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The Only Newsletter In The World That Gives A Damn About FLARC 1

The Great Falls (HP34)

Earth Day NPOTA Event

April 22-23 2016

Great Falls National Historical Park/The Site of The FLARC NPOTA Special Event Station Photo by Jim (W2JC)

A Milestone Event For The Club

With over three hundred grade and high school children in attendance, and well over two hundred visitors, the Club put on a public display of amateur radio that would be hard to match over its sixty year history. Taking advantage of the Earth Day weekend to partner with the Great Falls National Historical Park, the station put on National Parks on the Air special event station HP34 to the interest and excitement of the students and the many questions and comments from visitors.

Club volunteers tutored over 150 students in art of getting on the air, learning CW for fun and knowledge and watching the club's hams make over 500 QSO's. For most visitors, ham radio is either something new ("They talked to Alaska?"), old ("I didn't know they still did that!"), amazing ("we're learning Morse Code in school--it's really real!") or brought back a memory ("my neighbor/dad/fill in the blank used to do that"). More than four months in planning, the following pages capture the partnership with the National Park Service and the many organizations and schools who participated.

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The FLARC Banner flaps in the Saturday afternoon breeze at Great Falls National Historical Park Photo by Don (N2PRT)

NPOTA HP34 Scorecard -- 500 HF/44 VHF/39 Spots

Rosalyn (KD2GKA), Dave (N3UXK) and Van (W2DLT)

Brad (KD2GNY) and Thom (W2XTZ) and the Saturday Buddipole

A thanks and tip of the red FLARC cap to our photographers: Jim (W2JC), Don (N2PRT), Susan (W6SKT), Dave (N8MAR) and Van (W2DLT).

44 States/4 Provinces/1 Territory Worked By W2NPT






Also 3Z9, HB9, HG225M, Italy, ON4, SQ9, and UA6!

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Great Falls National Historical Park Photo By Dave (N8MAR)

What You Said About Great Falls NPOTA...

"It was a unique opportunity to showcase Amateur Radio before a demographic that we rarely reach -- young minority male and female students; the diversity is good for us." "It was a good interaction with the general public." "The surge of young people (to clean the park) was unexpected and made the event more than successful." "It was great to work with and operate with the different club members, many of whom I've only chatted with briefly at club meetings. The event fostered teamwork and camaraderie among members." "A great outing, well received by kids/scouts/adults and club members I spoke with." "I was very proud to be a FLARC member this past weekend, and it was great to see how this engagement piqued the interest in non-ham operators to investigate further." "It was an awesome event and privilege to be part of the NPOTA." "The teachers on Earth Day were delighted to see their students participating in CW and 2m operating," "We should go back every year for Earth Day and do a special event station".

From The National Park Service...

A follow-up conversation on May 4th with Ilyse Goldman , Supervisory Park Ranger, confirmed that the Park Service felt that the Club's presence and participation at the event was "extraordinary"; by far the best that has ever occurred for Earth Day. Goldman noted that they were excited about the number of students who visited our setup and that many teachers also commented that having our presence was a real-world example of science and technology and that represented high value for the day. She was also encouraged that Scout troops (Prospect Park) also attended the Park and had the chance to learn about amateur radio. Overall, the Park Service was very pleased and expressed the desire to have the Club return next year for Earth Day or a similar event.

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The Waterless Waterfall -- April 22, 2016

Susan W6SKT presents Ilyse Goldman from NPS with our special event QSL

Van (W2DLT) operates, Ed (WX2R) logs while George (W3EH) and Bruce (W2SE) wait their turn.

Susan (W6SKT), Jim (W2JC), Van (W2DLT) and Brad (KD2GNY).

The FLARC tent at Great Falls with Al Hamilton standing guard.

Kids and Karl (W2KBF) on the 2m Rig

WA2ALY teaches a little Morse to a Ranger.

The Ranger Station

The Friday Morning Kick-Off Crew

Kids crowd around the HF Area

The Park Rangers get the program under way.

Our thanks to the FLARC members and guests who made Great Falls/NPOTA happen! Rich K2ZB, Jim K2ZO,

Susan W6SKT, David N8MAR, Gene WO2W, Randy WU2S, Steve WI2W, Dave N3UXK, Robert KC2ORX, Alan KC2SAV, Bruce W2SE Karl W2KBF, Larry WA2ALY, Rosalyn KD2GKA, Van W2DLT, Thom W2XTZ, Jim W2JC, Ed WX2R, Skip KD2BRV, Bennett KO2OK, Brad KD2GNY, Don N2PRT, George W3EH, Gennady KD2IUC, Ron KC2TBD, John KC2OCD. Ken KC2UCU,, Rachel AJ4WD, Bill KB2OCJ, Cathy W2YSF, Dave WO2X, Dave (N8MAR) and Vito (Tech/no call).

"The ability of this club to pull off a public event of this scale really speaks to the dedication of its members and their many various abilities. It went off without a hitch".

President Karl Frank (W2KBF)

Brad ( KD2GNY) and the Buddipole

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The The Resonator The Official Newsletter of The Fair Lawn (NJ) Amateur Radio Club

Volume 1, Number 5 May 2016


X NPOTA/Great Falls Earth Day Special Event Station

1 President's Message

1 Member Profile: Larry Wolff/WA2ALY

8 Calendar of Events

10 60th Anniversary Speaker Series: Rich Moseson

(W2VU) /Editor CQ Magazine

12 May Meeting Notes

16 60th Anniversary Speaker/Bob Shohet (KQ2M)

From The President

Dear FLARC Members,

Our recent guest speaker Richard Moseson (W2VU) outlined several things that Amateur Radio Clubs can do to maintain and advance the hobby. I won’t rehash them mainly because FLARC is doing most of these things already. One of Richard’s main points is that we sometimes have the impression that Amateur Radio has been in decline ever since we were first licensed because, for example, the modes that were popular when we were first licensed are no longer as well used (think of AM, Packet Radio and SSTV). However, we now have more operating modes and frequencies available than ever before, so this is to be expected. And we no longer build much of our own radio gear, as we did in the vacuum tube era. But then we don’t grow our own food or walk to work either. In brief, Amateur Radio has not died . . . it has evolved. Today, hams are more into building station accessories, QRP rigs and interfacing personal computers with radios. Logging software, SDR, PSK-31 and MESH networking was unimaginable during the vacuum tube era.

Member Profile


What do you do/what did you do for a living? Like most, I was drinking beer, smoking cigarettes whilst sailing aboard a Greek flagged, multi-national crewed merchant ship as an ordinary seaman, at the age of 15. And a Brooklyn Dodger fan! Thence, for three years the chief cook and bottle washer at the GRAND WAY luncheonette, on Route 17. Thence 40 years of typhonic winds and mountainous seas sailing or working in the Merchant Marine / Maritime Industry. How did you get interested in ham radio? It was the MYSTIQUE of amateur radio that caught my attention at age 11, whilst watching a TV show. I took my novice license test at the Heathkit store in Fair Lawn, NJ, which was then on Route 4. I was 33. What parts of the hobby most interest you?

The thrill of actually making a contact with another person using a radio and antenna. I still remember Dick Tracy’s wrist radio. Working: ALL STATES, DXCC, QRP-DXCC, WAZ. Operating: FROM HOME, AS MOBILE, AS MARITIME MOBILE, AS QRP, AS “VQ9LW” FROM DIEGO GARCIA, B.I.O.T. (12,000 QSO’S), FROM BEAR MOUNTIAN, FROM HOTEL ROOMS, DURING FIELD DAYS AND PORTABLE DAYS. Working: Long path, an aeronautical mobile station, and maritime mobile stations. Copying; THE “JUNO” EARTH FLYBY.

continued on page 2


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From The President (continued)

Portable operation (see our NPOTA event in this issue)

has never been easier or more popular. Of course we

still learn and use CW not because we HAVE to but

because we WANT to.

FLARC has been part of this progress for 60 years. It is

a great place to meet, discuss and learn what is

happening in our great hobby. As we celebrate the

60th Anniversary of FLARC and fetch those old photos

and vintage rigs from storage, we can appreciate the

progress that we have made.



The club was recently honored for its work in assisting

the county through its members . (Enlarge to read)

One Last Look: Our commemorative QSL now becomes a part of club history.

Member Profile (Continued)

Observing; THE “FLARC” MEMBERS WORK THE SPACE STATION. Maintaining a paper amateur radio station logbook, and the integrity of amateur radio. I also enjoy sharing the MYSTIQUE of amateur radio with folks who may feel that they are on the outside and looking in.

What does belonging to FLARC mean to you? How do you/can you better contribute to the club?

I enjoy exposing a person to making a QSO and touching a radio.

Larry Wolff (WA2ALY)

What are next year’s priorities? Relax and don’t overwhelm yourselves trying to do everything at once. More about me, me, me. I’ve got plenty of sea stories left. What other ham related clubs or organizations do you belong to?


Portable Day with BARA Is May 14

Save the date -- same QTH as the Field Day location.

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The Club

Fair Lawn ARC is the friendliest ham club around with five operating stations in a permanent clubhouse. Visitors and guests are always welcome. The club is open every Friday night from NLT 6:30 PM. Business meetings are the first Friday of the month at 7:30PM.

2016 Officers

President Karl Frank W2KBF

Vice President Judith Shaw KC2LTM

Treasurer Don Cassarini N2PRT

Secretary Randy Smith WU2S

Trustee Skip Barker KD2BRV

Trustee Dave Marotti N8MAR

Trustee Steve Wraga WA2BYX


Field Day Steve Wraga WA2BYX

Speakers Lowell Vant Slot W2DLT

Publicity Ed Efchak WX2R

Publicity Susan Frank W6SKT

Publicity Lowell Vant Slot W2DLT

Publicity Karl Frank W2KBF

Publicity Dave Marotti N8MAR

VE Liaison Gene Ottenheimer WO2W

VE Liaison Pete Senesi KD2BMX

Education Gordon Beattie W2TTT

Education Gene Ottenheimer WO2W

Education Lowell Vant Slot W2DLT

Education Ed Efchak WX2R

History Gene Ottenheimer WO2W

History Lowell Vant Slot W2DLT

History Ed Efchak WX2R

History Ben Meyer WA2DHC

History Rosalyn Roimisher KD2GKA

Fair Lawn Town/CERT Liaison Gene Ottenheimer WO2W


Planned gifts usually imply the family donation of amateur equipment to

the club when someone has become a Silent Key. But it can be more. Club

members might consider making a gift through a will or trust; gifts that

help provide lifetime income to the club. Consult with your lawyer, estate

planner or tax advisor if you feel such as gift is worthy.

Red Is Breaking Out All Over

Yes, they're available! And they're easy to order. Order them now before Field Day !! Go to Check out the item selection that is posted on the FLARC website (with pictures and prices). Order the shirts or other items you want with either the regular FLARC or 60th anniversary logo.

Judith (KC2LTM) displays the long-sleeve dress shirt

Tony (KD2HIT) shows off the polo shirt and hat

Note: RED is the primary and preferred club brand standard shirt color.

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Tech Talk One Night At FLARC...

The VHF Super Conference Was Super! The recent VHF Super Conference was, well, super! This is the first time such a large gathering of high-band radio enthusiasts has occurred. The idea grew from conversations at the ARRL Centennial Conference among VHF and microwave operators. It was organized by collaboration with the North East Weak Signal Group, the Mt. Airy VHF Radio Club, and the Southeastern VHF Society. The conference reported that there were 228 registered attendees and I counted over 300 people at the Saturday evening banquet. That evening also marked the final official act of David Sumner, K1ZZ, retiring ARRL Chief Executive Officer, who commented on the importance of amateur radio spectrum defense. Participants found many activities to hold their interest. The schedule included technical presentations, beginner and intermediate talks on VHF and microwave operations, an Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) workshop, an antenna test range, an equipment testing lab, a VHF and Above contest revitalization forum, and a loop yagi antenna construction workshop. My favorite talks were the VHF 101 by Marshall K5QE, Multiple Antenna Spacing by Dave K1WHS and Sequencing by Marshall K5QE. Famed Nobel Laureate Joe Taylor, K1JT, presented his paper on “Codes and Modes for Weak Signal Communication.” He and Steve K9AN devised an improved algorithm for decoding Reed-Solomon codes. This method will improve the performance of the popular JT65 program used for weak-signal work since 2003. A future edition of QEX will have the full details of this new decoding method and compare it to alternatives. I have a CD with all of the papers and presentations from the conference and will make it freely available to FLARC members for their review. There is such a wide range of topics that almost anyone should be able to find something useful. de Randy WU2S

We had a great session at the club on April 8th... Gordon's scout session presentation in the card room and on-the-air. Gino's daughters on-the-air (made 7 contacts) and building a Morse code kit Volunteers labeling ARRL literature for Glen Rock and Great Falls events - thanks. Three rooms full of people (plus Gordon in the card room with scouts) talking, working on projects and being on-the-air. The place was humming.

Speaking of Scouts, big kudos to Dave Henninger,

(N3UXK) who took time and money to make the Morse

Code kits for the Webelo's scouts and Gino/Gennady's

(KD2IUC) daughter Adiel.

If you weren't there, you missed a great evening of fun/work/camaraderie. It was a great example of what an amateur radio club should be all about... Thanks to all!! Van (W2DLT)/Gordon (W2TTT)

The April 8 Sticker Committee Meeting

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May 14 Portable Day w/BARA

May 14 FLARC Display at Glen Rock Communications Day Event

May 14 Morse Code Demonstration in Upper Saddle River New!

May 28 FLARC Booth @ BARA Hamfest

May 30 Memorial Day Parade

June-3 FLARC Business Meeting

June 4 Bob Shohet (KQ2M) 60th Anniversary Speaker Series NEW!

June-12 FLARC/River Road Street Fair

June-25-26 FIELD DAY

July -1 FLARC Business Meeting

July-4 or TBD Fair Lawn Fireworks

September 17-18 NJ QSO Party

October 1-2 FLARC 60TH Anniversary Special Event Station


July-Aug TBD FLARC Sizzlin' Summer Speaker Series

TBD Movie Night

TBD The 1956 FLARC Station/A Night on the Air NEW!

TBD 60th Anniversary Frank Leonard Memorial Lecture TBD W1TP Enigma Presentation w/Fair Lawn Public Library

TBD Fair Lawn Street Fair (October)

October Fair Lawn Amateur Radio Club Month Borough Commemoration


Pete (KD2BMX) reports two applicants at our April VE

Testing session and two passes:

Vernon A. Vaughn of West Orange attained General


Vito LaVilla of Teaneck achieved Technician Class.

Hidetsugu Yagi's 130th Birthday Google Doodle


Facebook: Coming back soon!! Twitter: @FairLawnARC Blog:


Our next test session is scheduled for Saturday, 21 May beginning at 0900 at the Community Center. No advanced registration is required but always appreciated. The fee is $15.00 (cash or check).

Please bring positive identification (license, passport, etc.), your original license or a copy, original CSCE or copy (if credit is needed).

The full exam schedule is on the club calendar at the website. For further information contact either Gene ([email protected]) or Pete ([email protected]). Please note that the Extra exam question pool will be revised on July 1, 2016.

Who Says Amateur Radio Is


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WA2ALY: A Rare Vintage Photo

Rich Moseson (W2VU) Welcomed

Home As The FLARC 60th

Anniversary Speaker Series


April 15th featured the return of Richard Moseson (W2VU), publisher of CQ Magazine as part of FLARC's 60th Anniversary Speaker Series. Rich is a former member of the club and had the chance to meet many old faces (and CQ readers). To a (literally) overflow crowd of fifty + attendees, Rich described the growing "Maker" movement and the opportunity afforded to amateur radio. Over 90 minutes, Rich brought both education and optimism to what we do as hams and how the growth in STEM, STEAM, and the Maker movement provide continuing growth to our hobby. He worked to dispel some of the negatives that we teach ourselves; for example--that interest is slowing, that young people aren't interested, that hams who aren't on HF aren't "hams", and that the hobby started to change after "I got my license." Rich's solid presentation plus many questions from the audience made for an enjoyable meeting that went all too fast. He graciously offered two gift packages of CQ subscriptions won by Gordon (W2TTT) and Gennady (KD2IUC). Our thanks to the many guests who traveled from central Jersey, Warren County and Westchester County to attend. Many guests took the opportunity to take a station tour, taking pictures and commenting about the wonderful setup that we have.

Ed (WX2R) and Rich (W2VU). Phote by Don (N2PRT)

FLARC 60th Anniversary:

A Look Back

The club station was located at The Old Library Theatre (above) on River Road until 2006. The location now contains retail and apartment buildings.

Welcome New Members!

FLARC is proud to welcome the following new members: Gene Connors, KD2JGG Al Rasmussen, WA2OWL Gurz Gungil, KD2CKI Conrad Schmidt, K2IFE

Have fun! Get involved!!

Larry (WA2ALY)

This is a rare untouched photo of VQ9LW in the VQ9IO radio shack, Diego Garcia, B.I.O.T*. found buried in the QRZ database. Pix is circa late 1980’s to mid 1990’s. *British Indian Ocean Territory

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What's In Your Logbook?...More!

Notes: From W2XTZ: " At NPOTA Saturday was the

first time I operated the 20 Meter radio on HF,

participating in a Contest environment and had a number

of Canadian contacts from Quebec, Montreal and IIRC


From W2TTT: " While visiting Newell, WV for a Homer

Loughlin China factory tour of Fiestaware, Nancy and I ran

into W8LPN who was waiting for his daughters to come

out of school. We got chatting and he asked if I knew Eric,

N2KOJ! We've known him for almost 30 years so it was a

pleasant surprise to find a link to home in rural WV! We

then parted and chatted for about an hour on a repeater

as we headed toward Kentucky. We have yet to tell Eric!".

Communications Day In Glen Rock

Is May 14th

The club and some members have loaned the Glen Rock Historical Society some artifacts from our museum for a display at the Glen Rock Mainline Railroad Station. It's a one day event and draws a few hundred people from across Bergen County. If you have a chance to stop by, show them our support.

Field Day Is June 24-25

The Field Day committee is looking for support throughout the weekend. This is the largest club event and the activity most mentioned by members so really plan to get involved and spend time in set up, take down, and OPERATING! Hone your skills, help others and have fun. Reach out to Steve (WA2BYX) regarding Field Day details.

What's In Your Logbook?

The Resonator is always looking for your good, great or

ugly QSO's. No matter what the mode, if it's a good

catch or a fun or interesting QSO, tell the club about it!

Thanks for the great April submissions!

Date Station Where Freq. Who

4/28 JT5DX Mongolia 18.073 W2JC

4/28 A91HI Bahrain 14.285 W2DLT

4/28 MK0KUC Jersey


14.249 W2DLT

4/14 A25UK Botswana 14.016 W2DLT

4/21 CE0Y/LU4DXU Easter Island 28.470 KD2BMX

4/24 EP2A Iran 18.086 KD2BMX

4/15 TY2AC Benin 14.075 KD2BMX

4/26 CE0Y/LU4DXU Easter Island 18.235 KD2BMX

4/29 ET7L Ethiopia 18.095 KD2BMX

April RA0TU Asiatic Russia 14Mhz WA2ALY

April JA7BXS Japan 18MHz WA2ALY

April V44KAI St Kitts 14Mhz WA2ALY

April HC2AO Ecuador 7 Mhz WA2ALY

April T47GCWC Cuba 10 MHz WA2ALY

4/18 6Y5WJ Jamaica 14.070 WX2R

4/16/16 4/26/16

KH8/KC0w American


17/30 K2JK

4/15/16 A25UK Botswana 20/30 K2JK

4/10/16 GU4FOC Guernsey 17 K2JK

4/1/16 4/4/16

VK0EK Heard Island 20/40 K2JK

4/18/16 EP2A Iran 20/30 K2JK

4/1/5/7/16 FT4JA Juan de Nova 12/15/17 K2JK

4/25/16 RN2F Kaliningrad 17 K2JK

4/23/16 5Z4/JM1CAX Kenya 20 K2JK

4/23/16 8Q7FU Maldives 17 K2JK

4/7/16 JT1CO Mongolia 20 K2JK

4/24/16 7Z1JA Saudi Arabia 17 K2JK

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May 2016 Meeting Notes (1)

FLARC Business Meeting 6 May 2016 President Karl W2KBF called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. The members rose and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Secretary Randy WU2S observed that all officers and trustees were present, except Treasurer Don N2PRT, and that there was a quorum for club business. Don N2PRT arrived later in the meeting at 7:47 p.m. President Karl W2KBF asked if any visitors were present and none were. Secretary Randy WU2S noted that the minutes from the April meeting were emailed to all members and that they had also been published in the latest edition of the club’s newsletter, The Resonator. Skip KD2BRV moved to accept the minutes as corrected and Gordon W2TTT seconded the motion. The motion passed by acclamation. Randy WU2S reported that the Technical Committee had no report and that all equipment was working. Van W2DLT reported that the next presentation will be on Saturday, June 4 at 11:00 a.m. by Bob Shohet K2QM on DXing. Also on that day the club will host an Open House from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Ed WX2R presented the Publicity Committee and History Committee reports which are incorporated here by reference. President Karl W2KBF opened a discussion of old business by noting that Jim W2JC has been appointed the QSL manager for our National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) event at the Paterson Great Falls National Park on April 22 and 23. Karl said that over 600 contacts were completed during the two days. The new generator worked flawlessly. He mentioned that 66 children, who were from local schools and were present for the Earth Day cleanup, were introduced to amateur radio by participating in various activities. Larry WA2ALY provided a very popular, interactive Morse code demonstration. Karl then presented a slide show encompassing all aspects of the two day NPOTA event.

May 2016 Meeting Notes (2)

Susan W6SKT said that Van’s W2DLT wife Laurie provided lunch for the FLARC team on Friday and Ed WX2R brought coffee on Saturday. The members present applauded their generosity. In other old business, President Karl W2KBF said the Council had approved a plaquet for the forthcoming presenter K2QM and that he wanted the members to know about the extent of it. He then asked for a motion to approve additional expenses for the speaker, i.e. refreshments for the open house and lunch for the speaker. Rachel AJ4WD so moved and Nancy N2FWI seconded the motion. The motion passed. President Karl said that in preparation for Field Day in June, the beam antenna will need to be repaired. He said we will devote some time at the next business meeting to discuss Field Day preparations. Steve WA2BYX and Tom N2ST will coordinate our Field Day exercise. Karl W2KBF announced that a group in Upper Saddle River asked the club for a Morse Code demonstration on May 14, the same day as our Portable Day event with BARA at Memorial Park and our participation in Glen Rock for their event. He said that we will see if anyone is able to support Upper Saddle River. President Karl W2KBF noted that the membership roster will be updated shortly. If anyone has corrections, especially email addresses, they should contact Don N2PRT and give him the updates. President Karl W2KBF said that we have a collection of photographs from the events so far this year. Don N2PRT was appointed as the official club photographer for this year. The Publicity Committee is looking into producing a yearbook that will commemorate the events during our 60th anniversary.

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May 2016 Meeting Notes (3)

Regarding the annual Holiday Dinner, President Karl W2KBF opened a discussion about whether the club should continue arranging the dinner as had been done before or hold the event in a restaurant. A lively discussion among the members present ensued. Dave N3UXK moved that the club keep things the same and Gordon W2TTT seconded that motion. More discussion followed. Gene WO2W said that we should investigate the possibility of some or all of the meal being catered while holding the event at the traditional location rather than a restaurant. Dave N8MAR suggested that the club consider expense limits on catering. Dave N3UXK withdrew his motion. Susan W6SKT moved that the club exclude a restaurant setting from consideration and Gene WO2W seconded this motion. It was noted that this simpler motion offered the club the greatest flexibility in planning the event. The general sense of the members present was that a restaurant setting is not conducive to the informality we expect at the year-end event. President Karl W2KBF called the vote and the motion passed. President Karl W2KBF did a short presentation on the Bergen County RACES organization, its history and forthcoming changes, along with plans by the Fair Lawn OEM (FLOEM). Gene WO2W contributed to the presentation by describing the history of the club’s relationship with FLOEM. Karl noted that as part of the Fair Lawn Recreation and Parks department, FLARC members are covered by the town’s insurance during events at which we are invited to participate and provide communications, except for the January 1 5K run, which is not a Recreation and Parks event. Rick W2LCN mentioned that there will be a 5K run in Lincoln Park on Saturday May 7 and thanked all who will provide communications. Having no further business, President Karl W2KBF asked for a motion to adjourn. Dave N3UXK so moved and Bill KB2OCJ seconded the motion. The members present voted in favor and the meeting was adjourned at 8:54 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Randy WU2S, Secretary

May 2016 Meeting Notes (4)

Prepared Report of the History Committee The History Committee met on May 3, 2016 at the clubhouse. Rosalyn (KD2GKA) , Gene(WO2W), Van (W2DLT) and Ed (WX2R) attended. An earlier meeting was held in April as an organizing activity. We reviewed the proposed draft of the town council proclamation for the anniversary making slight revisions and moving it back to the Council. Rosalyn will visit the Library to review and measure the display case and make recommendations for the November display. Ben can be of assistance here having been part of the Glen Rock Communications Day activities. We will look to create a club program around setting up a circa 1956 station and putting it on the air. Four possible sources of equipment and speakers/demonstrators were recommended -- Jim (W2JC), Jim Joyce ( K2ZO), Don Yeager (W2JEK), and Gene at KJI. Agreed it was a good publicity opportunity for the club. ACTION ITEM: Ed will follow with both Jim's and then Gene and Van will follow with the others. We have set the afternoon of June 14 as a tentative date for a oral history discussion among old timers about the early days of FLARC. We need to confirm schedules, book the card room. Rosalyn will assist in taping the session. We'll look to use Skype or GoToMeeting for those unable to physically attend. Ed will moderate. Proposed attendees: Gene (WO2W), Van (W2DLT), Skip (K2RJF) by phone; Hal (N4GG), Paul (W2IP), and Mr. Depreveen. Need to check on Stan Sanders (Gene), Van Riper, Fred Belghaus, and Nick Felice. Others to be recommended. We'll look to do a later group with hams from the 1980-1990 period. ACTION ITEMS: Ed to contact Paul and Depreveen. Gene to research Sanders, Van Riper, Belghaus and Felice (latter with Ed). Van will contact Skip and Hal. Need to have this nailed down by Memorial Day.

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May 2016 Meeting Notes (5)

Prepared Report of the Publicity Committee: The Publicity Committee continues to be active and met on 27 April. The focus continues to be on activities promoting the club's 60th anniversary. The committee reviewed its work for the Rich Moseson (W2VU) 60th Anniversary talk and looked at ways to improve both the events and to grow attendance for future speakers in the series. Upcoming speakers include K2QM on 4 June. FLARC members who have volunteered to be speakers will be scheduled starting after Field Day... for a Summer Speaker Series. We're also looking to add speakers for remote operating, SDR, and propagation. We're also in discussion for a round table webinar discussion on a relevant topic for the Fall in conjunction with Tom Parerra and our Frank Leonard Memorial Lecture speaker. Dave (N8MAR) will head up the social media activities of the committee, expanding our reach and influence. We reviewed the work on the Paterson Great Falls event and the post event activities required. We were pleased with the overall publicity effort with pre-publicity in The Record, Community News, The Glen Rock Gazette,, Patch, and the Daily Voice websites. WX2R was interviewed for a story in The Record and our social media was posted on the ARRL website. Post publicity will also follow in QST and CQ magazines. The History Committee met on 5 April and will focus on the Glen Rock Communications Day event, the Library display in November and the collection of both oral and video historical notes from members. Ben Meyer (WA2DHC) has joined this group. We are looking to create a history booklet by year-end. Our first public Open House Saturday will coincide with the K2QM presentation in June.

May 2016 Meeting Notes (6)

Prepared Report of the Publicity Committee: Planning continues on upcoming events including Field Day, Portable Day with BARA, the Fair Lawn street fair in June and the October special event station. We have asked Skip (KD2BRV) to head up the June Street Fair. The Fair Lawn Borough Council will endorse a proclamation for the club in September marking the Club's anniversary and will be coinciding with the special event station at the club. We're also looking to formulate a participation recognition program for club members that would include a small token of appreciation for work conducted on behalf of the club. This would start with Field Day and be a six month pilot program for 2016. Our next meeting will be held in mid-June; volunteers to this committee are most welcome.

60th Anniversary: FLARC In 1970

Here is a copy of the FLARC member roster from March 1970---all 20 of us! (Enlarge your page to see the detail).

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The Only Newsletter In The World That Gives A Damn About FLARC 15

FLARC Visits Greater Norwalk

Amateur Radio Corporation

On a trip up to Connecticut on 30 April, Ed (WX2R) had the opportunity to stop in at the Greater Norwalk Amateur Radio Corporation ( Housed within the Norwalk Fire Department just

off Exit 14 of I-95, the Emergency Communications Center is home to four HF operating stations and the club has about 50 members . I got the chance to meet George (AB1QK ) the club President, Tom (K1TA), and a number of other club members. We had the chance to swap ideas, information and gossip about club operations. We promised to keep in touch and I invited them to visit our club on an upcoming Friday night or (hopefully) in June for our 60th Anniversary Speaker Series and Open House. Check out their website to learn more! Great setup guys and thanks for the coffee!!--DE Ed (WX2R)

FLARC Is Recognized by The Fair

Lawn Rotary

The Resonator mentioned the visit by Karl (W2KBF) and Ed (WX2R) to the Fair Lawn Rotary in last month's edition. Rotary also summarized our presentation in their latest newsletter which you can find here. Scroll down in the story to find them. (TNX Gene WO2W for finding this).

LtoR: Frank (KB1QZH), Paul (WB2JVB), Tom (K1TA) and George (AB1QK), GNARC Club President

FLARC May 2016 Business Meeting

In the Teen Room--May 6, 2016

Cyril Saxton was K2BPN according to the Ham Call database. This card is a 1957 QSO to a ham in East Paterson (now Elmwood Park). Cyril's call has not been reissued.

A Look Back...

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The Only Newsletter In The World That Gives A Damn About FLARC 16

What We Learn From Engineers

Save The Date: SATURDAY,

June 4 For Bob Shohet (KQ2M)

This is Bob: This is his station:

This is why you should be at the next FLARC 60th

Anniversary Speaker series on Saturday, JUNE 4:

Bob has contested for the past 43 years, winning

more than 60 US and World Single Op All Band

High Power Unassisted (SOABHP) DX contest titles

(CQWW, ARRLDX, WPX, IARU, WAE); an additional

25+ Single Band DX contest titles and 15+ more

M/S, M/2 and M/M US and World titles. In the

process he has set more than 150 US and World

records, and currently holds Single Op All Band

and Single Band US records in all the major DX

contests: CQWW, ARRLDX, WPX, IARU and WAE.

There have been Top 5 finishes both High Power

and Low Power in SS Phone and a Top 10 finish in

SS CW. Bob has won Single Band in

ARRLDX/CQWW on 10 – 160 and holds the ALL-

TIME SOABHP UNassisted DX Multiplier Record in

CQWWDX and ARRLDX Phone contests.

For more biographical background, see Bob's full

CV at the FLARC blog.

April Blog Traffic on

With the Great Falls sign-up, it's no surprise that April 2016 was our largest traffic month ever! April web traffic to the blog portion of showed a strong increase in views, visitors and posts to the blog. Here are the data:

April 2015 April 2016 Change

Views 214 518 +142%

Visitors 64 125 +95%

Posts 4 16 +300%

There is new content nearly every day so really worth the look to both and the blog.

Corrections and Amplifications

We goofed in the April edition and had Skip's call as incorrect -- it's KD2BRV. We regret the error. A big thanks to Susan (W6SKT) and Don (N2PRT) for their pix used for the April newsletter. We couldn't do it without you...thanks.

Do You Know A Fair Lawn Ham

Who Is Currently Not A FLARC


Let anyone on the Publicity Committee know for an invitation to a special outreach on Field Day weekend and our 60th Anniversary celebration.

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Rich Moseson/April 15, 2016 A Follow From W2VU And The Maker


Rich Moseson (W2VU) speaks on the growing Maker Movement

Hams have the opportunity to reach a new audience via Maker insisted Moseson.

Part of the Card Room overflow crowd which had to move to the auditorium to hear W2VU. Photos by Don (W2PRT)

After my presentation, it was mentioned that several FLARC members were very interested in getting more involved with maker groups. At the Newark mini-Maker Faire on April 30th, I discovered the Bergen Makerspace, based in Hackensack, which is probably a lot closer to most of your members than either of the others that I mentioned (Maker Depot in Woodland Park or HackNCraft NJ in Montclair). It seems to be a very active group - they work hand-in-hand with the Bergen County Technical Schools - and already has a couple of active members who are hams (the group does high-altitude ballooning, among other things, HI). DE Rich (W2VU)

Here's the contact information (also posted on the FLARC website:

Physical address: 200 Hackensack Ave., Hackensack 07601

Phone: 201-343-6000 x2305

e-mail: [email protected]



Antenna For Sale: I've now got an MFJ-1796

Multi-band vertical antenna available ... I bought it from FLARC about a year ago, and it's been in use since then with FB results ...I paid $125 for it, but would be glad to get $95 ...the lowest I can find used on the internet is $130 ...pickup only from Paramus . DE Jim (W2JC) Have other stuff to sell...we'll put in The Resonator and the FLARC blog!

At Deadline: Going to Dayton for Hamvention? Peter, W2HP, Robert, KC2ORX, Jim, W2JC, Van, W2DLT and Gene WO2W are. Let them know if you'll be there as well....Dave (N8MAR) will head up the Publicity Committee's social media effort....thanks!! Larry (WA2ALY) has been named a member of The Rag Chewers Club. A smaller Resonator for May--WX2R has a business commitment in Europe mid month so get your stuff in early!-ed. If It's Friday...It's FLARC!

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