Page 1: The Eyeopener — February 2, 2011


volume 44 / issue 17 Wednesday, February 2, 2011Ryerson’s Independent Paper





Page 2: The Eyeopener — February 2, 2011

The Eyeopener2 Wednesday, February 2, 2011

We really want to give you a keg of Steam Whistle. We really, really do. Enter by 5PM Feb 2 at the Eyeopener office. If you miss out, you’ll make Keggy so very, very sad...

Good, clean, dirty reading. The Eyeopener Love and Sex Issue. Coming next week.

Sheldon Levy, President and Vice Chancellor; Alan Shepard, Provost and Vice President Academic; and

Carla Cassidy, Interim Vice President Research and Innovation, are pleased to announce the recipients of the

Faculty Scholarly, Research and Creative Activity (SRC) Awards and the Sarwan Sahota – Ryerson Distinguished Scholar Award

2010 SARwAn SAhotA – RyeRSon DiStinguiSheD SCholAR AwARDThe Sarwan Sahota – Ryerson Distinguished Scholar Award is presented annually to one or more faculty members who have made an outstanding contribution to knowledge or artistic creativity in their area(s) of expertise while employed at Ryerson. The contribution to SRC may be a long term, cumulative contribution or a single, particularly insightful or seminal idea, experiment, application or interpretation. The Distinguished Scholar Award is made available through the joint contributions of Sarwan Sahota, a retired professor and Ryerson University.

Dennis Denisoff, Department of English

gideon wolfaardt, Department of Chemistry and Biology

FACulty SRC AwARDSThe Faculty SRC Awards recognize individual faculty members on an annual basis for outstanding achievement in scholarly, research and creative activity and impact on their disciplines during the previous academic year.

faculty of arts

Colleen Carney, Department of PsychologyStacey hart, Department of Psychologytrevor hart, Department of Psychologynaomi Koerner, Department of PsychologyDavid MacKenzie, Department of History Candice Monson, Department of Psychology

faculty of communication & design

gene Allen, School of JournalismCharles Davis, School of Radio and Television ArtsBruno lessard, School of Image ArtsCatherine Schryer, School of Professional Communication

faculty of community services

Jacqui gingras, School of Nutrition enza gucciardi, School of NutritionKathryn woodcock, School of Occupational and Public Health

faculty of engineering, architecture and science

Kamran Behdinan, Department of Aerospace EngineeringAlan Fung, Department of Mechanical and Industrial EngineeringAli Miri, Department of Computer ScienceAhmed Shaker, Department of Civil EngineeringKrishnan Venkatakrishnan, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

ted rogers school of management

Rachel Dodds, Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism ManagementDeborah Fels, Ted Rogers School of Information Technology ManagementShavin Malhotra, Ted Rogers School of Business Managementozgur turetken, Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management

Celebrating ExcellenceRyeRson AwARds

Everyone Makes a Mark

All awards will be presented at the Faculty SRC Luncheon on February 15, 2011. Student Centre, 55 Gould St.SCC-B03

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Page 3: The Eyeopener — February 2, 2011

The Eyeopener 3Wednesday, February 2, 2011 NEWS

Former Ryerson student Ryan Lester suffers from bruising and broken bones after an assault in the early hours of Jan. 22. PHOTO: LINDSAY BOECKL

Ryerson student charged with homophobic hate crimeEoin McManus is being charged after an alleged altercation at Church and McGill Streets on Jan. 22. News Editor Emma Prestwich reports

A Ryerson student has been charged with committing an alleged hate crime against a former student.

Eoin McManus, a third-year radio and television student and his friend Benjamin McCall allegedly assaulted Ryan Lester and his brother Ben Lester at Mehran Tandoori Restaurant in the early morning hours on Jan. 22.

McManus and McCall allegedly hurled homophobic slurs at Ben Les-ter when he entered the restaurant, and beat Ben to the ground when he confronted the two men.

“He got up out of his chair, and they punched him to the ground,” said Ryan Lester.

Lester said he then went over to the two men and they punched both him and his brother.

McManus and McCall then alleg-edly ran out the door and up Church Street, where police arrested them.

Lester was taken away by ambu-lance. A CAT scan of his brain was clear, but he said he still has broken bones and soft tissue injuries in his

face. “I find the incident shocking, in an area so closer to Toronto’s gay vil-lage,” he said.

According to Toronto Police Const. Tonyo Vella, the incident has been classfied as a hate crime.

McManus and McCall are facing two charges of assault and one charge of mischief, said Const. Vella.

He said the two were arrested by

police, taken to court and were re-leased on certain conditions.

The two are set to appear at the College Park courthouse on Feb. 16 at 2pm.

Lester, fundraising director at Pride Toronto, was taking public adminis-tration and governance courses at

Ryerson up until this semester, but said he dropped out when work at the advocacy organization became too stressful.

He said he couldn’t believe that McManus was a Ryerson student, but said that he thinks Ryerson should institute some type of discipline for these kinds of crimes.

“Students in post-secondary edu-cation should be accountable to the school,” he said.

Ryerson’s code of non-academic misconduct states that students should follow all levels of law and that the university can impose penalties on students who don’t.

The penalties range from written reprimands to restrictions on enter-ing the campus.

It is unclear whether McManus will face non-academic misconduct charges.

Casey Giorgievski, volunteer out-reach coordinator with RyePride, said she found it upsetting that the incident involved a Ryerson student

and was only a few steps away from campus.

She cited the alleged murder of Ryerson student Christopher Skinner in October 2009 as one case of sus-pected discrimination and said she thinks there have been several small incidents of anti-gay harassment hap-pening.

“This looks bad on us as a univer-sity,” she said.

“There are hateful people every-where.”

Lester said that this was his first ex-peri-

ence of assault, but that he thinks it’s a common narrative.

“I don’t think I’m alone in things that happen daily,” he said.

Ombudsperson: 81 per cent increase in instructor complaintsBY EMMA PRESTWICHNEWS EDITOR

An annual report from Ryerson’s ombudsperson shows an 81 per cent increase in instructor complaints from last

The report grouped the complaints into three main categories: lack of instructor accessibility, disrespect, and lack of impartiality in decision-making.

Manvi Kapoor, a fourth-year direct entry student in business manage-ment, said she can understand the jump in numbers.

She said that she filled out an anon-ymous faculty course survey online in the spring regarding a professor’s conduct, and then received an “rude”

and “snippy” email from the professor in the summer defending his actions.

“I thought he must have read the faculty course survey,” she said.

“It seems very immature and child-ish.”

While she didn’t pursue the com-plaint, she has seen many more exam-ples of instructor misconduct, includ-ing professors yelling at students and swearing out of anger in class.

“Professors teach behind closed doors,” she said. “I’m not surprised that the ombudsperson is receiving more complaints.”

Vice provost academic John Isbis-ter said that it’s possible that this is a

systemic issue, but that the one-year jump in numbers doesn’t alarm him.

“If it keeps going up, then we really have a problem.”

In her report, which doesn’t iden-tify students to protect their privacy, ombudsperson Nora Farrell recom-mended the university ensure all fac-ulty training emphasizes impartiality in decision-making.

Former vice provost academic Alan Shepard responded in the report, say-ing that he was committed to incor-porating this issue in faculty training.

However, Isbister, the new vice pro-vost, said that while the university of-fers training for new faculty on being

fair and unbiased towards students, there is currently no continuing edu-cation for professors.

“Do we pull people into a room pe-riodically? No,” he said.

Anver Salojee, President of the Ry-erson Faculty Association, also admit-ted that there is no ongoing training for instructors, but that the Ryerson offers “good resources” in the teach-ing and learning office.

He said there may be a number of factors leading to the increased num-ber of complaints, such as large class sizes and heavy workloads, as well as limited office hours.

“Students may feel like this is not

enough,” he said. He said Ryerson may need to host

more seminars for professors or open-forum discussions, but that he would like to know more about the com-plaints to know how to respond.

“The [report] raises more questions for me than it answers,” he said.

Kapoor, who used the ombudsper-son’s services in another situation, said that she found the office helpful, but wished that they were able to do more.

“It felt paralyzing, to know that all they can do is make recommenda-tions,” she said. “Ryerson is not obli-gated to act on [them].”

Three per cent budget cuthits RyersonBY REBECCA BURTONASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR

Ryerson will be hit across the board with a three per cent budget cut for the 2011-2012 year with predictions of a five per cent tuition increase to be implemented at the same time.

Senate passed the motion to cut budgets on Jan. 25 based on estimates that the university would not receive additional funding from the provincial government, which is operating at an approximate $18 million deficit, said Ryerson president Sheldon Levy.

Tyler Charlebois, spokesperson for University and Colleges Minis-ter John Milloy, said funding will continue every year with predicted increases in the amount of funding, but no exact figure was given.

According to Charlebois, Ryerson received $186,200,818 in govern-ment funding for the 2009-2010 calendar year.

Levy justified the increase of tu-ition fees by saying in order to gener-ate a two per cent profit, tuition fees would have to increase by five per cent then subtract the three per cent budget cuts. “With no fee increase the budget cuts would have to go up,” said Levy.

Ryerson currently has one of the highest tuition rates in Ontario. Levy also confirmed that Ryerson is not in a present deficit. The Board of Gover-nors will make a decision regarding the tuition increases in May.

“It is highly likely that we will rec-ommend the five per cent increase,” said Levy.

The Ministry of University and Colleges, which provides regulations for the province, has implemented a tuition framework that caps tu-ition increases at five per cent and provides guidelines for potential increases.

Last year’s three per cent budget cuts lead to decreased class timesand cuts to speciality classes. Acting combat classes, previously offered to theatre students, were cancelled and the students had to take the class privately on weekends instead. Mem-bers of the faculty of communica-tion and design (FCAD) experienced reduced class hours and introducing online learning. Levy said the university would later decide where to reimburse the three per cent based on areas most af-fected. “It’s very early in the process.”

This looks bad on us as a university.

— Casey Giorgievski,RyePride coordinator

I don’t think I’m alone in things that happen daily.— Ryan Lester,

former Ryerson student

Page 4: The Eyeopener — February 2, 2011

4 EDITORIALThe Eyeopener Wednesday, February 2, 2011

CHURCH street

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JARVIS street

YONGE street






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near stairs

Students may vote at any polling station.

You must bring valid student I.D. to vote & be a current RSU member


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Polling Stations:








Faculty Directors, Executive and Graduate Council Executive

Playing the role of the Annoying Talking Coffee Mug this week... Adieu Bradley Scott Whitehouse.

We hardly knew ye. No more puns in bad taste and Magic School Bus references in SCC 207. Tear.The Eyeopener is Ryerson’s largest

and independent student newspaper. It is owned and operated by Rye Eye Publishing Inc., a non-profit corporation owned by the students of Ryerson. Our office is on the second floor of the Student Campus Centre and you can reach us at


NEWSSarah “HANDS” Del Giallo



Mariana “NO TEQUILA — EVER” IonovaBIZ & TECH




Marta “VOLLEYBALL” IwanekLindsay “COVER VIRGIN NO MOAR” Boeckl


FUNKats “FLASSES” Quinto








Megan “YOU’RE PURDY” Higgins


Matthew “CTHULHU” BragaLoren “NO SHOW” Hendin

Brian “SMILEYS” BoudreauGabe “PAUL PIERCE” LeeNicole “MODEL” Siena

Harlan “ BIG MEECH” NemersMike “NO RADIO” Duncan

Matthew “SAVIOR” Kennedy


Lauren “CUMUBTIY NUMBUS” FogazziJeff “TURTLE” Lagerquist

Jen “SALT” ChaeStephanie “FUNGAL PAL” Maris

Grace “<3” BenacMohammed “THE JOURNO” Omar

Shanelle “ENDOWED” KaulSteven “OKIE DOKIE” Goetz

Paige “YMCA” SabourinJennifer “SALTY” Cheng

Tim “MARRIED” AlamenciakChris “TIMBERRRRR” Dale

Brad “FAREWELL FRIEND” Whitehouse

CORRECTION Last week the Eyeopener incor-rectly named Secretary to the Board of Governors Erin McGinn as Erin McGunn. Our apologies.

On Jan. 22 a former Ryerson student named Ryan Lester was enjoying a night out with his brother when he was allegedly assaulted by two men — including Eoin McMa-nus, a Ryerson radio and televison arts student.

Allegedly, Lester was kicked in the face and berated with homophobic slurs.

Pretty shocking, right? Wrong. Despite our close proximity to To-

ronto’s gay village, Ryerson Univer-sity has had a long history with LGBT hate crimes.

In 2008, two men shouting homo-phobic slurs assaulted a student in the alleyway between Eric Palin Hall and the architecture building.

On Oct. 18, 2009, Ryerson alumnus Christopher Skinner (an openly gay man) was beaten to death on the


Ryan Lester was allegedly assaulted by a Ryerson student and another man on Jan. 22. PHOTO: LINDSAY BOECKL

corner of Victoria and Adelaide Streets.

On Mar. 9, 2010, at last year’s Queer Positive Pub Night, “burning gays” and other homophobic graffiti was discovered on the wall behind a urinal at the Ram in the Rye.

And this is just what has been reported.

My little sister is a gay Ryerson student. (Full disclosure: she’s also the Eyeopener’s circulation man-ager.)

Last semester she was working on an in-class assignment when the classmate sitting beside her started talking about how, “dykes enjoy being called dykes because if they didn’t they wouldn’t dress like men.”

And just the other day I was tak-ing the escalator up from Dundas Station and I couldn’t help but hear the women in front of me casually toss around “that’s so gay” and “he’s such a fag.”

And — even though I pride myself on being a staunch LGBT ally — I said nothing.

Gay youth come to Toronto hop-ing to find an accepting community

that understands gay people are people too. But that’s not true — just ask Ryan Lester about his black eye.

Lester’s bruises should remind us that we can’t afford to be compla-cent about ignorance and hate around the LGBT community.

Yes, it gets better, but it will take a hell of a lot of work before everyone can walk outside feeling safe.

And the next time I hear some-one utter a homophobic slur on the escalator, I’m going to do the right thing and speak up.

Have questions, comments or a burning desire to yell at me? Send letters to [email protected] or tweet me @murphyhiggins.

Speak up to stop hate

Page 5: The Eyeopener — February 2, 2011

The Eyeopener 5Wednesday, February 2, 2011 NEWS

Student and professor struggle to communicate with family in Cairo

Ahmed El Saadany said he wishes he could be with his family in Cairo, Egypt. PHOTO: CHELSEA POTTAGE


Ahmed El Saadany wishes he were protesting in Tahrir Square. Instead, the second-year post-doc-torate student is on Ryerson’s campus. Though worrying about his parents is his main focus, all the 33-year-old can do is try to keep in touch with his parents in eastern Cairo. Egypt has been in a state of civil unrest since protests erupted on Jan. 24. President Hosni Mubarak, who has been in power since 1981, was plan-ning on having his son succeed his position. In response, people took to the streets in an uprising inspired by the recent political revolt in Tunisia.

“It’s a political situation and it’s very tough right now, but I’m very proud of the people’s movement,” said El Saadany.

Journalism professor Kamal Al-Solaylee shares Saadany’s worry as he struggles to keep in touch with his sister’s family, who currently resides just outside Cairo’s downtown core. Like El Saadany, he has communi-cated with his family over landlines since internet and cellular service have been turned off. “I’m less concerned about safety but rather what’s next for Egypt?” said Al-Solaylee. He predicts that if a smooth transi-tion between governments isn’t implemented, Egypt could erupt into economical failure and complete chaos.

The protests have resulted in 125 deaths so far. Army officials still roam the main streets but police presence has disappeared. Citizens are forced to obey a strict 3 p.m. curfew. In a conversation with his sister on Feb. 1 — the first in more than a week — Al-Solaylee said she is doing fine. The family spends most of their days getting supplies from downtown supermarkets which still remain open, he said. But the situation remains unsettling. No one knows how even the next week with unfold, or if supplies will continue to be brought into the city, said El Saadany. “It’s not yet a crisis,” he said. “The government is trying to wait for the people to give up, and that’s why we have to support [the people].” Al-Solaylee said what needs to hap-pen next is an orderly transition to a democratic government. “The current government needs to give power over to a newly- elected government. If democracy is imple-mented they need to have an elec-tion,” he said. Al-Solaylee said democracy has been long overdue in the country. But he fears the wrong organization coming into of power, namely the Islamic Brotherhood. “Anyone that has family in Egypt will be watching the developments,” he said.

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Page 6: The Eyeopener — February 2, 2011

The Eyeopener6 Wednesday, February 2, 2011NEWS


Most Ryerson students can breathe a little easier after the university fol-lowed suit with the majority of other post-secondary schools across On-tario and cut the fall semester to 12 weeks from 13.

The Senate has given a fall reading week the go-ahead but the finer de-tails have yet to be finalized.

“The expectation is that the faculty will have discussions at the end of De-cember to clarify further actions,” said Keith Alnwick, the registrar at Ryerson.

A report to Senate provides two sample 12-week calendars with an

Staff, volunteers and community members invested in the future of CKLN met Monday night to discuss the station’s options. PHOTO: NICOLE SIENA

On Mar. 1, the CRTC will clamp down on small internet service providers (ISPs), mandating they eliminate their unlimited internet plans and switch to usage based billing (UBB), killing their only advantage over the big ISPs like Bell and Rogers.

Small ISPs, like Teksavvy and Pri-mus, have been renting network ac-cess from the larger ISPs in order to offer more bandwidth for reasonable prices that are particularly attractive to students. But in less than a month, those deals will be dead.

200 gigabyte/month plans are dropping to 25 GB/month plans for many consumers, which means that customers will have to curtail their In-ternet usage, or risk overage charges of up to $2.50/GB.

Do you like Netflix, download-ing torrents or streaming video? Bell and Rogers sure don’t. By imposing UBB, the CRTC has essentially put the power into the hands of the big ISPs. The CRTC has imposed rules that may handcuff the smaller competition and drive more traffic to the big ISPs that already have their hands deep in your pockets. The average movie down-load will cost you 700 megabytes. A half hour sitcom will cost you 175 MB. The same service you’re getting from the small ISPs for $35-$40 dollars now could cost you hundreds in the com-ing months if you’re really working the bandwidth. Thanks CRTC. Maybe next you could come to our houses and kick our dogs, too.

Senate approves fall reading week

Long Johns and Groaners

CRTC kills cheap internet deals

A laptop was stolen from the second floor of the Ted Rog-ers building on Jan. 25. The man had the laptop in front of him but after turning around to talk, it was gone. We thought we made it clear — watch yo shit.

On Jan. 26 a man was caught peering over a stall in the wom-en’s washroom. The girl escaped and called security, but in the meantime, she barricaded the man in the bathroom with desks. After the man was caught, he admitted that ever since G20 he had always wanted to experience going to jail... There’s too much crazy here to even comment on.

That same day in a nearby bathroom in the RCC, students reported an ‘atrocious smell.’ Turns out the smell belonged to a homeless man hiding out in the toilets who earlier had been bothering people for money in the building. Dear hobo, please hide out in the science lab next time. They have safety showers.

Two students were almost struck with a chunk of ice that fell from the roof of Pitman Jan. 28. No one was injured but it’s quite obvious that

CKLN plans to appeal revoked licence



CKLN 88.1 FM is slated to go off-air as of Feb. 12, but the organization’s board has plans to appeal the deci-sion.

On Jan. 28, the Canadian Radio-Televison and Communications Com-mission (CRTC) announced the deci-sion to revoke the station’s licence after several instances of non-com-pliance with the commission’s stan-dards for broadcasting, including fail-ing to fill necessary paperwork and a lack of balanced representation on the station’s board of governors.

A courier from the CRTC officially delivered the papers at around 3 p.m. Friday.

Before their licence was yanked, CKLN had been in the process of hir-ing a station manager after a lengthy legal process.

“It’s only now that we’re finally in a position of hiring someone,” said Marque Brill, a technologist with the station. “The timing is incredible.”

The board of directors, led by Lau-ren Speers, a programmer and law student at Osgoode Hall, has decided to appeal.

At CKLN’s annual general meeting on Monday night, Speers presented the station’s legal options for appeal.

The two options are to either hire a lawyer for an emergency appeal to stay the decision, or send a ‘renewal charter’ to the CRTC, committing to fix the problems

Speers, who mediated the discus-sion at Monday’s AGM acknowledged that the station had been non-com-pliant and that it was best for the sta-tion to stay on good terms with the CRTC.

“We can’t argue with the criticism they gave us, because it’s all true.”

Louise Poirier, the sole CRTC com-missioner to disagree with the deci-sion, wrote a four-page letter of dis-sent, which was attached to the end of the CRTC’s official statement.

Poirier’s letter noted that the nor-mal procedure for a station that is non-compliant is to first issue a man-datory order before revoking the li-cense, which the CRTC did not do. She said that the station had been under oath to fix the stated issues, and re-voking a license immediately is not standard practice.

Some disgruntled community members and programmers think it’s all a big conspiracy against CKLN.

“I admit that it’s conjecture, but I think there’s political motivation,” Brill said.

Suzy Alvarez, a programmer with the station, said that in her personal opinion, corporate interests might have played a role in the decision.

“Your guess is as good as mine,” she said.

Peggy Rebout, with CRTC’s media relations, dismissed rumours that the decision had anything to do with commercial interests.

“The report is as detailed as it can be about the reasons for the deci-sion,” she said.

However, the station’s desirable position on the FM dial is fueling speculation about who might take it over.

President Sheldon Levy said that Ryerson had no interest in buying the station.

Ryerson’s online station SpiritLive could not be reached for comment.

CKLN is currently funded by a $10 student levy. RSU president Toby Whitfield, who is a student represen-tative on the CKLN board, said he has no idea where this money will go if the station shuts down.

Jack Frost has it out for those two.

On. Jan. 22 security was called to the fifth floor of the Vic build-ing to investigate a disturbance, but instead interrupted show and tell. A homeless man was presenting a white paper star with the inscription “Ed Hardy — born to be wild” written on it to a classroom of students. The stu-dents cheered him on, especially after he informed them he hadn’t stopped drinking since Christmas.

Security reported back to the Vic building on Jan. 22 after reports of vandalism. The crazy vandals had gone ape shit with cake, rubbing it on the chairs and inside the microwave. Techni-cally it’s not vandalism unless it’s permanent, so we deem this a delicious work of modern art.

A man’s locker was broken into at the RAC. The thief pulled back the corner and stole his iPhone then proceeded to send inap-propriate messages to two of his friends and even change his Facebook status. Geez, way to kick a man while he’s down.


example of what the fall semester may look like.

A half-week break is shown around Halloween but the Senate is pushing for the break to begin around Thanksgiving.

“Although there are advantages to [a Thanksgiving break],” the fall report states, “it is felt that the pos-sible benefits to students would be maximized by a fall break later in the semester.”

The 12-week semester could be implemented either fall 2012 or fall 2013. Senate is awaiting the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Science’s decision.

FEAS can either fit their curriculum into the 12 weeks or they can skip the break all together.

Some FEAS students and represen-tatives are leaning towards a continu-ation of the 13-week semester.

Greh Dojcaewski said he thinks a fall reading week would be a great idea.

“A fall reading week gives us a chance to unwind. I think it’s easier to focus after the break,” said the first-year business management student.

Read more online at

Greg Dojczewskiis is happy to have a fall reading week. PHOTO: MARTA IWANEK


Page 7: The Eyeopener — February 2, 2011

The Eyeopener 7Wednesday, February 2, 2011 NEWS

Karol Pawlina says he created a slate because slates give an advantage.

“As an independent, it’s very diffi-cult to win,” he said.

“If slates weren’t allowed, it would make the process much more demo-cratic because you wouldn’t have one team controlling everything.”

Some Canadian universities don’t allow slates in student politics. The University of Regina and University of British Columbia have both banned slates in union elections.

The Eyeopener will be live tweeting the RSU elections. Follow us

@theeyeopener or join us at the Ram and buy

us a pint.

Slighted by the slatesThis year’s Ryerson Students’ Union election has only two slates. What happened to the independent candidates?



Some students say a politically unsettling trend is appearing in this year’s Ryerson Students’ Union elec-tion. Voters’ choices have been re-duced to 11 candidates operating from two slates and an independent who has yet to campaign.

A slate is a group of candidates who run in a multi-seat election with the same platform.

Students United is known to work closely with the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS). The slate supports many CFS campaigns, like the move-ment to stop the public funding of Maclean’s.

The only opposition this year is RU Change, a slate set on making major policy changes to how RSU money is spent.

Most of the RU Change candidates didn’t know each other before the election, but say they decided to form a slate, rather than run individually, in hopes of challenging the pro CFS slate which has had a monopoly on the RSU for years.

The last time there was an election with only independent candidates was in 2004. In 2005 when there were two slates and eight candidates, there were only four positions available. Two slates ran again the following year, but in 2007, a pro CFS slate Students Unit-ed ran unopposed.

A political fire sparked in 2008 when there were three slates and one independent, totalling 13 candidates for the four positions.

Since then, the number of slates and candidates has stayed relatively consistent until this year.

RU Change presidential candidate

Ryerson’s endowment fund has passed the $81 million mark, despite the failing economy last year.

In 2007 Ryerson’s endowment fund had grown to $40 million. Even amidst the market crash, the lowest point the fund hit after that was $70 million in February of 2010.

“We have come back very strongly,” said Adam Kahan, VP University Ad-vancement.

Although the funds have grown substantially in the last few years, Ka-han said the fund isn’t up to par with other universities like the University of Toronto that are older and more es-tablished.

An endowment fund is created af-ter a donor — either a company or an individual — makes a contribution of $25, 000 or more.

The donation targets a specific area, such as the faculty of business or faculty communication and de-sign, which currently receive the most money from endowments. The faculty is decided by the donor.

The funds are also used for student awards and bursaries.

As the fund grows the interest is used for student support, awards and bursaries.

“The majority is about increasing our student support both in the num-ber of students and also the amount we can give to our students,” said Ka-han.

The endowment process can take up to three or four years.

But last week, Ryerson received a $1 million donation which was pro-cessed in three weeks, according to Kahan.

“I hope by the end of this year we will meet or exceed the 100 million dollar mark,” said Kahan.

Endowment grows, but still not up to parBY REBECCA BURTON


RSU candidate Caitlin Smith campaigns to students. PHOTO: STEVEN GOETZ

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Page 8: The Eyeopener — February 2, 2011

The Eyeopener8 Wednesday, February 2, 2011

There are many things for Ryerson students to look forward to in the fu-ture: the new Image Arts Building, the opening of Maple Leaf Gardens and Jahmal Jones.

Originally from Mississauga, Jones is one of the Canadian Interuniver-sity Sport’s top point guards and is a big reason for the men’s basketball team’s 7-10 record. Throughout those 17 games, Jones has averaged 17.2 points, 4.5 rebounds and three assists, and leads all of Ontario with 104 free

throws made.With the numbers that he has post-

ed this season, head coach Roy Rana said that Jones is definitely in the run-ning for the OUA’s rookie of the year award.

“He certainly is going to be in that conversation but we have a lot of bas-ketball [left] to play,” said Rana. “There are a lot of other rookies across the country that have had great seasons but certainly he has to be in that con-versation.”

While a lot of people know about Jones’ abilities on the court, many are oblivious to the fact that he has per-severed through a potentially career threatening injury.

Rewind back to the summer of

2009, when Jones was taking part at a recruiting camp that has served as the launching pad for several NBA players including Lebron James. As he was driving hard to the hoop to take off for a high-flying finish, Jones was un-dercut by a defender. The result, a torn meniscus that he only had surgery on this past summer.

“I was stubborn I didn’t want to wear a knee brace or have surgery or anything like that. The thing was if I kept playing on it, who knows how long I’d be playing,” Jones wonders. “It was when Rana told me to have sur-gery and took care of me that I knew this place was like my home.”

Having fully recovered from the in-jury, Jones is not only looking to lead the Rams deep into the playoffs, but his future as well.

“If I continue to soak in the ingredi-ents the coaching staff has given me. Hopefully I’ll be playing overseas,” said Jones. “Some people think that’s [only] a dream, but it’s actually a goal. I take basketball very seriously.”

For those who have never seen Jones in action, he is a solid on-ball defender who plays at a speed that his opponents and teammates alike have trouble matching.

“He is the quickest guy with or with-out the ball,” said Ray Bala. “I’d be hard pressed to find someone in the OUA that is quicker than him.”

Bala, who writes about college bas-ketball for, said though he is new to Rana’s system, Jones is playing with the poise of a veteran.

“It’s very difficult coming into his position,” said Bala. “[As a rookie] point

guard on a new team you have to be a puppet master for the coach. He does not look like a rookie out there.”

Along with injured forward Bjorn Michaelsen, Jones was one of Rana’s top recruiting targets last year and is a player Ryerson’s up and coming bas-ketball program can build around.

While he likes to remain humble about it, Jones admits the lure of com-ing into a program where he could make an immediate impact was too much to pass up.

“You know how most freshmans sit on the bench and have to earn every-thing?” Jones asked.

“[Well] I wanted to come in and be the guy to change the culture of Ry-erson basketball. I think that was the main thing. Everything was brand new, and I’d be one of the focal points of the team.”

Despite filling the stat sheet every night, Jones doesn’t see himself as a leader on this team quite yet.

“I’m just a first year guy trying to blend in and see what it’s all about,” Jones said.

On and off the court, Jones has a reserved personality, but to gradually prepare himself to take on a leader-ship role in the future, he has made an effort to bond with the team’s cur-rent co-captain and fifth- year veteran, Ryan McNeilly.

“That’s going to be one of the as-pects I have to grow in,” said Jones. “It’s something I’m learning, that com-munication skill, because I haven’t been that vocal leader, I’d rather lead by example but the coaches want me to start talking more.”

As the Ryerson Rams starting point guard her job is far from sim-ple. At the same time she is calling out plays, Ashley Clarke must decide whether or not she will pass the ball the ball off to a teammate or attack the rim.

In her rookie season, Clarke has quietly guided the Rams to a near-playoff berth while staying atop of the league in numerous statistical categories.

The 21-year-old from Montreal is in the top of the league in several major stats, easily making her a can-didate for the East Division Rookie of the Year.

While her success on the court is undeniable, until recently, soccer was Clarke’s real passion.

“I was never really a basketball player growing up, it was always soc-cer, soccer, soccer,” said Clarke.

Clarke fell in love with soccer when she was five years old after she subbed in as a missing player on her cousin’s all-boys team.

After receiving accolades from her fellow players and coaches, her mother got her to join a house league team where she eventually

climbed the league ranks, and even-tually ended up playing for a triple-A team in Quebec.

At eight years old Clarke played in the Québec Cup, Canada’s provin-cial equivalent to the World Cup for youngsters, which she would com-pete in for the next six years.

As her soccer career was winding down, she had a choice of either try-ing to go semi-pro, which meant try-ing out for Laval University’s club in Quebec or switching to basketball.

“I loved soccer but I was getting bored [with it] and my love for bas-ketball was too strong,” she said. “I love the action in basketball, it keeps you on the edge of your seat.”

In grade 10, her high school physical education teacher was im-pressed with her athletic ability and told Clarke to try playing basket-ball. At first she resisted the notion. At only five foot five inches, Clarke thought that she would never be good enough to play.

“It was self-motivation. But when my father passed away in 2007 to his battle with cancer, my determina-tion was so much stronger because my dad was my number one fan and

I wanted to make him proud.”Clarke, who was recruited by Ryer-

son during the provincials last year where she won gold medal, is mak-ing waves throughout the women’s basketball community.

Amongst rookies, she is second in steals per game 2.65, first in minutes per game averaging 32.71 minutes per game as well as first in assists per game with 3.53.

“She could be the Rookie of the Year,” said Rob Wright, an assistant coach on the women’s basketball team.

“She’s done a great job for us. We’ve given her a lot of responsi-bility as a rookie [and] so far she’s stepped up.”

While many of her teammates believe that she is deserving of the annual award, captain Kelsey Wright said that by her fifth year that Clarke is going to be an extremely succes-ful and potentially win a CIS Player of the Year Award

“I always wished for an award like that,” said Clarke.

“[But] doing well as team overall means more to me than my individ-ual performance.”

I’m just a first-year guy try-ing to blend in and see what it’s all about.

—Jahmal Jones, point guard

Ryerson’s own Derrick RoseIn his rookie season, Rams point guard Jahmal Jones has already managed to make a name for himself by dominating his oppo-nents. Jones is quickly establishing himself as one of Canadian Interuniversity Sports’ elite point guards. Gabriel Lee Reports

Jahmal Jones driving to the basket. PHOTO: CHRIS DALE

Ashley Clarke taking charge of the offense. PHOTO: STEVEN GOETZ

From the pitch to the hardwoodBY HARLAN NEMERS


Page 9: The Eyeopener — February 2, 2011

9Wednesday, February 2, 2011 Wednesday, February 2, 2011 The Eyeopener

This season’s riches to rags sto-ryline isn’t quite over, but Ryerson’s men’s hockey team’s 3-2 overtime loss to the RMC Paladins in Kingston on Jan. 29 brought the team’s play-off hopes to a new low.

“It’s disappointing to lose against RMC, especially when our stat sheet says we put up 50 shots … the only thing that kept us from getting two points was a hot goalie,” head coach Graham Wise said. “We’ve just been snake-bitten at times this year.”

The Rams (8-15-1) made it to the semi-finals last season after posting a 12-13-3 record and started off the 2010-2011 season on a mission. To return to the playoffs.

After their first 10 games, the Rams only managed to post a medi-ocre 4-6-0 record that still managed to keep their playoff hopes alive. However, those playoff aspirations quickly took a turn for the worse as they proceeded to go on a 10-game

losing streak over a 30-day span.While there are a countless num-

ber of reasons for their disastrous losing streak and overall disappoint-ing season, many people have sug-gested that the team’s home rink has done more bad than good for the underperforming Rams.

Located just West of the Junction, George Bell Arena leaves much to be desired, and is a problem that Ryer-son Athletics Director Ivan Joseph is eager to see solved.

“Next fall, with the new arena in place, I believe we’re going to see an immediate impact,” Joseph said.

“It’s going to be easier to recruit, easier to practice, and just a huge boost to [the team’s] morale.”

The plans to move to Maple Leaf Gardens will stand to be a strong im-provement for the Rams.

Instead of travelling 30 minutes to Keele St. and St. Claire Ave. for a home game, they will be playing in a historic arena a mere three blocks away from campus.

Andrew Bucholtz, an assistant editor at, says the histori-cal aspect of the arena will also be helpful in raising the team’s allure to young prospects all over Can-ada, seeing as how the team’s 25 man roster only features two play-ers from Alberta, while the other 23 players all hail from Ontario.

“The marketing aspect, in terms of prospects and hard cash, are huge,” said Bucholtz.

“And probably most important of all, Ryerson fans will actually go to home games and home-field advan-tage is huge at this level.”

While the transitional feel of George Bell Arena isn’t an obvi-ous reason for the team’s struggles, the many injuries that the Rams have been forced to deal with have played a more prominent role in their disappointing season.

“Injuries aren’t exactly rare at this level of play,” said Bucholtz.

“This may speak to a lack of depth on the Rams this year but they’re still a young team, and it’s easy to predict an upward trend for the next few years.”

Wise noted that while the injury to team captain Marcus Booth, who suffered a broken leg in early Octo-ber, was a major blow to the team, that injuries are never an excuse for

losing.“Yeah we had injuries, but you’ve

got to find a way to win somehow,” he said. “You can point to injuries, we lost some key guys, but that’s never

an excuse. All it does is give other guys a chance to step it up.”

Injuries aside, the team’s statistics reflect their rocky campaign.

The Rams’ shooting and power play percentages currently sit at 8.9 per cent and 11.9 per cent respec-tively, both the lowest in the Ontario University Athletics East division.

Although these under whelming statistics are alarming, Joseph has full confidence in the team and its coaching staff and says he has no plans to shake things up moving forward.

“Coach Wise does a good job, it’s that simple,” said Joseph.

“He’s the right guy for this team, and he does great work. Couple that with a young team, and things look promising.”

To reach the playoffs, the Rams must win all four of their remaining games, while the rival Queen’s Gaels (10-11-3) must lose all four of theirs. The teams meet each other twice more this season.

Wise, who was named OUA East Coach of the Year in 2010 and is now in his fifth season as head coach, is just as optimistic.

“It’s baby steps, and it’s a learn-ing process,” Wise said. “We always strive to get better, and we are.”

First to one of the worstAfter making the semi-finals last year, the men’s hockey team has struggled to produce wins this year. Matthew Kennedy reports

Yeah we had injuries, but you’ve got to find a way to win somehow.

—Graham Wise, Head Coach

Coach Wise does a good job, it’s as simple as that. He’s the right guy for this team. — Ivan Joseph, Athletics Director

The men’s hockey team sulking after giving up a goal. PHOTO: MARTA IWANEK

There’s no pretty way to say it so I’m just going to put it out there.

Losing Boris Bakovic was the best thing that could have happened to Ryerson basketball.

Now I know what you all are think-ing; how can anybody say that losing a guy who is Ryerson’s all-time lead-ing scorer and was widely considered to be the best player in the CIS be a good thing?

Well before you go and get your pitchforks, light your torches and form an angry mob outside of The Eyeopener’s office, just hear me out.

Amidst all of his scoring titles, MVP awards, and overall dominance over the competition, Bakovic was hinder-ing the growth of Ryerson’s basket-ball program.

Now, I’m not saying that Bakovic was a bad guy, nor am I undermining any of his accomplishments or what he did for Ryerson basketball. Hell, I’ve never even met the guy.

The point that I am trying to get across here is how Bakovic’s domi-nance over the rest of the league in-advertently halted the development of a team that was so clearly in need of a makeover.

Here are the facts: since 2002 the Rams have been the proud owners of 47-129 record, only once in the past eight years have they been over 500, and despite having the best player in Canadian college basketball for four years, they have only made the playoffs once and have been unable to make it past the inaugural round.

Behind every success story is a visionary, a man with a plan so to speak.

Roy Rana entered the 2010-2011 season with a ton of young talent and only handful of veterans. A young team that for the most part is oblivious to the losing culture that

Addition by subtraction


To read recaps and watch highlights of all the games this past week, go to PHOTO: LINDSAY BOECKL



has plagued this school for nearly a decade.

Even though some may argue that Jahmal Jones is the team’s most tal-ented scorer, the fact of the matter is that the Rams’ predominantly rookie roster has yet to establish their “go to guy;” which is not necessarily a bad thing because it forces the players to work together and win as a team as opposed to relying on one guy to act as the team’s safety blanket.

Legendary college football coach Joe Paterno once said that “when a team outgrows individual perfor-mance and learns team confidence, excellence becomes a reality,” and that is exactly what Ryerson is do-ing. The Rams must achieve success through teamwork, not through the abilities of a single individual.

Would the 2010-2011 Rams be able to achieve the same growth with the LeBron James of the CIS on their roster? Would the 2010-2011 Rams be able to shape their own identity if they felt forced to feed the ball to their star player? Would the 2010-2011 Rams be able to grow as a team if they felt that they could take their foot off the gas because a guy like Bakovic would make up for it?

Rana is quickly learning that build-ing and implementing a new system from scratch is no easy task and the injuries that he has been forced to deal with have not made matters any easier.

However, despite all of the injuries to the team’s big men, Rana is sticking to his guns. While having undersized players play down in the post is far from ideal, it i just one of the sacri-fices that have to be made in order to properly and effectively ingrain his system into the team’s psyche.

A new era of basketball is upon Ryerson. As of right now, that era has all the pieces for success. The reason for that success is simple, because whether the Rams are winning or los-ing, they are forced to do it together as a team and in the end there is no better system than teamwork.

Page 10: The Eyeopener — February 2, 2011

The Eyeopener10 Wednesday, February 2, 2011FEATURES

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How much we drink

The average person drinks nearly 84 litres, or the equivalent of 334 pints, each year. In other words, we chug about six pints of beer every week. Canadians spent $8.8 million on beer in 2009 and money dished out on beer accounted for nearly half of all alcohol sales across the country.

How it is made

The main ingredients in beer are water, malted barley, hops and yeast. The barley is mixed with hot water to create a porridge-like mixture, which is then drained to separate a sugary liquid called wort. The wort is boiled with hops, a flower from the humulous lupus plant. Finally, yeast is added and the mixture is left to ferment. To see how a keg is made, check out our video tour of the Steam Whistle brew-ery at

NEVER FEAR, YOUR BEER IS HEREIt’s Canada’s favourite drink and we spend our weekends savouring it, chugging it, throwing ping-pong balls in it and just enjoying its bubbly, delicious goodness. Here is everything you need to know about your beloved pint o’ beer — just in case you win the Eyeopener’s Super Sunday Steam Whistle keg giveaway.Features Editor Mariana Ionova reports

How they are different

Most beers fall into two types — ales and lagers — with the main difference being the type of yeast used and the temperature at which they are fermented. Ales are typically fermented at higher temperatures, which gives them a more complex flavour and higher alcohol content. Some popular types include pale ale, amber ale, stout and porter. Lagers, on the other hand, need cooler temperatures to ferment and tend to turn out lighter in colour and drier in taste. Pilsner, bock and dunkel are some popular types of lagers.

How drunk we get

Alcohol levels range from beer to beer, and can be as low as three per cent or as high as 14 per cent. Light varieties usually contain between three and four per cent alcohol, while heavier beers usually have about eight per cent. General-ly, our bodies can metabolize about a pint and a half each hour, otherwise we start getting woozy and pouring our hearts out to strangers. Also, consuming five or more beers (or other alcoholic beverages) in a short time period is considered binge drinking, so keep your intake in check un-less you feel like getting your stomach pumped.

1. A brewery tank holding 3,500 barrels of beer ruptured in 1814, causing a beer wave through a London parish that left nine people dead and demolished two houses.

2. The O’Keefe House used to belong to Eugene O’Keefe, an Irish immigrant who bought a brewery on the corner of Victoria and Gould Streets in 1862. The O’Keefe Brewing company was the first in Canada to produce lager. It became the largest brewery in Canada and merged with Molson in 1989.

3. Vikings believed that those lucky enough to get to Valhalla — Viking heaven — get to enjoy a giant goat with udders that provided an unlimited supply of beer.

Strange facts about beer



: MA




Page 11: The Eyeopener — February 2, 2011

The Eyeopener11 Wednesday, February 2, 2011ARTS & LIFE


The upcoming play Attempts on Her Life by the Ryerson Theatre School fourth-year students is not your conventional play.

The script is what is known as open text, meaning that when the directors and actors received it, there weren’t any characters or specific plots.

“The text is orchestrated so that it leaves the visual sense of the play to whoever is doing the play,” cast-mate Tayves Fiddis said.

What the cast and crew were given was, quite literally, lines in bullet-point form.

“As a group, and under the direc-tion of Jennifer Tarver, we estab-lished who was going to take what

lines and who was going to be in each scene,” Phil Poirier said.

Out of those lines, the director and actors began to flesh out a variety of characters — a feat that is not as easy as it sounds.

“Because there is so much free-dom to create these characters, it’s hard to choose what you want to go for. They could be anything,” Edward Hillier said.

“It’s like a piece of modern art: something you get a feeling from and sort of piece together.”

The result: an abstract represen-tation of the human experience, with an emphasis on our contribu-tion — unintentional or not — to the menacing hate standard in our society. “If you feel passionate about the presentation, it doesn’t really

matter what is being said,” Virgilia Griffith said. “The play is about what appears to be and how we just buy into that. Like the music you hear in a club. Sometimes you listen to the beat and not the lyrics.”

However, the production, by nature, will mean different things to different people — to some, it will mean nothing at all — and that is what the cast is most excited about.

“The more varied the response, the happier I’ll be with it,” Hillier said. “If half of the audience loves it, and half of it is like, ‘what is this shit?’ I’ll be satisfied. It’s got some-thing for everyone, but it also has something not for everyone.”

Attempts on Her Life runs from Feb. 8 to the 12 in the Ryerson Theatre.

The play is about what appears to be and how we just buy into that.

— Virgilia Griffith

We established who was going to take what lines and who was going to be in each scene.

— Phil Poirier

It leaves the visual sense of the play to whoever is doing the play.

— Tayves Fiddis

It’s got something for everyone, but it also has something not for everyone.

— Edward Hillier

Attempting to shake up the crowd



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Page 12: The Eyeopener — February 2, 2011

Ryerson is filled with students tot-ing cameras around their necks, lug-ging film equipment, dragging life-sized art projects, sporting the latest trends and in certain buildings even prancing around in dance tights.

A glance at the campus would tell you that students eat, sleep and breathe the arts. But the low student attendance at Ryerson’s various art shows may tell you otherwise.

Multiple end-of-year art shows are held in second semester to display work from students in the faculty of communication and design (FCAD). There’s the fashion program’s Mass Exodus fashion show, photography’s Maximum Exposure festival, New Media’s META graduation exhibition and the theatre school’s Choreo-graphic Works, New Voices and the upcoming fourth-year play Attempts on Her Life.

“We are primarily marketing to different audiences,” says Robert Ott, chair of the fashion school.

The fashion school has been put-ting on Mass Exodus for more than 20 years. With around 5,000 guests attending every year, Mass Exodus is the largest student produced fash-ion event in Canada. The show is well known to industry professionals and the media, but Ryerson students are left in the dark. Ott says they market first to friends and family, sponsors, media, future applicants to the pro-gram and then to Ryerson students. The same goes for Maximum Expo-

sure, META and the theatre school’s shows.

“They might have heard of it,” says Carina You, organizer of Maximum Exposure. “But in terms of details they probably don’t know what it is.”

Maximum Exposure showcases film and photography work from image arts students. It’s a part of the Contact Photography Festival, which is the largest photography festival in the world and takes place in the Queen Street gallery district. This year Maximum Exposure will be held

at the Gladstone Hotel, and not be-ing on campus may account for stu-dents not making it out to the show.

“It’s moved from being a school show to being a legitimate exhibi-tion,” says Yu.

META deals with another problem. It’s only five years old and not widely known on campus yet. They’re try-ing to get the student population’s attention with bake sales, social networking, posters and advertis-ing with student media. But project coordinator Ankita Dasgupta, knows that becoming a familiar name to 30,000 students won’t happen over-night.

“It’s just a matter of time for it to become recognized,” she says. “Until people hear it over and over again.”

Most Ryerson students have heard of the theatre school, but that doesn’t mean the productions put on by the dance and theatre pro-

grams get any higher student atten-dance. Shows at the theatre school cost anywhere between $12 and $18, which many students just aren’t willing to spend.

“It’s university and you need to think about what you’re spending your money on,” says Petra Popescu-moody, the PR and events coordina-tor for the theatre school. “People would rather stay home after a hard

day at school than go to a show.”Students in FCAD are more famil-

iar with the shows in their faculty because many of the programs work together to stage each show.

Karen Labis, a second-year pho-tography student does see the value in attending these shows.

“They have something to do with my program so I think it’s important for me to see what’s going on.”

The Eyeopener12 Wednesday, February 2, 2011ARTS & LIFE

Loren Hendin takes attendance for our end-of-year showsPHOTO: ARTHUR MOLA

We are primarily marketing to different audiences.

— Robert Ott,School of Fashion Chair

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Page 13: The Eyeopener — February 2, 2011

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What’s your Super Sunday party style? 1. What’s your drink?

a) Coors Light b) Steam Whistle c) Gin and tonic d) Alcohol is the elixir of sin

2. You ideal party has:a) As many people as possible b) A group of my closest friends c) A select group of social elites d) Me, myself and I. Then again, three’s a crowd

3. It’s your birthday. Where do you decide to host the shindig?

a) Brunswick House b) My apartmentc) The Spoke Club d) Pfft. Such Western decadence

4. If you could live in any Toronto neighbourhood, you would choose:

a) The Annex b) West Queen West c) King West d) None of them. Toronto is a dy-ing city

5. You bring the host/hostess:

a) Nothing. BYOB applies to the hosts too!b) A bottle of cheap red wine c) A bottle of Grey Goose. If you’ve got it, flaunt itd) Oh, to be invited to a party

6. Your go-to party out-fit consists of:

a) A tee-shirt with my favourite sports team’s logo and light-wash jeans from the Gapb) A plaid shirt, distressed denim and Chuck Taylorsc) Anything black, tailored and flatteringd) Why bother with such frivoli-ties?

7. Your favourite food is a) Chicken wings b) Anything vegan and gluten-free c) Mushroom caps, stuffed with crab meat d) A buck that fell by my own knife

8. Why do you want to attend a Super Sunday party?

a) Um, I love football? b) It seems like a fun tradition to share with friends. That, and irony c) Any excuse for a party is a good excused) Get back to me on that one

9. Aside from football, your favourite sport is:

a) Basketball/Baseball/Hockey b) I have a very egalitarian view of sports c) Yeah, sports aren’t really my thingd) Anything with “to the death” in the name

You don’t need to win a keg from Steam Whistle and the Eyeopener to celebrate Super Sunday. Determine your party style

RESULTS MOSTLY AsWhy not get together with a group of your closest friends and head out to a busy sports bar, like Elephant & Castle? It’s an easy way to ensure that the energy stays high and food supply doesn’t run out. Also, this is a great way to meet new friends.

MOSTLY Bs A traditional Super Bowl party may be the perfect thing for you. Invite some friends over to your place, whip up some finger foods (might I suggest sweet potato fries?), buy a six-pack or two and just wait for the fun to happen. Try to load your iPod with good music so that the party can continue into the evening after the game has ended.

MOSTLY Cs To make the most of your Su-per Bowl Sunday, head over to a posh lounge like the Zagat-rated C Lounge or Dazzling Lounge. But be warned: the dress-code will be far more casual than usual. But if keeping it classy is of the utmost importance, you’d be better off mixing cocktails and exchanging banter while the game plays on low volume in the background.

MOSTLY Ds Maybe a Super Sunday party isn’t for you.

— By Allyssia Alleyne

The Eyeopener 13Wednesday, February 2, 2011 COMMUNITY

Wings and beer are party classics, but feel free to think outside the box.



Page 14: The Eyeopener — February 2, 2011

The Eyeopener14 Wednesday, February 2, 2011BIZ & TECH

Pwn on the goMatt Braga gives you a preview of the two hottest handheld gaming consoles set to duke it out this year

VsTwo of the industry’s biggest

names, Nintendo and Sony, are set to release new gaming handhelds this year that promise to be faster, bet-ter and stronger than anything we’ve seen yet.

First up is Nintendo’s newest hand-held, the 3DS. Successor to the com-pany’s wildly popular DS and DSi models, the 3DS boasts improved graphics, more enhanced online connectivity, and system software that closely resembles their student-friendly Wii console.

However, the big difference here is that Nintendo hopes to entice po-tential gamers with the wonders of

glasses-free 3D. Using what’s called a parallax barrier display, the 3DS can simulate a 3D image without the need for traditional glasses, some-thing that Nintendo hopes will make for more immersive and innovative games. Players can even use the handheld’s built-in cameras to create and share 3D images.

And that’s something that no one else — not even the iPhone — has.

But that’s not to say Nintendo’s implementation is perfect. Players must face the screen from a very precise position, even slight move-ments can break the illusion entirely. The ‘amount’ of 3D effect can be low-

ered, or even turned off entirely, but it doesn’t bode well for what is un-doubtedly the 3DS’s defining feature.

Meanwhile, Sony announced the successor to their PlayStation Por-table handheld in an announcement last week, codenamed “Next Genera-tion Portable”, and early reports indi-cate this is going to be one impres-sive device. With a quad-core CPU, support for 3G cellular data and a five inch high-resolution OLED screen, the NGP is the most capable mobile device yet.

That translates to bigger, better

games — titles that Sony claims will be nearly equal to the PlayStation 3 in terms of graphics quality. But what’s nearly as impressive is how those games will be played. Just like your standard PlayStation 3 gamepad, the NGP has two analog joysticks, and full SIXAXIS motion-control capabilities — not to mention a touch panel on the back of the device.

Of course, all that high-tech hard-ware will come at a price — one that will undoubtedly exclude all but the most dedicated student gamer. Sony hasn’t discussed pricing just yet, but

when released by year’s end, it’s un-likely you’ll be paying anything less than $400 for this thing — at least.

As far as games are concerned, you know what to expect; both compa-nies are preparing their big franchises for launch, ranging from StarFox and Mario on the Nintendo side, to Little Big Planet and Uncharted from Sony.

The difference is that you’ll be play-ing those Nintendo titles a lot sooner. With a release date of March 29, and a suggested retail price of $249.99, the 3DS will be first to the market — just in time for exam season, too.

Nintendo’s 3DS (left), which offers glasses-free 3D, and Sony’s “Next Generation Portable” (right) will hit markets this year.

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Page 15: The Eyeopener — February 2, 2011

The EyeopenerWednesday, February 2, 2011 (BEER) FUN(NELS) 15



How do you pass time to avoid studying? Write it down and drop it off. Winner gets a Super Sunday party with a Steam Whistle Keg and all the fixin’s along with a ridiculous amount of pizza from the Eyeopener. Here’s how to do it:

1) Find us on Facebook or at the Eyeopener office (SCC207)

2) Give us your best excuse to avoid studying

3) Include your name, birthdate, student number

4) Get back to studying!

Steam Whistle & The Eyeopener want allof-age Ryerson students to


TO WINAnd now, a word from the small type. Remember, the large print giveth, and the small print taketh away. The contest is open to current Ryerson University students who have reached the age of majority. That means 19. Not “almost 19”. No purchase necessary. Winners and party attendees consent to having their images used for promotion and advertising (you’ll be famous). One entry per person, of 100 words or less. Yes, 100 words. If you go over, you will be mocked and you won’t be entered. Draw will take place on February 3, 2011, during the day. The draw will be conducted by someone you all know, and winners will be notified as soon as possible, so start cleaning up your living room. Note that you can’t be intoxicated when the prize is delivered. If you are, no beer for you. You can have pizza though. Prize consists of: 1 keg of delicious Steam Whistle Pilsner beer, a tap for the keg, environmentally-friendly cups for the beer and some other Steam Whistle goodies. Oh and ice. About 25 pounds of ice. Don’t want any warm beer, do we? The Eyeopener will be supplying you with some tasty pizza and treats to make your Superbowl experience that much better. We’re not responsible for hangovers or indigestion.



LAST WEEK’S “MIKE IS ALL MUM” ANSWER: Mike did not call the police because he is a baby. The robbers awoke him when they entered but he fell back asleep. WINNER: MATT VERI!!!



Name: ____________________________________________E-mail:____________________________________________Answer:___________________________________________

POEMS FROM MY BLEEDING <3If Chris could punch the manWho decided on the prices of popcorn and drinkAt his local cinemaHe gladly would(Harsh thing to sayBut then again Chris is a harsh man)So the tension of the situationIs compounded by theFact that that same manIs Chris's father-in-law —L Richardson


byPeter Wong



Page 16: The Eyeopener — February 2, 2011

The Eyeopener16 Wednesday, February 2, 2011





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