Download - The Hammer

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Data Destruction for the 21st Century


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The compact Hammer enables a “security erase” command capable of purging digital data on up to 4 hard drives simultaneously, or link with USB hubs to manage dozens of hard drives. The Hammer can automatically format drives after erasure and can be used to rollout a new operating system to multiple workstations. It provides an audit trail via non-volatile on-board RAM to track device activity for printing or storing.

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It effects everyone!◦ According to 2007 Ponemon Study.

Cost Per Incident rose from $182 to $197 per record. Average total per-incident cost in 2007 were $6.3 million. Cost of Lost Business increased by 30%.

◦ Do companies really pay these cost?

◦ What is the cost to your reputation?

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Is a destructive command that is embedded in the firmware of the hard disk drive.

Embedded in hard drives starting in 2002. Assigns a hex value of “0” thus making the hard drive

“null”.◦ Data is not recoverable by any means.

Hits hard drive sector by sector. Is an atomic process and will not stop until completed. Meets the NIST SP 800-88 “purge” standard for

sanitizing digital media.

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The NSA and the University of San Diego Magnetic Research Institute.◦ Dr. Gordon Hughes

Develop a means for certifiably sanitizing hard drives beyond forensic recovery while retaining the ability to re-use or safely transport for destruction.

Implemented by global hard drive manufacturers in 2002.

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The Hammer will activate the “Security Erase” command embedded in the firmware of the hard drive.

Starts at both ends of the sector and works toward the middle to maximize coverage.

Uses “Bang Disk” overwriting command if security erase command is not available.◦ Security Erase is not available to drives manufactured before 2002.

First assigns 125 bit code to hard drive at beginning of process.◦ Drive is locked down until security erase completes.◦ Drive is locked down if process is stopped before complete.

Only way to unlock drive is complete security erase process.

Security Erase is up to 18 times faster than software overwrite programs.◦ No sight license required.

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HDD Power Cables (2)

The Hammer™ (1) Documentation/CPR Toolbox CD (1)AC Power cord &transformer (1)

SATA + Power Cables(2) PATA Cables (2) USB Cable (1)

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• Controlled by 5 buttons.•“White” Power Button.• 4 Navigation Buttons.

• Using the 4 navigation buttons and the LCD screen, the user may traverse the menu structure to perform task.• Up• Down• Left• Right

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Hammer Side A

Hammer Side B

• Side A• 1 PATA Interface.• 1 SATA Interface.• HDD Power.• Power Supply.

• Side B• 1 PATA Interface.• 1 SATA Interface.• HDD Power.• 1 USB Connection.

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• Hammer Basics• PATA drives must be set to “Master”.• Menu structure begins with seven top level menu items.

• Start• Operations• Quick Lock• Scan for Drives• Identify Drive• Verify• Settings

• Audit Trail• Device activity can be transferred to host PC via USB.• Labels can be printed through Bluetooth printer.• Can generate certificates with hard drive information.

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• User Interface•“White” button turns power on the Hammer.

• Main menu is presented.• User may use “Up” or “Down” navigation buttons to scroll through menu actions.• To Select desired action hit “Right” button.• “Left” button is used to cancel a selection or action, or to return to the previous menu.• Host Software

• The Hammer may be connect via USB port to computer• CPR Toolbox software (included).





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• Start

• Operations• Erase Drive

• Enabled• Disabled

• Security Erase• Enabled• Disabled

• Clone• Enabled• Disabled

• Clone Source• SA• PA

• Clear HPA/DCO• Enabled• Disabled

• Verify Command• Enabled• Disabled

• Print Labels• Enabled• Disabled

• Power Down• After Complete• Leave Drives On

• Quick Lock• All Drives• A PATA• A SATA• B PATA• B SATA

• Scan For Drives

• Identify Drive• A PATA• A SATA• B PATA• B SATA

• Verify • Verify Erase• Verify Clone

• Print Label• From Memory• From Disk

• All Drives• A PATA• A SATA• B PATA• B SATA

• Settings• Transfer Rates

• Auto• UDMA Mode 3• UDMA Mode 2• UDMA Mode 1• UDMA Mode 0• PIO

• Power On Timeout• Power On Timeout

• Select Time in MS• Command Timeout

• Timeout Count• Select Time in MS

• Bluetooth Timeout• Select Time in MS

• Connection Test• Clock/Calendar• Save Log to Disk

• Enabled• Disabled

• Secure Password• Enabled• Disabled

• Buzzer• Enabled• Disabled

• Restore Defaults

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• Default Operations• The Hammer comes with standard default settings.

• Erase Drive• Enabled

• Security Erase• Enabled

• Clone• Disabled

• Verify Command• Disabled

• Print Labels• Disabled

• Power Down• Leave Drives On

• Save Logs To Disk• Disabled

• Secure Password• Enabled

• Buzzer• Enabled

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• Hook up Drives• Power On• Hammer will scan for drives.

• “Start” will show on screen when complete.• Displays “Start”.

• Press “Right” button and “continue” will show on screen.

• Displays “Continue”• To continue with default Erasure hit “Right” button.

• Hammer will display “SE” with corresponding (< or >).

Example: • Hammer will estimate time to complete purging time. (As displayed above.)

• Time is based upon last drive to complete erasure.

• When Hammer completes process the display will change from SE to D.

< SE ERASE SE>< SE 0018 SE>

<D D ><D D >

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• Bluetooth Printer

• After performing an action the optional Bluetooth printer will print a label.• Select Drive from Settings menu (if not scheduled under default)• Hammer will print following information.

• Start Date and Time• Hammer Serial Number• Drive Model• Hard Drive Serial Number • Action Outcome

• Security Erase: Passed• End Date and Time• Check Sum

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• The Hammer• Will be the most versatile data destruction tool you will ever own.• Will erase data on hard drives at 4.0 Gigabytes' per minute.• Will erase data on hard drives up to 18 times faster than software.• Will erase 4 hard drives at one time.• Will clone hard drives for re-deployment.• Will lock down hard drives for transportation.• Will create audit trail to ensure security.• Will make you compliant with NIST SP 800-88.• Will make you compliant with Sarbanes Oxley, HIPAA, FACTA, Graham Leach-Bliley, FISMA, FERPA, RCRA• Will make our environment better because it is a “Green” solution.• Will save you money because you will not have to pay fines.• Will save your reputation.

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