
Enneagram: Personality Sorter 7/13/14


The Enneagram

•  Originated in Afghanistan (about 2500 years ago)!

•  Journey into self!•  Definition:!

•  Ennea: nine!•  Grama: point!

Characteristics (1) •  Identified in a negative way but has

positive characteristics •  Stems from a compulsion ingrained in one’s

self-concept and is a great influence on one’s behavior

•  Compulsion = basic driving force •  Something we are “proud” of •  Shown in our personal behavior •  It is a paralysis/hindrance to our ultimate success •  Hidden from us, but obvious to others •  Avoidance of something

Characteristics (2)

•  To discover the driving force is to help each person freely decide whether or not to follow the compulsion •  This results in being “redeemed” or “salvation”

•  The goal of the enneagram is to discover oneself in order to grow

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Characteristics (3) •  Answers the question, “Who am I?”

and “why do I do what I do?” •  Shows us how to become a “holistic” person and therefore be free from stress

•  Helps us to be compassionate to others and ourselves since now we can understand ourselves and others

Avoidances of Types How we don’t like to feel

1.  Anger 2.  Need 3.  Failure 4.  Ordinariness 5.  Emptiness

6. Deviance 7. Pain 8. Weakness 9. Conflict

Passions of Types How we end up acting when stressed out

1.  Anger 2.  Pride 3.  Deceit 4.  Envy 5.  Selfishness

6. Fear 7. Overindulgence 8. Arrogance 9. Laziness

Enneagram: Personality Sorter 7/13/14


Virtues of Types What will make us whole individuals

1.  Serenity 2.  Humility 3.  Truthfulness 4.  Evenness of emotion 5.  Detachment

6. Courage 7. Seriousness 8. Simplicity 9. Diligence

Overview of Type I Original!Stimulus!


Praised for orderliness, cleanliness!

Compensation!(sense of security)!


Hidden Attitude!



Inner Attitude!(conscious)!



External Behavior!


Impatient, intolerant, but does anything well-polished, sensitive only

to order!

Need to Learn!!!!

Everything doesn’t have to be perfect.

God can write straight with crooked lines.!

!“Forgive, as my heavenly Father


Overview of Type II Original!Stimulus!


Given little attention

except when doing some


Compensation!(sense of security)!

!Be of service

to others!

Hidden Attitude!


I want to be needed; loved!

Inner Attitude!(conscious)!


I am at your service. Tell

me what to do and I’ll do it. But you better do the same

for me (expectation)!

External Behavior!



sensitive to others’ needs!

Need to Learn!!!!

I am loveable in who I am.!

!“Mary has chosen the

better part.”!

Enneagram: Personality Sorter 7/13/14


Overview of Type III Original!Stimulus!


Parents see the child as

successful extensions of

their own unfulfilled

hopes. Rewarded for good grades. Punished for

poor performance.!

Compensation!(sense of security)!



Hidden Attitude!


I am my work. If it succeeds, I succeed. If it

fails, I fail. If I succeed, I will

be loved.!

Inner Attitude!(conscious)!


The more I do, the more I will be respected.!

External Behavior!


Efficient; productive

hard-worker; rarely takes

time for leisure;

insensitive to others’

feelings or needs!

Need to Learn!!!!

“Being” is worthwhile. It is better to try and fail, than

never trying at all.!!

“Feed my sheep.”!

Overview of Type IV Original!Stimulus!


Praised when being on stage

and acting, even when sad


Compensation!(sense of security)!

!“I am special.”!

Hidden Attitude!


I have to go it alone. I will

be loved only if I am the

only special person in another’s


Inner Attitude!(conscious)!


I want to continuously

told how special I am. Nobody can understand how I feel.!

External Behavior!


The arts; right side of the

brain activities;great respect for life and for living things; needs lots of private


Need to Learn!!!!

To be sensitive is not to hurt

another, but to grow through the pain and


“Before I was born the Lord

called me; from my birth he called me by


Overview of Type V Original!Stimulus!


Received attention

when learning something.!

Compensation!(sense of security)!

!Acquiring knowledge!

Hidden Attitude!


The more I know, the

more loveable I will be and

the more respect I will

be given.!

Inner Attitude!(conscious)!


I am what I know. I can’t reveal myself until I know everything

about myself or I may be


External Behavior!


Can’t reveal inner self. Walking

encyclopedia; great at Trivial


Need to Learn!!!!

We are dynamically growing, we are not static.!

!“All the

believers were one in heart and

mind. No one claimed that

any of his possessions was

his own, but they shared

everything they


Enneagram: Personality Sorter 7/13/14


Overview of Type VI Original!Stimulus!


Some lack of security that was satisfied

with laws and rules.!

Compensation!(sense of security)!

!I follow the


Hidden Attitude!


Insecurity due to low esteem

of self. Not able to make

decisions independent of those who provide basic


Inner Attitude!(conscious)!


I am tied down by the rules. I have

no freedom. I can’t do what I want even if

I really wanted to.!

External Behavior!


Loves tradition;

resists change!

Need to Learn!!!!

There are grey areas when rules don’t


“What does the Lord require of

you? To act justly and to

love mercy and to walk humbly

with your


Overview of Type VII Original!Stimulus!


Deep sadness or tragedy in

early childhood!

Compensation!(sense of security)!

!Covers up

sadness with laughter and

external boisterousness!

Hidden Attitude!


Avoid pain!

Inner Attitude!(conscious)!


If I don’t think about it, the pain will

go away.!

External Behavior!


Class clown; escapes hard


Need to Learn!!!!

To look at the pain; to

forgive; to transcend

sadness, not avoid it!!

“He will wipe every tear from

their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or

crying or pain.”

Overview of Type VIII Original!Stimulus!


There was a loss of a

significant other at an early age (divorce,

separation, death).!

Compensation!(sense of security)!

!There is power

in being in control.!

Hidden Attitude!


If I am in control, I can


Inner Attitude!(conscious)!


I know what I need and

nothing will prevent me

from getting it.!

External Behavior!


Powerful leader; others

run scared; class bully!

Need to Learn!!!!

To be weak is OK. !!

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my

power is made perfect in


Enneagram: Personality Sorter 7/13/14


Overview of Type IX Original!Stimulus!


Well cared for as a child. All

basic needs are met.!

Compensation!(sense of security)!

!Sees all things

as good!

Hidden Attitude!


Nothing is required of me. I am

loveable as I am.

Inner Attitude!(conscious)!


Why is everybody getting so

upset about all of this?!

External Behavior!



Need to Learn!!!!

Discernment !!

“Let us discern ourselves what is right; let us learn together

what is good.”

Paths of Disintegration and Integration

It is not enough to see where we are on the diagram, but we need to see the direction (to another type) which will either promote growth or cause us to re-enforce our compulsion. Think of this as a challenge, urging us to grow.

Path of Disintegration •  Following the paths of these

arrows will cause us to spiral down into a stubbornness in our personality.

•  The pattern of disintegration is generally based on pattern of our egos’ behavior: •  Aggressive: 8,3,1 •  Dependent: 2,6,7 •  Withdrawing: 5,9,4

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Path of Disintegration Aggressive types

8,3,1 When stressed we tend

go from being “in control” of our world to “withdrawing” from our


Dependent types: 2,6,7

When stressed we tend to go from “adapting” to

our world into being “aggressive” toward our


Withdrawing types: 5,9,4

When stressed we tend to go from “withdrawing” from the world into being “dependent” on our


You can translate “world” to “others”

Path of Integration

Following the paths of these arrows means we move

toward our openness,

borrowing from the “pride” of the

other type

Path of Integration Aggressive types

8,3,1 Act against their

compulsion from being “in control” into being

more accepting

Dependent types: 2,6,7

Instead of conforming to society they become more assertive of their


Withdrawing types: 5,9,4

Move from being defensive to being proactive in society

Enneagram: Personality Sorter 7/13/14


Type I"Symbolic Animals and Colors

•  Compulsive type: a terrier •  Attributes: tends to snap at

people’s heels; bites first then barks

•  Ones tend to snap at others when things are not perfect. When hurt, they will talk about the hurt with everyone but the person involved (after all, that person should already know).

•  Redeemed type: an ant •  Attributes: organized, each has

a specific job to do and they communicate by touching antennae

•  Redeemed Ones are extremely industrious and well organized to achieve a purpose; cooperate with others, inviting them to the ideal rather than shoving and pushing

•  Color: Silver; their personalities are like reflected light; they have a clear, sharp presence

Type II"Symbolic Animals and Colors

•  Compulsive type: a cat •  Attributes: tends to rub against

a person until they are satisfied and then they leave; they show a sense of independence

•  Twos tend to be affectionate but maintain an aloofness from others, not allowing others to serve them.

•  Redeemed type: an Irish Setter •  Attributes: warm in color and the

gloss attracts notice; show a loyalty and are “emotionally” effusive

•  Redeemed Twos are genuinely warm to others, not depending on the other’s response. They accept love freely and without condition.

•  Color: Red; color of intensity and yet can be lost in the darkness, appearing bluish and remaining unnoticeable

Type III"Symbolic Animals and Colors

•  Compulsive type: a peacock •  Attributes: barnyard showoffs,

puffing their feathers and making loud noises

•  Threes demand attention by vain strutting; their focus is on doing whatever will get others to notice them.

•  Redeemed type: a Bald Eagle •  Attributes: larger than life;

have a wing span of six feet; their feathers are not colorful, but striking, making them unmistakable. They mate for life.

•  Redeemed Threes are at ease with themselves. They focus on divine administration of the world and not on manipulation.

•  Color: Bright Yellow; the color of a school bus; not a pretty color, but functional and noticed.

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Type IV "Symbolic Animals and Colors

•  Compulsive type: a basset hound

•  Attributes: the ears and eyes compete for the lowest droop; one can pick up the skin and leave the dog behind

•  Fours express sadness as a way to connect with others. If another tries to get hold of a Four, they sit in their sadness because they feel not really understood.

•  Redeemed type: Black Stallion •  Attributes: sleek, dark and walk tall;

have various gaits, each with a special name; they approach humans with a self-possessed grace; they eat sugar, but prefer apples which have a special kind of sugar.

•  Redeemed Fours know that they are a unique creation of God and that they can respond to the situation at hand without trying to force an emotion.

•  Color: Mauve; a special shade of purple, but cannot be identified exactly; it is subtle and understated. Fours tend to dress with taste and often in dark colors.

Type V "Symbolic Animals and Colors

•  Compulsive type: a fox •  Attributes: they slink around

and hide in dark holes; they eat carrion and can infect others with their bite; despite their large size, they tend to choose small prey

•  Fives have an intense gaze, much like a fox. They slink around the edge of life and only tackle that which is small. They know what is happening around them since they have already watched it.

•  Redeemed type: an owl •  Attributes: have two positions, the

alert rest (with eyes opened wide) and the silent deadly swoop to make a kill; their eyes and ears are adapted to receive information, even in flight.

•  Redeemed Fives don’t feel the need to sneak around. They accept that they have the necessary skills for life and can succeed without having to understand everything.

•  Color: Cobalt; a deep, intense blue; called the “demon of the mines”, it was considered too difficult to mine.

Type VI"Symbolic Animals and Colors

•  Compulsive type: a rabbit •  Attributes: alert, but scared; when

frightened they run with such hysteria that they end up in the predator’s stomach; they are fighters, but usually fight alone and thus are overcome

•  Sixes often feel vulnerable and live with much apprehensiveness and indecision

•  Redeemed type: a deer •  Attributes: always on the alert and

adapted to survive, eating bark or re-absorbing one of her two fetuses to insure a life birth; they can leap to safety and observe their intruder; they are found in groups and therefore can draw strength from them

•  Redeemed Sixes can relax realizing that their survival does not depend simply on themselves, God is loyal and faithful.

•  Color: Beige; adaptable to anything.

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Type VII"Symbolic Animals and Colors

•  Compulsive type: a monkey •  Attributes: noisy and

inquisitive; living in the air, they fly from branch to branch

•  Sevens are much like monkeys in that they also want to be ready for life. They talk a lot and tell gossipy stories. They do much and can seem to do more, always juggling various activities at once.

•  Redeemed type: a butterfly •  Attributes: beautiful yet

monochromatic, their colors are reflections of the sun’s light on the facets of their wings; they have specialized tongues which promote the pollinating of flowers

•  Redeemed Sevens emerge from their cocoons and realize that from the daily routine comes a freedom to be creative.

•  Color: Green; a color of vitality and life.

Type VIII"Symbolic Animals and Colors

•  Compulsive type: a rhinoceros •  Attributes: scary looking, but

actually nearsighted and thick-skinned; whatever they don’t recognize they gore or topple

•  Eights tend to charge first and ask questions later. They attack so that they aren’t hurt first.

•  Redeemed type: a tiger •  Attributes: there are few in the world;

they are large creatures yet are camouflaged and are able to adapt to a variety of environments; tigers wait until the right moment to pounce; they are loyal to their mates and play fondly with their cubs

•  Redeemed Eights are strong and are able to use their power at the right moment. They are able to enjoy the playful moment with family and friends.

•  Color: White and Black; two extremes; Eights are either-or persons.

Type IX"Symbolic Animals and Colors

•  Compulsive type: an elephant •  Attributes: ponderous and tend

to trample their food and living area before moving on; sometimes they take things in their trunks and end up suffocating themselves

•  Nines are ponderous because they think they should be the center of being. They tend to be unwilling to move on, instead they want to be taken along by others, rather than be responsible for moving.

•  Redeemed type: a porpoise •  Attributes: air-breathing “fish”, they

show signs of intelligence and are eager to learn; porpoises are peacemakers, prodding sharks away from swimmers

•  Redeemed Nines have the ability to relax and move with things as they are. They like to be part of a group through which they participate in life.

•  Color: Gold or Saffron; it is a peaceful color, precious yet difficult to extract; Nines discover that they are very gifted and loveable, a gift from God.

Enneagram: Personality Sorter 7/13/14


Enneagram and our Spiritual Journey

•  There is a casting off of a negative aspect with which we feel comfortable.

•  Our personality type was formed as a reaction to disappointments and felt neglect from others.

•  Though the hurts might still be there, we have the power to heal our past hurts by going back in memory with forgiveness and compassion.

•  We will then be able to journey with a new sense of awareness and confidence based on self-enlightenment.

•  There will be no fear of the dark side of ourselves. We now know how to pursue the path of redemption.

Bibliography and Sources ª The Enneagram and Prayer: Discovering

Our True Selves Before God. Barbara Metz, SNDdeN and John Burchill, OP. Dimension Books.

ª The Enneagram: a journey of self discovery. Maria Beesing, OP, Robert J Nogosek, CSC, Patrick H O’Leary, SJ. Dimension Books

ª The Enneagram for Youth. Rev. William J Callahan, SJ. Loyola University Press

ª Seminar Notes

Project Enneagram " Using your type, share how stress can cause YOU to overreact to life

experiences. Demonstrate how YOU can achieve a balance in your life by traveling in the path to integration. Share insights into YOUR OWN spiritual journey.!

" This can be done in written form, poetry, art work, power point, collage, or another creative way. Please check with the teacher so that you can be sure that your project will be approved. (If you chose an art form, please type an explanation of your work.) If written, the paper must be at least three pages long.!

" Please DO NOT simply repeat the class notes.!!" For further “spring-board” questions, see the following slide.!

Enneagram: Personality Sorter 7/13/14


Further Questions ª  Enneagram Spirituality Questions: use at least three of the

following questions in your Enneagram presentation ª  1. What aspect of the Enneagram would you consider to be

challenging for you? Why? ª  2. What aspect of the Enneagram would you consider to be inviting for

you? Why? Explain, using examples. ª  3. The Enneagram journey is associated with the “dark night of the

soul”, a time when we feel challenged and would like to ignore a confrontation within ourselves. How can you see this in your study of the Enneagram? Explain.

ª  4. The Enneagram says that we tend to avoid certain pains (anger, need, failure, etc.) by distracting ourselves with a security (perfection, service, success, etc.). What is the advantage of facing our pain rather than running away from it? Explain.

ª  5. How does your self-image affect your relationships with yourself/others/God? Explain.

ª  6. List some of the characteristics of your compulsive type. Follow it up with characteristics of your redeemed type. (What would be signs of sinfulness and expressions of growth for your type?) Explain.

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