Page 1: THE FULBECK NEWSLETTER · Fulbeck Tea Rooms – Traditional Tea Rooms Opening times: 10.30am to 4.30pm Tues to Sun &

Editorial - Summertime at last and it really has been quite warm, hasn’t it. I suppose it will be the cause of hosepipe bans and drought forecasts but to someone like me who loves the Far East style temperatures, it couldn’t be better! I thought for a short time that the summer temperatures would send our correspondents to sleep but no…..they are all here as usual! We have an update of Aidan’s racing career and the final part of “Making Arctic Mountaineering History”, and, of course, a write-up of this year’s Fete. That leads me on to one thing that must be said here and now - a very loud and hearty thank you to everyone in-volved in making the 2010 Village Fete such a success!! To those who couldn’t make it I can only offer my sympa-thy, you missed a cracker!! The next Newsletter Deadline is Saturday 18th September 2010 (another casualty of summer holidays) The Weekly Draw by Brian Fisher The purpose of the draw is to generate funds for various voluntary organisations in the village. We are always look-ing to recruit new members and if anyone wishes to join the draw (£1 per week) they should contact Mick Gilman (272617), Brian Fisher (272099), Peter Hughes (273941) or the Sports Club for more information. The weekly draw runs in 10-week cycles and is made in the Sports Club at 1.15pm every Sunday. . Prize winners so far for cycle ended 25th July 2010: - Date £50 £10 £100 23/05 Mrs O. Kelway Mrs S. Nelson - 30/05 Brian. Allen Mrs Walkley - 06/06 Mrs M. Allen Mrs Walkley - 13/06 B. Fisher Mrs J. Grocock - 20/06 Mrs P. Hemmington G. Hutson - 27/06 A. McGregor Mrs H. Collinshay - 04/07 Mrs S. Blissett Mrs B. Footitt - 11/07 I. Batchelor Mrs P. Fisher - 18/07 Mrs M. Allen Mrs Walkley - Balance sheet for cycle ended 16th May 2010 Expenditure Income £ £ 148 members at £10 1480.00 Prize money paid 880.00 Paid Sports Club 200.00 Over 60s Club 200 00 PF & VH 200.00 1480.00 1480.00

Note: The next 10 week cycle commences on Sunday 1st August

Parish Council News - by the Clerk

I am sorry to report that Fulbeck did not get through the first round of the Best Kept Village competition this year. I don’t know why as I haven’t received the score sheet yet. When I do I will post a copy on the Parish Council notice board then we can all see where we need to im-prove. The refurbishment of the bus stop seats is pro-gressing slowly, with the one at North End looking very nice but work is still continuing on the bus shelter one. To date we have no progress to report on the attempt to get a lower speed limit but rest assured that we will con-tinue to pursue the matter Parish Council meetings are held at approximately six week intervals, and the next one will be on 2nd August in the Village Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend and will have an opportunity to speak outside the confines of the meeting. Over 60s Club by Brian Fisher The next meeting will be held in the Sports Club on Tues-day 10th August 2010 at 2.00pm in the Sports Club. New members are always made welcome. Rich Cornforth, our Chairman for the last three years has had to resign due to ill-health and we wish him better health in the future. The following outings have been arranged for 2010: - Date Venue Pickup Cost (Non-members) 24 Aug Skegness 9.20 £8.00 21 Sep Melton Mkt/ Lunch Muston Gap 9.20 £8.00 There are still a few seats left on these trips and if anyone wishes to book seats, they should contact Sheila Johns (273691) or Brian Fisher (272099) Christmas Dinner - The Christmas Dinner has been ar-ranged for Thursday 2nd December, sitting down at 12.30pm at the Red Lion, Caythorpe. No transport will be provided.



August - September 2010 Volume 87

Edited by A.J. Robinson (272389) & Mrs B. Gilman (2 72617) Edited by A.J. Robinson (272389) & Mrs B. Gilman (2 72617) Produced and printed by Fulbeck CommunicationsProduced and printed by Fulbeck Communications


2 - Sports Club, Garden Soc., 3 - Church, Notices 4 - Letters to the Editor 7 - Arctic Mountaineering 8 - Fulbeck Garden Fete 9 - Neighbourhood Watch, Vineyard News

10 - Calendar of Events

Fax – 01400 272389 E-mail—gemadean@btinternet .com

Page 2: THE FULBECK NEWSLETTER · Fulbeck Tea Rooms – Traditional Tea Rooms Opening times: 10.30am to 4.30pm Tues to Sun &

Page 2 The Fulbeck Newsletter

Fulbeck Sports Club Report by Brian Fisher Guests and children are always made welcome and if anyone wishes to become a member at £5 per year (£2.50 for OAP's) they can obtain an application form from the club stewardess. The club facilities are avail-able for hire at very reasonable rates, bar and kitchen facilities can be provided on request. Club Opening Times Weds 8.00pm - 11.00pm Thurs (Pool home games only) 8.00pm - 11.00pm Sat Lunch & Sun Lunch 12.00am – 3.30pm Sat Evening 8.00pm - 11.00pm Sun Evening 8.00pm - 10.30pm

Sky Sports is installed in the club. Fulbeck F.C. - The village team will be playing in the Lincoln Premier League next season . If anyone is inter-ested in joining the football club, in any capacity, they should contact Keith Pollard, the team manager, on (273369) or the Sports Club for more information. Junior Football Club.– The club held their AGM and

player registrations on 4th July. All age groups are look-ing to recruit players for next season. All games are played on Sundays. For more information please contact Roger Bates on 279091. Mini Soccer - These Saturday morning sessions are very popular with the younger age groups, both boys and girls. For more information please contact Andrew Allen (272605).

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Personal, efficient and friendly servicePersonal, efficient and friendly servicePersonal, efficient and friendly service


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Manor Stables Craft Centre FULBECK

Promoting Independent Artists and Makers

Cutting Lane Interiors – Traditional & Contemporary arts and crafts Little Brown Mouse – Antique & Furniture Restoration Liz Pearson – Decorative glass + glass workshops Thorpe Antiques – Antiques & Bric-a-Brac Carol Ridler – Hand crafted wooden gifts Plant Pod – Plants, Flowers & Gifts Mark Bushell – Master Saddler

Fulbeck Tea Rooms – Traditional Tea Rooms

Opening times: 10.30am to 4.30pm Tues to Sun & Bank holidays Telephone: 01400 272779



(M ade us ing your o w n m a ter ia l)

•L in ed & in te rlin ed cu rta in s•R o m an B lin d s•P elm e ts & V a lan ces•C u sh io n s•T ie b acks & T rim s•C u rta in A ltera tio n s

C a ll P a u lin e o n 0 14 00 27 3 40 4

(C ity & G u ilds qualified )


(M ade us ing your o w n m a ter ia l)

•L in ed & in te rlin ed cu rta in s•R o m an B lin d s•P elm e ts & V a lan ces•C u sh io n s•T ie b acks & T rim s•C u rta in A ltera tio n s

C a ll P a u lin e o n 0 14 00 27 3 40 4

(C ity & G u ilds qualified )

Garden Society With some of the summer activities like the Open Gar-den and the visit to Harlow Carr now over, the society’s thoughts and attention are turning to the next major event, the Annual Show on 21st August. This is an Open Show so everyone is more than wel-come to enter their flowers, fruit, and vegetables, to-gether with their handicrafts, photography, cookery and wine-making products into the Show. Schedules and entry forms can be found in the Craft Shop. Just re-member that all entries must be in Caythorpe Village Hall between 8.30am and 10.30am on 21st August for judging at 11.00am, and then the show is open to the public at 2.00pm. Meanwhile, of course, the normal life of the society continues with a talk entitled “Patio Panache” by Hilary Hutson on 10th August and another entitled “A Year at Kew” by David Matthewman (from Harlow Carr) on 14th September The Garden Society meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm in Carlton Scroop Village Hall. Visitors and new members are always made very wel-come.

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C r a n w e l lD e c o r a t i n g

S e r v i c e sC D S

P a i n t e r s & D e c o r a t o r sG e n e r a l M a i n t e n a n c e

I n t e r i o r & E x t e r i o r

F a m i l y r u n B u s i n e s s2 0 y r s E x p e r i e n c e

F r e e E s t i m a t e sT e l e N o . 0 1 4 0 0 2 6 2 5 3 5

M o b i l e N o . 0 7 9 5 6 6 4 1 1 1 7

C r a n w e l lD e c o r a t i n g

S e r v i c e sC D S

P a i n t e r s & D e c o r a t o r sG e n e r a l M a i n t e n a n c e

I n t e r i o r & E x t e r i o r

F a m i l y r u n B u s i n e s s2 0 y r s E x p e r i e n c e

F r e e E s t i m a t e sT e l e N o . 0 1 4 0 0 2 6 2 5 3 5

M o b i l e N o . 0 7 9 5 6 6 4 1 1 1 7

Church News Flower arrangers for the next two months are: 1st Aug Mrs C. Hughes 15th Aug Mrs B. Gilman 22nd Aug Mrs A. Leyland 5th Sep Mrs M. Perrin 19th Sep Mrs M. Lane & Mrs C. Topley 26th Sep Mrs M. Lane & Mrs C. Topley It's Alpha time again!

Last year 14,000,000 people across 164 countries attended an Alpha course. It is now 11 years since Alpha began in the Loveden Deanery and it has proved to be a popular and help-ful course. For some people it has been life changing. Alpha is a ten week course in basic Christianity. It is an opportunity to discuss some of the important issues in life in a relaxed and friendly environment. Questions such as "What's the meaning of life?" "Is there a God?" "Who was Jesus?" are tackled. Each evening consists of a meal and a drink, followed by a DVD and time for discussion of the issues raised in the talk. There is no charge! You are warmly invited to an "Alpha Taster Evening" which is being held in Carlton Scroop Village Hall on Tuesday, 28th September. There will be a free meal at 7pm followed by a short DVD and an opportunity to find out more about the course.

Please contact the course administrator, Tim Hutton (01400 2507960) e-mail – [email protected] if you are inter-ested or would like further details.

Notices Car Boot Sales .- A beautiful sunny day dawned for the June car boot sale with the lovely weather bringing a total of 97 stalls and many visitors, a total of £487 was collected for the Playing Field and Village Hall Fund, there was also 1 charity stall for which we make no charge so if any of the local organi-sations wish to raise some funds for their cause the sales are a good opportunity to do so and we have only two more sales

to go for this year, 14th August and 11th September . Mem-bers of the Over Sixties Club sold light refreshments from the Sports Pavilion and made £118.22 for their club funds. The July Sale takings totalled £446, with 89 stalls, the Over Sixties made £114.55 for their club funds. The income so far from the four sales held this year for the P.F. and V.H. fund is £1,362.00. Harvest Supper 2010 by Ronnie Ownsworth Something a bit different this year! The harvest church ser-vice will be held on Thursday 30th September 2010 with a separate harvest supper being held on Saturday 2nd October 2010 at 7 pm. This new arrangement is to make it possible for families with young children to come to this very popular event as we know it is difficult on school nights to attend events such as this. It really is a family event, where everyone can get involved, from cooking the main meal, to baking the lovely pies and tarts for dessert, to attending the donations bar and decorating the hall, to the teenagers waiting on the tables. I am looking for more ladies ( or gents) who would like to showcase their cooking skills to help with this event, so please give me a ring on 07966 430728. Also this year, I would like to build a display board showing all the local farmers, producers and manufacturers of food, and associated businesses and occupations in the Fulbeck, Fulbeck Heath and Fulbeck Low-fields area, with exhibits of produce and photos of working life and the people who work so hard to produce the lovely local food we all eat. Perhaps we could have a board with harvests from long ago to show how things have changed. I can only do this with your help - so please if you are interested and have some photos (old or new) that we may be able to use, give me a call and let's get the ball rolling. (Mrs Ronnie Ownsworth tel: 01400273989 or 07966430728) Teas by Brenda Gilman On Sunday, 20th June the gardens of Fulbeck Hall were open to the Public in aid of The Lincolnshire Old Churches Trust and the amount raised for the cause was £345. Tea and Cakes were provided on the day with the money going to our own Church, the teas raised £170 .65. I would like to say thank you very much to all those people who kindly gave cakes for this event and thank you to those ladies who helped me to serve, Colette Hughes, Julie Baum. Iris Morison, Mar-garet Jewitt, Phillipa Day, and to Rie Day for kindly allowing us the use of her Kitchen, not forgetting Peter Hughes and David Morison on Car Parking Duty and Bob Day and Michael Gil-man on The Gate. Thank you all.

Another Thank You - to all those people who so gener-ously donated items for the Tombola Stall and the Raffle we ran at the Garden Fete on Saturday 17th July, the Tombola made £142 and the Raffle, £49. Very time consuming but a very rewarding and enjoyable afternoon. Thank you. Michael and Brenda Gilman.

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Letters to the Editor. Dear Editor, Mid UK Recycling Limited, Caythorpe

Thanks to everyone who signed the Petition and wrote to SKDC and LCC protesting against the waste disposal site extending its working hours and opening on public holidays. Particular thanks to Jane Bartup who managed to col-lect an amazing almost 100 signatures in a very short space of time. It just shows what strong feeling there is against this plant with its noise, pollution, litter and the danger of large HGV's speeding through Fulbeck in ever increasing numbers. Below is a summary of the refusal by the Planning & Regulation Committee:- "Meeting on 10th May 2010 Planning permission is sought by Mid UK Recycling Limited to extend the permitted hours for processing waste at the site on Caythorpe Heath Lane (also referred to as Station Road), Caythorpe on weekday evenings and Saturdays; and to allow the site to accept waste on public holidays. It is considered that these changes have the potential to lead to a reduction in the environmental quality of the area, due to odour emissions, noise and disturbance occurring into the evening and during more sensitive periods. This could adversely affect the amenity of residents and those enjoying the countryside. The applicant has not submitted sufficient information and mitigation proposals to demonstrate that this would not be the case. This is considered to be contrary to the development plan. It is therefore recommended that planning permissi on is refused." Yippee! Iris Morison Dear Editor, I thought you may be interested in Aidan Charity's progress in TKM class. Aidan's first six months in the TKM karting class have been both enjoyable and encouraging: but not without a few problems. Moving to a new karting class is nothing more, or less, than a very steep learning curve! Mechanical problems apart, Aidan has managed to finish in the top-ten in finals grids of 25-23 drivers. But that's not all. Being the "New boy" Aidan has had to win the respect of the more experienced mid-teenage driv-ers: no easy task, but his former reputation in Cadet racing as a "hard but fair" driver has now been established in Junior TKM. Burning-hot weather at Whilton Mill (near Daventry) brought pleasing results. Not having driven at Whilton for nearly two years, and never in TKM, Aidan steadily improved on lap times during Saturday practise. Things looked good, but fate was to intervene. In the first heat warm-up lap, the pole-position driver set the pace far too fast and was instructed to "go around again". Next time, knowing that a second offence would result in relegation to the back of the grid, he went far too slow. This caused Aidan's spark-plug (plus a few others) to foul with oil and as a re-sult, Aidan didn't even start the race. As a result of this, in the final the best position Aidan could start from was 22: this being a grid of 34 drivers, he had some work to do! But when the final came, Aidan made a remarkable start. The first bend at Whilton is known as "Oblivion". A slightly down-hill right-hand and blind for the next bend, is where the brave and wise can position correctly for the next two important parts of the circuit. (Can you imagine 34 teenage drivers trying to gain advantage here?) Aidan made-up no fewer than five places in this section and follow-ing a determined and skilful drive went on to gain nine places to finish 13th, over five seconds ahead of the 14th place finisher and less than seven tenths behind the 11th. Following the failure in the first heat, we learned the trick is for the driver to pinch the plastic fuel delivery pipe between thumb and forefinger on the warm-up lap, thus weak-ening the mixture to avoid plug-fouling. A steep learning curve indeed! Dave. Dear Editor Following the P.C. meeting at which Highways made it clear they would not reconsider their policy, I have written again to Highways and to Mr Eric Pickles MP, Communities Minister, who has written to the De-partment for Transport. The DfT has replied stating government policy and guidelines. I have pointed out to them yet again that LCC do not comply with government policy or guidelines. We met last week with Mr Stephen Phillips QC MP who is going to bring up this issue in the House of Commons at an adjourn-ment debate as well as writing again to LCC, the Minister for Transport and the Chief Constable. Iris Morison, 01400 279100, Field View House. Rectory Lane, Fulbeck NG32 3JS

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T h e B o i le r M a nT h e B o i le r M a nT h e B o i le r M a nT h e B o i le r M a n


B o i le r & T a n k R e p la c e m e n tsB o i le r & T a n k R e p la c e m e n tsB o i le r & T a n k R e p la c e m e n tsB o i le r & T a n k R e p la c e m e n ts

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T h e B o i le r M a nT h e B o i le r M a nT h e B o i le r M a nT h e B o i le r M a n


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T h e B o i le r M a nT h e B o i le r M a nT h e B o i le r M a nT h e B o i le r M a n


B o i le r & T a n k R e p la c e m e n tsB o i le r & T a n k R e p la c e m e n tsB o i le r & T a n k R e p la c e m e n tsB o i le r & T a n k R e p la c e m e n ts

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& H E A T IN GF u l l C e n tr a l H e a t in g S y s t e m s

( O i l , G a s o r S o l id F u e l )B a t h r o o m S u i te s I n s ta l le d

T i l in gB o ile r E x c h a n g e s

A l l P lu m b in g a n d H e a t in g w o r k u n d e r ta k e nW o r c e s te r B o s c h a p p r o v e d in s t a l le r

O F T E C r e g is te r e d t e c h n ic ia nO i l b o i le r s s e r v ic e d

F o r a l l e n q u i r ie s c o n t a c t M a r k P i n f o ld

0 1 4 0 0 2 7 2 9 9 8

1 6 A r n h e m D r i v e , C A Y T H O R P E , N G 3 2 3 D Q


F u l l C e n tr a l H e a t in g S y s t e m s( O i l , G a s o r S o l id F u e l )

B a t h r o o m S u i te s I n s ta l le dT i l in g

B o ile r E x c h a n g e sA l l P lu m b in g a n d H e a t in g w o r k u n d e r ta k e n

W o r c e s te r B o s c h a p p r o v e d in s t a l le rO F T E C r e g is te r e d t e c h n ic ia n

O i l b o i le r s s e r v ic e d

F o r a l l e n q u i r ie s c o n t a c t M a r k P i n f o ld

0 1 4 0 0 2 7 2 9 9 8

1 6 A r n h e m D r i v e , C A Y T H O R P E , N G 3 2 3 D Q

Making Arctic Mountaineering History - part 2 by Andrew Pearce A few days later the Northern Lights had returned and this time we left at 5.30am in complete darkness re-tracing our footsteps. We were amazed to see that high up on the mountain and on top of the glacier, snow conditions were far worse than they had been 3 days earlier, with very deep snow and we were very aware that with soft snow falling on hard packed ice we were likely to experience severe avalanche conditions. We were in a very remote area which is rarely visited even in summertime and we worked out that the three of us were the only humans in an area of twice the size of Great Britain. We were therefore very aware that any problems we encountered we would have to sort out ourselves, rather than rely on others. After 8 hours we arrived at the base of The Cone again, and this time attacked the neighbouring mountain from a different route but were still trying to use it as a bridge to get to The Cone. We had noticed on the way up the valley that although condi-tions were relatively calm where we were, the same could not be said for the mountain peaks where the wind was particularly violent and we could see that it was stripping off plumes of snow from the peaks. Again we put on our cram-pons and started moving through waist deep snow and when we got to 3,500 meters the wind conditions were unbearable with zero visibility and at some points the snow was chest high. Yet again we could see the top of The Cone but we would have to cross a col to get to it and with the wind coming through at these speeds, we realised that this was as far as we were going to go. After re-tracing our footsteps we eventually arrived back at advance base camp at 10.15pm, a trip of over 16 hours. Yet again the weather changed and we were tent-bound for another day before the weather broke sufficiently enough to allow us to move down the glacier back to base camp. As the weather conditions were favourable when we reached this point, we immediately radioed in the plane which then arrived the next day and took us back to Iceland. As with many extreme Polar trips there is always the point where you have to change your objective due to weather conditions or circumstances and this was certainly the case as far as this expedition was con-cerned. However, we did climb the neighbouring mountain to The Cone (twice) which had never been climbed in win-ter before, and was an un-named mountain which we have now officially named Thor's Gate, due to the extreme con-ditions that we experienced at its peak. Thor's Gate is probably the 4th highest mountain in the Arctic Circle and is cer-tainly a mountain I will never forget. .The Charities - If you recall, my two chosen charities were Lincolnshire & Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance and also Help for Heroes. I am delighted to say that funds in excess of £5,577 has been raised, which is due to your generosity and once again is very much appreciated by both myself personally and the two charities in question. As mentioned in my previous letter, I will be covering all my own costs so 100% of the funds raised will be passed across to the two charities. As far as Help for Heroes is concerned I have specifically donated the funds raised to the 'Battle Back Cam-paign' which is a recent UK military initiative which uses adaptive adventure training and sports rehabilitation to help seriously wounded service personnel gain confidence and return to an active life. It encourages personnel to play sports and try new activities in a sociable atmosphere so that the teamwork can prove that disability need not spell the end of participation in physical challenges. Conclusion - Although the Arctic is a brutal place in winter it was a privilege to have been there and to experience one of the world's last few wilderness areas where winter first ascents can still be made. We may have conquered Thor's Gate but The Cone and Dome still remain unclimbed in winter! I would like to thank you very much once again for your generosity and you can rest assured that your financial support has gone to two worthy causes.

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Views expressed in this Newsletter are those of the individual contributors and are not the responsibility

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17thJULY 2010 (photographs by David Morison)

The Fete was held in the magnificent gardens of Fulbeck Hall and the day dawned with cloud and a threat of rain and with winds higher than forecasted, these conditions existing right up to the Fete opening time at 2 o’clock. However, as the first visitors began to arrive the sun came out and shone upon us with increasing strength throughout the afternoon. The event was a great success with more than 250 visitors who took full advantage of the games which included welly throwing, tug of war, trap the rat, wet sponge throwing, skittles and many more. The children’s treasure hunt was very well supported as was the face painting. Stalls included bric-a-brac, antiques advice, cake sales, handmade fudge, plant sales, greetings cards, handmade jewellery, raffle and tombola. There was a fine line-up of classic cars in front of the Hall and the tea and cakes served in the marquee were a great at-traction. Probably the biggest crowd puller was the dog show in the arena which consisted of eight classes and was great fun for all – rosettes were seen all over the village! The children’s fancy dress and the doll/teddy clinic were less well supported but were still entertaining. Many thanks are due to all who assisted in the planning of what we hope will be an annual event and all those who ably assisted on games, stalls and especially the teas – it’s not much fun serving teas and washing up in the con-fines of a large tent when it was such glorious weather and surroundings outside. It was good to see the young actively involved in running activities. Space restricts the naming of all individuals who helped but they know who they are I am ever grateful for their efforts. Over £500 was raised after deductions for hire of equipment and pur-chase of gazebos and details of the allocation of this will follow in the next Newsletter, after the working group and Village Hall Committee meetings. Watch this space for details of next year’s event! David Morison

Tug of War The Dog Show

A Fine Line-up Some Stalls at the Fete

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A Little Gap-Filler from Brenda

How did she know I would have a gap that size?

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Neighbourhood Watch - by Brenda Gilman Quite a lot of petty thieving has gone on since our last Newsletter , thankfully not many in our village, but, as I have said before, thieves do travel so don't leave windows, doors, cars etc unlocked when away from them, or leave valuable items on view or lying around outside. Also a reminder that by being in a Neighbourhood Watch area you are allowed a discount on your household insurance so check that you are receiving this. Your local Police Office is at Long Bennington,( 01400) 281852, and your local Police Officer is Karla Bullimore, her Mobile Number is 07939312821. Our PCSO is Mark Barr, his Mobile Number is 07944776828. Here are a few of the messages received over the past weeks - On 27th May, two car batteries were stolen from a property in Hougham. Over the Spring Bank holiday weekend, nails were put into a tyre of a vehicle parked in Main Street Normanton. Sometime overnight on 4th June a stone birdbath was stolen in the Charity Street area of Carlton Scroop. Sometime between 4th and 8th June, manhole covers were stolen from sewage works in Welton Lane, Claypole. Between 5th /12th June, two canoes were stolen in Claypole. On 15th June in Valley Rd Grantham, a vehicle was broken into and a Royal Mail Post Bag and Royal Mail Fleece were stolen. At 3pm on 8th July, a white flatbed van with black sides, arrived at a property in Main Street Dry Doddington, In the vehicle were 2 white males both early 40's wearing green boiler suits with a yellow logo, one male had sandy coloured hair, the other black hair. The men offered to grass-seed a lawn at a cost of £300. One of the men observed where the owner took the money from and a short time later the other male used a distraction method on the occupants while the other male removed the rest of the money believed to around £2000. The men then left without carrying out any work. Please be aware. Overnight on 11th July an electric cable for an irrigation system was stolen from the Syston area. There has been an increase of door-to-door sales people both in the towns and villages and Police advise everyone to be vigilant, don't trade at the door from unknown people, if you have a door chain keep it on and NEVER let them in. Inform your NHW team if you receive such callers. Fulbeck Gardens Vineyard Some of you may already know, but just to update everyone who have been wondering what has been happening down at the Old Victorian Fulbeck Gardens. Andrew and I took over the walled gardens last October and have planted grape vines within the walled garden itself and the field to the north of the cottage. There are 6 varieties of grape planted which will produce both red and white wines. The first grapes will be harvested in September and October 2011, producing a token vintage, with a full crop from 2012 onwards. Since the vines were planted in April of this year, they have already grown a good 2-3 feet up the canes. We plan to hold some special events when the grapes have been turned into wine.

And for those who would like to stay on a working vineyard, we have turned the adjoining cottage into a 4 star self-catering holi-day home. The cottage sleeps 7, plus a leather sofa-bed downstairs sleeps an extra 2. A games room and a hot tub seating 6 people has been installed for added enjoyment. Everything you could think of has been provided in the cottage which has been beautifully decorated. If you would like to stay on the vineyard - ideal for relatives visiting in the summer holidays! Please tele-phone me, Mrs Ronnie Ownsworth for prices and availability on 07966 430728.

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Views expressed in this Newsletter are those of the individual contributors and are not the responsibility

Legend: SC = Sports Club FH/FM = Fulbeck Hall/Manor GS = Garden Society MT = Mums & Toddlers FC = Fulbeck Communications CH = Church

VH = Village Hall & Playing Field Committee OS = Over 60s Club PC = Parish Council HH = The Hare & Hounds


AUGUST 2 PC Meeting 7.30pm 7 SC Bingo 8.30pm 10 OS Meeting 2.00pm 10 GS “Patio Panache” 7.30am 14 VH Car Boot Sale 9.00am

21 GS Annual Show 2.00pm 21 SC Bingo 8.30pm 24 OS Outing Skegness 9.20am

SEPTEMBER 4 SC Bingo 8.30pm 7 OS Meeting 2.00pm 11 VH Car Boot Sale` 9.00am 12 SC Charity Cricket Match 1.30pm, 14 GS “A Year at Kew” 7.30pm 15 CH Meeting 7.30am 18 FC Newsletter Deadline 18 SC Bingo 8.30pm 20 PC Meeting 7.30pm 21 OS Outing Melton etc 9.20am 22 FC Meeting 7.30pm 30 CH Harvest Festival 7.00pm

Views expressed in this Newsletter are those of the individual contributors and are not the responsibility of

Fulbeck Communications

Page 10 The Fulbeck Newsletter

OCTOBER 2 VH Harvest Supper 7.00pm 2 SC Bingo 8.30pm 5 OS Meeting 2.00pm 12 GS “Ancient Tree Project” 7.30pm


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