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The Formation of Galaxies

Lucas Talavan-Becker


Image 1. Bright knots of glowing gas light

up the arms of spiral galaxy Messier 74,

indicating a rich environment of star



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Image 2. Located in Hawaii near the

summit of Mauna Kea, these twin

telescopes which are part of the Keck

observatory are providing optical

spectroscopy of the faint Coma cluster


Graph 1. Due to dark matter’s strong presence in the

universe relative to stars and intergalactic gas, it plays an

integral part in the formation and existence of all galaxies.



Astronomers are still unsure as to how the galaxies

form because evidence is scarce and hard to obtain due

to the fact that early galaxies are billions of light years

away from us. However, the advent of stronger

telescopes is allowing us to observe galaxies formed

during the early years of the universe. For example, in

2007, the Keck Telescope, made by a team from the

California Institute of Technology found six stars that

dated back 13.2 billion years ago and therefore created

when the universe was only 500 million years old. Despite the universe’s enigmatic properties,

astronomers have agreed on a general idea of how galaxies formed and clustered into their present

states. But before we address how galaxies formed, we need to define what they are.

A galaxy is a massive

gravitationally bound system

composed of stars, star remnants,

gas dust, and an important but

poorly understood component

called dark matter (poorly

understood due to the fact that we

cannot observe anything beyond the

Schwarzschild radius and therefore the

collapse of a massive star which in


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Image 3. This is a picture of Zwicky

18 (lower left portion of the

image) a dwarf irregular galaxy

located 59 million light years away

in the constellation Ursa Major.

turn creates dark matter). The word galaxy comes from the Greek word galaxias, literally meaning

“milky”, which is why our galaxy is called the Milky Way. Galaxies range from dwarfs with as little as ten

million stars to giants with as many as one hundred trillion stars. Everything in a galaxy orbits about the

galaxies center of mass which is why dark matter is so important to the structure of a galaxy; dark

matter is extremely massive and the accretion of dark matter alters the location of the center of mass.

Galaxies may contain star systems, star clusters, and various interstellar clouds. The Sun is an example of

a star in the Milky Way galaxy and the Solar System, which includes the Earth and everything else that

orbits the Sun, is an example of a star system.

Historically, galaxies have been categorized by their shape.

A common form is an elliptical galaxy which has an ellipse-

shaped light profile. Another common galaxy is a spiral

galaxy. Galaxies with incoherent shapes are called

irregular galaxies. Usually irregular galaxies form by the

gravitational interactions of two or more galaxies. Such

interactions between galaxies may ultimately result in the

merging of galaxies which induces episodes of significant

star formation. Consequently, often times merging galaxies

are called starburst galaxies. Small, newly formed galaxies

that have not yet assumed either the spiral or elliptical

formation are called irregular galaxies as well.

There are probably more than one hundred and seventy billion galaxies in the observable universe.

Most galaxies range from one thousand to one hundred thousand parsecs in diameter. The distance


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Image 4. The prominent concentration

of galaxies running diagonally across

the northern (that is, upper) portion of

the image above has been termed the

Great Wall.


between galaxies is on the order of millions of parsecs. Intergalactic space (the space between galaxies)

is made of extremely thin gas of an average density of one atom per cubic meter.

Galaxies usually form into clusters which make up super

clusters which are generally arranged into sheets or

filaments and surround immense voids in the universe.

The Great Wall is one of the largest known

superstructures in the universe. It is a massive cluster of

galaxies approximately two hundred million light years

away and its observable dimensions are five hundred

million light years long, three hundred million light years

wide, and fifteen million light years thick. It is not known

how much further the Great Wall extends because

intergalactic dust in the Milky Way obscures the view and

makes it impossible to see beyond what we know. Such structures like the Great Wall form along and

follow web-like strings of dark matter. It is hypothesized that dark matter dictates the structure of the

universe on the grandest scale.

Dark matter can account for ninety percent of all galaxies and usually, if not always, exists at the center

of galaxies. For example, the Milky Way is hypothesized to harbor a super massive black hole at its


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Image 5. The image above is a newly formed



The evolution of galaxies

Edwin Hubble's observations and subsequent Hubble Law led to the idea that the universe is expanding.

We can estimate the age of the universe based on the rate of expansion. Because some galaxies are

billions of light years away from us, we can discern that they formed fairly soon after the Big Bang.

Right after the Big Bang, the universe was fairly

homogenous. That is, when the universe was

young, before the formation of stars and planets,

the cosmic microwave background radiation filled

the universe with a uniform glow from its white-

hot fog of hydrogen plasma. So how did the

universe change from its homogenous origins to

its clumpy heterogeneous form that we know of it

today? As the universe cooled, clumps of dark

matter began to condense and within that matter, gas condensed as well. The formation of galaxies can

largely be explained due to primordial fluctuations which are variations in density of the universe. The

higher density regions gravitationally attracted dark matter and gas, and therefore created the first

proto-galaxies. The helium and hydrogen in these clusters began to condense and form stars; thus the

first galaxies were formed. This explains how galaxies formed, but how do we explain the distribution of

galaxies about the universe?

When the universe was young, galaxies formed quickly, evolving and expanding by the accretion of

smaller galaxies. Galaxies aren’t uniformly distributed about the universe but rather distributed in a

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Figure 1. Here is a summary of star


great cosmic web of filaments, and where these filaments meet are dense clusters of galaxies that

began as the small density fluctuations to the universe.

Star Formation

Stars make up an integral part of all galaxies, so it’s only appropriate that we address how stars form. A

star is formed out of a cloud of cool, dense molecular gas. In order for it to become a potential star, the

cloud needs to collapse and increase in density. There are two common ways this can happen: it can

either collide with another dense molecular cloud or it can be near enough to encounter the pressure

caused by a giant supernova. Several stars can be born at once with the collision of two galaxies. In both

cases, heat is needed to fuel this reaction, which comes from the mutual gravity pulling all the material



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Image 6. This Hubble image of

the Antennae galaxies is the

sharpest yet of this merging pair

of galaxies. As the two galaxies

smash together, billions of stars

are born, mostly in groups and

clusters of stars. The brightest

and most compact of these are

called super star clusters.


What happens next is dependent upon the size of the newborn star; called a protostar. Very small

protostars will usually not have high enough temperatures to perpetuate hydrogen burning necessary to

maintain hydrostatic equilibrium in a star. The small protostar will cool slowly over billions of years to

become the background temperature of the universe.

Medium to large protostars can take one of two paths depending upon their size: if they are smaller

than the sun, they undergo a proton-proton chain reaction to convert hydrogen to helium. If they are

larger than the sun, they undergo a carbon-nitrogen-oxygen cycle to convert hydrogen to helium. The

difference is the amount of heat involved. The CNO cycle happens at a much, much higher temperature

than the PP chain cycle. Whatever the route, a new star has formed.

How galaxies interact and

what forms from these


Galaxies do not act alone. The

distances between galaxies do

seem large, but the diameters

of galaxies are also large.

Compared to stars, galaxies are relatively close to one another. They can interact and, more importantly,

collide. When galaxies collide, they actually pass through one another, however, the stars inside don't

run into one another because of the enormous interstellar distances. But collisions do tend to distort a

galaxy's shape. Gravitational interactions between colliding galaxies could cause new waves of star

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Figure 2. Summary of spiral galaxy formation.

formation, supernovae, and or stellar collapses that form the black holes or supermassive black holes in

active galaxies.

Three main types of galaxies

Spiral Galaxies

There are three main types of

galaxies: disk galaxies, which are

also commonly called spiral

galaxies, elliptical galaxies and

lenticular galaxies. Disk galaxies

have a thin, rapidly rotating spiral

structure. The formation of disk

galaxies is still unclear but early

scientists hypothesized that the

collapse of a monolithic gas cloud

triggers the formation of disk

galaxies. As the gas cloud

collapses, the gas settles into a

rapidly rotating disk. However,

some astronomers claim that all processes in the universe occur bottom-up which is defined as smaller

parts grouping to bigger parts, rather than top to bottom.

One bottom-up galaxy formation hypothesis involves the interactions of matter that composed the early

universe, dark matter, and gas. Dark matter halos and gas formed the early galaxies, and as smaller

galaxies accreted with larger galaxies, the dark matter stayed mostly on the outer parts of the galaxy

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Image 7. The above image of Elliptical

Galaxy M87 was taken recently by the

Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope on top of

the dormant volcano Mauna Kea in

Hawaii, USA.

because dark matter only reacts gravitationally and cannot dissipate. The gas, however, contracts, and

as it does so it rotates faster until it forms a spirally disk.

Astronomers still do not know what stops the contraction. Some hypothesize that radiation from newly

formed stars or active galactic nuclei halts the contraction. Others believe that the dark matter can pull

the galaxy and thus stop disk contraction. Regardless, believers of the disk contraction process still

cannot correctly predict the speed at which the disk rotates or the size of the galaxy.

Elliptical galaxies

An elliptical galaxy is a galaxy that has an ellipsoid

shape and a smooth, nearly featureless brightness

profile. Elliptical galaxies range in shape from nearly

spherical to almost flat and can have as few as a

hundred million to as many as a trillion stars. An

elliptical galaxy is often the result of two galaxies colliding

and merging together. Most elliptical galaxies are

composed of older, low-mass stars with sparse

interstellar medium (the space between star systems in a

galaxy) and minimal star formation activity. They are surrounded by large numbers of globular clusters,

which are tightly bound groups of stars that orbit a galactic core as satellites. Elliptical galaxies make up

approximately ten to fifteen percent of the local universe but are by no means the dominant type of

galaxy in the overall universe. They are typically found near the centers of galaxy clusters and are less

common in the early universe.


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Elliptical galaxies have several properties that make them distinct from other classes of galaxies. Stars in

elliptical galaxies orbit about a central point in the galaxy whereas the motion of stars in spiral galaxies is

characterized by revolutions. Because star formation is minimal due to the lack of gas, dust, and space,

elliptical galaxies get their glow and color from aging stars. Therefore, they tend to be yellow-red, which

contrasts with the white, blue color of spiral galaxies which are much more conducive to star formation

activity and have hotter, youngers stars that radiate brighter colors.

There is a wide range in size and mass for elliptical galaxies: some are as small in diameter as a tenth of a

kilo parsec while others as big in diameter as one thousand kilo parsecs. Some small elliptical galaxies

are as big as globular clusters but contain a considerable amount of dark matter at their centers

differentiating them from globular clusters.

There are two main types of elliptical galaxies: the boxy giant elliptical galaxies which get their shape

from the random motion of stars and the “disc-like” low luminosity galaxies that are also characterized

by the random motion of stars but are flattened due to rotation.

Dwarf elliptical galaxies have properties that are intermediate between globular clusters and normal

elliptical galaxies. Dwarf spheroid galaxies are similar in shape and composition to dwarf elliptical

galaxies but generally have lower luminosity and are recognized only as satellite galaxies.

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Image 8. This is Hubble image of an actual

sideswipe of galaxies called The Mice.

The formation of an elliptical galaxy is thought to occur

due to the collision and merging of two galaxies. These

major galactic mergers were thought to occur more

frequently in the early universe. Nonetheless, minor

galactic mergers continue to occur often. In fact, our very

own Milky Galaxy is ingesting smaller galaxies right now.

Furthermore, our Milky Way galaxy is on collision course

with the Andromeda galaxy. This collision is expected to take

place in three to four billion years and the result of the

collision of the two spiral galaxies will most likely be an elliptical galaxy.

Every bright elliptical galaxy is believed to contain a super massive black hole at its center which limits

star formation and in turn the growth of elliptical galaxies.

Lenticular galaxies

Lenticular galaxies are an intermediate between elliptical galaxies and spiral galaxies. Lenticular galaxies

have a disk-like shape similar to spiral galaxies but have

lost or consumed most of their interstellar matter

essential to star formation. Therefore, they are similar to

elliptical galaxies in the sense that they’re mostly

comprised of aging stars and because of their ill-defined

spiral arms, when inclined face-on, it is often difficult to

distinguish between them and elliptical galaxies.

Image 9. NGC 5866 is a lenticular

galaxy discovered by Charles Messier

in 1781.



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There are two hypotheses that describe how lenticular galaxies form. One is that lenticular galaxies are

the remnants of faded spiral galaxies whose spiral arms disappeared. Another hypothesis is that

lenticular galaxies are the result of galaxies merging. The faded spiral galaxy hypothesis is supported by

the fact that lenticular galaxies are characterized by the following properties: the absence of gas, the

presence of dust, the lack of star formation rotational support, which are all attributes one might expect

for a spiral galaxy that has consumed all of its interstellar matter. This hypothesis is also enhanced by

the existence of gas poor or “anemic” spiral galaxies. If the spiral pattern disappeared, the resulting

galaxy would be very similar to many lenticular galaxies.

The merging hypothesis is supported by the fact that lenticular galaxies are more luminous than spiral

galaxies and have higher bulge-to-disk ratios than spiral galaxies. Merging galaxies would form a galaxy

with increased stellar matter and therefore more stars to increase luminosity. Furthermore, a merger

would explain the spiral, arm-less structure of lenticular galaxies.

Galaxy Morphological Classification

Galaxy morphological classification is a system used by astronomers to divide galaxies into groups based

on their visual appearance. There are several schemes in use by which galaxies can be classified

according to their morphologies.

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Figure 3. Summary of Hubble’s classification scheme.

The Hubble sequence is a

morphological classification scheme

for galaxies invented by Edwin Hubble

in 1936. Hubble’s scheme divides

galaxies into 3 broad classes based on

their visual appearance. These broad

classes can be extended to enable

finer distinctions of appearance and to

encompass other types of galaxy, such as

irregular galaxies, which have no obvious regular structure either disk-like or ellipsoidal.

The Hubble sequence is often represented in the form of a two-pronged fork as shown above, with the

ellipticals on the left with the degree of ellipticity increasing from left to right and the barred and

unbarred spirals forming the two parallel prongs of the fork. Lenticular galaxies are placed between the

ellipticals and the spirals, at the point where the two prongs meet the handle.

To this day, the Hubble sequence is the most commonly used system for classifying galaxies.

The de Vaucouleurs system for classifying galaxies is a widely used extension to the Hubble sequence.

De Vaucouleurs argued that Hubble's two-dimensional classification of spiral galaxies based on the

tightness of the spiral arms and the presence or absence of a bar did not adequately describe the full

range of observed galaxy morphologies. In particular, he argued that rings and lenses were important

structural components of spiral galaxies.


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Which came first: the Black Hole or the Galaxy?

Do galaxies form first and then a black hole springs up in the center, or possibly, do galaxies form around

an already existing black hole?

Previous studies of galaxies and their central black holes in the nearby Universe revealed an intriguing

connection between the masses of the black holes and of the central “bulges” of stars and gas in the

galaxies. For central black holes from a few million to many billions of times the mass of our Sun, the

black hole’s mass is about one one-thousandth of the mass of the surrounding galactic bulge. This

constant ratio indicates that the black hole and the bulge affect each other’s growth in some sort of

interactive relationship. The big question has been whether one grows before the other or if they grow

together, maintaining their mass ratio throughout the entire process.

We finally have been able to measure black-hole and bulge masses in several galaxies seen as they were

in the first billion years after the Big Bang, and the evidence suggests that the constant ratio seen nearby

may not hold in the early Universe. The black holes in these young galaxies are much more massive

compared to the bulges than those seen in the nearby Universe. The implication is that the black holes

started growing first.


Less than a century ago astronomers knew only about our own galaxy, the Milky Way, which they

believed held about 100 million stars. Then observers discovered that some of the fuzzy blobs in the sky

weren't in our own galaxy, but were galaxies in their own right—collections of stars, gas, and dust bound

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together by gravity. Today we know that the Milky Way contains more than 100 billion stars and that

there are some 100 billion galaxies in the universe, each harboring an enormous number of stars. Our

view of the universe is changing completely with the introduction of stronger telescopes, new

technology, and a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe.

Hopefully future discoveries can clarify or unravel some of the enigmatic properties of the universe.

Dark matter, for example, fundamentally determines the structure of the universe but is poorly

understood due to the tentative fact that we cannot observe it. Getting a better understanding of dark

matter may lead to an understanding of how galaxies are distributed about the universe. The apparent

incomprehensibility of the universe may at first appear negative, but the beauty is that there’s always

something new to discover and therefore an infinite amount of knowledge to gain.



1. Chandar, R. and J. Miller. 2007. Hubblesite.

2. Peterson, Rick. 2006. Keck Telescopes.

3. NASA. 2007. Invisible Galaxies: The Story of Dark Matter.

4. Braddock, Scott. 2009. NewScientist.

5. Moore, John. 2004. Evolution of the Universe.

6. Spitzer Science Center. 2004. Star Formation in RWC 49.

7. NASA, ESA, and Hubble Heritage Team. 2006. Hubble.

8. Freudenrich , Craig. 2007. How Galaxies Work.

9. Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, J.C. Cuillandre , Coelum. 2004. Elliptical Galaxy M87

10. Illingworth, Garth. 2009. Galaxy Hunters.

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11. David, Rango. 2006. The Mice Galaxies.

12. Johnson, Tim. 2005. NGC 5866/Messier 102.

13. Azar, Shadi. 2006. The Hubble Galaxy Classification System.


Atkinson, Nancy. 2009. Which Comes First: Galaxy or Black Hole?. Universe Today.

Australian Telescope Outreach and Education. 2005. The Formation of Galaxies.

Cain, Fraser. 2009. Galaxy Formation. Universe Today.

Cain Fraser. 2009. How Does a Star Form?. Universe Today.

Freudenrich , Craig. 2007. How Galaxies Work. How stuff works.

Jones, Edward. 2006. The Hubble Galaxy Classification System.

Palmer, David. 1998. Lenticular Galaxies. NASA: Goddard Space Flight Center.

Van den Bergh, Sidney. 1998. Galaxy Morphology and Classification.

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