Page 1: The glycogen storage diseases · of glycogen metabolism undergone major changes but we also now know of at least seven or eight distinct types of glycogen storage disease in which

J. clin. Path., 27, Suppl. (Roy. Coll. Path.), 8, 106-121

The glycogen storage diseasesBRENDA E. RYMAN

From the Department ofBiochemistry, Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, Hammersmith, London

It is now 45 years since von Gierke (1929) firstreported his observation at necropsy of a markedaccumulation of glycogen in the livers of twopatients. Since that time not only has our knowledgeof glycogen metabolism undergone major changesbut we also now know of at least seven or eightdistinct types of glycogen storage disease in whichthe absence of a single enzyme activity can bedemonstrated.

Glycogen Structure and Metabolism

Glycogen is the polysaccharide which is the maincarbohydrate reserve substance of many livingorganisms, including man, and which is analogousto the starch reserve of the plant kingdom. Glycogenis made of glucose units joined either through cx-1,4linkage or 1,6 linkage and, in this way, a polymer isformed which, due to its high molecular weight ofmany millions, exerts minimal osmotic pressurewhen compared with a comparable amount of freeglucose. Due to the highly branched (1,6 links) natureof the molecule it is extremely soluble and with itslarge number of chain ends is eminently suitable forrapid attack by exoenzymes in the degradativeprocess leading to its utilization.

All mammalian cells have the capacity to makeglycogen and the degree to which glycogen is madeand degraded is related to the particular function ofthe cell. Thus, glycogen is abundant in liver where itis used predominantly to form blood glucose, and inmuscle where it is a fuel for muscle contraction.Brain, on the other hand, although utilizing glucosepreferentially for its metabolic needs, does not storeglycogen to any significant extent. Figure 1 illustratesdiagrammatically the probable structure of theglycogen molecule.The polysaccharide is made by a process of chain

elongation occurring at the periphery of the moleculeby the sequential addition of glucose units in 1,4linkage. As the chains grow, the introduction ofbranch points occurs by the removal of segments ofthe growing outer chains and their repositioning inthe molecule in 1,6 links. This process of chainelongation and branching is achieved by glycogen

Fig 1 Straight lines represent runs ofglucose unitsjoined in 1-4 linkage. Arrow heads represent 1-6 linkages(branch points). 0 = reducing end of the molecule.Redrawn from the paper by Gunja-Smith et al (1970),

with permission from FEBS Letters.

synthetase and branching enzyme. Catabolism of thepolysaccharide is achieved by the opposite process,ie, chain attenuation and debranching. The chain-attenuating enzyme is phosphorylase, an enzymewhich again acts on the peripheral chain ends andwhich leads to the cleavage of the 1,4 linkages to giveglucose 1-phosphate. The process of chain shorteningcontinues until a branch point is approached whenphosphorylase loses its affinity for the partiallydegraded glycogen and at this point the glycogen isfound to have all its outer chains in the structureindicated below (figure 2a). This is referred to as alimit dextrin of phosphorylase.

Debranching, ie, the removal of the 1,6 links, nowoccurs by a process involving a transferase followedby a debranching enzyme which hydrolyses the singlestub of glucose joined in 1,6 link to give glucose(figure 2b). Once a branch point has been removedphosphorylase is again able to take up its task ofchain shortening and the whole process continuesuntil a new branch point is encountered when the


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Page 2: The glycogen storage diseases · of glycogen metabolism undergone major changes but we also now know of at least seven or eight distinct types of glycogen storage disease in which

The glycogen storage diseases


po~op po

(a)phosphorylase limit



> 0


Fig 2a Outer chain structure of the glycogen molecule after phosphorylase action.Fig 2b Action ofdebranching system. 0-0 = Glucose units; 0 = free glucose.

process of transferase/debrancher is repeated. Theseprocesses of synthesis and degradation of thepolysaccharide occur in the cytoplasm of cells,although the endoplasmic reticulum may also beinvolved. The phosphorolytic pathway forms the

main degradative pathway for glycogen; however,glycogen may be also degraded by cx-amylases ofcells although the significance of this pathway isunknown. In addition, x-glucosidases occur in cellsand may roughly be divided into those acting at



Glucose +

Glucose (Glucose 6-*



Glycogen SynthetaseBranching Enzyme*

G1P UDP-glucose




F16 diP


Fig 3 Summary of the enzymesinvolved in the biosynthesis anddegradation ofglycogen inmammalian tissue. Those enzymescarrying an asterisk are associatedwith a specific type ofglycogenstorage disease.


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Brenda E. Ryman

neutral and those acting at acid pH (Taylor andWhelan, 1968). Hers and his colleagues havepioneered the work on one of these tx-glucosidases,believed to be of lysosomal origin, which is res-

ponsible for the degradation of glycogen reaching theinside of lysosomes during their normal autophagy.Lack of this acid pH optimum ox-glucosidase(sometimes referred to as acid maltase), which isable totally to degrade glycogen to glucose, leads tothe fatal glycogen storage disease type II (Pompe'sdisease). Figure 3 summarizes the enzymic mecha-nisms which are responsible for glycogen synthesisanddegradationand itslink to theglycolyticpathway.

Disorders of Glycogen Metabolism

The enzymes carrying an asterisk in figure 3 are thosewhose absence, due to a genetic fault, are known tolead to the accumulation of an abnormal amount ofglycogen. The accumulated glycogen is frequently ofnormal structure having, on average, 12 glucose unitsto each chain peripheral to the branch point.However, in some glycogen storage diseases, forexample in type III where the mechanism of de-branching is lost, the end product of phosphorylaseactivity, ie, a phosphorylase limit dextrin, is foundwhere the outer chains of the glycogen molecule willbe very short, and thus the overall chain length(CL) will be much less than 12. On the other hand,deficiency of the branching enzyme, which is a veryrare defect (type IV glycogen storage disease),results in glycogen resembling amylopectin, a

component of starch, the storage product of theplant world. This glycogen is much less branchedand has an overall CL of about 22 and is much lesssoluble than normal glycogen. It is probablytreated as a foreign substance despite the fact that thecell produced it, and such a hostile reaction may bethe basis of the early cirrhosis that is characteristic

of this type IV disease. As well as the assessment ofthe fine structure of the glycogen, iodine staining ofthe polysaccharide may also give valuable inform-ation concerning its structure. The normal peakabsorption ofthe glycogen iodine stain is in the regionof460-480 nm, but this will be modified if the averageCL is altered.

Table I summarizes the types of glycogen storagedisease that are now recognized and the maintissues affected. The types may be divided looselyinto those where the enzymic lesion, and hence theaccumulation of polysaccharide, are localized (typesI, V, VII), and those where a more generalizeddistribution amongst tissues is seen (types II, III,

IV, VI).The literature of the glycogen storage diseases is

large, and the reader who seeks further informationis referred to several reviews which include those byBrown and Brown (1968, types I, III, IV, V, andVII), Hers and Van Hoof (1968, types IL and VI),Howell (1972, all types), and Hers and de Barsy(1973, type LI).

Table II summarizes some of the clinical symptomswhich appear to be relatively characteristic of theindividual glycogen storage disease, but it must beemphasized that many others exist and, indeed, notall the symptoms, not even those that are said to becharacteristic, always appear in each case. Therelative rarity of these disorders, probably in theregion of 1 in 70 000 live births (Ockerman, 1972;Moe, Garatun-Tjeldst0, Garatun-Tjeldst0, Raae,and Vogt, 1972), at least ensures that well docu-mented clinical descriptions are available, as mostglycogen storage disease patients reach the literaturein some form or another.

Differentiation of the Glycogen Storage diseases

The differential diagnosis of the glycogen storage

Type Enzyme Defect Tissues Affected

LocalizedI Glucose-6-phosphatase Liver, kidney, and small intestineVon GierkeV Muscle phosphorylase Striated muscleMcArdleVII Phosphofructokinase MuscleTarui

More GeneralizedlI Lysosomal cx-glucosidase ('acid maltase') Most tissues, including amniotic cells and leucocytesPompeIII Debranching enzyme(s) (amylo 1,6-glucosidase/transferase) Several subclasses, but liver and/or muscle most affectedForbe Leucocytes

FibroblastsIV Branching enzyme Liver, leucocytes, and fibroblastsAndersenVt Phosphorylase defect Liver, leucocytesHers

Table I Glycogen storage diseases


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Type and Defect Main Symptoms

LocalizedI Massive hepatomegaly, severe hypoglycaemia, acidosis, t serum lipids, serum lactate and(Von Gierke-glucose-6-phosphatase) uric acidV Easy fatigueability, painful cramps after strenuous exercise(McArdle-muscle phosphorylase) MyoglobinuriaVII As in type V(Tarui-muscle phosphofructokinase)

More GeneralizedII Massive cardiomegaly in infants, hypotonia without wasting(Pompe-lysosomal a-glucosidase)III Massive hepatomegaly, variable hypoglycaemia, and in general similar to type I(Forbe-debranching enzyme(s))IV Progressive cirrhosis with hepatosplenomegaly and ascites(Andersen-branching enzyme)VI Mild hepatomegaly, mild hypoglycaemia(Hers-phosphorylase defect)

Table II Glycogen storage diseases

diseases almost always requires direct enzyme assay following ischaemic exercise, as described byon some suitable tissue, and diagnosis without such McArdle (Gruener, McArdle, Ryman, and Weller,direct assay is not wholly satisfactory. There are, 1968); (4) measurement of blood lactate following ahowever, several useful tests that may be carried out glucose tolerance test (Fernandes, Huijing, and vanto aid diagnosis, and these include: (1) ability of the de Kramer, 1969); (5) assessment of relative halfpatient to respond to glucagon or adrenaline as lives of (23H)-glucose compared with (U14C)-glucosemeasured by an increase in blood glucose and the (Hue and Hers, 1972).effect of these hormones on blood lactate; (2) Ockerman (1967) and Spencer-Peet, Norman,infusion of galactose which, in the normal state, Lake, McNamara, and Patrick (1971) have discussedresults in conversion to glucose and an increase in the usefulness of tests 1, 2, and 4 in assessing hepaticblood glucose; (3) measurement of blood lactate glycogenoses. Paraffin sections of tissues are not very

Type and Defect Tests for Diagnosis Severity

LocalizedrNeither glucagon/adrenaline nor galactose/fructose cause increase in blood Moderate

I glucose levelsHigh blood lactate reduced on glucose administration

(Von Gierke-glucose-6-phosphatase) L Comparison of half lives of (23H)-glucose with (Ul'C)-glucoseLiver biopsy t glycogen and absence of glucose-6-phosphatase

V fNo rise in venous lactate after ischaemic exercise Mild(McArdle-muscle phosphorylase) Muscle biopsy t glycogen and absence of phosphorylase

VII rNo rise in venous lactate after ischaemic exercise Mild{ Erythrocyte PFK diminished

(Tarui-muscle phosphofructokinase (PFK)) EyhoyePKdmnseT

Muscle biopsy t glycogen and absence of PFK

More GeneralizedrBiopsies (muscle, liver, skin etc) show t glycogen and lack of Lethal0--glucosidase(Pompe-lysosomal aK-glucosidase) LLeucocytes usually show defect, also amniotic cells

Glucagon/adrenaline give t blood glucose in fed state but not in fasted MildGalactose/fructose infusion t blood glucose

III j Blood lactate level t after glucose load(Forbe-debranching enzyme(s)) Erythrocyte glycogen elevated and enzyme defect in muscle and/or liver,

and usually in blood cells and fibroblastsGlycogen structure abnormal in fasted state (short outer chains)

IV S Liver biopsy shows cirrhosis and t glycogen of abnormal structure Lethal(Andersen-branching enzyme) i (CL 22 instead of 12)(Lack of branching enzyme in liver leucocytes and fibroblasts

CIncrease in blood lactate after glucose load. Normal glucose elevation Very mildVI J following glucagon or galactose(Hers-phosphorylase defect) Examination of liver biopsy and leucocytes for phosphorylase and

Lphosphorylase kinase activities

Table III Glycogen storage diseases

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A.R. Normal

Glycogen level 4'1 < 0-2g/100 g wet weight of tissueDebranching enzyme and transferase 0 068Amoles glucose released from phosphorylase limit dextrin min-' g-' tissueDebranching enzyme 0 0-5pmoles glucose released from 6-glucosyl-a-Shardinger dextrin min-' g-' tissueAcid maltase 0 13 0 03-0l11t&moles maltose hydrolysed min-' g-' tissueGlycogen phosphorylase 123 50-100gsmoles inorganic phosphate released from glucose I-phosphate min-' g-' tissuePhosphofructokinase PresentGlycogen structureIodine stain, maximum absorption wavelength (nm) A max 495 440-500

Table IV Muscle biopsy (A.R. 1973)1'Biopsy data from child with type III glycogen storage disease showing defect of both transferase (phosphorylase limit dextrin substrate) anddebranching enzyme (Shardinger dextrin substrate) (patient of Professor V. Dubowitz, Hammersmith Hospital).

Type Subtype

I la lb(enzyme notinactive butclassicalsymptoms)

1I Ila Ilb(infantile) (adult)

III IIa IlIb IlIc IlIdVI phosphorylase VIa VIbdefectIX phosphorylase IXa IXbkinase (normal Km) ( t Km)

Table V Variants of types ofglycogen storage diseases.

suitable for the diagnosis of glycogen storagediseases as the glycogen (particularly the short outerchained material found in type Ill) readily washesout of formol-saline-fixed material.Over the last 20 years, and since the demonstration

that polymorphonuclear leucocytes could accumulateglycogen, much work has been done to investigatethe possibility of utilizing white cells and, indeed,also erythrocytes, for the diagnosis of glycogenstorage disease, thereby avoiding liver or musclebiopsy. While this technique of enzyme assay onleucocytes may be, without question, most useful,there are many reports in the literature where theenzyme defect shown in other tissues was notmirrored in the leucocytes. It would seem, in view ofthis, that leucocytes, together with other more readilyavailable tissues, are probably useful in familystudies and genetic work, but that the primarydiagnosis in a family is best done by direct assay onthe main affected tissue-muscle or liver-based onthe clinical findings.

Table III summarizes the tests which are useful indiagnosing each of the glycogen storage diseases.The detailed enzyme studies on various tissues fromglycogen storage disease patients have undoubtedly

increased our understanding of these disorders, butthey have also unquestionably increased the com-plexity of the situation and most types are nowsubdivided, and examples of this situation are shownin table V. (Further reference will be made to thesesubtypes later.) All the groups so far studied, withthe exception of type VIa, suggest that the glycogenstorage diseases are inherited by an autosomalrecessive type of inheritance. Huijing and hiscollaborators (see types VI, VIII, and XI) havestudied type VIa and have concluded that thedisorder is inherited in an X-linked manner.Methodology for the enzyme investigation of

biopsies and leucocytes is well documented, eg, Hers(1964), Huijing (1967), Ockerman (1968), Lundquistand Ockerman (1970), and Spencer-Peet et al (1971).

Fig 4 Boy with type III glycogen storage diseaseshowing grossly enlarged liver (patient ofProfessorSheila Sherlock, Royal Free Hospital, London)

Brenda E. Ryman110


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The glycogen storage diseases

I...w -. ..

V- I!




~ ~ >



Fig 5 Electron micrograph of muscle tissue from a baby with type III glycogen storage disease, in which a largeaccumulation ofglycogen can be seen in the sarcoplasm (patient ofProfessor V. Dubowitz, Hammersmith Hospital,London). The electron micrographs were kindly prepared by Mrs Caroline Maunder.


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It is, however, essential that such work is carried outin a laboratory by workers fully familiar with themethods. Biopsy material must be handled extremelycarefully since some enzymes (glucose-6-phosphatase,for example) are very labile. Biopsy data which statethe absence of more than one enzyme sometimesreflect poor handling of the material. Biopsy tissueshould be frozen immediately and wrapped in asmall piece of aluminium foil and kept in a deepfreeze in a small sealed container so that the volumeof air in contact with the biopsy is kept to a mini-mum. The sample should not be thawed and frozenagain, and surgeons should be asked not to useglove powder: this frequently contains staich which,on assay, behaves like glycogen.

Figure 4 shows (by kind permission of ProfessorSheila Sherlock, London) a child with glycogenstorage disease where the liver is mainly involved.Typical biopsy data are shown in table IV for a caseof type III glycogen storage disease where the babyshowed symptoms of floppiness with some enlarge-ment of the heart. This child's muscle electronmicrograph is shown in figure 5 (by kind permissionof Professor V. Dubowitz, London), and clearlydisplays the large amount of accumulated glycogenin the sarcoplasm.

Glycogen Storage Diseases

While so many excellent reviews (listed previously)exist in the literature, it would seem to the writerthat only recent imformation, or that not readilyavailable in the review articles, should be discussed,and this will be done briefly under each type ofglycogen storage disease.

TYPE I (GLUCoSE-6-PHoSPHATASEDEFICIENCY)This disorder is well documented by Howell (1972)and by Brown and Brown (1968). One of the majorclinical symptoms, namely, hypoglycaemia, appearsto be a constant finding in this disorder, and it ismost surprising that some children whose bloodglucose falls below 10 mg per 100 ml do not showthe expected convulsions. A likely explanation seemsto be that, like the obese-starved individual (Owen,Morgan, Kemp, Sullivan, Herrera, and Cahill,1967), the brains of children with type I can utilizeketone bodies in preference to glucose. The urine oftype I children sometimes contains abnormalquantities of glucose, inorganic phosphate, andamino acids, and it is believed that this may beassociated with kidney dysfunction associated withthe lack of glucose-6-phosphatase in this tissue,leading to glycogen accumulation and maybe

Brenda E. Ryman

impaired renal transport. Osteoporosis in type Ipatients has been reported, and this may reflect thephosphate loss coupled with the acidosis which is afeature of this disorder.Type I children have a defect in bleeding, although

the factors involved are not clearly defined (Lowe,Ambrus, Ambrus, Mosovich, Mink, and Sokal,1960). Steatorrhoea is also commonly found intype I, but this does not appear to be associated withmalabsorption (Howell, Ashton, and Wyngaarden,1962). Recently Fine, Wilson, and Donnell (1968)have reported discrete paramacular lesions of thefundus of the eye in three out of five of their patientswith type I glycogen storage disease. The hyper-lipidaemia of this disorder is associated withincreased levels of triglyceride, phospholipids, andcholesterol (Howell et al, 1962), as well as glycerol(Ockerman, 1965 a and b). In view of the low insulinstatus of type I patients (Lockwood, Merimee,Edgar, Greene, Fujimoto, Seegmiller, and Howell,1969), it is tempting to speculate that the low levelof blood glucose, together with the expected highlevel of glucagon (see Epand and Douglas, 1973, andreferences therein), will stimulate the hormone-sensitive lipase of adipocytes and cause fatty acidmobilization. On the other hand, the possibleincreased flux of glucose-6-phosphate throughglycolysis and the pentose pathway may account forthe increased synthesis of fat and cholesterol asevidenced in this disordcrby adiposity andxanthomasin the skin. Cuttino, Hill, and Summer (1970) haveobserved from their work that a diet containingmedium-chain triglycerides led, in a 7-year-old boywith type I glycogen storage disease, to a markeddecrease in serum lipids within 14 days of startingthe diet, and a complete disappearance of xanthomasin four months. As well as the insulin status of typeI patients, other hormonal aspects of this disorderhave been examined by Bierich, Rager, and Schon-berg (1973), who report that several aspects of thesymptoms observed in type I may be accounted forby changes in cottisol and growth hormone level.

It has been suggested that the increased bloodlactate in this disorder may also be a reflection of agreater flux through glycolysis due to the blockageimposed by glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency. How-ever, it seems unlikely that such a naive view willstand the test of further experimentation. Blood uricacid elevation is probably a reflection of a diminishedclearance by the kidney of this substance in thepresence of increased lactate and, maybe, otherorganic acids. Another suggestion to explain theraised uric acid involves a possible increased pro-duction mediated by a raised formation of phospho-ribosyl pyrophosphate (Kelley, Rosenbloom, Seeg-miller, and Howell, 1968) secondary to an increased

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The glycogen storage diseases

Fig. 6a, Fig. 6b

Fig 6 Electron micrograph of liver tissue ofa child with type II glycogen storage disease, taken from the paper byBaudhuin, Hers, and Loeb (1964), and reproduced by permission ofLaboratory Investigation.

The dark areas in a represent accumulated glycogen which, on further magnification b, can be seen to bemembrane surrounded.

flux through the pentose pathway, leading to greaterribose production. It is, perhaps, of some interest tonote that Dosman, Crawhill, Klassen, Mamer, andNeumann (1972) have reported the appearance ofshort-chain fatty dicarboxylic acids (suberic, azelaic,sebacic, and adipic) in the urine of type I patients,and these acids diminish on the administration ofallopurinol. Although ketosis (as well as acidosis)has been generally considered to be a characteristicof type I, Fernandes and Pikaar (1972) reportedrecently that ketosis does not seem to be a feature ofglucose-6-phosphatase deficiency.

In his recent review Howell (1972) has discussedtreatment of type I glycogen storage disease children,as have Spencer-Peet et al (1971). Variants (orsubclasses) of type I glycogen storage diseases haverecently been reported. Grenet, Badoual, Lestradet,Marinetti, Sanna, and Voyer (1972), Badoual,Lestradet, Tichet, Sanna, and Grenet (1972), and

Moses (1973) have reported cases of glycogenosiswith repeated hypoglycaemia, hyperuricaemia, andmarked hyperlipidaemia with normal glucose-6-phosphatase activity, and Moses (1973) has suggesteda classification of type lb for such children. Itwould, however, seem to the writer that it is too earlyto make a special subclass for so few patients.

TYPE II (LYSOSOMAL 'ACID MALTASE'DEFICIENCY)The excellent review of type II glycogenosis by Hersand de Barsy (1973) is strongly recommended to thereader, together with articles by Hers and Van Hoof(1968) and Howell (1972).

Classical infantile type II glycogenosis has a verypoor prognosis, and children with this disorderusually die with cardiomegaly and hypotonia in thefirst few months of life. Glycogen accumulates inmany tissues (around 10% in muscle-normal 1 %)


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Ila (Infantile) Ilb (Adult)

a-Glucosidase Marked MarkeddeficiencyGlycogen content of Marked Normal or slighttissues increaseAbnormal lysosomes Abundant and Small and few

largePrognosis Poor-early death Slow, progressive

Table VI Type II glycogen storage disease (Pompe'sdisease) variants

within membrane-bound structures which are believedto be lysosomes. Cytoplasmic glycogen is eithernormal in amount or increased. Electron micro-graphs of tissue from children with type II diseasehave been published by many authors, but few areas distinguished as the early publications ofBaudhuin, Hers, and Loeb (1964). Figure 6 showstwo such pictures from their work.A variant of this disorder (adult form, table VI)

shows a lack of enzyme activity, but the symptomsand prognosis are much less severe, and hepato-megaly and cardiomegaly are usually not a feature.Muscle weakness and wasting are observed. Severalreports of this variant have appeared in the literature(eg, Courtecuisse, Royer, Habib, Monnier, andDemos, 1965; Roth and Williams, 1967; Hudgson,Gardner-Medwin, Worsfold, Pennington, andWalton, 1968; Engel, 1970; Canal, Frattola, andPellegrini, 1972).

While there seems little doubt in most people'sminds that the defect involves the oa-glucosidaseassociated with lysosomes, the majority agree thatthere are aspects of the disorder which are still notclear, including the co-accumulation with glycogenof another substance which may be an acidicmucopolysaccharide. Ultrastructural and bio-chemical studies (Garancis, 1968; Bruni and Paluello,1970) indicate that in heart the glycogen does notappear to be membrane bound. de Barsy, Jacquemin,Devos, and Hers (1972) were unable to detect anyprotein immunologically (using an antiserum toox-glucosidase) in tissues from type II glycogenosisusing a double-diffusion technique or antibodyconsumption test.

Diagnosis of type II disease is achieved by directassay of tissue such as liver, muscle, or skin(Leathwood and Ryman, 1971). Cultured fibroblasts(see Brown and Brown, 1972; and DiMauro, Row-land, and Mellman, 1973) appear to be suitable forenzyme analysis, and furthermore show an accumu-lation of glycogen in vacuoles (Hug, Schubert, andSoukup, 1971). Leucocyte assays (Huijing, 1967)have given equivocal results, and this may reflectthe differing ways of isolating leucocytes that havebeen used, eg, centrifugation alone, or after priorsedimentation of erythrocytes with dextran, since

Brenda E. Ryman

different methods appear to yield varying propor-tions of the different white cells in blood. Hers andde Barsy (1973) caution against the use of leucocytesand amniotic cells (Nadler and Messina, 1969;Salafsky and Nadler, 1971); they point out that thesecells have an ax-glucosidase which is not inhibited byturanose (a characteristic of the ot-glucosidasemissing in type II), and that this a-glucosidaseactivity may confuse the assay. Urine also seems tobe a possible specimen for assay since it also con-tains an o-glucosidase which is missing in type II.

This type of glycogenosis, which is lethal in theinfantile form, is inherited by an autosomal recessivemode of inheritance, and Hers and his collaborators(Hers and de Barsy, 1973) believe that the incidenceof the disorder is probably in the order of 1 in150 000. Early experiments with amniotic cellssuggest that accumulated glycogen can be seen in theelectron microscope in such cells from fetuses at risk(Hug, Schubert, and Soukup, 1970c), and whilestudies on ac-glucosidase activity in cultured amnio-tic cells in this disorder have not been without theirproblems, there seems little doubt that such anapproach will be successful, and that early diagnosisin utero of type II will be available.

TYPE III (DEBRANCHING ENZYMEDEFICIENCY)Forbe's 'limit dextrinosis' (for reviews see Howell,1972; Brown and Brown, 1968) derives its name fromthe fact that, due to the lack of debranching activity,the structure of the glycogen isolated from tissues ofpatients suffering from this disorder resembles thephosphorylase limit dextrin depicted in figure 2. Theglycogen structure usually, but not always, has shortouter chains, and hence lower CL, and this isparticularly seen if the tissues are studied afterovernight fasting. The iodine spectrum of theglycogen shows a shift in optimum absorbanceassociated with the shorter outer chains.Although the disorder resembles type I in many of

its features it can readily be distinguished by directassay of the debranching enzyme(s) in many tissuesincluding erythrocytes, where an elevated glycogenlevel is found (van Hoof, 1967), leucocytes (Huijing,1967), and fibroblasts (DiMauro et al, 1973).However, atypical results have been reported(Deckelbaum, Russell, Shapira, Cohen, Agam, andGutman, 1972). In contrast to type I, the positivegalactose glucose test, the responsiveness to glucagonin the fed state (but not so in the fasted state), theelevation of blood lactate after a glucose load, andthe preferential loss of the tritium label from(23H)-glucose compared with (U14C)-glucose (seetable III), are all characteristic of type III glyco-genosis.

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Type III is generally regarded as milder than typeI, with hepatomegaly, mild hypoglycaemia, some-times splenomegaly with variable elevation of bloodlipids, and a usually normal uric acid level. Serumtransaminases are consistently elevated (cf type Iwhere they are very often normal). Although type IVglycogen storage disease is the one type wherecirrhosis is invariably found, a few reports ofcirrhosis in type Ill have been recorded (Starzl,Marchioro, Sexton, Illingworth, Waddell, Faris,and Herrmann, 1965; Brandt and DeLuca, 1966).The two components of the debranching system

(transferase and amylo-1,6-glucosidase) have beendiscussed, and their action is summarized in figure 2.van Hoof and Hers (1967) have studied some 40cases of type III by varying techniques whichdistinguish between the two components of thedebranching system, and have concluded that twomain variants exist in which both the enzymes aremissing in the liver and muscle-Illa, or in musclealone-IlIb. A further four subclasses, which are veryrare, accommodate cases where the two componentsof the debranching process occur in various com-binations and permutations between liver and muscletissue.Type III is believed to be one of the commoner of

the glycogen storage diseases, and in a study made inIsrael (Levin, Moses, Chayoth, Jagoda, andSteinitz, 1967) it was reported to have an incidence of1 in 5420 in a non-Ashkenazi Jewish communityoriginating from North Africa. Type HI appears tobe inherited as an autosomal recessive, and thegenetics of this disorder, as well as the other types ofglycogen storage disease, have been considered bySidbury (1965). Attempts to show a gene dosageeffect expressed by diminished levels of the enzyme inthe heterozygous state have given equivocal results.The genetics of type III have also been studied byWilliams and Field (1968), by Huijing, Obbink, andCreveld (1968), and Waaler, Garatun-Tjeldst0, andMoe (1970).The prognosis of Forbe's limit dextrinosis is

usually good; a high-protein diet with frequentfeeding is recommended by Fernandes and van deKramer (1968) for children with symptoms. Both inthis type and in types I and IV, portacaval trans-positions and portacaval shunts have been attemptedwith mixed success (Starzl et al, 1965; Riddell,Davies, and Clark, 1966; Levin, Burgess, and Morti-mer, 1968; Starzl, Brown, Blanchard, and Brett-schneider, 1969; Hermann and Mercer, 1969).

Muscle wasting is not usually significant in mosttype III patients, although Brunberg, McCormick,and Schochet (1971) have reported a case in an adultwho showed such symptoms. The patient of ProfessorDubowitz, reported earlier (see table IV and figure


5), showed some cardiac enlargement which, whilenot a common feature, has been reported in a fewcases (Miller, Alleyne, and Brooks, 1972). It isperhaps of some interest that Moe, Waaler, andGaratun-Tjeldst0 (1972) have reported the develop-ment of diabetes mellitus-also believed to be aninherited disorder-in a type III 41-year-oldNorwegian boy.The hyperlipidaemia in type III is discussed by

Fernandes and Pikaar (1969), and a four-yearfollow-up study on the hyperlipidaemia of a type IIIchild has been published by Vitek, Srackova',Toman, Kratsky, and Vognarek (1970).

TYPE IV (BRANCHING ENZYMEDEFICIENCY)This disease, known as Andersen's amylopectinosis,is a very rare disorderand thereare only seven definitecases and four probable ones reported in theliterature. Brown and Brown (1968), Schochet,McCormick, and Zellweger (1970), Schochet,McCormick, and Kovarsky (1971), and Zellweger,Mueller, Ionasescu, Schochet, and McCormick(1972), have documented most of the cases. Twonecropsy cases have been recently reported fromJapan (Motoi, Sonobe, Ogawa, Murakami, Yama-nouchi, Toda, Okamoto, and Ohara, 1973), althoughno analyses on biopsy material were available. Asthe name suggests, the glycogen deposited has alow degree of branching and a CL of about 22(cf normal 12). The presence of branch points (1 -> 6links) in the molecule is, at first glance, amazing,since the defect is associated with lack of branchingenzymes. Evidence suggests that the branch pointsare achieved by the reversibility of the debranchingsystem (Huijing, Lee, Carter, and Whelan, 1970;Mercier and Whelan, 1970).The disease is accompanied by symptoms which

include failure to thrive, hepatomegaly, spleno-megaly, hypotonia, progressive cirrhosis of the liver,and early death. Only one child has survived to theage of 4 years. Heart disease is usually found, andliver disturbance, as assessed by serum transaminaselevels, is evident. Although the patient described byFemandes and Huijing (1968) showed an elevatedliver glycogen (10-7 %, cf normal up to 5%), otherauthors have not observed raised glycogen.

Skin fibroblasts in type IV glycogen storagedisease (Brown and Brown, 1972) show the geneticdefect, and the disorder can almost certainly bediagnosed by amniocentesis. Leucocytes have alsobeen used to establish the diagnosis. Portacavalshunt has been attempted in a type IV child (Levinet al, 1967), as has the administration of a fungalx-glucosidase (Fernandes and Huijing, 1968) in anattempt to degrade accumulated polysaccharide.

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Brenda E. Ryman

TYPE V (MUSCLE PHOSPHORYLASEDEFICIENCY)There are now 27 patients described in the literaturewith muscle phosphorylase deficiency (type V); mostof them are documented by Brown and Brown (1968)and by Howell et al (1972). Further cases have beendescribed by Nixon, Hobbs, and Greenblatt (1966)in which myoglobinuria was a dominant feature,by Schimrigk, Mertens, Richer, Fuhr, Eyer, andPette (1967) who reported on a 46-year-old womanand her daughter both of whom showed primaryinsufficiency of the uterine muscle as well as loss ofenzyme activity from skeletal muscle. One possibilityof cardiac muscle involvement in these cases is con-sidered. Slater, Adamson, and Pearce(1967) describedafamily with four cases, one ofwhomshowedapartialdefect, and Gruener et al (1968) who, in one case,studied single muscle fibre contraction. Thesepatientsshow limited ability to perform strenuous exercise,which leads to painful cramps and of tenmyoglobin-uria and raised levels of several enzymes, includinglactate dehydrogenase and creatine phosphokinase.No hypoglycaemia is present, and there is a normalelevation of blood glucose after glucagon injection, aresult to be expected since the liver phosphorylase isnot affected. Cardiac symptoms are not usuallyobserved, but abnormal ECG patterns have beenrecorded (see Salter, 1968; Dawson, Spong, andHarrington, 1968). There are several reports ofhistological studies of muscle in McArdle's disease:two of them report the association of glycogen withmitochondria (Schotland, Spiro, Rowland, andCarmel, 1965; Gruener et al, 1968).

Muscle biopsies from these patients show elevationof glycogen of normal structure, and an absence ofphosphorylase. Platelets having three phosphorylaseisoenzymes, one of which is similar to the muscleenzyme, seemed an attractive alternative source of'biopsy' material for diagnosis. However, on examin-ation of platelet phosphorylase from a McArdlepatient and his family, there appeared to be nodiminution of the level of activity compared withnormal (Ryman and Chung, 1969). Phosphorylaseactivity is not lost from the skin in type V (Leathwoodand Ryman, 1971) or from cultured fibroblasts(Dreyfus and Alexandre, 1971).

It is perhaps surprising that patients with thisdisorder frequently do not show symptoms before 10years of age, and indeed often report athletic prowessin earlier life. In this context it is of considerableinterest that Roelofs, Engel, and Chauvin (1972) havereported histochemical phosphorylase activity inmuscle cells in culture from a type V glycogen storagedisease patient. Furthermore, Dreyfus and Alexandre(1971) have observed in one of the two patients withMcArdle's disease whom they studied that immuno-

logically reactive phosphorylase protein was present.Treatment of McArdle's disease involves the

avoidance of strenuous exercise.. Some suggestionregarding the use of the free fatty acid mobilizer-isoproterenol-has been made (Pernow, Havel, andJennings, 1967); this may make available moresubstrate for muscle work.

TYPES VI, VIII, AND IX (LIVERPHOSPHORYLASE AND RELATEDDEFICIENCIES)Hers and Van Hoof (1968) originally suggested thisgroup, VI, to accommodate those patients withhepatomegaly, high liver glycogen, and low (less than25%) liver phosphorylase, and they regarded thegroup as a 'waiting room' for further elucidation ofthe exact defect. It will be appreciated that thephosphorylase activation cascade system, which isbriefly summarized below, lends itself to manysubgroups leading to low phosphorylase levels sincein muscle, and almost certainly in liver also, acyclic AMP-dependent kinase is involved in activa-ting phosphorylase kinase which then brings aboutthe conversion of phosphorylase b -- a.

cyclic 3'5' AMP dependent kinase

inactive phospho rylase kinase4active phosphorylasekinase

phosphorylase b phosphorylase aThe phosphorylase defect in muscle alone (type V

glycogen storage disease) is quite clear and distinct;however, the phosphorylase defect in liver alone, orin liver and muscle, is more confused although themist is clearing.

Huijing (1967, 1970a and 1970b) has subdividedtype VI and, based on his studies of leucocytepreparations from patients with low phosphorylaseand their families, he has concluded that two sub-groups can be made by leucocyte examination:type VIa, low phosphorylase and low phosphorylasekinase; type VIb, low phosphorylase and normalphosphorylase kinase.

Huijing and his colleagues (Wagner, Huijing, andPorter, 1971) conclude that leucocytes are morereliable for assay than liver tissue in type VI in somecases where genetic studies are being made. Fern-andes and Huijing (1969) and Huijing (1970a) havestudied the genetics of type VI and conclude thattype VIa is a sex-limited disorder involving motherto son and never father to son transmittance.Hug, Schubert, and Chuck (1970a) are not con-

vinced that the interpretation of the results onleucocyte studies and genetic inheritance are entirelyvalid, as they believe the defect is not alwaysexpressed in the leucocytes. Ockerman, Jelke, and


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The glycogen storage diseases

Kaijser (1966) did not find lowered leucocytephosphorylase a constant feature of the patients theystudied. It must be pointed out that Huijing (1967)has emphasized that assays for phosphorylaseactivity in leucocytes must be conducted in the totalabsence of AMP if meaningful data are to beobtained. Hug and his colleagues have reportedseveral patients where the defect involves thediffering aspects of the cascade of enzymes discussedabove, and they have classified them accordingly:-

TYPE VIIIGlycogen storage disease characterized by degenera-tive brain disease and by lack of proper activation ofthe hepatic phosphorylase system whose enzymecomponents appear to be normal (Hug, Garancis.Schubert, and Kaplan, (1966). A similar case hasbeen documented by Ludwig, Wolfson, and Rennert(1972).

TYPE IXThis type (Hug, Schubert, and Chuck, 1966 and1969, Morishita, Nishiyama, Yamamura, Kodama,Negishi, Matsuo, Matsuo, and Nishizuka, 1973)denotes deficiency of phosphorylase kinase in liverand low phosphorylase in this tissue. The muscleenzymes are normal. This group has been furthersubdivided by Hug, Sper, and Schubert (1973) intoIXa, in which the kinase, while diminished inamount, has a normal Km, and type IXb, where againit is diminished and also shows a change in Km. Thistype IX group will surely eventually be combinedwith Huijing's subgroup VIa. Hug, Schubert, andChuck (1970b) have described yet another possibletype in the phosphorylase defect which is character-ized by accumulation of glycogen in both muscleand liver and involving the loss of cyclic 3'5' AMP-dependent kinase in muscle.

Studies on fibroblasts of type VI patients havebeen made (see Brown and Brown, 1972). RecentlyMathieu, Collombel, and Cotte (1972) have indicatedthat these cells from patients with type VI do notshow low phosphorylase activity.

Koster, Fernandes, Slee, van Berkel, andHulsmann (1973) have reported a biochemical studyon the hepatic phosphorylase deficiency, and haveput forward diagnostic procedures for the differentialdiagnosis of phosphorylase and phosphorylasekinase deficiency.

TYPE VII (MUSCLE PHOSPHOFRUCTOKINASEDEFICIENCY)Tarui, Okuno, Ikura, Tanaka, Suda, and Nishikawa(1965) first described this glycogenosis which, while


resembling type V very closely in its clinical features,nevertheless is associated with a total lack of musclephosphofructokinase (the key enzyme of glycolysis),and with an elevation of glycogen in muscle. Theincrease of glycogen is thought to arise partly fromthe block in the glycolytic pathway, but also maybefrom enhanced synthesis, as the authors observed anincreased activity of both UDPG pyrophosphorylaseand glycogen synthetase. Layzer, Rowlands, andRanney (1967) have described a patient with thisrare disorder, which appears to be inherited as anautosomal recessive. They have shown that there wasno cross reaction between the muscle extract fromthe patient and an antibody raised against humanphosphofructokinase, indicating an absence of theenzyme rather than the production of an inactiveprotein. The phosphofructokinase activity of erythro-cytes shows at least two isoenzymes, one of which isthe muscle type; the erythrocyte phosphofructo-kinase of the type VII patients and their relativesappears to be reduced.

UNCLASSIFIED GLYCOGEN STORAGEDISEASESDykes and Spencer-Peet (1972) have reported furtherstudies on a patient which they earlier documented ashaving marked hypoglycaemia, low levels of liverglycogen, and a lack of glycogen synthetase in thistissue. A deficiency of phosphoglucomutase inmuscle was reported by Thomson, MacLaurin, andPrineas (1963). Shen, Edstrom, and Larner (1972)have reported an unusual glycogen storage diseasein which the glycogen present is not only in excessbut has a very poor primer activity in the synthetasereaction and that, in consequence, there is a build upof glycogen of a low molecular weight which does notexert the normal inhibitory action on glycogenaccumulation.


The milestone for accurate laboratory diagnosis ofthe glycogen storage disease has surely been reached.Suitable sensitive techniques, specific substrates, andcare with biopsies results in accurate diagnosis. Oncea diagnosis is firmly established, suitable treatmentto counteract unwanted symptoms can be instigated(see Spencer-Peet et al, 1971). What then for thefuture if we are to move forward ? The twoglycogen storage diseases, types II and IV, presentus with the greatest challenge as, without furtheradvances, these children will die in the first year in thecase of type II and in the first two years of their lifein the case of type IV.

Severe type I cases will remain a risk and a prob-lem to their parents to look after since their feeding

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regime, necessary to counteract the hypoglycaemia,is demanding both day and night. A recent report byTze, Crigler, and Folkman (1972) of a constantglucose infusion pump for the maintenance of bloodglucose in cases of type I glycogen storage diseasehas been greeted with enthusiasm, and looks hopefulto overcome the problem of delayed growth in thesechildren which Fine, Frasier, and Donnell (1969)have suggested is due, in part, to low glucose levels.Portacaval shunts to bypass the liver and thereby,hopefully, to avoid further glycogen deposition arereceiving further attention and look promisingcoupled with prolonged hyperalimentation beforesurgery (Folkman, Philippart, Tze, and Crigler,1972). The platelet defect observed in type I may alsorespond to such hyperalimentation (Czapek, Deykin,and Salzman, 1972).

Genetic engineering, regarded by many as highlyundesirable will, however, surely be exploited in thefuture, but how far off this is we do not know.Meanwhile, in the field of glycogen storage diseases,attempts have been made to replace the missingenzyme activity by intravenous administration of afungal enzyme of high purity which is capable ofcompletely degrading glycogen (Baudhuin et al,1964; Hug and Schubert, 1967; Lauer, Mascarinas,Racela, Diehl, and Brown, 1968; and Fernandes andHuijing, 1968). Preliminary reports along these lines,but utilizing a human placental cx-glucosidase, havebeen reported by Hers and de Barsy (1973). Suchenzyme replacement therapy in children who weresurely to die were, however, without clear-cut benefit.The problem of injecting unshielded protein is

fraught with difficulties, one of which is the possibleimmunological response. We have been investigatingthe possibility of entrapping enzymes of potentialtherapeutic use in physiologically acceptable lipidlayers (called liposomes). Such sequestering of theenzyme results, upon intravenous injection into ratsof liposomes containing the enzyme, in their rapiddisappearance from the circulation. In the serum theenzyme remains inside the lipid envelope and thus itis not able to interfere with the normal function ofthe blood components. The rapid disappearancefrom the serum is accompanied by uptake by the liver(parenchymal and Kupffer cells are both apparentlyinvolved) and by the spleen. The enzyme so entrap-ped can eventually be found in the lysosomes of theliver. This work (Gregoriadis, Leathwood, andRyman, 1971; Gregoriadis and Ryman, 1972a andb), which is still in its early stages, encourages us tothink that liposomes may be a possible way ofdelivering enzymes into defective cells and may beimportant in the therapy of storage diseases,particularly those where the lysosomes are involved,such as the liver type II glycogen storage disease.

Brenda E. Ryrnan

Many problems still need to be answered. Forexample, type I glycogen storage disease poses manyproblems and the activity of the missing enzymeglucose-6-phosphatase and its physiological sig-nificance is poorly understood (for review of glucose-6-phosphatase see Ryman and Whelan, 1971).Glucose-6-phosphatase requires phospholipids forits activity and in vivo is firmly bound to the endo-plasmic reticulum. The enzyme has never beensatisfactorily purified due to this membrane depen-dency, although such work is under consideration(Garland and Cori, 1972). It may be questionedwhether type I glycogen storage disease is a trueglucose-6-phosphatase deficiency; could it be thatsome structural component of the endoplasmicreticulum which is required by the enzyme is missing?Such a possibility has been considered byGluecksohn-Waelsch and Cori (1970), and morerecently by Spycher and Gitzelmann (1971 and 1972),who have reported abnormalities of the endoplasmicreticulum in parenchymal cells obtained from theliver and from a stemmed liver tumour from a type Iglycogen storage disease patient. They described thisabnormality as an uncommon type of vesiculation ofthe rough endoplasmic reticulum, and it is perhapsof some interest that Stetten and Ghosh (1971) foundthat the rough areas of endoplasmic reticulum wereassociated with the more active form of glucose-6-phosphatase. Several observations, both on glucose-6-phosphatase-deficient mice (Russell, Cori, andGluecksohn-Waelsch, 1970; and Gluecksohn-Waelsch and Cori, 1970) and on the enzyme level of aparent of two type I glycogen storage disease children(Ryman and Chung, 1969), suggest that a simpleautosomal recessive mechanism would not easilysatisfy the observations.Type II glycogen storage disease also possesses

problems since several authors (see de Barsy andHers, 1973; and Eto and Takeuchi, 1973) haveobserved that glycogen is not the only substancethat accumulates, but also a basophilic metachro-matic type or material. The missing cx-glucosidasemight well be involved in the catabolism of such asubstance or, alternatively, a further, hithertounobserved, defect may be present. It is of consider-able interest that Hallgren, Hansson, Henriksson,Hager, Lundblat, and Svenssons (1974, personalcommunication) have observed the excretion of atetrasaccharide in the urine of a type II patient.

In type V glycogen storage disease (lack of musclephosphorylase) it has been reported that musclefibres from an affected patient grown in cultureregain their phosphorylase (Roelofs et al, 1972). It ispossible that the well documented observations thattype V glycogen storage disease patients oftenappear quite normal until their teens may be

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explained by the development of some factor whichrepresses the production of the enzyme or leads to itsinactivation, and this factor is lost or overcome inculture? It is conceivable that the muscles oftype VIIglycogen storage disease patients can manage with-out the key enzyme of glycolysis, phosphofructo-kinase, or are there other pathways in muscle formetabolising glucose that have up to date beenconsidered of only very minor interest?

There is little doubt that biochemistry andmedicine advance together, and the glycogen storagediseases are a good example of this. Up to 1956 it wasfirmly believed that phosphorylase catalysed both thesynthesis and degradation of glycogen. However,type V glycogen storage disease appeared to be ananomalous condition in which excessive glycogenwas stored in spite of the total absence of phos-phorylase. This fact, and many other considerations,led to the work of Leloir and Cardini (1957) whoshowed that two separate pathways for synthesisand degradation existed. It is to be hoped thatcollaboration in the two fields will continue and thatthe glycogen storage diseases and their study willcontinue to contribute to our knowledge of bio-chemistry, and that biochemistry will continue tofurther our understanding of the clinical aspects ofthese disorders.

Financial support from the Wellcome Trust isgratefully acknowledged.


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