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{1}{72}movie info: XVID 640x352 23.976fps 700.2 MB|/SubEdit b.4043 ({186}{260}Since the dawn of man,{261}{334}he has known pain|and suffering.{335}{422}War has plagued him{423}{480}and death.{534}{610}Giants, too,|walked the land.{610}{674}Man feared them.{674}{747}And god despised them.{748}{818}He would wipe them|from the face{819}{898}of the earth...{899}{970}until now.{1463}{1580}Enter, lord Ammon,|for this is your house.{1630}{1677}Where is my son?{1678}{1737}He returned|last night.{1738}{1791}He is safe, lord,{1792}{1840}for now.{1841}{1887}Speak.{1888}{1936}The god of the Hebrews|has...{1936}{1996}I may no longer|be in his grace,{1997}{2054}but I will not allow|your insolence.{2055}{2169}How dare you imply the|existence of another god.{2170}{2241}I meant no disrespect,|my lord.{2459}{2561}Wages of sin, priest.{2668}{2738}Tell me this news|from my father.{2738}{2847}Yahweh has judged men|and Nephilim alike.{2848}{2916}We will all be destroyed{2917}{2985}by a great deluge|of water.{2986}{3014}And my brothers?{3014}{3100}The fallen angels, too,|shall churn in the waters,{3101}{3168}such is the word|of Yahweh.{3191}{3275}I should have expected|no mercy.{3295}{3345}They chose to walk|the earth{3346}{3462}and know the daughters of|his favorite creature... man.{3486}{3583}And he cannot abide|our offspring.{3714}{3742}Hello, father.{3742}{3791}Aramis, in|the coming days,{3792}{3842}there will be|a great flood,{3843}{3892}destroying|every living thing.{3893}{4019}I have refuge for myself,|some great sacrifice.{4020}{4071}I will fight.|I will survive.{4072}{4083}No.{4084}{4199}His will shall be done.|You will die.{4200}{4268}Father!{4269}{4359}When the hand of man|reveals your tomb,{4360}{4449}there will be a new era|of the Nephilim,{4450}{4532}and once again|they will know{4533}{4615}the wrath|of the fallen ones.{6294}{6340}We are nearing readiness,|my lord.{6341}{6405}The slaves are being prepared|to travel with him{6406}{6456}to the next world.|And Aramis?{6457}{6523}He's dead.|By dawn we...{6600}{6674}You said he was dead.{6734}{6847}It's your presence. Your|power is reanimating him.{6848}{6894}Aramis.{6918}{6995}Why is he like this?{6996}{7039}He is but a shell,|my lord.{7040}{7114}The poisons used to kill him|have destroyed his mind.{7115}{7173}I wanted my son preserved,{7174}{7244}not a simpleton!{7658}{7785}It's not time for you|to walk again, Aramis.{7786}{7837}I'm sorry.{7872}{7937}Sleep, my son.{10125}{10182}matt?{10217}{10259}Matt?{10260}{10325}What are you doing|down there?{10576}{10606}You all right?{10607}{10665}Ladder broke.{10666}{10724}Give me a hand, will you?{10879}{10946}Huh, a little mummy.{10946}{11017}I'll be damned.{11018}{11127}Oh, jeez. Sorry, buddy.|Here, grab on.{11329}{11374}Jeez.{11374}{11449}I wonder how|this little guy{11450}{11487}got so well preserved.{11488}{11591}Bone dry,|perfect burial tomb.{11592}{11693}Funny though,|doesn't look tribal.{11847}{11896}See, took the brain out,{11897}{11951}probably the other organs.{11952}{12004}It's a ritual mummification.{12005}{12101}Not even the Anasazi|took this kind of care.{12111}{12169}Maybe something the Mayan|could have done.{12170}{12226}There's no record|the Mayans ever traveled{12227}{12283}this far north,|professor Fletcher.{12284}{12338}Well, who knows?{12339}{12462}Find a couple of pots and a bone|or two and we think we know it all.{12463}{12498}If this is Mayan,{12499}{12567}we could be rewriting|a few history books.{12568}{12635}This little guy|could be the big thing{12636}{12666}we've been looking for.{12666}{12703}I'm going to get a crew|down there ASAP.{12704}{12794}Not without helmets|and not without gear.{12795}{12860}I was down there|myself, Joseph.{12861}{12876}It's safe.{12877}{12944}That hole wasn't|there three days ago.{12944}{13010}We're two miles|from the fault line.{13011}{13067}How can you say|it's safe?{13068}{13134}Our blasting opened|up that crack,{13135}{13152}not a quake.{13153}{13275}I just figured you might have|learned something in Mexico.{13482}{13589}Joseph, you jerk.{13798}{13872}You want to take care|of that, jenny? Thanks.{13872}{13945}So what was that whole|Mexico thing about?{13946}{13977}Oh, god.{13978}{14008}Joseph.{14009}{14071}He's the kind of guy|that would offer{14072}{14125}to put some salt|on a paper cut.{14126}{14197}The Mexico thing was,|a couple of years ago,{14198}{14245}matt was down|there with a crew.{14246}{14292}They were looking|into a cave,{14293}{14340}out in the|middle of a rain forest.{14341}{14409}He discovered a passageway|under the water,{14410}{14479}and without going|back to get some scuba gear{14479}{14547}or to let anybody|know where they were going,{14548}{14610}they just dove in,|literally.{14635}{14766}The water was deeper|and went farther{14767}{14821}than he had imagined.{14822}{14890}And there were tide pools.{14891}{14940}Five guys went in.{14941}{15034}Matt's the only guy|who came out.{15082}{15149}What do you think of that?{17072}{17131}Professor Fletcher!{17132}{17177}Matt!{17375}{17434}Get Morton on the radio.{17453}{17510}This is big.{17598}{17656}Really big.{17794}{17872}I gave explicit instructions that|this site was to be left alone.{17873}{17925}I understand that, sir.|But, Mr. Morton...{17926}{18003}but what? Who moved this? I did.{18004}{18067}Are you matt?{18068}{18118}Yeah.{18119}{18156}Oh, yeah, Charles|told me about you.{18157}{18217}I didn't expect you this|early. Barstow, right?{18218}{18299}Angela Barstow. I'm the|structural engineer in charge.{18300}{18377}I hate to be the one|to tell you this,{18378}{18454}but Im|in charge here.{18454}{18510}Really?{18510}{18558}Yeah.|This is my dig.{18558}{18652}Morton is not going to|appreciate you wasting my time.{18653}{18728}I'm the archeologist|around here.{18729}{18761}The way he told me,{18762}{18829}you fell in a hole|and got lucky.{18830}{18879}Nice digging, chief.{18880}{18969}Let's settle this now.|Fine.{19241}{19316}We've hit a snag on site 17,{19317}{19354}so we're switching gears.{19355}{19411}We're going to have to|dig around it for now,{19412}{19518}which means that we're going to have|to reroute about 2000 feet of pipe.{19518}{19574}Now Gus has new plans|and maps{19574}{19590}for the department heads.{19591}{19694}I want to be able to break|through to that reservoir{19694}{19747}by the end of the month.{19748}{19764}All right?{19765}{19843}Now get going. We've got|a lot of work to do.{20085}{20161}Charles, do you want to explain|a few things to this gal?{20162}{20245}I'm all ears, but you need to|explain to Indiana Jones here{20246}{20328}that people stopped using the|word "gal" sometime around 1955.{20329}{20376}Glad to see|you two met.{20377}{20436}You know, she acts like|she runs the place.{20437}{20483}You and I agreed,|this is my dig.{20484}{20586}Fletcher is in charge|of the dig site.{20586}{20609}Damn straight.{20610}{20669}Now, hold on. When you|called me to come down here...{20670}{20707}let me finish.|After that fiasco in Utah,{20708}{20795}with the Indian artifacts, I|hired him to take an advanced look{20796}{20853}to be sure we weren't|digging up something{20854}{20910}that was going to bite us|in the ass later on.{20911}{20949}He's a little hotheaded,{20950}{21032}but he's one of the best|diggers in the business.{21033}{21082}That's what he tells me.{21082}{21124}And, as for Angela,{21125}{21198}she's in charge|of how you dig.{21198}{21219}Understood?{21220}{21255}Oh, for crying|out loud, Charles.{21256}{21347}We have a lot of earth to move|and maintain structural integrity.{21348}{21368}That's Angelas forte.{21369}{21426}We don't want to wake up and|look at the big guy covered{21427}{21486}with a couple|of hundred tons of clay.{21486}{21573}Treat her right.{22047}{22109}Three goats.{22110}{22170}No, sheep.{22170}{22210}Three sheep, ah.{22210}{22260}And the milk of one goat,{22261}{22338}in exchange|for oatmeal cookies.{22339}{22394}Am I smelling oatmeal|cookies?{22395}{22476}You still like a little coffee|with your milk, professor?{22477}{22574}Matthew, sit down.|So nice of you to visit.{22618}{22662}Oh, you must be psychic.{22662}{22730}The cafeteria,|they have coffee,{22731}{22797}but they don't make|mocha latte,{22798}{22898}and their idea of|grande is not so grande.{22899}{22937}So...{22938}{23013}what, mister big shot,|huh?{23014}{23071}You slumming, huh?{23072}{23120}You know, most of us|have to beg{23121}{23227}and plead to get grants|that last six months.{23228}{23286}How long have you been|with Morton?{23287}{23336}Two years.{23337}{23425}Why don't you go|back to school?{23457}{23528}They don't start|construction on an area{23529}{23619}until I confirm that there's|nothing of archeological value.{23620}{23685}We're extremely careful.{23730}{23786}Why wouldnt you be?{23786}{23823}I just wanted you to know{23824}{23896}that we're not taking|any needless risks.{23897}{23920}Matthew, are you sure{23921}{23986}you're not a little|Jewish up here, huh?{23986}{24060}You carry your guilt|like a pro.{24061}{24107}I was on the review board.{24108}{24238}The only one that blamed you|for the accident was you.{24255}{24322}I want you to do a little|translating for me, Eli.{24323}{24401}That's all I do here.{24402}{24438}Look...{24439}{24554}90% of these ancient texts|are like this.{24554}{24600}Receipts. Here...{24601}{24663}"how many goats a man traded|for a woman.{24664}{24746}"Who did the well|belong to. "{24747}{24798}Lawyers, accountants,{24798}{24908}even back then, Matthew,|they were running things.{24909}{24920}Feh.{24921}{24991}Why don't you take|a look at this?{25148}{25231}A man's limb.{25286}{25328}No...{25328}{25369}a hand.{25370}{25440}It's a hand of a man.{25441}{25511}This is very old.{25512}{25582}Older than old.{25606}{25641}The sentence structure{25642}{25745}is just like|the old tribes.{25759}{25810}Where did you find this?{25810}{25904}Let me show you.{26176}{26248}Seik, hah, no.{26249}{26282}Tempest.{26282}{26337}Rabbi,|you have a package.{26338}{26406}Thank you, my dear.{26444}{26510}I keep the battery companies|in business,{26511}{26549}forgetting to turn|this thing off.{26550}{26626}They make them that turn off|when you stop talking.{26626}{26697}Yeah, well, who trusts|technology, huh?{26698}{26782}Ah, perfect timing.{26800}{26892}You know, I have|a confession to make.{26893}{26935}I know Sumerian symbols{26936}{26996}like what I had|for breakfast.{26997}{27084}But when it comes|to ancient Hebrew,{27085}{27171}to say Im rusty|is being kind.{27558}{27670}"And the great flood shall|destroy them. "{27809}{27867}You getting|anything yet, doc?{27868}{27940}Something, Mickey.{27941}{28065}Looks like that movie with the three|kids that get lost in the woods.{28066}{28145}Wouldn't his guts|be all dried up?{28146}{28224}His guts, for the most|part anyway,{28225}{28306}are in those oversized|Canopic jars over there.{28307}{28392}They probably replaced|all of his organs{28393}{28472}with herbs, maybe leaves{28473}{28521}or talismans.{28522}{28590}That's the fascinating thing|about this mummy.{28591}{28641}It's more like|an Egyptian mummy{28642}{28704}than anything ever found|on this continent.{28705}{28760}That's the fascinating|thing,{28761}{28825}not that it's the size|of a truck?{28826}{28876}Yeah, that, too.{28876}{28925}Wait a second!{28926}{29016}Mickey, go back, slowly.{29075}{29150}Hang on, it's stuck.{29170}{29247}All right, let me focus.{29261}{29323}Oh, my god.{29324}{29384}Are those people?{29385}{29449}The camera is too low|to be in his stomach.{29450}{29533}I'm assuming we're not|looking at his last meal.{29534}{29617}Pharaohs often had|servants buried with them{29618}{29664}in their tombs.{29710}{29746}It looks like|these are posed.{29747}{29870}Mickey, where are we|in relationship to his organs?{29895}{29965}I'm guessing probably|around his right kidney.{29966}{29997}That's what I thought.{29998}{30094}It looks like they're actually|positioned as the kidneys themselves.{30094}{30223}I think youll find more bodies|in the lungs and the heart.{30734}{30818}As I read the letter{30819}{30902}that you sent me{30938}{31031}I realize{31032}{31121}I love you so{31122}{31209}but I know...{31326}{31451}I'm goin' away now...{31512}{31702}Why, oh, why can't|you see I miss you?{31722}{31822}I'm not in the mood|to play around here.{32237}{32321}I said, Im not gonna|screw around!{32927}{32978}Ugly s. o. b., isn't he?{32978}{32995}I don't know.{32996}{33069}I'd say when he was alive|he was pretty good-looking.{33070}{33130}Most Acromegalics|have distorted features.{33130}{33206}The bones keep growing|while the rest of them stops.{33207}{33269}This guy's|pretty proportionate.{33270}{33308}Most what?{33309}{33362}Acromegalics...{33363}{33441}people who suffer|from gigantism.{33482}{33558}Eli, why do you think|no one ever{33558}{33633}came across one|of these things?{33634}{33703}Is your grandmother alive?{33704}{33726}What?{33726}{33811}Your grandmother, I assume|she's passed on, yes?{33812}{33860}Yeah, when I was a kid.{33861}{33926}Well, if,|and I mean no offense,{33927}{33996}if you were|to exhume her body now,{33996}{34063}from her nice|20th century coffin,{34064}{34154}do you think you would|find much of her left?{34155}{34174}No.{34175}{34252}Well, our friend here has|been buried in the ground{34253}{34305}for over 50 centuries,{34306}{34367}not to mention,{34368}{34436}he seems to be|on the wrong continent.{34436}{34490}I'm surprised we found|one at all.{34491}{34542}Excuse me, Mr. Morton.{34543}{34602}Gus has got a couple of guys|from each drill team ready.{34603}{34665}They're just outside if|you want to talk to them.{34666}{34725}I'll be right there.{34726}{34794}Eli, you made a good point|about my granny,{34795}{34861}but Ive seen dinosaur bones{34862}{34927}closer to|70 million years old.{34928}{34972}What do you say|to that?{34973}{35070}I was hoping you|wouldn't think of that.{35202}{35259}What's going on?{35260}{35316}Joseph is missing.{35317}{35337}I don't know.{35338}{35403}He left his house wide|open. Lights are on.{35404}{35455}They found his knife|about 30 feet{35456}{35562}from the front door|by that new mustang.{35598}{35673}Listen up, we're|running out of daylight.{35674}{35714}Joseph wasn't the kind|of guy{35715}{35781}who would go off|in a drunk and disappear.{35782}{35850}Maybe he got sick|or something{35851}{35882}or disoriented.{35882}{35964}These hills are honeycombed{35965}{36029}with all sorts of caves|and tunnels.{36030}{36044}Stay on your toes.{36045}{36150}If you spot something,|radio back to Gus.{36150}{36254}I'm going with jerry up|in the 'copter.{36302}{36350}Never seen them|move so fast.{36351}{36406}They must really be|worried about Joseph.{36407}{36549}No, whoever finds him first|gets a case of beer.{36550}{36581}Oh.{36582}{36626}He's their friend.{36626}{36662}Come on, matt.{36662}{36696}That's Joseph.{36697}{36771}He's probably the best friend|any of them ever had.{36772}{36871}That's why|I didn't offer a keg.{36890}{36968}Mickey, we'll help|you look for him.{36969}{37046}Oh, I didn't know|you were a drinker.{37315}{37409}Where are the police?|Why arent they out here?{37410}{37461}Well, you have to go|40 miles from here{37462}{37533}to find somebody who wasn't|a part-time sheriff.{37534}{37627}Morton likes to keep everything|in the family, anyway.{37628}{37721}He's probably just worried|about Joseph mouthing off,{37722}{37835}even after he gave him|a little bonus.{37836}{37852}What bonus?{37853}{37920}I paid off a couple of guys|to keep their traps shut,{37921}{38000}so they wouldnt be yakking|about jumbo.{38001}{38079}He trusts us so we|didn't get squat.{38080}{38118}There's a ravine up here.{38118}{38243}It's the remnants|of the old Ohio stone quarry.{38244}{38318}I doubt Joseph came|out this far.{38318}{38390}But we oughta|keep looking.{38390}{38454}Matt. Matt.{38455}{38518}Matt.{38986}{39071}I was just trying|to tell you to slow down.{39072}{39138}Gus, come in, Gus.{39139}{39175}Andy, Gus here.|Go ahead.{39176}{39271}Trouble. Me and Pete was checking|out these caves over at site 3.{39272}{39300}He's gone now.{39301}{39334}Gone? What do|you mean, gone?{39334}{39382}I went to take a leak,|and I heard Pete shouting.{39382}{39428}By the time I was back|at the truck, he was gone.{39429}{39522}I can be there in a couple of|minutes. Tell him to sit tight.{39523}{39582}You shouldn't have|been taking a leak.{39583}{39642}Hang on. Pete may|show up anytime.{39642}{39707}We'll be right there.{40157}{40213}Andy!{40293}{40339}Blood.{40340}{40411}Somebody else was here|besides Pete and Andy.{40412}{40473}Looks like Andys radio.{40494}{40556}Guess Joseph wasn't|the only one{40557}{40620}who walked away.{40620}{40682}Andy!{40682}{40776}Is this some kind|of protest group or something?{40776}{40869}Who knows? Morton's made a|lot of enemies along the way.{40911}{41040}Could be some rival|construction company, too.{41110}{41152}Hey, guys!{41211}{41269}Hey, guys!{41548}{41597}Quit moving around!{41652}{41727}Yeah, I knew growing up|with older sisters{41728}{41806}would pay off some day.{41807}{41909}I'm afraid I might have|nicked up your tire iron.{41910}{42001}Hope we don't get a flat|on the way back.{42009}{42061}Charles,|this is Gus here.{42062}{42103}Did you find Joseph?{42104}{42124}Negatory.{42125}{42203}As a matter of fact, another|two of them went missing.{42204}{42235}What, missing?{42236}{42320}Well, we got a situation|here, Charles.{42321}{42419}Damn it. I'll get some men|out there right away. Out.{42420}{42478}All right, out.{42498}{42570}Didn't sound too happy.{42570}{42666}I don't think thats|our biggest problem.{44081}{44129}Oh, yeah!{44391}{44453}Matt, they took Mickey.{44534}{44566}You look like hell.{44567}{44597}We were attacked out there.{44598}{44667}Then they just vanished while|we were looking for Mickey.{44668}{44743}This is way too big for us|to handle by ourselves.{44744}{44826}I agree. What's this?{44842}{44885}It's my resignation,{44886}{44939}and a copy of what|Im telling the police{44940}{44987}about what happened|with Mickey and the others.{44988}{45054}I've already called in someone|to take care of this.{45054}{45108}He's number one|in the security business.{45109}{45166}He'll be here|tomorrow morning.{45166}{45252}We don't need the police.{45252}{45336}We don't need the police?{45337}{45394}Four people are missing,|Charles.{45395}{45451}I've been down|that road before.{45452}{45526}I'm not risking anybody|else's life for anything.{45527}{45588}Well, the police wouldn't|do anything{45589}{45697}that we're not doing,|except shut us down.{45698}{45805}Is that what this is about,|the project?{45845}{45887}What do you think's|going to happen{45888}{45966}when the bureau of land|management guys come down here{45967}{46045}to talk about our 42-foot|mummy that's under wraps?{46099}{46184}You haven't told|them yet, have you?{46186}{46295}You told me you'd call them so that|I could do a proper study this time.{46296}{46390}I've got ten years in|negotiating the land rights{46391}{46425}for this resort{46426}{46510}and two years|with architectural planning.{46534}{46565}Matt...{46566}{46632}this resort|is worth millions.{46633}{46734}Think of how many jobs we'll|provide. Look at Las Vegas.{46735}{46778}It's not worth it.{46778}{46856}We don't know if Mickey|and Joseph are even alive.{46856}{46933}Give me the weekend.|You can keep looking for them.{46934}{46991}If we haven't|found the men,{46991}{47048}Ill go to the police|with you.{47080}{47189}Charles, if it was|anybody else,{47190}{47266}Id tell them|to shove the whole thing,{47267}{47341}but you've always|been square with me.{47342}{47444}You got till Monday,|but we gotta find them.{47716}{47849}In essence, this tablet|confirms my thoughts.{47850}{47934}This mummy is one|of the Nephilim,{47935}{47985}the fallen ones.{47986}{48030}They were the offspring{48031}{48129}of fallen angels|and human women.{48165}{48267}That had to be|one hard pregnancy.{48292}{48382}This one's father was|a leader of his kind,{48383}{48410}a destroyer.{48411}{48491}I have not been able|to decipher his name as yet,{48492}{48610}but he is one of the angels|that god sent to destroy Sodom,{48610}{48711}the wicked city of sin that|sprang up in the desert.{48712}{48811}I thought you might|reconsider, Mr. Morton.{48812}{48903}Sounds to me as if you have two|security issues to contend with.{48904}{49014}Your missing workers|and the discovery you eluded to.{49015}{49078}My price would reflect that.{49113}{49210}Good. As long|as that's understood.{49211}{49292}I'll be there tomorrow.{49540}{49644}The tablet also|depicts a prophecy.{49644}{49747}It shows the return|of the destroyer.{49924}{50006}We're hitting granite.|Should we get another bit?{50006}{50092}No, thanks, we're done.{50126}{50179}Mickey's skinny, but I don't|think he'd fit in there.{50180}{50269}I'm just trying to get some handle|on the stability of this ground.{50270}{50344}That cave you showed me didn't|go more than ten feet back.{50345}{50419}If those guys appeared and|disappeared like you said...{50420}{50456}what do you mean "if"?{50457}{50505}They have to have|gone somewhere.{50506}{50567}Maybe there's a cave|or a tunnel,{50568}{50629}and we're just|not finding it.{50695}{50779}Or they could just|be magic.{50812}{50853}Thanks.{51894}{51966}If we're hitting rock this|dense at this shallow depth,{51967}{52007}we're not going to|find any tunnels.{52008}{52067}I'll get some sonar imaging|gear out here tomorrow.{52068}{52158}Can you help me with it|in the morning?{52159}{52200}Sure.{52200}{52239}What?{52240}{52337}It's like you said,|magic.{52372}{52473}We should get out of here.|It's not safe.{52761}{52823}I'm not home.{52859}{52914}That's a pretty horse.{52915}{52986}Thanks.|My dad gave him to me.{53054}{53148}You still want me to help|you with that sonar gear?{53149}{53160}Yeah.{53161}{53266}When you weren't here at 7:00,|I just went for my ride.{53267}{53293}I thought you said...{53294}{53374}that's right... you|did say 7:00. I'm sorry.{53375}{53424}No biggie.{53555}{53626}Thanks.|Just give me a sec.{53819}{53900}Look, I, uh...{53901}{53946}I wanted to|say I was sorry{53947}{54030}for the way I acted|the other day.{54056}{54098}I, um...{54099}{54177}I felt like I|was losing control.{54242}{54277}I usually show up|on time, too.{54278}{54381}It's okay. It's your turn|to be scatterbrained.{54382}{54441}You're a cancer.{54442}{54488}You know...|your sign.{54489}{54562}How did you know|I was a cancer?{54562}{54617}I looked at your file.{54618}{54662}Made it a hobby.{54663}{54706}Look, astrology.{54707}{54768}June 24th, cancer...|you're governed by the moon{54769}{54881}and since it's gonna do a little|peek-a-boo show day after tomorrow,{54882}{54952}it's your turn|to be a flake.{55001}{55070}There's going to be|a lunar eclipse?{55129}{55249}Yup, time for crazies|to get crazier,{55250}{55337}would-be suicides to jump{55338}{55388}and cancers to go|a little gaga.{55389}{55456}If my aunt were here,|she'd pray for your soul.{55456}{55521}Pentecostals don't go in|for the divining.{55522}{55611}Good thing I left my Ouija|board and tea leaves inside.{55612}{55700}It could be worse. I could|have been raised Baptist.{55754}{55773}No card playing,{55774}{55858}and they believe that|pre-marital sex will lead{55858}{55914}to drinking beer|and dancing.{55915}{56009}Well, I do drink beer|every now and then.{56126}{56214}And Ive always wanted|to learn how to dance.{56426}{56518}I thought you were going to|be up here a little bit earlier.{56518}{56557}Sorry, Gus, I got|the time wrong.{56558}{56682}No problem. I know how it is|with you cancers around this time.{56682}{56769}So who all did you tell about|this flaky cancer thing?{56770}{56800}Nobody, I swear.{56801}{56858}The transmit button was on|on the radio.{56859}{56953}Anybody listening on channel 2|got all the early morning chitchat,{56954}{57093}and by the way, when are you|taking that girl dancing?{57173}{57226}You want to give me a hand?{57227}{57313}Matt! Matt!{57382}{57418}Was this in my fortune?{57419}{57484}How could this have happened?{57485}{57547}Nobody walked passed me,|miss Barstow, I swear.{57548}{57585}For crying out loud,|Dennis,{57586}{57641}it's not like he walked out|the front door.{57642}{57694}Nobody's blaming you|for anything, Dennis.{57695}{57827}None of these markings were|on any of the cover stones.{57850}{57883}Oh, my god.{57884}{57922}We just found out.{57923}{57998}This is not good,|Matthew.{57999}{58073}Morton is going to|be pissed.{58293}{58351}Not good at all.{59629}{59672}I'm Raphael Ammon.{59673}{59765}Angela Barstow,|structural engineer.{59785}{59854}Are you all right,|miss Barstow?{59854}{59889}I'm... Im fine.{59890}{59953}She's fine.|She's a little dehydrated.{59954}{60044}She went horseback riding|today. Matt Fletcher.{60045}{60124}The archeologist.{60134}{60193}You must be|the super rent-a-cop.{60194}{60246}My team is already deployed|in the hills{60246}{60265}surrounding the valley.{60266}{60386}Mr. Ammon insisted on coming here|before we even took him to his quarters.{60386}{60439}He's on it, matt.{60440}{60464}Good.{60465}{60561}'Cause there's|somebody else missing.{60624}{60686}There, try it now.{60686}{60710}Same thing.{60711}{60752}The tone only goes down|about eight feet,{60753}{60885}and the sonar shows a solid mass|of rock for at least another five.{60958}{61009}Hoping the rock|was an illusion?{61010}{61078}Your spit would|pass through solid stone?{61078}{61175}Trying to hit a spider.{61235}{61296}So how did a 42-foot tall,{61297}{61388}20-ton giant mummy get out|of here with nobody noticing?{61389}{61449}You left out, dead.{61450}{61509}A dead giant mummy.{61510}{61583}Somebody had to take him.{61630}{61689}You've had the time you requested.{61690}{61786}Mr. Ammon wants you out so|we can make our inspection.{61786}{61864}You can tell Ammon to wait.|We're not finished.{61865}{61941}You can tell me yourself,|Mr. Fletcher.{61942}{62024}My response|would be the same.{62068}{62108}Matthew.{62109}{62196}Please leave... now.{62197}{62271}What's your deal, mister?{62272}{62321}You push us around.{62322}{62377}You've been here all day,|and I don't think{62378}{62461}your people are looking|for any of our missing men.{62490}{62551}Matthew, don't.{62552}{62629}Listen to the old man.{62783}{62890}You listen to me.|Don't push.{62890}{62945}I know these kind.{62946}{63000}They push back hard.{63059}{63154}Something doesn't|smell right.{63226}{63278}I'm sorry, miss Barstow,{63279}{63333}but we need to do|our own assessment.{63334}{63397}Your crew can|come back tomorrow.{63398}{63459}Of course.|I'm sorry about matt.{63460}{63511}He's just worried|about the workers.{63512}{63599}No harm done.|I assure you.{64279}{64378}Thank you, thank you,|my lord.{64379}{64431}Yours is the honor.{64432}{64482}My son hasn't eaten{64483}{64593}in Avery,|very long time.{64594}{64642}No!{64686}{64748}But you healed me.{64810}{64844}My son is a hunter.{64845}{64923}He wouldn't eat|wounded prey.{64924}{65001}He has|to kill it himself.{65139}{65196}Shalom.{65226}{65271}I'm sorry, sir,|there's no admittance.{65272}{65382}Oh, I understand that|rules exist for a reason,{65383}{65472}but I left|my Tallith inside.{65480}{65518}Tallith...|it's a prayer shawl,{65518}{65554}and a rabbi|without a prayer shawl{65555}{65656}is just a Schmendrick|in a funny hat, huh?{65657}{65728}Oh, not a sharp|young fellow{65729}{65789}with a hat like yours.{65790}{65817}Nice hat.{65818}{65883}Go ahead.|Rabbi, make it quick.{65884}{65925}Thank you.{66366}{66482}I had to reconfirm|what I had seen this morning.{66482}{66515}Matthew was right.{66516}{66571}These markings are different.{66572}{66621}They give the time{66622}{66713}of the prophecy's|fulfillment.{66772}{66870}"When the hand of man|reveals the Nephilim{66870}{66923}"from the earth,{66924}{67022}"and the moon|has been eclipsed,{67023}{67077}"the fallen angel{67078}{67130}"who spawned this creature{67131}{67189}"will return,{67190}{67305}"and his name is Ammon. "|Ammon.{67337}{67405}You're really|quite good, rabbi.{67462}{67521}I doubt there are half|a dozen men alive{67522}{67635}who could translate|this text.{67698}{67761}It is what I do.{67806}{67868}Raphael Ammon?{67868}{67923}So you are...{67924}{67977}the same.{67978}{68060}Ammon the destroyer,{68061}{68118}Abodan.{68158}{68203}The angel of death.{68204}{68313}Yeah, I know|who you are,{68314}{68345}and frankly,{68346}{68416}it scares the hell|out of me.{68417}{68476}You won't feel a thing.{68502}{68574}You're going to|kill me then?{68606}{68631}Yes.{68632}{68758}Would you grant me|one request?{68766}{68857}Rabbi, if you're going to|ask me not to kill you...{68858}{68935}oh, no, no, it's not...{68936}{69038}I- I thought of that,|but no.{69083}{69169}Tell me how you|fell from grace.{69227}{69296}You're serious.{69321}{69433}Because god chose|you over us.{69454}{69508}I was prideful.{69509}{69624}He forbid our mating|with the daughters of man.{69642}{69705}Once, I loved a woman.{69706}{69831}God destroyed the world|by flood,{69832}{69905}killing my brothers|and our offspring.{69906}{70028}But you hid one|of them here.{70029}{70083}Four were buried,{70084}{70185}spread to the four|corners of the earth,{70186}{70287}out of reach of god's|earthly followers.{70288}{70345}How did you survive?{70346}{70368}I left.{70369}{70462}There was a place|in hell for me,{70463}{70555}sanctuary in the pit|of darkness.{71051}{71085}When I returned,{71086}{71153}I wanted god's favor.{71154}{71239}I sought out the most|sinful city in the land,{71240}{71306}and I burned it|to the ground.{71307}{71373}Sodom.{71374}{71433}And he scoffed,{71434}{71511}named me|the "penitent angel. "{71566}{71602}In my anger,{71603}{71649}I corrupted the daughters{71650}{71728}of one|of his most righteous.{71729}{71819}You remind me|of lot, rabbi.{71819}{71908}He knew not|to push me as well.{71909}{72001}Not like his foolish wife.{72156}{72299}As they hid in a|cave while Sodom burned,{72315}{72349}I convinced his daughters{72350}{72465}to get him drunk|and sleep with him,{72466}{72544}to carry on the line.{72563}{72641}God hates incest.{72658}{72770}I also knew his youngest|daughter, Rachel, that night,{72771}{72858}in the biblical sense.{72859}{72941}But her son was human.{72942}{73002}Prophecy bound me.{73003}{73061}No more giants,{73062}{73143}until one of you|dug up my son.{73144}{73201}Tonight...{73202}{73278}I will mate|with Angela,{73279}{73354}on the site|and we will begin anew.{73354}{73387}Angela?{73388}{73455}Why not some harlot|in an alley,{73456}{73514}or a nun in a convent?{73515}{73571}It was her|5000 years ago{73572}{73635}in a cave outside Sodom{73635}{73697}and will be again tonight.{73743}{73791}Angela?{73792}{73827}Rachel?{73828}{73881}Her soul?{73882}{73933}Her essence.{73934}{74004}Humankind will serve|my children.{74004}{74072}Out of order|will come chaos.{74073}{74221}From chaos, death|and the end of mankind.{74298}{74329}Oh, forgive me.{74330}{74392}I am by no means|an expert{74393}{74444}on the|book of revelations,{74445}{74495}but I have often thought{74496}{74576}that the Christians|had something right{74577}{74656}when they depicted|the end of the world.{74657}{74726}There is nothing{74727}{74806}that you described in there.{74849}{74928}You are going to fail.{74941}{75025}But, I have to try,|rabbi.{75026}{75085}It's what I do.{75522}{75585}Fletcher. Get up.{75605}{75680}I didn't know|it was you.{75681}{75732}The lights are out|all over the camp.{75733}{75782}Even the backup|generators are down.{75783}{75826}I know. Something's not right.|It's loaded.{75827}{75903}Whatever's happening|isn't normal.{75904}{75914}Yeah.{75915}{75994}Put this around the barrel|of your gun with this tape.{75995}{76090}If we're lucky,|the batteries are still going.{76091}{76163}We gotta|call the police.{76164}{76208}I already tried.{76209}{76321}Our phones are dead. Blackout|must have taken out our cell tower.{76322}{76380}Radio's are still|working now.{76426}{76445}It's Friday night.{76446}{76538}Most of the men are in town|drinking up their paychecks.{76539}{76669}Everyone else is going to|be in their trailers.{76698}{76725}You ready?{76726}{76824}Yeah.|Okay, let's go.{76964}{76986}What about Angela?{76987}{77096}She'll be fine.|I told her the same thing.{77134}{77243}Her trailer's probably|the safest place she could be.{78092}{78135}I'm sorry.|I was about to knock.{78136}{78177}You scared the hell out|of me.{78178}{78275}I wanted to check on you... with|the lights out and everything.{78276}{78340}I'm fine.|Thank you.{78341}{78407}Did you find out what|happened to the power?{78408}{78474}My men are working with|your crew investigating.{78474}{78547}It shouldn't be long now.{78548}{78634}Do you mind if I come in|and check your generator?{78634}{78695}It's dead.|I tried it.{78696}{78756}If you wouldn't mind.{79082}{79144}Still dead, Im afraid.{79145}{79205}How could you see anything?{79206}{79283}I have exceptional|night vision.{79284}{79359}I spend a lot of time|in the dark.{79360}{79383}Yeah.{79384}{79428}Well, thanks|for checking on me.{79429}{79516}I'll radio you|if I have any problems.{79549}{79629}You're very beautiful,|Angela.{79833}{79878}I think you should go.{79879}{79975}The moon will be|eclipsed soon.{79976}{80028}Let me show you|the night.{80671}{80802}This is not the way for a woman|to treat her new husband.{81202}{81265}Where the hell|are Ammon's men?{81266}{81359}They were here earlier.|They wouldnt let me in.{81733}{81777}Eli...{81778}{81843}don't you ever|quit working?{81878}{81929}Eli?{81929}{81980}Eli.{82102}{82179}I'm sorry, matt.{82180}{82262}If I hadn't brought|him here,{82263}{82325}he'd still be alive.{82325}{82386}It's not your fault.{82425}{82464}Tomorrow we bring|in the cops,{82465}{82560}the FBI, the whole damned|army if we have to.{82639}{82716}It's Elis tape recorder.{82717}{82793}It's still recording.{82866}{82958}But I have to|try, rabbi. It's what I...{83008}{83056}This can't be happening.{83057}{83080}It is.{83081}{83184}Giant mummies,|fallen angels, all of it.{83218}{83291}Oh, my god. Angela.{83442}{83479}She's not here.{83480}{83533}She left her radio|on the table.{83534}{83574}Her horse is all|saddled up{83575}{83634}like she's ready|to go for a ride.{83634}{83666}We'll find her.{83667}{83745}I'm going to try to find Gus|and some of the other guys.{83746}{83806}I'll meet you back here.{83814}{83898}Ammon said he has to perform|the ritual during the eclipse.{83898}{83925}That gives us some time.{83925}{83997}Try to stay out of trouble.{84041}{84097}Angela!{84126}{84188}Angela!{84327}{84451}Tell me Im not seeing|what I think Im seeing.{84555}{84580}It's alive.{84581}{84678}It's an effigy. They're|mimicking the thing they worship.{85105}{85153}Mickey!{85255}{85298}Doctor... Fletcher.{85299}{85342}Hold on, I almost|got you loose.{85343}{85431}Where are the others...|Joseph, Andy and Pete?{85432}{85477}They were sacrificed.{85478}{85545}What do you mean?{85546}{85612}They were eaten.{85613}{85653}Come on.{85710}{85767}Any more of our men|on that thing?{85768}{85836}No, the rest are all|Ammons followers.{85837}{85904}That's all I need|to know. Stay down.{85905}{85952}No problem.{86094}{86209}Hey, over here,|over here!{86499}{86577}Come on, come on.{86745}{86819}Come on! Come on!{87327}{87418}Fletcher, Mickey filled|me in on what happened.{87418}{87467}I see you managed|to stay out of trouble.{87468}{87526}I couldn't find Gus|or anyone else.{87527}{87561}We gotta find Angela.{87562}{87625}I know where|Ammons keeping her.{87626}{87681}I can show you.{89225}{89267}Okay, you see that?{89268}{89325}It looks like the cave|dead ends right there.{89326}{89353}But those rocks|are just shells.{89353}{89441}They pull those things out and climb|over and pull them in behind them.{89442}{89472}It opens up to a series|of tunnels.{89473}{89553}So that's how they were able|to appear and disappear so fast.{89554}{89632}The reservoir is less than|a half a mile over this hill.{89633}{89740}It's a wonder we didn't cause a|cave-in when we were blasting.{89785}{89870}Oh, oh, no, no, no,|no, no, no.{89870}{89924}What is it?{89998}{90033}Run!{90129}{90183}Get your gun.{90184}{90226}I hit it.{90227}{90293}Did you hear it scream?{90294}{90359}I think|you pissed it off.{90614}{90701}Let's see how well he runs|after I blow off his damn leg.{90794}{90838}This is nothing.|I heard them talking.{90839}{90933}He won't be fully restored until|Ammon consummates the ritual.{90934}{90955}Mickey's right.{90956}{91012}The mummy's only|going to get stronger.{91013}{91097}It's Ammon we have to stop.{91137}{91169}He's still chasing us,{91170}{91245}so Im going to keep firing,|if it's all right with you.{91246}{91271}Okay.{91272}{91296}Where the hell|did he go?{91297}{91442}What do you mean where did he|go? He's a 42-foot tall mummy.{92137}{92195}This guy doesn't give up.{92196}{92309}Hey, there's Josephs trailer.|I got an idea.{93302}{93371}You'd think the son|of a bitch would leave{93372}{93468}an extra set of keys|before he up and left town.{93469}{93528}Hey, watch where|you're goin'!{93529}{93587}Your lights are out,|you idiot!{94166}{94225}Jerry.{94226}{94288}That's my guy.{95350}{95406}Jerry.{96314}{96397}Hey, hey, hey, over here.{96398}{96442}Yeah, come on.{96965}{97017}I don't believe it.{97018}{97095}I knew that worked|in cartoons, but, man!{97285}{97352}I'll tell you what...|that was pretty slick.{97353}{97419}I don't know. Yosemite|Sam always gets back up.{97420}{97441}You did good kid.{97441}{97539}Yeah, I remembered Joseph had dynamite|in his trailer, so I went for it.{97540}{97606}Guys... when you|came running out of that trailer{97607}{97648}with that stick|of dynamite lit,{97649}{97682}I thought you were|going to blow us all up.{97683}{97764}I didn't even think about|that. Wouldn't that have been great?{97765}{97792}Guys!{97793}{97849}What is it, Mickey?{97849}{97904}What's it doing?{98199}{98293}I hadn't gotten|to shoot anything yet.{98377}{98445}You used all the bullets!{98509}{98587}Give me that thing.{99405}{99485}You gotta learn|a new way to fight.{99486}{99540}You're telling me.{99810}{99902}Stop messing|with that thing.{99903}{100033}I'm not messing around.{100069}{100120}Nice driving.{100121}{100168}Get in.{100711}{100744}Soon, you will have{100745}{100816}Avery special place|in the world, Rachel.{100817}{100853}I'm not, Rachel.{100854}{100913}You were robbed of it{100914}{100973}so long ago.{100974}{101012}Forced to bear me|a human son.{101013}{101159}That's why there are cycles...|to give you another chance.{101160}{101213}You can't.{101213}{101276}When it's all over,{101277}{101359}you will remember|everything.{101360}{101442}And we will be|together again.{101493}{101577}We can't have you ruining|this moment.{101620}{101690}Can we?{101841}{101929}All right,|we'll get Angela out,{101930}{101974}then we'll blow|the tunnel.{101975}{102015}I've got enough|explosives in here{102016}{102113}to bring the whole thing|down around Ammon's ears.{102114}{102167}Wait, it won't work.{102168}{102210}Think about|what he told Eli.{102211}{102313}It's the great flood he feared|would have destroyed him.{102314}{102365}The lake.{102365}{102437}If we blast the top|of the dam,{102438}{102509}the whole thing|will collapse.{102510}{102553}I'll blow it.{102554}{102603}Flood the tunnels.{102604}{102640}After we get Angela out.{102641}{102681}You did a good job playing|catch with that giant.{102682}{102805}But what we need here is someone|who can lay a charge and set a timer.{102806}{102869}I'll do it.{102905}{102969}Clock's ticking, guys.{103032}{103084}Charles.{103093}{103211}What if I can't get her out|before you flood the tunnels?{103257}{103313}If she's unconscious...{103346}{103427}nobody could have saved|those men in Mexico, matt.{103428}{103477}You'll be fine.{103477}{103582}Radio me when you get|Angela out of there.{103981}{104039}It's pretty cool,|huh, doc?{104040}{104073}How much further?{104074}{104173}I don't know. I was|drugged most of the time.{104174}{104234}I think were close.{104873}{104950}You won't change|a thing tonight.{105020}{105077}I have to try.{105141}{105185}I know.{105193}{105227}Okay, don't let him|touch you.{105228}{105261}I heard his priest talking.{105261}{105363}Until the eclipse is over, he cannot|hurt you unless he touches you.{105364}{105446}I should have fed you|to my son.{106401}{106517}Fletcher,|Im at the reservoir.{106801}{106925}She will make|a beautiful mother.{106926}{106978}Don't you think?{106979}{107029}You'll never know.{107029}{107101}You're a persistent race.{107102}{107148}I give you that.{107149}{107238}I used to think you|were simply stupid.{107239}{107295}Oh, we're that, too.{107296}{107350}You can go to hell.{107351}{107445}No, thanks,|Ive been there.{107974}{108032}Mickey, lookout.{109249}{109320}Hey, you stole our gear.{110781}{110863}You should have listened|to your rabbi friend,{110864}{110945}when he told you not|to push me, little man.{111014}{111143}I will burn your soul,|slowly.{111259}{111343}I was going to save you|for later,{111344}{111426}but Im tired|of playing games.{111471}{111567}You knew to stay out|of my reach.{111760}{111841}Mickey, come on,|you gotta get up.{112277}{112305}Matt.{112305}{112363}You okay? Can you walk?{112364}{112424}Yeah.|Run, run.{113581}{113649}Now, Charles,|blow the dam.{113728}{113787}Charles, do you read me?{113787}{113845}Blow the dam.|Come on, move.{114286}{114394}Charles, blow the|damn. Angela is clear.{114737}{114793}Oh, oh, no, no, no.{114794}{114844}Keep moving.{115333}{115441}Come on, come on.{115442}{115478}Come on!{115584}{115665}No, what are you doing?|You're going to die.{117145}{117221}There's not much more|I can do here.{117221}{117312}If there's anything you need,|just give me a call.{117313}{117344}Take care.{117345}{117417}We'll follow up|on this Ammon and his crew.{117418}{117475}But it looks pretty|obvious to me.{117476}{117505}It does?{117506}{117553}Well, there were more|than a few companies{117553}{117613}that could benefit if this|resort project failed.{117614}{117673}My guess is one of those|companies hired Ammon{117674}{117721}to shake things up,|flood the works.{117722}{117769}Could have been some|tree hugger outfit.{117770}{117817}They had a nut|up in Washington...{117818}{117866}shot three construction|workers last year.{117867}{117923}He said he was|protecting an owl.{117924}{117951}I hadn't thought|of that.{117952}{118035}You would be surprised at some|of the crazy stuff in this world.{118036}{118118}Hey, we'll be out here working|with you people for a few days{118119}{118194}to account for everybody,|so try to get some rest.{118195}{118254}Okay, thanks.{118576}{118684}I'm leaning more toward|the tree hugger theory.{118710}{118813}It was everything I could do not|to laugh in their faces.{118814}{118843}Did you talk to Gus?{118844}{118885}Yeah, he said|there must have been{118886}{118943}quite a little cleanup|crew out there last night.{118944}{118991}Ammon's followers, I guess.{118992}{119021}What do you mean?{119021}{119134}Well, you'd never know there|was a rampaging giant mummy{119135}{119191}trashing the camp,|for one thing.{119192}{119226}He's gone.{119227}{119259}So are the little guys.{119260}{119350}The rest of the damage looks like it|happened when the helicopter crashed,{119351}{119444}and they're blaming that|on the blackout.{119474}{119521}What about the caves?{119521}{119617}Well, there's a few million gallons|of water in the caves right now,{119618}{119695}including where we found|the mummy in the first place.{119696}{119751}That whole dig|is underwater.{119805}{119868}It's too much.{119958}{120002}Hey.{120003}{120046}Hey.{120144}{120217}I didn't know you guys|knew each other that long.{120218}{120336}Pretty much since|the day I was born.{120385}{120426}He was my father.{120427}{120506}Why didn't he ever|say anything?{120557}{120623}Because I told him not to.{120646}{120702}'Cause I wanted|to make it on my own,{120703}{120779}not as the boss's daughter.{120804}{120895}Barstow was|my mom's maiden name.{120920}{120965}Gus knew...{120966}{121021}and a few others.{121022}{121064}I'm so sorry.{121065}{121105}Don't be.{121105}{121206}Daddy knew exactly|what he was doing.{121252}{121289}He always did.{121290}{121370}If I thought it|would bring him back,{121371}{121404}or any of the others,{121405}{121509}Id tell the cops|everything I know.{121510}{121552}I know.{121601}{121661}if we told|them the truth,{121662}{121722}we'd wind up|in matching padded cells.{121751}{121812}Let's get some air.{122008}{122149}It'll take at least a year to get|the dam back to where we had it.{122149}{122205}You're going to rebuild it?{122296}{122349}What about you?{122350}{122401}I've been thinking.{122402}{122503}Ammon said they buried four|of the giants in the ground,{122504}{122585}spread to the four corners|of the earth.{122589}{122707}Scholars differ as to where|the mythical four corners are.{122730}{122791}I'd like to find them.{122817}{122853}Sounds like work.{122853}{122983}We'd have to find them and destroy|them before anybody else did.{123019}{123060}Now if a fella wanted{123061}{123160}to excavate, find|and destroy them,{123161}{123246}he'd need a pretty good...{123247}{123314}engineer working|with him.{123315}{123382}Gus could run|the show here.{123383}{123450}Sounds like dangerous work.{123469}{123569}Well, I wouldn't want you to|do anything you didn't want to.{123570}{123637}I'm not saying|I don't want to.{123667}{123713}I'm just saying|that{123714}{123813}we might need|to drink a few beers{123814}{123872}and dance a little just{123873}{123945}to break things up.{125091}{125196}Closed-captioned by j. r.|Media services, inc. Burbank- ca{125436}{125503}Ripped by:|SkyFury{125536}{125636}>> Napisy pobrane z >>>>>> nowa wizja napisw

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