



Setting Guide


Year 3: Peace in our time




















Welcome to the third year of The Fall and Rise of Impact. In this game, you take on the role of a member of the Envoys – a team of explorers, ambassadors and troubleshooters formed by the rulers of humanity’s last city to run the gauntlet of diplomatic (and not so diplomatic!) relations with the inhabitants of a strange alien world. Impact has been forced to quickly make friends and alliances in order to survive – many of these attempts have succeeded but not all. After years of brutal war with the Eternal Kingdom of Hyrathia, a semblance of peace has come at last to the survivors of humanity following a cessation of hostilities. Now, with the strongest military force in the world at their backs, new horizons beckon for the people of the fallen empire.

Impact is a story about finding your place in a big, frightening world full of forces you don’t fully understand. It is a story about power and the bonds of loyalty and fear that bind people together. It is a story about contrasts and culture-shock; about tolerance and learning to love those once feared and despised. Most of all, though, it is a story about exploration and adventure and slaying monsters!

We like to think we have got a wonderful third year planned for you. Stepping into the halfway point of a system tends to mean hitting the point where much of the written setting has been gradually revealed to the players and most of the cards are on the table. The world, once vast and unknown, is now ripe for exploration, allies and enemies, both old and new, stand ready to aid the confederacy or try and tear it down. The system has evolved and we are delighted to see it grow and change. Impact has been a delightful journey so far – where the story continues is entirely in your hands!

We hope you enjoy reading this guide and playing the game at least as much as we enjoyed writing it.

Go forth and adventure!


The Impact Ref Team.


INTRODUCTION At the dawn of a new age, Humanity teeters precariously upon the edge of extinction, yet even in this darkest hour, a light of hope shines forth with the promise of peace and a chance to build a better world.

Impact is the last of the great cities; a refugee ark-turned-stronghold that has narrowly escaped the mysterious fate of its counterparts, finding itself hurled through the empyrean void between worlds and stranded on the shores of a hostile land populated by strange creatures. As all that remains of a vast civilisation that had lived in peace and stability for centuries, the people of Impact have had to adjust to a life that is anything but peaceful, convenient and comfortable.

Colloquially renamed to commemorate humanity’s spectacular entry into the world coined as Sanctuary twelve years ago, Impact has found itself drawn into a conflict it never asked for against a powerful and numerous foe: The formidable Thari of the Eternal Kingdom of Hyrathia. Along a contested border, skirmishes have flared up into a devastating six year war which has claimed almost all of Impact’s powerful Obliterator war constructs and brought humanity to the brink yet again.

Joined together into a formal Confederation of mutual support and respect, the various insectoid Sarengid hives and plant-like Kurekin tribes allied with Impact seek to defend their mutual interests and work together to survive in a savage and brutal world. Caught between the Hyrathian border on one side and the nightmarish forest of Kure on the other, with dwindling resources and a population exhausted from years of war, Impact established the experimental Envoy initiative two years ago - a team of diplomats, explorers and troubleshooters drawn from across the Confederacy and tasked with doing whatever they feel is necessary to ensure survival.

Now, an uneasy peace has been brokered by the Envoys and few dare to speculate on how long it will last. Will the Hyrathians prove to be reliable allies, or is the current peace merely a prelude to a devastating final conquest?

Impact in a Nutshell ● Impact is a fantasy adventuring system about the Envoys of a city called Impact. ● Impact escaped a mysterious threat that destroyed its own world twelve years ago. ● The world that Impact escaped to, Sanctuary, is populated by exotic creatures. ● Kurekin are hardy sentient plant-like creatures from the deadly forest of Kure. ● Sarengids are quirky arthropods with a fondness for ideological factionalism. ● Shards are mysterious magical creatures that appeared when Impact arrived. ● Hyrathians are a stern, militaristic subterranean people who appear to eschew magic. ● Tulari are seafaring draconic raiders beholden to the will of their dark god. ● Several cultures of Sanctuary have allied with Impact to form a Confederacy. ● Impact operates a depleted force of powerful magical warriors called Obliterators. ● Kure encroaches upon the Eastern border of Impact and threatens to overwhelm it. ● The Confederacy recently fought a war with the Kingdom of Hyrathia which has just ended. ● The Tulari have begun an invasion of Confederacy lands after periodic amphibious raids. ● The Envoys were formed just after the war to pursue the Confederacy’s interests.


THE FLIGHT FROM OSIA A tale of humanity’s destruction

One by one the great cities went dark. One by one, their Voices faded and fell silent. None know how it began, but all know the story of how it ended; humanity hangs by a thread, cast out of the world in desperation by a courageous act of sacrifice.

Of the nature of the great and terrible tide that swept the lands of the now dead Empire of Osia, little is known. Entire armies simply failed to return. Phalanxes of mighty Obliterator constructs marched out to protect the remaining cities from this unknown threat and were swallowed up, never to be heard from again. Wearing the ancient seals of prestigious orders proudly emblazoned upon their chests, the knights of the Empire rode to meet their unknown foes; towering centuries of ceremony and abundance laid low and consigned to oblivion.

As word of successive disappearances and disasters spread across the land, desperation mounted. Thousands of refugees fled from city to city, trudging hundreds of miles only to fall to starvation, disease or exposure at their destinations. Doomsayers wandered streets clogged with bodies and filth, declaring that humanity had paid bitterly for their hubris. Panicked generals sent what remained of their forces into full retreat, being unable to imagine a threat so utterly beyond them it was able to consume their greatest warriors and leave no trace but the inky smear of burning ruin upon the horizon.

With seemingly no options remaining, the defenders of Masika - the last of humanity’s great cities - prepared to make a final stand. In the end, it was the desperate, the helpless, the paranoid and the lucky who made up the majority of that final roll-call. Those who had left everything behind and been swept up in the frenzied evacuations or consigned themselves to a grim end in defence of their families.

When all seemed lost, the Empire’s exalted council of Mage-lords made the ultimate sacrifice. Selling their lives in order that their people might survive, they transported Masika from their world entirely. With a flash of searing light and heat and a soul-deep rumble that shook the city’s foundations apart, Masika plunged through an unfamiliar sky and struck alien soil with such force that much of the city was destroyed or changed beyond recognition.

The map coalesced from the flows of magic that permeated the room as Balthazar stepped through the door. It was a depressing sight. Two years ago, the intricately detailed terrain had been covered with vibrant lines representing magical conduits, roads and flight paths all dominated by the pillars of light representing the cities of the world. Now it was almost all gone. It wouldn’t be long until this city - his city - fell as well. Already the small flickering lights representing outposts and villages on the outskirts of the city were going dark.

Whatever had claimed the rest of the Empire would soon claim them too. Maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for his city to survive. He turned and strode from the room, his mind a blur of ideas and possibilities, leaving the map and its one remaining city standing sentinel against the darkness to slowly stutter and fade. This world may be doomed, but his city would live.

- Excerpt from “Salvation” by Saren Kath


THE CONFEDERACY An alliance between Humans, Sarengids and Kurekin forged in the fires of recent war

When the tattered remnants of humanity emerged from the wreckage that would come to serve as their new home, their first discovery was a species of bizarre arthropods locked in the middle of an ideological conflict. The arrival of a falling star filled with powerful war constructs had all but destroyed one faction instantly, tipping the balance of power in the world.

Hordes of curious Sarengids poured forth to investigate these spectacular new arrivals, and humanity rallied its few stunned and exhausted defenders to hold back what appeared to be a new threat. Initial diplomatic overtures were tense, but an accord was eventually reached and both sides breathed a sigh of relief.

As news spread across the land, others came to join the alliance. Within the year, a formal Confederation between the humans of Impact, the surviving Sarengids of the Hives of Hakun, Eternal Journey and United Path and the Kurekin Tribes of Calredr and Sturka had been formed. These would be joined a decade later by the Varekai.

Not all in this strange new world viewed the formation of this Confederacy as a mark of hope. The ancient imperialists of Hyrathia watched these alien visitors in their sky-city intently, eventually presenting themselves and demanding that Impact kneel in deference to their new rulers or face the consequences. Such a gesture was not well received, and the ties binding the people of the Confederacy found themselves sorely tested in the conflict that followed. Meanwhile, elements from amongst the Kurekin saw the formation of a new power as a threat to their own strength and sovereignty. Entire tribes turned their ire upon this dangerous and destabilising element that had so rudely shaken their world. Kure itself rose up, gradually encroaching upon Impact’s limits as an inevitable tide of nature’s savage fury.

The people of the Confederacy have had nearly a decade to come to know one another - but it is only in the last few years during a brief respite from the Hyrathian onslaught, that this has truly begun to play out. Impact serves as a capital of sorts for a melting-pot of many different cultures, though some within the city resist what they see as a steady eroding of all that gives humanity its identity.


Humanity’s world-spanning civilisation, now consigned to history

● Osia was comprised of eight great cities, each home to thousands of people. ● These cities were Almasad, Zuka, Senbi, Kepri, Tepemkau, Aziar, Nkosi and Masika. ● A triumvirate of powerful myth-shrouded Mage-Lords ruled the cities. ● Each city was imbued with a physical personification to guide and assist its people. ● Masika, now known as Impact, was the youngest of the cities.

Stretching across a vast continent thousands of miles from end-to-end, the Empire of Osia existed as the pinnacle of human achievement. Peace, plenty and enlightenment were the outcome of centuries of careful development under the guiding hand of the Mage-Lords - powerful leaders recruited from amongst the greatest practitioners of the mystical arts, said to be humanity’s ascended guardians and protectors. The rule of these formidable archmagi

was complete and unquestionable, but benevolently so; Their wisdom and majesty brought great prosperity to a people who had conquered war and set aside petty differences long ago. Osia was comprised of seven cities, long ago united by a great campaign to bring enlightenment and unity to disparate and disorganised warring barbarian tribes. Existing across all climates and terrain types and reaching the borders of the known world, it was


long said that the sun never set upon the Empire - for a fading light upon one city would be met with a rising light upon its counterpart. The great gleaming crystal spire of the capital, Almasad, served as a site of pilgrimage for millions every year.

Each of the cities of Osia housed a consciousness given human form, able to walk alongside its people and handle simple administrative tasks as required. Serving as an encapsulation of the cultural identity of that city, each of these Voices could be seen in garb typical of its inhabitants and occupied a permanent seat on their respective council.

Almasad - The City of Crystal The capital of Osia, this city was marked by a colossal crystal citadel erupting from the top of a mountain said to have been blasted into perfect, uniform plateau by the first of the Mage-Lords’ power. Situated in the centre of the continent, Almasad served as the heart of politics and commerce and had a reputation for breeding duplicity, decadence and pridefulness in its painted citizens.

Zuka - The Forgotten Fortress

The stereotypically bombastic and strong-willed people of this city-stronghold which served as the seat of Osia’s military power have long been used to their proud heritage having become a spectator sport. Home to a great many knightly orders and a twenty-thousand strong complement of Obliterators, even Zuka’s formidable martial might could not save humanity from oblivion.

Senbi - Home of Art and Beauty

Nestled in the heart of a vast forest, Senbi stood as a centrepoint of cultural expression and its people were cherished for their artistry and appreciation of beauty and elegance. Senbi was a popular tourist resort for those seeking excitement and a feast for the senses.

Kepri - Breadbasket of the Empire

Most of Osia’s food was grown on the thousands of sun-kissed islands that surrounded this coastal nexus where constructs outnumbered citizens. The smallest

of Osia’s great cities, the people of Kepri developed a reputation for being blunt, insular and suspicious to outsiders but those who came to earn their trust were said to see another story entirely.

Tepemkau - City of Waters

This beautiful island situated at the centre of an inland sea served as the perfect backdrop for Osia’s mainstream seat of learning, attracting many of humanity’s greatest thinkers. Tepemkau served host to the majority of the Empire’s universities - and by extension, warm lazy evenings spent along the shores of the City of Waters are etched in the minds of a generation of students.

Azizar - The Forge City

A vast metropolis dominated by workshops and the tireless constructs that worked within them, Azizar’s huge population was seen - often unfairly - as simplistic and uncultured brutes by the dandies of the capital. While the majority of the city’s output consisted of low-quality manufactured goods, the trade of skilled artisans able to proudly declare their works to be entirely hand-crafted could fetch a high price amongst the elite.

Nkosi - The Paper City

Administrative archives and repositories of ancient knowledge were housed within the majority of this quiet, sleepy city’s white marble curves. The people of Nkosi were known for their soft manners - an illusion oft-shattered by the passionate display that greeted any who sought to challenge the righteous views of a people used to living with the wisdom of the centuries weighing heavily upon their shoulders.

Masika - The Outpost City - Now known as Impact A comparatively young mining city that overexploited its surroundings long ago, Masika found itself serving as centre for tourism and a retirement home for those seeking to escape the demands of Almasad’s exhausting politics. With a people quietly celebrated for their particular blend of rustic simplicity and outgoing acceptance of fringe ideas and lifestyles, Masika was well placed to serve as the reluctant lifeboat for humanity’s last survivors.


THE CITY OF IMPACT Humanity’s last hope

● Impact is humanity’s last stronghold and the capital of the Confederacy of Sanctuary. ● Impact escaped its home with many refugees and is a blend of Osian culture nowadays. ● Large parts of Impact were ruined during its flight and it has lost half its population. ● People in Impact are housed and fed by the Administration’s constructs without charge. ● Impact is ruled by an elected Council and has many Guilds and Orders. ● Personal transport can be accomplished by Teleportation beacons but this is of limited large scale use.

Before its desperate flight to Sanctuary, the city of Masika existed as the youngest of the great cities of the Empire of Osia. It was an outpost, a border town considered a haven for tourists and free thinkers. Compared to the mighty strength of Zuka or the great artistry of Senbi it was a relative backwater, considered quaint by the people who visited it.

During the fall of the Empire it became a haven for refugees and the desperate. As the unknowable enemy spread across Osia people began to flee away from the darkness towards the borders of the Empire. Many found themselves in Masika and the city threw open its gates to welcome the influx of tired unfortunates who flocked towards it.

When the city of Masika fled to Sanctuary it took with it people from all different parts of the Empire and all different walks of life. Those favoured by the Mage-Lords of Azizar rubbed shoulders with the sewer workers of Nkosi. The flowing robes of the Senbi elite could be seen alongside the roughspun wool of the field workers of Kepri. The newly renamed Impact has become a true cultural melting pot of human civilisation and displays a bewildering array of fashions, artistic styles and accents. This situation has become even more diverse due to the formation of the Confederacy. Now Sarengid and Kurekin cultures have been added to the mix and the results can often be very unusual.

Despite all that has assailed it, the City of Impact still stands strong as the heart of the Confederacy of Sanctuary. It is at once a bustling metropolis and ruined ghost town, a monument to humanity's will to survive and a sad remnant of what once was. The city lost roughly half of its population during the flight to

Sanctuary leaving great sections uninhabited and derelict.

Life in the City

As with the Empire of Osia, most of the day-to-day administration of the city of Impact is handled by the Council and the constructs controlled by the Voice of Impact. Every citizen of the Confederacy is provided with enough food, clothing, equipment and housing to live comfortably. Few (apart from the sick or infirm) starve and most are provided for by the city. Organising the distribution of food and goods to the populace is mostly handled by constructs directed by the Administration, a large and rather nebulous body of apparent volunteers who have taken it upon themselves to run the city's bureaucracy. The Administration “report” directly to the council, although nobody is entirely certain who is in charge of them or how the whole thing works. Most of Impact's food comes from the vast farmlands of the Borderlands, transported by great caravans through the gate of Charity on the north wall. A great deal of its metal ore comes from the archipelago, transported by boat to the harbour or shipped over land through the gate of Balthazar.

Anyone who works in Impact is subject to a rather odd form of taxation. Twenty-five percent of everything they produce is “bought” by the Administration in return for metal tokens. These tokens can be exchanged amongst citizens or redeemed for goods or food from the Administration directly. It is considered extremely crass to refer to this as some kind of “money” or “currency” as the people of Impact are above such outdated concepts. Although Impact lacks any kind of professional


economists, several educated individuals have warned that this form of economy is probably highly unstable and may collapse at any stage.

Education is almost universal in the city and anyone with the appetite and ability to learn can enrol in the University of Impact. The education of children is usually handled by small school houses and local learning clubs throughout Impact.


The city of Impact is maintained by an army of magical constructs controlled by the Voice of Impact. Roughly humanoid, these constructs appear not to be intelligent (although they will respond to the words of Confederacy citizens) and are a common sight in the streets. Most spend their days repairing damaged buildings and distributing food and other materials, although they can be convinced to aid with other tasks temporarily by needy citizens. It appears that all of the constructs are created in a building known as the Mana Forge located in the confluence of three rivers toward the centre of the city. Viewed from afar it appears to be a large, very boring building of plain grey stone. Direct observation has so far proved difficult due to the Voice of Impact demanding that no-one be allowed to approach across the rivers without its express permission.

Additionally, the city is protected at all times by a second kind of construct: the Obliterators. Once again humanoid, and identifiable by their red facial markings, the Obliterators are terrifyingly effective combatants capable of taking on whole regiments single-handed. In the heyday of the Empire, Masika was protected by thousands of these constructs but since the flight to Sanctuary and subsequent ruinous wars against Hyrathia and Kure their numbers have begun to dwindle somewhat. Some Obliterators also patrol areas of the city and punish any crimes they come across. Their patrol routes appear to be pre-determined by some ancient pattern of streets and buildings that doesn't always necessarily match the current make-up of the city. Rumours even persist amongst the criminal underworld that there are certain areas or “blind spots” which the Obliterators can't enter.

The Voice of Impact itself is quite a common sight in the city as it goes about overseeing new construction or the distribution of food.


Moving through the city (and Confederacy as a whole) is normally achieved using conventional and mundane methods. Horses are relatively common and regular caravans move through the borders of the Confederacy carrying cargo, people and information. For those in a hurry, however, there is one other way of getting around. A legacy of the old Empire of Osia lies in the Teleportation Nexus located next to the old Grain Exchange.

In the early days of the Empire it was discovered that certain stones could be carved in such a way as to form focusses for teleportation magic. Each of these stones (known as beacons) could transport small groups of people to another of the stones with the correct incantations. Much experimentation was carried out by the first Mage-Lords and, by the time of the flight to Sanctuary, the art had been pretty much perfected.

Although the beacons are portable they take some time to become active once placed rendering them of dubious military use. They can also only transport small groups at a time, making them useless for transporting goods. Today the teleportation beacons are mostly used for individual travel and exploration. Beacons have been set up in Sunrise and Edson's Stand, along with one at the wellspring currently protected by the Calredr. The trick of creating teleportation beacons is a closely guarded secret, said to be gifted to the Voice of the Forges upon election. The secret to activating a beacon is also closely guarded, although enough is known about it that one

You think you’re ready? Sure! Everyone thinks they’re ready the first time. Now, empty your lungs and close your eyes - trust me on this...

-Speech by Sergeant Ysira of the Fallen Sons


odd fact has emerged: apparently it is easier to learn for those not able to call upon magic. The Teleportation Nexus is the largest current repository of beacons in the city of Impact and currently acts as a transport hub for the whole network. Use is restricted to official business or important matters only, although many in the Council are keen to set new beacons up near the Confederacy's borders to allow for further exploration.


Impact, and the whole of the Confederacy are ruled over by an organisation known simply as The Council. These are individuals elected from amongst the population to make decisions about how the Confederacy should be run. In theory the Council has unlimited authority and can command any citizen in Confederacy lands; in practice this has rarely been put to the test and some are beginning the question if this system of government is appropriate given Impact's new situation. Most issues put before the council are put to a simple majority vote. Most of the positions are traditional and existed during the time of Osia (hence the grand titles). The positions and current incumbent are as follows:

Marshal of the Bladed Hosts – Elected from and by the Apexes of the Phalanxes of the Armies of the Confederacy. Currently held by Neras of the Masikan 4th

Voice of the Golden Fields – Elected from and by every farmer who cultivates land equalling more than 4 acres. Currently held by Loras, mayor of Edson's Stand

Voice of the Forge – Elected from and by all artificers, smiths and all other workers of metal and magic in the city. Currently held by Nubia Fowl of the Golden Goose after the disgrace of the previous incumbent Irrit To’Mane

Voice of the Way and Truth – Elected from any by the masters of all the Universities, libraries, religious organisations and other places of learning in the city. Now held by Imhotep D’Masika

Voice of the Kurekin – Elected from and by the clans allied to the city. Currently held by Gilease One-Eye of the Sturka.

Voice of the Hives – Elected by (but not necessarily from) the queens of the hives allied to the city. Currently held by Han of the Hive of Hakun

Voice of Impact – The Voice itself sits on the Council but is only able to vote if the result would otherwise be a tie. Voice of the Voiceless – Elected by and from anyone who is otherwise not allowed to vote. Currently held by Simon Krump.

Voice of the Shards – Not a full council position, the Voice of the Shards is elected from the Shards of the Confederacy to act as a special advisor to the Voice of the Voiceless. Currently held by Jak of the Envoys.


Any professional organisation with fifty members and a good argument can appeal to the Council to be formally recognised as a guild. In return for a promise to educate new apprentices their relevant field and to aid the Confederacy in whatever way it might require, the guilds are provided with extra resources by the Administration. Several very popular and successful guilds have sprung up around Impact and many are seen as being vital parts of the city's infrastructure. Each guild also has a nominal head, although there aren't many rules enforced upon them by the Confederacy as a whole. A few of the most notable ones are:

The United guild of Artificers The Guild of Musicians The Armourer's Guild The Guild of Messengers and Bonded Carriers The Caravanner’s Guild The Guild of Pedagogues The Guild of Explorers is currently in a state of confusion after losing over half its members in one year and falling below the fifty required to form a full guild.


Knightly Orders

Knighthood exists as an accolade an individual receives when invited to become a member of one of Osia’s ancient orders. The manner in which this membership is awarded varies from order to order,

but the status remains the same - Knights are legally exempt from the requirement to contribute to the city’s production quotas. Many Knights consider it their duty to serve and protect the people; others use status simply as social capital.



● The Docks was an affluent housing district that has become a seedy underworld hub. ● The University is a sprawling centre of learning that began as a library.

● The Wall is a newly made silver-painted ring of fortifications that surround the city. ● The Park is a lush, forested patch of the city created by a defeated incursion of Kure. ● The Street of Artificers is the centre of commerce in Impact. ● The Grain Exchange has been repurposed to serve as the barracks for Impact’s military. ● The Shatters is the dangerous ruined domain of the Mage-Lords at the city’s heart. ● The Overgrowth is a permanent and deadly incursion of Kure within the city walls. ● The Circus is used mainly to host the speeches of political candidates.

The Docks

The docks of Impact used to be the more high-class part of the city, home to the rich and favoured. This changed during the landing on Sanctuary when most of the area collapsed into the newly formed inlet created by the city hitting the ground. The area was quickly converted into a fully-functioning docks for the newly-created fishing fleets that sprang up to feed Impact's hungry populace. Today the area is bustling with activity as boats travel out to sea to take advantage of the teeming fish stocks in the sea to the north or to ship goods and food to Sunrise and the archipelago. As with all docks throughout history it is also an area where much illegal activity takes place. The warehouses, back alleys and taverns surrounding the docks are rife with suspicious individuals and unsavoury deals. The docks is, however, one of the few places to get a decent drink in Impact.

The Confederacy's fleet also bears mentioning. Soon after the landing of the city a vast amount of driftwood -enough for a whole fleet of ships - washed up on the shores to the north. This was quickly collected and used to construct a series of warships to keep the city safe. It was surmised that the wood belonged to the remains of a Hyrathian fleet wrecked by the city when it arrived.

The ships of Impact were swiftly pressed into action during the Hyrathian war and soon won several impressive victories over the ras-Thari of the Hyrathian navy. The Confederacy's non-human members quickly took to the seas, and many a Hyrathian Tharian who survived the sea battles of the

war will still shudder in horror at the mention of “Kurekin Marines”.

Alas, the Navy was devastated in the recent conflict between the Confederacy and the merciless reaver fleet of the Tulari. Of the four warships constructed by the Confederacy, only the battleship Horizon survived. Efforts are underway to rebuild but skilled sailors and shipwrights are rare.

The Wall

Upon landing upon Sanctuary the city of Impact didn't possess any kind of defensive features, a trait which caused some concern amongst its inhabitants when they discovered a hostile forest upon their doorstep. To counter this the Voice of Impact immediately dedicated its entire force of builder constructs to build a great wall to protect the city. This was done in a remarkably short period of time, and now a mighty barrier separates Impact from the outside world, maintained diligently by the constructs

“Hey ho, raise 'em high

drink the drink 'till the drink is drunk

We're vigilant 'cause we keep an eye

on our shapely ship that's a pile of junk

And in the morn'we sail to die

and we aint going to stop 'till your boat is sunk”

-Popular drinking song amongst the

Kurekin marines of the Vigilant


who built it. One thing does stand out however; for some reason the entire thing is painted bright silver giving it an almost mirror-like quality. The Voice of Impact has remained silent so far on the reason for this. The Silver Aegis (Impact's defence force and law enforcement) took their name from the wall. The Park

Situated near the Gate of Solomon to the south of the city, the park is actually the remnant of an incursion by Kure in the early days of Impact. Cut off from the rest of the forest by a brave and spirited attack by the Calredr and Knights of the Order of the Gilded Sceptre the remnant seemed to lose hostile intent. After being quarantined for a year it was declared “probably safe” by the Council in 4 AI. Since then it has become a large and verdant forested area ripe with fruits, vegetables and other sundries. Several Kurekin tribes maintain small contingents there and the area has become popular with couples going on long romantic strolls. In 11 AI the Kurekin of the Park discovered that it contained something called a Wellspring – a site of extreme importance to the Kurekin as a whole. A small fort was soon built to protect it and Confederate Obliterators assigned to guard it. The only people who are allowed near the Wellspring, named “Hope Springs” after a competition, are the mysterious Kureking Keepers who are said to safeguard their people's future. The Park as a whole is protected and maintained by a small tribe of Kurekin called the Silent Watchers who also oversee the burial of many of the dead bodies which are interred within its soil. At the end of 11AI the Park suddenly awoke with surprising ferocity and began to send out swarms of hideous monsters to attack all they encountered. The situation was contained by the Confederate armed forces but the Park remains a suspect and dangerous place.

The Street of Artificers

In an uncharacteristic break with the Osian tradition for grand titles the Street of Artificers was named for the large number of artificers who set up shop there after the flight to Sanctuary. The buildings on this long, winding street loom close on either side with garish signs promising all sorts of wonders hanging above most doors. Sadly, most of the skilled artificers of Masika died during the flight so most of those inhabiting the street are tinkerers at best. Other craftspeople have set up shop alongside them and just about any professionally made goods can be purchased if one knows where to look.

The Grain Exchange

Located right next to the Overgrowth the Grain Exchange is, confusingly, the principle barracks and mustering grounds for the Phalanxes of the Confederacy. It is permanently defended by a large contingent of Silver Aegis soldiers and is a hub of military activity. Although the people of Impact have a very liberal view to personal freedom it is generally accepted that anyone wandering around the Exchange without a good reason will be politely, albeit firmly, told to leave. The Marshal of the Bladed host is stationed in the Grain Exchange where he oversees the effective running of the Confederacy's military.


This impressive sprawling complex located towards the South-East of the city was once known as the Library of Masika and held the city's fairly modest collection of literary works. After the flight to Sanctuary it became a repository for any book, scroll or parchment that could be recovered from the damaged city. As more and more academics flocked to the library for safety and research materials the council of Impact began to see the place as a source of valuable knowledge. In 5 AI the then-head librarian Eliza Tanner declared herself Chancellor of the newly founded University of Impact and began to offer courses and tenure to anyone capable of learning or teaching.

“I don't even know why they call themselves The Silent Watchers anyway. They talk all the damn time! And who lets them roam around the graves at night anyway? Who knows what they're doing? Has anyone ever actually asked what they're up to? I for one want, no, DEMAND a full investigation into their activities.”

- Nyssa, Apex of the Iron Tide


Six years later, the University is one of the genuine success stories of Impact. It offers courses in pretty much anything anyone can be bothered to teach, with a heavy emphasis on magic and the esoteric arts. Although they offer many different courses and qualifications, their degree in basic channelling is universally recognised as the basic standard for magic users across the Confederacy. The position of Chancellor is currently held by Elfrida Grey after the previous incumbent was removed due to a scandal involving missing funds, rogue kurespawn and shapeshifting creatures.

The Shatters

The centre of the city of Masika was dedicated (of course) to the quarter of the Mage Lords who ruled for the good of all. A good fifth of the city was given over to their towers, libraries, workshops and laboratories that they might conduct their research and musings in peace. This area of enlightened learning and perfect order was inhabited by the many thousands of people privileged enough to have gained favour in the eyes of The Three and their families. It was an area of towering spires, glittering fountains and breathtaking displays of magical architecture. The entrance to the Mage Lord quarter, known as the Gate of The Three, was known far and wide as one of the great landmarks of the Empire.

All of this changed during the flight to Sanctuary. The centre of the city suffered the worst calamities brought on by the desperate attempts by the Mage Lords to propel the city away from Osia. The spires toppled, the fountains cracked and the buildings were mostly reduced to rubble. The area was racked with magical storms and quakes and anyone foolish enough to try to hide there didn't survive long enough to regret their mistake.

Today the central fifth of the city is known as the Shatters. The ruined buildings make the area a twisted warren of tunnels, deadfalls and alleys. The area still suffers from magical storms and quakes brought on by the vast amount of magic stored (and unleashed) by The Three during their work. With the exception of the Annex, few honest people live there as the Shatters are mostly inhabited by scavenger gangs, criminal lowlifes and other, stranger creatures.

Despite this many treasure hunters and explorers make a living scouting into the ruins and bringing back the remains of Mage Lord artefacts that still lie buried within. Many don't make it back, but rumours persist of caches of priceless lore or treasures to be found by those brave enough to find them. The Gate of the Three still stands, and only the foolish or desperate pass through it without a plan (or backup).

A year ago, a valiant effort by the Envoys carved out a small area of the Shatters for permanent habitation and refuge amongst the madness of the area. Known as the Annex, this area serves as a trade post, stop-off point and shelter for some of the more approachable inhabitant of the Shatters. Currently it is policed and regulated by the gangs known as the Lost and Damned and the Alleyjacks along with a strong presence from the Altruists. Strange rumours also circulate amongst the citizens of the rest of Impact about Hyrathians living in the Annex along with a lone, deranged Obliterator. More recently another part of the Shatters known only as The Square was reclaimed by a combined effort from representatives of a number of different Confederate bodies. Little is known about this location other than its bizarre reputation as an excellent place to take a holiday and visit its excellent bath house.

The Overgrowth

When Masika landed on Sanctuary it cut a burning path through the landscape and tore through the northwestern edge of the great forest of Kure. Humanity swiftly discovered that the forest was as deadly and indomitable a foe as any they had faced in the Old Empire as it began to grow back with alarming speed. Within a year of the arrival of Impact a significant portion of the south eastern wall had been completely taken over by the vicious plant and animal life of the forest. Soldiers from all of the Phalanxes of the Confederacy alongside Knights of the Orders of Impact fight a losing battle to push back the forest from the walls of their city every day. This area of the city has become known as the Overgrowth and is where some of the heaviest fighting outside of the Hyrathian war has taken place. The constructs of Impact can also be seen in great numbers in the Overgrowth making desperate running repairs to the walls and forts that protect the


city from being over-run. Periodically a major section of the wall is breached by the beasts of Kure and the Aegis must fight back the forest to buy enough time for the constructs to seal it once more. Recently several different factions have lent their aid to protecting the Overgrowth including numerous Kurekin tribes and even some Sarengids.

The Circus

Upon request by the general populace the Council authorized the construction of a large arena near the Mana Forge in 6 AI for open air entertainment. Several theatre groups around the city had long been pressing for a central venue to perform plays and the construction of the Circus was seen as a much-

needed boost for morale. The inaugural performance of the seven hour long epic “The Tragedy of Osilius” by the Impact Troubadours as unfortunately an unmitigated disaster due to poor acoustics, archaic language styles and an attack from the Overgrowth halfway through the penultimate act. Since then few have actually used the Circus to perform any kind of theatrical performance and it has mostly been used as a platform for Council candidates to give speeches.


● Religion is a relatively new development for humanity after centuries of suppression. ● Cults sprung up all over the city and the council has refrained from an official stance. ● Some venerate the Mage-Lords or Kurekin ancestors; others more exotic concepts.

Since the arrival of Impact on Sanctuary the council have begun to notice a curious phenomenon; religion appears to be breaking out amongst the populace. Some have taken to the veneration of ancestors practised by the Kurekin whilst others have begun to worship the Primal Aspects as gods. This sort of behaviour was strictly forbidden under the rule of the Mage Lords but has, since their heroic sacrifice, come back in to vogue somewhat. The council has (with one exception) not seen fit to comment on the adoption of religious practice and many different faiths have sprung up around the city. Most are viewed with some weary suspicion by the general population.

The Church of Many Things

Based in an old warehouse near the docks and boasting a congregation in the hundreds (if not thousands) the Church of Many Things was founded in 6 AI by a member of the Explorers Guild who claimed to have found an ancient tablet describing the path to divinity. The Church claims that by following

the edicts of God a worshipper can gain pretty much whatever they want.

The actual Edicts themselves appear to be incredibly vague and open to interpretation but there have been several mysterious reports of celebrants receiving mystical visions, divine aid or even performing miracles themselves. The combination of vague edicts, unclear beliefs and lack of clear leadership other than their founder has led most people to believe that the Church is essentially harmless.

I was almost excited when someone started juggling knives. I should have known there wouldn't be a payoff...

- Disgruntled Calredr heard near the Circus after a performance of “The Tragedy of Osilius”

“What does God demand? Whatever you believe it demands. What does he give in return for your service? Whatever you wish to receive! The God of Many Things is all things to all people and whatever it needs to be! Rejoice in the way of all things to all people and be glad!”

-Sermon of the Church of Many Things


The Green Brotherhood

The organisation known as the Green Brotherhood was founded in 1 AI by Titus Volentine, a former captain of the Masikan 4th who was alleged lost during the flight to Sanctuary. He returned to the city from Kure a year later and set up a small religious order which began to take a hand in the care of Impact's sick and infirm. City authorities, working on anonymous tipoffs, began to investigate the Brotherhood and soon found evidence that they were spreading disease and pestilence throughout the city by infecting public wells. After a brief uprising the majority of the Brotherhood were arrested or subjected to obliteration and the remains fled to the Shatters.

Volentine himself escaped and re-emerged in 10AI before being hunted down, captured and executed by the Confederate Envoys. Membership of the Brotherhood isn't technically illegal, but is viewed with extreme suspicion by the Silver Aegis.

The Altruists

Of the many cults that have sprung up in Impact to worship the primal aspects one of the most successful is known as The Altruists. Dedicating themselves to the worship and veneration of a being known as the Altruist, they spend their days giving aid to the unfortunate people of Impact. They care for the sick, bring food and aid to the infirm and spend a fair amount of time patrolling the streets on the lookout for criminals to arrest. Their headquarters is located right next to the Shatters and the Altruists are extremely active in investigating the ruins. Membership of the order is open to anyone as long as they vow to forswear earthly wealth and aid the less-fortunate in every way possible. Oddly, many members of the order can be seen sporting magical

weapons and armour, rumoured to be supplied by a master artificer dedicated to their cause. The Altruists report directly to the Voice of the Voiceless, although it isn't currently known why.

Baelog's Horde

Lead by the charismatic Kurekin Baelog Briarshield the Horde is a monotheistic deicidal cult dedicated to the death of Kure. In short, they have decided that Kure is some kind of evil deity which needs to be slain by the righteous. Although they are based in Impact itself the Horde spend a large amount of time venturing into the forest to do battle with “the forces of Darkness”. So far this hasn't really amounted to much. There are persistent rumours that the Horde plans to declare the Voice of Impact to be a “Deity of Good”, something about which it is alleged to be acutely embarrassed.

Church of the Exalted Apotheosis

With the tale of humanity’s exalted leaders now consigned to the realms of memory, it was only a matter of time before the respect and loyalty directed towards the Mage-Lords transformed into full-blown reverence. What began as a small shrine to honour the fallen has gradually escalated into the focal point for a spiritual movement.

The Church of the Exalted Apotheosis maintains that the final act of Masika’s self-sacrificing saviours was transcendence; Promoting them beyond the realms of mortal existence to full-blown Godhood to stand and watch over humanity. While such claims have in the past been rigorously suppressed as standing in violation of the commandments of the Triumvirate of Almasad, no central moral authority now exists to enforce this stance and the council has remained carefully silent on the topic.

“Ideas, like disease, can't be suppressed or stopped. They will spread. Which is more dangerous?”

- Note left by Titus Volentine to the authorities

before his disappearance


Festivals and Holidays

The Confederacy is known to celebrate several holidays throughout its lands. Participation isn’t mandatory and the Council have confirmed that the Envoys are still expected to turn up for work on the appointed days.

The Feast of Life and Death - Traditionally a Kurekin celebration, the Feast of Life and Death has become wildly popular throughout the Confederacy. It is a day to celebrate still being alive despite all odds whilst remembering those who have gone before. Great banquets, epic sagas of the lost and spontaneous parades are all common on this day, although cleanup the next morning tends to take quite a long time.

Unity Day - After the founding of the Confederacy it was decided to set aside a day in the calendar to celebrate everything it stands for: unity, peace and protection for all those who reside within it. Despite enthusiastic support from the Hive of the United Path this holiday has never really taken off, and most

citizens use it as an opportunity to spend the day in bed.

The Night of Lovers - The oldest tradition of the Confederacy, dating back to the days before even the Empire of Osia, is the Night of Lovers. It is a day for the celebration of love (both platonic and romantic) and the bonds the bring people together. During the celebrations the City of Impact is decorated with colourful banners and flowers, and citizens are encouraged to make declarations of love or proposals of marriage. It’s no coincidence that the birth rate in Impact has suddenly increased nine months after the Night of Love in previous years.

The Ascension of Saint Abraxes - Since there is no historical record of anyone called Saint Abraxes the origin of this celebration is something of a mystery. Throughout the day it is traditional for the citizens of the Confederacy to play elaborate (and sometimes not-so-elaborate) pranks on each other. As long as the perpetrator shouts “ASCENSION DAY” after carrying out their jape no retaliation can be expected (or so the tradition goes).



1. Shatters 11. Park

2. Embassy 12. Hive of The United Path

3. Administration 13. Street of Artificers

4. Docks 14. Gate of Charity

5. Circus 15. Gate of Balthazar

6. Mana Forge 16. Gate of Solomon

7. Teleportation Nexus 17. Memorial

8. Grain Exchange 18. Carmen's Folly

9. Overgrowth 19. Eastwind Isle

10. Kure 20. To Sunrise



THE SARENGID HIVES Eclectic, idealistic hordes of humanoid arthropods with a wide range of cultural outlooks

● Sarengids are sentient bipedal creatures with arthropod traits. ● All Sarengids have an exoskeleton of chitinous plates. ● Some have claws, antenna, wings or even more exotic features. ● The various Hives that make up Sarengid culture are strongly ideologically divided. ● Hives regularly go to war after encountering irreconcilable ideological disputes.

Living in great numbers on the expansive plains to the South of the city of Impact are the insectoid Sarengids, a diverse people renowned for being in near-constant inter-factional ideological conflict.

Each faction of Sarengids - normally referred to as a hive - bases itself not upon strictly defined territory but upon a strongly felt unified philosophy, series of ideas or way of life. These philosophies can be extremely varied and this leads to a similar level of variation within Sarengid society. Sarengid hives have radically different views of the world and approaches to life - views and approaches which frequently prove irreconcilable and lead to outright war.

When an ideological split occurs, a new hive is formed; Sometimes the split is violent, and sometimes entirely amicable. Neighbouring hives may thus have very different and incompatible outlooks on the world while sharing a common root. Some hives, such as the hives that have joined the Confederacy, have found that their ideas can be tooled towards working together for the mutual benefit of all (or at least averting the more destructive disputes).

Even the physiology of the Sarengids has been seen to vary significantly. Bipedal arthropods with a vast morphological range, the Sarengids’ main identifying feature is being almost universally covered in a tough layer of chitinous plates. Such is the wild distribution of colours, shapes and appendages even amongst individuals of the same hive that it took some time for scholars to realise all Sarengids appear to be of the same species. Many Sarengids have claws, antennae or even wings, though these are normally entirely vestigial and of little use.

Hives Surrounding Impact

Soon after its arrival, the city of Impact found itself approached by three Sarengid hives attempting to open cordial relations. Representatives from The Hive of the Eternal Journey, The Hive of Hakun, and The Hive of the United Path presented themselves to these bizarre visitors from the skies above and sought a peaceful unity under an atmosphere of triumphant celebration. It was revealed that the conflagration that accompanied humanity’s appearance had inadvertently destroyed a great threat to the peoples of the plains - a vicious, expansionist Hive known as The Hive of the Ascended Ideal which the city had landed upon and annihilated.

This accidental victory served as the foundation for diplomatic talks and despite some early difficulties such as a strenuous objection being made to some of the officials of Impact using the term ‘Bug people’, an alliance was rapidly formed. Not long after this event, with the addition of two Kurekin tribes into the alliance, the Confederacy was founded.

There are some other hives near the area around Impact. The most notable two of these must surely be the Hive of the Tower that Stands - which lies on the edge of Kure and has shown itself to be insular and hostile to anything Kure related (such as the Kurekin) - and the Hive of the Singular Voice, which has shown itself to be unrelentingly hostile, and occasionally harasses and assaults the Confederacy’s most Southern assets.


THE HIVE OF THE ETERNAL JOURNEY Austere, altruistic perfection-seeking adventurers

Of the hives allied to the confederacy, the Hive of the Eternal Journey’s way of life is least well understood by most of their allies. This is at least partly because a large number of those of the hive seem to display a definite humility and are uncomfortable discussing their doubtless achievements.

What can be immediately gleaned is that the Hive of the Eternal Journey go to great lengths to help others - there are numerous examples of the hive giving food to those about to go hungry, sending warriors to defend those about to be overrun, or giving assistance to the troubled in dozens of different ways. It appears that the entirety of the Eternal Journey is dedicated to making the world a better place and this chiefly involves helping those who are in peril and defending the weak against the machinations of the strong. Each member of the hive appears to go to great lengths to become exceptional in some feat or skill and then to use this aid others.

In person, most members of this hive appear austere and restrained; When one’s work is as important as theirs little time or resources are left for luxury or excess. This has meant that despite this hive’s noble actions and the good will this has garnered them, the Eternal Journey has not integrated with the rest of the Confederacy as fully as the United Path or Hive of Hakun. This distance from the rest of the Confederacy is also somewhat more literal; Early in the Hyrathian war it was suggested that if the mountains to the South of the Plains Edge river were not defended, the entire war might be lost - and so the Hive of the Eternal journey moved their entire civilisation to the edge of the lands claimed by the Confederacy in order to hold that breech.

Those born to the hive are brought up being told of its ways and its never ending mission, and at the time of maturity are given a choice: Either stay with the hive and become a part of it’s fight, or to go their own way find another hive which ideals suit them better and to almost certainly live an easier life. As a part of this decision many members of the hive choose to take some time and journey from the hive in order to see what else the world can offer. This is accepted and often encouraged by older members of the hive who are keen that only those who fully understand what it means commit to the hive's all important endeavours.


Scholarly students of natural law and the acquisition and management of knowledge

The members of the Hive of Hakun are united behind the writings of one thinker - the philosopher Hakun - who wrote extensively upon the idea that this world is governed by falsehood, and it is only through the establishment of truth and fact that people can begin to rise above the troubles that assail them.

Within the Hive of Hakun, education and study are prized above all things. All of those born to the hive

“We all live in the world we all deserve”

-Attributed to an unknown author and quoted by an unknown warrior before their death in the battle to save the village of Garnton Ridge

“If one truth could be established beyond doubt or question then from that others could be extrapolated and constructed until all that is true is known. From this point falsehood can be dismissed, and a new world established - one based on ruling through fact, not fiction.”

-Excerpt from the philosopher Hakun’s ‘Musings upon a deceitful world’, his last known work


are expected to be communally educated to a high standard, and as a part of this education it is often expressed that ‘hunting for truth’ is the highest calling one can dedicate their life to. This focus upon truth gives the people of Hakun a very strong draw towards rationality and most take considerable pride in the notion that careful study and reasoned debate are the foundations upon which the structures and ideas of their society are based. This focus on debate means that the hive can sometimes be a fractious place - the actual processes of government and management are changing and developing regularly as new ‘truths’ are learned and expressed.

This focus on ‘hunting for truth’ and the attention to detail it encourages means that the hive of Hakun has

a strong reputation for producing scholars, scouts, explorers, and bureaucrats. It is no coincidence that the current Voice of the Hives is from the Hive of Hakun, as members of this hive have often placed themselves at the centre of the Confederacy’s governmental structures.

During the events of 11AI and the war againt Hyrathia the Hive of Hakun was besieged, captured and then razed by the Hyrathian forces. Most of its people survived and fled to the City of Impact where they reside to this day. The Hive survives in its people's philosophy and rumours are abound that the Hive will be rebuilt soon.


Vibrant champions of unity, social and political transparency and information dissemination

Members of the Hive of the United Path are usually known to be friendly and helpful, eager to please all their friends and happy that we are all working together. They are sometimes seen as slightly over familiar - for example many in the city of impact were somewhat thrown when the entire hive decided to move into the city days after the Confederacy was founded - but in all the hive’s actions they have shown themselves to be true friends to all of their allies.

The hive itself is exceptionally open and community-focused, and members of the United Path happily

share their thoughts, feelings and possessions with each other - reasoning that if everyone were friends or at least allies and just got along then the world would be a much better place.

The United Path can be a vibrant and exciting place, with regular festivals and celebrations held to celebrate the spirit of mutual cooperation that is the Confederacy. It comes as no surprise that the hive is heavily integrated both with humanity and the Kurekin who make up the rest of the Confederacy and members can often be seen wearing fashions borrowed from their allies.

Thankfully, few know what it means to draw the ire of such a friendly and unified people; Those few individuals who have offended or harmed the hive sufficiently to get past the normal good natured acceptance demonstrated toward friends have found that the United Path is entirely without mercy or remorse once committed. The hive was very active during the Hyrathian war and many of its people gave their lives without hesitation for the cause.

“We all live in the Confed-er-acy, Confed-er-acy, Confed-er-acy

There’s no place that I’d rather be, Than in the Confederacy”

--Excerpt from a children’s song



Hardy inhabitants of a nightmarish forest who thrive on conflict with nature’s savagery

● Kurekin are hardy plant-like humanoids who inhabit the forest of Kure. ● Kurekin have bark-like skin in a wide variety mottled patterns. ● Kurekin are engaged in an endless struggle for survival against their forest home. ● Kurekin society places great stock on the heroic deeds of one’s ancestors. ● To have a name that rings through history is the greatest aspiration of many Kurekin.

Stretching for hundreds of miles to the East and South-East of Impact lies the forest of Kure. Kure is immensely rich and fertile - all life there seems to flourish and grow at a ferocious rate, and the forest is home to many species of fruit and plant that are highly nutritious or have low grade medicinal properties. Kure is also deadly; Every animal and plant that exists within the forest seems custom bred to kill or to protect itself from predators in the most violent way possible. Worse still, the forest seems to actively resist outside incursion or any form of settlement within its boundaries and the beasts of the forest will congregate on such endeavours until they are removed.

It is within the forest of Kure that the Kurekin make their homes. Existing as plant-like humanoid beings, the Kurekin appear to be the only truly sentient species to make their home in such a hostile environment and it permeates every aspect of their society. Every day of a child of Kure’s life within the forest is a struggle for survival against a world that seems to be actively trying to kill them and the fact they have managed to grow into a diverse and thriving culture speaks a great deal for their skills and a little for their stubbornness.

Kurekin culture is split into a number of tribes, each of which embraces a different philosophy on the way in which a Kurekin should live and how best to hold back the relentless assaults of the forest. Separate to the tribes is the matter of lineage: The identity of one’s ancestry is very important to the Kurekin, with

entire genealogical lines being named after the great heroes who began them. Every Kurekin is brought up knowing whose line they belong to and it is the aim of most individuals to distinguish themselves in life to such an extent that they found their own line - etching their name into the ages to be carried forth by descendents. It is perhaps this desire to live gloriously and leave a noteworthy story that means that the Kurekin are able to thrive within Kure - for when your entire world wants to kill you, the only true measure of your life is in how successfully and bravely you stood against it.

The Tribes

The exact number of Kurekin tribes is unknown as the sheer size of the forest of Kure means there could be hundreds of tribes spread throughout its vast expanse. Only a small number of tribes are known to the people of Impact and the most well known are the tribes of the Sturka and the Calredr as they form the current Kurekin members of the Confederacy. The other tribe with whom the city has cordial relations are the mysterious Varekai although they have so far refrained from joining the Confederacy in an official capacity.

In addition, there are several tribes who live near Impact who seem to have a more antagonistic view of the city. Claethran’s rout, the Vur’vadar and the Cyr folk have all so far rebuked any attempts to open diplomatic channels with Impact and have in some cases acted in direct opposition to the city’s aims.



Daring individualistic glory-seekers in bold colours telling tales of even bolder deeds

A quest for greatness lies at the heart of the Sturka tribe: A people perpetually in search of a glorious tale to be forged from their life - and death! The Sturken’s obsession with stories and heroes may explain their unique way of living within the forest for they are in many ways less of a single clan and more of a loose affiliation of hundreds.

The main staple of Sturken civilisation is the hold, comprised of groups of 30 - 40 Kurekin following one charismatic, strong, crafty or merely well liked leader known as the Hold Lord. The position of Hold Lord is by no means constant; A Hold Lord who does badly may find themselves quickly deposed. Each Hold of the Sturka is different - indeed their numbers are in constant flux with some falling and others rising as the year goes by. All, however, will have a great story

that relates to the Hold’s founding which will be recounted with pride whenever possible.

Unsurprisingly for a clan who judge tales to be so vital, the Sturka have a special title and place in their society for those who tell the great sagas. Known as Conjurers, these Sturken spend their lives recounting the great tales of old and tenaciously recording new ones, often travelling with bands of adventurers to observe their heroic deeds and if necessary record their noble deaths. Almost all Conjurers travel between the Holds to spread their tales and as such they act as one of the strongest links holding the Sturken people together, reminding each Hold that they are a part of something greater.

The Sturka tend to favour imposing outfits in bold colours accented with furs and leathers, with each individual expressing their particular noteworthiness through their appearance as much as their actions. Metal has become increasingly common following exposure both to humanity and the spoils of the war against the Hyrathians, and many Sturka have come to learn the hard way that arms and armour designed for brief, high intensity use on the battlefield aren’t always ideal for desperate, exhausting struggles for survival against the denizens of the deep forest.


Tenacious, opportunistic inhabitants of the bleak marshlands of Cyr

Not everything within the boundaries of Kure is forest. Near its Eastern border there sits a vast lake fed by a twisted network of saltwater deltas, bayous and wetlands. This lake is known as Cyr and on its banks the Varekai make their home. For reasons unknown to any who have checked, the great forest of Kure thins as it approaches the lake and it is for this reason alone that the tribe manages to cling on to its tenuous network of towns and hamlets. Each year another few huts will be swallowed up and a few more will be built in defiance of Kure's wrath.

“And thus they stepped forth, three alone to face the might of the beast of a thousand thousand blades. The beast was unstoppable; So many had failed, and yet the three stood strong for they were Sturka and they had come to write bold their names in legend.”

-From the Saga of Turlac the Stout

“You say I don't defy the forest? Why? Because I don't lift my head and rage at the sky every day I live? Because I don't run to battle with steel in my fist and glory in my heart? These are the ways of other tribes, but not the Varekai. Ours is the way of patience. Whilst you rage with fire and steel I build new homes. Whilst you die and are born again in battle I live and live again.”

-Hansa Mudmaw, Eldest of the Varekai


This marginal existence on the edge of survival has bred a people who are thoughtful and cunning, excellent watermen who, on average, tend toward quiet reflection and guarded words with a dark sense of humor. Varekai society is based around respect of those older than you and the eldest in a group will be given the responsibility of command whether that group be a household, a fighting force or the entire tribe. When the Varekai choose to fight they are adept at fighting in small units, striking quickly from the darkness or the treetops in devastating skirmishes before melting away again.

Those few who have faced and survived a Varekai raid mention that fear plays a big part in their tactics. The Varekai are also adept at using misdirection in battle, often sounding drums to the fore and then attacking from the rear. They have a disquieting habit of using war paint and the remains of their foes as

decoration in order to make themselves appear more threatening.

No discussion on the Varekai would be complete without mentioning the Marshwalker’s Revel, a strange and mysterious ceremony by which an area once cleared of the beasts of Kure may be made to repel them for a few short months. This great ceremony allows the Varekai to harvest the fruits and meat needed to supplement their otherwise bland diet and what exactly the Revel entails is a closely guarded secret although rumours abound of Kurekin sacrifice, screaming blood-stained rituals and other debauched acts of terror.

In 11AI the Varekai formally joined the Confederacy after a long period of debate and consideration.


A pragmatic, grim warrior caste defending a vibrant, friendly society of crafters and traders.

The forest of Kure is a harsh place to exist. Such a place breeds a harsh people and the Calredr pride themselves on being the harshest of all. In such a place, survival leaves no room for weakness.

The tribe of the Calredr is unusual in that it is split into two distinct paths. The “true” Calredr are warriors without peer who spend every moment of every day practising the martial arts. Supporting them are the Mo-kree - meaning untested - to whom fall the tasks necessary to support the tribe such as farming and craftsmanship. This split has served the tribe well with the true Calredr able to focus entirely on the arts of war whilst the Mo-kree are protected by some of the best fighters that the Kurekin can offer. Becoming a true Calredr is not a matter of birth

- such a journey is marked by an epic test of strength and any Mo-kree may demand to enter the Arena. Once a Kurekin has entered this hallowed place they may leave only as a victorious true Calredr or dead.

As is to be expected with such a difference between the two groups that make up the tribe, Calredr culture is an exercise in extremes. The true Calredr’s quest for excellence in war is unceasing. Nothing else is to be allowed to interfere with the pursuit of martial perfection: From the moment a Calredr walks from the arena, the rest of their life will be spent in the company of warriors training for war. This focus on conflict has come to mean most true Calredr are obsessed with honour and duty. Whilst usually taciturn and grim, they are prone to occasional outbursts of overwhelming joy or deep depression depending upon the current situation - it is said that a warrior’s heart feels all things deeply.

Warriors do not socialise with those who are not likewise graduates of the arena while they are on clan lands, which has meant that, except for the remembrance of great battles and the memorial

“The test is simple: Succeed or die. Run and we will kill you swiftly; Cowardice weakens us all. Be glad of our mercy, for Kure is not so kind.”

- Speech given to each applicant before the arena


feasts for the fallen, social events are few and always sombre. This fixation on the martial has lead to the Calredr being widely regarded as some of the best warriors known to the Confederacy. However this obsession has downsides - although the true Calredr have a love for war chants and ballads, they write none themselves. They do not farm or smith, nor do they produce any goods. All these tasks are left to the Mo-kree. The Mo-kree fulfil every role in Calredr culture not relating to combat, indeed they are forbidden from carrying weapons - though it remains to be seen if exemption will be granted to those who join the Envoys. Mo-kree life is very structured and focused on supporting the true Calredr, whether that be with food, weapons or new recruits to attempt the arena. Despite this, the Mo-kree are far from unhappy - though they live lives of hard work, they are well fed and protected from anything that may harm them for the true Calredr are intelligent enough to realise that losing the Mo-kree will doom them as well. In addition, some of the true Calredr’s drive for perfection has spread to the Mo-kree and some of the

greatest healers, artists and traders have arisen from their numbers - though it is usual for those skilled few to grate at the harsh rules that govern Mo-kree life. Whether by accident or design, the Mo-kree act almost in a directly contrary fashion to the true Calredr. They wear their hearts on their sleeves and often display a mercurial nature and temperament. The vast majority of Mo-kree accept their supporting caste status as the price to be paid for protection and do not let it affect their lives. They love parties and loud celebrations and their joyous and fun-filled music and dances stand in stark contrast to the pomp and seriousness of the military bands and marches that the True Calredr engage in. To facilitate this love of parties, Mo-kree society has, on average, one cause for serious celebration a week, although some are a little tenuous, and these parties can last late into the night attended by most of the Mo-kree and with plentiful food and drink. As long as the quotas are met and the feasting is not too extravagant, the True Caldredr turn a blind eye to these revels - taking it as yet another example of why, without them and their philosophy, the forest would soon devour all.

SHARDS Bizarre crystalline beings that resemble magical constructs but exhibit sentience and free will

● Shards are magical creatures that have appeared following Impact’s arrival. ● They are made of a crystalline or rocky substance covered in angular patterns. ● Shards are slowly able to switch between different expressions of the same mind. ● Shards generally tend to normalise to one of the cultures of Sanctuary.

Little is known (though much is hypothesised) about the origin of the Shards; Creatures formed not of flesh, bark or chitin but living formations of vaguely crystalline material. Though they bear a superficial resemblance to Obliterators and other magical constructs from Osia, the Shards only began appearing in the years After Impact and appear to exhibit free will.

Some Shards claim to be able to house multiple minds within the same body, slowly switching between personalities or even entire identities over time. Many exhibit bizarre behavioural traits that can seem disturbing to the uninitiated. Shards sport distinctive angular patterns on their surprisingly delicate

crystalline or rocky flesh and wear clothing as a matter of both comfort and respect for their fleshy counterparts.

Humanity and its allies have been wary and slow to embrace the arrival of these versatile though naive creatures, and the recent incorporation of a number of Shards into the Confederacy’s military has been met with protestation. Though Shards have been invited to join the newly formed Envoys, this has proven to be something of a point of contention.

There are tales of Shards who have taken to living in Sarengid hives or who walk with the Kurekin tribes, alongside darker whispers that not all are made equal;


some have cast their lot in alignment with the Hyrathian cause and want to aid the Eternal

Kingdom’s goals.

HYRATHIANS Former enemies of the Confederacy now at peace for the first time in years ● Hyrathians are a physically robust and militaristic people from the lands to the west of Impact ● Their skin is alabaster white but mottles grey over time ● The Kingdom of Hyrathia comprises of five great cities each with its own cultural traditions ● Several hives of Sarengids provide auxiliaries and magical support to the Hyrathian military Lying to the North and west of Impact just across the Plain’s End river, the Kingdom of Hyrathia has proven to be the Confederacy’s strongest and most intractable foe. Hyrathia is large and ancient and its society is well ordered with a strong tradition of service to the state, allowing the kingdom to field a large number of disciplined and well trained fighting units called Thari. The people of this Kingdom live mainly underground in a series of subterranean cities, the greatest of which is the capital Hyrath. The Hyrathians look quite like humans except for their extremely pale, alabaster white skin which is said to mottle and grey as they get older. Position within Hyrathian civilian life is often hereditary as Hyrathian society has a huge array of nobility and places great stock upon ancestry and lineage. The unquestioned ruler of the Eternal Kingdom is King Olmos II who governs from the city of Hyrath. As well as the Hyrathians themselves their kingdom also contains a number of Sarengid hives, who are often used to provide auxiliaries within Hyrathian armies. Interestingly these Sarengids seem regularly to provide magical support as no examples of Hyrathians personally showing any skill with any form of magic have been encountered. Relations with the Confederacy The people of Impact encountered the Hyrathians roughly four years after their arrival, although it rapidly became clear that Hyrathian spies had been observing the city for months prior to their first diplomatic contact. The Sarengids and Kurekin

describe historic relations with the Hyrathians to be strained, but mostly cordial. The first ambassadors to Impact conveyed the warmest greetings of King Olmos II and explained that the ruler of Impact (whoever they may be) would be expected to present themselves to the King in the City of Hyrath within the year to swear fealty. They further explained that four Thari of Hyrathian troops would be providing an escort should the ruler of Impact be unwilling to co-operate. What happened after this is somewhat open to debate, propaganda and interpretation, but it is widely accepted that relations quickly broke down between the two nations. For over a year both sides mustered forces, gathered resources and assembled intelligence. A number of border skirmishes were fought along the length of the Plains End river as the outlying towns and villages of both sides were fortified. Although many had Hope that war would never come it seemed that neither side would back down; Impact refused to recognise the sovereignty of the Hyrathian King and the Hyrathians refused to recognise Impact as an independent nation (going so far as to label them “dangerous malcontents”) The War In the summer of 6 AI the Hyrathians invaded and annexed the Confederacy town of Edson's Stand on the Plains Edge. Although the town was strategically unimportant, the Council decided to respond by deploying Impact's Obliterators for the first time to retake it and drive the Hyrathians of the 6th Thari back.


Once again, the events that unfolded are open to much debate between the scholars, historians and gossips of all sides, but when the dust settled over six hundred Hyrathians lay slaughtered and much of the town was levelled. The Hyrathians claimed that the 6th had tried to surrender and been cut down in cold blood by the rampaging constructs, while the Council claimed that the Hyrathians had been executing civilians. The truth may never be known but the result of the battle of Edson's stand was inevitable; the Kingdom of Hyrathia declared war upon the Confederacy of Impact. The Council had no choice but to respond in kind, and soon Obliterator met Tharian in open warfare. If the Council had hoped that their magical constructs would prove to be an overwhelming force they were soon disappointed. The rigid discipline and legendary resilience of the Hyrathian Thari proved to be an almost equal match for the massively outnumbered but devastating Obliterators. The lack of experience of the Confederacy's human military officers rapidly became glaringly obvious and the war degenerated into a grinding stalemate with neither side able to make many gains. Towns were taken and retaken, resources were stockpiled and used and a shocking amount of damage was done to the land around the border. The tales of the Hyrathian war are too many and too bloody to mention here but the result is not in dispute. The Obliterators of Impact along with the newly formed Confederacy Phalanxes struck a hammer blow against the Hyrathian city of Hanost taking it within three days. One week later the 8th and 3rd Thari, supported by three sul-Thari of Sarengid reserves swept back in and retook the city with massive casualties on both sides (although the

Confederacy was fortunate in that its losses were mostly Obliterators). The battered Confederacy armies retreated back to their fortifications on the border and the remnants of the Obliterators were pulled back to the city for reinforcement and repair. In 11AI the war once again erupted into blood conflict as a massive Hyathian offensive pushed Confederate forces back across the river and taking the line of forts known as the Neras Line. They ranged far to the south and managed to take and raze the Hive of Hakun before the Confederate Phalanxes, supported by their various allies, managed to bring them to a halt. After many brave sacrifices on both sides the situation was looking grim for the Confederacy - the numerous and well-trained Tharians were being reinforced constantly from Hyrathia while the Confederate’s Obliterators were notably absent from the front lines. Thankfully the Tulari, taking advantage of the war’s distracting effect on both Hyrathian and Confederate, launched an invasion of the coast which took a large amount of land and allowed them to create a serious foothold in the territory of their enemies. Faced with this terrible threat and the prospect of further war on two fronts the Hyrathians and Tulari entered into peace negotiations. Thanks to the presence of the Confederate Envoys at these negotiations, the Hyrathians came to realise that the Tulari were unworthy of consideration and they instead parlayed peace with the Confederacy. Now, after many long years of war, the Eternal Kingdom of Hyrathia and the Confederacy of Impact find themselves at peace. Rumours are abound that the Kingdom is keen to send Hyrathians to serve with the Envoys and represent its interests in the Confederacy.


SEXUALITY, IDENTITY AND MARRIAGE IN IMPACT Impact is a fantasy setting without stigma based on out-of-character features including sexuality and gender

Humans come in all shapes, sizes, colours and orientations. A diverse range of sexualities and identities is widely celebrated as a core component of the human condition, and while magic does not serve as a trivialising universal panacea, Osian ingenuity has found creative ways of coping with biological obstacles to personal expression. To draw undue attention to changes in identity or sexuality, or imply that individuals of a particular identity are somehow less capable or desirable would be considered profoundly crass and obnoxious. While the ability for two fertile and physically compatible humans to mate and produce offspring is acknowledged as a wondrous component of nature essential to the continuation of the species, this has long ago been culturally separated from the concept of a political, legal or religious contract binding individuals together. Adoption is common, and generally carries little stigma.

Marriage exists as a social institution between two or more people according to preference, commonly conducted through a symbolic representation of their union by tying pieces of string or ribbon together or the exchange of rings or bracelets. Customs and perceptions vary from city to city, with the people of Zuka and Nkosi generally considering Marriage to last in one form or another for life while the people of Senbi and Kepri consider it simply a demonstration of intent that may be refreshed or dissolved on a yearly basis. In the capital of the Empire, however, Marriage is considered an intensely political contractual alliance between two families rather than a romantic union. Lavish ceremonies conducted in Almasad’s glittering plaza outside the council hall have long been used as a display of prestige by the Knightly Orders, though many subject to such political arrangements seek a separate, discreet affirmation of private love shared between a small group of friends.

There is no social requirement for a marriage ceremony in order to pursue an intimate relationship, however due to the fluid nature of the ceremony itself, it is often assumed that an unmarried couple are ‘just having fun’. Intimate relationships between individuals from the same family or family-like group are frowned upon and while it would theoretically be possible for marriage to occur within an existing family, such a thing would be considered scandalously inappropriate.

The Kurekin have a concept of marriage that is somewhat similar to that of Osian humanity’s, though generally with the baseline assumption that relationships won’t have a sexual component. Individual Kurekin are physically asexual and have no external genitalia (but are known to take a variety of shapes that superficially resemble secondary sexual characteristics) but they possess the capacity to develop feelings of romantic affection towards others. The loving bond between individuals created as a social ceremony of marriage signifies the entwining of two mutually compatible ancestor souls.

As with all things Sarengid, each hive has a very particular ideological standpoint on the topic of reproduction, and this goes doubly so for romantic engagements. Sarengids are capable of sexual reproduction and it is theorised that any individual could theoretically lay eggs, though some hives prefer for a particular individual to assume this great mark of honour - often the eldest or most experienced of the hive.

The capacity for Shards to reproduce or hold feelings of romantic attachment has not been extensively investigated, though it is known that they do not appear to have physical sexual characteristics.


FACTIONS OF HUMANITY - THE KNIGHTLY ORDERS Proud social institutions hearkening back to the old days of humanity’s rise to greatness

● Social status in Impact can be gained through membership in a Knightly Order. ● The Orders are social clubs rather than explicitly religious organisations. ● The conduct expected of a Knight varies depending on the Order they belong to. ● The Orders formed as historical warbands and became political entities over time. ● Masika fled with only the tattered remnants of those stationed in the vicinity.

In days long past, before the might of the First City was enforced by armies of powerful Obliterators, it fell to flesh and blood warriors to pursue Almasad’s great campaign of unification. From these original warbands rose the first of the great Knightly Orders, shaping themselves according to core ideals and honour codes laid down by their founders.

As cities were conquered and the need for knights to engage in military campaigns diminished, the strategic relevance of these champions faded. The orders settled down, grew rich and fat on the legacy of vast resources their predecessors had won and relegated the prospect of actually conducting warfare to the tourney ground. While most maintained a military tradition of some sort, the practical arts of combat have long been forgotten and responsibilities handed over to small dedicated standing armies which do not carry the pomp and elitism that the Orders have maintained through into the modern age.

The flight from Osia was a rude awakening, hurling a peaceful and inward-facing society into an unforgiving new world. Several Orders were left behind in their entirety during Impact’s desperate escape, and the shattered remainders have learned some hard lessons in the years since. To be a Knight in these troubled times is to be caught between two

colliding worlds; The political demands of networking and managing one’s affairs are not insignificant and recently combined with the reawakened prospect of engaging in life-threatening combat if called upon. While the army does the gruntwork, Knights are generally expected to take at least a passing interest in the military affairs of the city and it was common to see the brightly coloured pennants and crests of the Orders taking to the field during the Hyrathian war - often with disastrous consequences for those involved.

Ceremonial blades and artisan steel have suddenly found themselves employed as very real tools of war in a desperate struggle for survival against battle-hardened, experienced foes who refuse to adhere to alien concepts of honour and the customs and rules of armed conflict. “Adapt or perish” seems to be the ultimate law in Sanctuary, and Impact’s future looks set to be forged by those who are able to rediscover - or reinvent - a cultural heritage buried beneath centuries of polish and pageantry.

What follows is a list of the notable orders who escaped Osia and their relevant operational and social influences. There are also a few other smaller and less prestigious Knightly orders within Impact, some even founded after the Fall.



● Summary: The Citadel Knights are a traditionalist faction with a reputation for holding honour above reason and a fondness for ceremonial duelling.

● Look and Feel: The Citadel Knights favour ornamental dress with flowing robes and cloaks and an emphasis towards the colours blue and white. Armour tends to be mail covered with a tabard or surcoat, or heavy plate over white or blue robes.

● Emblem: White field, blue spire. ● Motto: “Let this blow be the last you will receive unanswered.”

● Customs: Honour duels, historical reenactments and Hailing The First City

● Historical base of Operations: Almasad

Considering themselves first among equals, the Bold Guardians of the Shining Citadel of Almasad were founded in the long distant past to defend Osia’s capital city from the roving barbarian tribes and wild beasts that surrounded it.

Steeped in tradition and with a strict honour code, the Citadel Knights are heavily bound by ancient taboos and unrepentantly hostile to the denizens of Sanctuary, refusing to even discuss the prospect of recruiting non-humans into their ranks and proving to be staunch opponents of the Confederacy’s integration of armed forces.

The Citadel Knights’ widely known initiation rite requires an oath to speak only the truth, defend the weak, be courteous and polite and refuse to permit a blow to go unanswered. It is both a point of pride and an object of ridicule that the now-orphaned self-styled defenders of the capital have a daily ritual of turning towards and saluting the Shining Citadel of Almasad, an act that suddenly entered the bounds of

glaring impossibility a decade ago. Detractors have claimed this perfectly sums up the predicament of an archaic and obsolete social club steadfast in its adherence to irrelevant old traditions.

Honour duels among members of the order are encouraged, and Knights are commonly found sporting a duelling scar on their cheek as an integral component of the initiation ceremony. Full membership is only awarded following receipt of this Fifth Smite which is left to heal naturally.

The Order has a small but conspicuous presence on the streets of Impact and across the Confederacy, preaching their particular brand of xenophobia and inspiring citizens to be on their guard against dissidents, cultists and infiltrators bent on the corruption of humanity’s moral fibre. During the Hyrathian war the Citadel Knights took devastating casualties and lost their Grand Master. Now under new leadership they seek to rebuild their numbers.



● Summary: The Illuminates have a dual tradition. Half the order dedicates itself to ascetic perfection, while half remains solidly rooted in pursuing material wealth, political power and technological and magical supremacy on the battlefield.

● Look and Feel: Illuminates dress conservatively in stark black and gold, with occasional understated displays of wealth. Armour in dark, imposing colours and shapes is favoured, as are black robes.

● Emblem: Black sun on gold field. ● Motto: “Hold high the lantern of truth to banish the shadows. Knowledge

is power.”

● Customs: Ascetic spiritualism. ● Historical base of Operations: Tepemkau and Nkosi

Hailing from the earliest days of the Empire, the Order of the Enlightened Scions of the Illuminate Path is the story of two very different groups brought together as the inheritors and guardians of a wealth of ancient esoteric wisdom.

During the days of the expansion of the First City, Almasad, all manner of pagan faiths were conquered, in time coming together into a mutually contradictory cultural melting pot. Concern over potential religious friction turned out to be vindicated, as a number of short-lived ethnic conflicts flared up. One of the few that has survived both active suppression and later centuries of apathy is the tradition of the Illuminate Path, assisted in no small amount by one of Osia’s greatest figures of legend.

The writings of the Path itself are closely guarded by the Order, but what is known is that Eleazar, one of Almasad’s first knights to bear a formal rank, discovered a great cache of knowledge guarded by a

reclusive group of spiritualists in Nkosi. Thus was born a dual tradition; A spiritual nucleus surrounded by pragmatic realists, the order prides itself on being able to change to adapt to new situations and circumstances.

The Order embraced the introduction of Obliterators wholesale, seeing in the powerful war-machines a beautiful fusion of all that their teachings represented. Even when their traditional duties were absorbed entirely, leaving nothing but service in a ceremonial role or co-option into a growing cadre of maintenance teams working to keep their Obliterators running, the Illuminates took to such changing circumstances with enthusiasm.

With chapters in every city other than Almasad, the Illuminates became a powerful symbol of Osian industriousness and their influence has endured humanity’s flight to Sanctuary.



● Summary: The Furies are the proud successors of an ancient warrior tribe from the early days of Osia who have opened their doors to all.

● Look and Feel: The order can be found wearing a mix of tribal furs and highly practical, low maintenance armour with the occasional addition of modern opulence. Massive slabs of heavy plate are sometimes seen.

● Emblem: Blood red field, white stylised thunderbolt/scar. ● Motto: “Outnumbered, wounded and surrounded? We’re just getting


● Customs: Ritual scarification, self mortification. ● Historical base of Operations: Zuka

Long ago, as Osia’s empire grew to encompass the world, the various independent peoples were forced to choose between submission or war. Each surrender made the situation of the remaining tribes even more desperate. Many gave up without a fight in the face of seemingly impossible odds. Many, but not all.

A defiant and apparently fearless warlord named Ryko rose to prominence among his people during this time and rallied many of the remaining tribes together. Despite terrible losses, he and his warriors held back the Empire’s armies and managed to maintain an uneasy stalemate for nearly two decades.

Ryko’s defiance in the face of impossible odds served as an inspiration both to his own side and to his enemies, who granted his entire surviving warband amnesty and dominion over their own lands in recognition of this supreme act of courage. A healthy, respectful rivalry exists to this day between Ryko’s

Furies and the Illuminates who led the campaign, taking the form of a spectacularly lavish annual tourney to display resilience and skill at arms.

In time, a knightly tradition coalesced around the surviving veterans, favouring courage, determination and fierce independence. Wearing ritual scars proudly on their faces to acknowledge their cultural heritage, the knights following Ryko’s tradition have resisted centuries of attempts to ‘civilise’ them. The slow creep of the ages saw the order struggle to remain relevant in a world given to peace and plenty, but recruitment has surged since humanity’s arrival into the new world.

Ryko’s Fury has been happy to accept new members from amongst the Kurekin and Sarengids. This has led to the curious situation whereby several non-humans have become an integral part of Impact’s nobility - much to the horror of their counterparts amongst the Guardians of the Shining Citadel.



● Summary: Known for flamboyant displays of skill and artistry, the Glorious Cavaliers are a cosmopolitan group of socialites with a keen love for whimsical tales of romance and adventure.

● Look and Feel: Cavaliers favour bright colours and elaborate, sumptuous clothing. Red and gold are extremely popular, alongside splashes of white. Some have been known to wear grotesque or intimidating masks, often accompanied by stylised armour, and can often be found parading in elaborate paper masks with arrays of pennants and banners affixed to their spear-tips.

● Emblem: Gold field, crimson vertical rod. ● Motto: “Wear your colours proud!”

● Customs: Parades and pageantry, masks and theatre. ● Historical base of Operations: Senbi

The Glorious Cavaliers of the Order of the Gilded Sceptre, said to have arrived ‘too late to the party to be relevant, too early to realise it’, sprung up in the centuries following the deployment of the first Obliterators. Despite hurling themselves into the conquest of the pre-Osian barbarian tribes with near boundless enthusiasm, the Gilded Sceptre found themselves consigned to peacekeeping duties in conquered territories.

Refusing to allow their magnificence to be diminished by repeatedly being called upon to crush difficult and morally exhausting civil unrest, the Glorious Cavaliers adopted an almost foppish, melodramatic grandeur that saw them quickly rise to prominence.

Initially considered a laughing stock, the Cavaliers’ surprising combat successes revealed a hidden insight; For beneath their foppish exterior lay finely honed warriors who stood every bit the equal to their contemporaries.

The Order has quested ever onwards to seek greater heights of adventure, drama and glory while turning an eye inward to acknowledge the ridiculousness of such an existence spent chasing ghosts that never were. Symbolic representations of idealised concepts are common, while bittersweet ballads of lost love and unrequited passion weave their wistful way through the fingers and lips of many a knight given to flights of fancy.

While the common perception of the Glorious Cavaliers as foppish idiots who wouldn’t know the right end of a sword if it stabbed them in the face is entirely inaccurate in many cases, the order has struggled to be taken seriously in the years following Impact. Emphasising mobility and surprise on the battlefield, more than one Hyrathian Tharian has found itself underestimating the Gilded Sceptre at terrible cost.



● Summary: An almost extinct order formed around a historical penal unit, the Brand Knights were disgraced after withdrawing from the front lines during the evacuation from Osia and subsequently redeemed themselves in death during the Hyrathian war.

● Look and Feel: Brand Knights favour muted grey and green as their colours with mail or Lorica-styled armour. Dark (but rarely black) sweeping robes are sometimes worn.

● Emblem: Grey field, grey ‘brand’ on a green lozenge.

● Motto: “There is no greater honour than service. There is no greater service than death.”

● Customs: Ritual branding of new recruits

● Historical Base of Operations: Zuka

The Order of the Brand revels in their roots as a penal unit historically assigned to the most miserable and ignoble corners of the Empire. Formed to defend the frontiers of humanity’s great civilisation and maintain the existing compliment of Obliterators when others were too busy polishing their armour and pinning ribbons to their chests, the Brand has developed a reputation for tireless, steadfast service.

Favouring subdued colours and famously eschewing public celebration, the Brand Knights quickly acquired a number of mocking and offensive epithets from the other orders. Their service record has long been an object of ridicule, having never been given the opportunity to take part in a major recognised military campaign prior to Masika’s flight from Osia.

The recent history of the Brand Knights has been even more disastrous than most. During the final days of the Empire, the order’s forces abandoned their defensive positions and retreated back to the vicinity of Masika. While this ensured the order’s survival, such abject cowardice in the face of the enemy has been publicly denounced - not least by the families and comrades of those who remained at their posts and gave their lives in battle.

The stain left upon the order’s honour proved impossible to remove. During the Hyrathian war, the order made good on their motto, dying almost in their entirety in order to halt the enemy’s advance. The Order had been declared operationally inactive as of the year 7 AI, with a few aging veterans struggling to maintain the archives and traditions of their fallen comrades. During 11AI they elected a new Grand Master and began to take a larger role in the fighting against Hyrathia, but their numbers are still very limited.

The Brand Knights are by no means the only Order lost on the field of battle or in the scramble to escape humanity’s doomed homeworld. During the battle for Hanost in Hyrathia, the Grand Master of the Screaming Eagle Knights was killed leading his brethren in a heroic last stand. All fifty knights were lost to the Thari when they retook the city. Their name, along with the Astral Wings, was added to the long list of Knightly orders now extinct.



The Osian Peace

● Large standing armies became expensive and inefficient in perpetual peacetime. ● Small units of Obliterator support troops were maintained in their place. ● The units from Azizar and Masika managed to escape Osia. ● The Confederacy’s current military is modelled on these survivors.

The Empire of Osia has had a small standing army for hundreds of years, but most units only ever served to support and maintain the Obliterators or make impressive looking formations on the parade ground. A humanity who had conquered war had little desire to maintain large numbers of expensive high-maintenance troops when mighty magical war machines could keep the peace and never grow tired or unruly. Even the comparatively tiny Masika had its own complement of rank and file troops, but these were woefully ill-equipped to fight an actual campaign. The city’s lack of combat effective troops may have actually served to save it - rather than attempting to stand and fight an impossible battle, the Mage Lords wove their rubric of desperation and ultimately saved humanity from complete destruction.

In the months following humanity’s fiery arrival in Sanctuary, it became painfully obvious to the Council that a new kind of military was required. Here was a world full of strange, alien monsters that refused to fight according to customs and traditions refined by centuries of wargames and ceremonial mock-battles.

The Masikan 4th Defence Force rose to the challenge, consolidating the city’s defenders and organising the construction of layers of fortifications which surround Impact to this day. Drawing upon the expertise of an Obliterator support team from Azizar named The Iron Tide, the Marshal of the Bladed hosts drafted a new operational structure which would become the format for Impact’s current military doctrine.

Organisational Structure of the Confederacy’s Military

● The Army of the Confederacy fields 5,000 combat troops split into five Phalanxes. ● All but one Phalanx reports to the Marshall of the Bladed Hosts on the Council. ● One Phalanx is allowed to operate inside the city and serves as a police force. ● The Army primarily supports Obliterators in the field and holds territory if needed. ● Officers are recruited from rank and file rather than from a separate social class.

The Confederacy maintains a standing army of over five thousand Troopers on active duty, split into five operationally independent Phalanxes. Troopers in the

field are hungry and need their equipment to be regularly repaired or replaced - accompanying the battlefield strength of each Phalanx is a large number

“We learned and forgot the arts of war, cutting our teeth against fellow humans many hundreds of years ago in a world that now lies dead. We turned slaughter into a game; a contest of showmanship and a clash of glittering fools. If Osia was our wake-up call, then Hyrathia was our call to arms - and we answered with gritted teeth and a tide of iron! Tomorrow’s battles will not be fought by pampered, prissy socialites with a sense of entitlement. They will be fought by soldiers; by you and I. Troopers of the Iron Tide, on this day it is I who salutes you!”

- Nyssa, Apex of the Iron Tide


of logistical and support staff. Each Phalanx is assigned responsibility for a particular area and type of operations, with the Silver Aegis managing the

defence of Impact itself and the Confederate First distributed in garrisons across the Confederacy as a rapid response force.

● The standard soldier is formally referred to as a Trooper. ● A Tine consists of 10 Troopers led by a Squad Leader (11 warriors) ● A Trident consists of 3 Tines led by a Sergeant (34 warriors) ● A Cohort consists of 3 Tridents led by a Captain (103 warriors) ● A Phalanx consists of 10 Cohorts led by an Apex (1031 warriors) ● The Army consists of 5 Phalanxes led by The Marshal of the Bladed Hosts (5156 warriors)

Flesh and Steel

To be a trooper in the Confederacy’s Army is to be a part of the thin line of flesh and steel that protects humanity from oblivion. Other than the Masikan 4th and the Iron Tide, there are no glorious traditions or wistful tales of great past heroes to kindle hearts to boldness; Only the brutal realities of survival in a world full of horrors. With Impact’s Obliterator stock dwindling and four years of exhausting war gnawing upon the psyche, a stoic determination sits upon those who serve.

Such an existence is hardly devoid of joy, however. Round campfires and in command tents, songs are sung and tales told of a bright future that promises cooperation and prosperity. The Phalanxes tend to have an extremely positive relationship with the people they are stationed to protect and trading posts quickly spring up nearby. While romantic entanglements between serving soldiers are discouraged, many troopers have found love or campaign comfort amongst the villages and farmsteads that make up the lands of the Confederacy.



● Summary: The only Phalanx native to Masika, the 4th survived the flight from Osia more-or-less unscathed and now serves alongside the Iron Tide as the only example of real combat experience humanity has known until the Hyrathian war.

● Insignia: Numerals IV

● Commander: 4th Apex

● Official Motto: “Redemption through Service”

● Unofficial Motto: “Go 4th and conquer”

The Masikan 4th is an old military unit with a proud tradition of service, tracing their origins back hundreds of years into the deep past of the city that is their namesake. The earliest records indicate that the unit began as a band of mercenaries on permanent contract to guard the estate of an important dignitary with a hand in the city’s founding. While the passing of the centuries has stripped the

name and location of the estate in question, the 4th itself rose to relative prominence and went on to become a small but well trained and disciplined standing army.

Criminals convicted of non-obliteration crimes have traditionally been given the choice of serving temporarily within the Masikan 4th or signing up


permanently to the Brand Knights. The two organisations have shared close ties -and the occasional rivalry- in the past even as their fortunes diverged.

The 4th are currently stationed to the South-West of the city, ready to bolster the defence of either the

Borderlands or the Overgrowth as needed. It remains a source of considerable friction that the newly created Silver Aegis were granted the symbolic keys to the city while the 4th found themselves relegated to service as a conventional Phalanx.


● Summary: Beginning as a humble cohort of Obliterator support personnel from Azizar, the Iron Tide has become the model for the Confederacy’s military.

● Insignia: Numeral I

● Commander: Iron Apex

● Official Motto: “Till the Last Life”

● Unofficial Motto: “Kill the Live Ones Last”

The Iron Tide knows more than most that careful application of the correct force in the correct place is capable of resolving almost any situation. For the last several hundred years, that force has been a Tine of Obliterators and that place has been the tourney ground in front of thousands of spectators. Despite their victories, the Tide has always found themselves a supporting show to the main event and rarely acknowledged for their full worth.

What began as a small team of Obliterator support personnel from Azizar has become a military institution that has shaped the face of modern warfare. Dispatched on Osia’s campaigns of conquest, the Iron Tide steadily expanded and then split into several local cohorts throughout the Empire. Such success brought with it an undercurrent of resentment; without the same degree of social weight

afforded to the warlords who founded the original Knightly orders, the Tide found themselves indispensable but politically marginalised by those with a vested interest in suppressing their power. This only increased with the adoption of formal military forces across the Empire, cementing the Tide’s position as a band of long-suffering and inglorious troopers who made great things happen in the other people.

The tradition seems to have extended even into Sanctuary; The Iron Tide stands today as the most experienced human fighting force in existence and a model for the Confederacy’s current military forces, and yet rarely is this Phalanx acknowledged as anything more than a humble workhorse who accomplishes the tasks assigned it. They’d have it no other way.


● Summary: Serving as a city defence force and as night watchmen accompanying the Obliterators, the Silver Aegis keep a watchful eye on the Overgrowth and spend their time rotating between street patrols and actively working to reduce Kure’s incursions upon the city.

● Insignia: Numeral III

● Commander: Silver Apex

● Official Motto: “The Last in Line”

● Unofficial Motto: “The Last to Fall”


As the only soldiers permitted to wear battle colours within the city outside of exceptional circumstances, the Silver Aegis are a force created in 7 AI as an answer to the problem of policing within Impact itself in the wake of Obliterator shortages and regular assaults from the Overgrowth. After a rough start where several unexplained losses nearly led to the unit being disbanded immediately after founding, the Aegis have become a familiar and respected sight on Impact’s streets. Much of the Phalanx is concentrated within the Overgrowth district when not deployed on

patrol, ready to repel incursions from Kure-spawned monstrosities at a moment’s notice.

Easily identifiable at a moment’s notice and with a strong reputation to uphold, the Aegis has stringent entrance requirements and requires troopers to act with discipline and decorum at all times. Due to their duties as head of the city’s police force, The Silver Apex is the only Phalanx leader who is not officially under the command of the Marshal of the Bladed Host.


● Summary: The Fallen Suns are a new unit based in the Borderlands with a hearty hatred for Hyrathia and a high percentage of war orphans amongst its number.

● Insignia: Numeral II

● Commander: Solar Apex

● Official Motto: “We Hit the Ground Running.”

Initially little more than a militia group comprised of refugees and green recruits from the Borderlands, the Fallen Suns cut their teeth on some of the fiercest combat of the Hyrathian war and quickly made a name for themselves.

Having been severely depleted during the initial stages of the conflict and finding themselves in a strategically precarious situation, the Phalanx was ordered to withdraw from service but refused to abandon the lands they had poured their hearts and souls into developing. When relief forces arrived, they found the Suns at a quarter of operational strength and yet still willing to fight.

Many orphans of the war are coming of age now, and the Fallen Suns have seen their numbers recently returned to full operational strength by a new wave of recruits hungry to get a taste of vengeance for their parents deaths at the hands of the brutal Thari.

As a nod to their origins amongst a farming community and their dependence upon Sanctuary’s life-giving sun for humanity’s survival, Troopers of the Fallen Suns practice a pre-combat ritual of turning to face the sun and symbolically passing the earth upon which a battle is about to take place between their fingers.


● Summary: A conflicted force comprised of Sarengids, Kurekin and the occasional Shard which, despite some cultural misunderstandings, is well on its way towards becoming a formidable fighting force.

● Insignia: Numeral V

● Commander: United Apex

● Official Motto: “In Support of the Confederacy and its Aims”

● Unofficial Motto: “Varies”


The Confederacy consists of more than just humanity, but it has taken some time for the people of Impact to adjust to this fact. While efforts continue to bring about a more integrated armed forces, the current recruitment pathway for any Sarengid or Kurekin wishing to join the Confederacy’s formal military hierarchy is to end up in the First Unified Confederate Army.

While massive and oft-insurmountable cultural differences have seen this Phalanx’s performance vary widely, with conflicting orders and frequent breakdowns in the chain of command, the Confederate First has pulled off several spectacular victories in the years since its formation. The Kurekin of the First like to refer to themselves as the Dread Boars. Others have quickly developed an alternative nickname: The Dread Bores.


THE LANDS OF THE CONFEDERACY AND BEYOND Home to those who walk the wilds, till the fields and seek a life apart from old Masika.

● To live on the dangerous wild frontier is to walk the perilous edge of survival. ● Most humans outside Impact live in the Borderlands, Outpost or the Archipelago. ● Some have been sent to colonise; Others are separatists or even bandits.

While Impact stands precariously as humanity’s last city, it is defended by powerful Obliterators and a standing army. Those who step out from under the protection of Impact’s walls and forces in order to tame the wilderness or walk their own path do so under constant threat of attack. Many have been sent to colonise the wilds and turn the land towards production of crops. Some are separatists or refugees from Osia’s dead cities taking advantage of this unique opportunity to part ways and escape the strictures and social complexity of life in Impact. There are even rumours of a mad few who have turned their hand to banditry or joined with the forces arrayed against the Confederacy, though such a wretched existence is difficult to fathom.


● This settlement is the capital of the Archipelago to the North-East of Impact. ● It is named after a cosmopolitan bar that claims to be the first set up in Sanctuary. ● Sunrise is a focal meeting point for separatists, anarchists, idealists and pioneers. ● Militia groups run something approaching law enforcement. ● Primary among them are the Wayfarers - a splinter cohort of the Silver Aegis. ● Sunrise boasts its own Knightly Order - The Errant Knights

The last decade has seen many brave pioneers depart the relative safety of Impact’s walls and Obliterators to make their own way in the world. A significant group settled on a peninsula located a day’s travel East from the city. Named Sunrise after the first bar to be established AI, this fledgeling settlement is home to an eclectic bunch of idealists and discontents and serves as the closest thing the surrounding Archipelago has to a capital.

Founded by an enterprising ex-soldier named Randon, the bar itself has developed a reputation for serving watered down drinks at rock-bottom prices and is known to frequent all manner of wanderers and adventure seekers. As befitting an establishment hanging perilously upon the edge of survival, the battleaxe behind the bar isn’t just for show, often brandished at unruly patrons by Randon himself or his business partner and selfdeclared bodyguard - a Shard who calls itself Barkeep’s Buddy and resolutely claims to be a piece of property and not a person.

Being a major stop-off point for vessels seeking to transfer goods or personnel between the various islands of the Archipelago and Impact, the docks of Sunrise are a mirror of their counterpart within the city; perpetually busy during the day and home to a seedy nightlife (often literally, given that a high percentage of the population is comprised of Kurekin).

“Sun on your back, earth on your hands. This is true living. An existence without boundaries, without rules and regulations and checks and controls. We became so obsessed with comfort, with spending our empty little lives amassing social currency at the behest of others who only served themselves, that we forgot what it feels like to truly be alive.”

- Randon, founder of Sunrise


Life is precarious on the frontier with regular attacks by beasts from the forest of Kure, and militia groups have recently taken it upon themselves to try and impose a semblance of brutal, expedient justice. Most prominent amongst the militia groups are the Wayfarers - a full Cohort of the Silver Aegis who declared official independence from Impact alongside Sunrise and who have dedicated themselves to guarding trade caravans moving between the two. They can be identified by the white strip of material attached to their clothing. The people of Sunrise, much like Impact itself, are an eclectic bunch favouring all sorts of clothing styles. Emphasis has shifted slightly towards practicality rather than fashion, with outright rejection of current high city styles in places, and militia groups can be found proudly wearing scavenged bits of armour daubed in crude symbols showing their allegiance to a new order and a new way of living.

The last couple of years have seen a lot of friction in Sunrise. Due to an increased sense of unease with the way the Confederacy is being managed they elected their own council lead by the firebrand Eleanor of

Sunrise. Despite the apparent refusal of the Council of Impact to recognise their authority the so-called Council of Sunrise managed to secure a surprising concession - the formation of a new Demi Phalanx (500 soldiers) called the Rising Sixth. This soon caused even more controversy when the Sixth refused a direct order from the Marshall of the Bladed Hosts to march to the front and fight the Hyrathians. Whether this was an act of blatant insubordination or concerned citizens bravely standing up for their own is a matter of some debate. The ongoing war has (apparently) prevented any repercussions but now that peace has broken out many are muttering that it is only a matter of time before tensions flare up again.

The Council of Sunrise has also formally recognised the formation of a new Knightly order based in the settlement. The Errant Knights, lead by Armarn D’Carys, are a small order bearing green and yellow livery. The fact that the Council of Impact doesn’t recognise them as an actual Knightly Order is yet another point of conflict with Sunrise.


● A fragmented island chain filled with dangerous artifacts shed by Impact. ● The Archipelago holds many insular communities of seafarers. ● The three largest islands are known as Memorial, Carmen’s Folly and Eastwind Isle. ● The Eastwind family manages much of the shipping between islands. ● Fishing is very important and much of humanity’s food comes from these waters. ● Miners and prospectors have also located vast hoards of valuable minerals here.

Surrounding Impact’s river estuary is an extensive maze of small islands, most only a few hundred metres across and often swallowed entirely by the sea at high tide. Tales abound of fragments of the city that have embedded into the waters and made many of the passages lethal to traverse for the unwary, while even wilder tales speak of islands populated by bizarre horrors from the spectacularly fertile deep.

The Archipelago is home to numerous fishing and prospecting communities who have taken advantage of the abundant life in the area. A large contingent of refugees from Kepri have set up their homes here

under the banner of the Eastwind family who patrol the waters and provide skilled workers to help run shipping.

Both Impact and Sunrise are heavily dependent upon the produce from the Archipelago and the docks of both burst into life each morning as fishers hand over their wares to feed the teeming masses. Vast caches of minerals are delivered by precarious barge from mining stations amongst the islands. Some within the Archipelago have grown to resent the fact that the city they have left behind is increasingly dependent upon them to survive. Doom-laden murmurs rumble


in the streets of the desperate measures that would be enacted should the city’s supply of food be disrupted.

The nearest island to the city itself is known as Memorial and houses a prominent shrine honouring the Mage-Lords’ selfless heroism. Relatively nearby is Carmen’s Folly, an island that has been left uninhabited after a tragic disaster saw the loss of a fledgling mining community.

The people of the Archipelago tend to favour tough and practical clothing and equipment resistant to

exposure to salt water and mud, with a flamboyant minority choosing to embrace dashing silks, frills and frock-coats. A great deal of emphasis is given towards personal resilience and a particularly brutal rite of passage has become popular in recent years - that of tattooing the skin with tiny drops of the potent inky venom found in the lethal spines of local sea snails.

Unfortunately the Arcipelago has mostly been taken by the reaving forces of the Tulari and its people have fallen back to the City of Impact


● A vast stretch of flat land to the South dotted with outcrops of crystal. ● Many Sarengid hives live here, regularly warring and shifting allegiance. ● Colossal beetles the size of houses roam across the plains and feed on the crystals. ● There is a large mountain at the centre of the Plains, rumoured to be cursed.

To the South of the city are wide open plains littered with crystalline protuberances rising from the ground. Apart from one mountain jutting out of their centre, these plains are quite flat and across them one can see for great distances. The plains are the home of a bewildering array of constantly shifting Sarengid hives, and the continual rise and fall of different hives has made the creation of a political map of this area almost impossible.

Across the plains stride the great thunder bugs - huge creatures that appear similar to beetles with thick armoured shells - which feed on the crystal outcrops. It appears that these bugs never stop growing and so there are examples that stand taller than any of Impact’s buildings and wider than the Plain’s End river. The smaller examples of these insects are herded and used by food by the hives of the area.

The mountain at the centre of these plains is known as the Strygan’s Fang has not been fully explored by the Confederacy but there are tales that the hives surrounding it consider it cursed and refuse to tread upon its slopes, with talk of the ruins of a long lost civilisation now sealed against the ages being located near the summit. Fragmented reports from early exploration suggest that the Fang isn’t as it seems.

Further to the permanent hives that stand on the great plains there are also countless tribes of nomadic Sarengids following the Thunderbug migrations from season-to-season. These seem to be mostly antagonistic to outsiders, although contact with the Confederacy has been limited.

The Plains are also home to something known as “The Alliance” a group of Sarengid Hives who have banded together for mutual protection. Diplomatic contact has been limited but early signs are hopeful.



● A war-torn zone of proud and patriotic farming communities loyal to Impact. ● The Borderlands run alongside the river marking the edge of Hyrathia. ● Tensions run high in this dangerous place that provides much of humanity’s food. ● Edson’s Stand is the largest settlement and has changed hands twice in the war.

It was not long AI before humanity started claiming lands as their own and converting them to farmland in order to feed their starving population. The official edge of the Confederacy lies in the shape of the mightly Plains’ End river that runs from the coast several hundred miles to the North of Impact all the way into mountains far to the West.

All along the Eastern side of this river there are a series of villages and forts, mostly inhabited by human Settlers, though some Sarengids have also decided to make their home here. These lands are some of the most fertile within the Confederacy and with the city of Impact’s constant need for vast quantities of food, the Borderlands have proved extremely tempting for those brave enough to reside within them.

Since the Plains’ End river is the main border between the lands claimed by the Confederacy and Hyrathia, this region took the brunt of the fighting in the war between these nations and as such is by far the most fortified and militarised area of land within the Confederacy.

During the war It was claimed that the marches along the river’s edge are stalked by Hyrathian murder

squads stealing people away in the dead of night, spreading fear and confusion and burning harvests. The crucified bodies of captured Hyrathian raiders stood on display in the fields lining the border as testament to the Confederacy’s feelings on the subject, revealing a hatred kindled by the slaughter on both sides that followed four years of shifting fortunes and advancing battlelines.

During the war the Hyrathian forces made a few successful assaults across the river, and while these occupations were eventually forced back, many of the residents of this region have experience with being either forced from their homes or enduring periods of foreign occupation, meaning that it is generally the mentally sturdy, and or bloody minded that reside here.

It is also notable that during these brief periods of occupation, the Hyrathians often brought in their own settlers and in a few cases when these occupations were driven back, these settlers couldn’t or wouldn’t leave their new homes. The Borderlands thus serves as home to the very few examples of Hyrathians residing within territory claimed by the Confederacy.

Though far from home, the people of the Borderlands remain fiercely loyal to Impact. Bright patches of material and the trappings of high society are held onto and treasured, being worn proudly as a way of displaying their allegiance to Osia’s last remnant.

“Hyrathians found within Confederacy lands will be shown the same brand of Hyrathian hospitality the people of Edson’s Stand received in 6AI from occupying forces.”

-Sign located on the northern approach to the town of Edison’s Stand



● Outpost is a recently discovered bastion of humanity lost since the Fall ● Fiercely independent and stoic, the people of Outpost have suffered many hardships ● Outpost maintains its own council and military and hasn’t formally become part of the Confederacy.

When the City of Impact fell to Sanctuary it did so mostly intact. Some pieces broke away during the descent and scatter across the land. These pieces were thought lost or too small to matter - that is until part way through 11AI when the Envoys made contact with a group of humans who had survived the Fall entirely separate to the rest of the city. The large fortification and refugee camp known as the Zukan Outpost had fallen away from Impact during its descent and had landed far away to the south. Without Obliterators to protect them or the remnants of the Ossian military the people of this settlement, soon dubbed “Outpost”, were forced to survive in harsh circumstances. After enduring attacks from the Hive of the Singular Voice and the Kurekin of the Great Mirror tribe they formed a civilian militia known as the Ossian 1st Irregulars. All alone in a strange land and protecting the last vestiges of humanity the people of Outpost grew more harsh and pragmatic than their distant cousins in Impact. Military rule was an unfortunate necessity and they were forced to become experts in fortification and brutal skirmish tactics.

A chance encounter between soldiers of Outpost and the Envoys of the Confederacy in 11AI caused a dramatic shift in human perceptions of their world. The people of Impact, realising how fortunate they had been to find new allies, opened their arms to their distant relatives, sending food and military support (although this was limited due to the war with Hyrathai). The people of Outpost, overawed to find that they weren’t alone, began to reconsider their place on Sanctuary and the world outside their walls. While nothing has been officially said about the place Outpost holds within the Confederacy both sides are keen to make sure that their interests are protected.

For its own part Outpost has been reluctant to get involved in the wars that the Confederacy is involved in while being careful not to demand too much from its richer relative. Now that the war with Hyrathia is over the people of Impact are starting to question their leaders as to when, not if, they will send troops to reinforce their beleaguered friends.



Mysterious, bloodthirsty sea-reavers who worship the dread Chill-Maiden Tularis.

● The Tulari are fearsome raiders from across the sea

● The Tulari are a species of humanoids with partly scaled skin. Some also have horns

● The Tulari are made up of three clans which perform different roles in their society. ● All Tulari worship a sea god known as Tularis who grants her people strange powers. ● The Tulari society is diverse but tends towards violence and sacrifice

Contact between the Confederacy and the Tulari has thus far been extremely hostile. In 10AI sporadic contact with strange, scaled humanoids in the Archipelago were reported back to the Council. The reports were grim; whole villages wiped out and ships attacked without any reason given. Any survivors of these encounters reported that the attackers were merciless and highly intelligent creatures who wished to gain glory in the name of their god, Tularis. Even more disturbing were the lurid tales of blood sacrifices of captives to this dread god and the strange powers granted to her chosen. Several of the outer islands of the Archipelago fell in swift order before a proper response could be prepared. If not for the actions of the Envoys the Tulari would have been ready to strike before the Confederacy had realised that a deadly enemy was at their gates.

Initial skirmishes against the Tulari proved to be inconclusive. The Confederate forces held their ground on land but at sea the Tulari's swift and expertly crewed ships gave them the upper hand. Towards the end of 10AI a large Tulari invasion fleet was met in the seas around the Archipelago by the might of the Confederate navy. Disaster and the loss of all but one Confederate battleship ensued, not least due to the destruction of the battleship Glorious a huge sea serpent, and the Tulari invaded first Impact and then Sunrise. The forces in Sunrise were beaten back after a bloody street fight by the Phalanxes of the Confederacy's armies. The Tulari attacking Impact fared worse – trying to storm docks held by Obliterators, Kurekin shieldwalls and every mage the city could muster lead to the invaders being massacred.

The situation stood at a stalemate. The Confederacy couldn’t challenge the Tulari at sea and has had to

cede a portion of the Archipelago. The Tulari couldn’t breach Impact's defences and seemed weary of engaging in battle on land. Then, in 11AI, the Tulari took advantage of the chaos caused by the war with Hyrathia and launched a large invasion of the land to the north along the coast from Impact. This invasion took a number of Hyrathian and Confederate villages and formed a large area of annexed land known as Landfall. The status of the civilians in the Tulari lands is unknown, but doubtless grim. This event caused the Hyrathians to attempt to negotiate peace with the Tulari, an effort which failed spectacularly. The Hyrathians instead sought peace with the Confederacy and the future of Haven is dubious at best.

The Tulari

Tulari are humanoid in appearance although all sport scales of black and grey around the face. Many Tulari also have horns of varying sizes although no pattern has yet been spotted as to why this isn't universal. Some Tulari will decorate their horns with gems, lacquer or strings of beads. Tulari society appears to be divided into three different clans. The Mordena are the raiders and the bulk of the Tulari armies. The Uthala are skilled crafters and shipwrights. Little is known about the Amanel, the mysterious third clan of Tulari. The Tulari favour skirmishing and are quite tough individually but the Confederate military have noted their difficulty in dealing with solid formations of troops.

Tularis and Religion

Little is known about the Tulari god apart from its name and main desire - it is called Tularis and seems


to crave blood sacrifice and bloodshed in its name. Referred to variously as “The Chill Maiden”, “The Mother of Monsters”, “She who Lies Beneath” and a myriad other names, Tularis is the god who unites and drives the Tulari forward. Priests are a common sight amongst the raiders and are very vocal in their praise to Tularis. Oddly, these priests are the only Tulari so far witnessed to use conventional magic (which they typically refer to as “the blessings of Tularis”) but seem to call upon as-yet unrecognised sources of power. Particularly powerful priests

known as “Chillspeakers” have also been witnessed leading hordes of Tulari into battle.

Priests have also been known to command strange magical beasts in combat which they claim have been called forth from the deep by the will of Tularis. Confederate academics scoff at the very notion of divine beings but the effectiveness of the red shelled behemoths and scaled land-stalkers can't be denied.


A significant percentage of individuals within the world of Sanctuary seem to have either developed or deliberately taught themselves the ability to manipulate mystical energies. Exactly how these individuals and their powers are viewed varies considerably across societies, but one fact seems to be as true within this world as it was within the Empire of Osia: All individuals with magical abilities seem to be utilising one of three mystic forces. The exact terminology depends on the individual - some would describe these forces as states of being, primal energy flows or even harnessed expressions of the power that lies within every creature’s inner self.

There are many stories of magical creatures linked to these forces. The exact forms of these beings are varied, though they are almost universally claimed to be distant and difficult to comprehend in their interests. Some are theorised to be created by the whim of mortals as with the Mage-Lords of Osia who crafted and bound towering powerhouses of pure energy to their will in the form of magical constructs. Others seem to exist in and of themselves, formed of the very nature of reality and of ideas, or even bound to the souls of those long departed who particularly shaped the world around them. Each of the primal forces themselves are said to be expressed in the form of a pantheon of powerful entities whose favours may be courted by those who align with their ideals. Mortals who choose to follow in the path of one of these entities may be granted powerful boons by their patron should they stay the

course - but woe betide any who fail to live up to the ideals that their patron espouses.

It is said that those who have a particular strong affinity for the mystical and a high level of mastery over magical arts have even been able to control or influence these beings, binding them to their will, or making deals or exchanges with them - though for every story of a clever individual coming out successfully after a discussion with one of these beings, there is a tale of a foolhardy soul attempting to traffic with the wrong entity or making a badly worded pact and destroying themselves or something that they care about.

The primal forces as they are most commonly called by the people of Impact are:

Wrath: The power of passion and fury, Wrath tends in its uses to be quick burning and intensely destructive. Often associated with warriors, those who find difficulty in controlling their anger, and those who care passionately about protecting their homes and communities.

Hope: The power of forward thinking and unity, Hope tends in its uses to assist others and have restorative and healing properties. Often associated with healers, those who care for others, and those who have very clear visions of how the future should and will be.


Desire: The power of yearning and ambition, Desire tends in its uses to be comparatively subtle and mainly focused upon influencing people. Often associated with social climbers, politicians and those dissatisfied with their current lot in life, desire tends to be practiced by people in a wide number of fields, but its users tend to know what they want and how to get it.


There are two key ways that people appear to interact with the forces of magic. There are those who through either study or nature seem able to manipulate the flows of these forces with skill and élan, causing mystical energy to go exactly where it needs to be. These individuals are able to flow magic through their own bodies, and make special use of their hands in this subtle and effective manipulation of magic. These people are most commonly known as ‘Channelers’ and are what most people think of when they hear the terms ‘mage’, ‘wizard’ or ‘arcanist’.

There is another form of connection to the mystical forces and this tends to be more direct and less controlled. Those who possess this form of magical ability are commonly referred to as ‘Avatars’. Avatars

are said to be able to release huge bursts of raw power at will that can alter the world around them in truly impressive ways, but such powers come at the cost of fine control and a significant personal toll. There are whispers of Avatars being warped by the powers they connect to; Tales of puppets beholden to the will of entities beyond the ken of any mortal. While there is very little real evidence to confirm these dark rumours, Avatars remain shadowy figures clothed in a great deal of suspicion and uncertainty.

“The first type is known as the CHANNELER and use a corrupted hand to cast magic. If this hand grasps anything they CAN'T CAST SPELLS. Use this to your advantage! The Confederate scum usually decorate this hand with symbols, tattoos or jewellery. Take heed and strike with precision!

The second type is known as the AVATAR and can cast spells even when their hands are full. These spells tend to be uncontrolled and cover a wide area. They have little control over even their own “talents”! Avatars often have bizarre facial markings or other signs of their corruption.”

- Excerpt from a Hyrathian training primer,

captured during the battle of Hanost



Among the people of Sanctuary there are as many craftspeople as there are leaves in Kure. The arts of working metal, leather and stone have been familiar to all civilisations worth that name for generations. There is, however, a more mystical art known to but a few; the art of weaving magic itself into physical items to grant them wondrous properties. Individuals able to practice this art are known as artificers and a valued additions to any community.

Upon the arrival of Impact in Sanctuary and the formation of the Confederacy it quickly became clear

that knowledge of these arts transcended societal boundaries. The Sarengids spoke of their great weavers, able to sing magic into wood and fabric. The Kurekin told tales of their smiths, able to hammer iron into magical forms to fight back Kure. The artificers from all three cultures pooled their resources and skills and came up with a few practices common to all that formed the basis of their art.

The key to artifice lies in the ability to work with one of three different materials to make a range of simple items which can then be combined together to form more complicated items. Various different materials appear able to contain magic to a greater or lesser degree, but most artificers agree that the best items are wrought from iron, silver and wood.

Although the form and shape of magically crafted items varies greatly most can be divided into a broad range of categories; rods (which channel magic directly), plates (which provide some measure of protection if worn), rings (which protect in other ways) and essences (which provide magical effects if consumed).

It is in the combination of these items that the true skill of an artificer comes through. It is common knowledge that any two basic items may be combined to form another. Some even tell stories of magical artefacts forged of three or even four, although such things are generally considered to be nonsense.

“The first step would be to create a rod of silver, such as would allow for the mending of wounds upon a fallen comrade. Next, the creation of a wooden plate, enchanted to give protection against hostile forces.

Once these are brought close, and allowed to rest for two days and six hours PRECISELY the plate should be hammered flat and narrow, given an edge and spun around the silver rod, forming if you would, a core. Once fire-hardened and allowed to cool this should serve as a magical sword to smite your enemies.

WARNING – ON NO ACCOUNT attempt to modify this design by quenching the heat with an essence of iron. In such a thing you would find nothing but disaster”

- From the writings of Ald the Maimed, Artificer of Masika



The Confederacy has established a simple list of laws divided into two sections


Any citizen caught breaking one of these laws will be subject to immediate obliteration

1. Killing a Citizen of the confederacy

2. Interfering with the apparatus of the city

3. Treason against the lords of the city


Any Citizen caught committing any of these acts will be arrested and tried by the Silver Aegis

1. Bringing plant or animal life from Kure into the city of Impact or its Allied hives without a licence.

2. Wantonly endangering themselves or others without cause.

3. Theft

4. Interfering with the duties of a keeper

5. Granting a foreigner entrance into the city without the knowledge of the council

6. Aiding and or abetting the enemies of the Confederacy

7. Civil Barratry

8. Deliberately giving provably false information to the members of the council

9. Malicious application of chist

10. Burning of Kurekin seeds or bodies

11. Using magic of any kind to interfere in a lawful election

Any laws of the city may be amended, added to or removed with a majority vote of the council.



Congratulations and welcome to the Envoys. For those of you from the lands outside of the city of Impact, welcome to all

that remains of human civilisation. You have chosen to become a part of an experimental initiative formed to deal with the

challenges presented by our precarious and constantly developing situation. Although much ground has been won since our arrival in the world we have come to call Sanctuary ten years ago, the

truth is that we remain on the back foot. A four year struggle with the Hyrathian kingdom’s aggressors has seen our once

significant force of Obliterator war-machines severely depleted. While open engagements have thankfully reduced,

tensions remain high and a full-scale resurgence of the conflict would be disastrous. The overgrowth of the forest of Kure continues to encroach upon our walls, while the everyday struggle to feed our people

and maintain order has proven difficult enough without the constant logistical demands and upheavals caused by the

requirement to maintain a state of military readiness while peacefully developing the surrounding lands. It looks like we are here to stay, but our people are already tired of war, tired of the constant death and sacrifices required

just to maintain our way of life. We need people like you, Envoy. People to help improve our diplomatic relations with the

friendly Sarengid hives with whom we are allied and who provide for so much of our intelligence gathering. People to

help forge stronger ties with the hardy Kurekin tribes who have managed to hold their own against Kure’s rampaging

horrors for centuries. We must stand together, work together and learn together if we are to have a future. Over the next few months, Impact’s embassy will become your new home. You will find yourself crossing new frontiers

and travelling the lands of the Confederacy and beyond, meeting new and interesting people and working with them to

ensure the safety and security of your friends, allies and loved ones. We cannot be certain what the future will bring, but

we hope that the addition of a team of troubleshooters, explorers and diplomats to our forces will prove to be the edge we

need. In becoming an Envoy, you have been furnished with certain enviable rights and privileges. You may come and go as you

please within the city and in the lands of our allies, so long as your actions do not compromise our ability to function as a

society. Your requirements for food, accommodation and basic materials will be provided for, and you will be empowered

to formally represent Impact in an official capacity in all external interactions. However, certain responsibilities are also

expected of you. Your actions are directly representative of humanity and the Confederacy as a whole. People will be

counting on you - do not let them down. Your next of kin have already been notified of your formal acceptance of the oath of loyalty. The city of Impact thanks

you for your service. Go forth, Envoy, and forge a future worth fighting for. - Neras of the Masikan IV, Marshall of the Bladed Hosts, on behalf of the Council


THE ENVOYS An experimental initiative for a new age

● The Player Characters in Impact are Envoys. ● The Envoys are a new organisation of adventurers that was formed in 10AI. ● Envoys can be Humans, Sarengids, Kurekin, Hyrathians or Shards. ● Envoys are recruited from lands friendly to the Confederacy. ● The Envoys are based in an old Embassy that hadn’t been used for ten years. ● Envoys are sworn to serve the Council of the Confederacy. ● The duties of an Envoy are that of an explorer, a diplomat and a troubleshooter. ● Envoy ‘office hours’ are every Wednesday evening.

Answerable to the Council and empowered to represent the Confederacy in external matters, the Envoys are being formed to act as a troubleshooting force as the conflict with Hyrathia cools and the lands around the Confederacy become safer to travel.

Bound by a collective oath of service, the Envoys are expected to use their initiative to organise themselves where appropriate and ensure that each member of the corps is provided with the information and equipment they need to be able to do their part - whatever that may be determined to be.

The Envoys are ostensibly a branch of the Confederacy’s formal military forces, however they lie outside of the normal command structure and are not expected to adhere to the same protocols and

etiquette. There is no such thing as rank or hierarchy within the organisation, and efforts to establish such are heavily discouraged unless the individuals in question are prepared to take on the responsibility of gathering the opinions and coordinating the efforts of others.

Food, accommodation and basic material needs are provided, with the Envoys operating out of a building called The Embassy - an old complex from Before Impact (BI) previously used to house ambassadors from other cities of the Empire. Drinks are served on Wednesday evenings, which also double as “Office Hours”. Anyone can enter and request assistance during this time and it is likely that any matters falling outside the remit of the army or the civil police will be referred straight to the Envoys.


Much has happened over the last year.

● This section is a summary of important events that have happened in the last year

● Your character doesn't need to know any or all of these things unless you want them to

The last year has been a trying time for the Confederacy. The war against the Hyrathians dominated all aspects of life after it erupted into violence again in 11AI. After heroic sacrifices and brutal battles the Hive of Hakun was razed to the ground and the Neras Line taken. Tulari raiding increased along the coast, culminating in the invasion of the settlement now known as Haven. All of this came to a head in the closing days of the year when King Olmos of Hyrathia declared that his daughter was to wed a Tulari - bringing peace between the two nations. This alliance of foes would have swiftly defeated the Confederacy and talk of surrender flew around the cafes and public place of Impact. The Envoys of the Confederacy attended the wedding and, in an unlikely set of circumstances, managed to convince the


Hyrathians to make peace with them instead. This peace is an uneasy and fragile one but the Confederate citizens of Impact and its allies are breathing a sigh of relief at this last-minute reprieve.

Despite the Confederate success at the wedding there have been grave losses during the war. The loss of the Hive of Hakun was a terrible blow and refugees have flooded the city. The hive was also rocked by scandal when it was discovered that their Queen had been dead for years and the Councils of Truth Above and Below had been ruling in her name. Confusion deepened when she turned out to have faked her own death and had been masquerading as an ambassador from the distant Hive of the Tower that Stands. These issues have caused a large number of Hakun to abandon their own hive and join the Alliance, a mostly unknown grouping of hives to the south.

Far to the south the Hyrathians also struck a hammer blow against the Hive of the Tower that Stands - an entirely militaristic hive dedicated to fighting against Kure. Due to reasons unknown the Hyrathians launched a massive attack against the fortifications of the Tower that Stands and crushed it utterly. Horrendous Hyrathian casualties caused by a war with a previously friendly hive made the Confederates wonder why they had done such a terrible thing. Answers were not forthcoming but the fall of the Tower that Stands were a grim reminder of the might of Hyrathia. Like Hakun, many refugees fled to both Impact and the Alliance. They now refer to themselves as “The Tower that Stood”.

During the latter part of the war the Silver Aegis, Impact’s law enforcement Phalanx, marched to the front lines to fight against Hyrathia. In their place large numbers of the Kurekin tribe of the Calredr were stationed in the city. The Calredr’s blunt approach to law enforcement and casual violence lead to a lot of animosity, but most would agree that crime has gone down.

Despite some allies suffering setbacks the Confederacy was proud to welcome the Kurekin tribe of the Varekai formally into its ranks. The Varekai had been an “unofficial” part of the Confederacy for many years but 11AI saw their acceptance as full members. Their expertise proved invaluable towards the end of the year when the forest of Kure began to surge in hostility, causing many refugees to flee to Impact. Additionally the discovery of a distant fragment of the city, called Outpost, which had survived the fall lead to much celebration for the humans of Impact. If these distant relatives had survived then could there have been more? Hopes are high and exploration of the world is once again being discussed by the council.

11AI also saw an event of stunning importance to the Kurekin as a whole. The Park of Impact was found to contain a Wellspring - less than ten of these fabled locations are said to exist in the whole of Kure and are vital to the continuation of the Kurekin as a people. Named “Hope Springs” the Wellspring is now one of the most heavily guarded locations in the city. Luckily the defences were in place at the very end of the year when the Park, normally quiet and peaceful, erupted in swarms of Kurespawn. It is currently off-limits to non-Kurekin as the Silent Watchers and Calreder (and many others) try to put down this “Kuresurge”.



Now that we have an idea how the world of Sanctuary fits together, it is time to make a character!

● In Impact, player characters are Envoys sworn to aid the Confederacy. ● Envoys are envisaged as adventurers; troubleshooters, diplomats and explorers. ● Humans, Sarengids, Kurekin and Shards from the Confederacy can be Envoys. ● Friendly outsiders to the Confederacy can also be Envoys. ● Hyrathians are a recent addition to the Envoys and may be treated with some suspicion

Impact is a fantasy game about adventure, exploration, survival, war, politics and the clash of alien cultures. The ‘camera’ of the game - the bit that happens in uptime during sessions - is pointed at the Envoys, who are the player characters. The Envoys are a newly formed organisation that is deliberately very open in its scope. The intention is for players to decide what, ultimately, they want the word Envoy to mean to the world of Sanctuary.

The core of the setting takes place in the wild and hostile lands surrounding a partially ruined magical city that has travelled from another world. Allied with the humans of this city are the mighty Kurekin and the diverse Sarengids who are both natives of this

world. Shards are a magical species that appeared at the same time as humanity did, but seem to have no idea as to how they came to be. Hyrathians are recent friends of the Confederacy. Player characters can be from any of these five species. There are other creatures in the world but the Confederacy does not currently recruit Envoys from amongst them.

For whatever reason, your character has answered the general recruitment drive issued by the Confederacy. You have made your way to the human city of Impact and signed up to become an Envoy. But who is your character? Where are they from and what do they do?


What choices do I need to make?

● To make a character, pick your Species, Culture and Background. ● This will decide what Skills you can pick. You have 12 skill points. ● You can request extra setting information on your selection from the refs.

Step 1: Pick a Species and Culture. You can play a Human, a Sarengid, a Kurekin or a Shard from one of the

many cultures of Sanctuary:

A Human from Impact, the refugee city that fell from the sky ten years ago. A Human from Sunrise, a frontier settlement home to anarchists and separatists. A Human from the Archipelago, a resource-rich island chain home to prospectors and sailors. A Human from the Borderlands, the war-torn farmlands along the river bordering Hyrathia. A Human from Outpost, the besieged settlement only recently discovered by the Confederacy

A Sarengid from the Hive of Hakun, a scholarly people fond of seeking universal truths. A Sarengid from the Hive of the Eternal Journey, a secretive group of austere altruists. A Sarengid from the Hive of the United Path, a privacy-free cosmopolitan cultural melting-pot. A Sarengid from one of the many other Hives of the Plains.


A Kurekin from the Calredr Tribe, a harsh uncompromising warrior caste and their supporters. A Kurekin from the Sturka Tribe, a fiery people in love with stories and the heroes they feature. A Kurekin from the Varekai Tribe, the mysterious reclusive inhabitants of the great lake of Cyr. A Kurekin from one of the many other Tribes of the Forest of Kure. A Shard that has normalised to any of the above cultures

A Newborn Shard that hasn’t normalised to any culture yet. A Hyrathian from any of the great cities of Hyrathia

Step 2: Pick a Background Archetype. This will give you a special background skill.

Your character’s background is the story of their life prior to becoming an Envoy. This can be as complicated and eventful as you like, though for convenience’s sake we have listed a range of archetypes you may find useful in summing up their life experiences. Pick an archetype that best fits your character.

The standard Background Archetypes are:

Soldier - You are a trained and hardened warrior used to the rigours of combat. Laborer - Hard graft, sweat and toil. You work for a living and you have the muscles to show it! Fresh-Faced - The book of your life story has yet to be written. Privileged - You escaped the rigours of a hard life. You know your place, and it’s above the rest. Down and Out - The world looks down on you, but you’re still alive and won’t go so easily. Rogue - Bait and switch, duck and weave! You know the Masika City Shuffle. Ranger - You are used to surviving alone in the savage wilderness. Dissident - You laugh at those who think they have the right to tell you what to do. Physician - Your formal training and experience means you know how to treat exotic wounds. Metaphysician - Magic is the lock and you have a mind that can turn the key. Artisan - A lifetime spent building beautiful things has shown you how to tear them down. Scholar - You’ll need a closer look at that one!

You are free to elaborate on your character’s background by emailing the ref team at [email protected]. Some people like to provide a bullet-pointed list of key elements in a character’s history, while some like to submit a story or description in conventional prose.

Step 3: Pick your skills. You have 18 XP to spend on skills from the list below. Some skills in the list require you to also own another skill before you can purchase them. This is indicated by a > symbol. Starting skills will only have one prerequisite and are listed directly below the skill that ‘unlocks’ them. Shards and Hrythians work slightly differently to other characters, please let a ref know if you want to play one of them.

Literacy - Cost: Free

Anyone may know how to read, write and use basic mathematics with the Confederacy offering courses to anyone who is interested. Please let the refs know if your character CAN NOT do any of these things.


Hit Points

Envoys start with 1 Hit Point per location.

Tough - Cost: 2XP

You have 2 Hit Points per location. > Tougher - Cost: 3XP

You have 3 Hit Points per location. >Even Tougher - Cost 4XP

You have 4 Hit Points per location


Anyone may wear an armour physrep to gain 1 Armour Point per armoured location.

Armour Proficiency - Cost: 2XP

You may wear any physrep, other than padded armour, for 2 Armour Points per location. > Armour Competence - Cost: 4XP

You may wear any physrep, other than padded armour, for 3 Armour Points per location. >Armour Expertise - Cost: 5XP

You may wear any physrep, other than padded armour, for 4 Armour Points per location

Weapon Skills

Any Envoy is strong enough to call SINGLE with a one handed weapon. You may also call SUB with any weapon you can call damage with.

Cleaving blow - Cost: 2XP

You may call CLEAVE once per combat with a sword. >Cleaving Blow: Extra Use - Cost 4

You can call CLEAVE an extra time per combat with your sword. > Sword Adept - Cost: 6XP

You may call DOUBLE with a sword.

Sundering Strike - Cost: 2XP

You may call SUNDER once per combat with an axe. >Sundering Strike: Extra Use - Cost 4

You can call SUNDER an extra time per combat with your axe. > Axe Adept - Cost: 6XP

You may call DOUBLE with an axe.

Pulverise - Cost: 2XP

You may add GLOBAL to your damage call once per combat with a bludgeoning weapon. >Pulverise: Extra Use - Cost 4

You can add GLOBAL to your damage call an extra time per combat with a bludgeoning weapon

> Bludgeoning Adept - Cost: 6XP

You may call DOUBLE with a bludgeoning weapon.


Piercing Strike - Cost: 2XP

You may call THROUGH with your dagger once per combat. > Piercing Strike: Extra Use - Cost 3XP

You may call through an additional time per combat with your dagger

Great-weapon Proficiency - Cost: 6XP

You may call either DOUBLE or ZERO KNOCKBACK with a two handed weapon. > Great Cleaving blow - Cost: 2XP

You may call CLEAVE once per combat with a two-handed sword. > Great Cleaving blow: Extra Use - Cost: 3XP

You may call CLEAVE an extra time per combat with a two-handed sword

> Great Sundering Strike - Cost: 2XP

You may call SUNDER once per combat with a two-handed axe. > Great Sundering Strike: Extra Use - Cost: 3XP

You may call SUNDER an extra time per combat with a two-handed axe

> Great Pulverise - Cost: 2XP You may add GLOBAL to your damage call once per combat with a two-handed blunt weapon.

> Great Pulverise: Extra Use - Cost: 3XP

You may add GLOBAL to your damage call an extra time per combat with a two-handed blunt weapon

> Impale - Cost: 2XP

You may add THROUGH to your damage call once per combat with a spear. > Impale: Extra Use - Cost: 3XP

You may add THROUGH to your damage call an extra time per combat with a spear

> Overwhelm - Cost: 4xp

You may change your call of KNOCKBACK to STRIKEDOWN once per combat with a two-handed weapon

Swing a Stick - Cost: 3 XP

You may call SINGLE with a staff. A staff will not dispel the magic on your channeling hand.

Shield - Cost: 4 XP

You may use a shield to reliably block enemy attacks in combat. > Brace for Impact - Cost: 5XP

You may resist a KNOCKBACK that hits your Shield by taking a SINGLE to the arm that holds the shield

Dual Wielder - Cost: 3XP

You may call SINGLE with a weapon up to 36” long in each hand. > Florentine - Cost: 2XP

Once per combat when you block with a one-handed weapon you may then strike with your dagger and call DOUBLE THROUGH

Throwing Weapon – Cost: 2XP

You can call SINGLE with a coreless throwing weapon, or may expend a use of your special weapon skill to call CLEAVE or THROUGH with a throwing dagger, SUNDER with a throwing axe or GLOBAL with a throwing bludgeoning weapon.


Magic Skills

The Confederacy practices a shared, codified form of magic drawing upon three primal forces. Please note that Channelers require a free hand to attune to their chosen sphere(s) of magic!

Channeler of Wrath - Cost: 6XP

You may cast spells of Wrath with an attuned hand. You may choose one free spell and have 18 spell points.

Channeler of Hope - Cost: 6XP

You may cast spells of Hope with an attuned hand. You may choose one free spell and have 18 spell points.

Channeler of Desire - Cost: 6XP

You may cast spells of Desire with an attuned hand. You may choose one free spell and have 18 spell points.

Avatar of Wrath - Cost: 4XP

You may cast spells of Wrath with the appropriate actions. You may choose one free spell and have 12 spell points.

Avatar of Hope - Cost: 4XP

You may cast spells of Hope with the appropriate actions. You may choose one free spell and have 12 spell points.

Avatar of Desire - Cost: 4XP

You may cast spells of Desire with the appropriate actions. You may choose one free spell and have 12 spell points.

Extra Spell - Cost: 2XP

You may choose another spell from the list available to your primal force. You may pick this twice.

Primal Affinity - Cost: 2XP

You gain an extra six spell points. You may purchase this up to three times.

Mind over Matter - Cost: 3XP

You may RESIST a call prefixed by LESSER by taking a SINGLE THROUGH to your vitals. You may RESIST a call prefixed by GREATER by taking a TRIPLE THROUGH to your vitals.

Shard - Cost: 18XP

You are a Shard. The process of learning and mastering your development is markedly different to that of the organic species of Sanctuary and as such you do not learn skills in the normal manner.

Hyrathian - Cost: 6XP

You are a Hyrathian. You are tough and resistant to magic. If you choose this option speak to the refs and they’ll give you more information.

Artificer - Cost: 6XP


This skill gives you the ability to create one kind of item in downtime and work with two different types of materials. Each artificer begins play with one example of each item they can make.

The items available to artificers are: Rods, Rings, Plates and Essences. The materials available to artificers are: Wood, Iron and Silver

Artificer: Extra Item or Material - Cost: 3XP

You may choose an extra item or material to be able to work with

Profession – Cost: 1XP

You are gifted in one particular form of skilled labour. You should make a note of the nature of this skill in your character's background.

Staunch – Cost: 1XP

By placing both hands onto a dying character, you may suspend their death count for as long as both hands remain in contact.



What’s my motivation?

● Make sure you make a character that fits the setting and is fun to play. ● Have a think about why your character would have joined the Envoys. ● Your character probably remembers Impact’s arrival and the Hyrathian war. ● Remember that religion is a relatively new development for humanity. ● Sarengids and Kurekin have lived in Sanctuary alongside Hyrathia for centuries. ● Shards are new to the world, arriving at the same time as humanity.

Each Envoy is a person with their own history, opinions and motivations. Your character has only just signed up - so what did they do with their life before this?

The lives of the people of Impact haven’t been all that easy for the last ten years, but most humans will have memories of living in relative luxury and safety during their childhood. Sarengids and Kurekin have a somewhat different perception of timescales and lifespans, but your character may well have personally witnessed the massive fireball that announced Impact’s arrival or experienced the cultural upheaval following what appeared to be nothing short of an alien invasion. As a Shard, your short life is likely to have been defined by questions: Who am I? Where did I come from? What defines me as a person?

Have a think about why your character would have signed up. What kind of a person are they? Do they have any major life goals or passions? How do they like to spend their time? Do they have any relatives or dependents? If so, who are they and what is their status? Have they done any military or civil service and are they a member of any organisation? Do they have any dark secrets or hidden strengths? While the leader of a guild or other such organisation would have to step down from their demanding position to become an Envoy, any number of individuals from just about any walk of life may have decided to answer the call and applied for secondment.

Life can be dangerous in Sanctuary; few denizens of this world filled with carnivorous plant-life, genocidal imperialists and ideological extremism go without picking up some kind of survival skills. Impact has

competent law enforcement and a standing army that includes powerful war-machines, but the rest of the world is not so blessed. The majority of people in the Confederacy know how to swing a basic farming tool or rudimentary weapon in order to defend themselves from a weak and poorly equipped foe, but the more advanced examples of martial prowess are hard to find and in desperately short supply.

Magic is an intrinsic and well-regarded part of the world and many people are able to develop an innate magical talent with training and dedication. The Confederacy has formalised magical Channeling into three major schools of study revolving around Hope, Desire and Wrath. Some have chosen to become Avatars of a particular magical school, dedicating themselves to that aspect above all else in return for the ability to cast impressive (though exhausting) spells that infuse an entire area with their power. Avatars are rare but hardly unknown - your character may well have met one before. If they are an Avatar themselves, this will probably strongly inform their world-view.

Religion in the world of Sanctuary is heavily dependent upon culture; Humanity has only recently begun to embrace faith in anything other than the peerless (though resolutely mortal and human) majesty of the Mage-Lords. Sarengid Hives have a wide range of viewpoints on the subject of divinity, while the Kurekin commonly believe that the legacy of an individual’s greatness carries through into their descendents who are then obliged to revere these mighty ancestors. Shards have been known to adopt the traditions of the culture that they have integrated with, while some have invented elaborate creation stories or myth arcs to explain their existence.



How can I make sure I will have fun?

● The game is about adventurers going on adventures every Sunday. ● Concessions have to be made within any setting to preserve player enjoyment. ● Your character is a tool you can use to interact with the setting. ● There are no main characters; All player characters are the protagonists. ● Avoid hanging your OOC enjoyment of the game on the completion of IC goals. ● You may find linked backgrounds and set-pieces don’t work out as planned. ● It’s more fun to play a warrior trying to be great than it is to play a ‘great warrior’.

When we play a roleplaying game, we choose to immerse ourselves in an imaginary world which necessarily works very differently to reality. Certain aspects of any such game have to be rather contrived in order to allow people to play their characters during the most action-packed and interesting points in their week.

Your character’s decisions will have a huge effect on the world, but won’t fundamentally alter the core framework of the game which exists to make sure you have fun each week. Your character doesn’t have to fight, but each Sunday is about going on adventures which will probably include combat with monsters in some way. Bear this in mind when you make a character.

The character you play may be very similar to you, or it may be almost completely different; whatever you choose, it is important to remember that a character is just a toy - a social construct you use to interact with the game. Wonderful and horrible things will probably happen to your character in play. Remember they’re only happening to your character and aren’t directed at you, the player! If someone shouts at or insults your character, they aren’t trying to hurt your personal feelings. It’s great fun to be immersed in

things, but don’t get too carried away and don’t forget that other real people are playing the game with you!

Try to make sure that your enjoyment of the game is achievable, and doesn’t rely entirely upon factors beyond your control. Be flexible. As an example: If you design a character as the most powerful mage in the world, you may find yourself constantly disappointed if it turns out there are mages more powerful than you. If you design a character who -wants- to be the most powerful mage in the world, while remaining OOC prepared for the fact that this may not happen, you are far more likely to have fun no matter where you end up. Similarly, try to have a think about how your character is going to work when surrounded by others, all of whom have their own goals and opinions. In Live Roleplaying, nobody is the ‘main character’, but if you play a brooding antisocial grump or a murderous psychopath, expect other characters to react appropriately.

Sometimes characters just don’t ‘click’, or a concept that looked great on paper turns out to not be very much fun to play. If it really isn’t working out, you can always end the current character’s story and play a different character. Feel free to chat with the referees if anything about the game is bothering you.

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