
The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever. Isaiah 32:17

This half term we have been working on the value of and the

children have certainly become more confident in their thoughts and

actions. They confidently sing in assemblies (please see our home page on

the website), lead Collective Acts of Worship (see photo to the left of

another group of fabulous Year 6 children leading the whole school), and

confidently perform poems in front of their peers (see below).

This confidence definitely impressed , who visited the school

today to talk about , her role as a Member of Parliament and

to present our achievement certificates to our worthy winners. She also

spent time touring the school

and discussing our key

priorities with the school

council. We felt really

privileged to have our MP

visit us and the children

certainly showed her how

fulfilled, healthy and

successful they are at Forty

Hill School!

We were very proud of our confident who all

stood up in front of the whole school and the judges to recite their

chosen poem. Our guest judges were Ms Holly Evans one of our

school Governors, and our very own Mrs Vial! Well done everyone!

I am delighted to announce that on Wednesday, the parents of the

school elected the following people as committee members of the


Chair – Marina Zucconi Vice Chair – Nicola Monk

Secretary – Kate Barker Treasurer – Maria Efstathiou

Obviously, all of our parents are automatically members of the APF and we are forever

grateful for the time and energy given by you to support the school. Thanks must

particularly go to Katie Leach and Angie Pryor for their wonderful leadership last year

along with Nicola Monk. A special thanks must also go to Anita Thacker.

This term, have been learning all about . As with all of our RE topics, it

is important for our children to ‘learn from’ and ‘learn about’ the other faiths and

compare to our own beliefs. The children took part in two activities that would enable

them to get a better understanding of the festivals celebrated in Hinduism.

During Diwali, Hindus around the world write wishes for the coming year. So that is exactly what our Year 3 children did on a huge sky lantern before releasing it on the school field (see the QR code opposite).

The children also experienced a part of Holi. Holi is the festival of colour and the children were given some colour powder paint to throw up into the air. They thoroughly enjoyed the activity and truly understood what it is like to celebrate a Hindu festival.

On Tuesday, Forty Hill played in their latest netball cluster against St

Michael’s and St John’s. Having played really well, the team won 4-0 against

St Michael’s but lost their second match 3-1 to St John’s. They played really

well in both matches and showed much improvement from their previous

game to really impress Miss Clifford and Mrs Vial.

were lucky enough to be invited to for a workshop. They looked at

the art work being exhibited by Cos Ahmet, in which he makes casts of his face and hands and uses them to

represent himself. They then got the opportunity to make casts of their own hands and decorate them to represent

their personalities. A fun and messy time was had by all!

At carpet time in Nursery we told the children we

were going to have a visitor. We put up on the

whiteboard a picture of Jesus church and Rev. Ian

Crofts. We asked the question Does anyone know

who this is? Many children said Ian. Jack said "He says

peace be with you and then you shake hands". Ian

then told the children the story of Jesus calming the

storm on the Sea of Galilee. We did the actions of the

wind, rain and the rocking of the boat. After this we

all prayed together with Ian.

Dear God,

Please help us to be confident in ourselves,

Whether we are doing a test or reciting a poem.

Help us to believe in ourselves so that we can achieve our goals.

Also help us to remember that things won’t happen if we just sit around waiting for them to.


By Emma Y6

Special Service at Jesus Church – 5th Nov

As part of our next All Age Service on 5th November, the children and leaders will be showing what happens in

Tiddlywinks & Junior Church as well as sharing our vision for the future. All welcome.

Heavenly Father

As we look at the Autumn colours, may we be inspired to thank You for many ways you

provide for us, and may we find refreshment and joy in our relationships with family and

friends so that we are ready for the rest of the term leading up to Christmas.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Friday 3rd – Year 6 Brokerage Workshop in London

Tuesday 7th – Year 6 Class Assembly

Tuesday 7th – Rec – Year 4 Nasal Flu Spray

Wednesday 8th – Year 1 & 2 Victorian Day at Forty Hall

Thursday 9th - Y5 and Y6 Shakespeare at the Millfield

Friday 10th – Remembrance Service at Jesus Church

Monday 13th – Reception Gruffalo Trip

Monday 13th – Sports Competition (Y1-Y6)

Tuesday 14th – Anti-Radicalisation Workshops (Y5-Y6)

Wednesday 15th – Anti Bullying Workshops

Friday 17th – Children in Need

Monday 20th – Ocean Maths Y5 9.05am

Tuesday 21st – Ocean Maths Y4 9.05am

Tuesday 21st – Arts Trophy Launch (Winter Art)

Wednesday 22nd – Ocean Maths Y3 9.05am

Thursday 23rd – Ocean Maths Y2 9.05am

Friday 24th – Ocean Maths Y1 9.05am

Tuesday 28th – Year 2 Class Assembly


Friday 1st – Christmas Bazaar

Wednesday 6th - Arts Trophy Final (Winter Art)

Thursday 7th – Year 3 Recorder Recital 9.00am

Monday 11th – 15th – Christmas Focus Week

Tues & Wed 12th/13th – Christmas Production (Y1, 2, 3)

Wednesday 20th – Nursery and Reception Nativity

Wednesday 20th – Carols by Candlelight

Thursday 21st – Christmas Service 1.30 and End of Term

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