurate

Synonyms:- contumacy, doggedness, grimness

Example:- His obduracy, with which you are acquainted, has

exceedingly increased.

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18. A Shot in the Dark

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Allegations (noun) आरोप

Meaning:- a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made

without proof.

Synonyms:- accusation, charge, claim

Antonyms:- exculpation, denial

Example:- While some of these allegations are true, the last certainly is false.

Cognisance (noun) ध्यान में रखत े

Meaning:- knowledge or awareness.

Synonyms:- attention, bearing, cognition

Antonyms:- disregard, heedlessness

Example:- The Chinese who have gone have been with Chinese cognizance, but not under Chinese


Portray (verb) प्रवतकृवत बनाना

Meaning:- describe (someone or something) in a particular way.

Synonyms:- characterize, depict, describe

Antonyms:- confuse, mix up, obscure

Example:- I thought him as true a representative of the people as ever theory could portray.

Decimating (verb) नष्ट

Meaning:- kill, destroy, or remove a large proportion of.

Synonyms:- annihilate, exterminate, obliterate

Antonyms:- bear, build, create

Example:- You meant to let the royal blood, and to decimate the nobility of France.

Envoy (noun) दतू

Meaning:- a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission.

Synonyms:- delegate, diplomat, emissary

Antonyms:- receiver

Example:- This will be confirmed by your official attendant, who will be an Envoy’s Courier.

Confronts (verb) सामना करना

Meaning:- come face to face with (someone) with hostile or argumentative intent.

Synonyms:- accost, defy, encounter

Antonyms:- avoid, dodge

Example:- Our eyes are shut to the damning facts which confront us on every side.

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Unsubstantiated (adjective) वनरािार

Meaning:- not supported or proven by evidence.

Synonyms:- debatable, dubious, unsupported

Antonyms:- certain, sure

Example:- As yet he could not reveal his unsubstantiated information to another.

Mercenaries (noun) िह वसपाही जो दसूरे मलु्क में लड़ाई के वलए रखे जायें

Meaning:- a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army.

Synonyms:- warrior, hireling

Example:- His citizens have no silver or gold of their own, but are ready enough to pay them to their


Contention (noun) वििाद

Meaning:- heated disagreement.

Synonyms:- argument, conflict, controversy

Antonyms:- accord, agreement, harmony

Example:- Just what the ratio of the curve should be is a matter of contention.

Preposterous (adjective) वनरथाक

Meaning:- contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.

Synonyms:- absurd, crazy, excessive

Antonyms:- bad, balanced, believable

Example:- They created the most preposterous romances; and could not get the credit of creating them.

Reputation (noun) प्रवतष्ठा

Meaning:- the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.

Synonyms:- character, fame, honor

Antonyms:- unimportance, disapproval

Example:- “Many have had that reputation who do not deserve it,” said Robert.

Acclaimed (adjective) प्रर्शवंसत

Meaning:- publicly praised; celebrated.

Synonyms:- renowned, cheered, extolled

Example:- Those acclamations were not for him, although those who acclaimed him thought so.

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Deny (verb) अस्िीकार करना

Meaning:- state that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of.

Synonyms:- ban, call on, contradict, oppose

Antonyms:- accept, allow, approve

Example:- This is a record and result that no careful student of our

history will, I take it, deny.

Grey-listing (verb)

Meaning:- to hold (someone) in suspicion, without actually excluding

him or her from a particular activity

Tenure (noun) कायाकाल

Meaning:- the conditions under which land or buildings are held or occupied.

Synonyms:- administration, occupation, ownership

Antonyms:- misconception, misunderstanding, release

Example:- They gave the tenants security of tenure, and the landowners an act of settlement.

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19. An Air-Tight Case

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Air- Tight (adjective)

Meaning:- having no weaknesses; unassailable.

Dastardly (adjective) डरपोक

Meaning:- wicked and cruel. Synonyms:- contemptible, cowardly

Antonyms:- honorable, respectable, worthy

Convoy (noun) रक्षक दल

Meaning:- (of a warship or armed troops) accompany (a group of ships or vehicles) for protection.

Synonyms:- attendance, attendant, companion

Example:- The second attack on the Scandinavian convoy occurred on 12th December.

Minutiae (noun) सूक्ष्म विचार

Meaning:- the small, precise, or trivial details of something.

Synonyms:- trivia, incidental

Example:- But it is unnecessary to trace these studies in all their minutiae.

Painstaking (adjective) महेनती

Meaning:- done with or employing great care and thoroughness.

Synonyms:- careful, conscientious, diligent Antonyms:- careless, lazy

Example:- No science or painstaking can make up for his not doing this.

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Perpetrators (noun) अपरािी

Meaning:- a person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act.

Synonyms:- criminal, executioner

Example:- His sole ambition just now was to fix the crime definitely on the perpetrator.

Handlers (noun) संचालक

Meaning:- a person who trains or manages another person.

Synonyms:- administrator, boss

Antonyms:- employee, worker

Example:- He was already beginning to show his natural fitness as a handler of weapons.

Reconnaissance (noun) सैवनक परीक्षण

Meaning:- military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features.

Synonyms:- exploration, surveillance

Example:- It was already dusk when we returned from the reconnaissance.

Indoctrination (noun) समझाना

Meaning:- the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically.

Synonyms:- persuasion, brainwashing, instruction

Example:- The period of indoctrination varies in length with the individuals.

Battered (adjective) चकनाचरू

Meaning:- (of a thing) damaged by age and repeated use.

Synonyms:- bash, beat, bruise

Antonyms:- aid, assist, build

Example:- He looked round him for the battered article that served him for head-gear.

Retaliatory (noun) प्रवतर्शोि

Meaning:- the action of returning a military attack; counter-attack.

Synonyms:- disciplinary, penal, punishing

Antonyms:- beneficial, rewarding

Example:- It was the fear of retaliatory punishment that kept them aloof.

Deterioration (noun) क्षय

Meaning:- the process of becoming progressively worse.

Synonyms:- decline, degradation

Antonyms:- increase, ascent

Example:- The strong, pure heart had undergone a change, but not a deterioration.

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Proxy (noun) प्रवतवनवि

Meaning:- a person authorized to act on behalf of another.

Synonyms:- intermediary, stand-in

Example:- Now, professor, I am ready to do the cooking, but I have a fancy for doing it by proxy.

Militancy (noun) आतंकिाद

Meaning:- the use of confrontational or violent methods in support of a political or social cause.

Synonyms:- aggressiveness, hostility, antagonism

Example:- It is coloured with all the militancy of the author’s temperament.

Waned (verb) कम होना

Meaning:- (of a state or feeling) decrease in vigour or extent; become weaker.

Synonyms:- abate, atrophy, decrease

Antonyms:- brighten, develop, enhance

Example:- She waned before the eyes of the king, like daylight that must be gone.

Alienation (noun) अलगाि की भािना

Meaning:- the state or experience of being alienated.

Synonyms:- disaffection, estrangement

Antonyms:- agreement, connection

Example:- His widow, in spite of their alienation, mourned long and deeply.

Bifurcation (noun) विभाजन

Meaning:- the division of something into two branches or parts.

Synonyms:- complication, consequence

Antonyms:- cause, origin

Example:- Bifurcation: a forking or division into two: the point at which a forking occurs.

Detention (noun) वनरोि

Meaning:- the action of detaining someone or the state of being

detained in official custody.

Synonyms:- arrest, custody, delay

Antonyms:- aid, assistance

Example:- His detention was doubtless irregular, for by law he should

have been sent beyond the seas.

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20. Conventional Dissonance

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Alienating (verb)अलगाि की भािना

Meaning:- make (someone) feel isolated or estranged.

Synonyms:- disaffect, divide, estrange

Antonyms:- combine, join

Example:- Every effort was made to alienate her from her French relations.

Hues (noun) रंग

Meaning:- character or aspect.

Synonyms:-complexion, tinge

Antonyms:- white

Example:- The lamplight imparted the hue of yellow wax to their pale faces.

Denouement (noun) नतीजा

Meaning:-the outcome of a situation, when something is decided or made clear.

Synonyms:-climax, culmination, finale

Antonyms:- beginning, opening

Example:- The only general feeling was that a denouement was approaching.

Shredded (adjective) अलग-अलग

Meaning:- torn or cut into shreds.

Synonyms:-shave, sliver

Antonyms:- mend, sew

Example:- As far as the eye could see I beheld only flattened and shredded ruin.

Moorings ( noun) रटकने का सािन

Meaning:- an established practice or stabilizing influence

Synonyms:-anchorage, berth

Example:- We climbed the dark and empty stairs, upward into the mooring mast.

Dug his heels in (phrase)

Meaning:- to refuse to change your plans or ideas, especially when someone is trying to persuade you to

do so

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Impeachment (noun) दोषारोपण

Meaning:- the act of making a formal statement that a public official might be guilty of a serious offence in connection with his or her job, especially in the US Synonyms:-allegation, arraignment Antonyms:- praise, absolution Example:- The minister is currently under threat of impeachment.

Conjured up (Idioms.) ताज़ा कर देना

Meaning:- to present to the mind; evoke or imagine Synonyms:-call, contrive Antonyms:- forget, ignore Example:- he conjured up a picture of his childhood.

Prevail (verb) प्रबल

Meaning:- prove more powerful or superior. Synonyms:-abound, beat, overcome Antonyms:- fail, forfeit Example:- Lady Booby was going to call her back again, but could not prevail with herself.

Premise (verb) आिार

Meaning:- base an argument, theory, or undertaking on. Synonyms:- announce, assume Antonyms:- calculate, complete Example:- I fully agree with the premise, but not with the conclusion.

Succumbed (verb) आग ेघटुने टेक ददए

Meaning:- fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force. Synonyms:-bow, break down Antonyms:- continue, defend Example:- I struggle in vain against them; but the more I struggle the more I feel I must succumb.

Deleterious (adjective) हावनकारक

Meaning:- causing harm or damage. Synonyms:-bad, destroying Antonyms:- aiding, assisting Example:- I hope the bill will pass without any deleterious amendments.

Strident (adjective) कठोर

Meaning:- presenting a point of view, especially a controversial one, in an excessively forceful way. Synonyms:-blatant, jarring Antonyms:- quiet, silent Example:- “Just a little friendly call,” Cassidy announced, in his strident voice.

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Flared up (noun) भड़कना

Meaning:- a sudden outburst of something, especially violence or hostility. Synonyms:-begin, come Antonyms:- end, leave, stop

Condemns (verb) चनदंा करना

Meaning:- prove or show to be guilty or unsatisfactory. Synonyms:-castigate, censure Antonyms:- approve, compliment Example:- I am afraid you will condemn my warmth: But does not the occasion require it?

Foment (verb) भड़काना

Meaning:- instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action). Synonyms:-abet, arouse, brew Antonyms:- deter, discourage, calm Example:- No, Princess; my part is to restore peace, not to foment strife.

Drowning out (transitive verb)

Meaning:- to drive (a person or an animal) from home by flooding : force (as a mine) to shut down by


Synonyms:-hush, muffle

Example:- How long would it take to fill the hole and drown out the woodchuck?

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21. For the Weakest

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Marginalised (verb) अविकारहीन कर दना

Meaning:- treat (a person, group, or concept) as insignificant or peripheral.

Synonyms:- criticize, demean, deprecate

Antonyms:- elevate, praise

Example:- Women either play a secondary role or are completely marginalized

Cogent (adjective) वनश्चयात्मक

Meaning:- (of an argument or case) clear, logical, and convincing.

Synonyms:-compelling, convincing, forceful

Antonyms:- ineffective, unimportant

Example:-Considering his great distress, the reasons must have been cogent indeed.

Verdict (noun) वनणाय

Meaning:- an opinion or judgment.

Synonyms:-answer, award, conclusion

Antonyms:- accusation

Example:-“Nobody in this room could hope to escape,” was the verdict of that survey.

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Competence (noun) क्षमता

Meaning:- the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. Synonyms:-capability, capacity, competency Antonyms:- ignorance, impotence Example:-There is no mention in the old play of this “competence of life.”

Preferential (adjective) बेहतर

Meaning:- of or involving preference or partiality; constituting a favour or privilege. Synonyms:-advantageous, preferred, favorite Example:-Preferential trade was the alternative path to the imperial federation. Trickled down (phrasal verb ) Meaning:- (of wealth) gradually benefit the poorest as a result of the increasing wealth of the richest.

Tinkering (verb) फेरबदल

Meaning:- attempt to repair or improve something in a casual or desultory way. Synonyms:-dabble, mess, doodle Antonyms:- break, destroy Example:-The carpenter took more than a day, tinkering at an old ship’s boat.

Amended (verb) सरं्शोिन

Meaning:- make minor changes to (a text, piece of legislation, etc.) in order to make it fairer or more accurate, or to reflect changing circumstances. Synonyms:-alter, enhance, lift Antonyms:- lower, worsen, break Example:-It has been amended to “at the Inn” to match the chapter heading.

Caveat (noun) चेतािनी

Meaning:- a warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations. Synonyms:-admonition, alarm Example:-This plan is preferred by many inventors to filing a caveat.

Inclusions (noun) समािरे्शन

Meaning:- the action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure. Synonyms:-admittance, formation Antonyms:- exclusion, subtraction Example:-Like most generalizations, this one has possibly more exceptions than inclusions.

Subsequent (adjective) आगामी

Meaning:- coming after something in time; following. Synonyms:-consecutive, consequent Antonyms:- preceding, anteceent Example:-This was subsequent to the completion of the temple and of the royal houses.

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Struck down (verb) वनष्फल करना

Meaning:- to declare (a law) illegal and unenforceable

Synonyms:-annul, disallow

Antonyms:- allow, approve

Example:-the Supreme Court struck down the law

Citing (verb) हिाला देना

Meaning:- summon (someone) to appear in court.

Synonyms:-allege, allude to, indicate

Antonyms:- conceal, deny

Example:-This is shown by his citing authority for it as for something which might be disputed.

Carved out (phrasal verb ) कड़ी महेनत से कमाना

Meaning:- to create or obtain something that helps you by skillful activities:

Synonyms:-accept, arrest, capture

Antonyms:- drop, fail, free

Overturns (verb) पलट जाना

Meaning:- abolish, invalidate, or reverse (a previous system, decision, situation, etc.).

Synonyms:-annul, capsize

Antonyms:- allow, approve

Example:-And even if it does not overturn if it fails, it will not end, but pause.

Jurisprudence (noun) न्यायर्शास्र

Meaning:- the theory or philosophy of law.

Synonyms:-act, case, charge

Antonyms:- disorganization, lawlessness

Example:-The true principle is taught not by jurisprudence but by history.

Veering (verb) मडु़ना

Meaning:- suddenly change an opinion, subject, type of behavior, etc.

Synonyms:-change, detour

Example:-The wind had veered, and in veering had fallen a very little.

Oppression (noun) उत्पीड़न

Meaning:- prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority.

Synonyms:-abuse, brutality, coercion

Antonyms:- help, kindness, niceness

Example:-The demon of oppression had hidden her head ashamed, and fled to her den!

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Moot (adjective) वििादास्पद

Meaning:- subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty.

Synonyms:-debatable, problematic

Antonyms:- certain, definite

Example:-The actual temperature of the moon’s surface by day is a

moot point.

Better off (phrase) दकस्मत का िनी

Meaning:- in a more desirable or advantageous position, especially in

financial terms.

Synonyms:-happier, more fortunate

Example:-The poor could work their way, driving cattle for the better-off.

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