
Akira Yang 10/8/141. Veritablea. Adjectiveb. Being true, not false.2. Decrepita. Adjectiveb. Old/ruined due to age or neglect.3. Prospecta. Nounb. Possibility of a future event occurring.4. Faceta. Nounb. One side of something many-sided.5. Myriada. Nounb. Great number.6. Proffera. Verbb. Offer7. Proverbiala. Adjectiveb. Well known, stereotypical.8. Naughta. Pronounb. Nothing.9. Afflictiona. Nounb. Causes pain or suffering.10. Deigna. Verbb. Something that one considers to be beneath his/her dignity.11. Ascertaina. Verbb. Make sure of.12. Dubiousa. Adjectiveb. Hesitating, doubting13. Auraa. Nounb. Atmosphere or quality generated by a person, thing, or place.14. Doppelgangera. Nounb. Double of a living person.15. Fraughta. Adjectiveb. Result in something undesirable; anxiety or stress.16. Zeala. Nounb. Great enthusiasm17. Plumba. Verbb. Measure of a body of water.18. Sufficea. Verbb. Be enough; meets the needs of.19. Cohorta. Nounb. Group of people20. Feigna. Verbb. Pretend; invent.21. Perpetuitya. Nounb. Something that lasts forever or for a very long time.22. Coya. Adjectiveb. Alluring; reluctant to give details.23. Geysera. Nounb. Jet or stream of liquid.24. Metronomea. Nounb. Device used to mark time at a selected rate.25. Double Entendrea. Nounb. Word or phrase that has two interpretations where one is indecent.

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