Page 1: The English Language

The following reflection is based on the first chapter of the book titled “A History of the English Language” and it is focused on the main contents covered in this section. Chapter 1, “The English Language” it is a valuable tool for everyone who is learning English, but has an especial importance for us, as future English teachers, because it gives an introduction to the evolution of the language, and helps us understand the significance of learning a language that has existed since ancient times.

In the first place, the text refers to the development of the English language through the years, associating history with some geography, and explains how invaders as the Roman Empire, Germanic tribes –the Frisians, Angles, Saxons, and Jutes- as well as the Latin and French influence, contributed to the gradual evolution of it, adding new words and sounds to the language. The natural evolution of any language it is always related to history as it comes with time, and it is very interesting to know that no matter how great the differences can be, their influence will always leave a mark on the language.

Secondly, a comparison between Old English and Modern English is made. It is seen how sounds, words and sentences have changed over the course of time and their evident contribution to the language. Just as it happens with most languages, English is constantly changing and adapting to society, which makes it a living language. For us, as future teachers, it is extremely important to have knowledge of these differences and also to be as updated as possible in terms of vocabulary and phonetics and phonology which is a subject that is constantly changing, unlike grammar which rarely changes. We also need to be able to distinguish and to make good use of the different styles and varieties of the

Page 2: The English Language

English language, even though it is a matter of time to assimilate these differences.

Finally, there is an explanation on external and internal changes of the English language, in which external change is related to political, geographical and social issues and on the other hand, internal changes are associated with linguistics matters. There is no doubt that languages are influenced by these issues, but it is important to know the effects of these changes, such as structural and phonological.

This text helped me understand the main changes the English language has experimented through the years, and has given me the opportunity to increase my vocabulary and to put in practice my reading comprehension and my writing skills, which will certainly help me not only in this course, but in others as well. I have found myself looking for some extra information about this topic and hope to continue learning more about it because I understand that this knowledge will be transmitted to my future students.

Camila Cuevas Araneda.

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