
The Endocrine System

What Is Endocrine System?


Endocrine System Function

The Endocrine System is a collection of glands that secretes different hormones for the various functions and chemical reactions occurring within the body.

• Main function – to maintain a stable environment within your body or homeostasis.

• Major function – promoting the structural change of the body.

Structural and Functional connection between Endocrine and Nervous System

• Structure – Some Endocrine glands contain nerve tissues• Chemical some substances, such as adrenaline, act as

both hormones and neurotransmitters.• Function – body systems work together in controlling

physiological processes.

• Along with the Nervous System, the Endocrine System provides integration of the different organs and tissues, If one does not work, the other organs malfunction. too

Principal Parts of the Endocrine System

• Endocrine glands that secrete hormones. Although there are eight major endocrine glands scattered throughout the body, they are still considered to be one system because they have similar functions, similar mechanisms of influence, and many important interrelationships.

• Hormones are your body's chemical messengers. They travel in your bloodstream to tissues or organs. They work slowly, over time, and affect many different processes, including

Growth and developmentMetabolism Sexual functionReproductionMood

Glands and their Hormones

• There are 8 Major Glands:1. Hypothalamus glands2. Pituitary gland3. Parathyroid Gland4. Thyroid Gland5. Pancreas6. Ovaries7. Testes

Hypothalamus Gland

• Is located at the base of specialized cells that are located in the lower central part of the brain

• Is the main link between the endocrine and nervous system

Pituitary Gland • Is located at the base of the brain just below the hypothalamus.

• Is known as the master gland

• Secretes hormones on the basis of the emotional and seasoal changes

• Divided into two part: the anterior lobe and the posterior lobe

• Anterior Lobe – regulates the activity of the thyroid, adrenals, and the reproductive glands.

Produce hormones: Growth Hormone – Growth f the bones and

tissues Prolactin – production of milk Thyrothropin – stimulate thryoid gland to produce thyroid hormones Carticotropin – Stimulate adrenal glands to certain hormones

• Posterior Lobe – Of the pituitary gland produces antidiuretic hormone that helps to control the water balance in the body

Produce Hormone: Endorphins – a hormone that signal the reprocutive glands to secrete hormones Oxytoxins – trigger the contractions of the uterus in the woman who is in labor

Thyroid Gland • Is situated in the front part of the lower neck that is shaped like a bowtie or a butterfly

Produce hormone:Thyroxine – control the rate at

which the cell use up energy from foof for

production of energyCalcitonin – growth in bones

and the development of the brain

Parathyroid Gland• Regulate calcium and

phosphate balance in the blood plasma

Produce Hormone:Calcitinin – regulates the

level of calcium in bloodproduced by the thyroid

Adrenal Gland• Located on top of each of the

kidney ; has two parts which are:Cortex (outer portion)Cortisol – that regulates the

metabolism (salt and water levels) proteins, fats, and

carbohydratesMedulla(inner portion)Adrenaline – are emergency glands

and it increases the blood pressure and heart rate

when the body is under stress

Pancreas• These glands are associatd with

the digestive system of the human body. They secrete digestive enzymes

Produce HormonesInsulin – controls the storage of

sugar in the liver and sugar breakdown in tissuesGlucagon – converts glycogen to

glucose and this process occurs when blood

glucose concentration is slow

Sex Gonads • Male and female reproductive system contains glands; male have prostate gland and Cowper's gland while female have glands that are found in the uterus that lines the mucus membrane in the uterus

Hormone produceTestesTestosterone – sex hormones of the

maleOvariesEstrogen – hormone for sexual

maturation(during puberty)Progesterone – involved in the

regulation of menstrual cycle

Pineal gland

• Is located in the center of the brain. MELATONIN is secreted by this gland that helps regulate the sleeping cycle of person

Disorders of the Endocrine System

• Diabetes insipidus • is caused by deficient pituitary secretion of vasopressin

(also called antidiuretic hormone or ADH), or by the kidneys' inability to respond to the vasopressin hormone. The kidneys' inability to respond to vasopressin can be caused by various drugs and diseases. The reasons for the pituitary's decreased secretion of vasopressin include pituitary tumor, pituitary cyst, head trauma, and unknown factors. The following discussion pertains to deficient secretion of vasopressin by the pituitary gland.

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