Page 1: The Future of Call Center Solutions

Cloud ContactCenter Technology

Best Practices

Page 2: The Future of Call Center Solutions

Cloud vsOn-Premise

Page 3: The Future of Call Center Solutions

Cloud vs On-Premise

2 years ago, the driving force for investing in cloud contact

center technology was the need to rapidly address changing

customer demand, that is, to better utilize and deploy


According to the Aberdeen Group, contact centers who use

cloud based contact center solutions see 27% lower costs

associated with customer turnover (average size of center –

252 seats.)

Cloud Contact Center Technology | Best Practices

Page 4: The Future of Call Center Solutions

In September of 2013, DMG estimated that more than 62%

of organizations are using some type of cloud-based contact

center solution as part of their operation. And approximately

half (45.6%) of the organizations that were not yet using

cloud-based contact center solutions were planning to move

in this direction within 18 months.

Cloud solutions are typically launched in weeks vs. 18 to 24

months for on-premise systems.

Cloud vs On-Premise

Cloud Contact Center Technology | Best Practices

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Why Moveto the Cloud?

Page 6: The Future of Call Center Solutions

Companies who use cloud based contact center

technologies enjoy 36% less time in contact center

activity interruption.

Cloud implementation is rapid

Provides the ability to scale computing resources up and

down as needed (seats vs CPUs).

Why Move to the Cloud?

Cloud Contact Center Technology | Best Practices

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More easily expand without CAPEX restrictions (move from

CapEx to OpEx)

Enables a contact center to be independent of IT

infrastructure location, hardware, software and agent


Why Move to the Cloud?

Cloud Contact Center Technology | Best Practices

Page 8: The Future of Call Center Solutions

Provides independence from agent location also provides

independence from time restrictions required by customers

Provides independence from problems associated with

weather and other common breaks in business continuity

Why Move to the Cloud?

Cloud Contact Center Technology | Best Practices

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Cloud Concerns

Page 10: The Future of Call Center Solutions


Different industries have different data security requirements.

Most breaches happen today due to in-housephysical tampering

Cloud Concerns

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Loss of control over the technology(Hardware, Software, VoIP)

In fact, the strategy of the call center is still with the operator. The cloud provider merely takes over providing technology and its upkeep

Cloud Concerns

Cloud Contact Center Technology | Best Practices

Page 12: The Future of Call Center Solutions

Can cause major IT staff cuts

Most IT cuts due to a shift to cloud providersis 3% to 5%. Meaningful but not major cuts.

Cloud Concerns

Cloud Contact Center Technology | Best Practices

Page 13: The Future of Call Center Solutions

What’s Coming

Page 14: The Future of Call Center Solutions


Your desktop is

your phone, chat

client and video


What’s Coming

Cloud Contact Center Technology | Best Practices

Page 15: The Future of Call Center Solutions

What’s Coming

Cloud Contact Center Technology | Best Practices

Page 16: The Future of Call Center Solutions

What’s Coming

Cloud Contact Center Technology | Best Practices

Included CRM

A benefit to those

smaller contact

centers who don’t

have existing


Page 17: The Future of Call Center Solutions

What’s Coming

Cloud Contact Center Technology | Best Practices

SMS Interaction

Something here.

Page 18: The Future of Call Center Solutions


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