Page 1: The greek yogurt diet article

The Greek Yogurt DietAn Article by

Jamie Sutherland

Page 2: The greek yogurt diet article

The Greek Yogurt Diet

It all started about six months ago when my horrible eating patterns began to create an intestinal block. I had suffered through them for years, accepting the bloated, constantly-full-feeling as “normal”, even though I knew it was not. This particular time was worse than normal and I started to become seriously worried. I had read online how eating yogurt products could help my digestion and after seeking medical advice, decided to add yogurt to my daily diet. I love the thick, creamy texture of Greek yogurt and I liked the idea of getting some extra protein. Within a week of eating the yogurt twice a day, particularly in the earlier half of the day, my gut felt completely cleaned out and I felt light and mobile for the first time in years! With my sluggish metabolism I had gained some excess weight over the years, so I decided to add some fiber and more yogurt to my diet. I increased my intake to three times a day and tweaked my diet during the daytime only. This was the key to my weight loss. I ate things in a specific order and kept things light during the day. In the evening I ate a big dinner, pretty much whatever I wanted, within reason. Steak, fish, chicken, veggies, breads and cheese...I love cheese! The thing is, I ate my dinner in a specific order to make sure my diet plan was going to work. It did! I lost over 20 pounds in the first month and it hasn't stopped. I feel better every day and when I eat my enormous dinner, it just feels like my body has become more efficient at processing what I give it because I have loaded my gut with the proper flora it needs and my enzyme pool with the enzymes it needs for good digestion. Once you have eaten this way, you will honestly say, “So this is the way I'm supposed to feel!”

Enter Homemade Greek Yogurt

Something I had wanted to try for years was to make my own yogurt. It didn't look very easy but I gave it a try. I wasn't prepared for the results of my first batch: It was awesome! I found out, through trial and error, that it really isn't that hard to make and it really is good! The clincher was this: One morning I was packing a school lunch for my 9-year-old daughter when I asked her if she wanted a little store-bought container of a name-brand yogurt she loves. She was quick to answer, “No! Your homemade is way better than that kind!” I was a professional chef for more than twenty years in what seems like another life. I've had plenty of compliments, but none had ever made this proud dad beam so much as that one!

...And then the book

One day it all came together. I decided I wanted to tell everyone what I had learned. There must be plenty of folks like me who would just like to feel better, so I sat down and gathered nutritional information on yogurt products and how they pertain to weight loss and digestive health. I wrote down what I had learned about diet and how to properly use Greek yogurt in your daily regime. I recorded a fail-safe method of making homemade Greek yogurt in a slow-cooker so that people could make it cheaper and tastier than ever. Then, I packaged it all up into an inexpensive eBook so I could share it! Just saving on the cost of Greek yogurt by making it at home makes buying the book more than worth it, but I promise you that's only a small part of what you will love about the book!

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Thank you for taking the time to read my article. Here's to our good health!


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