  • 8/14/2019 The Heroes of Nightingale Preview



  • 8/14/2019 The Heroes of Nightingale Preview


    Due to popular

    demand, I have added two

    more chapters to this

    EXCLUSIVE! Look for The

    Heroes of Nightingale on

    sale Soon!Enjoy,

    Mark~2 ~

  • 8/14/2019 The Heroes of Nightingale Preview



    NightingaleBook One


    Mark Basker


  • 8/14/2019 The Heroes of Nightingale Preview


    The Heroes of Nightingale by Mark Basker. All rights

    reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any

    form or by any means, excepting brief quotes used inreviews.

    This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places

    and incidents are either the product of the authors

    imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to

    actual persons, living or dead, or events is entirely


    Book design by Mark Basker

    Cover art by Mark Basker

    The Heroes of Nightingale - Edition 1.0

    ISBN-10 1-4421-0465-1

    ISBN-13 978-1-4421-0465-5

    Order additional copies at :

    ~4 ~

  • 8/14/2019 The Heroes of Nightingale Preview


    This book is dedicated to all the fans that might enjoy it.

    Please share it with your friends and family.

    Also to my wife, Jacquelyn.

    This Book is part One of The Nightingale Series.

    Part Two will be released around Winter 2009 entitled:

    Obsession in Nightingale

    Please visit


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    The Attack

    On the top of the hill on Fig Lane an old Victorian-stylemansion sits in a horribly unkempt and dilapidated state. Thick English

    ivy climbs its walls, which are caked in dirt and grime. Yellow panes

    of glass are cracked and covered in black mildew. An overgrown

    pumpkin patch growing in muck is scattered along the side of the housereaching back towards the rotten wooden fence that should have been

    replaced a decade earlier.

    All of the kids on the street have stories about this house.

    Some say it's haunted. Others say vampires live in it. The most preval-

    ent rumor however, is that a mad scientist lives there. Perhaps oddest

    of all, is recently a gold and onyx symbol resembling the Star of David

    was posted on the mailbox and front door of the house. This wouldnt

    be too strange, except for the fact that at least once a week cars with

    that same exact symbol come visiting the house, almost as though they

    were holding some type of secret meetings inside.

    Then of course there are the disappearances. Not of children,

    but of dogs. More than four dogs on this street alone have come up

    missing recently. Kids have begun suspecting the vampires are eating

    them, or perhaps the scientist is doing experiments on them. Whatever

    it is, the parents dont believe it, and reassuringly say a coyote is prob-

    ably to blame. Which isn't very reassuring at all.

    Not too far down the street, a young teen exits out the back

    door of her house into the intoxicating darkness of the night. The star

    filled sky was nevertheless persistently radiating passed the glow of the

    city down bellow. Nightingale, Texas is located a heartbeat away from


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    a massive airport. Loud planes hummed in the distance like angry

    lions. The girl had a slender frame and dark brown hair. She was

    named Rosie, after her red cheeks when she was born. The soft light of

    the moon was enough for Rosie to reach the shed behind her house.

    Her feet trampled the wet ground as she raised her arms to

    avoid walking into the shed (like she had last week). She finally felt

    the door and moved her hands to find the knob. A quick shock of static

    tickled her fingers. The hinges creaked as she yanked the door open.

    She quickly stepped inside and felt the shelf for the spare bag of dog

    food. It crinkled as she picked it up. She hurried out, flung the door

    closed behind her, and made her way back to the house.

    Just inside the sliding glass door a black pugs limp and lifeless

    tail instantly curled and began to wobble when it saw Rosie returning.

    She had an upside-down white V on her chest and a little gray under-

    neath her chin. Even though she looked very much like a goon her

    name was Pretty. She was as loyal, friendly, and loving as a dog could

    possibly be; except when the doorbell rang. She would throw a fit,huffing, puffing, and barking like mad. Her usually docile attitude

    would be in an uproar until she was convinced it was safe again.

    Rosie stepped inside and walked into the family room as her

    Father, Peter, sat at the couch watching television. They were both

    watching a science fiction show. One might call themfanatics. Rosie

    loved to watch them with her Father. It gave them something to do to-

    gether. They were a small family, just her and her Dad.

    Her Mother had passed away when she was just five. That

    was ten years ago, and to be honest she didnt remember much of her

    Mother. She remembered both of them making cookies one day, and

    giving each other lots of hugs after they did the dishes and what not.

    Yet there wasnt much that stuck out in her mind anymore... except one

    time. One very peculiar time.

    Rosie had a memory, which she had wondered about for quite


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    a while. It seemed like a dream. She went over it again and again in

    her mind like a movie. One day, her Mother told her she was going to

    do a magic trick. Rosie watched her Mother somehow make water

    from the sink float up into the air like a balloon. It hovered there, and

    Rosie remembered batting it around. It would drip slightly, but it held

    its shape very well and was as light as a feather. Yet it couldn't be.

    Perhaps it was just bubbles? After all, how could someone make water

    float? Rosie still wondered; it was so clear in her mind.

    Rosie ripped open the bag of dog food and grabbed a handful

    out for Pretty. Her tail wagged happily and she was grunting, seeming

    to say, Feed me! Feed me!

    Rosie hurried back to the couch and sat next to her Father so

    she wouldnt miss too much of the show. He was glancing at the com-

    ics as he put some eye drops in. He seemed torn between watching the

    show, and reading his favorite comic. Rosie was looking forward to

    watching it all week. It was very exciting and one of the few times

    they got to spend time together on something they both enjoyed. Sheput her feet up on the ottoman and laid back making herself more com-

    fortable. Then all of a sudden the power went out.

    Oh man! her Father moaned.

    Rosie jumped out of her seat as she heard a crack of thunder.

    She looked out the window, but didnt see any clouds. There hadn't

    been any all day. She wondered what was going on. Bang, Bang,

    Bang! Someone starting pounding on the front door as if their life de-

    pended on it. Bang, Bang!

    Peter got up from his chair and subtly walked towards the

    front door of the house. Rosie hurried behind him also trying to see

    what was going on. The knock was nerve raking, and it made her skin

    crawl. It sounded like someone was in serious danger or being tor-

    tured. Her Father hesitated for a moment, fear apparently overcame

    him, but he opened it up regardless.


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    In rushed a young boy; Rosie couldnt tell who it was at first

    in the darkness. Yet just as he seemed to walk over the threshold of the

    door the power came back on. It was Tommy, the younger brother of

    her best friend Wendy. He looked awful. He had cuts on his face and

    arms, and he was clenching his hands together, which seemed to be

    bloody as well.

    Th th he stuttered in shock, dog attacked me! his

    wide eyes cried with agony as he nervously shook. His chin quivered

    like he was freezing cold.

    Peter put an arm around Tommy and walked him towards the

    kitchen. Come on, youre alright now. Get the door Rosie.

    Rosie crept towards the door and peeked out to see if she

    could see a dog. All she saw was his bike in the middle of the road un-

    derneath a street lamp. Its front tire still spinning eerily with a squeak.

    She slammed the door shut and locked it firmly. She gingerly followed

    her Father and Tommy into the kitchen. She stood back a bit to watch.

    Rosie could see Tommy's hands shaking, especially as he gripped hisleft.

    Her Father was getting a wash cloth and he looked over his

    shoulder to Rosie. Would you call his parents, Rosie?

    Rosie nodded her head and picked up the phone. She dialed

    his home knowing his number very well. Wendy picked up probably

    thinking Rosie had called to chat.

    Hey, whats up? Wendy asked.

    Uh... your brother is over here, Rosie mumbled not knowing

    how to put it.

    Why? Wendy laughed.

    He got hurt. A dog bit him or something. I think your par-

    ents better come get him, Rosie explained. She could hear Wendy

    hollering at her parents. Soon her Mother was on the line and asked,

    Rosie? Something happened to Tommy?


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    Yeah, I think a dog bit him, Rosie explained as Tommy

    shrieked in pain just yards away. Rosie thought she saw a little glim-

    mer of tears in his eyes, to be honest she giggled inside. He always ac-

    ted so macho.

    Well be right there!

    Bye, Rosie muttered, but they had already hung up.

    Rosie hung the phone up and walked towards Tommy and

    looked him over. He had a nasty scrape on his face. It almost looked

    like he slid head first into the ground. His arms were in no better shape

    either. His right arm looked like it had been bitten into, and she still

    couldnt see what was wrong with his left hand. All she knew was it

    was bleeding an awful lot.

    Your parents are coming. What happened anyway? Rosie

    asked as her Father was now cleaning up his cuts with rubbing alcohol

    and paper towels.

    I was just ridding back from the store and out of nowhere a

    dog jumped me. I fell off my bike and it started yanking at my arms. Itwas growling. It was crazy, Tommy explained in a near whisper. He

    sniffled like he was fighting back the urge to break down and cry.

    Dad, do you think he'll need a rabies shot now? Rosie asked

    with a wicked smile. She said it just to watch him squirm a little bit


    Rabies? Tommy yelped.

    Her Father slowly nodded his head.

    I wonder if it was that coyote thats been eating all the dogs

    up? Was it Tommy? Rosie asked. It would certainly explain what

    happened to the missing dogs.

    Tommy seemed shy suddenly. He looked away and shook his

    head. No, it wasnt nothing like that.

    What was it then? Rosie asked.

    It was a Shih-Tzu Tommy sheepishly sighed.


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    A Shih-Tzu? Rosie roared in laughter. How could a Shih-

    Tzu do that? They're little fluff balls.

    I dont know. It was so fast. It was sparking like a lightning

    bolt too, Tommy whined as he fiddled with the paper towel himself.

    He seemed to be a bit relaxed now knowing he was safe.

    A lightning bolt? Rosie asked remembering the thunder she

    had heard.

    Yeah. I was riding and all of a sudden I see a little white dog

    sprinting at me. I didn't think much of it, but it started going really fast

    and it was glowing with electricity all of a sudden. I tried to speed off,

    but it knocked my off my bike, like it was going to eat me. I think it

    was on drugs or something. I tried to sock it, but it disappeared,

    Tommy added shaking his head, probably wondering if what he had

    seen was real or not.

    Huh, Peter uttered in disbelief. Yet he had a nervous look

    about his face, almost as if he knew something. He swallowed deeply

    and asked, I wonder if it is Mrs. Prescotts dog?Her dog went missing last week, Rosie thought out loud.

    No one's seen it. I wonder... Rosie began, but stopped herself. She

    was wondering if perhaps the dog had fallen into the wrong hands.

    Perhaps into the hands of someone who would do an experiment on it?

    Her Father told her not to spread such rumors however, he said gossip

    was destructive. She always thought it was fun on the other hand.

    All I know is it was vicious, Tommy blurted. They need to

    put it down, he frowned with a sour face.

    A few minutes later the Klien family arrived to pick up

    Tommy. His Mother seemed most concerned over his left hand, which

    had a small patch of skin completely missing off of one of the fingers.

    They hurried off to the hospital to get him taken care of, but asked if

    Wendy could stay while they were gone.


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    Her Father naturally agreed. They were members of the same

    church and knew each other very well. Rosie and Wendy were both the

    same age so they attended the same Sunday school classes ever since

    they were little girls. As it was, there werent many Latter-day Saints

    in their small town, so they were best friends.

    Her Father worked for a company called Evo-Netics. They

    were primarily a pharmaceutical company. Occasionally they would be

    in the newspaper concerning various patents or new drugs coming to

    the market. His job really shouldn't have been very interesting at all,

    but it seemed to be. Rosie always thought it was kind of strange her

    Father would have important things come up at work so often consider-

    ing he was a lawyer. It seemed they were being sued every five

    minutes. Sometimes in the middle of the night he would dash away to

    the office. Something seemed fishy, she just didn't know what.

    When they were alone, Rosie recounted to Wendy what

    Tommy had told them about the attack. Wendy couldnt believe it

    either. They both thought along the same lines too. Mr. Powell prob-ably had something to do with it. He was the old man who lived in the

    mansion. He was just about as eccentric as they came. He collected

    milk jugs on his front lawn. He kept a giant empty cage on the side of

    his house, and kids swore they saw bats flying out of his attic all the

    time. He almost never left his house, and when he did he shut his man-

    sion down tighter than Fort Knox. He had cameras, gates, and locks on

    everything. It seemed like some type of military base. Everyone was

    afraid of that place, even her Father wouldn't look at it when they drove


    I bet he had something to do with it, Wendy hissed. She

    curled her long blond hair on her fingers. Its what she always did

    when she was thinking extra hard.

    Yeah, I bet one of the animals he does experiments on es-

    caped. Or maybe he was testing it? Seeing if it could get the job

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    done? Rosie asked.

    Wendy slowly nodded her head. Thinking methodically about

    the twisted mind of Mr. Powell. I bet he is laughing it up right now.

    Rosie stood up suddenly, Lets go see. She had a flare for

    bravery and adventure, one that Wendy was disappointedly lacking.

    Go see? Wendy nervously asked.

    Yeah, let's see if he's outside. I bet we will find him search-

    ing for the dog that did this. Im sure it's one of his! Rosie grinned as

    she looked over her desk for a flashlight.

    Her room wasnt very feminine. There were no pictures of

    boys or famous singers. There were religious paintings, a microscope,

    and a small dog house next to her bed. It was kept very clean and

    hardly looked lived in except for the desk, which seemed to be filled

    with school-work from the past four years. There were also dozens of

    books. Both recreational and school. It almost seemed as though Rosie

    had nothing better to do, but homework.

    She finally found the windup flashlight she was looking forand began to spin the handle. The power elements squeaked noisily as

    she spun the generator. The lights dimly came to life, as if having a

    half dead battery feeding them.

    We cant leave, Wendy protested. It could be dangerous.

    Exactly! Rosie smiled. She was typically very calm, serene

    and agreeable, but she loved a good mystery. Mr. Powell and his

    creepy house had been driving her bonkers all summer long. It was

    time once and for all to see what was going on there. It was time to fig-

    ure out if he was the one responsible for the missing dogs. We need to

    see if its true Wendy. Weve been talking about it all summer. School

    starts next Monday

    UGGHH! Dont remind me! Wendy complained.

    Well it does. And if we dont find out what this guy is up to

    we might as well have wasted our whole summer. Were going to High


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    School, we cant be afraid to peek over some old mans fence, can we?

    Rosie asked. She knew Wendy was nervous about going to High

    School. It seemed like the pinnacle of a kids life. The last true bastion

    of childhood before they had to go out and make it on their own. And

    it was freighting, to say the least.

    Uhh, Wendy hesitated. Its dark, that silly flashlight isnt

    good enough.

    Rosie squinted her eyes trying to think of where another one

    was. To be honest the one she had wasnt too great. It was a bit dim

    already even though she had cranked it for a good while. I think my

    Dads got a big one for camping.

    Rosie and Wendy made their way downstairs. They could

    hear Rosies Father in the family room watching T.V. Rosie sneaked

    her way to the hall closet and looked inside for the large red flashlight.

    It was one of the mammoth flashlights that took the rectangular batter-

    ies. It would be more than enough. She found it just as Wendy acci-

    dentally kicked an old birdcage.You girls alright? Peter called from the other room.

    Rosie looked sorely at Wendy. Yeah, fine. Just getting

    something from the closet. She had been planning to sneak out, but

    her Father would be suspicious now. She walked into the living room

    and stood by her Father who was staring blankly at the comics. He

    seemed transfixed on them sometimes. It was like he was obsessed

    with them.

    We are going to take Tommys bike over to Wendys house.

    Well be back in a bit, Rosie smiled giving her Father a hug. Wendy

    giggled a bit knowing Rosie hadnt told him everythingthey planned

    on doing.

    A few minutes later they were out the door with flashlights in

    hand. They were both a bit afraid. They certainly didnt want to run

    into any wild coyotes, or Mr. Powell for that matter, but they wanted to

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    feed their summers notions of mystery and intrigue. Was Mr. Powell

    really a crazy scientist? Was he some sort of vampire caretaker?

    The little orbs of light shown brightly on the pavement down

    bellow. Tommys bike had already been pulled in their driveway so

    they walked passed it and headed up the sidewalk towards the mansion.

    A chilling wind blew on Rosies face and she hesitantly swallowed as if

    afraid. The street lamp above sputtered to life and died again a second

    later. It seemed to beat to life, with each beat of her heart. Dead leaves

    blew down the road in little packs as if playing a game.

    Rosie zipped her sweatshirt up, she hadnt expected it to be so

    cold. As they walked further up the hill she turned her head to see her

    home disappearing from view. They were walking passed an aban-

    doned lot of grass and thick shrub that lay between her home and the

    mansion. Suddenly she heard a rustling in the bushes and turned her

    head with a jolt.

    Wendy? Rosie croaked.

    Wendy darted her head towards the brush. Her blond hairwhipped every which way. She seemed to sink in her skin, wanting to

    disappear. Huh?

    Rosie held her big red flashlight up to the bushes. They were

    rustling, and it seemed that something as large as a bear was emerging.

    She saw someone's feet suddenly, and immediately shined the light up-

    ward, revealing two milky eyes covering themselves from the immense

    glow. Arms flayed batting in the air. Rosies knees began to shake,

    and she couldnt think straight. She started running as fast as she


    She didnt look back, and didnt know where she was going.

    She pointed the flashlight down so that she wouldnt trip, and thats all

    she could muster to do. She finally came storming up the hill with such

    a great speed when she came to the mansions gate she didnt even hes-

    itate to push it open. The iron gate swung open and several lights from


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    all corners came on. Cameras were trained on her, but she continued to

    run towards the old wooden fence. She finally stopped next to the large

    kennel on the side of the house and put her hands on it and knelt down

    to catch her breath.

    Who was that? Did you see them Wendy? Rosie asked.

    She turned her head only to discover that she was alone. She

    had never been this far on Mr. Powells property. To think that she was

    there by herself at this time of night made her horrified. She rubbed her

    eyes feeling an overwhelming sense of anxiety and stress overcome

    her. She knew she shouldnt be here. It wasnt safe. And she could

    hear something. Something very peculiar. It was like, a sniffing.

    She stood to her feet and looked around. She pointed the light

    around her trying to figure out where the noise was coming from and

    then held it at the kennel. For a brief second she could have sworn she

    saw two little eyes illuminate as she turned the flashlight towards the

    cage, but now there was nothing.

    She leaned in closer to the cage, transfixed on it. It soundedlike the noise was coming from inside the cage, but she couldnt see

    anything there. Hello? she oddly asked as if something would re-


    There was a loud clash suddenly. Rosie immediately turned

    her head towards the gate she had entered to see none other than Mr.

    Powell. He was walking with a leash in hand escorting what looked

    shockingly similar to a Shih-Tzu. She could feel her heart pounding. It

    was true! The nut had trained the dog to attack kids no doubt! Rosie

    crept further away from the cage towards the wooden fence. To her

    surprise Mr. Powell began turning around the corner heading straight

    for her.

    Rosie clicked the light off and picked up a milk bottle. She

    tossed it as hard as she could. No sooner had she thrown it that it

    shattered on the ground and startled Mr. Powell forcing him to turn his


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    head the other way. She took advantage of this time to scurry along the

    wooden fence until she finally reached a gate and went inside.

    Rosie had never been back here, and never dared to. She

    stood in bewilderment at what she saw. There was what looked like

    two large lighted greenhouses, a giant pond with a cage hanging above

    it, and milk bottles scattered everywhere on the ground. There was also

    a collection of some very small tanks, silos, and pipes. It looked like a

    miniature chemical manufacturing plant.

    Although she wished she had a camera, or could stand there

    all night and enjoy the view, she hurried towards one of the green-

    houses. She didnt know where Mr. Powell was headed and wanted to

    be well hidden before he was anywhere near her. She grabbed the

    handle and was relieved to find it unlocked. A thick and warm air

    greeted her as she fell to her knees and began crawling in a dusty


    She crawled along the ground only looking up to see what the

    plants were every now and then. She saw tomatoes, cucumbers, andeven several thorny looking artichoke plants, which were very large

    and were already in bloom ruining the vegetable. Then Rosie saw

    something. Something strangely curious and fantastic. She had never

    seen anything like it or dare imagine anything like it exist. She absent-

    mindedly stood to her feet and gazed in wonder at the plant. She

    plucked off one of the strawberry sized fruits, pinched it, and it burst.


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    The Punishment

    Aglowing goo was deposited on her fingers. It almostseemed like this plant was infused with light somehow. Its leaves gave

    off a bright white, and its fruit gave off a strange pink. If Rosie didnt

    know any better she would say it was a strawberry plant, but it wasn't.

    There was a small card on the front of the planter which read,Glow Berry. She wondered if it was edible. She licked the juice that

    was on her fingers. It tasted very much like honey. She picked another

    fruit and took a bite. It was delicious! It tasted like the mix between

    honeycomb and strawberry, and even had a sweet nectar center that

    made her tongue glow when she stuck it out.

    She ate a few more, before she remembered where she was

    and what she was doing. She took a few and stuffed them in her pock-

    et, so she could show Wendy later. As she was standing there she had-

    nt noticed there were lights on in the back yard now. It had been very

    dark before. Rosie wondered if Mr. Powell had seen her?

    Rosie took her flashlight with her and hurried to the door. She

    tossed it open and nearly tripped over a milk bottle. Thats when she

    looked up and saw Mr. Powell standing at the back doorway of his

    home. He was looking right at her. She froze, almost thinking he

    wouldnt see her if she didnt move. Her heart was racing, she felt sick

    to her stomach.

    What? Who are you? What are you doing here? he hollered

    in a loud and angry voice.

    Rosie dropped her flashlight and began to run away. She did-

    nt want to get caught. He might do experiments on her, or worse! She


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    jumped over milk bottle after milk bottle. She wondered what in the

    world he did with these things anyway? She could hear him yelling at

    her, but the further away she got the less it bothered her. She finally

    got to the wooden fence adjacent to her house and climbed up it with

    all her might and an incredible jump.

    She pulled herself up and over, and found herself in a thick

    brush. She trotted through it for a few minutes, then finally made her

    way to her own backyard where she again hopped over the fence and

    was safely home again. Her hands were shaking, but she was safe. She

    even cracked a nervous smile.

    Rosie let out a sigh of relief. It felt great to be home. She

    sneaked around the side of the house knowing the back door was

    locked and to her astonishment saw a worried looking Wendy pacing

    back and forth on the sidewalk.

    Hey, Rosie called from behind.

    Wendy jumped, You scared me! But with that Wendy went

    up and gave her friend a giant hug of relief. I was so worried. I wasthinking about calling the cops, but I didnt want to freak out your


    How come you didnt follow me? Rosie asked.

    I thought you were following me! I didnt expect you to go

    inside his yard! Right when I turned around and looked, I saw him

    head for the house just after you went inside the gate, Wendy ex-


    Well, it was pretty fun. Hes got a lot of weird stuff in the

    backyard. Look what I found in a greenhouse, Rosie smiled and

    reached into her pocket. She grabbed out three Glow Berries and

    handed them to Wendy.

    Wow, what are these? Wendy asked.

    The sign said Glow Berries. Theyre delicious too, try one,

    Rosie grinned as she ate one.


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    Wendy hesitated, but ate one too after she saw Rosie bite into

    hers. Hey, they really are good!

    Yeah, I think I should plant this. Maybe I could grow my

    own? Rosie giggled.

    Well did he see you? Wendy asked.

    Uh Rosie hesitated. Her face got itchy all of a sudden and

    she didn't know what to say. I dont know. I got a good look at him.

    Im not sure he would recognize me. Besides, hes a weird old man.

    He probably has a bad memory. We might want to get inside though.

    In case he comes looking for me, Rosie explained and hurried inside

    her house.

    When they walked in Rosies Father called to them from the

    other room. Rosie, tell Wendy her Dad called. He said we need to go

    down to the office, something came up. You girls dont mind, do you?

    You can spend the night too Wendy. Peter came out of the other room

    wearing a suit. He worked with Wendys Dad at Evo-Netics. When

    her Mother was living she worked at the same company too.Oh, okay, Rosie replied with a disappointing sigh.

    Wendy had a sulky look on her face. Rosie felt just about the

    same way. It wasnt that she didnt want Wendy to stay, she just felt

    kind of alone. Not alone, as in the only person there, but vulnerable.

    What if Mr. Powell came to the front door when the girls were there?

    Its not like they could punch him in the face and send him packing.

    They would be scared out of their wits. Pretty wasnt much of a guard

    dog either. She could bark and throw a fuss, but it was honestly little

    more than show.

    How come both our Dads have to work together? Wendy

    complained after Peter left the room.

    I dunno, Rosie moaned as she dragged herself into the living

    room. Pretty sat up and began stretching. Im going to get some

    blankets. Want to sleep in here tonight? Rosie asked pointing to the


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    sofa and recliners. Wendy nodded her head and grabbed the remote.

    When they were finally settled in and her Father left, the girls

    resorted to huddling around the T.V. watching the typical Friday night

    Heroes go at it. Whether they were watching Sci-Fis or mysteries,

    they always cheered for the good guys. They could kind of relate to

    them in a way. They always tried to do the right thing in their lives,

    and it was encouraging to have someone immortalized on T.V. that was

    fighting for truth and light. It was probably one of the only aspects of

    the modern world, which still held morality and honesty in high regard.

    Most of the time anyway.

    Finally as the shows started becoming reruns Rosie went up-

    stairs to retrieve an envelope. It was hidden underneath her mattress

    stitched behind a hidden compartment, which was concealed with Vel-

    cro. Wendy fetched the daily paper and they began one of their sum-

    mer rituals, which had consumed much of their lives recently.

    They would go through the paper, trying to find anything thatwas miraculous, amazing, or just plain weird; and sometimes, grizzly.

    They werent tin-foil-hat wearing psychos, but they did love a good

    story. They had ten miraculous events, eighteen amazing stories, five

    weird ones, and of course the grizzly ones. The ones that they hated to

    read, but they completed the spectrum of good and evil, and put things

    in perspective. There were a lot of grizzly stories unfortunately, and

    they cared not to count them.

    So, what do you want to go over first? Rosie asked.

    Wendy handed her a few sections of the paper and they began

    searching it. Most of the stories werent out of the ordinary. There was

    a story about roadwork going on, one about small business owners, and

    one about a fire at a local factory. Nothing really out of the ordinary

    that Rosie could tell. That is until she got to one about a burglary.


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    Crook Creeps passed Super Security - Staff Writer

    Bartholomew Little

    Last night after closing the super secure research firm

    Evo-Netics suffered an embarrassing breach in security. One

    man apparently got passed multiple layers of defense to steal

    dozens of classified documents relating to the firms latest re-

    search. While insiders arent naming anyone, it is thought rival

    companies, perhaps Lexew Enterprises was behind the break in.

    The two companies have flung mud back and forth re-

    cently, accusing the other of being technology thieves. Its no

    surprise that Evo-Netics recent patent of drug, (Cure-All) was

    placed minutes before rival Lexew Enterprise stormed in the

    building to apply for an identical patent, only to learn they had

    been beaten to the point.

    Lead researcher, Nathan Powell, was quoted as sayingEvo-Netics are cheats, liars, and thieves. We are trying to pur-

    sue litigation to stop them from stealing from us in the future.

    After all, how can I be expected to put food on the table for my

    kids when years of research is being stolen out from under me?

    Peter Goodrick, attorney for Evo-Netics responded by

    saying, Were not the one's stealing. Were trying to investigate

    who is behind theft at our own facilities as we speak.

    While this reporter doesnt know who is telling the truth,

    you can expect the mud to continue flying. Fly mud fly!

    Rosie sat there for a moment trying to take it all in. For

    weeks, months even of being on the outside, she now felt as if she were

    part of the news. Her own Father was in the newspaper. Why hadnt

    he said anything about it? No wonder why he had to leave for the of-

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    fice. She wondered if there was another break in? She was so over-

    come by the news she almost forgot to tell Wendy.

    HEY! Rosie yelled letting all of the excitement in her mind

    blow out.

    Wendy nearly jumped through the roof. What?

    Rosie couldnt say it, it was too exciting. Look at this, she

    cried jamming the newspaper into Wendys hands.

    Wendy began reading the story out loud. She began slowly at

    first, then a tinge of excitement radiated in her voice, and hurry as well.

    Evo-Netics, Lexew Enterprises, Peter Goodrick.

    Their Fathers had both told them about Lexew Enterprises.

    They told them what scum and cheats they were. They also said

    strange things about them too. Things the newspapers supported. An-

    imal experimentation, illegal human genetic manipulation, radiation

    based weapons. It seemed like they were always fighting against Evo-

    Netics too. Anytime a new drug or invention came out, Lexew Enter-

    prises would bash it saying it cases cancer, or say it was stolen. Mak-ing the situation worse, Lexew Enterprises relocated their headquarters

    directly across the street from Evo-Netics.

    Rosie had visited the facilities before. Her Father had a large

    office there, and many members from church worked there also. It was

    where her Mother had worked before she passed away of course, and

    coincidently both of Wendy's folks worked there too.

    What does this mean? Wendy finally asked.

    It means, our Dads are going to be busy. Those Lexew guys

    are trying to steal from them. Who else would it be? Rosie asked.

    Wendy continued staring at the paper. Hmm, Nathan

    Powell? You dont suppose he is related to the old man do you?

    Rosie stood up as if being struck by lightning. She had the

    sweetest epiphany she could have dreamed. I bet he is. Thats prob-

    ably why my Dad says to stay away from Mr. Powell. He doesnt want


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    us causing any more trouble.

    We ought to go egg his house. Show him what trash he is!

    Wendy wickedly smiled.

    No, we better stay home. If he is connected with Lexew En-

    terprises, who knows what he has at his house? He might shoot us with

    a radiation beam for all we know!

    They both sat there in quiet now. Wondering about what Mr.

    Powell was doing, what their Fathers were doing, and what was hap-

    pening tonight at Evo-Netics. Rosie knew the new Cure-All drug was a

    revolutionary treatment for cancer. It was supposed to help with many

    different kinds that were considered difficult to treat. They were manu-

    facturing it for a reasonable price too. It probably had something to do

    with that.

    It was getting late though. Wendys eyes were already

    droopy, and Rosie was having trouble keeping the sand man at bay her-

    self. All of their anxieties about loneliness had been replaced with the-

    ories and conspiracies. The kinds they loved. The kinds they stayed upfor hours talking about. The kind that finally exhausted them for the


    The following morning Rosie was woken up by a knocking at

    the door. She weakly opened her eyes to see Wendy fast asleep in front

    of her on the other couch. Rosie lazily got up and stretched. She mind-

    lessly put one foot in front of the other. Out of the corner of her eyes

    she saw someone coming. She turned her head, and discovered it was

    her Father.

    Hi Rosie, her Father said as he briskly walked to the door

    beating her there. He was apparently in the act of taking off his tie. He

    opened the door, and to Rosies horror Mr. Powell stood there. She al-

    most thought for a moment she was still dreaming and this was some

    sort of nightmare.

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    He was holding the red flashlight that she had dropped the

    night before. He had an angry look on his face as he held it up.

    Ditched this on my property Miss Goodrick?

    Her Father looked at her oddly. Rosie grabbed it out of his

    hand, seeing written on the handle in black, permanent, bold letters,

    GOODRICK. Oh, yeah. I guess I did.

    You ought to stay off my property young lady. See my signs

    dont you? he asked in an old shaky voice. He pointed his finger at

    her like a knife. It gave her the creeps.

    Sorry about that. I thought, I was being chased, Rosie ex-

    plained trying to keep herself steady. She had half the mind to run and


    Guess you get sneaking from your Dad? Dont she? Mr.

    Powell spat poking at Peter.

    Peter brushed his finger away and reassuringly said, Im

    sorry for whatever happened. I was gone last night and didnt know

    there were any problems. Is there anything I can do for you?No. Just tell her to mind her own business. For all I know

    shes a spy! Ill let Nathan know about this, mark my words! Mr.

    Powell hissed. He had a frown on his face that would have made a

    clown burst into tears. Gray whiskers were speckled all over his face,

    and his nose was long like a bird beak.

    Judas, Im sorry. Cant Rosie make it up to you? Need your

    house cleaned or anything? Peter asked shaking his head in bewilder-


    Mr. Powell crossed his arms and spat on the ground. Well

    It is hard for me to do that type of thing. Im always busy in my re-

    search. If you could send her over later, I suppose I could forgive the


    Absolutely. Shell be there whenever youd like, Peter



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    Noon. Sharp! Shell be there all day, tell her to eat

    something before she comes. Im not running a soup kitchen. And my

    house is pretty dirty! Judas laughed.

    Rosie was somewhat annoyed that her Father randomly volun-

    teered her to clean Mr. Powells dirty old house. That was the last

    thing she wanted to do with her last free Saturday before school started.

    She wanted to go to the mall with Wendy.

    Shell be there, Peter smiled as he closed the door and Mr.

    Powell went limping away.

    When the door closed Rosie crossed her arms and looked ag-

    gressively at her Father. His own expression was even more angry

    however when the door was closed, something that was very rare. It

    made Rosie back down like a downtrodden puppy.

    Rosie, listen to me very clearly, clean his home better than

    you would clean this one. The last thing we need is the Father of Nath-

    an Powell to be broadcasting to the media my daughter is breaking in

    his house. Why were you over there anyway? her Father demanded.I didnt mean to. I was just in his backyard, its not like I

    broke his front door down or anything, Rosie defensively replied.

    Just whatever you do, dont bother that old man. Hes not

    some circus freak for you to poke at. Leave him alone! Got it? Peter

    ordered turning red slightly.

    Yes sir, Rosie squeaked.

    Take Wendy with you too. Im sure she was right there with

    you, wasnt she? he stormed off before even hearing an answer.

    Truthfully Rosie almost wanted to cry. She wasnt a bad girl,

    and almost never got into any trouble. She slowly walked into the fam-

    ily room where she saw Wendy sitting up, probably woken up from all

    of the commotion.

    What happened? Wendy asked with a scared look on her



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    Rosie threw the flashlight on the couch. My stupid name was

    written on the flashlight! I dropped it when I was running and Mr.

    Powell snitched on me.

    Oh, Wendy squeaked with a worried look. Are we in

    trouble? she asked.

    Yeah, we got to go clean his stupid house now, Rosie com-


    No. We're going to the Galleria! Wendy protested. That

    was a large mall they planned on visiting in Dallas. They loved it, and

    they wanted to get some new outfits for Monday.

    Well, we better get some breakfast. Were going to need it.

    We have to be there all day. It's our punishment, Rosie cringed.


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    The Glasses

    Rosie and Wendy both found themselves retracing the stepsthey had made the previous night. Grudgingly they walked passed a

    few friends riding bikes and having fun much like they wanted to be

    having themselves. One teen even drove by them in a car, blasting thestereo. Rosie wanted to hide her face; she felt like a nerd. As they

    were nearly up the hill they both heard Tommy calling to them. They

    turned and saw that he was alright after all.

    Hey! Where are you guys going? Tommy asked as he

    peddled up beside them.

    We got in trouble, we have to clean Mr. Powells house,

    Wendy explained as she fiddled with her long blond hair making a


    What? Are you serious? Tommy laughed.

    Yeah. Anyway, how is your hand? Did the shots hurt?

    Wendy asked.

    Tommy held it up revealing a few bandages on his arm and

    several stitches on his finger. It all hurt pretty bad. They grafted

    some skin on my finger. Look, its gross isnt it?

    Eww, Rosie gagged seeing a dirty mess of bloody, scabbed,

    purple skin revealed underneath his bandage. He quickly covered it

    with a wicked smile.

    Do you guys want me to help? Tommy asked.

    Uh, why would you want to do that? Wendy asked.

    I dont know. Just wondering is all, Tommy smiled. He


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    looked over his shoulder though and saw several of his friends down

    the street. Never mind. Ill see you guys later! He smiled as he

    went speeding down the hill.

    They were finally at the heavily fortified gate. Thick square

    shrubs hid much of the yard. Signs of No-Trespass and Danger were

    posted on the iron fence. Cameras were everywhere, and Rosie hated

    to admit it, but it almost looked like weapons were pointed at the gate

    also. There was an intercom with a little button, so she pressed it.

    A loud electronic buzzer sounded and a few seconds later Mr.

    Powell appeared on a small LCD monitor. He had a weak smile on his

    face and croaked, Come on in, its unlocked. A loud clank sounded

    and the gate fell open.

    Rosie took a deep breath and walked bravely onto Mr. Pow-

    ells property. Rosie could hear a few kids behind her in the street.

    What are you doing? , Theyve lost their minds! yelled another.

    Rosie kind of felt like she was walking towards a firing squad.

    Her stomach was left at the front gate, and so was her nerve. She hadthe undeniable feeling of hopelessness. She wondered what she would

    find in Mr. Powells house. Dogs chained to walls? People chained to

    walls? Mr. Powell was such an enigma, there were hundreds of theor-

    ies about who he was and what he did. Yet some of that mystery was

    replaced. Now Rosie knew who he was and what he did. But she was

    still afraid. Just because he was a scientist, didn't mean he wasn't mad.

    As the girls made it to the front door they turned to one anoth-

    er. Rosie could see Wendys hands were a bit shaky. They both

    looked horrible. Are you scared?

    Uh huh, Wendy nodded.

    Rosie patted Wendy on the back trying to comfort her. Itll

    be alright. Its not like no one knows were here, Rosie mumbled half

    trying to convince herself it wasn't so bad.

    Rosie swallowed and knocked hard on the door. The door


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    echoed deep, sounding like a massive drum being pounded by a war

    chief. The door creaked eerily much like a haunted house, and behind

    it Mr. Powell stood in an old wrinkled white shirt and worn down kha-

    kis. He had on a dirty pair of black slippers that barely touched his

    heavily frayed pants. His hair looked very greasy and he smiled reveal-

    ing dirty yellow teeth.

    Hello Miss Goodrick. And this is? Mr. Powell asked mo-

    tioning towards Wendy.

    It seemed like Wendy tried to speak, but she couldnt gather

    the words. This is my friend Wendy. Shes here to help too, Rosie

    smiled for less than a second before turning back into a frown. She just

    couldn't keep a smile on her face. It was asking too much at a time like


    Very well, Mr. Powell gruffly yawned and held the door

    open wide for the two of them.

    Rosie walked in and turned to see Wendy wanting to take a

    dash for the gate. She grabbed her by the shoulder and with agentlenudge yanked her inside. They stood in the foyer of Mr. Powells

    house seeing dust and cobwebs covering nearly everything. A very ex-

    quisite crystal chandelier hung overhead looking almost as if it were

    covered by an oddly shaped gray lampshade, which was nothing more

    than a horribly thick layer of grim. The floor was in no better shape.

    Being black and stained around the edges, with a visible trail of walk-

    ing down the center.

    A rickety looking set of stairs laid in front of them and a hall-

    way straight ahead and to the left. The house for the most part was

    made of a honey colored oak, which was unfortunately blackened from

    lack of care. It was less a mansion and more of a dump. Rosie couldn't

    imagine anything living in a place like this, besides ghosts.

    Artwork hung on the walls needing to be dusted and just about

    everything for that matter looked as if it hadnt been taken care of for


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    nearly a decade. Rosie looked around wondering where in the world to

    start. She spun around feeling overwhelmed and saw a mop and buck-

    et, broom, and a table full of brand new cleaning supplies.

    I got these for you this morning. Figure theyd do the job.

    Ill be upstairs doing research. You can use the intercom if you need

    anything, Mr. Powell explained and began limping up the stairs. He

    laid almost all of his weight on the rails as he lifted himself up each

    step. He didn't turn once to make sure they were getting the job done.

    Rosie and Wendy both stood there watching him pull himself

    up the stairs until he was finally gone. Rosie grabbed the mop and

    bucket and Wendy took the broom. This place is a pigsty.

    Tell me about it, Wendy grumbled as she began whacking

    the chandelier free of dirt. It began snowing mounds of dust so the

    girls jumped aside until it was safe to breath again.

    Honestly, who would live in a place like this? Rosie asked

    covering her mouth.

    I know one. Hes upstairs right now, Wendy laughed.Rosie began walking around to find some water. She found a

    bathroom, which looked like it hadnt been used for years. The toilet

    was covered in a thick black mold. She flushed it and nearly gagged

    from the rancid smell.

    She turned the water on to wash her hands, and was surprised

    to find a smelly, rusty colored water come out of the facet. Gross!

    Even the water is rotten!

    Rosie gagged and left the water on hoping it would clear up in

    a minute or two. Wendy was walking around the house dusting the pic-

    tures with the broom. It was more like batting at them, but it got the

    job done. Rosie followed her just trying to get a good look at the

    house. There were two spare bedrooms, a library, a dinning room, a

    family room, the kitchen and bathroom. The rooms were all very large,

    and Rosie could tell if it were clean, it would be a very nice looking


  • 8/14/2019 The Heroes of Nightingale Preview


    and elegant home.

    In the dinning room there was a picture of Mr. Powell, an

    older woman, probably his wife, and what looked to be their son.

    Rosie wondered what happened to Mrs. Powell? Also to her surprise,

    there was nothing peculiar around the house. There were no experi-

    ments, no cages, nothing odd at all- except the filth. Rosie peaked out

    the back window however and could see the greenhouses, and the pond

    with a cage hanging above it; milk bottles by the dozens and several

    pipes connected to tanks. She wondered what all that stuff was for?

    As she walked passed the stairs going back to the bathroom

    she knew she needed to get up there somehow. Mr. Powell surely con-

    ducted all of his research upstairs, Rosie thought. For now, she would

    keep her end of the bargain and clean the house as she was told.

    Rosie pushed the mop back and forth slowly cleaning dirty

    layer after dirty layer. She found it easier to let the water soak in and

    then mop it, so she made most of the floor a wet, slippery, soapy mess.

    The mop was black by now from the grime, but the areas she hadcleaned looked much better. She must have changed the water at least

    six times already. Wendy had completed all of the dusting and was

    now going around cleaning the windows inside and out. Rosie whistled

    a bit while she worked, trying to liven things up a tad.

    Every time Rosie walked by the staircase she peaked up hop-

    ing to see a glimpse of something amazing. She was thoroughly disap-

    pointed however, when she realized she could see nothing good from

    her vantage point. She heard a few loud fizzles and what could be best

    described as a bang, but that was the extent of her excitement for much

    of the day.

    When Rosie was finally done mopping all of the floors Wendy

    and her played a quick game of Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who would

    be unfortunate enough to clean the bathroom. To Rosies disappointed

    paper, Wendys scissors was the victor. Rosie grabbed the bathroom

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    cleaner off the table and stomped off.

    As she was cleaning she daydreamed about what might be up-

    stairs. She wondered if there was any cool technology she might be

    able to use. Some sort of intelligence pill, or a weapon she might be

    able to use that could freeze bad guys in their tracks. She giggled a bit

    to herself as she imagined being in the newspaper for stopping a bank


    Eventually Mr. Powell came down stairs and called to the

    girls. Im going to be having a snack. You girls are welcome to join

    me, he hollered in a shaky voice.

    Rosie perked up. She hadnt expected any kindness from the

    old man. She washed her hands and joined Mr. Powell and Wendy in

    the kitchen. She took a seat next to Wendy as Mr. Powell chopped

    some food up on a cutting board.

    Its not often I have visitors you know. Sometimes my son

    comes, or some of his colleagues from work. But, I havent any

    friends Mr. Powell stood there for a moment. He shook his head ashe said, I suppose all I have is my research. But I love it.

    Rosie smiled at Wendy after having been separated from her

    for most of the day. Although she had to admit with all of the gross

    tasks she had to do, it wasnt as awful as they had both imagined it

    would be. Mr. Powell carried a glass dish to the table and set it down

    in front of them as well as some silverware and dishes.

    Rosie stared at it intently. There were what looked to be Glow

    Berries, and some type of white fruit, looking almost like an apple

    glowing the fairest white. There were also some small round fruits,

    similar in size to grapes. The girls both looked at each other and were

    very hesitant to take anything.

    Go on! Mr. Powell encouraged and began serving himself.

    He began eating quickly, as if it were all delicious. He particularly

    seemed to like the apple, which he licked very intently in his palms be-


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    fore biting into.

    Rosie wondered if he knew this was odd fruit? Surely he must

    have known they didnt sell Glow Berries in the supermarket? Um,

    Rosie weakly muttered.

    Mr. Powell looked up quickly, with a piece of white fruit

    hanging in his teeth, Huh?

    This stuff. What did you get it from? Rosie asked.

    Oh this? Its from my greenhouse. You like fruit, dont

    you? Mr. Powell asked.

    Oh, yes, of course. Its just weve never seen this kind of

    fruit before, Rosie explained motioning to Wendy who nodded her

    head in agreement.

    Of course you havent! I raise most of it myself. You dont

    think Im some, one shot blockhead do you? Mr. Powell spat getting


    Rosie shook her head not knowing how to respond. What do

    you mean? One shot blockhead?Mr. Powell jumped to his feet sending the chair crashing be-

    hind him. What? Whats this you say? You mean you dont know?

    You dont know what I've invented?

    Sir? Rosie asked being a bit afraid.

    Mr. Powell really lost it at that point. Blasted! He stomped

    up and down the kitchen and picked up a plate and threw it on a

    ground. Lousy, good for nothing partner! He took everything from

    me! He scammed me! He scammed me I tell you!

    Rosie stood up as did Wendy. Wendy looked like she wanted

    to leave, but Rosie walked up to Mr. Powell and took him gently by the

    hand. I believe you.

    Mr. Powell took a deep breath and seemed exhausted. He sat

    back down at the table and took a pair of glasses out of his pocket. He

    flicked the rims with his finger and finally said. Of all the things Ive

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    ever invented, theres one thing I discovered that I could never top.

    Whats that? Wendy asked from the other side of the room.

    These, he said holding up the glasses. These things are

    amazing, he smiled and laughed. They all began to laugh. Glasses

    were indeed amazing. They made a blurry world clear. Rosie knew he

    didn't invent glasses though. He must have been batty. She always

    figured he was.

    Mr. Powell fiddled around with the glasses in his hands. They

    were silver, and finely crafted. They looked like they were very old.

    He handed them to Rosie and said, Take good care of these, will


    Rosie nodded her head and slipped the glasses in her pocket.

    Wendy finally sat back down at the table just as Mr. Powell got up and

    told them he was going back up stairs to take a quick nap.

    The girls continued eating for a while as they whispered with

    one another. Do you suppose this fruit is safe to eat? Wendy asked.

    I guess. He isnt dead at least. Ill tell you one thing, it sureis good, Rosie smiled as she ate a Glow Berry.

    These little grapes are good too. They taste like lemon-lime

    soda, Wendy giggled.

    I wonder what's up stairs. Should we have a peek? Rosie

    asked in a whisper.

    Just as she said that however there was a knock at the front

    door, which startled them. Rosie hurried to the door, worried it was

    someone from Lexew Enterprises. She stuck her eye up to the peep

    hole and couldnt believe who she saw standing there. It was Wendys


    You wont believe who it is? Rosie gasped.

    Who, Wendy asked pushing her aside to look out as well.

    As soon as she had a good look for herself, she threw the door open and

    cried, Tommy! What are you doing here?


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    What? I just thought I would see if you are alright? Tommy


    Of course were alright! Wendy hissed in an older sister

    kind of way. Why dont you get back home?

    Tommy was non-responsive though and barged in. I just

    want to get a look around. Its not like you wouldnt do the same if I

    was here. You two, are the nosiest kids on the block!

    Keep your voice down, Wendy hissed.

    Alright! Tommy said defensively. I just want to get a look

    around, then Ill split.

    Well, hes taking a nap right now. We were going to go up-

    stairs and see what he has, Rosie explained with a wide smile. She

    was about to do what every kid wanted to do on the block. Get a first

    hand look at Mr. Powells house without interruption.

    Slowly all three of them crept up the stairs sure to not make

    any more noise than a tiny mouse. If Mr. Powell was not awake by

    now, surely he wouldnt be from them going to the second floor in thisstealth fashion. Like burglars they stepped further and further making

    almost no noise. Rosie tried to slow her breathing down. She didn't

    want to be any louder than she could possibly manage.

    Shh, Rosie whispered a final time as she was at the last step.

    Let me see what Mr. Powell is doing. I will wave you on if its clear.

    There were many closed doors and a long hall, which

    stretched around the corner. To her immediate right Rosie saw a door

    that was cracked open. She walked up to it and saw Mr. Powell sleep-

    ing soundly in his bed. Rosie crept back towards the stairs and waved

    her friends forward.

    Together they walked down the hall and opened the first door

    on the left. Inside there was what looked to be various rodents in

    cages. There were different signs on the cages as well. Some of them

    read, Titanium Infused Dual Cardio and Invisibility.


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    Oddly, the cage which read invisibility seemingly had nothing

    in it, but the exercise wheel in it was spinning vigorously. There were

    other cages that read, Double Speed and even one that read Fire

    Breath, which had little patches of burnt sawdust on the floor of the


    It was true. All of their wildest hypothesized notions of Mr.

    Powell being a mad scientist. He really did do strange experiments on

    animals. There really were bizarre things in his labs. Rosie couldn't

    help it, she pinched herself to make sure this was all real.

    Wow, this is incredible, Rosie gasped.

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