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The hasTings CenTer 2012 annual reporT

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Development Director: Lyn TraverseArt Director: Nora PorterInterior Photography: Siofra VizziCover Photography: Charles Porter

The Hastings Center is an independent, nonpartisan, and nonprofit bioethics research institute founded in 1969. The Center’s mission is to address fundamental ethical issues in the areas of health, medicine, and the environment as they affect individuals, communities, and societies.

©2013 The Hastings CenterTo obtain a copy of The Hastings Center’s complete financial statement for 2012, please write to the Development Department, The Hastings Center, 21 Malcolm Gordon Road, Garrison, NY 10524.

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2 From the President: A Blueprint for the Future

3 Envisioning The Hastings Center’s Work

4 Health and Health Care

6 Children and Families

8 Aging, Chronic Conditions, and Care Near the End of Life

10 Emerging Science and Conceptions of the Self

12 Human Impact on the Natural World

14 Scholarship: Scholars and Research Projects

15 Scholarship: Our Journals, Special Reports, and Books

16 Scholarship: Visiting Scholars

18 Impact on the Public Square

20 The “Next Chapter” Event: Celebrating Tom Murray

22 Hastings Center 2012 Board of Directors

23 Donors

28 2012 Financial Statement

View of the Hudson River from The Hastings Center looking north across Donnelley Lawn.

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From the President:A Blueprint for the Future

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

What are some of the most pressing societal challenges our nation and the global community face?

What are the ethics questions at the heart of those challenges? These questions are ones that Hastings

Center research scholars and senior staff asked themselves during a visioning process conducted during the

summer and fall of 2012. Through a series of retreats, we identified challenges with pressing ethics ques-

tions which the Center was poised to address. Our goal was to say what we think matters, why, and what we

are well-equipped to work on.

Five large challenge themes emerged, depicted in the figure on the next page and described on the fol-

lowing pages. In all five areas, The Hastings Center already has considerable expertise. Yet all five also rep-

resent open-ended challenges of great complexity, where there is much remaining work to be done. These

challenges and the normative questions they raise are our blueprint for the future.

We also reaffirmed the Center’s commitment to address these challenges through rigorous scholarship

and to bring them into the public square, because for democracy to flourish, citizens must be engaged.

Since its founding, The Hastings Center has been a place where people with diverse views can talk about

the most basic questions human beings can ask: How should we live? What is the right thing to do? The

Center has asked these questions in the context of advances in the life sciences and the technologies they

spawn, care of the sick and suffering, and protection of human and animal research participants.

Figuring out how to live and what to do are difficult questions in part because they conjure apparent ir-

reconcilables: how best to balance personal liberty and community wellbeing? Whose interests to privilege,

when resources are limited or when the manmade world imposes on nature? Grappling with these tensions

is at the heart of what The Hastings Center is all about.

Now more than ever our society needs a calm oasis for considering these tensions and how best to

resolve them. We should expect rational analysis, inclusion of all relevant stakeholders, a willingness to act

dispassionately, without regard to self-interest and with respect for divergent views. The Hastings Center has

reaffirmed its commitment to these values and identified the challenges to which we will devote our time

and talent. There will be many opportunities for you to join with us, and we hope you will.


Mildred Z. SolomonPresident and CEO

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ENVisioning The

Hastings Center’s


Under President Millie Solomon’s leadership, Hastings Center Scholars, with input from the Fellows, identified five broad areas where the nation and global community face serious chal-lenges and where bioethics can help. The result-ing vision creates the blueprint for The Hastings Center’s work over the coming years:

• Health and Health Care

• Children and Families

• Aging, Chronic Conditions, and Care Near the End of Life

• Emerging Science and Conceptions of the Self

• Human Impact on the Natural World

Given the Center’s dual mission of scholarship and public impact, these themes are stated in ways meant to be accessible to educated citi-zens as well as scholars. Clinical ethics, research ethics, public health ethics and other aspects of bioethics scholarly inquiry arise as through-lines within each of the themes.

Dissemination of our work will reach many kinds of audiences and will be achieved through pub-lishing, communicating bioethics in the public square, teaching bioethics, and building bioethics capacity upon request, such as the consultative work the Center did in helping to launch the first bioethics journal in Asia.

• Clinical Ethics• Cultural-Religious Diversity• Genetics• Global Ethics

• Research Ethics• Professionalism• Public Health• Neuroethics

Ethics Through-Lines

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This thematic area

examines the ethical

issues that arise both in

the course of enhancing

health care delivery sys-

tems and improving population health.

As health care costs rise worldwide, gov-

ernments debate whether—and how—they

can make health care more affordable,

while also improving its quality and

safety. At the same time, we know that

health care accounts for only a small pro-

portion of health outcomes. Social and

economic factors like income and educa-

tion, the availability of neighborhoods

with safe access to the out-of-doors and

affordable, healthy foods—as well as the

personal choices we make—are far more


Due in large part to social and

economic factors, there is a growing

gap between the health of the most

privileged and the most disadvantaged

members of U.S. society. Yet the gaps

between the health of the population in

wealthy nations and the populations of

poorer countries are even larger. People

live much longer in developed nations,

while the populations of developing na-

tions struggle to achieve even the most

basic health-related goals—clean water,

adequate nutrition, and emergency

health care. What do the populations of

the developed world owe to those of the

developing world?

How we live our lives also affects our

health. Obesity is now a problem in rich

and poor countries alike. How can we

change the unhealthy behaviors of large

populations, particularly when education

alone has made little difference? Where

is the line between empowerment, per-

suasion and coercion? What role should

regulations, environmental redesign and

incentives play?

The U.S. health care system provides

far greater financial rewards for treating

illness than it does for keeping people

healthy. In every other developed na-

tion, about half of all physicians work

• What are the fairest, most compas-sionate and cost-effective ways to redesign the U.S. healthcare system?

• How much health care is enough?

• Are there marginally beneficial but extremely expensive treatments that should not be offered? Who should decide?

• How can we better balance invest-ments in public health with invest-ments in health care?

Health and Health Care

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in primary care, where the focus is on

preventing illness as well as treating it.

In the U.S., only one third of physicians

work in primary care, mainly because

specialty care is more highly remuner-


In addition to expanding its fo-

cus on prevention, the U.S. health

care system must also improve qual-

ity and safety and rein in costs. The

U.S. spends about double what other

developed nations spend with health

outcomes that are no better and often

worse. Further, health care spending is

crowding out other social goods, such

as the ability to build a more sustain-

able environment or to provide effec-

tive education of the young, introduc-

ing intergenerational inequities. How

much health care is necessary for hu-

man beings to flourish? To what extent

should we pay for marginally beneficial


Advances in genetics and genomics

and in our understanding of the needs

of our aging population will raise still

more questions about how best to im-

prove population health and our health

care delivery systems. For example, as

personalized medicine advances, how

will new knowledge about

what works best for individu-

al patients affect health care

costs, policies about coverage,

and community health?

None of these problems

is easy. However, all will

benefit from careful reflec-

tion on how best to balance

costs and benefits, safety and

risks, competing notions of

fairness, and individual rights

versus community wellbeing.

The Undocumented Patients Web site ( is part of the Overbrook Foundation funded research project that explored ethical, legal, and policymaking challenges arising when undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. need medical care. It provides statistics, facts, and a wealth of resources geared to journalists, policymakers, advocates, and anyone inter-ested in issues concerning undocumented patients.

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Human beings have

long sought to con-

trol their reproduction

and shape their chil-

dren’s futures. Our power

to do this is greater than ever before, and

prompts difficult questions about the

obligations of individuals, families, and

society. What is responsible procreation?

Using assisted reproductive technolo-

gies, people who not long ago could only

dream of having biologically related

children are doing so. There is also a

growing global aspect to procreation

with a sperm donor from one continent,

an egg donor from another and a surro-

gate mother in still another. People can

time and plan their families to a degree

unimaginable even a year ago. Egg freez-

ing, until recently an experimental pro-

cedure, allows women to preserve their

eggs until they are ready to start families.

A growing array of tests identifies medi-

cal and nonmedical traits in embryos

created through in vitro fertilization,

affecting parents’ decisions about which

embryos to implant. Doctors screen

fetuses early in pregnancy for Down’s

syndrome, other conditions, and for sex,

potentially influencing judgments about

whether to continue a pregnancy. In the

near future, prenatal whole genome se-

quencing is expected to be less expensive

and more available, dramatically increas-

ing the amount of genetic information,

ranging from disease risk to indicators of

intelligence. How will this affect par-

enting? How will it add to the tension

between parents’ interests in learning as

much as possible about their children

and children’s interests in shaping their

own futures?

Complicating these questions is the

reality that the meaning of much genetic

information is unclear. Doctors may de-

termine a child has a chance of develop-

ing a particular disease later in life, but

they may not know with any certainty

• What are the ethics of creating and caring for children in the 21st cen-tury?

• Whose responsibility is it to protect children from the negative health impact of poverty, poor nutrition, violent homes and unsafe neighbor-hoods?

• If a parent and adolescent have dif-ferent wishes about continuing in research or treatment for the ado-lescent’s serious disease, should the teenager’s wishes outweigh the parent’s?

Children and


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this will happen or which environmen-

tal factors will have an impact. Even in

rare cases when doctors know a child

will fall ill with a particular condi-

tion, there is often no cure or effective

treatments, raising questions about the

value of having such information.

Most of society agrees parents have

broad discretion in making decisions

for their children. Some decisions are

straightforward, and others are ago-

nizing with long-term consequences.

When should very premature infants or

sick children be allowed to die? Which

moods and behaviors in children are

problematic and warrant altering with

drugs or other interventions? What

atypical or unwanted physical charac-

teristics justify using surgery to change

them? What role should children have

in making their own medical decisions

and at what age?

We know children’s environ-

ments—the foods they eat, the air they

breathe, their neighborhoods, and their

schools—dramatically influence their

mental and physical health. Beginning

before they are born, their environ-

ments may be as influential as their

genes, often more. As we learn about

the importance of these environments,

we may ask whether all the responsibili-

ties for raising healthy children should

fall to parents alone.

What is the role of

society—on the local,

national, or global

level—in setting and

implementing stan-


Reproduction and

child rearing are fun-

damental human ac-

tivities, and they have

long been contested.

New reproductive and

genetic technologies,

as well as new knowl-

edge about genetic and environmental

influences, intensify the need for rea-

soned analysis of the challenges posed

by creating and caring for children in

the 21st century.

Hastings Center Research Scholar Josephine Johnston, speaking on In Vitro Fertilization and Multiple Births for a panel at the 2012 American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) Conference in Washington, DC.

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Many ethical is-

sues in medical care

result from astound-

ing leaps in life expec-

tancy achieved during the

20th century. Effective public health

measures, treatment of once-fatal infec-

tious diseases, and a wide range of life-

sustaining technologies allow people in

developed nations—and increasingly, in

developing nations—to live much longer.

Often, part of a longer life is developing

age-related chronic illnesses that people

may live with for years.

These illnesses include familiar

chronic diseases that are treatable such

as diabetes and others that currently

are not, such as Alzheimer’s. They also

include diseases that used to kill patients

quickly, like cancer and HIV/AIDS, as

well as many physical disabilities and

mental health conditions. Low-cost

whole genome sequencing may lengthen

even further the time people live with

chronic illnesses by raising the possibil-

ity of diagnosing some of these condi-

tions decades before we develop them.

Individuals with chronic conditions,

long-term injuries, and disabilities face

decisions about which treatments to try,

whom to involve in medical decision

making, how to find the daily support

they may need, and when to use or fore-

go potentially life-sustaining technolo-

gies. Basic ethical questions—like whether

a patient is still able to make health

care decisions or live independently—go

unaddressed. Those living with chronic

conditions may also face profound

questions of identity, meaning and

uncertainty about goals, arising from

aging, illness and impending mortality.

Doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and

physician assistants may be very good at

battling disease, but in our current health

care system, they struggle to coordinate

patients’ care over time, especially after

a patient leaves the hospital. Patients and

their caregivers, often family members,

are left trying to manage and finance

• What more can be done to ensure that people with chronic conditions, disabilities or in the final stage of life receive the best care possible?

• Should new tests, like ones that identify biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease years before symptoms arise, be broadly promoted, if noth-ing can be done to prevent or cure the illness?

• What special protections should be in place when we conduct research with aging patients who suffer from dementia and cannot give their con-sent?

Aging, Chronic

Conditions, and Care Near

the End of Life

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increasingly complex care regimens

at home. The burdens on family care-

givers are enormous, impacting the

caregivers’ own health and the family’s

fiscal security.

What does our society owe to those

living with chronic conditions? How

can we build systems of care that are

more responsive? How can we help

people “age in place,” remaining mem-

bers of their community within famil-

iar settings for as long as possible?

When it comes to the final phase of

life, there has been great progress. We

now have good evidence of how best to

relieve suffering, provide good pallia-

tive care, resolve conflicts, and honor

the individual preferences of dying pa-

tients, but our health system is slow to

incorporate this knowledge. Health care

professionals are seldom reimbursed

for discussing the end of life with pa-

tients, have limited time to address the

subject, and often are poorly prepared

to talk about such sensitive matters.

They may also be unaware of what is

ethically and legally permissible or

confused by continuing ethical debates

on issues like physician-assisted suicide

or determining death in the context of

organ transplantation.

As the 21st century progresses and

the massive Baby Boom generation

ages, health care profes-

sionals, patients and fam-

ilies face unprecedented

challenges. There will

be hard choices to make

requiring careful ethi-

cal analysis, balancing

of stakeholder interests,

health care professional

accountability, the need

for civil discourse in the

public square, with wis-

dom and moral insight.

Hastings Center Scholars are collaborating with researchers at the Centre for Biomedical Ethics at the National University of Singapore to develop best practices in end-of-life care and an online teaching casebook. At a meeting in Singapore are (from right) Alastair Camp-bell, director of the Centre for Biomedical Ethics and a Hastings Cen-ter Fellow, and Hastings Center Research Scholars Nancy Berlinger and Michael Gusmano. Principal investigators from the Centre for Biomedical Ethics are (second from the right) Calvin Ho and (fourth from the right) Jacqueline Chin.

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Advances in genetics,

epigenetics, neurosci-

ence, psychology, and

computer science are

contributing detailed ex-

planations of the mechanisms

that underlie human experience. This

knowledge poses two related challenges:

First, what do these advances tell us

about ourselves? Second, if we could use

them to better ourselves, should we?

Regarding the first challenge, per-

haps no science offers more clues about

who we are than neuroscience. It has

begun to associate specific characteris-

tics in the brain with inclinations for

particular kinds of behavior, such as

violence. Does this information suggest

our behaviors are predetermined? How

does this evidence change our notions of

personal responsibility and our long-

standing societal debate over free will?

Interpretation of the meaning of

neuro-images is fraught with uncertain-

ty, and yet it is increasingly likely that

they will be used as evidence in criminal

cases to excuse defendants or reduce

their sentences. Findings that link ge-

netic traits with behaviors and emotions

may revolutionize how we see ourselves,

or prompt us to oversimplify complex

relationships among our genes, our envi-

ronment and how we act.

As for the second challenge, we have

always used technology, from foot bind-

ing and body piercing to wigs and cos-

metics, to change how we appear to oth-

ers in the hope they will experience us

differently and our notion of ourselves

will be enhanced. We have enhanced

our perceptions, emotions, and func-

tioning more directly by using a variety

of substances such as caffeine, alcohol,

nicotine, and peyote. Over the last few

decades, our arsenal of tools for personal

enhancement has grown to include drugs

like Prozac, Ritalin, and Viagra, as well as

computer-based technologies such as co-

chlear implants to help the deaf to hear

and, most recently, robotic limbs that

• How will advances in neuroscience and genetics affect our concepts of human agency and free will?

• If brain scans suggest a murderer has brain anomalies consistent with violent tendencies, does this lessen his responsibility for his crime?

• If we discovered a drug that could make us treat others better, should it be offered? Should everyone be required to take it?

Emerging Science and Conceptions of the Self

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patients can move with their thoughts.

Each of these enhancers directly

affects how we interact with each

other, in school, in sports, and in life in

general. Pressures to compete at elite

universities, at the highest levels in

sports, and in society, in general, where

the odds of success are increasingly

long are felt by people in the U.S. and

the rest of the world. Is it fair to en-

hance ourselves to gain an edge? What

about those who do not have access to


We may also gain the power to

transform ourselves not to compete,

but to bring society together. Some of

the most talked-about recent work in

neuroscience suggests new drugs may

enhance moral behaviors. There is

some evidence we can increase trust in

others with drugs such as the naturally

occurring hormone oxytocin. Other

work suggests we might make ourselves

less prone to harm others by taking a

drug that modulates the neurotransmit-

ter serotonin.

We have always aspired to make

ourselves better people, and that’s a

noble goal. But does the way we achieve

these goals matter? Does taking a drug

to make ourselves “more moral” dimin-

ish or enhance our humanity? The Hastings Center teamed up with WBGH to produce Cracking Your Genetic Code, a NOVA special on new frontiers on genetics and genomic-based medicine that aired in March 2012. The Center orga-nized an advance screening of the show in Washington, followed by a panel discussion. On the panel, below, (from left): Sarah Holt, film-maker of the show; Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health; Paula Apsell, senior executive producer of NOVA; and Tom Murray, president of The Hastings Center.

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Humans exert great

pressure on the natu-

ral world. Habitats

and species suffer not

only from environmental

changes caused by industry and technol-

ogy, but also from the strain caused by

the world’s massive human population,

which has doubled in the past 50 years

and is rising rapidly.

At the same time, human health

and well-being face huge environmental

challenges. Increasingly, these challenges

are global in scale such as the relentless

rise of greenhouse gases driving climate

change, the acidification of the oceans,

and shortages of fresh water, fuel, and

other natural resources. Local environ-

mental problems such as urban smog,

pesticide-contaminated water, and in-

dustrial toxins also affect human health

and are often sharpest among the most

vulnerable in developing countries and

disadvantaged populations.

Solutions to these problems must be

multifaceted involving political and in-

stitutional change at national and global

levels, reduced human demands on the

environment, and better technologies to

provide water, fuel, and other resources.

Genetic engineering (the modification

of organisms to serve human ends) and

non-genetic forms of synthetic biol-

ogy (creating artificial and potentially

nonorganic life forms) are technologies

that may benefit humans and the planet,

but they also may pose great risks. If, for

example, we can alter a species of algae

to produce gasoline, should we? Will in-

troducing it into the environment lead to

unforeseen consequences for ecosystems

and human health?

Making good decisions about new

technologies requires thinking more

deeply about how we judge them. What

counts as a risk, and what counts as a

benefit? How heavily should each be

weighed? Will we be better off in the

long run if we promote action or cau-


• New technologies may help resolve major environmental challenges, but may also pose serious risks to the environment and to human health. How should we think about risk and benefit, especially when so little is known?

• As we consider how to mitigate the effects of global warming, whose interests—from future generations to non-human animals—should be weighed in our deliberations?

• How can scientists study the effects of toxic chemicals such as pesticides without putting healthy adults and children who enroll as subjects of this research in harm’s way?

Human Impact on the Natural


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Considering our deepest philo-

sophical beliefs also will help to clarify

our goals and our priorities. Does the

concept of nature carry moral weight?

What is the proper relationship be-

tween humans and nature? Should

humans strive to affect nature less, or

try to use it for their benefit? Should

animals be used to benefit human med-

ical research?

It should be no surprise that harm

to nature often results in harm to

humans. Pollutants cause health prob-

lems, ocean acidification affects the

food supply, and climate change may

cause unnecessary deaths and wide-

spread social disruptions. Environmen-

tal impacts that range from the small-

scale (such as patient-friendly design of

hospitals or removal of toxic chemicals

in our homes) to the large-scale (such

as food production and water supply)

may benefit or harm our health, some-

times in surprisingly dramatic ways.

Paying attention to human health

and well-being is crucial as we contem-

plate how to help our environment. An

environmental ethic that does not take

human health seriously will itself not

be taken seriously. There are tradeoffs

between protecting the environment

and advancing human well-being.

Social injustices may arise when certain

populations are affected more acutely

by harm to the en-

vironment. Where

do we draw the line

between concepts of

individual liberty and

the common good?

How much do we owe

to future generations

who will inherit the

planet we leave them?

The Hastings Center has been studying ethical issues in synthetic biology, a science that seeks to develop organisms and other biologi-cal systems that are not found in nature but can serve desired human purposes. At a project meeting at the Center were the project leaders (top row, far left) Tom Murray, President Emeritus and senior research scholar, and Gregory Kaebnick, research scholar; (bottom row, third from left) Michael Gusmano, research scholar; and (top row, third from right) Erik Parens, senior research scholar. Top row, second from right, is Mildred Solomon, Hastings Center President.

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Undocumented Patients: Human Rights, Access to Health Care, and the Ethics of the Safety Net Nancy Berlinger, Michael Gusmano (Human Rights Program of the Overbrook Foundation)

Ethics of Medical Research with Animals: Science, Values, and Alternatives Susan Gilbert, Greg Kaebnick, Thomas Murray (The Esther A. and Joseph Klingenstein Fund)

Role of Patients in Drug Regulation Michael Gusmano, Thomas Murray, and Mary Crowley (California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Food and Drug Administration; CONNECT, Domain, and the Wireless Health Institute)

Hastings Center Report Special Report: Ethical Oversight of Learning Health Care Systems, Mildred Solomon (AAMC)

Research Methods for Evaluating Patient Health Outcomes in Rare Diseases: Symposium and Special Report Sarah McGraw (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality under subcontract from Brigham and Women’s Hospital)

The Use of Whole-Exome Sequencing to Guide the Care of Cancer Patients Sarah McGraw (National Institutes of Health/National Human Genome Research Institute under subcontract from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)

Accountability and the Role of the Principal Investigator in Multicenter Trials Sarah McGraw (National Institutes of Health/National Human Genome Research Institute under subcontract from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)

The Bioethics Project: The Medically Modified Human, Josephine Johnston, Jacob Moses (anonymous donor)

Fertility Treatment and Multiple Births: Ethical and Policy Issues on the Path to a Healthy Singleton Josephine Johnston, Michael Gusmano, with the Yale Fertility Center (March of Dimes Foundation)

The Hastings Center Guidelines for Decisions on Life-Sustaining Treatment and Care Near the End of Life Nancy Berlinger (The Albert Sussman Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust and the Patrick and Catherine Weldon Donaghue Medical Research Foundation; additional support was provided by the donors to The Anika Papanek Memorial Fund)

Development of Best Practces in End-of-Life Care and an Online Teaching Casebook Nancy Berlinger, Michael Gusmano, Jacob Moses (Lien Foundation under a subcontract from the National University of Singapore)

Challenges of Informed Consent in Return of Data from Genomic Research Erik Parens (National Human Genome Research Institute under a subcontract from Columbia University)

Center for ELSI Research on Psychiatric, Neurologic, and Behavioral Genetics Erik Parens (National Human Genome Research Institute under a subcontract from Columbia University)

Advancing Collaborative Genetic Research: Ethical and Policy Challenges Karen Maschke, Tom Murray (National Human Genome Research Institute under a subcontract from Case Western Reserve University)

Ethical Issues in Synthetic Biology: Four Case Studies Greg Kaebnick, Thomas Murray, Michael Gusmano, Erik Parens (Alfred P. Sloan Foundation)

Ethics Consultant to the Mayo Clinic Biobank, Karen Maschke (under a subcontract from the Mayo Biomedical Research Ethics Unit)

Returning Individual Genetic Results to Participants in Cohort Studies, Sarah McGraw (National Institutes of Health/National Human Genome Research Institute under subcontract to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)

Cracking Your Genetic Code: A WGBH/NOVA Production in Association with The Hastings Center Mary Crowley (Greenwall Foundation; National Institutes of Health under a subcontract from WGBH)

Scholarship: Scholars and Research Projects

Nancy Berlinger Daniel Callahan

Michael Gusmano

Gregory Kaebnick

Josephine Johnston

Karen Maschke

Sarah McGraw

Erik Parens

Thomas Murray

Mildred Solomon

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Scholarship: Our Journals, Special Reports, and Books

Our Journals. The Hastings Center publishes two leading journals in bioethics: Hastings Center Report and IRB: Ethics & Human Research. The Report, the Center’s flagship journal, is read by a diverse audience, including doctors, nurses, lawyers, and bioethics scholars. IRB has a specialized readership of members of institutional review boards that oversee research protocols involving human subjects and research ethics scholars.

Special Reports. Many of the Center’s special reports grow directly out of the Center’s research projects. For example, The Hastings Center col-laborated with the Yale Interdisciplinary Center in Bioethics on a 2011 project on the use of animals in research. Funded by the Esther A. and Joseph Klin-genstein Fund, the project investigated alternatives to animal models in biomedical research and resulted in a 2012 special report: Animal Research Ethics: Evolving Views and Practices. This report describes arguments for and against using animals in particular kinds of studies, alternative models that might replace animals in some research, and the ways U.S. laws governing animal experimentation can be amended to reduce unnecessary animal suffering.

In 2012, the Center also began publishing special reports as supplements to the Hastings Center Report, on topics for which we did not already have a funded project. The goal of these special reports is to pro-vide an opportunity for thought leaders, drawn from Hastings fellows, staff scholars and other national

experts, to serve as guest editors on topics they want to bring to national attention. The Center launched the first of these: Ethical Oversight of Learning Health Care Systems to catalyze a national debate on advanc-ing quality improvement research. Co-guest editors Mildred Solomon, Hastings Center President, and Ann Bonham, Chief Science Officer at the As-sociation of American Medical Colleges, invited commentaries to “provoke a national conversation. The challenge is to design oversight that adequately protects patients without impeding the kinds of data collection activities we need to improve health care quality, reduce disparities, and bring down our rate of medical errors.”

Books. The year would not be complete without another new book from Hastings Center co-founder, Daniel Callahan, and 2012 saw two new ones: his memoir In Search of the Good: A Life in Bioethics (MIT Press) and a collection of his writing, The Roots of Bioethics: Health, Progress, Technology, Death (Oxford University Press). These works encompass a half century of Callahan’s observations of, and influence on, how we are born, live and die, through the prism of the impact of advances in science and medicine. His achievements have “earned him recognition as one of a handful of thinkers who shaped the second half of the 20th century,” writes Jonathan E. Moreno, David and Lyn Silfen University Professor at the Uni-versity of Pennsylvania.

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Wellcome Trust Ethics and Society Fellow, Ethox Centre of the University of Oxford - May 2012

Ruth Horn came to The Hastings Center in May

2012 to work on a bi-national comparative research project that explored ethical issues in end-of-life care in France and England. Her review of arguments and legislation on this topic suggested that the English perspective on advance directives was more concerned with the risk that the docu-ments could be misinterpreted, whereas the French concerns focused more on the fear that doctors would become mere instru-ments for fulfilling patient demands. To gain deeper insight on these perspectives, Horn conducted twenty eight interviews with physicians in each country. She spent her time at Hastings analyzing the data she gathered from her interviews and prepar-ing a paper based on her findings. Horn’s research led to a Wellcome Trust Ethics and Society fellowship at the University of Oxford where she continues to explore ethical implications of advance directives in European countries.


Yale Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics, Yale University - Recurring Visitor 2012

Wendell Wallach, a scholar at the Yale In-terdisciplinary Center

for Bioethics, visited The Hastings Center regularly in 2012. Wallach’s research centers on the ethical issues that arise in emerging technologies, for which he is recognized as a leading figure in the developing field of “Machine Ethics.” Also known as “Artificial Morality,” the study of Machine Ethics aims to incorporate morality into the decision making processes of machines and systems of artificial intelligence. Recently, Wallach created a project proposal related to an ex-ecutive order from President Barack Obama to limit the creation of machines with the capacity for killing human beings. Accord-ing to Wallach, this proposal would be “a first step” in pursuing a standard in interna-tional law that would prohibit robots from “making decisions” that result in human deaths. Wallach also used his time at the Center to complete a proposal for a book titled, Navigating the Future.

On his time visiting with Hastings scholars, including Daniel Callahan and Millie Solomon, Wallach noted, “we began

discussing the prospect of future Hastings Projects that would focus more on the gov-ernance of emerging technologies.”


Department of Philosophy, University of Western Ontario - October 2012

Most visiting scholars come to The Hast-ings Center to explore

moral questions related to specific bioethi-cal issues. However, some scholars pursue their philosophical underpinnings, such as about how we ought to reason on moral and bioethical issues more generally. Barry Hoffmaster, former president of the Cana-dian Bioethics Society, visited The Hastings Center in October with broader philosophi-cal projects in mind. In his co-written book project with Cliff Hooker, Re-Reasoning Eth-ics, Hoffmaster attempts to bridge the divide between traditional—often highly logical—philosophical approaches to morality with more realistic and common understandings of moral reasoning. In Hoffmaster’s pre-sentations at the Center, he described how traditional moral philosophy resists nor-mally experienced concepts such as moral compromise. “Compromise,” Hoffmaster explained, “has no place in moral philoso-

Scholarship: Visiting Scholars

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phy because it preserves inconsistencies between principles.” Hoffmaster critiques this understanding and argues for a broader, less formal conception of rationality, one that can account for real-life experiences such as moral compromise. In a concurrent project while at Hastings, Hoffmaster also presented his work on the nature of human suffering for an article “Understanding Suffering,” which will appear in an upcom-ing anthology on suffering and bioethical decision making.


Feinberg School of Medicine, University of Chicago - Decem-ber 2012

Abortion is one of the most controversial and emotionally charged

topics in bioethics. Katie Watson came to The Hastings Center with a project meant to engage with the nuances of abortion practices and to ultimately move the con-versation forward to what Watson described as a “next step in its maturity.” According to Watson, the current discussion has, for too long, been a matter of all or noth-ing—abortion is framed as either “good” or “bad.” In response to this, Watson developed a book project that endeavors

to address the shortcomings in the current discourse on abortion. She argues for a greater effort among bioethicists to move beyond the controversy to explore ethical questions existing within the provision of abortion that have gone largely un-noticed. In other words, Watson signals a need for more ethical conversation on a clinical level that would address the on-the-ground dilemmas that abortion providers and their patients face. “I’ve learned that many abortion providers feel abandoned by ethicists,” said Watson. “My book will demonstrate that a robust ethics discussion needn’t cast doubt on abortion services; instead it supports patients, doctors, and the ethical practice of medicine.”

Kiararash Aramesh Tehran University of Medical Science, IranJoseph Balog The College of Brockport, NYDaniel Brauer University of Gottingen, GermanyCatherine Caldicott Cazenovia, NYStephen Campbell University of MichiganBetsy Campbell Altoona, PAJohn Coggon University of Manchester, UKLisa Forsberg King’s College, UKAnne-Marie Greaney Institute of Technology, IrelandMelinda Hall Vanderbilt UniversityScott Ijaz Ohio State UniversityElizabeth Kitsis Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NYTamara Mann Columbia UniversitySheelagh McGuinness Keele University, UKNeil Messer University of Winchester, UKJade (Hyojung) Mo Arizona State UniversityNicolae Morar University of OregonKieran Owens New South Wales, AustraliaAndrew Peterson University of Western Ontario, CanadaHenrique Moraes Prata University of San Paulo, BrazilDavid Rodrigues Instuto de Filosfia, Madrid, SpainBarbra Rothschild University of North Carolina, Chapel HillJitka Rusova Charles University, Czech RepublicHeikki Saxon University of Tampere, FinlandRosana Trivano Instuto de Filosfia, SpainYvette van der Eijk National University of SingaporeAyesha Verrall National University of SingaporeMark Julian Wells Vanderbilt UniversityRobert Whiteman Attorney, Mount Kisco, NYKirk Zachary SUNY Health Science Center

2012 Visiting Scholars

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Impact on the Public Square

As part of its ongoing commitment to bioethics in the public interest, The Hastings Center expanded its channels for engag-ing varied audiences, including journalists, policymakers, and the general public. Those channels included major events, new publica-tions, and an award-winning television show

viewed by millions.

A significant initia-tive was a collaboration with TEDMED, a vast, multi-disciplinary com-munity of innovators and leaders who share a common determina-tion to create a better future in health and medicine. The Hastings Center worked with TEDMED on its 20 Great

Challenges in Health and Medicine, a year-long imitative that explored America’s most confounding health and medical problems by incorporating multiple perspectives to set the stage for effective action. Center co-founder Daniel Callahan, Thomas Murray, then Hast-ings president, along with Hastings Center board members Alan Fleischman, Richard Payne and Blair Sadler, and Hastings Fel-lows Bruce Jennings and Carol Levine, were designated experts in the challenges, which

included end-of-life care, the caregiving crisis, and the obesity crisis. The effort culminated in events at TEDMED 2013.

Journalists regularly write about Hastings Center research and interview staff Scholars, but in March 2012 the Center employed a new way to engage journalists: it organized a “bioethics boot camp,” a one-day workshop at CUNY Graduate School of Journalism in New York, funded by a grant from the National Association of Science Writers. Hast-ings Center staff held panel discussion on topics such as conflicts of interest in research and medicine, genetic testing and personal-ized medicine, and emerging biotechnol-ogy. Prominent journalists also participated, including Ivan Oransky, executive editor of Reuters Health and Charles Ornstein, senior reporter at ProPublica. The workshop at-tracted a capacity group of journalists and journalism students, as well as clinicians. A post-workshop survey of attendees showed a very positive response, with several people expressing the desire for a longer bioethics boot camp in the future.

In addition, the Center launched a new blog, Over 65, to give voice to ongoing con-cerns of an aging population: health, eco-nomic well-being, family needs, and values about illness and mortality. It was created by Daniel Callahan with James Sabin, a psychia-

Cracking Your Genetic Code Research EvaluationThe NOVA show significantly increased the general pub-lic’s awareness of bioethics. A survey assessed changes in awareness and understanding of bioethics, biotechnology, and related issues among several hundred people from the general population and regular PBS viewers before and after watching the show. The number of people from the general population who were “very or somewhat familiar” with bioethics jumped from 40 percent to 67 percent. The number of regular PBS viewers with this much familiarity with bioethics increased from 52 percent to 73 percent. The survey also found that before the show both groups were far more aware of biotechnology than of bioethics, but that after the show that gap disappeared.

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trist and clinical professor of population medicine and of psychiatry at Harvard, and Sherwin Nuland, professor emeritus of sur-gery at Yale and bestselling author. Over 65 has dozens of contributors, including Nobel laureate David Baltimore and two MacArthur Award Fellows, Hastings Fellow Carol Levine, director of the Families and Health Project of the New York Hospital Fund, and Diane Mei-er, director of the Center for Palliative Care at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York.

A major public television program produced by WGBH in association with The Hastings Center aired on March 28, 2012. Cracking Your Genetic Code, a NOVA special on new frontiers in personalized genetic and genomic-based medicine, received major funding from the National Institutes of Health and support from The Greenwall Foundation. NOVA is the nation’s most watched science series, reaching four million viewers weekly. Partnering with the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a leading professional organization dedicated to advancing science around the world, the Center organized an advance screening of the show in Washington. The screening was followed by a panel discussion that includ-ed Thomas Murray, then president of The Hastings Center; Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health; the

filmmaker, and the senior executive producer of NOVA. In November, the NOVA show was awarded the AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Award in the television category.

To strengthen communications with Hastings Center Fellows, the Center began publishing Currents, a newsletter featuring new books by Fellows and other news, as well as updates on Hastings Center proj-ects and visiting scholars.

Visitors to the Over65 blog ( have found a Web site rife with entries and discussion on top-ics ranging from end-of-life health decisions and caregiving for

the elderly to global aging and ageism, and much more.

To inform the U.S. electorate prior to the 2012 Presidential election, The Hastings Center launched Bioethics 2012 (, a Web site that tracked where President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney, as well as the Democratic and Republican parties, stood on key issues in bioethics. The site contained summary statements on issues such as caregiving; cloning; climate change, health care costs; health care reform, stem cell research, and undocumented immigrants’ access to health care. We also used social media to foster conversation on these issues.

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The “Next Chapter” Event: Celebrating Tom Murray

Hastings Fellow Adrienne Asch with Bruce LevinBoard members Michele Moody-Adams (l) and Anita Allen (r) with Paul Castellitto

L-R, Research Assistant Colleen Farrell, Barbra and Andy Rothschild and Bill Peace

Hastings Center Board member Gilbert Omenn with president-elect Mildred Solomon

L-R, Hastings co-founder and president emeritus, Dan Callahan,

Board member Pat Klingenstein, and Sidney Callahan

Hastings Center Board members enjoy-ing a light moment. L-R, Joseph Fins,

Robert Michels, and Willard Gaylin

L-R, President-elect Mildred Solomon, Board Chair, David Roscoe, Ethan Berman, and Fiona Hollands


Photos by Charles Porter

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Campaign Council member Aimee Mullins offers a congratulatory hug to Tom Murray

Roasting and toasting Tom Murray’s Hastings Center career, Center Co-founder Will Gaylin got a very big laugh from Tom in the audience (and Tom’s mother Terry in the background)

The proud Murray family gathers for the June 7 event: Front Row: Terry Murray, Tom Murray, Cynthia Murray; Back Row: Nicky Turco, Andy Murray, Pete Murray, and Kate Murray

Guests join in recognizing and celebrat-ing Tom Murray’s years of service, with Tom somewhat challenged at being in the spotlight!

Tom Murray with Hastings Center staff, L-R Research scholar Greg Kaebnick, Director of Public Affairs and Communications, Mary Crowley, Development Assistant, Siofra Vizzi, former Research Assistant, Polo Black Golde, and New Media Director, Jacob Moses

Board member and campaign chair Joshua Boger an-nounced that the Facing Life Cam-paign had surpassed $13 million and that the Thomas H. Murray Fund had reached over $1 million.


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2012 Board of Directors

Rebecca DresserWashington

University School of Law

Kim KamdarDomain


Barbra Rothschild

Columbia University

Liza Bailey

New Board MembersOfficers

David L. RoscoeChair

Mildred Z. SolomonPresident and Chief Executive Officer

Harriet S. RabbSecretary

Andrew S. AdelsonTreasurer

BOard Of directOrs

Andrew S. Adelson

Liza Bailey

Joshua S. BogerVertex Pharmaceuticals

Daniel Callahan

Rebecca DresserWashington University School of Law

Joseph J. FinsWeill Cornell Medical College

Alan R. FleischmanAlbert Einstein College of Medicine

Willard Gaylin

Francis H. GeerSt. Philip’s Church in the Highlands

Thomas B. HakesC/S Group

Geoffrey R. HoguetGRH Holdings, LLC

Kim KamdarDomain Associates

Patricia Klingenstein

Ilene Sackler LefcourtSackler Lefcourt Center for Child Development

Robert Michels Weill Cornell Medical College

Michele Moody-AdamsColumbia College

Gilbert S. OmennUniversity of Michigan

Michael E. Patterson

Richard PayneDuke Divinity School

Harriet S. RabbRockefeller University

Eve Hart Rice

David L. Roscoe

Michael RothWesleyan University

Barbra RothschildColumbia University

Blair L. SadlerInstitute for Healthcare Improvement

Mildred Z. Solomon

Francis H. Trainer, Jr.

John Eu-Li WongYong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore

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Cash and Equivalents 456,616

Investments, at fair value 3,587,674

Receivables (grants and other) 941,635

Other Assets 88,998

Furniture and Equipment (net of accumulated dep) 51,582

Leasehold Improvements (net of accumulated amort) 1,156,286

Total Assets 6,282,791

Liabilities and Net Assets

Payables and Accruals 132,662

Deferred Revenue 45,375

Total Liabilities 178,037

Net Assets 6,104,754

Total Liabilities and Net Assets 6,282,791

Operating Revenues and Other Support

Grants, Gifts, and Contributions 2,630,434

Government Grants 332,204

Publication Revenue 554,942

Other income 163,127

Total Operating Support and Revenue 3,680,707

Operating Expenses

Program Services 2,537,623

Management and General 749,241

Fundraising 386,804

Total Operating Expense 3,673,668

Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets from Operations 7,039

Changes in Nonoperating Income 196,004

Change in Net Assets 203,043

Net Assets, Beginning of year 5,901,711

Net Assets, End of year 6,104,754

sTaTemenT of finanCial posiTion as of December 31, 2012


Audited 2012

OPERATING REVENUE & SUPPORTfor the year ended 12/31/12 = $3,680,707

OPERATING EXPENSESfor the year ended 12/31/12 = $3,673,668

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The Hastings Center21 Malcolm Gordon Road

Garrison, NY 10524

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