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The Gottlieb Family Update - August 27, 2009

As many of you know Adam was diagnosed with cancer (rhabdomyocarcoma) in February of 2009. In the month of February Adam had two major surgeries and the insertion of a port into his chest, that was used for the chemo treatments he needed to fight this terrible disease. His chemo treatments lasted for 26 weeks.

During this time Adam has never ceased to amaze his Mom and Dad. To be honest, the month of February was a blur to us all, and between the surgeries and the beginning of the chemo our lives were totally turned upside down as it seemed there was no light at the end of the tunnel. But little did we know that there were many beams of light: Nanny and Walt, Sara, Greg, Casey and Brett, Aunt Judy, Uncle Andy, Ellen, Stacy, Evan, Pop, Dee, the Thomas and Kennedy families, as well as the Dallas, California, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Monty City and New Jersey connections that all rallied around us. There was such a tremendous outpouring of support from my coworkers at Penn Mutual/HTK in the form of, cards, toys, and goodies for Adam. The Goddard School, where Adam attended Kindergarten, Nanny’s friends (Tennis Gang and Tennis Pro) in Florida and across Ohio and Pennsylvania, also sent letters and gift cards. Sara’s friends (aka “the Gang)” that we get together with to celebrate holidays and special occasions also provided cards and gift certificates to restaurants too many to name.

Our neighbors of Fieldstone Place (The Moleskys, Blakers, Blacks, Savages, Cabans, Moores, Stocks, Snows, Montanaris, Cosgroves and Chaikins), Colin and Abigail, Sue, and the Nurse Family provided meals weekly that were so incredibly thoughtful, not to mention down right yummy (I am a cleaner, not a cooker). Mo also provided her laundry service and put a little more fluff in Steve’s shorts! In March, Adam showed so much resilience and started attending kindergarten four days a week. Mom was working four ten- hour days a week and in between his working Dad was “Mr. Mom” getting Adam off to school and picking him up. With each day we somehow how made it all work. Our clinic day was each Wednesday so off we went to CHOP, which would become our second home and family. During the months of March and April there were several long days, but Adam would listen to his iPod and watch his favorite DVD, “Stars Wars: The Clone Wars.” This would become the theme for the walk that the Goddard School sponsored in his name, “Let The Force Be with You,” and never has a phrase been more true. In May, the walk for Adam and so many other individuals battling cancer took place at the Solebury School, in New Hope, Pennsylvania, and together with teachers, aids, family, and neighbors we walked and the school raised over $5000 to help with cancer research. We thank the Goddard and all who contributed in Adam’s name.

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The Gottlieb Family Update cont’d

In May, June, and July, Adam spent time with his Aunt Sara, Uncle Greg, Casey, and Brett, not to mention Aunt Dee, Abigail, Liam, Nolan, and Grace. We even managed to go to Point Pleasant for a beach weekend with Mary Jane and Art, which was our first trip away and we thank them for a great time. Adam also spent time celebrating with Kim, Ed, Taylor, Jake, and Jeanna, who were celebrating birthdays, not to mention Jeannie, Bob, Alex and Sara. He also was able to play the Wii courtesy of Grandma (Sally) who has been with us all along the way and, to be honest, was so terribly missed. I am also sure that Pop (Donahoe) was looking down on us from heaven too.

Now on to the good news, on July 22, 2009, Adam had what we hope to be his last chemo treatment, and on August 13, 2009 had two scans, both of which were free of cancer. Make a Wish is coming to possibly grant Adam’s wish to go to Disney World. Don’t worry, Steve and I will take him regardless because Adam said he would “fire us” if he did not get there (more to come). Well, it is time to wrap up this story but we wanted to take this time to write it all down because we have so much to be thankful for. At the end of every good movie they show credits and here are ours:

Special Thanks:

All who have touched our lives especially:

To our families, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and teachers for getting us through the daily struggles of each day. Many of you don’t even know how much we appreciated all of your phone calls, letters, and cards. The laughs at work (PM), you know who you are, and for just being there. For all of the prayers, there were so many it is nice to know that whomever you believe in he/she was really listening.

Dr Kressly and Dr. David and staff (especially Jane & Colleen for those last minute referrals).

The staff at CHOP, notably, Dr. Weiser, Colleen, and Ellen, and to the entire nursing, volunteers and administrating staff who were our second family. They took the time to get to know us as a family and treat us together both physically and spiritually.

The folks at Aunt Judy’s and the Pineville on the days we were too tired to cook… “its nice to go where people know your name”.

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The Gottlieb Family Update cont’d

In August we had a great week at the shore in Ocean City, New Jersey spending time with Abigail, Liam, Nolan, Grace, Colin, Aunt Sara and Casey (Uncle Greg we missed you brother). On August 26, 2009, Adam had his port removed, which was the final surgery, and we don’t have to return to Chop for 3 months. On September 3, Adam will celebrate his sixth birthday and then will begin the new school year at Linden Elementary attending half-day kindergarten. There will be all the new experiences that a new school has to offer and riding the bus with his friend Taylor and then going to the YMCA to have some fun and to see some old friends and I am sure make many new friends.

Finally, we feel so incredibly lucky for all the good people we have in our lives. Stephen and I could not have made it without so many of you behind us. We hope that you get everything you wish for in life, we did. We get to keep the most precious gift of all, our son, Adam. If you asked us what we learned during this whole journey it is to remember the people in your lives, remember to say “thank you” and most of all, “I love you.” To appreciate the time spent with family and friends, those are the most important things that kept us going, without them life would not be worth living. We certainly hope that we have not missed anyone, and if we did please forgive us.

May The Force Be With You…


Lisa, Steve and Adam

A picture from the Relay for Life Walk, May 2009 and on vacation in Ocean City, New Jersey August 2009, the picture says it all….

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