  • •n

    THE EVENING NEWS.Vol. 2, No. OS PLAINF1ELD, : N. J. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1888. Price Two CenU.

    Perfect Eye RestorerWithout Drags or Eye lotionsYour SPECTACLES


    IMPORTANT to Persons Suffering from Loss of Sight,

    Cataracts,or granulated lids-opthalmic catarrh,' tumors orcancers of the eye and other-obscure diseases proclaimedincurable by physicians.

    Prof. Wilson wili remain onemore week in I'hiinfield andmay beconsultedfree of chargeat all hours at Laing's Hotel.

    IMS tn••MM OF T H E 1

    [Fna'tb* Cbrbtia* « Work, April *, itti.}Mr WiUon a.lvertbr* fan garment. In an-

    other column. We have midi many Inqairka tin r.*»li« are favorable, andtime* w1i.< are -raring th* p r i w l • Bay thny

    tly beoeflttrd. PacU are Mabborn

    -Wily, tartly engaged during tbe

    pelttkm advocating hl« appointment to tb*xrtition or poatnaatar of PlaJafleld. expect*

    art for Washington next until after the inauguration, and

    _ aumg-b thereafter to aarura *ioo at hb clai im in UM •Tent of a—It fa' poMible that tht data nf tb* Sntrtn re tn be given by Prot FMn m Befarm

    Club Hail wm be changed from Satarnay,FVbroary 98, to Monday foUoarfn*;. Thb bproposed In nrder to auinnnmodato many•nbacrf ben who deaire to *ae Draman Thomi•nfiatVutto HaH on Saturday evei>inc. 1tbe chance b made even mbaerlbar will benotified by postal oanL F '

    -The tkatint: rink oraa* b still on the |a>u>. Asanlaatanoe of thb b the fad

    that on the onto door of no* of our no*prominent lawyer* tha follow in* notioe wai

    ltd reoently: "Gone tn the skating- rink,tedown;" bat a* the «ipialnre -did mmans with the initial* of the proprb*

    Of the onto, it b prahabty tbe work of thenfltoe atadent-KIIsAbeth HeraM.

    [Fraa. ike PUbficld E n n i c Miin, Feb. a*, 'Is-Laat evtiii.ig ProT. Wllut Wctand U

    aad *Ubd lhat be hart fie* w in , tb.

    . . , ntoexpbia bow hehad Buffer*) for 14 yean, aod (old of the in-stant twlttt to bad obtained after two app»-

    TbeProfrawn-hairnet which'men tnccreithat ho inion-l" to remain Another week, andens-aaa a Ueger ball. H* b doing aomaWQSSOTMI ttaWs | wbtoh, ^ ^ U ^ a ' v ^ r

    yPP0^* aar cauw* If*. , ». , w^^ ̂ ~~ mow, wa in1!** iw jiiiaitp^a K> iiiMifmTS n»

    ibb *tatem«nU. Bnt l a m are the facta.

    to prodooa the deatred lmpraadon uponpublic mind than any effort in a rimOarwe have ever eoeountnrwl The medic*)profeiafcD na* at laat m.-t It* eloquent Bob

    nineteenth cntur^'*He hat dhmveratT andprocMmnl tb* trutli that droc* >od wvcallpd

    flcial to be^th and ttiat th« altnple elnaenHand force* of .laiu™, when jmt I j aid proo-

    BfmW. TbeiaarTdloa.eiwyaioflbe Wil-son UariosnU i" tb. bwt thdomnvnt oftheir T*1U* aud tScacj. A remedy *, . im-

    l* ai-d and eetacloaM (baervw to be made

    or the law by waioh the ihave I m rwWoted. Tha facultyfor* eocdiaAy urko.1 and »itti itola.-thkVWwi.lcht-rrrtrn *ho>id be — 1 - 1 . Krerr » •f r W > l | W * n . l V . . . U p a w of theThe Profnur will onderta':* tb* mof aight in «T*TT inetamw »ber» the an- hasn I I n II i i iltefinagul ii. aad will do thiewithiB one year fVonTiale of flrrt treatment.In lmudrvdt of hwtaner* the effect* h Mbeen prodoned in a tur toan . If roat

    Tba price of T n Italia delivered by earriar, la ten cent* a weak. OoOacUoo

    t every two weak* by » regular oottae-

    «a .m , Ml #a . tb9m.m...i 27| tta.m,

    IS m .M | IS in.3pm. j l p . m

    • .^ 8 60»a.m|«a-*bt- . 1 B^488 a.0.

    —Tha Salvation Army evidently thinkBlfsabath need* reforming, Cor they now

    •e three different braatnnB* an that city.Mabee and E.iglbh bit Sown yesterday

    * d county, where

    a few nigbta ago aa. In w u t ivins a p-rtorm-ana- In Trenton, sift i« therobv rsqaired to

    T in a MM brought by Jmeph B.Jennb of Newark for th# recovery of dam

    *n*t«(nrt by the fattnre t- fgiv* a per-•anoe Saturday. Feb. 31, at tha Park

    Theatre, Newark. H. 1. Mr. Dannb bof the owner* ot th* Caelpo of thb city.

    -Tha "Unch. Tom*. Oabfai" performanceat tbe MiMlr Hall On Monday evenlnst waaattnwlnl by oaa'nf the imrgtut •udfanoa yetgathered there. Alth.mgh tlw pbo* baa ram

    etter rendered, •>•» «f th* acton cave.od *atbfaotlon. W: K UaMOX, the prop-ty min of tb< MQ*IC Ball, aader wboaamn*rsm*nt tba play waa flv.n, elaarad

    aboot 1300 on tb* performance. Ha *p*ntmnob time aad ear*, ta oonnfetion withprodootton and (ally earaed the imoaM.

    —E litor John V. Babcock. FUatnsaatar athej Bmn. wick, now andar a doad, haa>od record of Wo roan y yaara to make iriler*himdbaonaat. Everyman, aod par-olarfv eviry Jeornaltat. who'know* bin-,

    -ill repodlata any impolaiton .••cttnjI eaaraeter. From an acqaal ntan.

    over HTUMI ypan which ire bar* had within., w. regard Ma»>aa^h man of carrie*.

    Of the aMoBt JonmaHit* In tha Sketa.Hebnotdbhonoat. Hb haMtnal earalaawiaaib no donbt tbe caues of hb preaant dHBcntty.

    > heartily dialika tbaatyb which Prof,adoptalnhbadvertlarmenai In Tn«

    Krwi. W- l-ikwe him to b* anything batwhat hb adraatheaaant* In oar Judgment

    y ae>OtBll

    woudorfDl Btorta* of the elect of bb Acttna

    t eatarrb aad • numUr of other die-and tome of tbem have given befora

    n* praotloal dem .nitration of tbe efficacyb innocent looking apparatus We believeb article* have merit extraordinary, aad

    that account regret that bafind* It anwamry to attack tba modtoal pro-

    ion. Bat be pay* Ilk* a ermee, and haau Into a contract, whereby, ao long a*

    fact the•r we like it or n

    Officer McCue yesterday attempted" M m OUea for batnc drank. Gib.

    >U in eluding UM offlosr and n uFraaoh*.

    thabrank. Wh>«

    not yet reported, but it b generally believedthat whan it do** it will report favorablyand that th* WU [will p u t It haa a teady pa-ed th. Senate.A raaroaa a n kald yaHarday that ha

    jodgad that Mr. Catof* apeacb. altboogh•trdogly In opposltlan to It, had helped tb«

    iloog. The geaaral belief that but for' " damgawtralkaw of what a n known

    ag-bahtd eraiiki of the Jersey CityIon in oppoaftton to the bUlitcoukl

    eaaily have baen tmootnad over withoot

    aaaoHr the relfroad* < m

    WiUlam H.Adaia* appeared befor-Jnatlo*Kattoonoo Monday *v*o ing with • . ptae»ing M»J tabnbing yotrai nsbi and aakad (be

    uUio* to marry them. Tbb ha did. Yes-terday aftenioo-., Adant* waa bronght before

    latics Sraitk, of Fauwood, and JotUceIfaah, of this city, to aaawar ba a mitbrowght by tbe Overwier of tha Poor for tbempport and mainteuaao* of » child aboot to

    woman b> married—during con-mt Mo aabna* wa* made. Adam*

    iving bond* to pay S3.S0 par weekv th* mpport of, the child and tOO for tbe

    earoof th* mother. As ha was baring tb*

    * to a wai t thea M M l t w o

    , M dboharcad. Th* latter; we* mad* by th* aggrieved wo-

    ovhato *a*n) waa plsonl m the middle of UMSoar aad tbe aaad mooped Sat and hi " '

    tba akaUag aarfao. Attar thaaa

    for MVeral day*,•xeiring th* carlo* ity of th* mat ti tail e ofpropb who have TbttBd tha Bi..k. The

    piwded, bat *ooa (Uriad off at *ii ordinarygait, th* ciap ot "the ahaa* on ttw Boor

    Mdlng lika a number of BmaJi trip

    opon the Man, oaaeing bothrevolve aaJb* latter Ii batog dragged, tb*r«volrmg*to» with tbe interwahg *andh b grinding alt frragolarMa* off ib*

    •jgbt, aad b to ha ripaattd every few ior a* often as may be found n u r w r y |

    lab DMMinga, wad neariy 3.000 attmidingta.BtiU»an Mueic Hall to wttawMtha pro-ti action of Uncle Tom'* Cabi a.

    That thb ipMt b nut •paamodlc(toed to IkwM three channel*, b •town by

    haracter of tb* many permanent pa*

    » generally. Wa can Uetifyfrom paranwal •xptrbuos totfab tpirit aa

    T M NEWS. LookMourad

    Inquire of yomr neighbor* and yoo will flndnou-r*aJan of Tn« If KITS ara a*whit* black bird*.

    Oar army of *Bh*orib*rs aad /local people. We all try to- help each

    they otharwba might be, and• -alBBoat axouutvoty to | M v a >

    "Waybaok," u d for advwtb-Inly apoo New York ad-b not the nal t 1 ta*

    P*opb, but b no doabt Urgdy due to the" sy ere not regarded ari hxal

    They have a n CM rit y for-bicU that we abouldaay they are a o x - d that

    oold asartMty balWve that tb*y are in-» . aa they are, to ta* eoll, a ana whichaa prolific.* the •nirtt of t a t t p r i i .

    partieoJariy ot late, that PbinflaMan a nnowadaym born twl.ij, u wilnaai tbam relai^l in T n Efi wa front Um* to

    tonal Chiircba* wffl be held with the Con-gratational Charon of tUt city to-nwrrow.— rogram of tbe rn—ting* b aa follow.:

    J. I. IwUt, D. D.Tfc* pe*»T wiU U loB«na- by a 4bca»ioB.A gawnal invitation b rat*ad*d to any

    who would like to attend thaw meeting*.

    The union revival Barrioe* ml*itt wMk in tha Pint Baptbt Cunrch, Bar.

    Dr. Hnrlbut n m charge aad aaofe evrnina;' ' ' ht

    petm aait; jarm Oab

    given for Otriattaa teatlnony.•arvtea there ar* *OBM oonrerta to tea of

    ; joy they ham found. Th* }Cfcorbtar. add greatly to

    th. PVat Praabytorian charch, will


    r BMnnr»«, II. W., reb. at—K Babcock, editor ot th* FVwioaia.ii, • iparted to have baaa rmuir i for CM* e fre

    homaom, WA. 30. - T b .

    paat two o'clock, athi-ffi Somanet etreet. North PieJnaeld. Mr.~erry waa on* of las but kn

    > tab Tuaatty, aad tat an:• danth will earry Borrow to many bearta.Mr. Barry waa born in Dover, Morri*

    enmity, i" tfcb Stale, on January 18, 1812,waa ooneeqontty TS year* of age. HetoUibciCy orw fifiy year, ago and

    engaged as a dark lu a atore, am I Mbse-14a—Mj eatrred UllllMl a* a deaferYankee notion*. Ha afterward becamehardware merchant, atarting tin boainea

    itrolled by B-rry and Thorn, otwhich firm hb KMI b a member. He re-tained hb mtereat in tbb bu-i>>e»*untU »bont

    year* ago, when be retirwl. He haa.-, alway* retailed an lntereaC in the

    •t which lie founded,waa a familiar oi» there. Several

    _ ago be waa elected Collector of Bonier-•M county, which otto* be retained for•Bvernl yean. He ha* alao 91

    poslUon* hi the gift of tb*waa prominently idi-nliHwl with tba in-terest* of Korth Flalafiald, where be .ownedoonatderabU real esUta. and alway* tookacttr* part in all Meampw tandiitg to pro-

    tb. welfare of thB community. H- » unoted Cur bb charity, ant bb familiarfigure will be greatly nttoaed. He wa* aa at-tend at tha Fir*t BapUM church.ruaeral *sr*toM wil I take plaes from hb lat*

    on Hatorday afternoon at hall

    —Tb*BDow*torm which *et in lat* laatevening aad beted until about nine o'clock

    aonrfag wsa'ta* kuvest of tba an•ow beteg oror two feet deep in pUcas.

    Casino' IROLLER


    Friday Evening,and

    Saturday Matinee and Evening,The Universal Favorites,' * ' MASTER '

    and MISS EDNA


    Tile rillll*»l Lady |H FfcalMfcH ^



    Or Rubbers,Vifit

    23 West Front St.Solid Goods at Low Priees.


    Ladies' Hair Drcnacr,HAIR etioos T gar rout pmces.

    ™ to Bi».


    Satiirdaj ETening, Febraary 2 ^DENMAN THOMPSON, 1


    G. F.Jfc C. E. Brown,




    111 fisAi uamilj*. Heir

    iGEO. F. BROWJJ, I


    Cabinet Photograph's,

    Family Clube a Specialtyj


    Perfect Eye Restorer VitlMt Dn$ or Eye lotions.




    MPORTAMT to Person Safer- io^ from Loss of Stgkt,

    Cataracts.or granulated lids, opt halm it catarrh, tumors or cancers of the eye and other obscure diseases proclaimed incurable by physicians.

    Prof. Wilson will remain one more week in Plainfield and may be consulted free of charge at all hours at Laing's Hotel.

    Tit* nuswira arm.

    Saturday Ewning. Febrnuj Ui DERI AX THOMPSON. >



    Secure Your Seats.

    The Universal Favorites, MASTER •


    Paper and MISS EDNA



    •GEO. F. BROWN, ■» ~^.e.ii« ii.a.i. Monthly Tickets, $1.50

    Cabinet Photographs,

    aTthorns h. McNamara,

  • •••Slue ginning &ttx>*.

    Only D u l y Pape* .a PlatmiaUI.


    if: - •

    us E

    igy J3

    SHIP ;jiiiflrjii

    •. l x o l | r , TOJ3.

    J r t m t d Brook.I. «. WOOTTEH. b - n l M»»«sw

    O. HANCOCK. G-T •*»*. ••« Tfckrt AftR. r. BA LDWtM.

    o—n E t c * l U w w r A m i


    In the case of Kuhl et al vs Corner • et al,decided by tfce Maryland Court of Appealson the i2ih insr-. it appeared that the ap-pellee*, commission merchant* in Baltimore.receive? a shipment of a carload of•'Champion" flour of 125 barrets from oneMerian, of Minneapolis. Minn., without

    . order. Merian advised tbe appellees of the. shipment by letter, staling theprice at which

    ' the firm should sell toe flour. No bill oflading was sent the appellees, but at therime of tbe shipment a shipping receipt was

    * .taken from tbe railroad companv for theflout, aad thai, with a draft 00 tbe appelleesior feoo, was placed in Bank for transmis-sion to Baltimore, but was subsequently-•ithdrawQ aad was never sent. Subsequentto the shipment to die appellee* Merian and•Company received an order for floor [torntbe appellants,, and decided 10 change tbe

    «b)pment aod to send to the .appellants ibis. «at of dour on their order with a bill of

    lading. Accordingly the Chicago agent ofthe railroad company was telegraphed to holdtbe flour, as Merian wished to cbongi

    the appellants, but Inttme tbe Sour came to Baltimore labeled

    for the appellees and was delivered to them.. The bill of lading in favor of tbe appellants,

    W i t t , draft on then Ior *6is, was presentedby Merian to the Security Bank of Minnesota,and the draft was cashed by tbe bank, which•sent both bill of lading and draft to the Bankof Commerce in Baltimore, lo which baok theappellants paU the draft, and received in con-•{deration of inch payment the bffl of ladint

    lor the flour. Ascertaining that tbe flour hadbeen received by tbe appellees, tbe appellant*demand payment of the same, and tbe Haiti-more and Ohio Railroad, the carriers of the

    ^ -cargo, deataadBd the Hour. Tbe lower court•decided that lh« appellee were entitled to it,Tmt the Com t of Appeal* held that tbe ap-pellants were the proper custodians ofJour, having ordered and. paid for It. tbe ap-anpellee* not hating ordered it, and that they"had the right to maintain tbeii action in Che

    ription in th«ae words,. "We. thed. berebj Ribscribe fee the amount

    of stock oppotite our names, and agree lo paytbe fame In four quarterly installments, vit.;Xetwuary If, April 15. June is and AugustH5. for the purpose of fanning a company toerect an academy of music." was held by the

    1 .of Georgia to be. on its face,being entirely

    silent as to the location attd nature of tbejtrocture, as to whether the company was to%t a joint slock company or an incorporation,

    ]Uh the object sought and as to the mode andBiethod of raising the ncce»saiy fund to com-plete and equip the building, the *pWrkpur-«o**a for which it was to be need, tod theTtay in which its bnsiaes was to be con-tlncted, HciMlrw v*. Academy of

    «$ded February 7.

    WAS fT A


    NEW Y O U , p»b. 96.—Wtan ex-Jodga A.. Butt*, counsel for I n Yseolt Dudley,

    and when shown into the privateroom of the lawyer produced a htaek bor-dered letter, purporting to hare baeu re-cetTfd bynin. from hi* nwthw, L m ^ T h a . -

    huai. la the letter the writer amid thatas uncfe of the young man had *ud-dtoly died, leaving a large fortune ' to U*nephew, and tl_ tt tbe family aotiettor and aMr. A. E. Hall, to whom tbe young man had

    ce been apprenticed, bad sailed in the Brit-nic and would be ta New York the latter

    tten bf • Mr ."** :** * •ertain diamond ring whichImdouo puriitoBdrromkis

    h army, tbat• TTmii-s

    i T i ' & Mhtai t * ,who** name be gan, and Mr. A. B. Hall badarrived la* Saturday and wwr> ttoppto* atHy jFlOfc A f hwlal; -M* a» *«d WCTITWI

    M l with him tor Moao'clock at MM hotel, sodMM fa a o o o s m ^ W to •MMt th* t w 4 U U t a K > Uaitfc

    Mr. Butta left bis oOVe to ct

    MtaroffcHm*akm and wanted to •ho w tbe letter to th»baTkBspsr. Mr. Bntto banded the Mtar tothe fellow, who Mt in tbe direction of Chat-

    look o( tbe whole transaction

    ad of going to Chatlenter, Ryan's attorn,a n McDennott wa. .hot at

    ago. After a few minute. ~to leave tbe "

    bra street. Within* half"houY the feUcwap-peared again at Mr. Butts' office, fayingthat be bad failed to redeem the ring, butwould meet Mr. ButU at 6 o'clock at tbe"ifth av«iue hotoi.

    Upon inquiry at the Fifth Avenue hoteleaterdav it w M learned

    1 that Judge Buttahad called there at • o'clock on Monday tvm-mg, but that neither tbe BngUsb solicitor norMr. Ball were gueate of tba hotel. Tbe pau-•anger IM of the Britannic, which arrivedbut Saturday. show* the name of A. El Han,.but tbe place where Mr. Hall ta stopping intbe city £oulu not be aaeartafneA ^ ^ "

    Mr. Bo tt*, when totervtowd on tbt mattera*t n%h*. a*1 lull tell the BMta to be as stated. <He made light of the matter, characterUingtha whole traomctiau aa probably the freakofa.Trank. The 1 >iHy mspiciooa circumstanceof the case » the communication kept Up by

    •on with Ryan's saloon 00t, which ta * nofc.rt.uB raaort

    on river- mod harbors. Th. bar**-of refugeatfhmdy bay, which wa* to b* a great i -tional week, wan the first to fall; thea Gal-T«ton harbor, with its jetties, w*. torn out.Capt. Ead. wa. sacrlflosd, the harbor cflea-m " r i o n f«Vd >w better, and cruel Mr. Hoi-

    mtaatoBi by rurtltam than practically ondertbe secretary ot war. With the little life klthe bill it i. doubtful if it eaa d*ag ita frameto and throttgn tbe matte ha tba 1

    Ksw York; Grand Treasurer, Jamas C Art-ken, of Hew Yrfk; Ora&d Representative," — * Jamba, of BrookJuL

    BcTTAXtx Feb. jf,._An unkaown yoou;man arrived in tb . Tillage of Niagara F ^«W dinner at the lUpidn h o c , and at 5 p . *WMttottHioBbridfA After taking, lot*

    dead on the ice where be stood. Beregster at any hotel, and not •paper nor anything for hi* Mrtcould be found in ma ckrtbet. The mooogrmn"C. W." wa* in hi. hat and on bat bandkar-

    y e oonpany,d killed Ly the ProrldenotCB

    O a u m n , O., Pob. * . ~ 8 a o w oaQ hare


    • I

    c*«trout** liKh iimlthi t 1 I • '.1pbdbTAeacoisS: ^he oourt — crowed.Jnda* BiriWawTia Us«b«*r»toltl« grandjury, rarlewad the awMowl ba»Ma«t act, par-t taUarty faragart torWatto tht Bfore the- jury were ofBcera of

    gt, par-t Bs-

    Thaatwwa* o* oarefally deansd, aod ciUMo* pnviou ease* reported wera -rtad. "It tanmdless to dnwu." said Judge, 8

    " ' KthecflbMea."lttod t th

    BAKTTOKB, rfb. Si.—B. Enwry Johnson fswof tbu wealthiwt gentleraen k. the pretty

    village of Moodu*. in tha lower Connectfcutvaltov. ffci* manage of „

    a e o , b rejected. B y a t w wof the will Mrt And™, was to repair* «*,

    A d to'w appeal.

    work on tfaeaf tteory,which they hop* will fumtah a sutatfon of•bemytery. Tfc. ooat found tat tM boat wa*oarafully «amii rf, and ta reported by a*craniag paper to fa* old aad not *ncfa a*

    «2n,um. "iTit

    with Uaviug nboqt him.



    to Th» WorM atys; rti—liil LamaiH* eeofer-o n with Preeideutfllect .Cfenhud wa* »rerr long one. He -was welcomed by Mr.O r W a t S f. * . Moaday.^tookdinn^

    LanardU not return to tbenoon.aDd to had

    dinner aal boarflr NewTork. He said

    to my anytbing re-gardtog tbe Wterrtew be bad wiUiMr. Ckrve-laoit Be aald that be did not feat at nberty

    rhaiUMT bad emvened about, and

    lii.MX jiH III IS u il I I — i l The Ttettor. wbooall upon Hr. Ctereland corns away withpadlock.00 their moaths. AB M i 11 iMniabort the .-abioat ai of the baarsar order and


    FreaUaM Arthur will i i . i i ln in Waabing'• amral day* after tb* inauguratian ofm anwiawrir. a* the p e s t of 8e«ratary Tra-iwhuyasn. H. will tbau take pomaaaoa oftaraaUatKein Kewyorkctty already pro-ired for him. About Urn lat Ih June bt


    JIT. Feb-».—Ther approwrf the OnAnnj at tba .al wUrh tried Brio. O«n. Swaim. Th-t of tka ouart is that Oeo. Swaim btW I k• •li i i ifaj fram rawtfc and duty for 19 yw

    and to forfeit one-harf his monthly pay itmrOatperiod. —-w w

    ThtafavlmE, which the preatdetrtproved, wa* the third In thto case. 1mrd** of the court •uopendaa the(Man rank, duty -M pay for threTfcepf»«ld*otwnt01i-haek as not«.

    for one y^r. with forfeit™ of all pay 6.̂ 1the tame period, and at the end of that periodto be rsdarad to th« crade of judij* advocate.with th*. rank of major m the jndge adr '

    lower rank in th. . ,oflke now betd by him fa a part 1. _ ,of enforrrtn™! by the ciecutiTe alow! WittU * crtUcitm befew Asm to? ooort-martialfb«Ilyo>ddrdtoioapmdO«n. awalm for Ityaara FraMdsas Arthur, while approvimrIlia-a-lilmiiiiilpllillilll 1 if tka ttire*, a n itk> dilBcult to tmdersMad how tbe roort could

    •VpneM t*> asaa* of his aaawaa* to _the dottea of hi* hnportaot eAwta In the two"artier Mtdoacat, oader atther of which bfwould ban been depriTtd permanently of hk(U The IS yearVawpenMao dates b»


    nr TOBK, Feb. K—Judge Bouston, amat tb* rvnivm of th> West Shore m i , laidtt»at If there wa« a«y 1oundaScsT for the re-port that Mr. VandorbOt H trriag to buy optawWettflb**. road ha would be lfkaf 'kmwv tt. - A j j t was, ha had a»h»o on thetheory o* uuKvenoB the law declare* that tlutftheory •hall be accepted aad tfae :*n*i*«4edmaa acquitted. & I* not enough, thai u »

    " spobjtteprobabkiruflt Tbryevery other pnaumpUon than

    toajiuit that

    ^JSMTdt'*^ "I^STttetet-• • l l ' l l " - tarBarjwteMi pranf of aninttmacy I M W M aba. WafnwT^fct ^ iRockweUwoutd ba offend, ha said aa* hadbM*i shown to bt together but ooc , and thaton a public (treat, wtta the woman1* daugh-

    .canvamlhrat years ago, nor did it giT.promiM Of aOMUav hi. canraa. last tall.Th* state at leaat praanted no erHeuce of it.

    abHafraidfrfhim. The <0*result of collusionHockwdl. -'W

    the proof r he aaked. "It's onlj a (

    Sa%ndnMawwUnt gOtog"tb-t-«yMary ABB Branson, "and sbe." Uwdeclared, "could not have aseo him."

    - ' n. Judge Bafnnan dwelt uponthe aribi, aaaaDed the cootra-' 9d with a peroration that

    Aa aya* Of n t t j at the

    ration to k»k after htaaeoatiorial ffnc™. Itta generally thougbt that he will ba ap-pointed by the governor to flll tb* vacancy

    Blair's t=rm, expiringmeatsinJune.a for tola term.

    Loirrx>», Feb. 35.—TIbat the visit of Aa a r oWales to Inland, which ta arranged for nextApril, wiB «e too late to haie tfae moraleffect intended. The Torts, expreai tbe ba-bef that the royal pair will be treated withaullen dtoespect by tb» Irtah, people, if. in-deed, they be not subjected to actual insult*,

    ytnt tour of tbe south of Ireland.

    St. Locis. Feb. ».—A11 mammal train onvision o7 the Texa*

    and Pacinc road rtruck a tree tytng

    SQTOX, Tt., Fab. 3G.-MI*. Mary.Mcher, founder of the Ilstcber free libraryand Mary FletchM-boapital, the totter being

    OOLtnutra, Feb. 3S.-Oov. Hoadly saidthat thereto no truth in the statement that

    »d received a Utter from Samual J. Til-Intorming hhn that hta (Hoadly1^ nanw

    . _ one of a ltat of 14 from which Mr. Cleve-land had derided to select Ua cabinet.

    not yetThe Buffalo New. *sy« Faiian* are plan-Lng to imw«urate • raM on Cknaia.Receiver, bare been appointed tor th .

    lowton and Texas Central Railroad com-

    Tptotwasdfaoovered at tfa. brifepwdena.(Ma) county jail to liberate the prisoners.

    terial advance hi tb* price* of oyster*. Theyhave increased SO per cent, during tb* hit*fewday*.

    Mormon elders are at work at Hill*bon>,_L The people are indignant, an* threatentar aad feathers a they do no. take aspeedy rlepartare.

    A Republican p»

    rtatahi* onV&, 1 iiiii—iwal. » a w m n d him that Aa« would to filled lor taw next loar year.

    trtct that he wouW like- l



  • lad did not propose to be qoietly * f Wed.

    in «nl««TortoK to brine ->P the onferttay, and Una-l? nsortad t» obrtructii. _.Ho. Mr. R*ln-ood, Mr. J. P. O'COUKW, tlwmember for Gal way; Mr. William CVBri™,-.liter of United Irriud u d mnnber f

    ; , b ^ twiM tba aBaet ot doata* aO dB-

    rtfea. Thin aa.M pendinc qwtiu, .

    howb of ng» from law l l l Utk* tanaofl Was M ft*O'Brin, i-boutiag. "We will

    H* n i onhrad to withdraw from tb*h o w lad he replied: "Otrtainlv, -ir, anwit* more pteMure thaa I


    •ewaobroksi by the Aral*. Tht-bury aM-tm-rtH* Mtfaarto nmd. of tfca Ininf tioo will be held dnring the w n n i r folk.w.i d fil ti b th l

    WAaHimyrox, FM>. 85.—Gen. Sltvum de-iiiea that bo lnbvub to unite with Oen. Ktae-cnuw hi oppoain. the Wrtmmvfa UB fur Gen.Grant-, retirement Gen. Blocuni *ay>i behaaaotad in rood fait* throughout and *in-

    •aa O«*. Qrant provided for

    LAKCWOOD, Feb. X . ~ W B « U J« ,ph KLHtil went into the U r n of hi* son-in-law, Mr.L. A. Hcndrick*. he found Oi i ver WeudaUHofrnw, aged I* year*, hansing to a rung of• ladder. He had comaHtMd micide beTIK had not hmrd 1 w his father..'

    LOMKM, ftb. « - T h e police B .tur»J u , Irtrf»-Am*v»n ni t h . act oftUd to tnrukb nw

    TI* IKI^M k n «MMM4M« ia +*n ttaa


    DR. S. D. HOWE

    TbeOnat NcwYock,

    Arabian MedicinesCc1cbnwdtiin»sl.oiii0* World rank

    A-. Ho—M Arabian tJmr Pill

    d bj c. A anm-ut; inai

    IM* Afml for Plufald.Dr. 8. D. BOWK. rfprt*»nr. Hew Terk.

    DR. S. D. HOWE'S

    Arabian Tonic Blood Purifie


    C^luay to P™ja« «.«, ,*. .Every Botila ii Wntb iu Wehat in Cold.

    Prior f i . « per kkotdc.

    DR. S. D. HOWl-S

    Arabian Milk Cure,T h l M U i b K i ! i l W l

    • DR. S. D. HOWE'S

    Arabian Liver PiUs


    Drag Store,21W. Front St,

    GUdFiues for Piiitiigs i SpeeWtj.

    Oak Fntnct, Chenr FraMc. V iosh Ftan

    Plaque FniDM, BtjortM Frxmc.

    tJi-ttkislhan. K. Y. prkra.


    .. GAYLORDwMMk


    COAL.CahrOel ! Coal.

    Madison Avenut

    C. R. R


    M^iehfnistRepairs of all Kinds

    Steam and Gas Fitting.


    Hillintrf and Onot-UaUng.

    H o n L T i n nf i m m r a »o»irrr

    4S W«* Front 8l«H. Pl-ioBeW. «. J.

    ossph B. Miller, Prop.

    Ftont St., Oproll. M.di.0. to.

    1 First-CUss Familj Resort


    OHN i WOLF, j P. R. C.P. O. BOX, 1>O». "-

    oecph A. Patterson,PM-TITSttT. PLilKFlELO, 0. J.


    TttMCH, Pipe, u i Sattei' litleta


    Sole Agent lor tlw Celebrated

    "BLACK PRZNVE,"lur- aod Wmt India Segars

    1 Trim Supplied it Ua Urntt litu.


    t< «IVBIf, M M L H • «T1ON. flower* For Suto

    i W. RAND,% 4 W. front Si

    . On* of the maxHealthful, Comfortableand Accessible InlandSummer Resorts in tbeCouattry.

    V. WoodrnJf,

    CITY MILLSSomerset Street

    Near Front, Plainf ield, N J

    FRENQTBROSMerchant Millers,


    Flour and Indian MealHominy, Oat-meal,

    Wheat and Rve Bran.All kinds of Feed for Hones,

    Cattle and Poultry.

    BALED HAY AND STRAWCom, Oats, Wheat, Buckwh eat. Bar

    ley, Wheat and Rye Bran, CoraMeal, Screenings, Cracked

    Corn, Bone Heal, OilCake Meal, Ground

    Oyster Shells,Cracked


    GOODS S i b DELTVEBED.Don't S i n g Your Moulders


    ' CLAY,"u variety u n i l u frtM Brick Ci»jm, u

    uwAatf C/«/ aT/a.n«, Htuufactunn9 ami,r f ayai-aititu C... a/ # • » Jaraay.

    I H i r f C. S I • I tonl , Real Eitate Bmltf

    86 and 87 North Are nu e,

    UpfK-aite R. R. Stwion, PWBIHICI. M, J. |T

    a datdriBc to Mac adMBkav of the price i^•^li^^jl iochj^rgreaaMd «, wil•io iafonutioa pcrtaininc to iLu dalnbdllT o

    PIANOS AND ORGANS,Tnned and Bepaind bj





    William Claassen's,s wmmraotir BTRKHT.

    B. R. FORCE,loot and Shoe Dealer.low Price., at Bo. 1 Front Stnet,

    Bmra COFMBB »..

    'ackage Express.Fl l l l l i l fagl— Cw-.Wo. ..for "


    t?/V/ /Voi-e/ Stables.Second Street,

    X J . D a l y , P r o p .Horses and Carriages to Hire,

    Carriages to Meet

    • all i rains.



    moling Wood for One Dollar.

    Eugene A. Lalne,THE BAIR CUTTER,29WMtrrort8lrwt.rialnfi.ld:



    r. J. CAREY'S


    Headquarters forV O E H L ' S

    Bnad, Cake, Pies, Pistrj, etcH West Front Street,

    Confectionei? for the Bolidijs


    Electric Fire Alann

    F. E. KINSMAN,"or *• *. f. KINSMAN « CO.,

    WILLIAM H. CLCMArchitect.

    Real Estate SaleAH the real estate of the

    Dime Savings Institution wil>e offered at private sale forhe next thirty days. If not

    spld at the expiration of thatime it will be put up at

    Public Auctiono be sold to the highest bid-


    E. R. POPE, Treas. -Plainfiekl. N. J. Feb. 14.


    Mrs. A. Corwin s16 BAST FRONT ST.,


    to '••en*! • pl»ce of b—lnrw u


    orden for aU x r k .

    «• (Mod aal a-*d

  • And hell alt-within the cotter,Filled with btia. he

    WHfc hta elbow crookadbride, brida, brida.




    hart-** dl-ptay In &MTW t-L

    . b M i ™ . An4nn»«a triumphal arch - | — T J tha CM-•tral atMl. br IKIMMI, a.< tfcwj H U U k m .I U B wa* otrwwl wit* mUr, I* o M «a™MOalnl > toratt, wail* UM ground floor « ,i M m d f«* UM borticnltur.1 difptaj. TMa

    , «refa m d«dacak*d bj • bonlar o*Irak.

    '4W w tupanied UM H N k k m o*ffnrttB(w[. n v l i o f ante • of corn u d a

    ' *U«Ja« black L> Try. t h m M n mflli™ in' it, and tM ! etl-Kt ! «*• Kriklnj-iy «r-

    JKfa. A trUm^ial catena twanty-« « ! • * l> baitkt and pmportioo-

    rtupri :MQU and

    I of color.

    P IThe b»« of tb* grind >taod __

    with riMH o: wiieat anl barlej, Whiteftem were «iparb di play* of eacb wparato

    . Uad at Iniit and wnetablo artisticallyrrouped. TIM ffrapM wjre at avarT «ii? and«*>r. an* l h « . wan apricot. In prd*».ion.TB* faaWilllH LtMad fora waak. bat myHdor Iron* no ab.Wmt.ot. Dignified O v

    bb h

    Crowd! ol atoiauta a.' than, fnll ot merry pnuik*— MUrlou < sod

    • n r nMttoN on their bat*—"Vwliabt,* ar-p**} , or "Led-s." »-in;io. A n i d t n -maifu of a (warm o; locu -ti, *tartiw yOO—it itJB)J abanl at atadeaU, each " « " < W l r or -p^ly prof*- nprim.diagtut Bt tUe Wlta.n a:id abhorrw™ of hi.ayrtam of fortrnatewlL Tba paahaa andamen ot tb. Y«ioiu dUtricta a n

    d J O

    tbe mean, of liria*. ha kaep> M many Donthan he par* for a* ha portbly cm, • myrtamof CttaaWiiF whlcD til* Tortti cap by th.r.t, . _ 1

    broker to another,h ihanother, exhibiting * pHK* of

    which wai written "N. Y. C and

    "Wbrj, Maw York Crntral & hrmOriMJ, of cuune."

    "T«a. » » K n w Bat that u

    Hr. Dolby, in hi. acrouiit of Dtcken." tour»u the UniUd Stale-, K q n M aatoniab-u«ot at on ing ih«t we «aJl a "wasb-bnod-ju f • pitcheV. Says tba "Loon^m- of Tba

    Mrcrlty «f l a . Cla—twTl- . W Maik Fttttnon. apaaUns of tb:

    a>'mbi l : jo : r-T 'm—c *- as pool-llrm wrttbtf.

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