


Mission Statement

As God’s family on this estate we aim to be an effective Christian presence by

affirming our faith in the love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ, and by committing

ourselves to share his Good News.

In order to do this we seek:-

to develop our own spirituality through prayer, worship, study and the


to develop our awareness of the needs of the community thus being enabled

to offer support and encouragement;

to use the building to its full potential as a community resource;

to extend and develop lay participation in pastoral work;

to commit ourselves, by prayer and action, to the wider work of the

universal Church.


make us

channels of

your peace.

Parish Priest Revd Nick Nawrockyi

Tel: 466666

E-mail: [email protected]

Churchwardens Nigel Mumby - Tel:239286

Margaret Blades - Tel:884892

Our website is

THURSDAYS Rainbows - 4.45 - 5.45pm Brownies - 5.30 - 7.00pm

Guides - 6.30 - 8.30pm

Treasurer and Hall Bookings David Rushby

Tel: 697569

Please leave a message. David will reply

Nick’s Editorial When we think of Harvest Festivals, I suspect what comes to mind is the image of tins and vegetables gathered together in a big heap in church – ready to be carted off for those in need! We might sing ‘Come, ye thankful people, come’ or ‘We plough the fields and scatter’ or even ‘Cauliflowers fluffy’ with the immortal line: ‘Broad beans sleeping in their blankety bed!’

I have such a vivid memory of a Harvest Festival at my primary school (many moons ago…) where we heard that well-known reading from Ecclesiastes which begins ‘For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven…’

These words always come to mind at this time of year. Perhaps it’s the connection with harvest (‘a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted’) or perhaps it’s that familiar song ‘Turn! Turn! Turn!’ sung by The Byrds, reminding us that the wheel of life keeps on turning. September, for many of us, marks the start of a new year.

The reading from Ecclesiastes is like a commentary on life – it doesn’t say whether these things are good, just that they happen. How true they are – there is indeed a time to be born and a time to die, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to keep silence and a time to speak.

I wonder if we might use this “new year” to take stock of where we are now – in our journey of life and in our journey of faith. Where have we been and where are we going? What events in the past year have shaped us, and what does the future hold?

Whatever the journey, may God walk alongside each one of us as we take our next steps.

Harvest Celebration

September 30th

No Morning Service

Harvest Supper Service 6pm

(Bring and Share food)

Service of Remembering

November 4th


A time to give thanks for family and friends

who are no longer with us

Patronal Festival for Saint Francis


October 7th

United Service 10.15am

All Welcome to join us

Pat Robinson and Eileen Calder write… We have known John for the whole of his 47 years playing the organ for Sunday services, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, carol concerts, and carols by candlelight, He made these services, East-er and Harvest special. He was able to play at many funerals, es-pecially St Francis congregation members. He organised a singing group at his and Di’s home to practice hymns and learn new hymns. The December Coffee Afternoon is a joyful sing-a-long of Christmas Continued overleaf

Rev John Thorold writes… I am told that my old friend and colleague from my days at St Francis in the latter part of the 1960s, John Sharp has reached a point in his Christian exploration and search in which he needs to move on. John is a fine and gifted musician and has shared those gifts in the Church of St Francis, Cleethorpes. John was part of a team who helped me to develop my ministry. I am grateful for that influence and acknowledge it. Thank you, John. May I wish you every success and happi-ness in your search.

The summer of 1966 saw John leaving Scarborough Boys Grammar School where he’d taught English to join the staff at Here-ford Comprehensive School. He rented a flat in Dolphin Street, Cleethorpes, a stone’s throw from St Peter’s Church. One Sunday, shortly after moving in he attended a church ser-vice at St Peter’s. Unknown to John, a vicar from Scarborough had contacted Rev. John Thorold who was priest in charge at St Francis but preaching that day at St Peter’s. To John’s surprise he asked, ‘Are you from Scarborough?’, then asked if he would like to join him at St Francis. Not an obvious move, but the following week found John there. He felt so welcome and you could say ‘the rest is histo-ry….’. BUT Within a few months at Hereford School, John and I became friendly and in the August of 1969 we married at St Giles, Scartho, but to everyone’s delight, John Thorold assisted. We had a son, David, on 3rd February 1971. On Friday 10th February John drove us from Croft Baker Maternity Home to our home in Brampton Way. We had lunch together then John returned to school. During the afternoon Rev. George Parrott (now vicar at St Francis) called expecting to see John! He wondered if he would take over as temporary organist. I thought that I would be on my own for five days with the little baby, and also Sunday mornings! John started playing on 12th or 19th February and since then he’s been pretty close to the organ. Later on he had organ lessons with the late Jack Cash. We had a second son, Phillip in May 1975 and all four Sharps were then members of St Francis and both boys were baptised and confirmed there.

Rev George Parrott writes... How long is temporary? A little over 40 years ago I asked John if he would just tide us over as our organist at St Francis as the young man who was with us for just over a year had left to continue his studies. It was to be simply a tempo-rary arrangement. Forty plus years later John was still on the organ stool! I can only ad-mire John’s commitment and steadfastness as Priests in Charge have come and gone! Of course, I shall always be grateful that he stepped into the breach as he did, slightly reluctantly. No doubt all of my successors have been equally grateful for the gracious way he coped with whatever con-fronted him. His successor must beware! Just how long is temporary?

After over 40 years playing the organ at St Francis, John Sharp has decided to take some free time! Several people who have been involved with his musical ministry have written to express their appreciation. His wife Di tells us how it all began.….

Musically Speaking……!


Those of us who were lucky to attend the concert by Adele Dixon and

Barry Whitfield were treated to a wonderful evening of songs and piano so-

los, taking us from the Victorian Music Hall of Sir Arthur Sullivan to Richard

Stillgoe and composers in between, with brief forays into Cole Porter, An-

drew Lloyd Webber, Scott Joplin and Lionel Bart to name a few.

The programme was also interspersed by some very good piano/

keyboard solos from Barry, whose obvious love of jazz was very evident.

When they sang duets their voices, although very different, blended easily

and with great empathy.

We thought that part of the charm of the evening was that the duo performed some of the

lesser known numbers within the performance. We are sure that many people would have differ-

ent favourites, I know that Chris and I had very different favourite numbers, but we are convinced

that those who attended went home extremely happy. A thoroughly good evening and many

thanks to all who made it possible. David and Chris Ambler

St. Francis’ Fundraising Committee would like to thank Ros Hatton, Chairman of Grimsby Concert Society for the kind loan of the Wine Glasses for the above event

which raised almost £300.

carols with a story or reading by John, making it enjoyed by everyone. Thank you from everyone, past and present.

Kaye Pinner writes…. For as long as I remember John has always played the organ at St Francis. I wonder how many

times he has taken the top off the organ and put it back on again after the service? It must be thou-

sands! I wonder how many times he’s played ‘All things bright and beautiful’ or ‘Away in a manger’–

too many! And I wonder how many times people have thanked him for playing, for making services

special – not enough!

He’s played selflessly and tirelessly, with great professionalism, rehearsing and striving to im-

prove all the time. He’s played for big occasions and small gatherings, before Bishops, Archdeacons

and numerous clergy as well as our own congregation, never appearing to be nervous and with great


Personally I was thrilled when he agreed to play at my wedding, suggesting processional music

and practising the pieces I had chosen (Prelude to Te Deum by Charpentier – I remember!)

So John – thank you for all the times you’ve played, thank you for your contribution to not only the music but to the life of St Francis Church and thank you for being a true gentleman!

Please see page 11 for details of the Concert Society’s 60th Anniversary programme.

Rev Nick Nawrockyi writes… John was the first person I encountered from St Francis! When I was first asked to start taking monthly services, it was John who emailed me to say that they’d already planned a series of Services of the Word that month, so would I mind awfully coming the following month instead! Many churches will tell you that clergy and church musicians don’t tend to get along – but in this case nothing could be further from the truth. I could never quite believe how much John and I saw eye-to-eye, particularly when it came to matters of hospitality and inclusiveness. I count myself very fortunate to have worked with such a splendid organist! In our music and worship John was able to meet the needs of a diverse congregation and at the same time stay true to his own experience of the divine. Thank you, John

A Happy Summer Weekend

Lots of people came to our Summer Fair on Saturday 16th June and were able to spend some time chatting, enjoying cream scones and drinks and finding bargains. We raised just over £400 for church funds. On Sunday 17th we hosted a Picnic on the Green for the local community in memory of Jo Cox MP. It was not as hot as last year but we braved the wind and sat outside! It was good to welcome Cllr Kathryn Wheatley and her family.

1st Cleethorpes(St. Francis)

Rainbows 5-7 year olds Brownies 7-10 year olds Guides 10-14 year olds

For meeting times see inside cover or contact Allison Wood – 233783

Great fun for girls of all ages!

Monthly Prayer Time

at Corpus Christi

Last Tuesday of most months at 11am

Led in turn by representatives

of all the Christian denominations in Cleethorpes

Prayer Group Members of our community meet

together to pray for the needs of the

neighbourhood and

the world, not just on

Sunday but during the

week as well.

We meet

informally once a

month at Carol Harris’ home, 1 York

Place, usually on the second Tuesday.

Please let us know of any prayer

requests or, better still, come and join

us. You would be very welcome.

For Dates and Times please see

the Calendar

We had perfect ‘picnic’ weather for our trip to Stow Minister. Over the years we have visited many churches and joined each congregation in their morning worship. Each church so different from the next, but for me St. Mary’s was something special. The brickwork in the Nave was mesmerising in its complexity and beauty. Added to that the acoustics were amazing, the priest’s voice seeming to resonate around the Nave. I was quite spell bound. We were kindly offered tea and biscuits after the service and then most of us headed for the shade to eat our picnic. I do think the ice-cream van which passed the end of the road missed a trick, it was so very warm I’m sure he would have had quite a few customers. However when we reached Uncle Henry’s farm shop there was ample opportunity to in-dulge in ice cream, or a refreshing cup of tea. It was a great day out.

Allison Dunlop

Parish Picnic 2018

Waiting for the bus and (below) here we all are at the Minster.

On Sunday, the 15th July, we had a really lovely day visiting the beautiful Stow Minster, one of the oldest parish churches in England. We joined the congregation for morning service and afterwards admired the lovely interior of the church with its octagonal font, over 700 years old, and the 15th Century pews. The weather was so lovely we were able to have our picnic outside the Minster, a perfect setting. We then went on to Uncle Henry's farm shop before returning home, having thorough-ly enjoyed our day out. Jean McCormick and Kath Kimble

Weekly Activities in the Community Hall

All of the groups welcome new members. Please contact David Rushby for phone numbers if you would like to speak to any of the leaders before trying the activities. Monday Older People’s Health and Wellbeing over 50s group 10am - 12pm Slimming World 5pm - 8pm Tuesday Zumba 9.30am - 10.30am Coffee Afternoon ~ 1st Tuesday of most months 1.30pm - 3pm Sew and Chatter ~ other Tuesdays each month 1.30pm - 3pm Wednesday Lunch Club 12.00 - 1.30pm Limelight Dance School 4.30pm - 8.30pm Thursday Pleasurable Painting 10am -12pm Line Dancing 2pm - 4pm Rainbows, Brownies and Guides 4.15pm - 9pm Friday Zumba 9.30am - 10.30am Dance in Partners Juniors 5.00pm - 6.30pm Friday Social Dance with Mike Sanderson 8.00pm - 10.30pm

Prayer Corner

Some of you may not be able to come to church so here are a few suggestions for you to include in your prayers at home or wherever you are -

people affected by natural disasters young people starting the new term at school or college Give thanks for those who provide our food, especially farmers struggling after the heatwave your neighbours, especially any who may be having a tough time - thanks for anything and everything - your choice!

Autumn Thoughts

When the days grow shorter

and the multi-coloured leaves begin to fall;

when the summer flowers fade

and an unaccustomed chill pervades the air….

then, Lord, you remind us that this is not an end

but a beginning.

You give us food for the dark days

whilst hidden life is already growing,

so, we give you thanks.

Sew and Chatter

Coffee Afternoons

In July we visited St Andrew’s hospice to deliver a cheque for £230 collected at our June meeting. Just as important for some of us (like me) was the excellent Afternoon Tea we enjoyed! Those who had not been before had a tour of this wonderful building. Our August meeting was a general get together, a chance for a good chat, tea and biscuits. The name card for the quilt given by L & C Fabrics, Cleethorpe Road, was won by Dorothy Winn. Many thanks to all who contributed to the £60 for Motor Neurone Disease and the Church. September was also a get together with Ellie popping in (photos above) and we had a quiz prepared by David Rushby. He managed to use his CD player for a music section, going from track to track quite easily. It was jolly impressive with a good mix from easier. Please join us for any of our meetings on the first Tuesday of each month. On October 2nd, Jenny Cartwright from the Grimsby Library will give us a talk about local history. Pat Ford

Grimsby Concert Society ~ Celebrating its 60th

Anniversary Season!

Membership (6 Concerts) - £60 - Individual Concert Price - £15

All concerts are held at Grimsby Central Hall where there is adjacent free, supervised parking.

Tickets available from The Central Hall Box Office, (01472) 355025 or at the door.

For membership information please contact Ian McDonald, (01472 322143), e-mail: [email protected] or visit to download an application form.

The forthcoming Season’s Concerts are listed below:-

Thursday 11th October 2018, 7.30pm - Raphael Wallfisch (‘Cello) & Richard Markham (Piano)

Thursday 15th November 2018, 7.30pm - The Villiers String Quartet

Thursday 10th January 2019, 7.30pm - Cameron Richardson-Eames (Piano) & Siena Licht Miller


Thursday 14th February 2019, 7.30pm - Laefer Saxophone Quartet

Thursday 14th March 2019, 7.30pm - Kammerphilharmonie Europa

(Chamber Orchestra of Europe)

Thursday 11th April 2019, 7.30pm - Ji Liu (Piano)

Ellie collected the finger puppets made by members of the group. Sue Hannath also brought some crocheted bags and Mollie, Di’s mum, sent lots of comforting children’s scarves.

Learning together

You may remember that in a previous edition of our parish magazine I wrote a piece about the Learning Communities which the diocese has introduced. In a nutshell, parishes are being encouraged to learn and share together in groups based on the kind of area they serve. Groups of urban, rural, coastal or market town churches are getting together to learn from and with each other and share good practice. It’s a daunting task for a diocese as large and diverse as ours, so it might take some time for the

project to gather momentum. St Francis has been put into a Learning Community with some other churches on housing estates, and we’re starting to look at how this will work. What I wanted to share with you was something inspired by the Learning Communities but at a more local level. Many of you may know that the Church of England is governed by a series of Synods – there’s General Synod at the top, then Diocesan Synod, and finally Deanery Synod for the local area. Here, we’re part of the Grimsby & Cleethorpes Deanery, and clergy and lay representatives meet about 3 times a year. The question at a deanery level is often “What are we meeting for?” and any-one who’s been to Deanery Synod will tell you it’s a very good question! We’ve fallen into a routine of listening to guest speakers over the last few years, but there’s a growing desire to do something more constructive, to think about how the deanery can work together in mission and ministry to serve our two towns and all its communities. So, I’ve been working with Andrew, our Area Dean, and the other members of the standing committee to apply the principles of the diocesan Learning Com-munities to our deanery meetings. We want our churches to be able to do just what I said a few paragraphs up – learn from and with each other and share good practice. We had a really fantastic meeting in June where reps discussed in small groups their church’s strengths and weaknesses, and where we might be able to give and receive support. The meeting didn’t finish till gone 9pm (unheard of at Deanery Synod!) and there was a real buzz afterwards as people felt energised talking about our shared mission and ministry. I’m already looking forward to the next one and sharing with you some of the new and creative ways we’re learning and working together. Rev. Nick.

Saying it with Flowers.

Every year we have the challenge to fill the tubs at the front of church with flowers. For quite a while we have been lucky to receive a small amount of money from the Cleethorpes in Bloom competition but by the time we have bought new compost and a few plants that soon disappears. Fortunately the congregation at St. Francis generously donate some extra funds so that we can fill the tubs. As you will remember, spring was not very warm this year and so a lot of plants were late coming into flower and I did a bit of shopping around to find some instant colour. Luckily I found just the place in the Home and Garden Discount Centre off Wilton Road. After I had chosen my blooms I took them to the till and not only did I get some plants cheaper than I expected, once I told the man what the plants were for he gave me £3 back as it

was ‘for a good cause’. As there was no competion this year I think I may have to go back there next year and see if we can get some discount again! Hilary Fletcher

CHRISTMAS FAIR Saturday 17th November 11am - 1.00 pm

Home Made


Pound Stall


Refreshments ~

Lunchtime eats including

Baked Potatoes, Soup and Hot Dogs

~ Tea, Coffee or Juice

Toy stall

No charge for entry, please pop in for a warm St Francis welcome


Grand Raffle


and Games

St Francis Lunch Club

Each Wednesday about 20 people meet to enjoy a magnificent lunch for only £4.50 which includes an optional pudding and drink. There is plenty of time to chat

and meet old and new friends. Everyone is extremely welcome so please come and give it a try!

Magazine Dates

Winter Edition 2018 Team Meeting

Thursday 4th October 2018

Deadline for all articles Sunday 4th November 2018

Published on Saturday 17th November 2018


18th Sew and Chatter 1.30 pm (Lady Chapel)

Prayer Group 7.30pm (1 York Place)

25th Sew and Chatter 1.30 pm (Lady Chapel)

30th HARVEST CELEBRATION (see page 3)


2nd Coffee Afternoon 1.30 - 3pm

6th Macmillan Coffee Morning 10am—12 noon

Net Car Wash 10am—4pm

7th United Service at St Francis at 10.15am (see page 3)

9th Sew and Chatter 1.30 pm (Lady Chapel)

Prayer Group 7.30 pm (1York Place)

16th Sew and Chatter 1.30 pm (Lady Chapel)

23rd Sew and Chatter 1.30 pm (Lady Chapel)

28th Eucharist 11am with the Bishop of Grimsby

30th Sew and Chatter 1.30 pm (Lady Chapel)


4th United Service at St Peter’s at 10.15am

6th Coffee Afternoon 1.30 - 3pm

13th Sew and Chatter 1.30 pm (Lady Chapel)

Prayer Group 7.30 pm (1York Place)

17th CHRISTMAS FAIR (see page 3)

20th Sew and Chatter 1.30 pm (Lady Chapel)

27th Sew and Chatter 1.30 pm (Lady Chapel)

Saturday 6th October

Macmillan Coffee Morning 10am ~ 12 noon

Come and support Macmillan Nurses

and enjoy a cuppa and some wonderful cakes

The Net Car Wash 10am ~ 4pm

Bookings can be made with Hilary if you would like to get your car washed at a certain time or just come when you like

Proceeds will go to the fund for

Spring Harvest 2019

United Services

November 4th St Peter’s

December 2nd

Old Clee

All United Services are at 10.15am. Please ask if you

need a lift

Weekly Services

Sunday - Parish Eucharist at 11am 1st Sunday of the month United Service at 10.15am - See pages 11 and 14 Thursday Said Eucharist at 9.15am

Over 50’s Social Club

Start your week with some company and join us every Monday Morning 10:00 to 12:00

There is something for everyone

New Age Kurling Shibashi / Tai - Chi Board Games

And that old favourite - Bingo New members are always warmly welcomed

A Truly Caring Independent Family Owned Funeral Directors

Mashfords Help and Guidance Always

Available 24 Hours a Day by a Member of Our Professional Staff

Funerals Arranged to Personal Requirements Pre-paid Funeral Plans Can be Arranged

Tel.01472-200004 Norfolk Lane, Cleethorpes DN35 8BB

email [email protected]

Would you like to advertise here?

Small ones are £45 for 4 issues

Larger ones cost only £60 for 4 issues

Please ring Allison Dunlop on 01472 509305

for more information


Mob: 07739 255 624 Tel: 01472 600977 Installations Services Repairs No Call Out Fee


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